
tsimonq2Is this known? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lubuntu-users/2016-October/011245.html02:36
tsimonq2Lubuntu now uses GNOME Software, and there's a bug there.02:36
pittigood morning06:01
TheMusoHey pitti.07:59
pittihey TheMuso, how are you?08:02
TheMusopitti: Not too bad thanks. Just between sessions at the sprint. How about yourself?08:02
pittiTheMuso: I'm good, thanks! that good kind of muscle soreness after the two hours of Wed evening basketball :)08:03
pittiTheMuso: how is the sprint going? any exciting major changes on the desktop?08:03
TheMusoThats a good kind of soreness, awesome, I'm sure it was enjoyable.08:03
TheMusopitti: A part from Unity 8, nothing amazing that I know of.09:42
Laney0/w 6411:52
sil2100Ha, now we all know Laney's secret password11:57
* sil2100 hacks Laney's PC11:57
Laneymake your password look like an irssi command and nobody will guess11:59
LaneyUNTIL NOW11:59
xnoxmake sure the password starts with /12:00
happyaronMirv: ping12:39
Laneyhappyaron: http://people.canonical.com/~laney/weird-things/fcitx.png12:41
Mirvhappyaron: pong13:09
happyaronMirv: where are you? Qt5 scaling bug as in Lane_y's screenshot13:10
happyaronI can go and find you if convenient13:11
Mirvhappyaron: I'm in the plenary preparing for our lightning talk demo. Plus, I've the problem that my voice is gone...13:12
Mirvhappyaron: not familiar with such a bug or the scaling topic, not sure if some of the Unity 8 team would be familiar with scaling issues. Try Qt 5.6 (if not yet done), file LP bug with a test case, maybe search for upstream bugs to link to from https://bugreports.qt.io/13:14
Mirvhappyaron: is that HighDPI issue?13:15
pittitedg: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_39a8dbb93caf4ec889f8a1b7f69885db/bileto-1710-excuses/2016-10-20_14:40:01/landing-022_vivid_excuses.html#indicator-network says that indicator-network dropped two of its binaries (indicator-network-autopilot, indicator-network-tools) -- is that intended?15:41
pittiLaney: ^ if you see tedg, mabye you can ask him about it (as he doesn't really seem to read IRC this week)15:41
pittithis is the only remaining issue with landing this, AFAICS15:42
Laneypitti: roger (don't see him right now, but will do)15:44
pittiLaney: cheers15:45
pittiLaney: actually, the version in the overlay drops it already, so that's nothing new; I just wonder how that gets past britney15:46
pittirobru: ^ do you have an idea about that? i. e. indicator-network lost some binaries in the overlay PPA, and thus also in https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/1710, and britney complains about that; can that be overruled/ignored somehow?15:49
robrupitti: well britney has never been more than advisory, nothing stops you publishing tickets with britney failures15:50
pittirobru: oh, ok; so presumably the last time it was landed like that as well15:51
robrupitti: no, look at the version numbers, it's complaining about old builds in the ppa which can simply be deleted15:52
pittirobru: oh, I see; I'll do that then15:54
robrupitti: yeah that happens sometimes, i guess a binary package was renamed after the initial build? I don't know why those don't go away when the source gets superceded15:55
pittiyeah, a bit strange15:55
pittirobru: indeed, I NBSed them out; this ticket/PPA has a long history.. :)15:57
pittirobru: thanks for your help!15:57
robrupitti: you're welcome15:58
pittiLaney, tedg: so unping for now16:00
hurricanehrndzAnyone notice that libreoffice snap does not do English spell checking20:43
hurricanehrndzlanguage is always set to none20:43

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