
redirseems like a lot of failures on develop currently00:22
redirI branched from staging and am proposing a merge to develop https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/648501:00
redirreal easy review01:00
redirexcept I don't know why I've got voidspace commits in there with mine.01:00
redirapparently they aren't in develop but are in staging01:00
rediryup they were merged directly to staging01:02
rediranyhow PR ready for review: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6485 PTAL01:02
redirwallyworld, anastasiamac, axw ^01:04
wallyworldredir: not sure why you needed to branch from staging if you wanted to merge back into devel, anyway lgtm01:10
anastasiamacwallyworld: isn't it our current worklflow? branch from staging but PR agaisnt develop?01:13
wallyworldnot sure, i always just branch from develop. i've always though it better to branch from the target to which you want to merge01:14
wallyworldotherwise you end up with unrelated commits01:14
wallyworlds/end up/can end up01:15
anastasiamacthat's not the workflow tho.. this is why remote is staging01:17
wallyworldmy remote is develp :-)01:18
anastasiamacspecial \o/01:18
wallyworldwhy have a remote that is different to the target of your PRs?01:18
wallyworldit just introduces skew like reed saw01:19
anastasiamacfor one, there is no guarantee that what's in develop will be promoted to staging....01:19
anastasiamacstaging is meant to be stable branch01:19
anastasiamacbut we have difficulties promoting to staging atm01:19
anastasiamacthe idea is that failed promotion will not landing everything in develop to staging01:19
redirtx wallyworld01:20
anastasiamacso if u branch from develop, u'll have some stuff that is not stable yet01:20
anastasiamaci agree that until the wrinkles are ironed, mayb it's worthwhile cto consider to branch from develop01:20
anastasiamacaltho if we do that, we'll never iron our wrinkles :D01:20
* redir goes back to branching from develop01:21
redirI had started there but was seeing unextpected failures and then switched to staging01:21
redirsome of the failures were intermittent and others were because lxd setup on 16.10 defaults IPV6 to on.01:22
anastasiamacredir: wallyworld: the promotion from develop to satging ws meant to take only about 3hrs... however, atm, it's not happenning01:25
* redir eod01:26
wallyworldif you branch from develop you'll get stuff not in stage for sure, but most time that's what i want especially if i'm collarborating and need to pick up someone's work as soon as it lands01:31
wallyworldotherwise i'm blocked until their work hits staging01:31
wallyworldeven if it's 3 hours, that's still half a day lost01:32
anastasiamacin the situation where there are several PRs being promoted to stging but fail, u will not be able to re-submit ur PR branched from develop easily if the failure is with other PRs02:03
anastasiamacwallyworld: axw: welcome message fix as per standup: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/648702:05
anastasiamacPTAL at ur leisure :D02:06
wallyworldsure, otp will look soon02:06
anastasiamachmm m not sure why i have 2 commits on it... ?? "Merge commit '7c21f4f4a09f727601fdce45cbd0230063f7f3a3' into HEAD "02:08
axwanastasiamac: did you branch off master instead of staging perhaps?02:40
axwanastasiamac: that's what I got when I did that02:40
anastasiamacaxw: i branched of staging.. but it's so far behind... m wondering if i should re-branch and re-propose against develop?02:41
* axw shrugs02:41
anastasiamacaxw: well, i gues my question is if i'll $$merge$$ on this PR (once lgtm'ed), will this commit hurt?02:42
mupBug #1493118 changed: Subordinates stuck in error state <juju-core:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.25:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1493118>02:43
mupBug #1566450 changed: Juju claims not authorized for LXD <bootstrap> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <lxd> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1566450>02:43
mupBug #1629919 changed: destroy-controller fails and a kill-controller is required. <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629919>02:43
axwanastasiamac: I don't think it matters. it's just the merge commit. the child commits are already in develop AFAICT02:43
axwmight look a little ugly in history that's all02:44
anastasiamacaxw: i can't imagine anyone intreted in history oon this one... but for future PRs, i'll b kinder to posterity and future us :D02:45
