
[_]`hi i am running ubuntu, i need to run 3 machine in virtualbox and have them ping each other for a project. is there a smaller ubuntu flavour i can use that i will be able to easily network inside virtualbox? :s i tried kali but can't get it to run00:11
bazhang[_]`, the server iso or the minimal iso00:13
bazhang!mini | [_]`00:13
ubottu[_]`: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:13
proqif I modify /boot/config-x-xx-xx-xx-generic do i have to do anything to make those changes take effect?00:15
proq[_]`: you will get more speed by disabling services and using a lighter-weight window manager, but lubuntu already will do some of those things for you OOTB00:15
[_]`i see, ty00:16
SchrodingersScatproq: do you have to update grub?00:17
Lenguys can I somehow remove password protection from "Password and Keys" inb 16.04?00:19
Lenit's system I'm using as video player.. only samba password inside and it's quite annoying to fill this password all the time00:19
haddockdevmaybe look through the apt packages?00:20
haddockdevor some sort of config file00:20
proqLen: there's an autologin setting in settings00:22
proqI disabled module signing but the nvidia driver isn't working, so I think maybe the driver is just broken00:22
pokalyisIs there a way to validate a cron job? I've a job on the form '0 0 1 * * /usr/bin/certbot-auto ... >> /path/log && service nginx reload' which is never ran. It works to run it manually, but not automatically and I'm not sure how to precede.00:23
Lenproq: hmm yep it's there. I would like to leave my account password but after login I wan't my wallet to be open00:23
Lenso should I uncheck autologin then?00:23
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proqLen: having it checked would mean it would login in automatically00:23
proqLen: I don't know anything about wallets00:24
LenI had it checked...00:24
Lenah okay..00:24
Lenokay found it00:25
Lensecond answer00:26
Disaster_Areadoes anyone else have issues watching live youtube streams? I suspect it's probably just bad internet on my end or something but it never loads so I wonder if there might be smth wrong with my setup. Youtube is using the html5 player I think; I have adobe flash player downloaded too but set to ask-to-activate so it's not being used on Youtube.00:28
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shub15guys i was updating ubuntu 1o 16.04.1 and it is asking to remove obsolete packages,should i say yes or no00:36
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pedrohi guys00:44
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keith_Has there been test images of zesty put out somewhere? Or is that a ways off00:45
Guest52134can someone show me a list for proxies to can connect to the sites that i want00:45
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Guest52134i live at iran00:45
Guest52134can someone show me a list for proxies to can connect to the sites that i want00:45
Guest52134i live at Iran00:45
k1l_keith_: not yet. first there will be the ubuntu developer summit to discuss what happens next.00:46
keith_Ah okay, just noticed something on distrowatch mentioning  a snapshot of it with todays date..00:47
keith_not the most reliable of information though00:47
keith_And im guessing there has been a freeze on new packages with yakkety since no updates have come by00:48
k1l_could be that the buildbots are just building something. sort of daily. but there might not a big change to yaketty00:48
Guest52134can someone show me a list for proxies to can connect to the sites that i want00:48
nacckeith_: archive is still frozen right now00:48
nacckeith_: yakkety updates could be going through, but require SRU, so there's a delay00:48
EcclesiastistHow do I add a .qtcurve them in KDE4? I am in System Settings >  Appearance > Workspace Theme00:49
nacc!ot | Guest5213400:49
ubottuGuest52134: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:49
EcclesiastistHow do I add a .qtcurve them in KDE4? I am in System Settings >  Appearance > Workspace Theme00:49
EcclesiastistHow do I add a .qtcurve them in KDE4? I am in System Settings >  Appearance > Workspace Theme00:49
nacc!patience | Ecclesiastist00:49
ubottuEcclesiastist: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:49
EcclesiastistThanks for the flood of useless info nacc00:49
EcclesiastistSo I have to make sure my question is seen -_-00:49
Guest52134i cant connect there00:50
k1l_Ecclesiastist: all you do is be annoying and arguing with volunteer helpers. that is not making people want to help you :/00:50
EcclesiastistNot sure why it matters if someone is a guest or not00:51
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k1l_Guest52134: to join the ubuntu offtopic channel you need to register with freenode. if you dont want that please find another channel. this is for technical ubuntu support only.00:52
BriGuyGreetings All! FYI, im a noob to IRC, Im hoping someone can answer a few questions for me. I am installing ubuntu on my internal HD for the first time, alongside win 10. I want to make sure that im not making changes to the Lenovo recovery partitions when I click the continue button. The window is titled "write te changes to the disks?" THE MESSAGE READS " if you continue the changes listed below will be written to the disks. Otherwise , you will be able00:53
BriGuyto make further changes manually.    The partition tabes of the following devices  are changed: SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda)     The following partitions are going to be formatted: partition #8 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) as ext4    partitions #9 of SCSI190,0,0)(sda) as swap.   NOW i HAVE CREATED UNALLOCATED SPACE ON MY HD FOR THE UBUNTU INSTAL. AND THATS WHERE I WHANT THIS "NEW PARTION TO GO. HOW DO i CONFERM THAT these partitions will be created in that unallocated00:53
k1l_BriGuy: ubuntu has some different install setups, they depend on what you choose at start (like: use whole disk) and what partitions and free space is on that disk. but the installer will tell you what he does exactly.00:55
NSABearI want to install Ubuntu on a laptop that has a TPM00:56
BriGuyk1l_ how can i find out what the partitions in the message are?00:56
NSABearCan I take advantage of the TPM to store the encryption key?00:56
k1l_so dont check "use whole disk", because that will clear the disk. it should offer "install alongside windows" if there is enough free space and free partitions. or use manual installation to be sure it does what you want00:56
k1l_BriGuy: there should be a grafic or table which shows what  the setup is and what it will be.00:56
BriGuyyes i used "instal along side win."00:56
NSABearHow is ubuntu privacy wise?00:57
NSABearI remember when the Amazon data harvesting thing happened and fixubuntu.com00:58
k1l_NSABear: its opt-in now if you want online results in your search. but its still a setting in the system settings, like it was all the time00:58
BriGuyso by clicing continue I will be able to ensure that the unallocated space is used and any changes to the partition table is well ... needed I guess00:58
NSABeark1l_: the issue was it was on by default00:59
NSABearI removed all the amazon crap00:59
k1l_NSABear: read what i wrote00:59
naccNSABear: it hasn't been for some time00:59
k1l_<k1l_> NSABear: its opt-in now …00:59
keith_I haven't noticed anything like that in the newer versions.. seems to be okay00:59
NSABeark1l_: I did.00:59
* NSABear facepalms00:59
naccNSABear: you asked how it "is", not how it "was" :)00:59
bazhangit's superb privacy wise NSABear01:00
NSABearThe only thing I hate about Ubuntu is unity01:00
[_]`hi, google says this is where lubuntu should be but i can't find it. :(  http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/lubuntu-lucid-beta1.iso.torrent01:00
NSABearso I might be using ubuntu mate or just ubuntu and install mate01:00
bazhangNSABear, then swttch to something you like, such as xfce01:00
NSABearMajor question that's important.01:00
naccNSABear: ok ... not really relevant here. As to your original question, I believe the TPM can be used, but never tried it01:01
NSABearWhat is a good AFFORDABLE (IE: < $800 CAD prefered) laptop that Ubuntu plays nice with01:01
k1l_NSABear: your attitude to stirr up drama didnt help the last times. so i strongly suggest you stop doing that when you come in here. this is not the right place for your rantings.01:01
naccNSABear: that's not particularly ontopic for the channel01:01
* NSABear facepalms01:01
bazhangplease stop that NSABear01:01
nacc[_]`: start at: http://lubuntu.net/01:01
NSABearOk, lets play a game of whackamole install the packages needed with my eltiebook01:02
NSABearnacc: I'm giving Unity another try01:02
naccNSABear: ok?01:02
NSABearDidn't notice you where talking to me01:02
[_]`nacc: that is where i started. it leads me to dead link. i found it somewhere else though. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu01:03
nacc[_]`: both links worked here01:03
nacc[_]`: iso or torrent01:03
NSABearbazhang: can you suggest a laptop that is Ubuntu friendly?01:03
k1l_BriGuy: i cant remember without sitting in front of it, if that screen already showed you what he exactly removes. but pressing "back" would make sure you dont do things you dont want01:03
nacc[_]`: downloading a published release of ubuntu from a launchpad user's webspace is almost certainly wrong01:04
[_]`the torrent didnt work for me, odd. must be someting on my end then. either ways hope i can get lubuntu to run of virtualbox. no luck with kali01:04
NSABearI know the XPS developer line is absolutely amazing for Linux support but I was wondering if there's anything a little less pricy where I don't have to play whackamole with my package manager for hardware support01:04
bazhangNSABear, some dell, sysmtem76 also01:04
bazhangand system01:04
k1l_or lenovo01:05
bazhanglnovo are very linux ready01:05
NSABearbeen looking at thinkpads and xps developer laptops01:05
k1l_basically, get a list of laptops with your specs and price you like, then look up if there are known issues for that device.01:05
naccI believe canonical publishes certification too01:06
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection01:06
BriGuyk1_ thanks. NSABaar I just bout an ideaPad fex 4 Its not conical certified but I think it will work well01:07
NSABearhttp://shop.lenovo.com/ca/en/laptops/lenovo/flex-series/flex-4-14/ ?01:08
pfifoIve been dedicating 8192MB of disk space to my OS since 8.04. I have used several different filesystems and jumped back and forth from 32 to 64. Im currently running Xenial 64bit and diskspace is becoming low. Is it possible ive cluttered it somehow or are the packages finally getting to be big enough to warrant more space?01:09
NSABearBriGuy: how's your battery life?01:09
k1l_pfifo: 8Gb without user data?01:09
pfifok1l_: /home is a 4tb drive01:10
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phenomI don't normally spam other channels but if you are on IRC right now and not in a politics channel, you ain't shit.01:10
k1l_pfifo: new packages tend to grow a bit. and due to the base system with desktop included got more and more features it growed a bit, too.01:11
pfifok1l_: ohh im also using lubuntu for the desktop01:11
BriGuyNSABear well so far I van only tel you how it is in win 10 but I can't complain. several hours with low screen brightness set01:11
k1l_pfifo: even that growed a bit :)01:11
k1l_pfifo: make sure you got cleaned old kernel and headers01:12
BriGuyNSABear recharge is fast01:12
BriGuyIs there a point in the install process where you cant go back any further to make changes?01:12
opalCANT STUMP01:13
pfifok1l_: yeah, when i got the error message i cleaned up 1.1gb free, that just never really happended before unless i messed up, but im pretty sure, nothing is different, I did install steam, but it appears to put everything in /home01:13
BriGuyIm at the "where are you" screen and the "back" button is grayed out??01:14
pfifoBriGuy: tell it 'no where to go but forward'01:14
k1l_pfifo: you can look at what is installed with "dpkg -l |grep linux-image | grep ii"   same goes with linux-headers01:15
BriGuyIts like once you are at the point of the install where you choose a time zone its a point of no return.01:15
pfifok1l_: i do all my installs more or less by hand, almost have it all memorized cause ive used the same stuff for years01:16
k1l_pfifo: as i said: desktops include more features and tend to grow. if you want to stay minimal use the minimal install and dont install the metapackage lubuntu-desktop, but lxde and the programs you want/need01:17
BriGuyGuess Ill cross my fingers an hope that the unallocated sapce is where the new partition ends up01:17
pfifok1l_: well guess i just need to give it 12GB from now on01:17
pfifok1l_: ahh yeah, one better, i start from debootstrap ^^ and make it as slim as i can01:18
k1l_pfifo: you can use wajig to get to know what package needs what amount of disk space.01:18
k1l_install wajig and then "wajig large" in terminal01:19
pfifoi might be able to squeeze it in01:19
pfifok1l_: top of the list is blender, chrome, linux, nvidia (x2) cant really side step those01:21
k1l_well, at least you know now where the disk space goes :)01:21
pfifowine, firefox, inkscape, virtualbox... yeah need all that01:22
pfifok1l_: can i get it to tell me the total size of all installed packages?01:22
eaglebotIs it safe to do an install by data dumpng a current install on another computers drive?01:22
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pfifoeaglebot: i have done that, it works, but not for the average user, most definiatly not supported01:23
eaglebotpfifo, reasonable cause01:24
pfifoeaglebot: i reccommend a hard drive transplant01:24
pfifoeaglebot: install on drive, move drive to target01:24
k1l_pfifo: didnt find that while overflying the manpage.01:25
eaglebotpfifo, the hard drive tech doesn't match and then the current machine has no system, seems easy enough to boot from a live cd on both and mount nfs and dd01:25
eaglebotso the dump file resides in the ram unless there is a way to nfs mount a device?01:25
k1l_but i got 11GB / with a full blown desktop with several browsers, vbox, atom, and even texlive full. but i think 11G is small compared to other OS :)01:26
eaglebotCan the actual /dev/hd be mounted over a network?01:26
pfifoeaglebot: make sure to use error handling with dd01:26
pfifoeaglebot: no01:26
eaglebotso I can write the dump over nfs then write it too the drive01:27
pfifoeaglebot: i would use rsync personally01:27
BriGuyso since I wasn't asked where to put the ubuntu partition I assume that installer just sees the unalocated space on m HD and automatically knows that is where it should go??01:27
pfifoBriGuy: bad assumption, i dont know for sure but i assume its going to format everything01:27
eaglebotdoesnt rsync have it's own built in networking capability?01:27
pfifoeaglebot: yes, rsync over ssh01:28
k1l_BriGuy: yes. but if you want to be safe use manual install01:28
eaglebotpfifo, do you have a suggestion for the smalest live cd for this task?01:28
BriGuyBut I choose to insall along side win 10!!!!!???????01:28
ajcI have a strange question - I have a 12.04 CPU that is not and cannot be on the internet.  I want to update it to 14.04.  To make it worse i really can't have anything but RHEL on the internet - pls don't ask.  What do i download from RHEL or windows, burn to disk or HD, then how do i point Ubuntu 12.04 to it to upgrade?01:28
BriGuyI tried to go back to do the manual way but it wouldnt let me01:28
k1l_BriGuy: i dont see what you do there and what the installer says to you. so i will not guarantee you anything :/01:28
pfifok1l_: 11GB ok, that gives me a good indication... i know on redhat 9 i had a 2gb partition been growing sincethen01:29
eaglebotI don't have a blank disk handy so what about a network boot?01:29
k1l_pfifo: yes, i once had a dos pc running a 500MB disk. but times have changed :)01:29
eaglebotCan an old PC handle a network boot over ethernet?01:30
BriGuyK1_ holding my breath01:30
eaglebotSeems like there can be say a 200mb live cd capable of what is needed here.01:30
k1l_eaglebot: you mean pxe boot? that depends on that device in use. i guess test it or look into bios or in the manual01:30
pfifoeaglebot: look into debootstrap01:31
eaglebotI have an android phone but no dedicated usb disk.01:32
eaglebotIf the firmware has pxe I can go that route.01:33
eaglebotSometimes my equipment dissapears.01:33
BriGuyk1_ upon restart, if I see the windows boot manager as an option in th GRUB menu is that any indication that my Win 10 is still intact?01:34
k1l_BriGuy: thats a good sign01:35
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne
BriGuyk1_ cool cool I think its a success I see a Windows HD, Lenovo HD, and My Ubuntu live instal HD icons. JUMPING FOR JOY. this UEFI this has made a simpe one hour instal into 2 weeks of advice seeking and attempts. But finaly Success Both boot fine. I guess I just need a hand holding. thanks01:47
matt_panaroI've tried following suggestions @ http://askubuntu.com/questions/92794/how-to-change-critically-low-battery-value and http://www.lambdacurry.com/2015/10/suspending-low-battery/, but I can't get my XPS 13 to suspend on low battery: are there any other ways to accomplish this?01:49
cipher6HELP! Issue: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server won't resolve DNS but can ping dns servers without issue. Have added and to etc/network/interfaces01:53
cipher6Anyone willing to assist?01:54
cipher6HELP! Issue: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server won't resolve DNS but can ping dns servers without issue. Have added and to etc/network/interfaces01:56
cipher6Anyone? Buehler?01:56
bazhangtry ##networking cipher601:58
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cipher6Thanks Bazhang!01:58
=== nya is now known as Guest65467
PianoHey, does anybody here have some background information about wine 1.4?02:01
bazhang#winehq likely does Piano02:01
Pianoi'm right now on there and asked but nobody responded for the past 30 minutes02:02
bazhangwhats the exact question Piano02:02
PianoDoes anybody know how to fix this crash for a .exe file? "err:module:attach_process_dlls "steam_api.dll" failed to initialize, aborting err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"Z:\\home\\piano\\Downloads\\TBoIA\\isaac-ng.exe" failed, status c0000005"?02:02
PianoUsing 12.04 and wine 1.4, chromebook / crouton02:02
Pianosorry about the "does anybody" it was a c/p02:03
bazhangPiano, steam via wine?02:03
PianoUsing the file directory over steam due to memory intensity as it is a chromebook with 8GB of memory and like 2GB or 4GB of ram last I checked02:04
bazhangPiano, steam is available for linux you realize02:04
PianoYes, but the actual steam application is using too much memory/ram for me in terms of using it while playing the game02:05
ajcPiano: so the idea is add another middle program and RAM usage goes down? am i missing something?02:07
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne
Pianowhat do you mean by a middle program?02:09
ajcyou are going to use Wine to run steam and the game.  instead of just steam and the game.  The middle program being wine.02:10
ajcI really don't know much at all and certainly can't help debug Wine.  I'm just confused by the logic.02:12
PianoRunning steam while running boia causes my limited ram usage for my chromebook to fill up and risk crashing02:12
Pianousing boia from its folder to prevent this, can't run it02:13
Pianoso I can't really play it in either case, and fixing wine is to me more realistic / practical than boosting my chromebook02:14
Pianobecause well02:14
Pianoit's a chromebook02:14
ajcok.  i have no idea.  I'm just procrastinating what i'm supposed to be doing.  best of luck.02:14
Pianowell rip ty for the conversation02:16
Pianoit's a bit dull seeing the third debate02:16
eaglebotDoes ubuntu work well as a system maintenance cd benchmarking, burnin, drive wipe, etc.?02:17
niytrohi all, I have full disk encryption in 16.10 setup from the installer but I want to add the option use unlock the crypt volume with a keyfile on a USB drive. Ive been editing grub, initramfs, crypttab and fstab with no luck...02:19
ambientHello, can anyone help me install amd gpu pro drivers for ubuntu?02:27
jnagroambient, what kind of GPU do you have?02:35
abcDhstryx`: Hello02:38
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-pnfvej:#ubuntu- #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet02:41
-pnfvej:#ubuntu- #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet02:41
-pnfvej:#ubuntu- #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet02:41
-wbyfcdk:#ubuntu- #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet02:41
-wbyfcdk:#ubuntu- #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet02:41
-wbyfcdk:#ubuntu- #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet #wrongplanet02:41
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Pianodoes anybody know of a wine irc that isn't winehq which has some support03:01
nicomachusbruce___: /quit03:01
bigred_Is there a method to install Ubuntu 16.10 with encrypted LVM but being able to specify the crypt name and not (sdaX_crypt) and also specify the vg name, lv names and sizing using the GUI installer?03:03
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne
lordcirthbigred_, the manual install should let you do whatever you like, if I remember correctly03:08
rdfuhrI have an old MacBook Pro and want to install Ubuntu on it as my operating system instead of macOS.  I have already downloaded ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso onto a flash drive but starting up my Mac holding down option key didn't let me install from the flash drive.03:10
oldocbrownSorry, I don't know anything about macbooks.03:11
bigred_lordcirth: I couldn't see the option to select LV sizes, when using the Encrypted LVM installer option. I may just have to do the luks stuff using the live cd, then load up the installer to do the sizing03:11
rdfuhrSo my question is: what do I need to do with ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso in order to install it on a MacBook Pro?03:11
oldocbrownHow did you make the flash drive?03:12
lordcirthbigred_, that's not manual.  There's a manual option too.  It might be called "something else"?03:12
rdfuhrI downloaded Ubuntu onto my iMac and copied it onto a flash drive.03:12
lordcirthrdfuhr, that's not how it works03:13
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:13
bigred_rdfuhr: you'll need to make a bootlable usb03:13
oldocbrownOK. good. How did you copy it? Did you use dd or did you just drag & drop?03:13
rdfuhrThanks for the link I will read the instructions.03:13
bigred_lordcirth: thanks, i might have missed that during the installation, i'll check it out later. thanks03:13
oldocbrown@bigred is correct. It needs to be made bootable. Let me find the forum posting I followed and maybe it will help you out.03:14
oldocbrownnevermind ubottu beat me to it03:15
sync0pateHi, can someone recommend me a good dictionary program?03:23
sync0pateCLI preferably03:24
