[01:29] hi, someone up ? [01:33] vaguely [01:33] what's up? [01:34] ok,i would help about add factoids https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots/Plugins [01:39] *need [01:57] usually is something like !test is This is an example factoid. [01:57] and then it goes here for approval [01:58] dax, non instant add for factoid ? [01:58] *no [01:59] correct [02:38] krabador: if there is nothing else we can do for you, please /part. This is a no-idling channel. [05:56] Ben64 called the ops in #ubuntu () [13:18] [ANTI__rfid_chip] (4fb06ba6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. ANTI__rfid_chip [13:18] new anti...... spam incoming [13:56] k1l: I gotta run, but regarding the person that has 17.04 showing as their release in #ubuntu, there was someone else yesterday running some developer PPA that shipped a new copy of base-files. [13:56] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=yakkety specifically [13:57] Pici: i will look at that, thanks [14:01] good spot Pici [14:37] k1l: it's the toolchain PPA [14:37] the toolchain was updated to build 17.04 [14:37] ikonia: yes [14:37] ahh you know already [14:37] fair enough [14:37] hi rany, how can we help? [14:38] win 4 [14:38] oops, sorry [14:38] k1l: no i dont need help :) [14:38] k1l: could i stay idle? [14:39] oh ok [14:39] no, this is a team channel and users only come in here when they need help. [19:34] In #ubuntu, gebruiker said: ubottu: been there done that ... it is boring === Guest46640 is now known as IdleOne [22:35] irn4l, bad news [22:39] where? [22:39] oh, nvm, #ubuntu [22:39] yes, and he might come to -offtopic [22:40] ja. got kicked out of #freenode recently for constant rambling so [22:40] probably looking for new friends [22:40] like the last 3 times he is listed in the bantracker === Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U