=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage | ||
=== jamespag` is now known as jamespage | ||
fnatter | hello MOTU people | 19:02 |
fnatter | I am Debian package maintainer and having a problem with knopflerfish-osgi in Ubuntu 16.10 | 19:03 |
fnatter | could I discuss this here or shall I write to the mailing list? | 19:03 |
jtaylor | what is the problem? | 19:07 |
fnatter | version 5.2.0-1 is broken; thus, freeplane won't start with this version | 19:08 |
fnatter | 5.2.0-2 fixes this and has hit Debian testing | 19:08 |
fnatter | now I would like to get knopflerfish-osgi 5.2.0-2 into Ubuntu 16.10: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knopflerfish-osgi/+bug/1634241 | 19:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1634241 in knopflerfish-osgi (Ubuntu) "Sync knopflerfish-osgi 5.2.0-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] | 19:09 |
fnatter | but I guess the sync is not easy, probably due to this dependency: libasm-java (>= 5.0) | 19:10 |
fnatter | I think it _should_ work, since libasm-java (>= 5.0) is in Ubuntu 16.10: | 19:11 |
fnatter | http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libasm-java&searchon=names&suite=yakkety§ion=all | 19:11 |
rbasak | fnatter: what the diff between -1 and -2? | 19:11 |
fnatter | fixes a bug where r-deps won't start | 19:13 |
fnatter | (plus a bit of clean up) | 19:15 |
rbasak | Clean up isn't generally allowed in a stable release. | 19:21 |
rbasak | A cherry-pick to fix a bug is fine, as long it is unlikely to break existing users. | 19:21 |
rbasak | So it depends on exactly what you want to do to the package in 16.10 to fix it. | 19:22 |
rbasak | I'd like to know what diff you are proposing to fix it, since then I can help with whether it can be updated and how to update it. | 19:22 |
fnatter | well, the current version is completely broken: AFAIK no r-dep works with it | 19:22 |
fnatter | the issue with 5.2.0-1 was that an "exports" file was not generated | 19:23 |
fnatter | and fixing this requires the changes that are in 5.2.0-2 | 19:23 |
rbasak | Sure and that suggests the regression risk is low or nonexistent. But I'd still like to see the proposed diff. | 19:23 |
rbasak | See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for the full policy, rationale and procedure. If you want, you can just follow that. | 19:23 |
fnatter | how can I create a diff | 19:24 |
fnatter | ? | 19:24 |
rbasak | An update to one package can break other packages in the archive, so that's why a blanket "yes, that's fine" doesn't work. | 19:25 |
fnatter | alternatively, we could revert to 5.1.0 | 19:25 |
rbasak | Use the debdiff command against the dscs. | 19:25 |
rbasak | Reverting is fine, but that's still a diff since the version number goes forwards. | 19:25 |
fnatter | I can get a dsc for 5.2.0-2 using apt-get source, but how can I get the dsc for 5.2.0-1 ? | 19:32 |
fnatter | I've got it | 19:35 |
fnatter | https://paste.debian.net/884038/ | 19:39 |
fnatter | (the above is the debdiff) | 19:39 |
rbasak | Which part of that is actually needed to fix the problem? It's quite big to review for a stable release. It would be easier if you could make a minimal diff that fixes the problem. | 19:46 |
rbasak | None of that looks unreasonable to put in a stable release though. | 19:47 |
rbasak | It'll just be smoother if you could make it minimal. | 19:47 |
fnatter | the problem is that we need to run the genexports target in order to get the missing "exports" file. and the ASM compat patch is needed to avoid the ASM3 dependency | 19:48 |
fnatter | it would prefer to use the patch as is :-) | 19:49 |
fnatter | s/it/I | 19:49 |
rbasak | Is there a bug for "it's broken"? If not, can you create one? | 19:50 |
rbasak | Then follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure | 19:50 |
rbasak | Don't worry too much about not having it fixed in Z yet, since Z isn't open for development yet - just explain that it's fixed in 5.2.0-2 in the bug. | 19:50 |
rbasak | The version number will need to be 5.2.0-1.1 for an upload to Yakkety. | 19:51 |
rbasak | So if you need sponsorship please attach a debdiff to the bug based on 5.2.0-1 that fixes what you need and adds an entry of 5.2.0-1.1 to the changelog. | 19:52 |
fnatter | there is a bug against freeplane which states the it's broken due to knopflerfish update: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freeplane/+bug/1631361 | 19:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1631361 in freeplane (Ubuntu) "fails to start in ubuntu 16.10 amd64." [Undecided,Confirmed] | 19:52 |
rbasak | OK we can use that bug, thanks | 19:53 |
rbasak | I've added a Yakkety task in the bug for you. | 19:53 |
rbasak | You don't really need bug 1634241 then - it'll auto-sync when the autosyncer is turned on for Z. | 19:53 |
ubottu | bug 1634241 in knopflerfish-osgi (Ubuntu) "Sync knopflerfish-osgi 5.2.0-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634241 | 19:53 |
fnatter | what is Z? | 19:53 |
rbasak | It'll auto-sync to Z, that is. | 19:54 |
rbasak | The new development release - Zesty Zapus. | 19:54 |
fnatter | what is that yakkety task? | 19:55 |
rbasak | It tracks the status of fixing this bug in Yakkety. | 19:57 |
rbasak | Step 4 of the procedure. | 19:58 |
fnatter | step 3: shall I enter this information in the freeplane bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freeplane/+bug/1631361) ? | 19:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1631361 in freeplane (Ubuntu) "fails to start in ubuntu 16.10 amd64." [Undecided,Confirmed] | 19:59 |
rbasak | OH, wait. | 19:59 |
rbasak | It's freeplane that's broken, but knopflerfish-osgi that needs the fix? | 20:00 |
fnatter | yes | 20:00 |
rbasak | Then what other rdeps are there of knopflerfish-osgi that might be affected? | 20:00 |
rbasak | Sorry, I didn't understand that before. | 20:00 |
rbasak | I added knopflerfish-osgi tasks to the bug. | 20:01 |
rbasak | If there are other rdeps then they need to be considered wrt. your proposed patch. | 20:01 |
rbasak | The process is still the same, we just need to take care to not break users, and you need to document that in the bug. | 20:02 |
rbasak | Just follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates carefully. | 20:02 |
fnatter | look like there is only libwoodstox-java | 20:02 |
fnatter | (r-depends) | 20:02 |
fnatter | to which bug did you add knopflerfish-osgi tasks? | 20:03 |
rbasak | To bug 1631361, because it's the same underlying issue that affects both packages. | 20:03 |
ubottu | bug 1631361 in freeplane (Ubuntu) "fails to start in ubuntu 16.10 amd64." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1631361 | 20:03 |
fnatter | so I shall continue with the knopflerfish-osgi (Ubuntu)->yaketty task and ignore the freeplane (Ubuntu)->yaketty task? | 20:05 |
rbasak | Yes. When freeplane in Yakkety works again, you can mark the freeplane task Fix Released. | 20:06 |
fnatter | so https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knopflerfish-osgi/+bug/1631361 is the bug that is described in step 3? | 20:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1631361 in freeplane (Ubuntu) "fails to start in ubuntu 16.10 amd64." [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:09 |
fnatter | rbasak: can you give me your email address so that we can finish this tomorrow ? | 20:10 |
fnatter | need to get up early tomorrow... | 20:10 |
fnatter | please contact me at fnatter@gmx.net. many thanks! | 20:20 |
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