[07:50] Ben64 called the ops in #ubuntu () [07:56] abcd1234 called the ops in #ubuntu () [13:05] ouroumov called the ops in #ubuntu () [19:19] its usual nonsense from [for{}] (~gangalo@unaffiliated/gangalo): realname again [19:20] todays topic: $PATH [19:20] is he known for this [19:21] Yep [19:21] yes, i muted him as user sed12 for his grub "issue" where he refused help but kept on ranting over and over [21:27] In #ubuntu, cobracommand said: ubottu yes I know what sudo is what I meant to ask if other linux distros allow you to run admin/superuser commands without typing sudo [22:42] k1l_: "never come back"? That escalated a bit quickly, and I think you may have overreacted, both in promptness and severity. [22:43] if you want that user back in the community i will gladly remove the ban and will be happy if you be there everytime he insults others because they dont do his work. [22:47] k1l_: If you think that asking how to accomplish something like adding a repository is "making others do ones work", you should consider spending some time away from support (go do something fun). Answering questions is pretty much what #ubuntu is about. [22:48] Burnout happens. It's often really difficult to see it ourselves. That's one of the reasons we have other people on the team :) [22:52] k1l_: I'll remove that wide kil_ ban in a few minutes when he realises he can't rejoin with a name that mocks you [22:52] ikonia: doesnt trigger me since i use a 1 [22:53] exaclty [22:53] he'd not spotted that [22:53] but it is quite a "wide" ban on nickname [22:53] ? [22:53] something in #u ? [22:54] just a guy messing around [22:54] Heh. At least traffic is slower than usual in #u-o [22:55] I also noticed there's someone in #u with a nick of "b***h" [22:55] think I spotted it before [23:00] ikonia: Suspecting last 10 could be the same person? (although not the same IP) [23:00] 599 and 600 are === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh [23:09] Well, that was a real serious net split there [23:11] SonikkuAmerica: it seems the nickserv server is being rebooted [23:11] hggdh: It's back, ↑ [23:11] hggdh: Yeah. I'm in #freenode following developments there [23:12] hum. Login still fails for me [23:12] Afaik services aren't quite back up [23:13] there it is [23:13] or not, I got a nick protection warning [23:13] Oh there we go! [23:13] yes [23:13] and we're back [23:14] SonikkuAmerica: I got auth'd, therefor they were back. :P [23:14] My auth was lagging by about 10 sec [23:18] although just before that I don't I'll be able to unsee what was in #u *shudder* [23:59] nicomachus called the ops in #ubuntu ()