mupBug #1493118 opened: Subordinates stuck in error state <juju-core:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.25:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1493118>02:46
mupBug #1566450 opened: Juju claims not authorized for LXD <bootstrap> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <lxd> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1566450>02:46
mupBug #1629919 opened: destroy-controller fails and a kill-controller is required. <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629919>02:46
mupBug #1493118 changed: Subordinates stuck in error state <juju-core:Won't Fix> <juju-core 1.25:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1493118>02:52
mupBug #1566450 changed: Juju claims not authorized for LXD <bootstrap> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <lxd> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1566450>02:52
mupBug #1629919 changed: destroy-controller fails and a kill-controller is required. <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1629919>02:52
anastasiamacwallyworld: tyvm for review \o/ I've addressed/replied to all... happy for it to merge?02:53
wallyworldlet me look02:53
wallyworldanastasiamac: there's no use of template02:54
anastasiamacwallyworld: m expecting in the long run to have manual page instead02:55
wallyworldusing templates is much better than printf with the same value repeated many times02:55
anastasiamacwallyworld: it's temporary, bandage solution...02:56
wallyworldlgtm then02:57
anastasiamac\o/ i'll consider template after lunch unless something else'll come up :)02:58
anastasiamacwallyworld: to clarify, coz i've seen u talking about versions on openstack endpoint this week, do openstack endpoint have to ahve a version?03:19
anastasiamacaxw: ^^ if u know...03:20
anastasiamacm looking to pick up bug 1634770 and wondering what the right thing to do would b..03:20
mupBug #1634770: panic when bootstrapping with openstack provider if endpoint omits api version <bootstrap> <openstack-provider> <juju:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1634770>03:20
wallyworldthey all have a version in the url03:20
wallyworldv1 or v2.1 etc03:20
anastasiamack.. so instead of panic, i'll just error :D03:20
axwanastasiamac: it would be better if we did neither, and queried supported versions03:21
wallyworldthe panic would be because our code expects a version in the supplied url03:21
wallyworldright now, we expect the user to know03:21
wallyworldwhat version to specify03:21
wallyworldbut andrew is right, querying would be better03:21
anastasiamacaxw: wallyworld: i could probably return supported/available versions as part of error03:22
anastasiamacwhen none is supplied as per bug..03:22
wallyworldwe do the query for identy for example to know if domain is supported03:22
wallyworldwe never used to do that originally03:22
wallyworldthe new goose code will query for versions03:23
wallyworldit may be that for cloud endpoints, version becomes optional03:23
wallyworldif none supplied, use the latest perhpas03:23
anastasiamacuse the latest and log Info msg that none was supplied and latest selected, for e.g.?03:26
axwanastasiamac: yes, that would be ideal I think03:28
anastasiamac\o/ awesome!03:28
axwanastasiamac: maybe just log as debug, I'm not sure that it's that interesting03:28
anastasiamacaxw: u don;t think that users might need to know? i'd imagine not many would run with debug on03:29
axwanastasiamac: juju should just do the right thing. I don't think there's a reason for the user to care which version of the identity API we use03:29
anastasiamacaxw: k. i'll do debug.. we can alsways change if needed :)03:30
anastasiamacwallyworld: changed to use template \o/ made vars obviosu as well! i think it looks even better now :)03:40
anastasiamacwallyworld: still k to land from u?03:40
* wallyworld goes to look03:41
wallyworldtemplate much easier to understand. thanks03:42
wallyworldbut is only temporary as you say03:42
anastasiamacsure but i thought since our *temporary* may last longer than usual "temporary", i'd better do the right thing :)03:54
anastasiamacaxw: wallyworld: there is no way to find latest identity version from api. m going to hard-code it to 3 as we've done everywhere else..04:04
wallyworldbe careful, v3 is not universally support IIANM04:06
wallyworldi think we hard code to v3 when domain is specified in credentials04:07
wallyworldwe do have a way to get identity version04:08
anastasiamacwallyworld: yep looking at it now ;)04:08
