wafflejock | daftykins, hey so turns out that was the wrong Xorg file hence the wrong version of the kernel in there, found the right one, grepping it I see some new problems showing up so going to see if I can make heads from tails out of this but let me know if you can look again (also thanks for checking it out first time around) | 01:56 |
wafflejock | daftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23351665/ found it in ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log, the one in /var/log/Xorg.0.log was from april apparently before I upgraded to 16.04 | 01:58 |
wafflejock | ah also that one is without the problem monitor hooked up, gonna reboot now that I know where the log is and hook up the HDMI one too will dump it again here | 02:01 |
wafflejock | daftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23351686/ <-- hooked up to HDMI and VGA with this one, VGA looks good HDMI still crazy as ever | 02:05 |
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 05:06 |
ducasse | morning all | 06:14 |
OerHeks | hey hey :-) | 07:06 |
ducasse | \o OerHeks - how are you? | 07:25 |
OerHeks | Not sure ducasse, i think i am dead | 07:32 |
ducasse | ooof, that is not good. :-/ | 07:33 |
OerHeks | :-D | 07:33 |
OerHeks | Drabber got his friend for a visit, Pip | 07:34 |
OerHeks | So the peace in house has gone, boys are running and "playing" | 07:35 |
ducasse | ah, fun for him :) are they keeping you busy? :) | 07:35 |
OerHeks | No, i have time for myself, they keep each other buzy | 07:36 |
ducasse | i'm swapping a disk today, just need to wake up a bit more first :) root filesystem, so i need to get it right... | 07:38 |
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest29134 | ||
EriC^^ | !ping | 12:39 |
ubot5` | pong! | 12:39 |
OerHeks | ¡pung | 12:40 |
EriC^^ | :D | 12:40 |
OerHeks | hi EriC^^ | 12:40 |
EriC^^ | hi OerHeks | 12:40 |
ducasse | \o EriC^^ | 12:40 |
EriC^^ | hi ducasse o/ | 12:40 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 12:54 |
OerHeks | hi di hi, BluesKaj | 12:55 |
BluesKaj | Hey OerHeks | 12:57 |
nicomachus | lion4407 should get ZERO attention from anyone | 16:00 |
nicomachus | Starting at 21:55 https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/10/18/%23ubuntu.txt | 16:01 |
nicomachus | well, 21:44 really | 16:01 |
OerHeks | i think he encountered the vbox issue that is suited for the 4.8 kernel | 16:02 |
OerHeks | http://news.softpedia.com/news/virtualbox-5-1-8-out-now-oracle-adds-linux-kernel-4-8-support-in-virtualbox-5-0-509433.shtml | 16:02 |
nicomachus | yea, I just don't want to give him anything after that tantrum. | 16:03 |
OerHeks | oh, wait .. | 16:03 |
OerHeks | he is going to tell something maybe.. i keep quiet | 16:03 |
ducasse | "[21:58] <lion4407> watch the youtube link bitch and shut the fuck up" -- and nobody +b'd him? | 16:05 |
* ducasse is surprised | 16:05 | |
nicomachus | he left right after that | 16:06 |
nicomachus | also, no ops were around at the time to get him right away. | 16:06 |
nicomachus | I'm sure he'll run right into a +brick wall soon. | 16:06 |
OerHeks | phlop bootloader, i don't know why he wants that | 16:07 |
ducasse | right. it's no fun to be a volunteer when people have that attitude. | 16:07 |
EriC^^ | in the morning/afternoon time we definitely need more ops | 16:08 |
nicomachus | they're around, they're just in -offtopic or somewhere else and not in main | 16:09 |
OerHeks | As ubuntu-member, i have ops in all channels *but #ubuntu | 16:10 |
nicomachus | someone give this man a promotion! | 16:10 |
EriC^^ | that's 8GMT til around 12GMT i guess | 16:11 |
EriC^^ | troll hour and i usually dont see any ops active | 16:11 |
OerHeks | dec 4th i go for my next term of 2 years. or maybe now is a good time to bring this up to ubuntu-ops. | 16:12 |
EriC^^ | :D | 16:17 |
* OerHeks feels blue | 16:18 | |
daftykins | wafflejock: ooh-err, so perhaps my 16.04 education starts with it being in a new path all the time now? bit worrying how many things change for no good reason... :) | 17:39 |
daftykins | does that sound right to everyone else, as i've not touched 16.04... Xorg.0.log isn't in /var/log anymore? D: | 17:41 |
pauljw | daftykins, it's still in var/log here. | 17:46 |
nacc | pauljw: it's still there, but is it being written to? | 17:47 |
nacc | daftykins: doesn't *sound* right, but i can confirm my xorg logs for my current boot are in my .local subdir | 17:48 |
daftykins | ah har, so what you have in /var/log might be pre-upgrade? | 17:48 |
daftykins | assuming you ran one | 17:48 |
nacc | it appears to be from march of this year, so probably pre 16.04 | 17:50 |
daftykins | well damn, guess i'm learning a new path :| | 17:51 |
daftykins | so ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log eh? | 17:51 |
nacc | in my case, oddly, it's 1.log -- i have no idea why | 17:52 |
nacc | 0.log is older | 17:52 |