FoeHammeredI've got a program what won't start anymore. It goes through the motions, but just kinda doesn't go any further, and it's not really clear why from the output. Is there a way to make a program more verbose about it's doing?03:49
* FoeHammered suddenly realizes he can try to see if it logs.03:49
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FoeHammeredYes. Yes it does log. Somehow it got set to a screen resolution of 1x1. Never mind.03:50
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=== Guest66659 is now known as zsq
FoeHammeredYay for logs. Done, thanks.03:52
haxxanhey guys how can I Install Ubuntu on a samsung chromebook? Someone can gimme a help?03:58
ambienthaxxan, Do you know how to access the bios of your device?04:06
haxxanoh I've not try yet. I was trying to find the especific packages fot chromebook first04:08
ambienthaxxan, Do you have an external drive?04:09
ambienthaxxan, An external DVD player04:09
ambienthaxxan, You can burn an install disc and use an external dvd drive or an ISO from a USB04:11
ambienthaxxan, Depending on the arch of your device, whether it is a 32 or 64 bit or ARM or whatever04:11
haxxanah the chromebook runs ARM platform04:11
ambienthaxxan, And do you have an external dvd drive?04:12
haxxanjust usb stick04:12
ambienthaxxan, have you heard of unetbootin?04:12
haxxanah yeah, course04:13
ambienthaxxan, https://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/arm04:13
ambienthaxxan, Look for the bios, boot off of unetbootin, after you download that image04:13
ambienthaxxan, Then you should be golden04:14
ambienthaxxan, Ahh wait, that's server04:14
ambienthaxxan, https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads04:15
ambienthaxxan, I am not sure what device you have but your unit needs to be told to boot off an image and not the local OS04:16
haxxanI understand04:16
ambienthaxxan, Shouldn't be too different from a lap or desktop04:17
haxxanUbuntu server comes without graphic envirorment rigur?04:19
ambienthaxxan, You don't want server04:19
haxxanno, but I can install DE on it04:21
haxxanor not?04:21
ambienthaxxan, from server, I don't think. You really need desktop04:22
wafflejockyou can install a GUI from there but probably not worth the trouble if you plan to put a DE on it anyhow04:22
wafflejockif full blown ubuntu doesn't work out too would maybe check out some of the raspi related stuff since it's also ARM based04:23
ambientwafflejock, I imagine there are debian iso's for it04:23
ambientwafflejock, But there must be arm04:23
ambientfor buntu04:23
wafflejockambient, yeah debian and mate I think in raspbian just throwing it out there though since I have random pis everywhere :)04:24
verticleberthey guys, i asked this earlier with little respon / help. I am running ubuntu 16.04. I am attempting to change my window manager and having some difficulties with locking the screen after  suspension. I am now using /etc/systemd/logind.conf to suspend on lid close. but after the systm wakes up i'm still logged in04:24
ambientsystemd is so awesome. Everyone loves it.04:25
chetcan I be heard?04:25
verticlebertambient: i'm not opposed to it. I think it is a big anti-pattern for linux but i think a similar argument can be made for init.04:25
verticlebertchet: speak up04:26
chetok thanks04:26
ambientverticlebert, The vitriol people have for it is hilarious04:26
haxxanI 'll take a look on rasperry projects... Maybe it works04:27
verticlebertambient: those people bitch at everything though. specifically at change.04:27
ambientverticlebert, Perhaps, but there are forks. Time will tell who went the wiser course of action.04:28
verticlebertambient: totally. I'm actually excited to see what comes out of the mix. I'm personally like the approach of suckless people. I also kkinda enjoy the overlap that etcd provides.04:30
ambientverticlebert, I use both systemd and non-systemd linux04:31
ambienthedging ; - )04:31
verticlebertambient: any advice for my lock screen issue?04:33
ambientverticlebert, Sorry, I think it could be a driver issue for closed screens04:33
ambientwhen it goes into suspend mode04:34
verticlebertambient: I think its the way everything is tied to Unity. Everything works fine in Unity its when i switch to i3/openbox the problem occurs.04:34
ambientFor my devices, I use AMD and the graphics drivers that they used to put out helped with suspend04:34
gnuserI just tried upgrading from 14.04 to 16.04 with apt-get upgrade... and things went south... I'm now in the middle of nowhere and having troubles even getting any kind of networking started properly... any advice?04:43
Ben64gnuser: apt-get upgrade doesn't go from 14.04 to 16.04. can you explain in detail what you did, what happened, and what's happening now04:44
gnuserI was trying to install a package from pip... having issues.... Started running updates... looks like it was pulling from xenial branch, and ended up getting completely stranded, having to use sysrsq to reboot.04:45
SonikkuAmerica!cn | lionking04:45
ubottulionking: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:45
cfhowlettgnuser, now if you had said "I used sudo do-release-upgrade" I might have believed you ...04:46
gnuserI think I may have already been half-upgraded via the GUI, but backed out a couple times because I didn't want to commit to the 200+ package overhaul.04:47
cfhowlettgnuser, did you start and then cancel or what04:48
Random832cfhowlett: back in the day it used to be possible to upgrade releases via apt-get {,dist-}upgrade - I don't think it's been a recommended practice for a long time, but if one were to make inadvisable edits to sources.list...04:49
cfhowlettRandom832, possible, true.  I don't want to consider the possibilities of such and I've not seen it recommended in years ...04:49
Random832ah, it says here it still works and why not to use it04:50
Random832 Debian based systems can also be upgraded by using apt dist-upgrade. However, using do-release-upgrade is recommended because it has the ability to handle system configuration changes sometimes needed between releases.04:50
cfhowlettRandom832, apt dist-upgrade doesn't jump to the next release, it upgrades current release??04:50
Random832cfhowlett: it doesn't mention, but you have to change the release by hand in sources.list04:51
gnuserbut that would have started a week ago... /etc/issue calls itself 16.04, but "about" stills says 14.0404:51
gnuserProbably should have just gone through with it then., lesson learned. :)04:51
gnuserIsn't dist-upgrade just for kernel stuff?04:51
gnuseror at least mostly for upgrading the kernel.04:51
Random832in *actual* debian you wouldn't have to if your sources.list pointed to "stable" rather than the particular version's codename04:51
Random832gnuser: the difference between dist-upgrade and upgrade is that upgrade won't install new packages.04:52
Random832probably the most common new package for an upgrade to want is a new kernel version04:52
cfhowlettgnuser, apt full-upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade will upgrade the current release to latest available packages.  unless you mucked with your sources, that is ...04:52
gnuserWell... I'd love to just get my networking back at this point... I think critical packages got removed, and somehow didn't get properly replaced.04:53
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Ben64gnuser: it'd really help to know what you did exactly04:54
cfhowlettgnuser, if you aborted a partially completed upgrade, I suspect the sanest and surest option would be a reinstall especially as your network is no more04:54
xsmltxHi, tell me please which is the best way to add fluxbox to automatically start at boot. Thank you.04:55
gnuserlast thing I did before rushing into chaos, was trying to install python3-venv, followed by apt-get autoremove... apt-get upgrade, and apt-get -f install...04:58
gnuserso it would seem some packages may have been broken, and I may not have yet realized it...04:58
gnuserSo, consensus says: nuke and pave? I thought I'd check here before resorting to that.04:59
cfhowlettBen64, ?  what say ye?  ^^^^04:59
te_lanusanyone know if there is a program that does the same as winimage but for linux?05:14
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* te_lanus think they can't open floppy images :D05:16
elias_ate_lanus: What are you doing exactly?05:16
cfhowlettwhy would you need to open an .iso?05:16
ambientcfhowlett, Watch a movie?05:17
cfhowlettambient, so you are talking about a DVD then??05:17
ambientcfhowlett, I'm just jumping into the conversation : - b05:18
te_lanusI'm trying to get files of Space Quest's floppy disk images05:20
ambientanyone here ever install amd gpu pro for ubuntu?05:20
ambientLousy AMD stopped supporting ATI radeon05:20
ambientfor linux05:20
ambientsuch buttholes05:20
d1zhello, anyone here uses cset and has an amd processor and knows how to increase the frequency of the processor? I ask because I am using cset to shield a specific core, but when I do so, I can no longer overclock that core. It stays in the base frequency no matter what05:35
cfhowlettsounds like a #hardware query dlz05:36
FireStrikerhello i just installed Lubuntu last night and today it has poped up with an update were its saying Ubuntu not Lubuntu, is that normal? i know Ubuntu and Lubuntu are practicaly the same05:36
cfhowlettFireStriker, normal05:37
FireStrikeralso whats the best web browser you can get05:37
cfhowlett"best"?  no such thing.05:38
ubottuSome of the Web Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories include: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Rekonq (KDE, WebKit), Konqueror (KDE, KHTML/WebKit), Chromium (GTK+, WebKit), Epiphany(GTK+, WebKit), Arora (Qt/KDE, WebKit), Midori (GTK+, WebKit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based). Along with many others.05:38
FireStrikerdont know whats up but firefox keeps freazing up might be irc, i didnt have this problem back in vista google chome before installing linux05:39
cfhowlettFireStriker, are you running irc in ffox?05:40
kk4ewtFireStriker, so install chrome05:43
FireStrikerhow do i do that lol same as windows? look up chrome05:44
cfhowlettFireStriker, sudo apt install chromium05:44
xanguaIt's the actual package name05:45
cfhowlettright.  thanks xangua05:45
FireStrikerdo you guys know any good ipad irc apps?05:46
lotuspsychjeFireStriker: ipad isnt ubuntu05:47
cfhowlettFireStriker, look in the apple app store05:47
FireStrikerik just asking so i can move the the irc to my ipad05:48
lotuspsychjeFireStriker: perhaps the mac channel can sort you out?05:48
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FireStrikerOk i have swaped so i type 'sudo apt install Chromium-browser' in to the terminal05:54
FireStrikerUm i migt have a problem05:58
FireStrikerI just installed an update and was restarting it it has rebooted and i have chosen to boot into Lubuntu but its holding at a black screen05:59
FireStrikerUm i might have a problem06:01
FireStriker I just installed an update and was restarting it it has rebooted and i have chosen to boot into Lubuntu but its holding at a black screen06:02
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FireStrikerHelp i just installed an update and was restarting it it has rebooted and i have chosen to boot into Lubuntu but its holding at a black screen, its been holding for a while now what do i do?06:05
FireStrikerJust force shutdown the computer any idear what caused it06:07
=== tapas is now known as terens
=== for{} is now known as audio_heroin
fredlI'm running Ubuntu 16.04 in a Virtualbox VM06:29
fredlWeird thing is that I seem to have sound at the login screen06:29
fredlI hear that little tune when the login screen comes up06:29
UrsaTempestI heard it too, though I'm not on VM?06:30
fredlBut after I logged in I no longer hear sound even though I see the speaker icon, can go in sound settings etc.06:30
UrsaTempestIs VM not supposed to simulate sound? Ah.06:30
fredlyes it is, I have asked on #virtualbox and most people seem to say it 'just works'06:30
fredlAnd since I do hear it at startup I think it's not a virtualbox issue but an Ubuntu one since I also seem to experience some problems playing flash06:31
UrsaTempestI don't know, I guess. Anyway, I want to ask about Wifi. I'm on Ubuntu 16.04.1, and for some reason I don't get redirected to captive wifi page if, you know, I connected to wifi that requires captive portal login.\06:31
UrsaTempestUnless I do it manually, like typing the address on Browser.06:31
fredlI know nothing about captive portal, sorry06:31
UrsaTempestIt's not a big issue now, but I suspect it can be problematic in the future. Like if I don't know the address of  captive portal.06:32
UrsaTempestAnyone knows why?06:32
fredl1690 people in the room, nobody knows how to help with sound probs06:37
UrsaTempestSometimes it happens. Or nobody is active.06:38
fredlOut of 1692 people nobody is active?06:38
fredlhaha sorry UrsaTempest, I've been on IRC for some 20 years or so, I know how it works :)06:38
UrsaTempestHeh. Sorry for assuming too, I guess.06:39
fredlOh well06:39
UrsaTempestWell, it's also possible the problem is not Ubuntu, so nobody answer it? Maybe you can try #ubuntu-offtopic06:39
fredlSound problems on Ubuntu 16.04 are offtopic?  :)06:40
fredlC'mon :)06:40
ChrisWarrickHow do I set a framebuffer size (a) early (b) so that it won't change? Ubuntu 16.0406:44
lucas_aiMy ubuntu 14.04 was working fine, but now I logged in and had no windowing system! The windows don't have frames and there's no unity launcher. Any ideas?06:46
gebruikerafter installing an app with multiple dependencies - a whole list of it - .. how do I include these when apt-get remove --purging that app (xfce)?06:47
hateballgebruiker: running apt-get autoremove, will remove packages that were pulled in as dependencies06:48
bz0bquick question. i am currently running ubuntu 16.10, and every time i start up my system, right before x-server-gnome starts, i see a /deb/sda1 clean and im assuming its because its automatically running an fsck. why would it be doing that every starup06:48
nikolayрусские есть06:49
bz0bafter doing a cat /var/log/syslog | grep fsck, i noticed this https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23352294/06:51
fredlis this Shuttleworth character paying people to give this uhhh 'LTS' ?06:51
HughFungusbz0b: Is /dev/sda1 your EFI partition?06:52
bz0bHughFungus, yes06:52
HughFungusfsck is usually run on all the drives on boot06:53
HughFunguschange the fsck bit in /etc/fstab for sda106:53
HughFungusIt's the last column in /etc/fstab, change it to 0 to disable fsck06:54
HughFungusThough there's nothing wrong with running fsck on boot, is it slowing your system down?06:55
bz0bHughFungus, I currently am running an i7-5700 with 16gb ddr3 and 256gb m.2 ssd. not slowing me down too much :D06:56
HughFungusThen I see no reason to disable fsck...¯\_(ツ)_/¯06:56
bz0bHughFungus, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23352298/ that's my current fstab06:57
HughFungusYou see the '1' at the end of the 'UUID=304E-D535' line06:58
HughFungusChange that to 0 to disable fsck06:58
bz0bgot it. Thank you HughFungus :)06:58
HughFungusbz0b: you're welcome06:59
bz0bI have one more question, definitely completely different subject but if you think you have an answer, that would be awesome, if not i understand. But i currently use a vpn service, ExpressVPN, and when i was using linux mint 18 or ubuntu 16.04 lts, i was able to install there deb file and it worked perfectly with no dns leaks, then i went up to 16.10, on a fresh install, and tried installing a deb but noticed it was missing a dependency that has been07:01
bz0bobsoloted, initscripts, so i opted to use openvpn and network manager to connect to the vpn, but now im leaking dns. Do you have any idea why that would be?07:01
bz0bi was told by expressvpn to disable all ipv6 which i did and noticed it had temporarily fixed it, but then after a reboot, and even though disable_ipv6 is still set to 1, it started leaking again07:03
bz0band my dns in /etc/resolv.conf is set to
lucas_aiI can't login to my ubuntu from GUI. Any ideas why?07:06
hateballlucas_ai: Perhaps if you provide us with more details, like if you get any type of error or you just get a blank screen etc07:10
lucas_aihateball, nah it just flashes and returns to the welcome login screen07:11
hateballlucas_ai: what has changed between things working as normal, and now?07:13
hateballlucas_ai: can you switch to a tty and login and make sure you are the owner of ~/.Xauthority ?07:13
=== th0r_ is now known as th0r
AndroUserIve tried to install linux on ubuntu, mint, debian, fedora and it doesnt work on any of them!!!!07:28
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=== AndroUser is now known as itay
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itay2(AndroUser) Ive tried to install linux on my computer : ubuntu, mint, debian, fedora and it doesnt work on any of them!!!!07:30
^peter^itay2   You have to turn the computer on first before installing any of those.07:31
itay2(^peter^) thats quite a bad taste comment.07:32
kk4ewtfedora requires a arm707:33
^peter^itay2   Well what other explanation ?07:33
kk4ewtand what isos did you try07:33
itay2(^peter^)  i think its because i have quirky config of my hd. Im using z68 board with intel rst07:34
itay2(^peter^) i have 64gb ssd cache with 1tb hd07:34
kdnejdje!!!! J-O-I-N #wikipedia-es :::07:35
ubottukdnejdje: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:35
itay2Kk4ewt i tried latest versions of ubuntu, linux mint, fedora, debian07:35
OerHeksitay2, so tell us what happens, or not happen?07:36
OerHekskdnejdje, please do not spam here, thanks.07:37
kdnejdje---- J-O-I-N #wikipedia-es ----07:38
itay2Oerheks : in ubuntu and mint same shit, im getting login screen and when i try to enter im getting "system program unstable" error message07:38
itay2Oerheks : in debian im getting installation screen but it cant recognize my hard drive07:38
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Flannelkdnejdje: Please stop advertising, thanks.07:39
OerHeksitay2, sounds like you have UEFI bios?07:39
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itay2Oerheks : in fedora im stuck in the login screen and the mouse freeezes i.e. one second it moves, the other second it freezes.07:39
AIvaroMolina---- J-O-I-N #wikipedia-es ----07:40
itay2Oerheks unsure. I have gigabyte z68 board07:40
OerHeksitay2, please skip other distros, keep your focus on ubuntu07:40
OerHekssure you can tell if there is a EFI bios or old fashioned bios booting?07:41
itay2Oerheks it seems like the problem is contagious. Like all the linuxes eat from the same plate so the problem exists in all of them07:41
OerHeksOke you have an UEFI bios onboard, just checked.07:42
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI07:42
homa_how can i access cells of memory in ubuntu07:42
OerHeksitay2, you need to make a 100 mb partition for boot, it is described in the uefi manual07:43
audio_heroinjust use graphic installer07:43
audio_heroinand make sure you boot your dvd cd in uefi mode07:43
homa_how can i access cells of memory in ubuntu07:44
itay2Loooks like  i need to disable intel smart response technology07:44
th0rhoma_, you want a hex editor07:44
homa_th0r, like ?07:45
audio_heroinno, i think he needs to google to find the right words07:45
audio_heroin"did u mean....?"07:45
ducassehoma_: what are you actually trying to do?07:45
homa_ducasse, i want programming with 0 and 107:45
homa_0 and 107:46
audio_heroinyoure more 1337 than 133707:46
ducassehoma_: what language?07:46
homa_mechine , ducasse07:46
audio_heroinbinary language duuuh07:47
ducassehoma_: so, assembly.07:47
audio_heroinno, binary!07:47
homa_ducasse, binary07:47
audio_heroinqbits are here, homa_07:47
audio_heroinbinary is so 20th century07:47
ducassehoma_: binary is not a programming language.07:48
th0rwhy doesn't someone tell him he needs a hex editor?07:49
audio_heroinsomeone already said it07:49
OerHeksth0r, you did07:49
AIvaroMolina---- J-O-I-N #wikipedia-es ----07:50
homa_th0r, i have bless07:51
audio_heroini used to think that using strace every time smth doesnt work is 1337...07:52
ducassehoma_: are you trying to learn programming, or what is your goal here?07:54
homa_ducasse, i want feeling 0 and 1 programming07:55
qiwasI have a small problem. The command  tracepath -n google.com | tee temp.txt doesnt seem to work for me. Can someone check for a bug?07:55
qiwasIt works without the -n07:55
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OerHeksqiwas, man tracepath > -n Do not look up host names. Only print IP addresses numerically.07:56
AIvaroMolina---- J-O-I-N #wikimedia-ayuda ----07:57
qiwasYeah thats fine by me.Thats what i want. But the command itself doesn't work when -n is given and appended to tee07:57
qiwasCan you verify if its only me or there is a problem. This is the command: tracepath -n google.com | tee temp.txt07:58
Flannelqiwas: It works, it just won't display until it's finished.  Try doing something on your subnet (which will finish execution quickly) and you should see it.  You can also pipe it to less instead of tee, for similar behavior.07:59
dw1how can i find out why ubuntu wants me to reboot08:00
dw1after automatic updates08:00
AIvaroMolina---- J-O-I-N #wikimedia-ayuda ----08:00
ducassedw1: /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs lists the packages that have been upgraded that requires a reboot08:01
dw1too easy. thanks :D08:02
sb_9does command du -hc ./ | grep total   &     df -hT ./  are have any difference? both are showing different values..08:02
* OerHeks needs reboot08:03
Flannelsb_9: That's normal.  They tally things differently.08:04
sb_9Flannel: How? i didn't understood. can i have some reference link Or some more information.08:05
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sb_9Flannel: both are showing different used space.08:07
ducassesb_9: best reference is the source code :)08:07
Flannelsb_9: df looks at the filesystem, du looks at directory contents.  I'm not finding a good authoritative reference, but here's a couple: http://askubuntu.com/questions/280342/why-do-df-and-du-commands-show-different-disk-usage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30772180/df-and-du-giving-different-results08:09
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sb_9Flannel:  Thanks . I got one clue from this articles which are related my problem (memory lekage from Java snippets). Currently, we are debugging with Java Profiling & basic linux commands.08:15
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hgsearch wheeler timespace08:28
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=== jat-clone is now known as Guest96512
ldshHi, Sound was working fine yesterday, I thought thanks to a kernel update. However, after having put the computer in sleep mode, the sound switch went back to the hdmi output, and even by switching back to the optical output, I have no sound since. Any idea on how I could have sound without having to rely on some kind of random effect making it appearing time to time?08:39
