
N3X15I'm on xenial and the latest open-vm-tools install without errors, but fail to start, even after manually starting the systemctl service00:05
N3X15Any ideas?00:05
mparilloI used open-vm-tools-desktop00:11
N3X15Yes, but that doesn't fix it00:14
floownWhen I do a : sudo do-release-upgrade, no version is found00:22
floownwhy? ^^00:23
Defiance_which version are you currently running?00:26
Unit193I'm going to presume your /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades says 'lts'00:26
DrunkwizardHello, I have recently setup an envoirnment for personal use on a 1 Terabyte harddrive, wondering how much Kubuntu /root install takes.00:30
DrunkwizardIt appears it is taking more than 200 GB, which is not normal, not even for KDE.00:30
Drunkwizardone more thing, I am also having this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/104738400:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047384 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "System Encryption Password set before setting keyboard locale" [Medium,Triaged]00:33
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MichelleBachelet@@@@ J@IN #wikimedia-ayuda @@@@04:32
Startx04somebody on with knowledge of japanese input?05:53
hateballI think there is some wiki page for that05:55
hateballhmmm, what is the trigger05:55
ubottu日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。05:55
Startx04well, everything i found on the web just dont work05:55
Startx04and my japanese is not yet good enough for the japanese channel ^^05:56
Startx04and there is nobody online either ^^05:56
hateballwell, maybe you could try asking them in a single long question... oh05:56
hateballI guess hang around then, it's usually pretty quiet here around this time05:56
Startx04ok, will keep fiddling around in the meantime05:58
Startx04but wierd if i install japanese next to english i end up with some half finnish or swedish half japanese05:59
Startx04i dont think japanese translations are based one one of these languages...06:00
JuanManuelSantos@@!!@@ J@IN #wikimedia-ayuda @@!!@@06:00
hateballStartx04: Fyi Swedish and Finnish are not similar either, they are different language groups :p06:02
Startx04i know, but i don't know either one enough to separate them - just can read some words because they are similar to german ;)06:04
hateballWell finnish is mostly a lot of järvenpääääääää06:06
hateballWhile Swedish is more calm.06:06
hateballAnyhow, ot ;D06:06
Startx04well, i can switch over again to check xD06:06
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Startx04um... the nordic invaders are gone, can't see them any more o_O06:11
Startx04maybe rather afrikaans?...06:26
Startx04Disse Klöönruum wöör op den06:26
Startx04even google can't figure out the language ^^06:27
soeehiho zaki06:56
zakisoee: is there any way to reset kde plaska 5 to its default settings. i'm using kubuntu 16.4.106:59
zakiI made some changes in my theme and other appearences.07:00
soeehmm can't you go through System Settings sections and press Default button where needed?07:01
zakihello soee, thanx for the suggestion, everything oky now. :)07:35
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TomTomgood morning, am using 16.10 and i am missing ksnapshot. the "print scn" button is still bound to ksnapshot (which opens a browser) and "ksnapshot" is not installed and there is also no such package to be installed (as suggested)08:46
TomTomwhats the replacement?08:46
yossarianukdoes anyone know how to save minicom configs in directory other than /etc/minicom08:46
TomTomah... ksnapshot is now "spectacle"... but the keybinding is not changed08:47
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peekpokepukehello ereryone!15:22
peekpokepukeDoes it work Ark with Kubuntu 16.10?15:23
peekpokepukei can't decompress rar files15:24
pataroki can not load icc modules... getting: We don't have access to the VideoLUT for clearing.15:24
patarokas feedback from DisplayCAL15:24
ndrghi , stupid question: there is way to find ETA for kde 5.8 on backport? just to now16:33
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AlgotI have lost my Inkscape filter presets since upgrading to Kubuntu 16.10. Need help getting them back.16:47
peekpokepukeAlgot: look @ .config/inkscape where all config files are stored16:55
Algotno filters folder there16:56
AlgotThere is a filters folder in /usr/share/inkscape, but the fliters.svg file is empty. There is also a filters.svg.h file which seems to list the missing filters, but I don't know how to use that.17:00
kchenhi i'm noticing some strange behaviors when I'm typing into Krunner/ application launcher / "password - KDE Daemon"17:02
kchenIs this a good place to ask questions about this?17:03
Ndrgsorry I disconnect me for a moment so exscuse me if I repeat the question: there is some way to know when KDE 5.8 will be avaible on the backport ppa?17:23
soeeNdrg: no. It all depends when it will land in 17.04 archive17:25
soeethan it will be backported17:25
NdrgOK thank u!17:26
viewer|29871Hello everybody. I want to install Kubuntu 16.04 on my computer but, when I am on the desktop, I want to clic in install botton but my clic don't works right and left. I can move but can't clic. I unplung my mouse USB and plug in other USB port but it's the same things17:44
viewer|29871An idea ?17:44
viewer|93850Hi all.17:47
viewer|93850I need help.17:47
viewer|93850Anyone ?17:48
viewer|93850I need help17:48
nubb3ask a question.17:48
viewer|93850Hello, I want to install Kubuntu 16.04 ont my computer. But when I am on the desktop, I want to clic in "INSTALL KUBUNTU" but my mouse clic don't work. I try to unplug and replug in other USB port but it's the same things. Have you an idea ?17:51
nubb3Sorry, do u have a newer mouse?17:53
nubb3My mx master needed some special package before support was inadded to the kernel.17:54
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markslawI can't pring pdf files in kubuntu 16.1021:23
markslawwhat do i need to do?21:23
markslawI'm also having trouble updating. I click on the update icon and then click "update" and it comes back that everything is current and nothing updates! What's going on?21:26
valorieis ocular installed, markslaw?21:29
valorieoh, something is still wrong with the updater icon21:29
valorieit doesn't refresh for some reason21:29
markslawyes, ocular is installed21:40
valoriecan you open the PDF once ocular is open?21:45
markslawyes, I can see the pdf, but nothing happens when I click on "print" in the print dialog. I've tried deleting and reinstalling the print driver. Nope. didn't work21:51
valorieI guess I would run ocular from the commandline, and watch the output when I click "print"21:53
valoriesee what's happening21:53
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