
TuhinHello all06:19
Tuhinany freelancer here?06:20
Tuhinwhich payment method to use and how ?06:20
Tuhinpaypal still didnt come to bangladesh, they last said about coming here back in july2016 and many times before that06:21
Guest1952Tuhin : pm me with your job 06:31
=== Solidsnake is now known as pavlushka-
pavlushka-hello everyone & Kilos :)08:50
pavlushka-bbl, see ya :)08:57
zakiwb pavlushka-15:16
pavlushka-ty zaki:)15:16
pavlushka-Hello Tuhin :)15:17
pavlushka-cant be for long :(15:21
pavlushka-be back tomorrow :p15:23
pavlushka-take care guys, see ya :)15:23
=== RemonShai is now known as r3m0n
pavlushka-Goodnight everyone :)18:44

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