
linuxpt2I spoke to another contrib late last night, user K----- they said to pop by here and speak to sakrecoer12:02
linuxpt2I just wondered what kind of things this project needs help with the most?12:02
linuxpt2If anyone can answer my question feel free to reply - I will be away for a few hours but will check this window when I return, many thanks.12:57
linuxpt2I am back now15:09
eylulhi linuxpt2, sakrecoer might be around a little later. out of curiosity what was your question?15:16
linuxpt2i posted it earlier here, let me copy paste it...15:17
linuxpt213:00] <linuxpt2> Hello. [13:02] <linuxpt2> I spoke to another contrib late last night, user K----- they said to pop by here and speak to sakrecoer [13:02] <linuxpt2> I just wondered what kind of things this project needs help with the most? [13:57] <linuxpt2> If anyone can answer my question feel free to reply - I will be away for a few hours but will check this window when I return, many thanks.15:17
linuxpt2It was krytarik and we have just spoke again here via PM, he did advise me that the mailing list and contrib web pages would be worth reading so I will do that very soon15:19
linuxpt2and also, he mentioned testing is needed and said the mailing list may provide more of an idea etc15:19
eyluloh yeah sounds like krytarik covered most of it :)15:26
linuxpt2Good to know, thanks. I'm just about to see if I can check the mailing list now.15:27
eylulbut yeah I would suggest stay around, in IRC and mailing list. We are a bit in a post release lull but I expect things will pick back up soon! :)15:27
linuxpt2Yeah I will remain in this irc room for the rest of the day just in case15:28
eylullinuxpt2, how familiar are you with IRC btw? 15:30
linuxpt2I have used it not too much over the years to be honest, but I can get by ... just about!15:30
linuxpt2What made you ask?15:32
eylullinuxpt2: ok, well one thing is if you tag somebody, like I do like this. it will highlight it for the user, useful if they are alt-tabbed. :)15:32
linuxpt2Ah, thanks!15:33
linuxpt2I didn't want to harrass anyone directly initially haha15:33
eylul:D I do forget too, but yeah it is especially useful if the person is not there, but reading the backlog. (a lot of us are using server side logging solutions to keep a backlog) :)15:34
eylulnah, it is perfectly fine to tag somebody if you are trying to address them. 15:34
linuxpt2Well, this is my first time here so I respect ettiquette15:34
eylul:) 15:35
linuxpt2I didnt want to shout people as an unknown ;o)15:35
eylulthat's understandable! but just letting you know it is ok. 15:35
linuxpt2Thanks, I will read the ML first but may do it later just in case sakrecoer hasnt appeared or I still have a query15:36
sakrecoergreetings linuxpt2 ! welcome :)15:57
sakrecoerhi all!15:58
linuxpt2Hi there15:59
* eylul silently sits in the room and listens in15:59
linuxpt2I am just going to check out the mailing lists but generally wanted to ask what kind of things does the project need the most help with - eylul and krytarik mentioned testing is a big thing16:00
sakrecoerthats great linuxpt2 ! the mailing list is a good starting point. it is sometimes slower than irc, but it has more eyes and allows for backlog in a different way16:01
sakrecoerlinuxpt2: what would you be comfortable with doing? like, are you into code or do you prefer things like PR?16:02
linuxpt2honestly it has been years since i coded and I am aiming to relearn going forward but I think it would be the non coding tasks that would be best for me to tackle16:04
sakrecoerlinuxpt2: the team is small and we take any help available. at the same time, packagers is what is hardest to find it seems..16:04
sakrecoerlinuxpt2: cool!16:04
linuxpt2If i can literally do it, i am happy to tackle it16:04
linuxpt2the only reason i wouldnt try is if i knew it was beyond me16:05
linuxpt2i did just type a bit about myself in pm to rylul - shall i just copy past that to you in pm so you have an idea?16:05
linuxpt2eylul i meant16:05
sakrecoerlinuxpt2: you can learn a lot here! i'm not very technical, but i've come a long way with a litle help from the team.. long way for me anyway :)16:06
sakrecoerlinuxpt2: sure, if you are comfortable with i. ( the channel is logged) i am interested anyways :)16:07
sakrecoerwith *it16:07
linuxpt2howmuch can you paste in 1 go?16:07
