
Javezim#join /r/homelab00:02
maswanNo. Good spam filtering is though.00:02
notuvoI'd like to try it. I've only tested with a local setup. I'll figure out the spam filter when I'm get the first spam.00:05
RoyKnotuvo: good luck - I've had my own domain since '98 and I receive a wee bit of spam to put it mildly ;)00:06
Ben64there are quite a number of email servers that won't accept mail from you without jumping through a bunch of hoops00:07
nacccoreycb: if you want to look: https://git.launchpad.net/~usd-import-team/ubuntu/+source/python-oslo.db based upon the example from that script ;) `usd-clone python-oslo.db; gitk` shows a fun picture00:07
Ben64it's so much easier to let google deal with the email00:07
* RoyK still has his own zimbra server00:08
RoyKI like having my own machine for my private stuff00:08
notuvoI like the privacy aspect00:12
jgrimmrbasak, mwhudson: wrt golang & friends.  yeah, i sent mwhudson an email on that back in sept.. just hadn't gotten around to poking him as was low-priority cleanup.00:41
mwhudsonheh you did?00:41
jgrimmyeah, looks like sept 12. from my sent email.  "golang subscription cleanups"00:42
mwhudsonjgrimm: ah heh00:44
mwhudsonjgrimm: i think it makes sense then to remove ~ubuntu-server from both golang-1.6 and golang-1.700:44
mwhudsonjgrimm: sorry for dropping that!00:44
jgrimmmwhudson, no worries at all!! as in email.. super low priority.  :)00:45
BadboyKAShey how are you??00:58
BadboyKASi was wondering whats the best way to virtualize windows 700:59
BadboyKASI want to run multple vpn's/tunnels on differnt windows 7 installations00:59
caliculkSo I have a bit of an issue, after upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04.1, I now experience this with DHClient: http://pastebin.com/xMNbhqTE :(02:23
caliculkI stopped that halfway through, but it attempted to request EVERY IP address available on the network.02:24
caliculkNot sure if this is a fault of the DHCP server or the DHCP client.02:25
caliculkFor what it is worth, I am using this NIC:  Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82574L Gigabit Network Connection02:28
sb_9does command du -hc ./ | grep total   &     df -hT ./  are have any difference? both are showing different values08:02
fricklerjamespage: did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1632538 ? we are affected by this, too, seem rdo would have python-rfc3986==0.3.1 instead of 0.2.008:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1632538 in tripleo "Using generate_service_certificate and undercloud_public_vip in undercloud.conf breaks nova" [Medium,Triaged]08:31
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jamespagefrickler, i saw08:51
fricklerjamespage: I just saw that Debian still only has 0.2.0, too, so pinged zigo about it08:58
jamespagefrickler, testing has 0.308:58
jamespagefrickler, I can't repro with the test case in that bug09:04
jamespagefrickler, oh no I can09:06
jamespageon yakkety it works OK09:06
jamespageon xenial it exhibits the problem09:07
fricklerjamespage: yes, we were running on xenial, too09:07
jamespagediff in the underlying py2.7 version09:07
jamespagewell maybe09:09
jamespagebut makes the SRU tricky, as the source for xenial/newton -> yakkety09:09
jamespagebut not insurmountable09:09
jamespagethat said we actually pull that package directly from xenial release, not from the UCA09:10
jamespageso I think its appropriate to fix in Ubuntu directly rather than the uca09:10
irctc564hi there, using 14.04 w/ php7 pecl refuses to work normally, already have xml ext, http://paste.ubuntu.com/23352608/09:17
jamespagefrickler, ignoreme I have something odd in my local install09:27
jamespagefresh yakkety fails as well09:27
fricklerjamespage: not sure whether I would call that good news, but hopefully makes it easier to fix ;)09:31
fricklerjamespage: fyi, this is a simple way to show the bug in python-rfc3096 directly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23352701/09:37
jamespagefrickler, yeah got it09:45
jamespageuploaded to proposed for xenial and yakkety - SRU team subscrbied09:45
sarnoldirctc564: if you replaced the php5 with php7 you're pretty much on your own..09:49
