
daxbecause then they can't charge for it?00:30
Ben64i guess00:33
Ben64thanks OerHeks00:33
Ben64could answer this dude's question in #ubuntu because of you00:34
naccBen64: this isthe 'official line': http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/10/canonical-livepatch.html#gpluscomments (FAQs re: livepatch)00:36
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:27
lotuspsychjegot any wiser on the freeze Bashing-om ?04:28
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Not really .. Was of a mind was in regard to access to the spinners, I withheld access this day, and still had a freeze up . I have also shrunk the default install down to comply with the 25% bumper recommemdation . All I know to do at this point is use it and see what/when happens . Consider upgrading the bios chip !04:45
lotuspsychjeweird you cant catch a syslog?04:50
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Nope, when it freeze .. it is froze ! Not even able to write to the logs . I have a few terminals open with some tests in them to see if anything gets caught . I have had this system turning and burning trying to make something happen . Can not reprodice ! .. This last freeze happened after exiting about 40 FF tabs, ITSSE going .. and data bases just open . Made another simple04:54
Bashing-omedit to the data base file .. and froze up .. lost all my work up to that time ! Ouch !04:55
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Just nothing to get our hands on .. As bad as I do not want to abuse that SSD .. all I know to do is use the system and make very frequent backups of my working files and data bases .04:58
Bashing-om(and I really prefer xfce 4.10 over 4.12 and FireFox is not winning me back )05:00
lotuspsychjeyou sure you got AHCI enabled in bios right05:00
lotuspsychje(berfore you installed)05:01
lotuspsychjeas changing values, need a fresh reinstall05:01
Bashing-omI have looked and looked .. There is no option to set AHCI .. think it is set as AHCI by default .. as all I have onboaord is SATA .05:06
lotuspsychjehmm, must be somewhere05:08
lotuspsychjeah you have no IDE,kk05:08
Bashing-omWhen I built this box it was cutting edge and built for a file server . Even now it is still a great machine ( for what little I now do ) .05:10
lotuspsychjeif its latest mobo, then it surely must work with ssd right05:11
Bashing-omwell .. I got my doubts about the Bios .. will not hurt my feelings to upgrade . This ole motherboard is the Abit K9 SLI .05:12
lotuspsychjethat should work like a charm with ssd05:12
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: I would think so .. 6 GB buss !05:14
lotuspsychjedid you check if there are firmwares?05:14
lotuspsychjefor ssd05:14
lotuspsychjei had to firmware the 840 evo as it had performance bug05:15
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: I did a cursory look .. and found nothing for the 850 EVO .. I do intend to get the maintenance .iso for linux .05:18
lotuspsychjeso weird05:19
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: i bet the ##hardware guys could find something05:19
lotuspsychjeif spinners work allright, must be ssd related right05:20
lotuspsychjenot Os05:20
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: I am think'n a jinx factor .. as I was congratulating myself on running so long with no freeze .. and no sooner the thought than the freeze occured .. and only froze up this one time today .. and been on now about 13 hours .05:21
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Wel the spinner all have different falvors and older releases .. but YES, none of the installs on the spinners have any problems .05:22
lotuspsychjesome kind of random bottleneck05:22
Bashing-omI do not know .. was wierd that under load did not freeze up .. and froze under a simple edit with little system load at that time .05:23
lotuspsychjeabit boards can be stubborn really05:35
lotuspsychjebut once it works, its for long time05:35
lotuspsychjebios upgrade and low defaults yet to try05:35
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Yepper ! .. My thoughts too .. upgrade the Bios .05:38
lotuspsychjebbl breakfast :p05:40
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: talk to ducasse, he also got the 85005:40
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Yeah ducasse is very interested and helpful too .05:43
ducassemorning all!06:20
Bashing-omGiving it a rest, catch yall on the flip side . G nite .06:59
Ben64wow, tonight is a great night for trolls07:38
daftykinsmust be the trolls are coming in for the winter11:55