daftykins | funky! | 17:52 |
nacc | daftykins: yeah, dont' have time to debug right now, but also don't have any isuses with graphics :) | 17:53 |
nacc | daftykins: doing a quick lsof to see | 17:53 |
nacc | http://paste.ubuntu.com/23354893/ | 17:54 |
nacc | i wonder if this was the switch of x sessions to user | 17:54 |
daftykins | makes you wonder which user gets the log on a multi user system | 17:54 |
nacc | as Xorg is running as my user now | 17:54 |
pauljw | well, properties says modified/accessed today w/19.6kB of info in it. and it references my current kernel dated 10/19/16 | 17:54 |
nacc | daftykins: ah there are two Xorgs on my system, one running as gdm, one as me :) | 17:55 |
nacc | daftykins: admitteldy, i'm on 16.10 not 16.04 :) | 17:55 |
daftykins | ah right, makes sense - so were you to ctrl+alt+function key swap you might find another X potentially | 17:55 |
nacc | intereesting, there seems to be a X running on vt1 that has no session attached | 17:56 |
nacc | i wonder why | 17:56 |
nacc | i'm on the vt2 session, which is presumably why 1.log is being used | 17:57 |
pauljw | this is also a vbox install, but i wouldn't think that would matter. | 17:57 |
nacc | yeah it shouldn't | 17:58 |
* daftykins boots 16.10 desktop in a VM | 17:58 | |
daftykins | XD major showstopper crash on booting in vmware | 18:00 |
nacc | heh | 18:01 |
daftykins | https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/402993 reply 10 | 18:03 |
nacc | really c 17 | 18:04 |
nacc | nice that vmware responded | 18:04 |
daftykins | i'd imagine a lot of their user base are virtualising Linux :) | 18:05 |
ducasse | hmm, x is running as root here on two 16.10 installs. | 18:06 |
daftykins | yeah there's some CPU feature that that change masks out, seems to be trashing things | 18:07 |
daftykins | apparently 16.10 can be a bit funky under vbox too right now | 18:09 |
nicomachus | OerHeks was saying that the new vbox update should address some of the issues | 18:09 |
daftykins | gotta love it when i google for issues with vmware workstation 12 on ubuntu 16.10, i get... | 18:12 |
daftykins | "How-to Install VMware Workstation Pro 12 on Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety ..." | 18:12 |
daftykins | :> | 18:12 |
OerHeks | Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it, ... daft-punk-kins | 18:20 |
daftykins | >:D | 18:20 |
ducasse | tech-no-logic... | 18:21 |
OerHeks | i thought there was a ban on username AlvaraMolino ... | 18:24 |
daftykins | what's that name about, if so? | 18:25 |
OerHeks | it is a guy from wikipedia-se spamming all day | 18:26 |
daftykins | hrmm | 18:26 |
OerHeks | and that guy with install-login, is also trolling, if you ask me | 18:26 |
nacc | seems odd for sure | 18:26 |
OerHeks | but if he is right, i will apologize ofcourse | 18:27 |
ducasse | i actually think he's genuine, but really bad at recalling exactly what he did and what happened, due to frantically trying 100 different distros and several options on each... | 18:29 |
daftykins | XD | 18:30 |
nacc | ikonia: you have more patience than i... once someone says file/directory permissions are annoying, I feel like it's only an uphill battle | 20:27 |
daftykins | especially if they refer to having 777'd | 20:28 |
Ben64 | hey i did 777 recursively to / | 20:29 |
Ben64 | how do i fix | 20:29 |
Ben64 | :P | 20:29 |
nacc | not that extreme (yet), but wanting uids to magically match across multiple systems | 20:30 |
nicomachus | Ben64: wat | 20:30 |
Ben64 | get that occasionally in #ubuntu | 20:30 |
Ben64 | because people don't like having to use sudo | 20:31 |
nicomachus | there really should be a failsafe on that like there is on rm -rf | 20:31 |
Ben64 | something something idiot proof something something better idiot | 20:31 |
nacc | heh | 20:31 |
nicomachus | /¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 20:31 |
Ben64 | you might want to get your hand checked out | 20:31 |
nicomachus | idk why it does that extra slash. i can't fix it. | 20:32 |
nicomachus | every time I try, it just takes out another. | 20:32 |
Ben64 | weird | 20:32 |
nacc | lol | 20:32 |
nicomachus | I have it as an irssi alias, though, because I got tired of googling, copying, and pasting | 20:33 |
nacc | nicomachus, just poppin' & lockin' | 20:33 |
nicomachus | now I'm gonna ask in #irssi because I remembered it again | 20:35 |
daftykins | careful, call someone an idiot and you'll get banned! | 20:36 |
daftykins | ;D | 20:36 |
nicomachus | lol | 20:36 |
nicomachus | speaking from experience? | 20:36 |
* daftykins nods | 20:36 | |
nicomachus | someone keeping a running tally of the chans daftykins is banned from? | 20:36 |
daftykins | what do you mean? it's 1. | 20:36 |
nicomachus | #ubuntu....? | 20:36 |
daftykins | hi i'm daftykins, have we met? :) | 20:37 |
nicomachus | once or so | 20:37 |
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