sarnoldirctc564: if you want php7, the easiest way to get it and still get decent help from folks is to use 16.04 LTS instead of 14.04 LTS09:49
sarnoldirctc564: but as it is, we know nothing about your system and would find it hard to give advice09:50
irctc564well, i can give ssh access09:51
irctc564but only in pm09:56
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fricklerjamespage: I compiled a list of mismatches of newton-uca against global-requirements.txt@stable/newton: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23353006/ it is not complete as I didn't take the time to look up all possible nonstandard package names, but it still looks pretty long to me :-S of course not all of this need to have a big impact, too, but the potential seems to be there10:44
fricklerjamespage: getting updates in should be pretty harmless, too. not sure what to do about stuff violating upper constraints10:45
jamespagefrickler, some might be possible - but we won't be able to put in any major version bumps that are not already in yakkety10:48
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fricklerjamespage: some might even affect only things you did not package at all, I just wanted to know how many more bugs like the one above might be hiding there10:49
jamespagefrickler, anything related to testing or documentation tool chain should not be impacting10:52
jamespagefrickler, thanks for looking at this - coreycb also has some general version mismatch reporting going on as well - this intersects so lets figure out where the gap is atm10:54
jamespageits probably in tertiary depends i.e. ones not directly under openstack10:54
jamespagethat rfc one was a drop tho10:54
jamespagehappens sometimes apologies10:54
coreycbfrickler, jamespage: thanks for the info on mismatches. we've made some really good effort to be at upper-constraints for everything that's directly openstack but I think we can do better with other upper-constraints.11:57
coreycbfrickler, fyi this is a recent tool update (currently runs behind our firewall) but you can run yourself.  see line 12+: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-reports-dev/ubuntu-reports/trunk/view/head:/server/cloud-archive/version-tracker/README.txt12:01
coreycbit reports the upper-constraints version vs what's in the cloud archive.  downfall is it only reports on pkgs that are in the cloud archive.  I think I'll adjust that to ensure everything from u-c is included in the report.12:04
fricklercoreycb: did a local run and for newton it looks pretty well indeed, but if you could amend that to also include non-u-c libraries that would be great.13:09
coreycbfrickler, I agree, I'll take a stab at that13:12
smosernacc, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/usd-importer/+git/usd-importer/+merge/30893113:43
smoseror rbasak if he wants to review that obvious bug fix.13:43
coreycbddellav, zul, new os-testr and requests-mock uploaded (in zesty queue)13:46
zulsmoser: k13:46
RoyKany idea how I can traverse a filesystem and find files with incorrect unicode chars?14:00
sarnoldRoyK: the moreutils package has an isutf8 tool14:04
RoyKsarnold: thanks14:08
nil_any pro on apparmor?14:11
RoyK!ask | nil_14:11
ubottunil_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:11
fricklercoreycb: a version of osc that doesn't display "WARNING: openstackclient.common.utils is deprecated and will be removed after Jun 2017. Please use osc_lib.utils" everytime it is called would be nice, too. I though I had created a bug for that, but can't find it now14:12
fricklercoreycb: 2.3.0 on xenial is fine, 3.2.0 from newton has this self-deprecation14:13
nil_any idea on the best way to get the url a user used to download a file from logs? which apps to monotorize etc? thanks14:13
sarnoldnil_: that's a bit too open-ended to solve; are they downloading through a proxy? using a specific tool?14:14
fricklerzul: coreycb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-openstackclient/+bug/1634579 is not "fix released" in Ubuntu packaging I think14:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1634579 in python-openstackclient (Ubuntu) "Deprecation warnings for openstackclient" [Undecided,Fix released]14:23