anastasiamacit's not actually ideal as it does not tell you what is latest... it just tells u what's available...04:11
anastasiamaci guess i could just error out and force user to supply version for now04:12
anastasiamacand once we do have legitimate identiy endpoints without version, we'll update openstack... u know ike on-a-per-need basis :)04:13
mupBug #1386284 changed: no warning when tools-metadata-url is misconfigured <bootstrap> <ci> <logging> <simplestreams> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386284>04:19
mupBug #1538462 changed: simplestreams debug content is useless (juju bootstrap --debug) <logging> <simplestreams> <juju-core:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1538462>04:19
wallyworldisn't the latest the one with the highest version number?04:28
axwit's not ever day that a house goes through the air over your head04:40
* axw stops hyperventillating04:41
wallyworldaxw: wtf happened?05:20
axwwallyworld: heh :)  neighbour's second storey is going on05:21
wallyworldvia a huge crane?05:21
axwI'll take a photo when the next module goes on05:21
axwwallyworld: yup05:21
axwwallyworld: and said crane took the first module pretty much over my head05:21
wallyworldi'd be outside looking05:21
axwi went and had a gander. they're just getting ready atm05:22
axwfor the next one05:22
wallyworldi hope their slings and ropes etc are strong :-)05:22
anastasiamacwallyworld: from what I am seeing you do not get version numbers from FetchAuthOptions but auth mode. the translation from version id to auth mode is happening within goose05:52
anastasiamacso by the time we get we canot figure out latest available05:52
anastasiamacunless we hardcode something05:52
anastasiamacso m going to just error for now...05:52
anastasiamacthe problem is that our logic in version deduction was a bit error-prone05:53
anastasiamacm dealing with tests failures atm05:53
anastasiamacthen will propose05:53
wallyworldgoose will be gaining some logic to get endpoint versions without the post processing, we can use that when available05:54
anastasiamacexactly \o/ for now i'll just error out05:55
anastasiamaci believe that this was the intent of the code m changing... but it's buggy05:55
anastasiamacu'll c what i mean when i propose05:55
axwwallyworld: ok, going back to work now... https://goo.gl/photos/ZPmdqKnRv5aJtqp7606:03
axw(the one with the shabby lawn is my place)06:04
wallyworldaxw: jeez, what ever happened to the brickie and chippie turning up on site with their utes and cattle dogs and a chicko roll06:05
axwwallyworld: heh :)  plenty of guys standing around doing nothing at least06:05
wallyworldah so they work for the council then06:05
mgzmy internet has just been terrible this morning...10:42
dimiternmgz: can you +1 https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/6481 if you think it's good to land please?11:23
mgzdimitern: sure, I'll take a look11:28
dimiternmgz: cheers!11:28
mgzhm, I'm not sure about exposing the force of v1 all the way up to an environment variable11:35
dimiternmgz: it's mostly harmless anyway,11:35
dimiternmgz: but it does make testing easier, without introducing unnecessary patching / global vars11:35
mgzyeah, I agree it's unlikey to hurt us, but really we just want that for the unit tests11:35
mgzas the right way to functional test is with different juju versions11:36
dimiternmgz: yeah, you're not wrong :) I should try adding one11:40
mgzokay, this all makes sense to me11:40
mgzto check I'm getting the important bits right11:40
mgzbasically this is some of the way towards what we do on bootstrap ssh, for all juju ssh calls11:41
mgzpreviously we'd just ask the api for an address (public or private depending on context) and try to ssh to that11:41
mgznow the code gets every address the machine claims to have11:41
dimiternand *only* that11:41
mgzand does some inspecting of them, then hands one off that it reckons will actually work11:42
dimiternyeah, but this approach is even better (faster) than the one used during bootstrap11:42
mgzwhich isn't quite what bootstrap does11:42
mgz(which is actually try to ssh to every address in parallel and see what happens)11:42
dimiternyeah, hands off the one it did connect to successfully11:42
mgzdimitern: okay, +1ed11:43
dimiternit does, but the timeout used for the parallel.Try during bootstrap is appalling (10m IIRC)11:43
mgzwell, for good reason in that context11:43
mgzas we're waiting for the remote machine to actually get stuff done as well11:43