eddymodehttps://www.amazon.com/World-Order-Our-Secret-Rulers/dp/1910220345/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 The World Order - Our Secret Rulers08:40
ldshIt's a Creative SoundCore™ 3D Gaming Audio  on a GA-Z170X-Gaming 708:40
eddymodeMullins presents some bare facts about the Federal Reserve System with subjects on: it IS NOT a U.S. government bank; it IS NOT controlled by Congress; it IS a privately owned Central Bank controlled by the elite financiers in their own interest.08:42
eddymodeAll Americans should be aware of who controls their currency because the truth is that the country can be controlled if the economy is controlled and the economy of a nation is controlled if its currency is controlled. The path to freedom lies in learning the truth. This is the role of this book.08:42
spillere_I have a file liks this http://pastie.org/private/x3hvw2mxmk592yrybe9lha how can I make a list that will only show the file names?08:43
=== spillere_ is now known as spillere
eddymodeThe very latest from Scott Roberts, one of the most censored men on the Internet, candidly sharing his latest thoughts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dDQt5bR7zo08:45
hateballspillere: is the original file exactly like this? not tab delimited?08:46
spillerehateball: let me check08:47
eddymodeThis time unlike all the others, an Awakening would be on a massive scale, worldwide, and thanks the to the Information Age, it wouldn't likely be forgotten.08:47
spillerehateball: yeah like that08:48
eddymodeScott Roberts replies: "I agree. And these Jews, even the ones who troll me, damn well know it too."08:48
spilleremaybe ill remove the X chars from every line08:48
OerHekseddymode, wrong channel to spam08:48
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu08:48
eddymodeThey would have nowhere to hide. That's why they're escalating their agenda at a crazy pace. That's why they have an Army of Half-Truth, Quarter-Truth, 10% Truth bastards out there.08:48
eddymodeWe're in a race to the death.08:49
=== Solidsnake is now known as pavlushka-
eddymodeScott replies: "Indeed, we are.  Problem is, only the Jews know it."08:49
marnix_Anyone with pvpython experience?08:51
marnix_probably a long shot to ask here08:51
xsmltxHi, anyone please, how to autostart - autologin fluxbox at the boot please? Thank you.08:51
OerHeksmarnix_, best place would be #python i guess08:52
marnix_I would say #paraview, but I cant find an active channel08:52
hateballspillere: it's a bit more annoying to use cut if you have space as a delimiter, awk can do it nicer iirc08:55
marnix_Funnily enough I always go to irc as last resort08:55
spillerehateball: figured out with SED08:55
marnix_then you accidently type the correct keywords and you find it on google.08:55
hateballspillere: ah ok. "awk '{print $9}' file" will do it also08:57
niuniomartinezHello k1l_.08:58
NeroonHi! Can someone tell me how to block a module from being loaded? blacklisting in blacklist.conf seems to get ignored08:58
niuniomartinezk1l_: Just to say that problem I reported yesterday was fixed with a kernel upgrade today.08:58
hateballNeroon: perhaps if you are more specific09:00
Neroonhateball: I want to block the module wmi, so i put the line  - blacklist wmi - in the blacklist.conf. After a reboot lsmod | grep wmi still shows it being loaded09:03
irctc564hi there09:03
irctc564using 14.04 w/ php7 pecl refuses to work normally, already have xml ext09:03
boulabiarhi ! I've enabled ubuntu live kernel patching, but my laptop can no more sleep09:08
boulabiarhow to bug report for this specific component ?09:08
OerHeksboulabiar, good question, i am reading http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/10/canonical-livepatch.html now09:11
OerHeksboulabiar, file a bug against canonical-livepatch09:12
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:13
=== yinflyin1 is now known as yinflying
OerHeksboulabiar, i suspect that your system got a patch already, and needs to reboot, maybe that prevents sleep mode , check this with:  cat /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs # any package means you need to reboot.09:15
OerHeksirctc564, maybe you want to reask in #ubuntu-server too09:16
fiillosHello! Is there ppa for Pulseaudio that can use soxr-vhq resampling method and bluetooth works without hassling with 16.04?09:18
bigred15Hi, does anyone have a procedure to install Ubuntu 16.10 with Encrypted LVM with the ability to select lv sizing. I can't seem to achieve it using the GUI installer.09:20
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mike_papaAnyone knows good channel to ask question concerning browser's rendering errors? Specifically Blink based (Chrome, Chromium, Opera, etc.)09:22
lkeijserstupid question perhaps, but packages in precise (not -updates or -security) are never updated, right?09:24
ppflkeijser: i'm not sure i understandthe question09:27
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k_sze[work]ubuntu desktop and server rely on different things to configure network interfaces...09:28
lkeijserppf: I'm setting up a local ubuntu apt mirror and I want to know if packages in 'precise' are ever changed. I know precise-updates and -security get updates (of course), but I'm not sure if the same is true for 'precise' (main)09:29
k_sze[work]how is that a good idea?09:29
brainwashmike_papa: try #chromium09:29
k_sze[work]desktop uses network manager by default, server doesn't.09:29
k_sze[work]the f...09:29
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ppflkeijser: -updates and -security refer to package sources, not packages09:30
bsamorimcan the computational costs of appending to a file be independent of its size?09:30
bsamorimin ubuntu09:31
lkeijserppf, packages coming from one of these repositories09:32
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boulabiarOerHeks: No, I don't even have that file (/var/run/reboot-required.pkgs)09:35
ldshThe sound was working fine yesterday, I thought thanks to a kernel update. However, after having put the computer in sleep mode, the sound switch went to the hdmi output, and even by switching back to the optical output, I have no sound since. Any idea on how I could have sound without having to rely on some kind of random effect making it appearing time to time? It's a Creative SoundCore™ 3D Gaming Audio09:36
boulabiarI can't report canonical-livepatch because the package is installed via snap, ubuntu-bug says that the package is not installed09:38
brainwashboulabiar: you could ask in #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-kernel09:42
omar___any update on the rasberry pie?09:53
de-factoThis is so nice, when i boot xenial Xorg freezes beyond control, cant even switch to tty's, only SysRQ reboots, then i always get orphanted inode messages, YAY data loss, great :(09:57
de-factothank you nvidia & kernel devs to make it really compatible and stable09:58
ubuntumnHi, why does Ubuntu lag for me with Nautilus open?09:59
de-factoIs there any graphics stack (drivers) which are stable for xenial? Background: im thinking about buying a new pc...10:04
de-factoi read there are problems with nvidia, amdgpu, intel...10:04
michagogoDo the installation ISOs contain any packages beyond those that are installed by the installer?10:12
linociscohi all10:14
linociscohow do I fix?10:14
dw1linocisco: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '-m'10:20
dw1looks like it wants a number there10:20
dw1instead of -m10:21
dw1or before10:21
linociscodw1, what do I do?10:24
dw1i dont really know about running python modules like that but10:25
dw1if that's how the docs say to launch it and it doesnt work ..10:25
dw1maybe try a newer version10:25
OnkelTemHi all. On my local workstation with Ubuntu 14.04 there's only one session running - on tty 8 (nothing on tty7 and 9) so that I can't switch user. Where it is configured?10:25
linociscoanybody else can suggest?10:28
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Mathisenlinocisco, what does it do if you just run " python -m SimpleHTTPServer "10:31
linociscoMathisen, the idea is to have small webserver to file transfer between ipad and ubuntu10:35
Mathisenlinocisco, that does not answer my question10:36
linociscoMathisen, it can service as min webserver10:37
Mathiseni ask again what does the command " python -m SimpleHTTPServer " give you ?10:38
Mathisensame error or not ?10:38
linociscoMathisen, yes. error.10:38
Mathisenexactly same as before ?10:38
linociscoMathisen, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23352901/10:38
linociscoMathisen, yes. same as before10:38
Mathisennot with -m 8080 at the end10:38
Mathisen" python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 " should be correct10:39
Mathisennot -m before 808010:39
linociscoMathisen, oh. i see10:40
Mathisenalso try same with python3 if not working10:40
linociscoMathisen, i got it this time only now. typo error this time. previous time, i tried correctly10:41
linociscoanother question is I have made bootable Linux installer using DD command10:42
linociscohow can I format that USB drive into NTFS or FAT. I can't do it10:42
linociscopartition table can't be removed10:42
linociscobut on windows, it can easily do it.10:43
Mathisenlinocisco, sudo mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/sdX10:43
Sven_vBcan someone suggest a PDF reader that can select columns of text even if the authors messed up the PDF so that PDF text flow is full lines left to right?10:43
linociscoMathisen, no GUI way?10:43
linociscoMathisen, /dev/sdc1 is mounted.10:47
linociscoRefusing to make a filesystem here!10:47
lunatix79Hi! what is the difference between  /run/ and /proc/run/ folder on ubuntu 14.04 LTS?10:48
lunatix79same files/folders in both of them10:48
Mathisenlinocisco, okej use fdisk / cfdisk ... sudo cfdisk /dev/sdc110:50
Mathisenlinocisco, remove filesystem and create one then format using command you got before10:51
_martzanyone running 16.10?10:52
linociscoMathisen, i tried sudo mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/sdX. it made me only few space. not entire drive. so I need to use gparted to format all and claim all space which is 4GB10:52
Mathisenlinocisco, that cfdisk can do10:53
Mathisensudo apt install cfdisk && cfdisk /dev/sdc110:53
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kernellohello everyone, a 1-second-long white noise came from my loudspeakers for the second time after about 12 hours ago. what could this be? I used checkbox tool to test my system yesterday because of my display's problem that instant flickers appeared on the screen with irregular intervals)..what could be happening, first the display, now these instant noises?11:07
smichecan someone help me out? http://pastebin.com/y2Er4A0u the process isn't starting with name nearmissdev11:09
x-faki have a 3TB HDD that i'm not able to mount inside my external USB enclosure, i've heard about an issue with the sector size, reported as 512 bytes, which is different of the physical sector size, which is 4096 bytes, i got this:  https://bpaste.net/show/f72ddfebdb7311:10
x-fakand my dmesg: https://bpaste.net/show/7513a802b2b511:11
FManTropyxyo, how're thangs?11:18
kernellohello everyone, a 1-second-long white noise came from my loudspeakers for the second time after about 12 hours ago. what could this be? I used checkbox tool to test my system yesterday because of my display's problem that instant flickers appeared on the screen with irregular intervals)..what could be happening, first the display, now these instant noises?11:20
kernellofor the third time, just now11:20
kernelloI wonder if this checkbox tool messed something up11:21
kernelloas if while I tried to fix one thing, the other broke11:21
N3X15Anyone happen to know if there's a video player for Ubuntu that works with GL acceleration disabled?11:22
kernellodensity of helpers on channel is less than that of humans on sahara right now :)11:26
ppfit's lunchtime in europe11:27
kernelloah, the helpers are mostly european?11:28
ppfat this time of day11:29
kernelloor the eastern hemisphere11:29
kernellothe helpers are mostly european at this time of day, so they become African in the evening? :)11:29
ppfit's the middle of the night in the US11:29
N3X15Well, it's 430AM west coast, so yeah11:29
N3X15I should probably go to bed.  Will leave client on idle, just in case.11:30
younder16.04 is a turkey. Stick with 14.0 which is slid..11:30
kernelloso they teleport themselves to the most suggested diner from all over the continent11:30
ppfkernello: yes that is my explanation11:31
younderupgraded on my workstation, bu WILL NOT, do the same on my server11:31
kernelloppf, makes sense, yes.11:31
ppfyounder: why not, what's the problem?11:31
younderLet's start win NVIDIA. If you have a UEFI startup you need to disable kerlnel check. Or the next time uo update the machine will CRASH. NVIDIA does a sha-1 code which is apperently not good enough11:33
ppfi'm running xenial with nvidia and uefi sans issues11:34
ppfare you sure that's the actual cause?11:34
younderppf, obcviously. I have been throgh it11:34
ppfi'm not convinced, but fair enough11:35
younderppf, fixe'd' by insecure boot11:35
ppfright, so the problem is secure boot, not efi11:35
ppfthat i can believe, i'm not using secureboot11:36
younderppf, yes secure boot11:36
younderppf, but that is the default11:36
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ppfwith secure boot enabled you need to sign the module with a key that's trusted by the kernel11:38
ppf(unless you use a driver from the repo, then you don't11:38
younderLove UBUNTU.. Who doesn't these days. GOOGLE use it as theier developement platforms. so GO!!11:40
younderIt's not that11:40
younderbeen using it for 11 years11:42
youndernetwork of nixes for 311:42
kernellook, is maybe the CET lunchtime over? :))11:43
ppfmine is11:43
daveomcdin my network interfaces file, when I specify the following: 'dns-nameservers 11.xxx.xxx.x, 11.xxx.xxx.x' why doesn't it use one of them if the other one goes down?11:43
* debkad lunchtime finished11:46
younderdaveomcd, you have understoo. they all start with 1111:47
daveomcdi dont follow11:48
ppfdaveomcd: don't you seperate them with a space?11:48
daveomcdoh perhaps that's the issue I had it setup by a comma and space to separate them11:49
regiovhi all. I'm trying to upgrade from trusty to xenial but I'm getting "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade". I've been looking at /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log and already removed many packages associated with "Broken package..." lines, but there are still many packages left there and most seem a bit drastic to remove now. Any advice about how to proceed? Here's the apt.log if you can take a look: http://pastebin.com/zXfCG5Y412:00
regiov(any help is really appreciated)12:01
ktechmidasdoes anyone know how to add a PPA repoistory manually?12:02
ktechmidaswithout using apt-add-repository?12:02
ktechmidasI'm behind the Chinese firewall and getting this error: "Error reading /nginx/development/ubuntu: gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received."12:02
OerHeksktechmidas, no, that is the only and valid way12:03
ktechmidasOerHeks - right... apt-add-repository doesn't seem to be listening to the environment variables I'm setting either? (HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY)_12:04
OerHeksoh, with proxy you should do something to get apt working.. can you update anyway?12:04
ktechmidasit works for apt-get most of the time12:04
ktechmidasOerHeks, I can update - I'm trying to add a new repostory though and it goes wrong when getting the GPG keys12:05
ktechmidasso it never gets added12:05
OerHeksold answer, still valid iirc >> https://askubuntu.com/questions/53146/how-do-i-get-add-apt-repository-to-work-through-a-proxy/32479412:05
ktechmidasah I glanced at this, but didn't see that second answer... :)12:06
OerHekssee the whole article for the key too12:06
ktechmidasthe first answer didn't work for the key12:06
ktechmidasthank you :)12:06
OerHekslet us know when it worked :-)12:06
ZoderUcku hello, question is an ftp connected directory in windows  accessable in cmd ?  the ftp folder is displayed in windows explorer12:10
ktechmidasOerHeks, it worked!12:12
ktechmidasthank you12:12
OerHekshave fun !12:12
lordcirthZoderUck, is this a Windows or Ubuntu question?12:12
NinjaWilsyUbuntu is downloading! :D12:14
ktechmidasOerHeks - spoke too soon it seems12:15
ktechmidasChina is really screwing with me here :|12:15
NinjaWilsyNow I just need a disk or a usb drive and I'm back in the world of Ubunut!12:25
SimooonAre the developers of snap packages or the packages vettet? How do I know that I can trust the telegram package that I can install through snap? (That has not been made availible by telegram, but some random guy)12:28
mcphailSimooon: no, they are not vetted. Snap confinement means that untrrusted packages have very limited access to your system, but it does not prevent all skullduggery12:29
Simooonmcphail, Okay, so installing e.g. a communications client through snap is basically a gamble :-/ Damn.12:30
mcphailSimooon: there are sisks, yes12:31
Simooonmcphail, but thanks for the answer :-)12:31
mcphailSimooon: np. Remember the developers of a lot of these snaps are Canonical employees12:31
tehmalhi any know why i get this problem??? https://postimg.org/image/94ox3tqwb/12:32
Simooonmcphail, hmm, any easy way of vhecking whether that is the case or not? I'm totally new to snaps, the system seems very nice, I' just don't feel safe installing software provided by someone I have no idea who is.12:33
mcphailSimooon: looks as if the telegram app is by a Canonical employee, judging by his email address12:34
mcphailSimooon: and you can always ask in the #snappy channel12:35
Simooonmcphail, but where do I even find that information, is there a website where I can see all the packages? All I'm using is the "snap find searchword" function, and the information there is (understandably) very sparse.12:36
Simooonmcphail, oh, didn't realize there was a channel for that, I will go there, thanks :-)12:36
mcphailSimooon: I think snaps are now listed on the Ubuntu Software centre. You can also search for snaps on uappexplorer12:37
SupaYoshihttp://prntscr.com/cwnpyv what to do here o.o12:37
SupaYoshiThe FACTURS direcotry is unreadable.12:38
Simooonmcphail, okay, thanks for the help, I will go bother people on #snappy :-P12:39
TupladI have 2 systems: 1 media player (wifi) and 1 desktop (wired). The media player could access my video database until I switched desktop to wifi. How can I fix this ?12:40
mcphailSimooon: enjoy! I have to say, I like snaps. They are a bit more secure than a random .deb or PPA12:40
TupladSamba config: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23353418/ Network info: https://paste.ubuntu.com/23353410/12:41
younderThe curse and blessing of the non-existence of12:43
alakxHello! How do i translate this iptables rule to ubuntu firewall: "-A INPUT -i eth0 -s, -d -j ACCEPT" ?12:45
Simooonmcphail, thanks, I really think the snap system has huge potential as well, and it is probably just that I don't understand it well enough yet, perhaps I should look at those man pages again :-P12:45
younderSimooon, have you checked out ufw?12:45
Simooonyounder, no, what is that?12:46
younderbecause iptables  seems a bit havy for that12:46
OerHeksyounder, how do you come up with that knowledge? iptables are fine.12:47
younderOerHeks, In the kernel is is netfilter. And it is hard to use12:49
Simooonyounder, did you tag me by mistake, I don't see how this firewall stuff relates to my inquiries about snap?12:50
xpl0iterHi Can someone please tellme how I can install libgit2?12:50
xpl0iterIn which package does it come?12:51
OerHeks!find libgit212:51
ubottuFound: libgit2-24, libgit2-dev, libgit2-glib-1.0-0, libgit2-glib-1.0-dbg, libgit2-glib-1.0-dev, libgit2-glib-1.0-doc, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 21 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libgit2&searchon=names&suite=yakkety&section=all12:51
k1l_xpl0iter: on what ubuntu release are you?12:51
youndersudo apt install libgit2-24 (uunder 16.04)12:51
xpl0iterk1l_, 16.0412:52
OerHeksalakx, the only problem i see is that with 16.04/systemd the name eth0 can be changed12:52
k1l_xpl0iter: install libgit2-2412:52
xpl0iterk1l_, younder thanks.12:53
BluesKajHey folks12:53
alakxOerHeks : yes but how do i add it to ufw?12:54
OerHeksalakx, easy way would be installing gufw, gui for ufw12:55
SupaYoshihttp://prntscr.com/cwnpyv what to do here o.o12:56
jarlathk1l_: Thanks for doing the heavy lifting yesterday. The last step for me was to force install the 16.10 repowerd-data package so that the 16.10 repowerd package could be uninstalled. apt is working again - cheers :-)12:56
k1l_jarlath: ah, good it wokred12:56
ktechmidas... I tried a do-release-upgrade and it's got stuck13:16
ktechmidas"Setting up keyboard-configuration"13:16
ktechmidaswhat's so difficult about the keyboard-configuration that would bring the entire upgrade to a grinding halt??13:16
ikoniait may not be that13:16
ikoniathat may be just what's on screen at the time of the problem13:16
ktechmidasack :(13:17
MWMis there any problem with choosing a USB3 pendrive for installation media?  Ive had issues before but am not sure if it was USB#'s fault or somewhere else13:18
sync0pateCan anyone recommmend me a good dictionary? Preferably cli?13:18
SonikkuAmericaAh, someone gets the QoS joke. All right, back on topice. :)13:18
EriC^^MWM: no usb3 should be fine13:20
ktechmidasI don't see anything wrong in the logs13:20
MWMEriC^^ thanks :)13:21
ktechmidasit seems to have investigatd a few broken things and fixed them13:21
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=== v7 is now known as V7
DSeeHello, how safe is Ubuntu vs other distros? Some snobs say that Ubuntu is for noobs, that it's not as secured etc... Can anyone break this myth?13:25
ChrisWarrickDSee: A lot of people trust Ubuntu to run their servers.13:25
DSeeChrisWarrick:  but.. is it because it's easy, or because they trust it the same way as running Debian for example13:25
r3m_DSee, it is based on debian...13:26
BluesKajDSee, you're coorect about linux snobs, but that doesn't mean they're right13:27
BluesKajcorrect even13:27
ChrisWarrickDSee: Managing a Linux server isn’t *that* different between distributions, especially in systemd days13:27
r3m_systemd -_-13:28
ChrisWarrickr3m_: It’s awesome.13:28
r3m_ChrisWarrick, far from KISS13:28
ChrisWarrickr3m_: but really close to user-friendly13:29
ChrisWarrickr3m_: I get process management for my own scripts for free. I don’t have to guess whichever method of updating symlinks $DISTRO prefers.13:29
k1l_DSee: look at ubuntu.com/usn that is what the ubuntu security team fixes on the daily business. ubuntu is used by real big companies to run desktop, server and cloud. your guys dont have a clue, to be honest.13:30
DSeek1l_: so you're pretty much telling me that the only people that think Ubuntu is inferior are ignorant Linux snobs, and that the statement is totally wrong... correct?13:31