fricklerbut a nice coincidence getting a bug marked resolved only minutes before trying to find it again ... ;)14:24
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zulfrickler: thanks...reopned it14:25
zulfrickler: should be fixed in 3.314:25
fricklerzul: it is, but I'm not sure whether that can be used together with Newton without issues14:26
zulfrickler: i been using it for a while14:27
fricklerzul: if you have a build for it, I could give it a bit of testing here.14:29
zulfrickler: i dont14:30
zulcoreycb: when you getback can you add python-tenacity to ~ubuntu-server-dev its needed for python-networking-ovn16:17
jgrimmcaribou, fyi.. my team was unanimous +1 on using irc meeting to coordinate STS v Server team collisions (SRUs, bugs, merges even).  Let's cover during  your section on the agenda.16:46
docmurI'm trying to set the password complixity on a server I have running Ubuntu 16.04, to 16 characters, mix of lower case, upper case, numbers and different characters, I tried this in /etc/pam.d/common_password password        [success=1 default=ignore]      pam_unix.so obscure sha512 try_first_pass retry=3 minlength=16 lcredit=2 ucredit=2 dcredit=2 ocredit=2 difok=4 but I just logged out and loggin17:02
docmurin and was about to set a 8 character password on my server17:02
nil_anyone has an idea on how i could log/get the url an user used to download something using wget/curl/ etc..?17:05
patdk-wkbash history?17:17
patdk-wkhttp proxy server?17:17
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naccyeah, i think you'd only be able to do it (automatically) by forcing everyting to go through a local proxy that logs17:17
naccbut even that could be circumvented, i think17:18
patdk-wkif you don't allow http access to anything else17:18
naccah yes, that'd avoid that17:18
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moparisthebestI just upgraded my remote server from 14.04 to 16.04, and eth0 is nowhere to be found and won't come up19:08
moparisthebestand I have to fix it via a very crappy remote console, any ideas?19:08
moparisthebesteth1 and docker and lxc interfaces, all of them are there19:08
moparisthebestjust not my single public one...19:09
naccmoparisthebest: probably it's en0 or so19:10
naccmoparisthebest: try passing net.ifnames=0 to the kernel19:11
moparisthebestwhen I do ifup en0 it says 'Unknown interface en0'19:11
naccmoparisthebest: well, i did say 'or so', it might be something else19:12
moparisthebestshould that kernel param give them the old names?19:15
moparisthebestit's booting with that now19:15
naccmoparisthebest: yes, it should disable the https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ from systemd, aiui19:16
moparisthebestnacc: still same eth1 and no eth019:24
moparisthebestis there a way to find whatever name it assigned them?19:24
moparisthebestif they don't show in ifconfig or ip addr that is?19:24
naccmoparisthebest: are they detected per `dmesg` ?19:25
moparisthebestoh wait, that's different19:26
moparisthebestbefore ifup eth0 says unknown interface19:26
moparisthebestnow it says 'cannot find device eth0, failed to bring up eth0'19:26
moparisthebestnacc: so I have an encrypted disk, and dropbear running in pre-boot to let me ssh in and unlock the disk19:27
moparisthebestand *that* works, so I know the drivers and hardware are still good, right?19:27
naccmoparisthebest: eth0 isn't show in `ifconfig -a` either?19:28
moparisthebestdmesg says 'eth0: renamed from veth2c693d2'19:29
moparisthebestwhatever that means19:29
naccmoparisthebest: this is a VM?19:29
moparisthebestnacc: ifconfig -a does not show it either19:29
nacci guess it doesn't need to be19:29
moparisthebestand no, a dedicated server19:29
naccmoparisthebest: that's the only mention of eth0 in dmesg?19:30
moparisthebestno, actually19:31
moparisthebestr8169 (the driver I suppose?) says eth1 renamed from eth019:31
moparisthebestthen 2 of those eth0: renamed from veth*19:31
moparisthebestwhere * is both different19:31
