
vinodi have a sd card with ubuntu mate on it01:00
vinodrecently it is not booting it is showing vfs kernel panic01:00
vinodcan someone help me on this regard01:01
lowkey_I'll tell what someone else told me this channel is only for the desktop environment mate all other questions is better asker elsewhere01:04
ubuntu-matei need help please01:13
ubuntu-matei need help installing my wifi card01:14
TheMariusgood day, mate_!02:00
imexilmorning alkisg. So bad news. The mini display port is not working and matching screen resolutions are also not regconised even on HDMI. This also worked before :-(08:30
alkisgimexil: boot from an ubuntu live cd where it should work, and then paste Xorg.log from the live cd and from the broken system, to compare08:55
imexilalkisg: OK will try that.09:17
epizefiriHi there10:52
epizefiriI've always caja with high use of cpu10:53
epizefirialso when i didn't make any operations with caja10:53
epizefiriok, it was for the thumbnails.. in a forum of 2012 they says to put off the thumbnails11:06
epizefiri.. and in fact the consume of cpu go down11:07
TheUncertainManhey guys, without setting up a static ip, how long would I be able to ssh into a rasppi using the same ip address?12:44
ouroumovTheUncertainMan, it depends on the DHCP lease period of your router, I think.12:50
TheUncertainManWell, without access to the router I reckon I'm buggered.12:58
ouroumovTheUncertainMan, do you have another machine on that net with a static IP address? Or even outside the net?12:58
TheUncertainManThough I seem to be able to ssh into my raspberry pi, from my raspberry pi.12:59
TheUncertainManNot really, no.12:59
ouroumovOkay so that rules out the VPN option12:59
TheUncertainManYeah..Might have to wait till I go home.12:59
ouroumovTheUncertainMan, and you're sure the network doesn't allow to use hostnames for IP resolution?12:59
TheUncertainManI'm not entirely sure of that. How would I go about doing it?13:00
ouroumovping hostname of your RPi, see if you get somewhere13:00
TheUncertainManhmm, alright. It brought up my local ip (
ouroumovI mean, you have to ping from another machine, right13:02
ouroumovNot from the rpi13:02
TheUncertainManOh right, I'll give it a whirl13:02
TheUncertainManflatmate can putty into it and everything13:11
TheUncertainMang2g thanks for the help13:12
arjarjuni am new in ubuntu mate13:42
arjarjunanyone here to help how can i contribute13:42
arjarjunnobody chat??13:47
arjarjunjoin #<ubuntu-mate>13:48
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imexilalkisg: So I did what you said but looking at the Xorg.log _I_ can not really see where the problem is. If you got time and the mood to it, I've pasted the files here: https://gist.github.com/dietmarw/02e25a616b966ad6390cbcd0b838734216:03
tony_Computing with Fresh installed Ubuntu mate OS16:27
titus_tion please: how do i open and extract RAR ?16:51
titus_Could not open "Ghostbusters-2016-Extended-DVDRip-HD-1080p-6CH-2.9GB-Cu-Subtitrare.rar16:51
sixwheeledbeastlol, pirate...17:23
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