OerHekswarm and cozy ... mu ha ha ha11:59
pauljwHi everyone12:19
OerHeksHaswell also leaking... good job intel :-D12:22
OerHeksintel suffers from open standards, i love the word joke12:22
OerHeks( for years now, back to 2002)12:22
daftykinsmorning pauljw \o12:23
daftykins1171.5MB of Android 7.0 Nougat on the way down to my new phone o012:23
pauljwhi daftykins :)12:23
daftykinsHaswell is already 3 generations behind :>12:24
daftykins4 come the new year12:24
daftykinser, no wait 2 and 3 i meant respectively12:24
pauljwmy laptop is using haswell, built in 2013.12:25
daftykinsneat generation that, not much has changed since12:26
BluesKajHiyas all12:45
daftykinshallo \o12:45
pauljwhi BluesKaj12:49
BluesKajHi pauljw12:50
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:12
lotuspsychjewobbly windows still working like a charm on 16.04 just tested out :p17:28
daftykinshey sir17:31
lotuspsychjehey daftykins17:32
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic17:58
ubot5`linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB17:58
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic yakkety17:58
ubot5`linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 2 kB, installed size 12 kB17:58
OerHeksthat newer card 1070 wants kernel 4.8  and fresh nvidia drivers, iirc17:59
lotuspsychjetnx OerHeks17:59
daftykinsthat's my card 8D18:00
daftykinsand lovely it is too, now it's winter the fans don't even kick in under load!18:00
OerHeksLubuntu is the best18:01
OerHeksyeh yeh na na na yeh yeh18:01
lotuspsychjeseeding yakkety huh18:02
OerHeks200 gb+ now18:02
lotuspsychjei tested lubuntu xenial, and it rocknrolls18:02
lotuspsychjebest lubuntu ever18:02
nicomachusubot5 sucks. I want ubottu18:04
daftykinsi hope you won't try to enable people with netbooks into thinking they can keep using them, though ;)18:07
daftykinsnot even lubuntu can save them!18:07
lotuspsychjei have a netbook daftykins :p18:08
daftykinslemme at it18:08
daftykinsi'll decommission it for you...18:08
lotuspsychjeacer aspire rocketfast on ssd18:08
nicomachusrm -rf /*?18:08
ubot5`DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!18:08
nicomachusoh blah blah18:09
nicomachusthat's why I didn't write it with sudo, duh18:09
daftykinsall the netbooks hardware are useless since so many GMA965 intel graphics regressions got into the kernel back in ~13.xx days18:11
daftykinsthose things need firing out of cannons into the sun, only course of action ;)18:11
lotuspsychjedaftykins: every box needs ubuntu, even netbooks :p18:15
lotuspsychjeshoot your rocket to me and ill sell them :p18:15
daftykinsdeadly serious, it would be immoral to claim they're usable still18:16
lotuspsychjeso many ppl use old laptops in belgium, you have no idea18:17
daftykinsi figure performance and quality is just a relative thing, if it hasn't been experienced they don't know what they're missing18:17
lotuspsychjemy aunt has an old aspire that doesnt like lubuntu and xubuntu even, o,ly xp18:18
lotuspsychjethats the only box ever that i could not install linux on yet18:18
lotuspsychjewell, it installed alright, nut wasnt very useable18:18
daftykinscould well be the regressions i speak of!18:19
lotuspsychjecant recall if it was integrated intel graphics18:19
lotuspsychjeaspire 1394 is think..18:19
daftykinsmost of them were18:19
Bashing-omHello guys ; All fired up and ready to go .. Let's see what the session brings .19:39
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om19:39
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj_19:39
BluesKaj_hey lotuspsychje, Bashing-om19:39
Bashing-omHey lotuspsychje I did not expect you to still be here .. Good surprise .19:40
lotuspsychjeevening chat for once :p19:40
Bashing-omBluesKaj_: Good to read you also ! A good day in our neighborhood ?19:40
BluesKaj_Bashing-om,well ok here except for some probs with my old pc , orherwise fine, how about you?19:42
lotuspsychjewhat probs19:42
BluesKaj_just a chain of events that seem like gremlins are anticipating my every move19:43
Bashing-omMy system, the jury is still out . Holding my breath for freezing incidents - so far so good .. maybe resolved . - Anything I can do for your system to make it feel better ?19:43
lotuspsychjehey wafflejock19:44
wafflejockhey how is going lotuspsychje19:45
wafflejockis it*19:45
lotuspsychjegreat on this side of the world :p19:45
BluesKaj_16.10 final release was a disaster for my pc, the cdrom  died , then my drive in the lapop is no longer recognized ...the list goes on19:45
nicomachuslotuspsychje: getting awfully late there, isn't it?19:45
