
netritiouswrst I would love to be "that guy" that helps maintain a SMB using only pis.00:42
netritiousI'm sure it's been done, not sure anyone is saying so though.00:42
wrstHowdy netritious ever heard of bitwig?00:56
netritiouswrst: I have not, but reading at the website now01:41
wrstI am messing with the demo, seriously thinking about a purchase01:41
wrstnetritious: looks nice on ubuntu also https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMWOHE0qQrxG96kzb3BvBUouP9A-2dHHn0Exmto01:43
wrstI have not started messing with vst bridge stuff yet that could be sticky01:47
wrstLooks like it does work however01:47
netritiousJust realized I haven't messed around with daw software for some time now heh01:52
netritiousFeeling a little out of the loop :D01:52
* netritious slaps own knee for being so punny01:53
cipher6HELP! Issue: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server won't resolve DNS but can ping dns servers without issue. Have added and to etc/network/interfaces01:55
netritiouscipher6: I have heard people mention that issue, but haven't experienced it myself.02:01
cipher6resolution, "sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf"02:13
cipher6add the line "nameserver"02:14
minasotadig maybe look at that? nameserver... route -n perhaps02:14
cipher6and all of the sudden everything resolves02:14
Unit193Well, you're likely using libnss-resolve or resolvconf, so that'll get overwritten.02:14
cipher6am am using resolvconf, and can't figure out how to not have it overwritten :(02:14
cipher6Guess my server can have a chron job that adds the dns every 15 minutes? LOL02:15
cipher6Unit193: got a better idea?02:29
wrstcipher6: have you seen this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/622470/dns-probe-finished-bad-config-error-in-ubuntu-14-04/622493#62249302:40
netritiousthanks for the reference wrst, bookmarked.13:54
wrstmorning, err afternoon netritious :)17:37
netritiousafternoon wrst :)18:47
wrstevening netritious ;)22:11
wrstnetritious: so... I found this www.pianoteq.com to go with bitwig, this may be causing a family to break apart :)22:45

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