mgzso, it's not 10m of network timeout, it's 10m of please start your ssh server11:44
dimiternwhich means if you hit a blackhole route *first* you'll sit there waiting for ssh to come back.. after 10m11:44
mgzbut yeah, it's all rather messy11:44
dimiternmgz: awesome! thanks :)11:44
dimiternI've seen it break with some unfortunate iptables rules set11:45
dimiternbut also parallel.Try in general assumes the func you pass to run in parallel won't block forever11:46
dimiternand I've seen ssh doing that if given an address matching an OUTPUT -j DROP iptables rule11:47
dimiternlet's fix one thing at a time I suppose.. :)11:47
dimiternmgz: does the $$fixes-BUG_ID$$ thing still work as before or I got to use $$merge$$ ?11:48
mgzyou might have to use $$merge$$ now, I'm not sure my little hack made it across11:50
dimiternmgz: it does work it seems11:50
dimiternmgz: however ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/23358843/11:51
dimiternmgz: you might want to fix that :)11:51
dimitern[develop: command not found11:51
mgzheh, that's new11:51
mgzor perhaps not, as it's not actually causing the run to fail11:53
dimiternwell now :) for a change I actually feel I accomplished something useful this week \o/11:53
dimiternmgz: nope - it's not causing it to fail but might not stop people trying to land stuff via github-merge-juju directly in staging11:54
mgzhm, that's the code block that's aimed at stopping people landing directly on master11:54
mgzand it's borked11:54
* dimitern steps out for ~1h11:55
mgzokay, fixed, people can no longer land directly on staging :)11:56
mupBug #1635622 opened: 'juju ssh <unit> ...' fails with Permission denied (publickey), for only one or two machines in a deployment <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1635622>12:49
anastasiamacfrobware: wallyworld: axw: PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/648813:35
wallyworldanastasiamac: lgtm13:38
dimiternmgz: the windows vm is out of space again I presume13:46
mgzah, the gating job chucked you out on windows tests?13:46
dimiternmgz: my fix failed twice on windows so far, with increasingly weird errors :)13:46
mgzI'll have a luge13:47
mgzhm, first one windows tests pass, failed trying to get a trusty instance13:51
mgzsecond windows tests failed in a pretty typical intermittent failure manner13:51
mgzthird we're into bad local connection weirdness, but nothing obviously saying oom vs other unhappiness13:52
mgzwe can try restarting that machine and running again13:57
dimiternmgz: +113:59
rick_h_dimitern: ping for standup14:00
mgzoh, and there goes google dropping me14:03
mgzso, if I'm vanishing from hangout, my internet is just terrible14:04
mgzwell, I can hear you all on the hangout, but can't get my audio through?14:06
mgzand sometimes not text as well it seems14:07
mgzanyway, my update on cards, have code reviewed by curtis and good to land, some small fixes to make and some unit test coverage to re-add14:07
mgzthen I have some more maas setup work to do14:07
dimiternmgz: can't hear you :/14:08
mgzyeah, net today has been just about good enough for irc and ssh session, but dropping packets everywhere14:08
dimiternmgz: now the lxd and the windows vms for the merge job seem to be getting worse14:13
mgzsinzui: ^do you have a particular proceedure on trying to keep these things working? I remember you mail to nicholas about the issues here.14:16
sinzuimgz: I restart the machine when it is irational. But ssh drops from an AMI instance is another matter. we are not running race tests on the gating job because ssh consistenly drops from the *new* juju-core-slave, but not the old one.14:18
dimiternchrome0: ping14:46
chrome0dimitern : Hola14:54
dimiternchrome0: hey! I'm still trying to reproduce bug 1589680.. no luck so far though, it seems lxc-templates has been part of Recommends for lxc since 0.8.014:55
mupBug #1589680: Upgrading to cloud-archive:mitaka breaks lxc creation <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.25:In Progress by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1589680>14:55
dimiternchrome0: which happens to be the lxc version in trusty/main still14:56
dimiternchrome0: juju doesn't specify package source when installing lxc, so it will get the most preferred, which is 1.0.8 from trusty/updates14:57
dimiternchrome0: I bootstrapped trusty with 1.25.6 and added 1 lxc, then installed lxc from trusty-backports (2.0.4) and again did juju add-machine lxc:0 -- no issues or errors I can see14:59