ChrisWarrickHow do I configure the console framebuffer? Ubuntu 16.04, VirtualBox starts with 80x24 TerminusBold, then goes to something larger with the VGA font, and then may or may not go back to Terminus at that screen size (RANDOMLY!)13:31
V7How to install Audio Recorder on KDE Neon ?13:31
V7I can;t install it from repositories ...13:31
femmeHow do I install a package from a newer release's ppa and have it update by itself? I know I can install the deb manually but is there a way to tell apt to ignore the release name mismatch?13:31
ChrisWarrickDSee: To be fair, I’m not an Ubuntu fan for complicating some stuff, and for Unity.13:31
k1l_DSee: if they could not tell any technical facts, yes.13:31
DSeek1l_:  ok, thank you for taking the time sr13:32
DSeeI understand now what I have to do.. thank you all13:32
k1l_V7: ask the kde guys what they changed on kde neon.13:32
ktechmidaseverything I try it gets stuck here: Setting up keyboard-configuration (1.70ubuntu8) ... - no obvious errors in the logs13:33
sync0pateCan anyone help with dictionaries?13:33
femmeIs there something I have to add to the sources.d line?13:33
ktechmidasabout ready to hose the damn thing13:33
EriC^^femme: are you sure you won't break the release doing that?13:33
femmeEriC^^: Yes I am sure and I can debug the system if that happens13:33
cerealguygood morning all.  i'm losing network connectivity on a DHCP network.  looking at /var/log/syslog, my IP lease keeps expiring every 600 seconds, and it'll then grab another one which I this the source of the problem.  i've edited /etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf but am not seeing the settings reflected in /var/lib/dhcp/dhcp.leases.  See this paste for the speci13:35
cerealguyfics:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/23353669/13:35
mustmodifyI'm trying to add an arbitrary port for SSHing. I edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config to have "Port 22, 12345" and also tried "Port 22 12345" but both times after restarting SSH I can't even get in on 22. What's the correct syntax?13:35
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ChrisWarrickmustmodify: Try one port only13:36
mustmodifyI need two.13:36
mustmodify22 and 1234513:36
mustmodify22 locally and 12345 comes in from my firewall.13:36
EriC^^femme: i think you just change the release name in the sources.list.d/file.list13:36
mustmodifyI could switch all my utilities locally.13:36
ChrisWarrickmustmodify: you need two Port options. But IMO you should have 12345 for both sides13:36
mustmodifyI guess I'll do that.13:37
EriC^^like deb http://.... xenial .... and put the new release name there femme13:37
femmeEriC^^: thank you13:37
ChrisWarrickmustmodify: I’ve got my servers in ~/.ssh/config with friendly name and port configured13:37
mustmodifyAh! Got it. It's "Port x\nPort y"13:37
EriC^^femme: no problem13:37
mustmodifystill, might make sense to use only one port,  just for consistency, even if I am behind a firewall.13:38
mustmodifyI really wanted my firewall to just connect the arbitrary port to 22 on this machine... but it said, "The target port must be >= the incoming port." Which seemed odd.13:38
ZoderUck: Sequence contains more than one element13:44
ChrisWarrickHuh, it seems telling Grub to go with a specific mode works13:50
EriC^^ChrisWarrick: grub?13:52
ChrisWarrickEriC^^: regarding setting a framebuffer13:52
EriC^^GRUB_GFX thing?13:53
ChrisWarrickand one more for GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX13:53
ZoderUckGrub on 16.04 ?13:54
EriC^^i wondered about that a little, i didn't know much about it to answer though13:55
EriC^^just know you can use that to set the resolution early in the boot process and keep is used to pass it to the kernel or something13:55
ChrisWarrickThe fact I learned this from Debian wiki is not nice13:55
CosmicNoiseI'm having trouble trying to get an Acer Aspire laptop to see some bootable USB sticks13:56
EriC^^wait til you see the arch wiki :p13:56
ChrisWarrickEriC^^: I’m an Archer, actually13:56
CosmicNoiseit has windows 10 on it installed uefi style13:56
EriC^^ChrisWarrick: ah:D13:56
EriC^^the arch wiki has a lot of good stuff13:57
kamisamaHIii, How do I change to a channel13:57
EriC^^kamisama: /join #channel13:57
ChrisWarrick(You are currently in #ubuntu.)13:57
EriC^^some channels need ##channel13:57
kamisamaThanks for the help13:59
OnkelTemHow to install a langauge? When I add it in the Locale settings (KDE) it says: You have the language with code 'ru' in your list of languages to use for translation but the localization files for it could not be found. The language has been removed from your configuration. If you want to add it again please install the localization files for it and add the language again.14:03
OnkelTem14.04. Since when we have problems with installing langauges?14:04
Random832OnkelTem: apt install language-pack-kde-ru14:05
Random832you may also want to add ru_RU.UTF-8 and ru_RU.[any other charsets] to /etc/locale.gen14:05
kamisamaJoin #haskell14:06
kamisamaagain how to join???14:07
les_Hi! I was all excited about live kernel patching in Linux 4.0, but my computer still insists on a reboot every time the kernel is updated. Did I misunderstand the feature, or must I activate it somehow?14:07
Random832kamisama: /join14:07
NoImNotNineVoltkamisama: /JOIN [-window] [-invite] [-<server tag>] <channels> [<keys>]14:07
MoutainTopis there something on with TOR?14:09
MoutainTopwrong roo14:10
EriC^^les_: i dont know a lot about it but i think it's not that mature yet or something14:10
EriC^^les_: if you join ##linux you might get a more detailed explanation14:10
les_Thanks, Eric.14:10
EriC^^les_: no problem14:11
NobleAnybody available to give some help?14:14
k1l_EriC^^: livepatching is in the mainline kernel since 4.0 and ubuntu is capable of it since kernel 4.4 with 16.04. but you still need to make the live-patches. that is what canonical now offers as a service.14:14
EriC^^k1l_: aha i see, thanks14:14
k1l_EriC^^: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2016/10/canonical-livepatch.html some explaining and details14:15
NobleE: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/chris-lea/libsodium/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found14:15
NobleHow can I fix that error?14:15
k1l_Noble: dont use PPAs that are outdated. that PPA doesnt have 16.04 pacakges at all14:16
NobleHow can I fix that then?14:16
k1l_Noble: you should be a little more aware what repos you add to your system. its a huge security issue if you blindly put a repo on.14:17
NobleI have 7 updates that just won't update14:17
NobleAll the others updated though...14:17
k1l_Noble: you cant. the PPA guy needs to make 16.04 packages.14:18
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compdocthanks for the warning14:27
skinuxIs there a tool for switching between Teacup Java and Sun Java?14:29
skinuxCorrection, from OpenJDK to Sun Java14:30
ducasseNoble: an alternative is to learn how to build packages yourself, otherwise you need to contact the ppa maintainer and ask if he can provide packages for 16.04. that ppa has not been updated in over a year.14:32
ducasseNoble: what's wrong with the libsodium in xenial?14:33
pi__hello,is anyone here14:33
Picipi__: yes.14:34
jrgilmanHey guys, not exactly a support question, but something of a curiosity. I searched a bit online but couldn't find answers. Why exactly does Ubuntu name its LTS releases XX.04 and its experimental releases XX.10? Is there some significance to those numbers?14:35
ducassejrgilman: year/month14:35
jrgilmanholy shit14:35
jrgilmanDo they just firmly stick to the april/october release schedule?14:36
ducassejrgilman: every six months.14:36
jrgilmanBut there would never be a XX.10 LTS version14:37
Picijrgilman: also, LTSes are every two years.  not all xx.04 releases are LTSes.14:37
jrgilmanYes sorry meant to say, that all LTSs seem to be xx.04 releases14:37
jrgilmannot the other way around haha set theory14:37
k1l_!releases | jrgilman14:37
ubottujrgilman: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases14:37
de-factois there any nvidia driver working stable on xenial?14:39
k1l_de-facto: why not?14:39
jrgilmannow I understand, thanks guys14:40
chudakhelp please ! I am seeing these errors "Bootup is not yet finished. Please try again later."  http://paste2.org/yvWP2Ypx not sure how bad it is and how to fix it14:40
de-factok1l_ because i always had stable system with nvidia and xenial (and previous releases) with my GT215 (240), for some time now i get very nasty freezes and crashes. Actually im not sure if its a) a kernel update b) some other update c) my hw which causes that. currently im at nvidia 340 (because the other ones did not work at all while installing xenial on release date)14:42
k1l_de-facto: the nvidia drivers do work for others. so it might be a hardware issue or an issue with the combination of some driver and that card.(or kernel)14:43
de-factoany chance i get it stabilized with a newer driver for the current xenial kernel?14:43
de-facto346 or 352 or even 361 maybe?14:44
k1l_de-facto: i dont know what the exact issue is14:45
de-factoyeah me neither, i cant get logs because it freezes so hard that no ssh nor ttys work14:45
de-factoonly SysRQ can reboot it14:45
k1l_ubuntu ships for xenial 340, 352 and 36114:45
donavan01how do I check to see what repositories I have listed for apt-get?14:45
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k1l_donavan01: grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*14:46
de-factok1l_ yeah i tried 304 at release but Xorg didnt work with that, so i moved to 340 (which seemed to work so far), but now gets those nasty freezes. if i remember correctly i tried newer ones on release date and they werent able to produce a GUI with Xorg at all14:47
de-factomaybe my card is exotic or something, not sure14:47
donavan01k1l_ thanks ... too bad that didn't show me what I thought it was going to show ... now I have to figure out why alsa-utils wont install14:48
k1l_donavan01: sounds like you want to use "apt-cache policy packagename" to see where that package comes from14:48
donavan01thanks I will try that14:49
de-factoit happens either right after login or when i use chromium (i already start it with --no-gpu or such now) but that only helped a bit14:49
de-factoi guess it can be one function that wasnt called before getting the kernel into some kind of blocking state so that it even cant flush to the fs, because i get loads of inode missing errors on SysRQ restart :(14:50
k1l_de-facto: after a restart you can look at /var/log and see if the old logs (syslog.1, xorg.log.0) still have more details14:50
skinuxHow can I make update-alternatives work with Java downloaded from Oracle instead of installed via repos?14:51
de-factok1l_ thanks i already looked at those, i think the kernel is not able to write to fs anymore when it happens14:52
de-factoat least i cant see anything in there14:52
donavan01k1l_ looks like nothing is installed and there is no candidate version for alsa-utils but I have the current version for alsa-tools ... should I add the alsa repos and try again ?14:52
k1l_!info alsa-utils | donavan0114:53
ubottudonavan01: alsa-utils (source: alsa-utils): Utilities for configuring and using ALSA. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.2-1ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 951 kB, installed size 2236 kB (Only available for linux-any)14:53
k1l_donavan01: its in main, so something is wrong on your machine14:53
de-factois amdgpu more stable on xenial than nvidia?14:54
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de-factowell i think i try some newer nvidia first, but i get the feeling that i have to trash that nvidia card and buy another solution instead :(14:55
k1l_donavan01: what ubuntu are you on exactly?14:57
donavan01k1l_ actually im not using ubuntu ... im using kali but this is the most knowledgable linux group on IRC and being that they are both debian based I figured since no one was in kali that was talking I would ask in here14:59
donavan01Though im starting to think running ubuntu and just adding all the pentesting tools might be easier15:00
k1l_donavan01: try ##linux if the kali support doesnt help15:00
catbadgerheyo. the version of wine in the repo doesn't work out of the box15:00
catbadgerI just learned that you need to download it15:00
k1l_(kali is not even based on ubuntu)15:00
catbadgerthought I'd share15:00
k1l_catbadger: it works. but its possible that your windows program needs another wine version to run.15:01
donavan01thanks k1l_ for all your help... I know kali is based on Debian not ubuntu but being that ubuntu is based of deb too some thing cross over15:01
jamie_1okay so this is also a new one... im trying to run a sudo apt-get upgrade.... and im getting a core dump15:03
jamie_1im getting: Bus error (core dumped15:03
jamie_1*Bus error (core dumped) 0%15:03
jamie_1last time i ran into a core dump it didnt end well... so i think it might be a better idea to get some help from the people that know more than i do15:04
jamie_1i tried to just run it as sudo apt upgrade.... still same thing15:07
jamie_1screw it im gonna reboot and hope for the best15:07
Anthaas_Hi guys - I am trying to clone something from GitHub, but am getting a message back saying that it was unable to connect to a proxy. The proxy it is trying to connect to is known to me, however I have set my network settings to not use any proxy. Can someone help me resolve this?15:09
SchrodingersScatAnthaas_: just curious, what does echo "$http_proxy" say?15:11
Anthaas_SchrodingersScat: It does return the proxy that it is trying to use.15:11
Anthaas_However, Im using IntelliJ, and have also set it in its options not to use any proxy.15:12
student ok ty15:12
Anthaas_Every place I can think of to set no proxy is set.15:12
studentvery much15:12
SchrodingersScatAnthaas_: ok, you may want to unset that, maybe check $https_proxy as well.15:12
SchrodingersScatAnthaas_: presuming that you're correct that you don't need the proxy, etc.15:12
Anthaas_SchrodingersScat: Is it possible to comment out lines in /etc/environment?15:12
* SchrodingersScat doesn't know about that...15:12
Anthaas_Using #15:12
Anthaas_Yeah, thats what Im not sure about either haha15:12
Anthaas_Not sure if TIAS would be safe here?15:13
SchrodingersScatI just figured there's a chance that git was reading $http(s)_proxy15:13
Anthaas_Yeah, it does seem to be, but I ignored that because I had specifically told it to as well15:14
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ChrisWarrickTrying to run `startx` as a regular user leads to a crash wtih xf86EnableIOPorts: failed to set IOPL for I/O (Operation not permitted) and a segfault. How do I fix this? (16.04 on VirtualBox with guest additions)15:19
k1l_ChrisWarrick: on ubuntu you start the *dm. lightdm for example. if you want to start the gui15:23
ChrisWarrickk1l_: What if I want to use startx/xinit?15:23
de-factohmm this is really sad, it seems xenial will not work for my hw anymore: i tried nvidia-340/346/361, anything over 340 will not even try to use my card (nasty gui flickering loop) and tells me to use the legacy 340.xx branch, which is unstable on xenial now15:24
de-factothe nouveau driver kinda works with a load of gui glitches15:24
alkisgChrisWarrick: I think that /usr/bin/Xorg was setuid in the previous versions, exactly for what you're saying, but now that it's not, only KMS drivers can run as non-root; I think you should ask in #ubuntu-x about that use case, if they want to support it or not anymore15:24
k1l_de-facto: that video card is still in support by nvidia, right?15:25
alkisgChrisWarrick: as an alternative, you can start xorg as root and use something like nodm to login as the user15:25
alkisgChrisWarrick: i.e. as simple as apt install nodm and a small config15:25
de-factok1l_ dmesg tells me something like "The NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 GPU installed in this system is supported through the NVIDIA 340.xx Legacy drivers"15:26
ChrisWarrickalkisg: I’m looking for a solution that allows starting X on demand, without root password15:26
k1l_de-facto: the hardware makers drop support for old cards. then you can only run the legacy drivers or the open source ones15:26
alkisgChrisWarrick: it might also be possible to just put the setuid back in /usr/bin/Xorg, try it15:27
deadshotwhat is reinforcement learning ?15:27
de-factok1l_ yeah i know and i was happy with 340 before until those freezes caused data loss, its a  NVIDIA GT215 (0a3180a2)15:27
mcphailde-facto: can't you use the 304 driver?15:27
ChrisWarrickalkisg: doesn’t seem to do it15:28
de-factomcphail i dont think so, at least when i tried on xenial release day it wasnt working (not remember exactly but i think Xorg either froze or didnt show up at all)15:28
alkisgChrisWarrick: try asking in #ubuntu-x, but do have a lot of patience, even a whole day, for a reply...15:28
ioriaChrisWarrick, do you have a ~/.xinitrc set  ?15:28
mcphailde-facto: that's a shame. i think it is still the default for the nvidia-current metapackage15:28
ChrisWarrickioria: No, should I?15:29
de-factomcphail yes i know thats why i tried it first15:29
ChrisWarrickioria: The error seems to happen even before X would start15:29
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de-factohmm does this mean i have to buy a now GPU now?15:29
ioriaChrisWarrick,  check with ps if lightdm, or gdm or xorg is ruuning (atm, i mean)15:29
ChrisWarrickioria: no15:29
ChrisWarrickI haven’t installed any display manager15:29
ShayBoxwhats ur  problem de-facto ?15:29
mcphailde-facto: I can try to dig out an old 2xx card and try (I think I have a 210 somewhere), but probably won't be able to get my hands on it until after the weekend. It may help for a bug report...15:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1562219 in xinit (Ubuntu) "xinit will not work as non-root. " [High,Confirmed]15:30
ioriaChrisWarrick,  xinit -- :0 -nolisten tcp vt$XDG_VTNR15:30
de-factoShayBox only driver for my  NVIDIA GT215 (0a3180a2) that worked was the nvidia-340, but at some point or kernel update it started to have nasty freezes (only SysRQ could give me back control with missing inodes after reboot)15:30
de-factomcphail naa thats too much effort i think but thanks a lot15:31
ChrisWarrickioria: Doesn’t work.15:31
ShayBoxde-facto, have you tried starting grub with nomodeset flag? my gpu wont boot w/o 340 aswell and wont boot with 16.04+ because of new kernel unless i use nomodeset15:31
ioriaChrisWarrick,  what the output ?15:32
deadshotwhy my ubuntu 15.04 hangs very much ?15:32
de-factomcphail i guess my card is not mainstream enough (even nouveau didnt ever really support it because of GDDR5 or such)15:32
ChrisWarrickioria: It crashes the same way as always15:32
ioriaChrisWarrick,  ls /etx/X11/xorg.conf ?15:32
naccdeadshot: 15.04 is eol15:32
ioriaChrisWarrick,  ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?15:32
ChrisWarrickioria: You do know this file doesn’t exist for 5 years?15:32
ioriaChrisWarrick,  yes, but could have created it15:33
ChrisWarrickI’m on a very clean install.15:33
ioriaChrisWarrick,  of what exactly ?15:33
ChrisWarrickioria: 16.0415:33
ChrisWarrickserver edition, so no graphical crap built in15:33
ioriaChrisWarrick,  :ç_ç15:34
ShayBoxyea de-facto that sounds like the issue i have, just boot grub with nomodeset and it should work15:34
ioriaChrisWarrick,  so how can you start X ?15:34
ChrisWarrickioria: sudo xinit, sudo startx → works fine15:34
ChrisWarrickioria: xinit, startx as non-root → crashes15:34
mcphailde-facto: No worries. Hope you get a solution15:34
de-factoShayBox thanks i will try that, you said you use 340 with nomodeset on xeniam amd64 right?15:34
jamie_1okay so i got some direct info on my issue and put it in a past bin... https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8920437 seems i might have an issue with my hdd15:34
ShayBoxyes, thats exactly what i use :D15:35
de-factokk thx i will try and reboot15:35
ioriaChrisWarrick,  so you installed xorg and what else ?15:35
ShayBoxi have a GT 630 (fake ebay) so it doesnt work with anything but 34015:35
jamie_1anyone have any idea on how to possibly solve this error? i could easily pop in a bootable drive and then run smartctl but all that is gonna tell me is what i already know...15:35
ChrisWarrickioria: xinit, openbox, virtualbox drivers, none of this matters. I found the cause, it’s a bug in Ubuntu (surprise!)15:35
jamie_1where is bashing when i need him lol15:36
naccChrisWarrick: why is `sudo startx` not ok for your case? you don't need root password for that15:37
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deadshotnacc, eol means ?15:37
ducasse!eolupgrade | deadshot15:37
ubottudeadshot: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:37
ChrisWarricknacc: Who will that run my graphical environment as?15:37
ChrisWarricknacc: ROOT, of course! That’s what sudo is for!15:38
deadshotshould i update to 15.10 ?15:38
ChrisWarrickdeadshot: 16.04 at the very least15:38
ShayBoxupdate to 16.04, 16.10 is a maybe, i wont15:39
naccChrisWarrick: "I’m looking for a solution that allows starting X  on demand, without root password"15:39
naccChrisWarrick: you did not say not as root15:39
naccdeadshot: 15.10 is also eol, that's why 16.04 would be recommended15:39
jamie_1just throwing this up here again so i can get it from my mobile https://pastebin.mozilla.org/892043715:39
jamie_1gonna reboot in non-gui and run throught there see if i can figure out this core dump issue15:40
deadshotnacc, ok15:40
de-factoShayBox ok rebooted, i had exactly that config without "nomodeset" before, now using it and hoping it will be more stable with "nomodeset"15:40
ioriaChrisWarrick,  i'm not on a vm, but xinit works on 16.04 server ...15:40
ChrisWarricknacc: I would expect you to infer this information, and how things like this work.15:40
ShayBoxlets hope :D15:40
deadshotcommand to update ?15:41
naccdeadshot: follow ubottu's faq from earlier15:41
naccShayBox: won't work for eol releases15:41
deadshotnacc, thanks15:42
naccdeadshot: yw15:42
de-factoso in case i cant stabilize it, which GPU/Card (PCIex16) is the recommended choice for *maximum* stability on Xenial?15:43
de-factonvidia, amdgpu?15:43
ShayBoxi use nvidia, i would personally get a nvidia, but just make sure its a newer one, like GTX series15:43
de-factoShayBox hmm are the newer ones more stable with binary drivers? or should i rather go for one with open source (nouveau, amdgpu) because then its more tighty fit into the newer kernels?15:45
ShayBoxnot really sure, i havent looked into that stuff, i just prefer Nvidia, when i upgrade i'm going to get a GTX 78015:46
de-factowhich would be one which most ppl use? are there any statistics somewhere?15:46
jrgilmanHey guys, I just had a failed dist-upgrade that was due to the /boot drive being too full15:46
jrgilmanI want to confirm my next actions with you guys15:46
jrgilmanJust to make sure they aren't silly15:46
ShayBoxde-facto, https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/3rlvqt/amd_or_nvidia_for_linux_gaming/?st=iuiisrq6&sh=bed31ba2 that seems good15:47
jrgilmanHere is the error message at the end of the dist-upgrade command where it failed: http://vpaste.net/wV6Yp15:47