sakrecoerah, right... 16:08
sakrecoeryou could put it in pastebin and link maybe?16:08
sakrecoerlinuxpt2: ^16:08
sakrecoermaybe to begin with, you could help with documentation?16:26
linuxpt2i will now wipe that onlinenotepad but you can save it before i do if you want16:26
sakrecoerthat is something that isn't tied to a hardcoded deadline..16:26
sakrecoerand it can be a fun way to explore the various applications we distribute16:27
sakrecoerfor me, you can wipe it linuxpt2 16:27
linuxpt2i was thnking the project docs myself as i noticed a user gave it 4/10 mentioning how outdated some areas were - is it fair to say that docs are the least liked tassk that needs the most help hen?16:27
sakrecoeryes, most of what we have is very old..16:29
sakrecoeri don't know what the deal is with docs...16:29
sakrecoeri've done very little, i wouldn't say its boring, but its hard to finish somehow...16:29
linuxpt2haha docs are boring!16:30
linuxpt2but often people underestimate the value of them16:30
linuxpt2users always need good supporting info16:30
linuxpt2i would be happy to work on documentation16:31
linuxpt2and it would be a likely good fit ofr my condition16:31
sakrecoerit depends how you do it... i think the main issue is what you underline: its porly rewarded, because people only reflect about the work behind it when they can't gind docs. and generaly that reflexion is limited to: huh! no doc wtf?16:31
linuxpt2i appreciate products and projects with good docs16:32
linuxpt2my biggest gripe when i first started using linux (ubuntu) about 10 years ago ...was the docs16:32
linuxpt2often you find coding wizards are never able to quite convey usage of what they make to just normal users16:33
sakrecoeri,ve been thinking about this quite a lot recently in fact. if we could announce new pieces of docs better, we could gather feedback on it as well..16:33
linuxpt2it is hard as when you spend all that time making it, you are often slightly blinded to seom things average users would not quite understand - eg as you are dealing with it yourself all the time so get used to it16:33
sakrecoeryes, that is where more feedback would be usefull16:34
sakrecoerand also it would make it more rewarding for those writing it.16:34
linuxpt2ther are some great projects and great products which i use, love and respect the work that went into them a lot...but having said that some of my fave pieces of software are actaully let down by docs that just dont quite convey how to easily use said, great software.16:35
sakrecoerlinuxpt2: have you got a launchpad account?16:35
linuxpt2and for most power users etc docs not being easy to follow isnt too bad 16:35
linuxpt2but for the non power users eg the 90% of ppl - those unclear docs can be the barrier between the software getting widely used and the software being given up on by normal users16:36
linuxpt2no i dont have a launch pad account yet i will make one soon16:36
sakrecoerhow about picking a piece of software you enjoy, that is distributed in Studio, and begin on some wiki page?16:37
sakrecoerwiki page for it.. you could begin typing ut localy or however you want, and then once you have an account on launchpad we'll give you access to efit the wiki, linuxpt2 ?16:38
linuxpt2sure - i will sorting out an install of studio this weekend but can you suggest a software that would be needing a wiki the most ?16:40
sakrecoerit would be nice to introduce yourself on the ububtustudio-devel mailing list. doesn't need to be detailed cv, just say hello so those who aren't here also can rejoice from you reaching out to help!?16:40
linuxpt2eg can you direct me to one that needs help the most?16:41
linuxpt2or do they all equally need wiki help equally generally speaking?16:41
linuxpt2i will intro myself on there shortly after this convo16:42
sakrecoerjack and pulse are quite a mistery to many, but another one that would be valuable is how to pull in ububtustudio into another ubuntu flavour and have everything work..16:42
sakrecoerboth these have pages, but they are old..16:42
linuxpt2cool i am dumping all this into a notepad file locally so i can form a plan16:42
sakrecoergeneraly, any softeäware _you_ enjoy and understand diserves your take on its operation being documented.16:43
sakrecoeryou can also look the irc log of this channel, hold on i'l grab it for you16:44