chrome0dimitern : Hm, we have trusty-updates on the machines this happened on too, and likely had it then as well14:59
dimiternchrome0: is it possible lxc-1.0.3 was originally installed?15:00
natefinchgah, we need better documentation on oauth1 vs oath2 and when you use one or the other15:00
dimiternchrome0: before the mitaka upgrade? (can't see how though.. except manually)15:01
natefincha lot of our docs just say "oauth" which is Not A Thing™ in juju15:01
chrome0dimitern : I can't say for sure anymore, but am reasonably certain that we didn't manually upgrade lxc15:02
* rick_h_ grabs lunchables16:03
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes
rick_h_katco: pinkg17:08
rick_h_ping tha tis17:08
rick_h_bah, /me blames tools for typing issues *bad keyboard, bad!*17:08
katcorick_h_: lol hey17:11
rick_h_katco: got a sec to chat real quick on dev workflowy bits?17:11
katcorick_h_: sure17:11
rick_h_meet you in ?core please17:11
natefinchman I hate that all our configs use maps of name : object, rather than a list of object with a property that is the name.  it makes parsing like 10 times more difficult.17:13
katconatefinch: i.e. map[string]interface{} vs. struct?17:19
natefinchkatco: yeah17:20
natefinchwell, vs []struct17:20
katconatefinch: hm, i don't understand that part. not having the config as one large struct?17:21
rick_h_katco: hmm, actually...in this case we don't need master any more.17:23
natefinchit makes the name not part of the value, it's the key...  it's also then an extra layer of indirection, an extra layer of indenting in the config17:23
rick_h_katco: because any hotfix would be against the support branches, never master17:23
katcorick_h_: release-branches are cut from staging?17:23
rick_h_katco: yea, so rather than making a new release by merging staging->master and then creating a new support branch from master17:24
rick_h_katco: it would just be to create a new release by creating the new support branch17:24
rick_h_katco: and skip that master middle man17:25
katcorick_h_: i thought the purpose of master was to always be releasable? e.g. staging -> master is our opportunity to run the full CI suite?17:25
* redir wonders if we'll wind up with git-flow -- with different names17:25
rick_h_katco: no, master's job was to be a place to perform hotfixes that only had one PR from the last release17:25
rick_h_redir: lol, almost, except git-flow doesn't have the idea of dual test runs in it17:25
katcorick_h_: where do we run our full CI suite w/ no master?17:26
rick_h_katco: develop->staging17:26
rick_h_katco: right now to get frmo develop->staging you need a bless17:26
katcorick_h_: oh, it's PR->develop that is the partial isn't it17:26
rick_h_katco: right17:26
katcorick_h_: then yes, we don't need master; but i would get rid of staging instead since master is such a common thing with git17:27
rick_h_katco: +1, just speaking in current terms so we follow what we're saying17:27
redirok master and develop check17:28
redirhotfixes, check17:28
rick_h_redir: where do you think I got those from :P17:28
redircaptain we need more power17:28
* redir is missing the dual test runs17:28
rick_h_redir: so the one plus is that develop->master is automated based on bless17:28
rick_h_redir: on 1.25? or some other way?17:28
redirlike picture in picture on tv17:28
redirnever saw a use17:28
rick_h_redir: ? /me isn't following17:29
redirmissing as in doesn't know -- is ignorant17:29
redirignore me you were making progress17:29
rick_h_redir: oic, 30min test run vs 3hr test run17:29
katcorick_h_: redir: in my head, someday there will be no 30min test run, only a sub-minute one and then CI tests17:30
redirone to merge to develop and the other for merging to master17:30
redirI thought the 30 minute one was the CI tests17:31
katcoredir: it's just a subset of our test suite, unfortunately17:31
* redir is curious where the sub minute test run lives:)17:31
katcoredir: in the future! when we've converted our suites to actual unit tests :)17:32
redirahhh I wan't in the time machine to the future17:32
rick_h_:) in a dream land where you don't actually talk to a db in a unit test17:32
katcorick_h_: that's not a dream!17:32
rick_h_katco: :)17:32
katcorick_h_: e.g. the deploy command is now fully ready to be converted to unit tests. completely in-memory17:33
redir+1 I think of that as reality and not that as a bad dream17:33
rick_h_katco: <317:33
katcorick_h_: and some of the tests have already been converted as examples17:33
