
yeh_0x0hh-hey guys.15:06
yeh_0x0hI have a burning question, that I couldn't find the answer for online.15:06
yeh_0x0hDoes Lubuntu contain propietary blobs/software by default?15:07
yeh_0x0hIs it as bad as Ubuntu when it comes down to propietary v.s. non-propietary sofware?15:07
joedoe47_Yeah_0x0h from what I understand it has the same kernel on Ubuntu so it can load proprietary blobs for some hardware like GPUs and such but it tries to load the FOSS version by default.18:12
joedoe47_If you want a full libre Foss version of Ubuntu trisquel has some mods where it won't load any proprietary blobs. Like you have to manually install them.18:12
tsimonq2wxl: So Mirv says he's really busy, so I'm hoping to talk to upstream and see if I can get some help backporting those patches.23:40
tsimonq2wxl: Plus, ZESTY ARCHIVE IS OPEN! :D :D :D23:41
=== tsimonq2 changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu | Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | Now Testing Zesty Zapus | Upcoming: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReleaseSchedules
wxlof course we're not testing zesty yet23:42
wxlnothing on the tracker23:42
=== tsimonq2 changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/QA | Support: #lubuntu | Chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | Now Testing Zesty Zapus (no images *yet*) | Upcoming: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReleaseSchedules
lynoriando we need more lxqt manaul tests if want something useful23:49
wxlwell we need a reliable consistent way to install23:51
wxland then we can have an image23:51
wxland then we'll need those23:51
wxland of course we need to decide on the apps23:51
tsimonq2wxl: Just popped in #qt and stated the issue.23:54
tsimonq2I *tried* to backport the patches, to no avail.23:54
wxlhardinfo sru seems happy23:56
tsimonq2wxl: Thank cyphermox. ;)23:56
* tsimonq2 *thinks*23:56
tsimonq2Ah yes, I think so. :)23:56

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