linuxpt2sounds like a plan - would these areas suit you guys for hel even if my effort is a bit hit and miss initially ? eg contributing in bits and ieces?16:44
linuxpt2for help i meant16:45
sakrecoeryes :) and you can't really miss. worst case scenario, someone corrects you and you learn something.16:45
linuxpt2yeah sure ... i've never had much room for an ego and prefer to just always keep learning16:46
linuxpt2so always happy to be corrected 16:46
linuxpt2and used to it in tech16:46
sakrecoerbest cawe scenario, you learn something from researching to write the docs, then every one learns something, then everyone is happy and gratefull!16:47
linuxpt2thanks for taking the time now to answer my query etc16:47
sakrecoer:) thank _you_ for engaging with us!16:48
linuxpt2i will leave myself in here but will go quiet now - need to see what the mailing list is all about etc and to get a laucnhpad account and do the ML intro etc16:48
linuxpt2no problem16:48
linuxpt2i felt quilty reading the project was in need of contribs16:49
linuxpt2as i always thought ubuntu studio was a great project back when i first found it16:49
linuxpt2guilty even16:49
linuxpt2and i want to get back into tech etc and it seems like a great way by helping out on Ubuntu Studio16:50
sakrecoerdon't be affraid to poke arround; you'll come a long way with a lil patience and regard for the humans behind the irc handle16:50
sakrecoerlinuxpt2: me personaly, i don't believe stupid questions exist: there are only unanswered questions16:52
sakrecoergood to have you arround! i look forward to read your work!16:52
linuxpt2haha while i agree, this will make you wonder.... http://slash7.com/2006/12/22/vampires/16:52
linuxpt2no problem and thanks for having me - i look forward to having no typos haha16:53
sakrecoerhaha! thats why i say 'UNanswered' question. 16:54
sakrecoeranswered questions comming back isn't stupid, it cease existing after the 3rd time :D16:55
* sakrecoer moves fingers mysteriously in front of his eyes to illustrate how to make help-vampire magicalky disapear16:59
sakrecoerthis said, i'm very goid at forgetting answers sometime, lol17:00
eylulif something keeps getting asked, it probably means we should document it on wiki somewhere :P17:04
eylulbut yeah I am cautious about such articles, on one hand, I get what they are referring to, on other hand through... 17:05
eylulI'd rather have people ask too many questions than too few, and feel silently confused, which in my experience, happens much more often in teams17:05
eylulthan the other end17:05
sakrecoeryes lol, far better than moving fingers mytsteriously in front of eyes!! hahs17:05
sakrecoer(documenting the answer that is)17:06
sakrecoereylul: and you are so right. not daring to ask is the worst feeling ..17:07
sakrecoerone of tge worst anyway17:07
eylulI know I don't like it. 17:08
eyluland the problem is it keeps people from joining the group17:08
sakrecoerin that sense articles like that probably can have a hard effect on people with high anticipative timidity..17:11
eylulthat's my concern. calling names, are highly unlikely to stop actual people who does this behavior from doing it (not googling being the root of the problem)17:12
eyluland much more likely to further intimidate people who are already hesitant, who ARE likely to read it17:12
* sakrecoer nods17:13
sakrecoeri'm for dinner.. been on full throttle since 8am... so i might get into powersave modecafter that.17:14
eylulbon apetit17:15
eyluland *hug*17:15
* sakrecoer is euther becoming an old fart or just in pace readaption mode17:15
eylulits the new job thing17:15
sakrecoerye.. :| ... its ok, cause its fun though.... :)17:16
sakrecoerbye now!17:16
* sakrecoer hugs everyonr17:16
eylul(also one thing to note is that article refers to users with excessive questions, not so much new volunteers, from what I can tell)17:17
sakrecoerany news about the status with RT? The ticket is awfully quiet, but perhaps krytarik and eylul have heard something from knome?19:31
eylulwe'll probably nag it next week. I am not sure where we ended up. 19:32
krytariksakrecoer: Nope, not any more that is or isn't on the ticket.19:35
sakrecoeri will bump it again then...19:36
sakrecoerabout time..19:36

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