moparisthebestthis machine has 2 physical interfaces, one internal-only, one public19:32
moparisthebestthey were eth0 and eth119:32
moparisthebestso I have a ton of files in /etc/init.d/ and /etc/init/19:44
moparisthebestthey seem to interfere and take preference when I tell systemctl to stop or disable a service19:45
moparisthebestcould any of them be a problem?19:45
moparisthebest*should* there be anything there?19:45
naccmoparisthebest: yeah, both are still shipped with a bunch of packages; iirc, the init.d scripts get switched to systemd on the fly when they source lsb-init-functions20:23
jmundineanyone in the dfw area looking for a job?21:32
jmundineLet me rephrase that---- Any one in dfw area looking for an ubuntu server admin job?21:34
jmundineOkay, what about someone from england???21:48
jmundineI guess it's too late to petition europe right now21:57
ikoniawhat are you talking about ?21:57
ikoniayou're aware your in #ubuntu-server a channel to discuss and support the ubuntu server platform ?21:58
jmundineoh, we're looking to hire an ubuntu server admin... And my company refuses to use a recruiter21:58
jmundineI know; Was just trying something different21:58
ikonianot really appropriate21:58
jmundinewow, facism exists in irc now... Not exactly on topic but a bit off to the side... well, have fun in your own private little world22:00
mybalzitchwhat an idiot22:01
LartzaWhy does php-smbclient install it's conf as /etc/php/mods-available/smbclient.ini?22:14
LartzaWhen the expected path is /etc/php/7.0/mods-available22:15
mybalzitchLartza: file a bug report with the package maintainer22:15
LartzaSo it is a bug?22:15
mybalzitchor an oversight22:15
LartzaOh it's already filed22:15
LartzaIn july22:15
mybalzitchgg package maintainer22:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1579034 in php-smbclient (Ubuntu) "installs smbclient.ini to wrong directory when used with php 7" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:17
LartzaI mean at least it's marked as Confirmed :P22:17
LartzaIt's actually filed in May22:17
LartzaJuly is just when launchpad janitor made it confirmed22:17
LartzaSomething positive is that it's fixed in yakkety but :P22:20
powersjnacc: around still?23:20
naccpowersj: ack23:20
powersjnacc: looking at old bugs, came across one for euca2ools, which is no longer in Debian23:21
powersjwell not in testing/unstable23:21
powersjbut it is fixed upstream23:21
powersjif we wanted the fix, would it have to go through debian first?23:21
naccpowersj: i see it in experimental/testing/unstable?23:22
naccpowersj: according to rmadison23:22
powersjnacc: my bad, I was using web ui and left it on stable23:22
naccpowersj: np23:22
powersjok so gotta fix it there23:23
naccpowersj: so i take it it's not already fixed in 3.1.0 ?23:23
naccLartza: i'll look at it23:23
powersjnacc: correct23:23
naccLartza: sorry, i'm subscribed to all php bugs, but not necessarily all php- bugs23:23
naccpowersj: how about the one in experimental :)23:23
powersjnacc: nope23:25
naccpowersj: ack so it might need a backport from upstream to Z and X then. And I would submittodebian from the Z tree at the same time23:25
powersjnacc: ok thanks!23:26
powersjone more... is there a short cut to using rmadison with debian other than typing the -u URL?23:26
naccrmadison -u debian23:27
powersjsigh... so easy23:27
naccpowersj: check `man rmadison` -u section, there's 5 by default23:27
naccalthough udd is defunct23:27
* nacc wonders how hard it would be to add ubuntu-new to that, if it's exposed23:28
naccpowersj: 5 aliases that is, to be clear23:31
jgrimmpowersj, what's euca2tools bug?23:38
jgrimmpowersj, err. euca2ools23:38
powersjLP# 152734123:39
jgrimmpowersj, talk to smoser tomorrow about that one23:41
powersjjgrimm: ok23:41
jgrimmpowersj, i'm not sure we even care about that anymore, but also cirros is his pet project23:41
jgrimmpowersj, but looks reasonable/trivial to fix .. go for it, good one to cut your teeth on, tool & processwise23:45
powersjjgrimm: yeah that is what I was thinking :)23:45
powersjseemed easy enough23:45

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