
wrstnetritious: just bought my little girl a guitar... my wife may shoot me so if this is my last irc message been great knowing everyone :)13:52
netritiouslol nice wrst13:54
netritiousI bet she'll love it13:54
wrstgot her a baby taylor, she is just 5 but seems inclined to really learn13:55
wrstalready seeing signs she has a singing voice13:55
netritiousthats awesome. mine is 14 now and plays vibraphone now, but wants to go back to snare already lol13:56
wrstdrummers run deep in your bloodline ;)13:57
wrstI would rather them being making music than cheerleading or softball or whatever13:57
netritiousSame here wrst13:57
wrstI have been absolutely amazed at the quality stuff available for linux now13:58
netritiouswife didn't get it about band until she heard a parent say her son got a full scholarship playing band13:58
wrstI know someone now that got a full ride at UT13:59
wrstdrummer btw13:59
netritiouswrst I mainly use linux for server. I guess I would use for desktop, but just don't need it I guess.14:00
wrstwell... I had been using a macbook for music stuff but really had not found what I was looking for14:01
wrsttried abelton live 9 out, and it is a bit intimidating, want something to do some minor "real" recording and do more digital stuff14:01
wrstit is great but just a bit much, bitwig strangely enough was right in the middle, and also completely crossplatform,14:02
wrsthave it on the macbook so if i need to travel I can have the same setup14:02
wrstlinux just works so well to record when properly setup you can cut it down to an absolute bare minimum and only be running the software you need14:02
wrstI usually install something like fluxbox when I get really serious and have no desktop stuff getting in the way14:03
wrstardour has improved carzily since I really got into this stuff last also14:03
netritiousnice. One day I hope to have time for music projects again.14:28
netritiousOccasionally I jam with my brother, but he is convinced there is only one good software and that's cubase.14:28
wrstit is good stuff14:45
wrstI have just been looking for price/usefulness etc14:45
wrstand I do like stuff that runs on ubuntu I just can't afford 2 or 3 macs14:45
wrstbut bitwig is really impressive and the linux support is awesome14:45
wrstfirst class citizen14:45
[Ubik]FYI, if anyone is needing the latest Jessie in us-east-2 (Ohio), ami-77055f12 is the AMI ID. Debian hasn't made one available there yet, and I needed to spin up a box or two there...15:46
[Ubik]So I just copied their us-east-1 public AMI over and made mine public, any of you need to use it feel free.15:46

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