lotuspsychje21.46 here nicomachus :p19:46
wafflejockI have some issue with HDMI out on 16.04 and 16.10 that doesn't happen on 14.04 no idea what it is though, screen looks horizontally interlaced19:46
lotuspsychjewafflejock: perhaps drivers issue?19:46
wafflejockprobably gonna try the display port though.... want to help fix the issue but don't want to have to mess with it for dual monitors19:46
wafflejocklotuspsychje, yeah obrien suggested installing intel stack from them I did that but no go19:47
nicomachuswafflejock: haven't seen that myself. I use HDMI on my HTPC at home running 16.0419:47
wafflejocknicomachus, picture of it here https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/photo/108173165070170894192/6329992220494460850?icm=false maybe something interesting taking a screenshot it doesn't show the problem at all19:49
wafflejockyeah psychedelic but not the effect I was going for :)19:50
wafflejockscreen reports the same vertical and horizontal refresh rate as when it's working with 14.04 too I dunno19:51
lotuspsychjexrandr --auto ?19:51
wafflejockyah I tried xrandr all sorts of things nothing worked, some were a little less bad and others more bad but nothing working19:51
nicomachuswafflejock: whoa. definitely seems like a driver issue, or even hardware.19:53
lotuspsychjeyeah driver issue is my guess too19:53
nicomachusalso: full screen window for hexchat? what a waste of real estate19:54
lotuspsychjewich card is that wafflejock19:54
wafflejocknicomachus, well know it's not hardware cause I made a bootable 14.04 and that worked out so guess is also something with the driver or X but not sure how to debug either really19:54
wafflejocknicomachus, hehe19:54
wafflejocknicomachus, this is why I need more monitors :)19:54
wafflejockhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23350330/ <-- lshw  and lspci -k --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23350333/19:57
nicomachusso no dedicated GPU? just intel?19:57
wafflejocklotuspsychje, ^^ video driver info19:57
wafflejockjust my laptop19:57
nicomachussame driver I'm using here... but I'm using VGA with my external monitor. and only 1 external.19:58
wafflejockyah I have the 1 though VGA that's fine, but before had VGA and HDMI working okay so long as I turned off the laptop display19:58
nicomachusyea intel would have trouble with 319:58
wafflejockwith 3 on I would get some CRTC error but wouldn't do anything to crazy would only allow 2 displays active19:58
nicomachusnow that I think about it, I have had a monitor with VGA and a TV with HDMI plugged in, with the screen on.19:59
nicomachusbut the tearing on the TV was so awful I ended up unplugging the HDMI20:00
wafflejockyeah I really didn't have many problems before, it was slightly noticeable that the VGA wasn't completely sharp compared to the HDMI but easily usable20:01
nicomachusI wanna say I was on 15.10 still when I did it.20:01
wafflejockI've got a display port on here though so thinking of just grabbing a display port to HDMI since my monitor has no display port and praying that works out20:01
lotuspsychjesome nice latest shots: http://www.deviantart.com/browse/all/customization/screenshots/nix/?order=5&offset=020:02
wafflejockI also have a way better desktop already hooked up to both monitors but don't think I've upgraded that one yet and like to have it as the gaming machine so I'm not working on the gaming machine, anyhow will figure something out let me know if you guys have other debug ideas20:03
nicomachuslotuspsychje: ooh. I like the GTK theme there.20:03
nicomachuscan I get a screenfetch?20:03
lotuspsychjelinux is very alive so it seems :p20:03
nicomachusoh that's not you20:03
lotuspsychjeno :p20:03
lotuspsychjebut i have a few on first xenial installs20:04
lotuspsychjenicomachus: http://lotuspsychje.deviantart.com/gallery/20:06
nicomachuslotuspsychje: you need screenfetch. :)20:08
lotuspsychje!info screenfetch20:08
ubot5`screenfetch (source: screenfetch): Bash Screenshot Information Tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7.0-1 (xenial), package size 39 kB, installed size 206 kB20:08
daftykinswafflejock: don't ever install anything intel from intel on *buntu :)20:09
daftykinsall you do is break things even more :>20:09
wafflejockdaftykins, it was sort of a last ditch effort :)20:10
daftykinsyep last 'cause now you can't go back without effort ;)20:10
daftykinswafflejock: need a /var/log/Xorg.0.log really to see what's going on there20:11
lotuspsychjenicomachus: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23350385/20:11