mgzrick_h_: oh, misc comment, it seems the flag to limit pre-testing to certain users is not actually turned on?17:34
mgzso, anyone proposing a branch against develop gets their code run on our setup17:34
mgzI can turn it on and see if it works?17:35
redirSo I came over here to exit bacause DNS keeps failing. REbooting everything from the modem in :(17:35
rick_h_redir: there's a known big ddos attack going on17:35
redirthe iot one?17:35
mgzyeah, it's not you redir17:36
katcoredir: possibly17:36
mgzthough confusingly my internet is just terrible as well today17:36
katcoyeah it's turning out to be a weird day17:36
redirI guess irclogs.ubuntu.com is a popular site:|17:36
rick_h_redir: heh17:36
natefinchit's everybody17:36
redirOK not rebooting everything.17:37
redirjust the router and I'll use some non major DNS17:37
redirbecause it is DNS for me17:37
redirnames not resolving17:37
natefinchyeah, there's a DNS service down and it's screwing up a TON of sites17:38
rediroh dyndns17:38
redirSaw they were down17:38
redirthanks for the intervention17:39
redirfriends don't let friends reboot17:39
katcothis is rather unprecedented isn't it?17:46
natefinchI don't remember anything like this, no.17:46
katcoi mean i've seen pleanty of ddos against a site or two17:47
natefinchI think @FiloSottile said it best: Take this intuition. Now ask, "why doesn't my DNS resolver just remember the IPs that worked 1h ago?" NO GOOD REASON17:47
katcobut this seems like it's affecting a lot of critical sites/infrastructure17:47
natefinchAnd: Any website would take stale IPs over downtime. Nobody relies on fast DNS changes anyway, everything is cacheable (➡DNS is bestcase) </rant>17:48
natefinchwell, hopefully after this, the DNS companies will get their act together and start planning for this sort of thing17:49
katcothe timing with the kernel privilege escalation is interesting too17:52
natefinchlol, this is not the Russ Cox I was looking for: https://aussiecriminals.com.au/high-profile-criminals/russell-mad-dog-cox/17:55
natefinchjust realized goimports doesn't support -s and now I have a sad17:56
redirI once made a dns mistake (forgot a leading dot) and so the rply was with the wrong IP. That IP led to an http server's default site. I used long TTLs then because it shouldn't change often, so 86400. Google happened to crawl it before the correction propagated. So google returned the wrong results for another 7 days.18:04
redirI started using short DNS TTLS after that18:05
natefinchhaha yeah18:05
redirI'll give you one guess who's "business card" site was the default site.18:06
redirThere was a lot of telelphone ringing that week18:06
redirnot the good kind18:06
katcoohhhh shit... the fan in my main computer sounds like it's bearing just went out18:07
katcogod wtf friday18:08
katcosigh brb18:08
natefinchgah, turning jsonschema into a generic UX is really really hard19:38
natefincher generic interactive UX19:38
rick_h_natefinch: let me know if there are any particular pain points you want to brainstorm on19:40
natefinchI think it's ok, there's just a huge matrix of interactions that exist.... for now I'm treading a narrow path of supporting only what I know we need to support... but it means there's a lot of edge cases that won't work if we want to use this as a generic "throw anything at it and it'll work" library (which was basically the whole point of writing it in the first place)19:41
rick_h_natefinch: that's ok though. one stone at a time.19:42
rick_h_as long as we stick to the types we need, byt focus on supporting the type vs oir need we'll be in good shape imo19:43
natefinchyep.  Basically, I wrote the schema for openstack, now I'm writing the UI code to handle that particular schema, while doing my best to add checks to properly error out if someone deviates from the supported schemas, instead of just doing the wrong thing.19:44
natefinchopenstack just adds three new ideas - arrays, an enum of values, and an object that is a map of name to object (regions).19:46
perrito666oh, this is where we complain?19:47
natefinchwhere else? :)19:47
perrito666I have been fixing tests for 2 days that basically require me to reverse engineer what a provider is doing interms of api calls19:47
natefinchthe rest of the internet is broken ;)19:47
perrito666speak for yourself, internet works here, its just crazy slow19:47
=== sinzui_ is now known as sinzui
perrito666ghaaa, kidding me? I added error.Traces to the code and the tests break? that was nasty21:24

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