naccjrgilman: my guess is `apt autoremove`, maybe you have old kernels around?15:47
jrgilmanI already cleaned up the old kernels in the boot drive so that there's now enough space, but when I did dist-upgrade again it did not work. I assume that's because there's a partially downloaded xenial kernel15:47
jrgilmanautoremove never works for me in terms of removing old kernels15:47
jrgilmani always have to go in there and manually delete them every few months15:48
UserUSjrgilman: are you using EUFI or Legacy15:48
ShayBoxi know seperate /boot partition is smart, but i don't do it because of that15:48
de-factoShayBox thanks i will read into that and maybe buy a new card then, id rather trash perfectly fine (i guess) hw than ubuntu itself15:49
jrgilmanBack to what I was saying though, I'm worried that if I do a restart now I will have issues booting since the xenial kernel is partially installed15:49
jrgilmanis my goal here to remove the lts-xenial kernel and then try dist-upgrade again?15:49
ducassede-facto: there are a lot of people who come in here with nvidia driver issues, you might want to do some more digging. personally, i prefer intel, but they don't do discrete cards, of course.15:49
jrgilmannote, I already removed all those old images15:50
jrgilmanUserUS: no idea, how does one determine that15:50
naccjrgilman: use `apt-get -f install`15:50
jrgilmando you mean apt-get -f dist-upgrade?15:51
naccjrgilman: it's not correct that autoremove is not removing your kernels (aiui), so I'm guessing you maybe removed a metapackage15:51
UserUSjrgilman: go into bios and see if EUFI is enabled or Legacy boot15:51
naccjrgilman: no, you need to fix the failed installed15:51
de-factoducasse yes i know but that would mean i would have to buy a whole new computer and this one is (at least when it concerns performance) still in good shape. If i really need to get a new one i would go for Xeon E3/C236 and maybe plug a card into that. but i guess i also just can buy the card itself now and upgrade the rest later15:51
verticlebertUserUS: i think he's afriad of rebooting at this point15:51
jrgilmanUserUS: You mean UEFI? I'm using UEFI15:52
naccUserUS: that seems completely unrelated15:52
de-factoducasse if intel itself is not enough, what would be your next best choice? amdgpu?15:52
jrgilmanwhat I'm worried about is that I have a broken installed xenial kernel15:52
naccjrgilman: yes, use `apt -f install` to fix it15:52
jrgilmanalso tried that nacc15:52
verticlebertHey guys, I'm looking to replace my window manager on my laptop. I have suspend working but lock screen doesn't come up on resume. Any idea where to poke first?15:52
naccjrgilman: please pastebin the output15:53
jrgilmandoing that now15:53
jrgilmanYour standard 0 upgraded 0 installed message15:53
naccjrgilman: output of `apt install linux-generic-lts-xenial` ?15:54
jrgilman"already the newest version"15:54
ducassede-facto: i really don't know, my only demands for a gpu is three heads and intel does that just fine. find a model you like, then browse for problem reports or ask here about that specific model.15:54
jrgilmanI'm afraid that it's confused on that matter15:54
jrgilmanis there a way to checksum the kernel file?15:54
naccjrgilman: you could see if the initrd is of an appropriate size15:54
jrgilmanis that in /boot?15:55
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naccjrgilman: yes15:55
jrgilmanIs there somewhere online where it is the appropriate size?15:55
jrgilmanor where i can get that info15:55
naccjrgilman: presumably you have more than one kerne isntalled; see if they are at least similar; as your error log earlier was a failure to write the initrd15:55
eziois there a specific group a user needs to be in to login to unity15:56
jrgilmannacc: interesting, I think actually xenial never even unzipped...15:56
ezioi just installed unity to a server15:56
ezioand i can't login as my main user15:56
naccjrgilman: can you pastebin `ls -ahl /boot` ?15:56
jrgilmanoh I just did a ls -al15:56
naccjrgilman: why do you say it never even unzipped?15:56
naccjrgilman: that's the xen kernel?15:57
ioriaezio, can you login in console ?15:57
jrgilmanI assume so15:57
naccjrgilman: are you using xen?15:57
ezioioria, yup15:57
naccjrgilman: it's not relevant to this discussion15:57
jrgilmanI'm trying to dist-upgrade to 16.0415:57
ioriaezio,  ls -al   ~/.Xauthority15:57
lion4407is anyone running ubuntu 16.10 with virtualbox?15:57
naccjrgilman: you can see that initrd.img-4.4.0-45-generic is there15:57
jrgilmanIs that the xenial kernel?15:57
nicomachuslion4407: no one here is going to help you after your tantrum the other day.15:57
de-factoducasse ok thx will come back after some reading i guess15:58
jrgilmanI must've mistook xen for xenial15:58
jrgilmansorry about that15:58
OerHekslion4407, vbox just released a version that works with 4.8 kernel15:58
lion4407nicomachus, well no one helped me the other day anyway rofl15:58
naccjrgilman: i'm *guessing* but probably when you previously removed a kernel manually (i hope still using apt), that enough space was freed and the -45 kernele successfully installed15:58
lion4407thanks oerheks15:58
naccjrgilman: -45 was what failed before15:58
ezioioria, no directory15:58
ioriaezio,   pwd15:58
OerHekslion4407, so behave ;-) http://news.softpedia.com/news/virtualbox-5-1-8-out-now-oracle-adds-linux-kernel-4-8-support-in-virtualbox-5-0-509433.shtml15:58
jrgilmannacc: I did remove them via apt15:58
naccjrgilman: ok15:59
ducassede-facto: sorry, i have no better suggestions. OerHeks - can you recommend a _stable_ video card + driver combo?15:59
naccjrgilman: so apt would have known you still had the -45 packages to finish installing and would have tried each time, iirc15:59
jrgilmannacc: so ubuntu can do that? rerun the kernel install in the background?15:59
ezio /home/james ioria15:59
naccjrgilman: it would have said so on the console15:59
jrgilmaninteresting let me see15:59
ezioioria, do you mane passwd?15:59
eziohow did i eff that one up15:59
jrgilmannacc: so to make sure I understand correctly, apt has a queue of unfinished things somewhere, and whenever i run an apt command it attempts to execute that queue?16:00
ShayBoxjrgilman, smart thing is to make a usb for your distro version so that if it does break you can boot into it and recover16:00
ezioanyone know the key combination to access the console when in unity?16:00
jrgilmanShayBox: well worst case scenario I can just choose the -36 kernel via the grub boot menu16:00
ioriaezio,   nope.... you can paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:00
OerHeksducasse, de-facto just read back, what chipset for that Xeon E3/C236  and does it support PCI 2.0?16:00
naccjrgilman: i believe that's roughly correct, apt has state16:00
ioriaezio,   ctrl+alt+f(1) or 216:00
jrgilmannacc: TIL thanks16:00
naccjrgilman: i would try rebooting and seeing if the kernel boots :)16:01
ezioioria, tried that ... damn vmwamre16:01
ioriaezio,   vm ?16:01
jrgilmannacc: alright sorry for bothering you guys about that, I wanted to make sure that I wasn't about to do something idiotic16:01
ezioioria, yeah16:01
naccjrgilman: np16:01
ShayBoxyou mean vmbox? i didnt know vmware was on linux16:01
jrgilmanhopefully I'll be back in a minute haha16:01
ezioShayBox, a) it is b) this is a windows host16:01
lion4407oerheks i upgraded to that latest release and 16.10 still has issues16:02
ioriaezio,  have you checked /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?16:02
ShayBoxoh wow it is...16:02
ezioioria, checking now16:03
ioriaezio, what pkg, did you install exactly ubuntu-desktop ?16:03
ezioapt-get install unity16:03
ezioioria, what am i looking for in here16:03
ioriaezio, oh, i think you need ubuntu-desktop pkg16:04
ioriaezio, not only unity16:04
eziowell i'm in unity16:04
ezioi mean i can get in16:04
de-factoOerHeks right now im using i7 860 on intel P55 chipset (GA-P55-UD5) which has PCI Express x16 2.0 slots with nvidia GT215 (which is unstable). i might upgrade in future to some Xeon E3 on C236 chipset or so, but i want to buy a stable card now already (and plug it into my i7-860/P55) to use it later on the new setup too16:04
ezioi think it must be a dependancy16:04
ioriaezio,  so you can login ?16:05
eziothere were exactly 11 billion and 3 dependancies16:05
ezioactually lets see16:05
OerHeksgt215 is super low, get an gt 6/7 series cheap16:05
de-factoOerHeks i think the C236 chipset provides PCI-E 3.0 x16 already though16:05
nicomachusOr a Radeon HD 6000 series for cheap.16:05
de-factowell im not sure if i want to buy an old card, because then im pretty soon stuck with legacy drivers again i guess16:06
OerHeksde-facto, with 2.0 you are fine, i am running 1.2 and not all cards work perfectly ( mostly fan issues)16:06
eziohow do i modprobe my eth0 in maintenance mode16:06
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ShayBoxOerHeks, you can enable coolbits to enable fan control16:07
jrgilmannacc: well, I booted16:07
OerHeksShayBox, tried that, i have a fresh 710 in my basket16:07
jrgilmannacc: but it does not seem that I'm "on 16.04", everything is still reporting as if I'm on ubuntu 14.0416:08
naccjrgilman: how did you attempt to upgrade?16:08
jrgilmanuname -r does report that I'm on the -45 kernel though16:08
jrgilmansudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:08
ShayBoxpersonally i have external fan control module becuase my gpu onboard headers fried16:08
naccjrgilman: also that package is the *trusty* xenail hwe stack16:08
naccjrgilman: that's not typically how you release upgrade16:08
jrgilmanoh really?16:08
naccjrgilman: sudo do-release-upgrade16:08
naccjrgilman: unless you manually update your /etc/apt/source.list16:08
fiillosIs there ppa for Pulseaudio compiled with soxr-vhq resampling method and bluetooth headsets works without hassling in 16.04 or HOW to fix this issues easy way please? and thanks! These should works out of the box so every noob could listen music with exellent quality with Ubuntu! this is little thing, but important.16:09
jrgilmannacc: now I feel silly16:09
Picinacc: (which you shouldn't do)16:09
de-factoOerHeks i guess PCI-E 3.0 x16 cards are downwards compatible with PCI-E 2.0 x16 so if i wanted to buy a new card which is very good supported on xenial and just is _stable_ which GPU/driver combo should i go for?16:09
naccPici: agreed16:09
ducassede-facto: you could consider an older amd card and use the radeon driver, in many cases a very stable combo.16:10
nicomachus^ this works well for me16:10
naccjrgilman: this is why (imo) dist-upgrade is no longer an option to `apt` :)16:10
OerHeksboth GT 6/7 are fine and stable16:10
jrgilmannacc: This is my first time ever actually upgrading a distribution of ubuntu to another16:10
naccjrgilman: ah ok16:10
nicomachusde-facto: I have a Radeon HD 6450 that I got for $50 and use the radeon driver on. Works perfectly, no hassle at all.16:10
jrgilmannacc: I've been using 14.04 for about 1 year now as my main operating system so still a newb16:10
naccjrgilman: yeah, you want do-release-upgrade16:10
ducassede-facto: i have a hd5450 in my server, has been rock solid for years and years.16:10
ShayBoxi've never upgraded, i reinstall, but now i use a rolling release of ubuntu16:11
jrgilmannacc: yup doing that now, linux in general is a very TIL operating system haha16:11
naccjrgilman: i believe this is explicitly documented int he release notes?16:11
naccjrgilman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes16:12
jrgilmannacc: I'm not gonna lie, I did not read those16:12
ShayBoxwho reads LUL16:12
naccjrgilman: so where did you read that 'dist-upgrade' would upgrade releases?16:13
ShayBoxi'm just making very smart guesses on what this chat says and what i'm typing16:13
jrgilmanwhen you first boot the terminal16:13
jrgilmanit complains to you about16:13
jrgilmana new distribution is available do16:13
ShayBoxit says it on 14.04 to upgrade to 16.04, but eol releases dont do that16:13
naccjrgilman: interesting, that seems wrong16:13
lion4407OerHeks, i think i figured it out rofl16:13
naccjrgilman: in any case, just follow the steps on the release notes16:14
lion4407Oerheks when I updgrade to latest release I forgot to set to auto run as administrator16:14
jrgilmansounds good, thanks for all the help16:14
Picifwiw, on my 14.04 install here it says to use do-release-upgrade on my shell's motd.16:14
lion4407im getting the error again lol16:14
jrgilmanPici: I must've just misread somehow16:14
de-factonicomachus ducasse thanks i will look if i still find some of those: as i never used any amd, radeon driver means radeonhd or which one did you mean?16:14
jrgilmanPici: not sure how I came up with that command16:14
ducassede-facto: just 'radeon', afaik.16:15
ShayBoxhiding join/leave messages, i just thought about doing that16:15
naccjrgilman: yeah, i believe nothing should refer to dist-upgrade for upgrading releases anymore. So ... PEBKAC :) but glad you've got path forward now16:15
nicomachusde-facto: yea just radeon. it's the open source driver. comparable to the nouveau driver for Nvidia cards, but a bit more stable imo16:16
jrgilmannacc: 99.9% of the time its PEBKAC haha16:16
de-factonicomachus so the newer amdgpu is still too unstable yet?16:16
ShayBoxi dont have many issues with drives, except on windows.... i just need performance16:16
nicomachusde-facto: haven't tried it, actually.16:17
=== blu is now known as Guest41867
ducassede-facto: not tried, but it only works for certain models, and there is also amdgpu-pro. for stability, i'd go with an older card + radeon.16:18
de-factook thanks16:18
OerHeksforget the pro, that is just a drm binairy blob on top of the amdGPU16:19
ShayBoxim only here to help people with problems i know how to fix... but nobody is questioning...16:22
dem0i ran apt full-upgrade and now after reboot when i try to save a text file i get /usr/bin/pkexec has failed..16:23
EriC^^dem0: did the upgrade run fully?16:26
lol768Hi there, trying to get a USB->3.5mm audio device to work with my machine running 16.0416:27
lol768device appears in aplay -L, I'm in the audio group, sound appears to play .. but nothing happens16:28
elias_alol768: Does the device work in other setups? Cable tested?16:28
lol768* good question16:29
ShayBoxdoes your computer not have a 3.5mm?16:29
dem0EriC^^ yes, it seems to be something to do with the specific folder the files lie in because elsewhere they work16:29
lol768ShayBox: sadly not16:29
dem0something to do with dropbox probably16:29
lol768okay, so it works on my Ubuntu 14.04 desktop16:29
lol768so we know the hardware is fine16:29
jhasseHi! I've installed AMDGPU-Pro on Ubuntu 16.04. Is it safe to update to 16.10? Will AMDGPU-Pro still work?16:29
ShayBoxjhasse, probbably, you might have to install drivers, but it will most likely work, try booting a live cd and test16:30
jhasseShayBox, actually I want to upgrade my current system (which has amdgpu-pro installed)16:30
ShayBoxcan you upgrade LTS to eol? never knew that...16:31
jhasseShayBox, yes :) But I'm scared because of the driver ...16:31
ducassejhasse: i would wait for amd to release drivers that are tested with 16.10, different kernel/x versions.16:31
jhasseducasse, okay, will do. Thanks :)16:32
vachohow do I make my web server create files with owner ubuntu:www-data instead of www-data:www-data16:32
Virtual_BoyGuys I see that you are discussing AMD drivers, can you clarify is there a driver for AMD Radeon HD6870 or I have to stick with the Open Source? Ubbuntu 16.0416:33
ShayBoxvacho, why would you want that?16:33
vachoShayBox: because I am running some terminal scripts as user "ubuntu" and it tries to write to those files but fails, since it's not an owner16:34
jhasseVirtual_Boy, you mean a proprietary driver from AMD?16:34
lol768elias_a: any other ideas? :P16:34
ShayBoxrun the scripts as root? thats what i'd do16:34
jhassevacho, I would rather add "ubuntu" to the www-data group16:34
vachojhasse: if that is the best/most secure way, I will16:35
chudakanybody can help with systemd-analyze troubleshooting ? e.g. "Bootup is not yet finished. Please try again later." error16:35
lol768ALSA and Pulse are two of my least favourite components of most distros..16:35
naccchudak: unmodified ubuntu? or do you have a systemd unit youv'e added?16:36
vachoShayBox: any ideas..?16:37
Virtual_Boyjhasse - yes I am referring proprietary driver :)16:37
chudaknacc  I have no clue how to answer this :)  I guess unmodified16:37
naccchudak: ok, probably so :)16:37
ducassevacho: do what jhasse suggested16:38
naccchudak: is bootup finished? i assume so because you're able to run systemd-analyze16:38
vachoducasse: that didn't work..still getting permission error16:38
ducassevacho: did you log out and back in?16:38
niytrohi all, i've done a full disk encryption install of 16.10, generated a 512bit keyfile on a USB key and added it to LUKS keys. I just don't know what to edit now so at boot it looks for and uses this key if anyone could help16:38
ShayBoxvachoo, sudo visudo and add ubuntu to the sudo line? thats what i'd do it16:38
vachoducasse, ShayBox: http://pastie.org/1094696216:38
chudaknacc - yes its done the only issue is  "Bootup is not yet finished. Please try again later." error16:38
jhasseVirtual_Boy, afaik they are available for the HD6870, yes. Why wouldn't they?16:38
vachoducasse: no, let me try.16:39
naccvacho: you didn't logout and log back in16:39
naccvacho: that's necessary for group changes16:39
vachonacc: I tried logging out/in ... still same error as pasted in pastie.org16:39
OerHeksVirtual_Boy, no, use the open driver, fglrx is over, EOL16:39
naccvacho: can you paste `groups` as the ubuntu user?16:40
shubhnikguys,what is PPA,i just downloaded new hexchat and they said download PPA like something for latest release16:40
naccvacho: are you trying to write to that file?16:40
naccvacho: it's read-only for the group16:40
vachonacc: I am trying to wite to it, since it's a log file.16:40
Virtual_BoyOerHeks - yep, I have ended with the same conclusion :( But Steam does not start games with the Open Source driver, the game process is actually started, but no game window is spawned...16:40
vachonacc: I just noticed that16:41
naccvacho: then the permissions on the file are incorrect for htat purpose16:41
ShayBoxshubhnik, google hexchat, goto there website and click install. they will give you the ppa16:41
OerHeksshubhnik, with a PPA you are on your own, not supported here, current hexchat is fine.16:41
naccvacho: should be a simple chmod and then it should work16:41
vachonacc: I rather just set the owner to be ubuntu:www-data ?16:41
naccvacho: i do not think that's what i'd do, but it's up to you16:41
WulfWhy is there no package for mediawiki?16:41
vachonacc: I have been doing a "simple chmod" every morning for months... I want to get this fixed for good. My app created a new log file every day16:41
shubhnikstill can't get what actually a PPA is :(16:41
vachonacc: I am new to this, so I will go with that you recommend.16:41
bem13Hey everyone, I've got an issue after upgrading from 16.04 to 16.10. Can someone please help me?16:42
ducasse!ppa | shubhnik16:42
ubottushubhnik: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:42
naccvacho: i'm guessing you're not using the right umask maybe for apache?16:42
=== for{} is now known as audio_heroin
naccvacho: if you want it to be g+w16:42
OerHeks!info mediawiki16:42
ubottumediawiki (source: mediawiki): website engine for collaborative work. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.27.1-2 (yakkety), package size 19916 kB, installed size 115676 kB16:42
naccWulf: you mean in 16.04?16:42
shubhnikducasse:got it!16:42
Wulfnacc: yes16:42
ShayBoxvacho, just add ubuntu to the access to sudo or make the script run as root not ubuntu16:42
naccWulf: at the time of release, mediawiki didn't support php716:42
OerHeksWulf, indeed, not in 16.04, but in 16.10 it is available16:43
naccWulf: you can file a bug, if you want, to SRU it back (please subscribe me, as nacc on Launchpad), I can look into it16:43
vachonacc: Yes I am not using correct umask, can you help me set it correctly?16:43
naccWulf: no guarantees it will happen,t hough16:43
naccWulf: for packages where i knew there were upstream efforts to be php7 compliant, we tried to update and SRU fixes back, but some were not yet even started earlier this year (afaicr)16:44
Wulfnacc: From what I saw so far, SRUs happen not often16:45
naccWulf: absolutely untrue16:45
naccWulf: at least without any context, it's FUD :)16:46
ShayBoxvacho, type "sudo visudo" and do this, https://gyazo.com/7d27907ca3c816e774634380ed245542 not the proper way but it will be alot easier and not give issues with apache not being able to read/write files16:46
Wulfnacc: I believe I tried to find a way to get new version of msktutil into xenial16:47
vachoShayBox: I will do that thank you! what makes it not be the proper way?16:47
Wulfnacc: okay, I did not check if or how many other packages get an update16:47
naccWulf: new versions are not generally SRU'd16:48
ShayBoxbecause adding users to the sudo group that way is not proper, your supposed to add the user to the "sudo" group not add it to the file, but this wont make issues16:48
naccWulf: SRUs are for bugfixes, or in a case like this, *possibly*, where a package was removed because it couldnt' have worked at the time16:48
naccWulf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates16:49
Wulfnacc: so, there is a package in xenial (msktutil) which is not very useful in that state. Ubuntu won't update it in LTS until 18.04. So I either have to use my own package or move to yakkety.16:50
naccWulf: what is wrong with it, where's the bug you filed?16:51
Wulfnacc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/msktutil/+bug/156871416:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1568714 in msktutil (Ubuntu) "stack smashing detected ***: msktutil terminated for version 0.5.1+git8158aa2b-1" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:51
naccWulf: it's *not* true that there wont' be updates, you just need to explain it in a bug, typically -- mkstutil is in universe as well, so it's community maintained, maybe not actively16:51
naccWulf: let me look16:51
naccWulf: also, mediawiki was removed from *debian* at the time of 16.04, so it's possible that an SRU won't be accepted16:52
naccWulf: i'll try and provide a PPA build, etc. in the bug -- give me until EOD. If successfully tested, will submit for SRU16:53
naccWulf: i assume that the lateste version (1.0~rc2-1) works?16:53
grogoreoI've just installed two 4TB HDDs into system, UEFI RAID 1, and trying to install 16.10. Installer sees volume /dev/mapper/... but only as 1.8TB and not 4TB. Any ideas why?16:54
Wulfnacc: I've got my own build in my own repo16:54
Wulfnacc: yes, it works16:54
naccWulf: that doesn't help fix the repo, and also no one is saying anyting in the bug about proper testing, etc.16:55
docmurI'm trying to set the password complixity on a server I have running Ubuntu 16.04, to 16 characters, mix of lower case, upper case, numbers and different characters, I tried this in /etc/pam.d/common_password password        [success=1 default=ignore]      pam_unix.so obscure sha512 try_first_pass retry=3 minlength=16 lcredit=2 ucredit=2 dcredit=2 ocredit=2 difok=4 but I just logged out and loggin in and16:56