nicomachuslotuspsychje: there you go. :)20:11
nicomachusit just gives all the info in one go.20:11
lotuspsychjegreat hint tnx20:11
nicomachusyou can mess with colors on that *buntu logo, too20:12
nicomachusyou can even mess with people and change the logo to debian or arch or gentoo or manjaro etc etc20:12
gebruikerguys I am looking for a countdown timer - anny recommendations?20:12
wafflejockdaftykins, should I try to clear the Xorg.0.log first and plug in the monitor to see if there's anything new or just hook it up and dump the log file?20:12
daftykinswafflejock: is it the primary and only display?20:13
daftykinsfresh boot with it in ideally20:13
daftykinsassuming it's repeatable every time20:13
wafflejockno it's a laptop, but just the HDMI out isn't working, happens consistently20:13
daftykinsand it's definitely not a hybrid graphics machine?20:13
wafflejockokay will hook it up and reboot and drop the file20:13
wafflejockyah intel only20:14
daftykinsmight be interesting to see a real life pic of the effect, also20:14
daftykinsbut this is why we don't upgrade meaninglessly people! "if it ain't broke..." ;D20:15
nicomachusdaftykins: he said it was broke in 16.04 too though20:15
daftykinsi read that it *worked* in 14.0420:16
wafflejockdaftykins, yeah works fine in 14.04 (tried with live environment after upgrading from there where it was working)20:16
wafflejock16.04 and 16.10 seems broken20:16
lotuspsychjenicomachus: looking good this http://www.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-16-04-63171536520:16
wafflejockI upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04 and tried the 16.10 live20:16
nicomachuslotuspsychje: I like that one.20:16
lotuspsychjewafflejock: tried a clean 16.04.1 also?20:17
nicomachusnot a huge fan of all the system stats on the left, especially with a notification pop-up covering a good portion. but oh well.20:17
wafflejocklotuspsychje, well tried from a live 16.04 but not clean install20:17
wafflejocklotuspsychje, I figure doing the live usb was good enough to avoid any old config problems or anything like that20:17
lotuspsychjenicomachus: yeah i like minimal myself20:18
wafflejockdaftykins, one sec will paste links from above with details I had already20:18
wafflejockdaftykins, https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/photo/108173165070170894192/6329992220494460850?icm=false <-- image of the problem20:18
wafflejockdaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23350330/ <-- lshw  and lspci -k --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/23350333/20:18
daftykinswow is that meant to be the wallpaper? :D20:19
wafflejockdaftykins, I'll get it rebooted and hooked up to the HDMI in a few minutes and drop the Xorg20:19
wafflejockdaftykins, heh yeah that's the problem looks like horizontal interlacing it's wacky20:19
lotuspsychjenice one OerHeks like it!20:19
wafflejockdaftykins, I tried all sorts of xrandr mode setting and whatever but nothing working on that HDMI out all some sort of wrong scaling or something weird going on, but works on live usb with 14.0420:19
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: whats the _ _ _ indicator?20:20
OerHeksclassicmenu indicator20:21
OerHeksfor the old gnome2 style app menu20:21
lotuspsychjeah right, forgot that it changed icon20:21
lotuspsychjewas an ubuntu circle before right20:21
OerHeksthe ubuntu menu is not something helpfull.20:22
wafflejockdaftykins, actually gonna take the doge for a walk so he doesn't make a mess but brb20:22
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: agree, its too lagy and too...20:22
OerHeksnot tweakable :-D20:23
lotuspsychjewhere is the users choice when you need it..and on linux?20:23
gebruikerwhat app would you recommend to configure mime-types in Unity?20:23
daftykinsgebruiker: this isn't a support channel, it says so in the topic - please join #ubuntu for that.20:24
lotuspsychjegebruiker: questions like that you can safely ask in #ubuntu also20:24
OerHeksbesides the poor choise in systemsettings, there is no app afaik20:24
gebruikerah shit i thought i was in #ubuntu20:24
daftykinsalso, language.20:25
gebruikerseriously? "shit" is not allowed?20:25
gebruikeris this because of religious based morals?20:25
OerHekskeep it family friendly20:26
ubot5`The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:26
daftykinsgebruiker: no, ones where you're a human to other humans you want help from :)20:26
OerHeksgrandma, what do you have such big frieten20:27
nicomachuslotuspsychje: took me a bit to get the screenshots done and uploaded, but here's my setup. Pretty minimal. https://imgur.com/a/JP0Y020:27