docmurwas about to set a 8 character password on my server16:56
Wulfnacc: now that I reread the case, maybe I gave up too early on it16:56
ShayBoxso, i need some input on how stupid i am, i disabled all sudo passwords so i dont have to type a password and disabled all polkit passwords, so password prompts dont show up... dumb?16:58
ShayBoxguess im not stupid :|17:01
CtrlCwhat sever resources do you think is need to have ten virtual systems on it with ubuntu installed that need to run a few programs with little resources needed? Like an apache and something else with 50MB ram needed.17:05
CtrlCI need to network all this together.17:05
ShayBoxwhy use VM's? just install them on the same 1 to two machines?17:06
dixson_Hello, I have a kernel upgrade to 4.4.0-45 in "Ubuntu 14.04" is normal?17:06
elquetalHappy 12 birthday Ubuntu!17:06
CtrlCShayBox, I don't quiet understand your solution.17:07
ShayBoxwhy install the programs in VM's? just put them straight on the machine17:07
joescripthey ubuntu, question does anyone feel that ubuntu is getting lockdown?17:07
ioriadixson_, if you installed the xenial HWE, yes17:07
WulfCtrlC: virtualization doesn't have a lot of overhead, so sum up the requirements of each vm and add maybe 20% on top?17:07
CtrlCShayBox, I need them to each be ran through a VPN.17:08
dixson_ioria, I have not installed anything17:08
EriC^^joescript: locked down?17:08
CtrlCWulf, so for example 4 GB of ram should be enough. right?17:08
joescript?? i mean they are working MS for the bash impletation17:08
WulfCtrlC: VPN is no valid reason for using VMs.17:08
ioriadixson_,   dpkg -l linux-image-generic-lts-xenial17:08
ThePhoenix47joescript: Error: There is no command "i mean they are working ms for the bash impletation".17:08
CtrlCWulf, Do you have any idea to fix the problem without VPN?17:09
WulfCtrlC: could be. What are you doing on the VMs?17:09
nacc!ot | joescript17:09
ubottujoescript: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:09
CtrlCI mean VM.17:09
WulfCtrlC: I don't understand your problem17:09
joescriptoh sorry17:09
CtrlCWulf, I need to run each instance of the program through a different VPN connection.17:09
ShayBoxwhat program?17:09
MrSassyPantsso I freshly bought Tabletop Simulator on Steam. Problem is now that many mods don't work because everyone and their dog has disabled sslv3, and I don't know where or what to disable ubuntu / Tabletop Simulator from attempting sslv3 (shouldn't it autonegiotate to sslv2 anyways?)17:09
CtrlCShayBox, It's something written by ourselves.17:10
WulfCtrlC: what does "run through VPN connection" mean?17:10
joescriptI have a question tho, does this channel support other flavors?17:10
joescriptbc in the mate I am trying to fix my Dpi on my high reslo screen17:10
CtrlCWulf, Fire up a VPN, run the program.17:11
WulfCtrlC: and the program connects somewhere through your VPN?17:11
ShayBoxwell you could use a machine, install unRAID or VMWare Server, setup one instance, then copy that 10 or so times to get 10, then configure each with diffrent VPN cred's but someone else might have a smarter idee xD17:11
k1ljoescript: it supports all official flavors. but the specialists in the flavors channel might now better on details17:11
WulfCtrlC: or, you mentioned apache, someone else connects through the VPN to the program?17:11
joescriptthe dpi is too small and when I add 180 in the advance option it looks out of place17:11
CtrlCWulf, well, when the VPN is on, it'll use it's IP connecting to outside world.17:12
CtrlCWulf, I might need to have a small program on apache to connect to my program using an API.17:12
WulfCtrlC: that depends on your routing setup17:12
ShayBoxCtrlC just get a machine with 10 or so IP's17:12
joescriptanyone know where i can get a ubuntu core iso with uefi support?17:12
ShayBoxjoescript, ubuntu.com xD17:13
CtrlCShayBox, I need them to be VPN ips. And I might change VPNs like each day.17:13
WulfCtrlC: it's easy to run 10 VPNs on one machine. And it's possible (yet not as easy) to configure the routing in a way that e.g. certain users on the system always use a specific VPN17:13
niytrohi all, i've done a full disk encryption install of 16.10, generated a 512bit keyfile on a USB key and added it to LUKS keys. I just don't know what to edit now so at boot it looks for and uses this key if anyone could help17:13
joescriptI will check again them17:13
ShayBoxdepending on how illegal this is, you could use like 10 digital ocean droplets or similar service, but thats really up to you, thatd probbably be easier to setup17:15
WulfCtrlC: if you want to save on resources, you could install e.g. a single nginx server and 10 backend processes (e.g. php-fpm), each running with a different UID. Setup a separate routing table for each VPN (google "lartc") and use iptables' mangle table to map users to VPNs (also lartc, and check iptables "owner" extension)17:17
WulfCtrlC: then perhaps 256 MB ram might be more than enough17:17
naccWulf: working on the backport of the fix now (not trivial since upstream jsut changed versions and it's rather different code now)17:17
Wulfnacc: I included a patch in the ticket. So I think either patch the xenial version or backport yakkety version (already fixed)17:18
Wulfnacc: the upstream author changed between the xenial and yakkety versions17:18
ElitechurroHey, I am running Ubuntu 16.10 and am trying to install/run Steam. But it isn't working. It won't launch. When I try to launch it, I get this error from the command line: http://dumptext.com/AveyxbRu17:18
naccWulf: that patch is not complete (it doesn't have attribution, or an explanation, afaict)17:18
ElitechurroSorry., here it is as the paste.ubuntu http://paste.ubuntu.com/23354730/17:19
Wulfnacc: attribution means? My name?17:19
naccElitechurro: using the partner ubuntu repo version?17:20
naccWulf: where the fix comes from, upstream author, if possible, etc.17:20
naccWulf: as with any other source patch for a debian or ubuntu pacakge17:20
Elitechurronacc: I have tried both. I tried it straight from the steam website and from the ubuntu repo version17:20
naccElitechurro: ok, only the latter is supported here17:20
naccElitechurro: also, I believe there might be issues with going back & forth like that (incompatibility of libs)17:21
naccElitechurro: i would try removing (backing up) your ~/.steam directory and relaunching steam17:21
moongazerMy webcam is not working17:21
Elitechurronacc: that could be why then. I am going to try to fully remove steam and just reinstall the repo version17:22
CtrlCWulf, hmm. Can't two users connect at the same time with no extra config using something a network manager?17:22
Wulfnacc: wasn't aware of that17:23
naccElitechurro: that would be my best guess right now; note that ~/.steam is not controlled by the pacakge, so i'd suggest still backing it up manually (as removing steam won't do anyting to it)17:23
Wulfnacc: as for explanation, man ldap_get_option /LDAP_OPT_X_SASL_SSF. "outvalue must be a ber_len_t *". This is 8 byte on my system while sasl_ssf_t has 4 bytes. And I wrote the patch myself17:24
Elitechurronacc: I shouldnt need to back it up though if I haven't gotten it running at all, would I? I could just delete it?17:24
naccWulf: did upstream just fully rewrite the code?17:25
naccElitechurro: true, if you dont' care about it, just delete; was mostly a sanity check -- i'd back it up, see if steam works as you want, then delete it :)17:25
WulfCtrlC: users? NetworkManager? Are you talking about a server or a desktop system?17:25
CtrlCWulf, server. But can't we still use users and something like wicd?17:26
Wulfnacc: at least the broken code17:26
WulfCtrlC: good luck with that17:26
CtrlCWulf, why's that so?17:26
WulfCtrlC: sure, nothing keeps you from using wicd or nm on a server17:26
WulfCtrlC: but I just wouldn't do it17:26
WulfCtrlC: because these tools cause trouble17:27
CtrlCalright. thanks.17:27
Elitechurronacc: It was a compatibility issue. I had to purge and autoremove steam and steam-client and steam-launcher, then just install steam. Thanks for the help.17:27
WulfCtrlC: which is ok if the user can fix it. But on a server I like a static and simpler setup17:27
naccWulf: https://sourceforge.net/p/msktutil/code/ci/19066f9777a19b6fda8c62e7774b4bb2157eb32a/ why isn't that the fix?17:27
naccElitechurro: np, glad it work17:27
CtrlCWulf, right. Thank you.17:27
naccWulf: i would always prefer to fix bugs the same way as upstream, if at all possible17:28
Wulfnacc: I'm sure it also fixes the bug. But I wouldn't call it *the* fix.17:29
Wulfnacc: it removes a whole feature17:29
naccWulf: i mean, the version in 16.04 has buggy ldaps support (per upstream), so why keep it?17:30
MrSassyPantsI need to configure the SSL options of an SDL-based program that would open an SSL URL17:31
MrSassyPantsHow would I do that?17:31
Wulfnacc: I wouldn't mind having this commit in 16.04, or the package from 16.10. Just not sure what's easier to get into 16.04: a tiny obvious patch for the problem, or a bigger change17:31
vltHello. On a machine with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (kernel 3.2.0) there’s a USB drive connected (already since booting). It is listed by `lsusb` but doesn’t appear as /dev/sd? device. How can I trigger what happens when I pulled and replugged it now?17:31
naccWulf: yes, it's not immediately obvious to me either; there are *no* issues with just the simple patch you provided and ldaps?17:31
moongazerCan someone help me with my webcam?17:32
Wulfnacc: I didn't test it with ldaps, it's not being used here17:32
ioriavlt, you can check in dmesg | tail17:33
naccWulf: let me talk to some other developers about this, one sec17:33
vltioria: What am I looking for?17:34
ioriavlt,   the tail ... SCSI attached ... and stuff17:34
Wulfnacc: the variable ssf is only used within the block in the patch, and all it is used for is printing debug info. So what could possible go wrong?17:35
ioriavlt,   something like  [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk17:36
naccWulf: i'm seeing if it would be preferred to switch to an actually maintained version17:36
vltioria: If I would plug it in now while the system is already running it would be usable. `blkid` would list its partitions and I could mount the file system(s).17:36
naccWulf: i hadn't looked that closesly at hte patch -- and again, since the patch had *no* description or commentary, I have to go look at source to determine if it's appropriate :)17:36
vltioria: But no: it doesn’t appear as sda or sdb17:36
naccWulf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Patches17:37
ducasse!details | moongazer17:37
ubottumoongazer: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.17:37
ioriavlt,   you can unplug, replug and paste dmesg | tail17:37
moongazerducasse, when I use cheese webcam booth, it says no device found17:38
ioriavlt,   also check your fstab17:38
vltioria: My fstab?!?17:38
ioriavlt,   /etc/fstab17:38
vltioria: I know I could pull and replug. But I’m not there. That’s why I asked how to trigger the processes that happened if I did it.17:39
vltioria: What do you expect to fond in /etc/fstab? I want to tell the kernel to read that device it lists in lsusb’s output.17:39
ioriavlt,    you can do it, if you want, editing fstab17:40
ducassemoongazer: i would think maybe you need a driver or firmware, but i know *nothing* about webcams. ask again now and then.17:40
moongazerducasse, Ok17:41
moongazerI hope somebody sees it17:41
vltioria: Can you give an example of something you’d put to fstab to tell the kernel to activate a usb drive connected to the usb port? I never heard that fstab does things like that.17:41
vltI thought fstab is only for mouting file systems.17:42
vlt*mounting, even17:42
theShirbinymoongazer, lsmod | grep uvcvideo17:42
ioriavlt,    what you mean with 'activate' ?17:42
ducassemoongazer: if you can pastebin the output from dmesg, i can take a look, though.17:43
theShirbinyvlt, look up automounts, you can do it using autofs or systemd.automount17:44
moongazerducasse, http://pastebin.com/zKmDfbtW17:48
moongazertheShirbiny, it didn't work17:48
theShirbinyno output?17:48
moongazertheShirbiny, nope17:48
theShirbinythen try modprobe uvcvideo17:48
bleeh1hhHello everyone. I have an issue with this line of code.......{ if [[ "$ip" =~ ^[0-9].\.[0-9].\.[0-9].\.[0-9\ ].$ ]]; } Its a regex evaluator for an ip adress. For example can be spaces after the ip) Can someone tell me if im doing something wrong.It doesnt seem to work.thank you.17:49
moongazertheShirbiny, modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'uvcvideo': Operation not permitted, should I try with sudo?17:49
geirhableeh1hh: [0-9].\.  matches a digit followed by any character, followed by a .   so that will not match the 101.17:50
naccbleeh1hh: in bash?17:50
naccbleeh1hh: did you mean to be using + instead of . for several of those regex substrings?17:50
bleeh1hhYeah in bas.17:50
kamisamaYes , moongazer17:50
bleeh1hhbash*. Oh right "." means 0 or 1 right? And + means 1 or more?17:51
naccbleeh1hh: your regex is incorrect as geirha points out, and you might want to ask in #bash (although you should reread whatever guide you used for regexs, as it seems quite wrong right now17:51
naccbleeh1hh: '.' means any character17:51
ioriableeh1hh, for ip i use [0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}17:51
naccbleeh1hh: '?' means 0 or 1 (iirc)17:51
bleeh1hhI should go back and work on reegex. i seem to have gotten it all mixed up.17:52
geirhajust change the \{ \} to { } and that will work in bash17:52
bleeh1hhIoria what about spaces after the ip? do we need to include that too in the regex?17:52
moongazerkamisama, You must be an anime fan17:52
bleeh1hhAlright.I shall have a look.Thanks a lot everyone.17:52
moongazertheShirbiny, no output again17:53
geirhare='^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3} *$'; if [[ $ip =~ $re ]]; then17:53
ioriableeh1hh, the right place is #bash, i think depends from where you're getting the ip ... (a file, command output...)17:53
theShirbinymoongazer, try launching cheese or webcam app17:53
geirhathat will of course also match hollywood ips17:53
moongazertheShirbiny, No output17:54
shubhnik when i ran jhbuild sanitycheck ,it says that these things are not found :(17:54
shubhnik http://pastebin.com/CkLj506R   <----- check this terminal output17:54
bleeh1hhok. I think ill take in what you guys have said for now. thanks17:54
shubhnikguys please help me in understanding what these missing things asre and what to do to fix it,thanks :)17:55
theShirbinymoongazer, what do you mean by no output? you're not getting any errors opening cheese?17:55
naccshubhnik: what is jhbuild?17:55
naccshubhnik: presumably you need to install some dependencies based upon that output17:56
vltioria: I need the stuff to happen that happens when I plug the drive into the running system: a scsi device apears in dmesg and I get a new device /dev/sdb17:56
shubhniknacc:have u look that terminal output?17:56
vlttheShirbiny: No, I don’t need to mount anything. I want the device to appear as /dev/sdb17:56
naccshubhnik: yes17:57
shubhnikwhat is libtool?17:57
theShirbinyvlt, why?17:57
ioriavlt,   maybe better use UUID in fstab17:57
shubhniklibtool macros...17:57
ioriavlt,  you can't be sure it will always be sdb17:57
ioriavlt,  run blkid and make a new fstab line17:58
nacc!info libtool | shubhnik17:58
ubottushubhnik: libtool (source: libtool): Generic library support script. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.6-1 (yakkety), package size 189 kB, installed size 1228 kB17:58
moongazertheShirbiny, no17:58
moongazertheShirbiny, it says no webcam foudn17:58
theShirbinycan you go to your terminal and type cheese?17:58
shubhniknacc:can you please tell me the commands to intall that missing things17:59
naccshubhnik: probably `apt install <name>`17:59
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PCatineanDoes anyone know why chromium has me login every single time I restart?18:02
shubhniknacc: apt install <name> or apt-get install <name>18:03
ZoderUckwhat is a good website performance test tool. the download / connect time responsetime18:03
naccshubhnik: `apt` is preferred in modern ubuntu18:03
moongazertheShirbiny, I did it and it says no device found: http://pastebin.com/NzqYggWw18:09
vltioria: Excuse me? What are you talking about? Before I can do something with file systems I first need a device.18:09
admiralsennanyone here use snmp traps on ubuntu? I have a problem getting snmptrapd to run18:09
shubhniknacc:what will this command do--> sudo apt update18:09
vlttheShirbiny: Because I want to use the block device that is connected to the usb port.18:09
itay2Oerheks here?18:10
vltioria: /dev/sdb doesn’t exist yet.18:10
ducassevlt: try this - https://www.debuntu.org/how-to-rescan-a-scsi-bus-without-rebooting/18:10
nnarolHi guys! Something incredibly stupid happened to me just now! How is this even possible? I have Zorin OS on my main HDD. I also have an external HDD with Ubuntu. I was playing around with the external one because at first it wasn't recognized.18:10
vltducasse: Thank you!18:10
nnarolAt one point, the pc ignored the external one and booted into my main HDD into Zorin...18:11
nnarol... but I heard the Ubuntu startup sound. I was like: meh, surely something went wrong and Zorin has it stored somewhere...18:12
ducassevlt: if usb, that will probably be different, i didn't catch that. try 'udevadm trigger'18:12
nnarol... but the user interface was a mix between Zorin and Ubuntu!!!18:12
ducassemoongazer: is this a built-in webcam? if so, which make and model is your pc?18:13
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nacc!manual | shubhnik18:14
ubottushubhnik: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:14
itay2Ok.. so continuing from all my problems yesterday and today, i have this motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128512 i cant disable rst since there is no such option, what to do?18:14
nnarolDid it really load the theme from a foreign file system?18:15
itay2Sorry i meant that i cant install ubuntu or linux mint or debian or fedora18:16
itay2Im now looking at the bios screen18:17
itay2What do i need to do next?18:17
naccitay2: what occurs when you try to install?18:19
itay2Anyone brave enough to tackle my problem?18:19
itay2Nacc in ubuntu and linux mint : login screen and cant login. In debian : cant find hard drive. In fedora : mouse freezing18:20
naccitay2: so in all those cases, it *did* install?18:20
naccitay2: or do you mean the installer showed all those issues18:21
naccitay2: and given the topic, let's just focus on ubuntu18:21
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moongazerducasse, http://pastebin.com/LhYxWTiE18:21
itay2Nope i couldnt even install. Although *fedora* did install itself right into the bios in some sort of sleep mode. I almost panicked when i turned off the power and turner back on and still saw fedora18:22
naccitay2: so when do you get a login screen? i assumed you were using the live usb?18:22
AlvaraMolino.... UNIR-JOIN #wikimedia-ayuda ....18:23
itay2Nacc when i press "install ubuntu" in the black screen with options i get login screen18:24
naccitay2: i haven't installed ubuntu in a while, but that doesn't seem right18:24
itay2Nacc indeed it doesnt. This is a big problem. Im looking for someone expert...18:25
OerHeksitay2, you were here before, nobody have ever experienced that18:25
naccitay2: have you verified your installation media? what version of ubuntu?18:25
OerHeksso make a photo, or it didn't happen.18:25
itay2I can upload a youtube video if u want18:26
itay2But its a hussle to do it18:26
itay2Oerheks this is my motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681312851218:27
naccitay2: i don't see any way for the installer to do what you're saying it does from the official media, nor have I ever seen that happen or heard of anyone else saying that happens.18:27
naccitay2: i believe your motherboard is supported just fine by some cursory googling18:27
itay2nacc yes it does proof : http://askubuntu.com/questions/103896/live-cd-asks-for-a-username-and-password/10881218:28
naccitay2: 10.04.3 is not at all current18:28
itay2Nacc look at the bottom18:29
naccitay2: i don't see any evidence of it happening currently18:30
itay2Oerheks you advised earlier to boot in uefi mode and to disable intel rst. Turns out there is no such an option18:30
naccitay2: the one reporter said that they miswrote the USB the first time, afiact, for 16.04.118:30
itay2Nacc must i upload a video?18:30
ducasseitay2: can you try installing from the server image or the 'alternate' lubuntu image?18:31
elisa87please have a look http://askubuntu.com/questions/839770/getting-the-desirable-output-with-gawk-awk18:31
vltducasse: hmmm … unfortunately `udevadm trigger` didn’t do anything noticable. Then I echo’d "- - -" to /sys/class/scsi... but that reread only sda which was already present before.18:31
OerHeksitay2, ' and to disable intel rst.' never mentioned that. you did. now i am certain something is fishy here18:31
naccelisa87: there must be a better channel to get awk help :)18:31
itay2Im really considered fairly good computer user by any standards. And im not making stuff up18:31
ducassevlt: does lsusb see the device?18:31
vltducasse: Yes, of course.18:31
* OerHeks facepalms18:32
vltducasse: Any other idea? Something I could modprobe? What happens when I plug in the device?18:32
itay2Oerheks you gave earlier a link to uefi ubuntu install guide18:32
AlvaraMolino.... UNIR-JOIN #wikimedia-ayuda ....18:32
naccelisa87: e.g., #awk ?18:32
itay2Oerheks and in the guide it says to disable intel rst18:32
ducassevlt: i know there are ways to turn off and on power to a specific usb device, but don't remember the details. try googling 'ubuntu powercycle usb device' or similar.18:32
itay2Ducasse i only installed the desktop 16.04.1 version18:34
vltducasse: Thanks.18:34
moongazerducasse, so18:35
itay2Must i upload a youtube video???18:35
ducasseitay2: yes, but i'm suggesting to try one of those images to see if the base install works ok, and then work on getting the gui working.18:36
PianoHey, does anybody here have some knowledge about wine? I'm getting an issue when running a .exe file, and I've been trying to find some help. Yes, I know that I should "use the wine channel", but like nobody is active on there for the past two days now.18:36
Pianohttp://pastebin.ca/3730824 is the log from terminal, and I'm using ubuntu 12.04.18:37
N3X15Anyone happen to know if there's a video player for Ubuntu that works with GL acceleration disabled?18:37
naccitay2: did you verify your install media?18:37
nicomachusPiano: if it has to do with Steam/games, I highly suggest using PlayOnLinux to set up the wine prefix. the #playonlinux channel is also much more active.18:38
itay2Ducasse err.. seems like a project..but i can do it if it helps to diagnose. Ive never imagined it would be so difficult to install linux!!!!!!!18:38
PianoI've never heard of playonlinux, thanks18:38
Pianoi'll check that out18:38
naccitay2: i'll reiterate. I've never heard of anyone having the experience you are. So I am unable to help debug it without more evidence and clearer details (which would come from screen grabs or a video, I guess)18:39
ducassemoongazer: try this: 'sudo rmmod uvcvideo && sudo modprobe uvcvideo'18:39
ducassemoongazer: if that goes ok, do 'dmesg | tail | nc termbin.com 9999' and post the link.18:39
itay2Nacc Ok. I will make youtube video then18:40
itay2There is another problem.. in my samsung galaxy s5 there is limitation for 5minutes video18:41
itay2So you guys can say ive faked it18:41
ducassenacc: what about installing from a text-mode installer to see if that works ok, and then install ubuntu-desktop?18:41
naccitay2: just show the 'click on install goes to a login prompt' bit18:42
naccducasse: also should work, you're right18:42
itay2Ok nacc18:42
root__Hi, fluxbox doesn't want to start any more from user, only from root, These are the  Xorg.0.log file https://paste.ubuntu.com/23355064/, there is also one .old file if you will need it I will upload it also...18:43
NahiyanHey just a quick question, do you think an ubuntu $5 digitalocean VPS can handle a small minecraft server?18:44
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Nahiyantiny >5 players18:44
tispokesmay you guys can help me. so simple problem with "cut" on console. the auto completion is wrong. i wantto use it like 'cut -d";" --output-delimiter=" " blabla'18:44
tispokesworks fine18:44
tispokesif i use auto completion cut ... --ou TAB -> it completes it to --ouput-delimiter= W/O the T18:45
nacctispokes: what version of ubuntu?18:45
ducasseitay2: did you try all these installs with the same usb stick?18:45
tispokesman file its with t, if i use the --help its wront in the text...18:46
naccitay2: and you continue to ignore my question of if you verified the media?18:46
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naccitay2: both the iso you burned/loaded and the usb stick itself18:46
tispokesnacc no ubuntu, server at school18:46
shubhnikwhen i install something using 'apt' than where does that software get instaled?18:46
Nahiyanmeh nvm :/18:46
nacctispokes: what? this is the ubuntu support channel...18:46
shubhnikis that in 'apt' folder?18:46
moongazerducasse, The first one gave no ouptut18:46
kyle__ I upgraded the kernel on my 14.04lts laptop to the 4.0.4 xenial one, and now I have no wifi.18:46
ducassemoongazer: it shouldn't.18:47
nacckyle__: 4.4.0, you mean?18:47
ducasseNoriega123: you are not using a dm but startx, i guess?18:47
kyle__nacc: Yes, thank you :) typos!18:47
naccshubhnik: the "software" gets installed on the system18:47
kyle__lsusb sees my wifi adapters (both internal and usb), but doesn't load the drivers.  I tried loading them on my own, no joy.18:47
sacardeduring minimal installation, I view this question: http://sacarde.altervista.org/np/landscape1.jpg18:47
naccshubhnik: it depends on what package it is as to what gets installed (`dpkg -L <pkgname>` or `apt-file list <pkgname>`)18:47
sacardeis possible repeat this question ?18:48
tispokesnacc no problem, still linux :D18:48
moongazerducasse, http://termbin.com/cm0518:48
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nacctispokes: right, but sounds like a bug in whatever linux you are using18:48
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nacctispokes: irrelevant here18:48
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* kyle__ thinks opal is a bit upset....18:48
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shubhniknacc:like i do sudo apt install libtool,than i need to copy that libtool macros in the path /usr/share/aclocal18:48
opal 👌  oh youre talking about my quit msg  😂18:48
opal 👌  took me a second  😂18:48
shubhnikthan how do i find libtool,after apt install libtool18:48
tispokesnacc right, no, the question is, is there a possibility to change the text which appears with --help?18:48
nacctispokes: yes, file a bug with the distribution18:49
kyle__opal: yeah... comes across as a bit angry....18:49
opal 👌  lol  😂18:49
opal 👌  its my default  😂18:49
ducassemoongazer: ok, try cheese now, the driver should be loaded.18:49
naccshubhnik: libtool puts them there by default18:49
naccshubhnik: you can see that with the commands I *just* sent you (dpkg -L or apt-file list)18:49
shubhniknacc:sorry,i didnt understand that dpkg -L or apt-file list commands18:50
shubhnikwhat are they and what they do?18:50
naccshubhnik: what didn't you understand18:50
moongazerducasse, No device found18:50
tispokesnacc thx18:51
naccshubhnik: read `man dpkg` or `man apt-file` ... `dpkg -L <pkg>` lists files from a package; `apt-file list <pkg>` does the same but for the packages from the archive (so doesn't need to be installed)18:51
itay2Ducasse yes, nacc yes ive verified18:51
naccshubhnik: i feel like you may have ignored my prior faq about readin ghte ubuntu manual; you seem to not know about some of the more basic bits of Ubuntu and might want to review the manual for that18:52
itay2Sorry i did not verify. Only the file. Not the burn18:52
ducassemoongazer: then we have come to the limit of my knowledge about webcams, i'm afraid. :-( keep asking now and again, you can say that cheese won't find the device even though it looks as if the driver has been loaded. sorry, but i can't help more.18:52
itay2How can you verify a burn/usb anyways?18:52
naccitay2: i believe that's one of the optoins from the installer menu?18:52
naccsacarde: sorry, what are you asking?18:53
ducasseverhaag: fail!18:53
FManTropyxverhaag: success!18:53
itay2and clearly i think this step is not needed. Its quite evident its not a problem of corruption when i get almost same result in dvd and in usb18:53
kyle__Anyone?  No wifi after updating to new kernel?18:53
nacckyle__: anyting in dmesg?18:53
mjaykitay2: do they come from the same iso ?18:53
nacckyle__: which driver?18:53
naccitay2: still waiting on evidence, then :)18:54
kyle__The internal uses a broadcom, the usb a realtek.18:54
mjaykitay2: so it it could be a bad usb / dvd then, takes 10 secs to check18:54
nacckyle__: and both worked with the stock ubuntu kernel you used before? which one was that?18:54
ducasseitay2: as one of the posts on the link you posted said he got this problem with an incorrectly written image, i think there is a need, yes.18:54
itay2Nacc.. i think tomorrow. I need to create a youtube accnt18:54
sacardenacc , I would like to re-configure this choice: http://sacarde.altervista.org/np/landscape1.jpg18:55
shubhniknacc:when i ran dpkg -L flex,than there i a list of paths shown,does that means that fles is present in these paths?18:55
ducasseitay2: i'm still voting for doing a text-mode install to see if that works ok, and then try installing the desktop to narrow things down.18:55
naccshubhnik: yes18:56
itay2Ok ducasse i will do it and also give evidence to nacc tomorrow18:56
naccshubhnik: wait, what?18:56
naccshubhnik: that lists the files installed by that package18:56
naccshubhnik: installed by / contained in18:56
kyle__nacc: Yup.  Then I updated the kernel, because it was supposed to be more stable with this hardware (macbook air).18:56
naccshubhnik: flex is presumably one of those18:56
itay2Nacc i will also put your name on the video18:57
itay2For evidence18:57
naccsacarde: `dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low unattended-upgrades` ?18:58
shubhniknacc:for eg: this is one of the path printed out '  /usr/share/doc/flex/examples/fastwc/Makefile.gz  ',this means when i sudo apt install flex,than flex intalled examples/fastwc/Makefile.gz?18:58
naccshubhnik: yes, it installs /usr/share/doc/flex/examples/fastwc/Makefile.gz18:58
sacardewith this I have only 2 choices, automatic or not18:59
naccitay2: that doesn't seem necessary, but ok18:59
kyle__dmesg gives me a helpful "new high-speed USB device number 12 using xhci_hcd" message, and identifies what it is, but never attaches a driver to it.18:59
sacardenacc, is possible to have the original 3 choices?18:59
naccsacarde: you want to use landscape?19:00
ducasseitay2: if you just try to do a *basic* (nothing extra) install from the server image, then come back here and i'll try to help you get the desktop etc up and running. i'm here tomorrow.19:00
sacardedo is possible to have the original 3 choices?19:00
itay2Ok thanks ducasse. First i want to bring evidence to nacc since i dislike not being trusted/believed19:01
kyle__itay2: I don't believe a word of what you just wrote.19:02
kyle__I think you __like__ it.19:02
kyle__Is there maybe a different set of userland tools or firmware you need when switching from the 3.x to the 4.x kernels?19:03
naccsacarde: ah ok, it's not unattended upgrades, but 'pkgsel/update-policy'. trying to figure out which pacakge owns that19:03
nacckyle__: it should have been pulled in auotmatically when you switched the kernel packages19:03
nacc*installed them19:03
nacckyle__: can you pastebin the dmesg (dmesg | pastebinit)19:03
ducasseitay2: you do as you please, i'd rather focus on getting ubuntu installed and then work on any problems :)19:04
sacardenacc, thanks a lot19:04
kyle__nacc: Sure.  You'll see a bunch of random garbage from my attempts though, be warned :)19:05
nacckyle__: if you can, probably the dmesg from the working kernel too would be good19:06
nacckyle__: ok, so it seems like your new kernel at least sees the usb wifi device19:07
kyle__nacc: I'm not sure if that one has the realtek in it or not.19:07
nacckyle__: is it possible you used an out of tree driver for the broadcom card before? e.g. bcmwl-kernel-source ?19:09
nacckyle__: is there a reason you want to be on the xenial hwe stack in trusty?19:11
nacckyle__: like some hardware didnt' work before?19:12
kyle__nacc: The power management on this laptop has been abysmal, as has been the onboard wifi.  I was hoping the new kernel would fix one or both of those things.19:13
kyle__The USB wifi was basically a work-around.19:14
nacckyle__: ah ok19:14
nacckyle__: then that makes sense :)19:14
kyle__That, and I had to recently update a few of my 14.04LTS servers to the xenial kernel, and I like to keep my laptop as close as possible :)19:14
nacckyle__: i assume you've looked through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir and related?19:15
kyle__On an unrelated note: this macbook air has dashed the last positive feelings I had about apple hardware.19:15
kyle__nacc: Yeah.19:15
kyle__Several times19:15
kyle__Although not in the past few months... let me re-read19:15
nacckyle__: just wondering if there might be 16.04 or xenial-hwe tips19:16
kyle__ hwe?19:17
nacckyle__: hardware enablement stack19:18
nacc!hwe | kyle__19:18
ubottukyle__: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:18
moongazerducasse, Maybe something with the bios19:18
kyle__Now this page, I've never read before.19:18
nacckyle__: right so it seems like the broadcom chipset was only supported on trusty with the bcmwl-kernel-source pacakge?19:19
nacckyle__: i'm not 100% on how that works with the lts kernel, but i think dkms should have rebuilt the driver19:19
nacckyle__: you could check which modules get loaded in the working kernel and then see if those are loadable on the new kernel?19:21
kyle__ nacc I thought that was one of the whole points of the dkms drivers... but since that was so bad anyway... I'm not upset if I can just get one of the wifi adapters to work :)19:22
ducassemoongazer: i kind of doubt that, but as i said i know next to nothing about webcams. not sure what to try.19:22
kyle__nacc: I tried that.  The realtek ones def are there and can e loaded, but didn't do anything.  It's strange.19:23
ducassekyle__: which realtek driver?19:23
kyle__ducasse: I don't recall which it was now.  I've been going at this in circles for a while now, and the dmesg I found didn't have it listed in it19:24
nacckyle__: should be in `lsmod`19:24
kyle__nacc: At the moment they all show up in lsmod, because in desperation I modprobed all of them.19:25
nacckyle__: hrm,it's werid, the changelog for bcmwl-kernel-source http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl_6.30.223.248+bdcom-0ubuntu0.2/changelog only indicates support up to 4.219:25
kyle__modprobe, listed my interfaces, in a loop, to see if one took.19:25
nacckyle__: but even the xenial one only indicates up to 4.3 (http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl_6.30.223.248+bdcom-0ubuntu8/)19:25
elisa87please have a look http://askubuntu.com/questions/839795/cannot-open-var-log-sysstat-sa20-no-such-file-or-directory19:25
kyle__elisa87: Be patient, if you just changed it to enabled.19:27
naccelisa87: also, did you actually start it?19:27
elisa87kyle__:  I see, good catch :)19:28
kyle__sar creates two files a day (one raw, one processed), and rotates.  After 5-10 minutes, you should be able to see something.19:28
elisa87nacc not sure19:28
kyle__haha! I got the boradcom back at least.  Had to purge the old bcmwl packages, then reinstall.  Now I have that one.  Also, one of the older usb adapters I have now works, where in the older kenrel it didn't see all of the bands.19:30
* kyle__ shrugs19:30
kyle__I hate computers somedays.19:30
nacckyle__: well that's odd! glad it worked, at least19:30
nacckyle__: for better or for worse, i think it's the price to get ubuntu on the macbook airs19:31
kyle__nacc: Heh.  Trust me, it wasn't mychoice19:32
nacckyle__: fair enough :)19:33
linux_noviisiGood evening, Can someone help with xfce volume adjusting keyboard shortcuts? Alsamixer adjust the volume when i run it from terminal. This helps for the session: killall xfce4-volumed && volumeicon&. Icon and shortcuts are lost after loggin out. How to save those settings?19:40
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MWMI did this http://askubuntu.com/questions/453109/add-fake-display-when-no-monitor-is-plugged-in and it works, but I wonder if Ive hit themax resolution for the driver or something?19:44
MWMthe best I can get is 13??x768 and Im shooting for 1600x90019:45
rtinocohey whats up!19:45
edgyHi, I am using ubuntu 16.04 image and I set a mysql password but still # mysql -uroot -p allow me to login without a password, what's wrong?19:53
ikoniaedgy: look at the grants19:57
ikoniayou've set a password - there is more than one account/host match19:57
ubottuadry: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:59
edgyikonia: https://gist.github.com/c660ffaf2ece0b4ad2c1457fd1fd9be819:59
ikoniaedgy: right, so look at that grant, root@localhost - no password set there20:01
idokowas wondering how frequent the ubuntu images on the main website gets updated20:02
edgyikonia: yes, there should be an IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD phrase, right?20:02
ikoniaedgy: right20:03
edgyikonia: but if I ues mysql -uroot -p and put the password I set, it works, so where is there password stored20:04
ikoniaedgy: there can be more than one grant20:04
SupaYoshihttp://prntscr.com/cwnpyv what to do here o.o20:05
ikoniaedgy: also look if there is a .my.cnf for your current use20:05
SupaYoshiI've lost access to that directory, called FACTURS20:05
edgyikonia: I don't have a .my.cnf and I am pretty sure something has changed. I set the root password using mysql_secure_installation which should remove empty password!20:06
ikoniaedgy: it should, but things can go wrong,20:07
mike-zalubuntu live behaves strangely, help: ** (appstreamcli:18858): CRITICAL **: Error while moving old database out of the way.20:07
mike-zalAppStream cache update failed.20:07
mike-zalin ubuntu live I can't install anything20:07
ikoniaedgy: use -p and enter the wrong password20:07
ikoniamike-zal: what are you dong to cause that20:07
SonikkuAmerica!paste | mike-zal20:07
ubottumike-zal: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:07
mike-zal(appstreamcli:18858): CRITICAL **: Error while moving old database out of the way.20:07
mike-zalduring apt update I get: https://thepb.in/p/Elh1wj3pD6Ltm20:07
edgyikonia: i tried a wrong password and surprisingly to me it logged me in!20:08
ikoniaedgy: change the user20:08
ikoniasee if that lets you in20:08
ikoniait may be running with skip-grant-tables (for example)20:08
ikoniamike-zal: what is updating20:08
mike-zalikonia: I just want to try live andinstall few things, but package cannot be found, so I used apt update but it got me this database error20:09
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ikoniamike-zal: lets get the basics20:09
ikoniamike-zal: what version of ubuntu liveCD is running (EXACTLY what version)20:09
edgywith -u ikonia it didn't let me in20:09
mike-zalis there any irc client in live version? using kwi and it's incredibly laggy and I can't use it :(20:09
mike-zalit freezes every few seconds20:09
mintzhaving issues with LUKS encrypted thumb drive created with gnome disk utility, it mounts but the contents can't be viewed on machines other than the machine it the partition was created on20:10
mintzany ideas?20:10
mike-zalikonia: 16.0420:10
ikoniamintz: what version of ubuntu20:10
kyle__mintz: check your entropy.20:10
ikoniamike-zal: what package are you trying to install20:10
kyle__Make sure it's not exhausted.20:10
mintzikonia: 16.0420:10
mintzkyle__: hm?20:10
ikoniamintz: sure you're not using mint ?20:10
SonikkuAmericamintz: 16.04.0 or 16.04.1?20:10
mintzikonia: i am now, but the issue wasn't on mint20:11
mintzi'm on a live CD now20:11
mintzof mint20:11
SonikkuAmerica!mint | mintz20:11
ubottumintz: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:11
kyle__cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail20:11
mintzSonikkuAmerica: read what i just said20:11
mintzi'm using mint right now, but the issue is on 16.0420:11
SonikkuAmericamintz: Read what YOU read: "I'm on a live CD now \ of Mint"20:11
mintzright, but i'm not asking for support of mint20:11
dr4c4nSonikkuAmerica: he's asking for support on ubuntu 16.0420:12
mintzif i were on irc from my phone, would support not be provided?20:12
ikoniamintz: so, you've encypted a disk, is it a portable or internal disk20:12
mintzhow stupid are you?20:12
idokohow frequent is the ubuntu images on the main website updated?20:12
kyle__mintz: Luks, and several other systems, rely on having entropy to work off of...20:12
ikoniamintz: calm down, easy mistake for someone to make20:12
mintzikonia: portable, usb20:12
mike-zalikonia, I'm trying to install synaptic or other popular package. it's not possible.20:12
ikoniamintz: so where is the key being stored20:12
SonikkuAmericamintz: Whoa! Watch it! I took that to mean you were on Mint... :(20:12
mintzit's a passphrase, not a key20:12
mintzthe passphrase is literally "test" right now20:12
ikoniamintz: there will need to be a key somewhere for the passphrase to match20:13
ikoniamike-zal: what package exactly are you using20:13
kyle__If your entropy is exhausted, encryption halts until more is available.  Decryption isn't affected iirc.  So really... cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail20:13
mintzi would assume the key is on the partition itself, ikonia. although i'm not too familiar with LUKS.20:13
ikoniamike-zal: the update can't move the database probably because it's a livecd20:13
mike-zalI get: I get Unable to locate package hexchat20:13
ikoniamintz: thats the first thing I'd check as if it's on the partition, (it can't be really) as it won't be reable to decypt20:13
ikonia!info hexchat20:14
mike-zalikonia, ok, but so far I was able to do anything on live systems. why can't I do it with ubuntu?20:14
mintzikonia: it seems to be a file/directory permission error when the partition is created. because i'm able to gain access to the files with some chown magic.20:14
ubottuhexchat (source: hexchat): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.12.0-2ubuntu2 (yakkety), package size 336 kB, installed size 971 kB20:14
mintzikonia: well no, it mounts fine. i can decrypt the parititon. i just can't view the contents.20:14
ikoniamintz: ahh, so it mounts decrypted, apologies, I thought you where saying it mounted encypted20:14
ikoniamike-zal: show me the exact command you are using20:14
ikoniamintz: are you swapping the disks between computers ?20:15
ikoniaor OS's20:15
mike-zalanyway, ikonia, so doe it mean, the issue will be gone after I install ubuntu? I thought that the idea of live system was to try it out and see if it works well. it doesn't...20:15
mintzno no, it mounts fine. but nautilus give me a The location could not be displayed." error20:15
mintzikonia: yes i am, between computer20:15
mintzit works fine on the same computer, the issue is when i move the encrypted flash drive between computers20:15
ikoniamintz: it's possible the UID/GID's don't match, so locking you out20:16
mintzikonia: as i said, i was able to view the files with some chown commands... but that's not a permanent solution20:16
edgyikonia: I think I figured it out. mysql 5.7 seems to deprecate the set password command in favor of alter user command20:16
mintzthe permissions are getting messed up for the root directory of the encrypted partition somehow20:16
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mintzikonia: mind if i PM?20:17
ikoniamintz: I don't think they are getting messed up, I think the UID's GID's are out of sync between computers/OS20:17
ikoniamintz: exactly what chown command did you run20:17
ikoniamintz: any reason we can't discuss in the channel ?20:17
mintzikonia: i tried like 50 chown commands before i was able to view the file. i forget which one did it. but it did get it working eventually.20:18
mintzso i'm 99% sure it's a directory permissions error20:18
ikoniamintz: right, but it's not actually an error most probably20:18
mintzbut the weird thing is that it's only an issue with LUKS partitions, not unencrypted partitions20:18
ikoniaI suspect the UID's are just out of sync20:18
ikoniamintz: can you pastebin ls -la against the root of that mount point (where the directory is mounted please)20:18
mintzikonia: out of sync how? i get the same error even on live CDs.20:18
mintzi just tired to view the contents of the partition on a live CD of linux mint, same error20:19
ikoniamintz: right, don't change anything - show me the ls -la output please20:19
mintzfor the directory of the flash drive, right ikonia?20:19
ikoniamintz: thats right20:20
mintzikonia: ls: cannot open directory '/media/mint/TRUMP2016/': Permission denied20:20
mintzpermission denied20:20
ikoniamintz: that's not what I asked for20:20
ikonials -la20:20
mintzikonia: in what directory?20:21
ikoniamintz: the root of the flash drive20:21
mintzi can't even cd to it, ikonia20:21
ikoniayou don't CD to it20:21
ikoniaI'm asking you to list the permissions of the root of the flash drive filesystem20:22
mintzikonia: drwx------  3 1000 1000 4096 Oct 20 15:10 TRUMP201620:22
ikoniamintz: right - 1000:100020:22
ikoniaso the uid's are screwed20:22
ikoniamintz: now type "id"20:22
ikoniawhat is your uid/gid20:22
mintzuid=999(mint) gid=999(mint) groups=999(mint),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),113(lpadmin),130(sambashare)20:22
ikoniaright, so you are 99920:22
ikoniaso thats why20:23
mintz...but why is that happening?20:23