gebruikerGuys, did you know that there has been research done towards using words that are considered family unfriendly, results might supprise you. That is why I asked ..20:27
daftykinsgebruiker: serious suggestion here, if you want help from people, quit whilst you're behind20:28
daftykinsfighting it just shows how much you should be avoided.20:28
lotuspsychjenicomachus: wow nice mate20:29
nicomachusnewsbeuter needs work... just started using it a couple days ago. it's nice though20:29
lotuspsychjenicomachus: how do you get duckduckgo in black20:29
gebruikerdaftykins: just pointing out biased belief systems, meant more as education than attacking daftykins20:29
daftykinsi didn't take it as you attacking me, i just took it as you fighting rules that you should accept, or move on20:30
daftykinsbye now20:30
lotuspsychjenicomachus: is that a newsreader or downloader?20:30
lotuspsychjenicomachus: ah found themes :p20:31
nicomachuslotuspsychje: for duckduckgo, it's in the settings. top right. and newsbeuter is an RSS reader20:31
gebruikeralright, did not know the irrationality behind it. I will leave it then. No worries20:31
nicomachus!guidelines > gebruiker20:31
ubot5`gebruiker, please see my private message20:31
nicomachusI'd like to figure out how to get newsbeuter to open links in Lynx though, without changing my default browser to Lynx. because it's running on my home PC and I just get it through SSH, so opening the links in a full browser can be slowwww20:33
lotuspsychjegebruiker: we all believe here in the respect for each other way-support method no offense20:33
gebruikerlotuspsychje: i am not trying to impose it, if these are the guidelines than so be it. I just belief in reason rather than engraved rules, that is how I grow. To each it own, I leave it as it is20:35
lotuspsychjegebruiker: as we have large channels here, there must exist rules somehow to keep support in a behaved way20:36
lotuspsychjegebruiker: doesnt mean ypu cant think free yourself20:36
gebruikerlotuspsychje: i was not pointing to perspectives i was actually pointing out to scientific research regarding the underlying beliefs of these rules and how these family un-friendly words impact childeren20:38
lotuspsychjenicomachus: did you try links2 yet?20:41
nicomachusno, never heard of it20:42
lotuspsychje!info links220:42
ubot5`links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.12-1 (xenial), package size 2796 kB, installed size 4356 kB20:42
lotuspsychjei love it better then lynx20:42
lotuspsychjebut not sure howto open links from newsbeuter20:42
wafflejockdaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23350513/20:48
lotuspsychjenicomachus: http://synflood.at/newsbeuter/newsbeuter.html20:49
lotuspsychjenicomachus: http://moparx.com/configs/newsbeuter/20:52
lotuspsychjean example of config20:52
nicomachusyea the manpages have some info about setting the browser I think20:52
lotuspsychjewould be nice if worked on links220:53
lotuspsychjeok dreamtime here20:55
lotuspsychjehave a nice evening guys20:55
wafflejocknight lotuspsychje20:56
lotuspsychjenite nite20:56
daftykinswafflejock: er is that really your 16.04 install?21:03
daftykinsyou've got the wrong trousers on, gromit!21:04
daftykinsKernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-85-lowlatency root=UUID=d53b1c8e-3946-41d8-adb4-0775c8ed46d6 ro acpi_os_name=Linux acpi_osi= quiet splash vt.handoff=721:06
daftykinsthat's both 14.04's kernel and outdated21:06
daftykinsalso not fond of those additional parameters21:06
wafflejockdaftykins, yeah was from an upgrade from 14.04 but I had waited till 16.04.1 came out21:09
wafflejocksee I should have some 4.x kernel though eh21:09
wafflejockhad lowlatency installed for some MIDI Jack audio stuff I was messing around with but not really actively using it on here21:10
wafflejockdaftykins, same problem happens when I use a bootable live USB too though, what to do?21:11
daftykinsif i were you, grab a 16.04.1 ISO and boot that live, see if it misbehaves21:11
daftykinswell it might be best to grab a log from that live session, as right now the log is flawed given the disparate versions21:11
wafflejockyah I've tried that already should I boot into live and get the Xorg from there?21:11
daftykinsonly if it's a 16.04.1 image21:12
wafflejockyeah pretty sure I still have that download just grabbed them all in the last few weeks to see what was going on here, will come with a more sane Xorg :)21:12
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