ikoniamintz: why is what happening ?20:23
mintzi created the partition using gnome disk editor. why are the GIDs getting fucked when i switch the flash drive between machines?20:23
ikoniamintz: please don't swear20:23
ikoniathe uid's are "fine"20:23
ikoniathe problem is you're swapping it between machines that are setup using different uid's20:24
dr4c4nin ubuntu 16.10 kernel 4.8 I can't connect to a vlan because it says my device name is too long, how do I connect to the vlan, i've installed the vlan package and enabled the module20:24
mintzikonia: so what's the solution?20:24
ikoniamintz: set the permissions more open, or sync the UID/GID's on your users20:24
mintzi can move unencrypted flash drives between machines. i want to do the same with LUKS encrypted drives without having to chown every time.20:24
mintzi swear, file/directory permissions are the most annoying thing about *NIX20:26
ikonianot really20:26
mintzthey seem to break literally everything20:26
ikoniaworks fine for most people20:26
mintzthey're a pita with web servers too20:26
ikonianot at all20:26
mintzikonia: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=14687620:27
mintzthis seems to confirm20:28
mintzfor some reason i don't have the same issue with fedora though, that's the weird thing20:28
mintzso i suspect fedora has more "sane" permissions when it creates a LUKS partition20:28
ikoniait's not a problem20:28
mintzit is a problem, it's not working as intended20:28
ikoniayou've just not kept your users in sync across your installs so they have different id's20:28
ikoniait's working exactly as designed20:28
mintzthe file permissions given to the root directory of the partition prevent the flash drive from being read on other machines unless chown is used20:29
mintzthat means it's not working20:29
naccmintz: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/38309/different-uid-gid-when-using-an-ext4-formatted-usb-drive-with-another-computer/38323#3832320:29
mintzthe entire purpose of a flash drive is portability20:29
ikoniamintz: that means you've not managed your system properly20:29
naccyes, the but the entire purpose of a *filesystem* is something else20:29
mintzikonia: i used gnome disk utility20:29
ikoniaand the encyption will make userspace mounting (how non-ecrypted mounts) work20:29
ikoniamintz: gnome-disk untility dosn't manage/control users20:29
naccmintz: you may want to look at bindfs etc20:30
mintzit does when it first creates a partition20:30
ikoniamintz: no it doesn't20:30
ikoniamintz: it does not manage users20:30
mintzwhen a partition is first created, disk utility assigns permissions20:30
mintzfor the root directory of the partition20:30
ikoniamintz: right, for the system its created on20:30
ikoniamintz: you've mived it to a different system with a different user id20:30
naccmintz: using UIDs, not usernames20:30
mintzyeah, i under what you're saying20:31
ikoniathat is nothing to do with the disk/filesystem20:31
mintzstill seems like there's a better way of handling flash drives. macOS and Windows don't have this issue.20:31
ikoniamintz: they do20:31
naccmintz: you wouldn't have this issue if you used FAT, possibly20:31
mintzi have never had an issue when moving a flash drive between mac or windows machines20:31
mintznacc: true20:32
naccmintz: it's dependent on the filesyste you chose20:32
naccmintz: if you don't care about user permissions, don't use ext*20:32
ikoniamintz: right, because your users are probably in sync20:32
mintzso yes, it's ext4 specific20:32
ikoniait's not ext4 specific20:32
naccmintz: if you read the link i pasted it has a much more thorough explanation20:32
mintzso there's not a more sane way to handle flash drives partitioned with ext4? i refuse to believe that.20:33
ikoniakeep the users in sync20:33
naccmintz: either use the same uid everywhere, or use bindfs (afaict)20:33
mintzhow? what if you're using somebody elses computer?20:33
ikoniayou just keep repeating the same thing like it's a "problem" it's not20:33
mintzyou can't keep every machine you use in sync20:33
mintzespecially if they belong to others20:33
ikoniamintz: then make the permissions more open20:33
mintzcritter: looking at bindfs20:33
mintzikonia: right, which is why i'm saying the permissions for flash drives should be more "open" to begin with. let power users lock them down more, but the default should be that they work.20:34
ikoniamintz: err no20:34
naccmintz: by default you want to allow any user to write to your flash drive?20:34
ikoniamintz: you're encypting something because it's a secret, making it open by default is over kill20:34
talpioHappy 12th birthday, Ubuntu!20:34
naccmintz: that would be insane, and would mean they can format it too afaict20:34
mintznacc: any user of the local system ,sure20:34
naccwell, wipe it, at least20:34
naccmintz: that's never going to happen20:35
nacchuge security hole20:35
stan_man_canKinda strange. When I reboot my computer, sometimes my cursor stays hidden for a while20:35
stan_man_canI can move it shake it click on stuff, but i can't see the cursor itself20:35
stan_man_canthen it magically appears after a while20:35
stan_man_canany ideas?20:35
mintznacc: so perhaps ext4 shouldn't use uid/gid to verify permissions for portable storage like flash drives20:38
mintzwould that make sense?20:38
ikoniawhat would make sense is to use tools that meet your requirement20:38
naccmintz: that would require changing the filesystem definition, which would break backwards-compatibilty, aiui20:39
naccmintz: if you don't want uid/gid permissions, don't use a fs with them (afaict) -- i don't think you can disable that for ext420:39
talpionacc: any question?20:40
mintzokay, thanks nacc. you've been more helpful than ikonia.20:40
mintzappreciate it.20:40
naccmintz: that is also why there is root_owner option to mkfs.ext4, afaict; then you could forcibly make the uid the same verywhere on the FS, at least20:40
nacctalpio: sorry?20:40
ikoniamintz: yeah, I only explained the problem and how to fix it/manage it20:40
mintzikonia: yes, but you didn't explain why it's an issue20:41
ikoniamintz: pretty sure I explained 3 - 4 times20:41
dr4c4nhi there, does anyone know about long device names for usb ethernet dongles, like how to change the device name in udev?20:41
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mintzikonia: worth noting that i don't have this problem with before, if i create a LUKS-encrypted flash drive with fedora it works on every *nix machine i put it in.20:44
mintzwithout any issues20:44
mintzso obviously there is a more sane way of handling flash drives20:44
mintzand fedora does it20:44
mintzer, fedora, not before20:44
speaker1234I'm having some problems with Samba. I'm trying to enable sharing home directories for all users. I've taken a stock configuration file uncommented the section for [home] and every time I go to \\host\fred\ it tells me access is denied. Where do I start looking for log information on what I have to change for access control?20:46
CrtxReavrIs it an ubuntu default for my .bash_history file to be owned by root?20:48
dr4c4nCrtxReavr: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109812920:50
naccmintz: still using ext4?20:52
CrtxReavrdr4c4n, I don't need help fixing it. . . just wondering WTF is was like that.20:52
mintznacc: yep20:52
dr4c4nCrtxReavr: on 16.10 mine is set to my username:username for permissions20:53
mintzon fedora i have zero issues. i use gnome disk utility on fedora 24 and the partition has proper permissions on every *nix system i use20:53
dr4c4nand I haven't modified the permissions on it, after fresh install20:53
naccmintz: would be interesting to see how it's mounted and how/if the uids match up20:53
kyle__CrtxReavr: No.  That's not normal.  Did you have your own skel files?20:54
CrtxReavrTheory is that if the first command you run is sudo. . .20:54
mintznacc: i'll boot into it in a bit20:55
mintzand share20:55
CrtxReavrNot buying that theory. . . but oh well.20:57
naccmintz: cool, would be good to know20:57
naccCrtxReavr: you mean new user, first thing they did in the shell upon logging in was `sudo ...` and that's what's in .bash_history?20:58
CrtxReavrI see I also have a .viminfo that's owned by root. .20:58
SeveasCrtxReavr: you probably did 'sudo vim' at some point :)20:59
SeveasCrtxReavr: when sudoing, always sudo -i so $HOME gets reset and root doesn't end up owning your files21:00
Seveas(or if you want to do things like sudo vim, use sudo -H vim)21:01
CrtxReavrSeems it's only an issue on .viminfo creation - not subsequent 'sudo vim' runs.21:01
Seveassubsequent runs just overwrite21:02
CrtxReavrLater, lusers!21:02
JAWCHow do I get screenshots (gnome-screenshot, Kazam, etc.) to start working properly again in Unity? Works in GNOME. Ubuntu 16.04.1, XPS 13 9350. Current behaviour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSKVRy2ms_Q21:05
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note1989join /java21:12
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cripcatehey guys, i lost overview on which flashplayer plugins i have installed and if any need updating or removal21:21
cripcateany fast way to sort this out? like uninstall everyone and reinstall only the newest for my usual browser?21:22
cripcateubuntu 16.04 btw brave browser21:22
niytrohi all, I installed 16.10 full disk encryption, generated a 256bit keyfile on a usb stick and added it to LUKS, how can I have the system check for this keyfile on boot so I dont have to enter a passphrase?21:27
NorthernHorse_QUESTION: using the following command: ls /g'  returns a "> " prompt, yet if i do a ls i cannot see a 'g' folder. Does anyone know what this is ?21:28
akikNorthernHorse_: the problem comes from the '21:29
SeveasNorthernHorse_: ls "/g'"21:29
NorthernHorse_akik: what does this mean21:30
NorthernHorse_Seveas: I am issuing that command, yet am unsure why a ">" is being presented?21:32
ppfNorthernHorse_: because the ' starts a new string21:32
NorthernHorse_ah! ppf after including a additional "'" which as you implied closes the string it is corrected21:37
NorthernHorse_she she21:37
=== jelatta_away is now known as jelatta
adalasa dude21:49
neminisHello, in 16.04, does unattended-upgrades actually remove old kernels by default? is it supposed to? because it is said so in some docs, but it is not happening on my system21:54
danmIf I have a laptop with two graphics cards, and I'm currently using the one from Intel, is the nVidia card shut down?21:55
danmWith no power consumption at all?21:55
ppfneminis: if you want it to21:55
alvin_Greetings from Colombia21:57
alvin_begin to use ubuntu21:58
alvin_is cool21:59
neminisppf: okay so I still have to configure it, it is available now21:59
neministhat's not by default21:59
neminisalvin_: nice, what do you use otherwise?22:00
alvin_used windows 1022:01
alvin_but now ubuntu and is easy of user y software frer excelent22:02
helloyeah even kali linux too easy for user interface22:05
lion4407how come the network manager does not have the openvpn option even when I have the gnome installed22:12
helloLion4407 ???22:12
lion4407you can log into a vpn with the ubuntu network manager22:13
lion4407i dont see the option to add a config file or openvpn22:13
hellook lets test this22:13
hellogo to duckduckgo search engine and look for vpnbook.com22:14
lion4407whats your point?22:15
hello we can try through terminal first  using free openvpn from this site..22:15
lion4407i dont understand22:16
hellofirst look for vpnbook.com website to get free vpn22:16
lion4407i really don't what your talking about22:16
lion4407i have vpnbook on windows but im asking about network manager on ubuntu22:17
ppflion4407: did you restart nm22:17
lion4407for the openvpn option22:17
helloi misread that22:17
lion4407ppf i dont think so22:17
lion4407what is the command for that22:17
hellolook under network adapter22:17
lion4407there is a restart option?22:17
hellodid do install this ?22:18
hello sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn22:18
lion4407yes its there22:18
ppflion4407: systemctl restart network22:18
tomreyndpkg -l network-manager\*22:19
hellook now you go to edit settings under you network adapter22:19
hellofollow this link22:19
lion4407yea there is no openvpn option22:19
lion4407not sure why22:19
tomreynyou need both network-manager-openvpn and network-manager-openvpn-gnome installed22:20
lion4407the option is not there I think i read that article already22:20
lion4407yes i know22:20
lion4407both are installed22:20
hellocan you check both installed correct ?22:20
lion4407yes i checked22:20
lion4407well i checked that they are installed22:21
SikIs it even possible to install both Allegro 4 and 5 at the same time? They're completely different libraries but it seems apt-get won't let me install both at the same time? Do they have the same filename or what? :/22:21
tomreynlion4407: how did you check that they are installed?22:21
hellor u able to connect to your vpn ?22:21
ppfhello: you're not helping22:21
lion4407tomreyn by trying to install them and it saying they are already installed and also looking at synaptic manager22:21
tomreynlion4407: okay, thanks. have you tried to restart network manager as ppf suggested?22:22
ppflion4407: for the record, which ubuntu is this?22:22
ppfrestart networking22:23
lion4407well I may try to boot up ubuntu again im not on it now....i have it on a usb...22:23
lion4407i can try that thanks22:23
ppfi just tried this on xenial22:23
tomreyn<ppf> lion4407: systemctl restart network22:24
lion4407i saw that thanks22:24
SikWait just noticed there's an #allegro channel (·· ) *goes ask there*22:24
hellothis should stupid question to ask how can i install ubuntu on iphone 4 ? or on windows phone with phone dial and messenger send settings.22:27
debkadhello: depend on the device22:28
hellook iphone 4 and nokia lumia 1320 .. just need to install ubuntu22:29
k1lhello: you cant, because the devices have locked bootloaders most times and you are missing the drivers for the hardware. there is #ubuntu-touch to put it on android devices22:29
k1lhello: its a bootloader and driver issue. its not like putting ubuntu onto a windows pc.22:29
tomreyn /join #ubuntu-phone22:30
tomreyni mean /join #ubuntu-touch22:30
k1ltomreyn: the first redirects to the second one :)22:30
helloI did use bochs software to try but i got error 407 something which is issue with software .22:30
xock_streamCan anyone help me? I am trying to install hopper disassembler and seems it can't install it22:42
Wulfnacc: thanks for earlier!22:44
naccWulf: np! while your fix is 'obviously correct', i think it's technically safer to follow upstream and just disable the feature altogether (as anyone trying to use tls will end up hitting different issues) and incidentally shoudl fix that stack stomping :)22:44
hellowat is your error hopper disassembler22:45
xock_streamCan't even install it22:45
naccxock_stream: is that an ubuntu package?22:46
hellona mac package i think22:46
xock_streamthey also have ubuntu version22:46
xock_streamI can't install it22:46
k1lxock_stream: its not in the ubuntu repos. see their website22:46
xock_streamI did...22:46
xock_streamIt's not even working22:46
hellohe might need to that website repo first22:46
naccxock_stream: that's a problem for their software then?22:46
naccxock_stream: not really an ubuntu support question, i mean22:47
xock_streamI just want to get an help22:47
xock_streamLiterally get someone to assist me.. Maybe I am doing something wrong22:47
nacchttps://www.hopperapp.com/contact.html I guess22:47
naccxock_stream: it looks like they distribute a .deb file22:48
naccxock_stream: did you try installing that?22:48
xock_streamwith dpkg -i hopper22:48
xock_streamand it can't install it22:48
naccxock_stream: dpkg -i <hopper....deb> I assume?22:48
naccxock_stream: what does it say (use a pastebin)22:49
naccxock_stream: also what version of ubuntu are you on?22:49
xock_streamUbuntu 16.04.1 LTS22:50
naccxock_stream: they clearly say it's only supported under 14.04 ...22:51
naccwell, only tested22:51
naccxock_stream: i highly recommend you talk to the hopper folks directly22:51
xocketThe error: Errors were encountered while processing:22:52
xocket 22:52
xocketI got disconnected. (wifi problems)22:52
naccxocket: that's not all the errors, please paste full output in a pastebin (as I just said)22:53
naccxocket: you may want to use gdebi if you only have .deb, or the software center (or whatever it's called) so it resolves dependencies22:53
hellook so tell if i buy nexus 5 d8220 can i install ubuntu on it with using normal phone ?22:53
nacchello: not ontopic for this channel, afaict22:54
hellonacc first ask him to do force install too22:54
hellocan u suggest me chnl22:54
nacc!alis | hello22:54
ubottuhello: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http22:54
k1lhello: you are alrady in the right channel for the #ubuntu-touch22:56
nacchello: but i believe that was what tomreyn tried to tell you earlier (maybe)? #ubuntu-touch22:56
hellohmm ok22:56
xocketnacc: here http://pastebin.com/raw/Tbga7R6d22:57
naccxocket: yes, try with gdebi or the gui software center, as i said22:58
naccxocket: or you might be able to make it work with `apt-get -f install` now22:58
xocketit does not work -f option.22:58
naccxocket: provide the output in a pastebin...22:59
k1lthose dependencies are in universe repo.22:59
nacc!components | xocket22:59
ubottuxocket: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.22:59
k1lso that should work, if that is a ubuntu22:59
=== debikad is now known as debkad
xocketi will install ubuntu again ...23:03
naccxocket: you're not on ubuntu now?23:03
xocketi am23:03
xocketit's buggy23:03
k1lxocket: is universe enabled?23:03
k1lxocket: what desktop version is it?23:03
xocketUniversal is enabled.23:04
naccxocket: it's not buggy for ubuntu to not install arbitrary 3rd party packages perfectly23:04
k1lxocket: so run "sudo apt-get install -f". please put all the output into a pastebin23:05
xocketnacc: the shell crashed23:05
xocketNow I have something red on the desktop23:05
xocketI will reinstall again.23:06
xocketI am on VMware.23:06
xocketShould I try to understand why it breaks or to install Ubuntu again?23:09
k1lxocket: well, it should work. with more details we could see what is going on23:10
xocketIt's okay... I am going to install ubuntu again23:10
xocketIf it will failed I look at other distro23:10
muffinmonstahhey, do you know how can i get a invite on java channel? Thanks, Ana23:13
k1l!register | muffinmonstah23:14
ubottumuffinmonstah: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:14
grymuffinmonstah: working now? :-)23:20
malkaunsplease gimme some files (100+mb) on ubuntu server that i can safely delete23:20
grymalkauns: do you have enough space to install a tiny little program called 'ncdu' which shows you where your space is used most23:21
grya disk usage analyser23:21
tomreynmalkauns: on a default installation, there shouldn't be any23:21
malkaunsgry, nope can't install anything23:21
malkaunstotally out of space23:21
tomreynmalkauns: so this system has been running for a while?23:22
malkaunsbut then i tried to install something and it failed23:22
k1lmalkauns: old kernels installed?23:22
malkaunscos it ran out of space23:22
grymalkauns: can you remove something from your home directory? you could also try 'apt-get clean' as a temporary workaround23:22
grythanks k1l23:22
malkaunsgry, there's nothing in my home dir lol23:22
gryhow big is your partition23:23
k1lmalkauns: "dpkg -l | grep ii | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 9999"23:23
malkaunsapt-clean doesn't remove anything23:23
malkaunsgry, yea that's the problem, main drive is 3.2GB23:23
k1lmalkauns: that will show the installed kernel pacakges in a url, please show that url here23:23
malkaunsdidnt realize till now23:23
k1lthere you go.23:24
malkaunswhat and how can i remove?23:24
tomreynuname -a23:25
k1lmalkauns: "sudo apt purge linux-image-4.4.0-31-generic linux-image-4.4.0-34-generic linux-image-4.4.0-36-generic"23:25
kernellohello everyone, in chromium does it delete existing bookmarks to import new ones (as it does in firefox) ?23:25
malkaunsnow the problem is its asking me to do apt-get -f install23:26
malkaunscos it half-installed something23:26
kernellotried and seen, it doesn't23:26
malkaunsbut i dont have space for the to even complete lol23:26
tomreynkernello: i would not have known, you could ask such questions in #chromium23:27
k1lmalkauns: "ls -al /boot | nc termbin.com 9999"23:27
k1lmalkauns: and to be sure its not a own partition "df -h | nc termbin.com 9999"23:28
kernelloubuntu has chromium users, too, tomreyn23:28
tomreynkernello: yes, i am one of them23:28
k1lkernello: iirc it puts them into a own subfolder. but i dont know if that is still the same.23:29
k1lmalkauns: "sudo rm -rf /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-31-generic"23:30
tomreynor just rearrange you partition sizes23:30
malkaunshmm only 35mb23:30
=== cy is now known as Guest89580
k1lmalkauns: that should give you some space. after that run my command to remove the packages of the kernels that will free more space23:30
malkaunstomreyn, cant really take the machine down23:30
malkaunsk1l, ok will try that23:31
tomreynmalkauns: okay that's a pity.23:31
kernellok1l, yes, it looks bizarre indeed. it didnt heed to folders, didn't import some of them, and imported only part of the bookmarks23:31
malkaunsdamn, still no free space23:32
malkaunsfrom apt-get -f install :(23:32
k1lmalkauns: the thing in deleting with rm is just to get enough space to get apt running again23:32
k1lmalkauns: can you show the output?23:32
malkaunsthen it says: E: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/23:33
k1l"sudo rm -rf /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-34-generic"23:34
malkaunssame :(23:35
k1lwhat says df -h now?23:36
tomreynthose are qt widgets. if this is supposed to be a headless server then you seem to have installed unneccessary packages.23:36
malkaunsk1l, same 0 space available23:36
tomreyn'those' -> packages pending installation / upgrade23:36
malkaunson /dev/sda123:36
k1lwhat is "uname -r"?23:37
k1lyou still can remove initrd.img-4.4.0-36-generic from /boot to get another 35mb.23:37
malkaunsapt-get -f install now works :)23:38
k1l"sudo apt purge linux-image-4.4.0-31-generic linux-image-4.4.0-34-generic linux-image-4.4.0-36-generic"23:39
th0rmalkauns, have you tried apt-get clean?23:39
malkauns653mb jeez23:39
malkaunsth0r yea, first thing i tried, didnt move much23:39
malkaunsok great got 683mb spare now23:40
malkaunsthx guys! :)23:40
k1lmalkauns: wait23:40
k1lyou still can remove old header packages23:40
kernellothank you for your help!23:40
kernellohave a good day23:40
malkaunsk, how?23:40
k1l"dpkg -l | grep ii | grep linux-header| nc termbin.com 9999"23:40
k1lsudo apt purge linux-headers-4.4.0-31* linux-headers-4.4.0-34* linux-headers-4.4.0-36*23:41
k1ldeleting headers is important to get some inodes back :)23:42
malkaunsnice, another 238mb :)23:42
effectne-hello in here23:42
malkaunsthx a lot :)23:43
effectne-i keep losing the resolution settings on my second monitor23:43

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