
dxiriis us.archive.ubuntu.com having problems?00:07
dxiriI am getting 503 Service unavailable00:07
naccdxiri: maybe a bit slow, but it's working for me00:08
TadgyHow/where do I report a kernel bug to at ubuntu?00:09
nacc!bug | Tadgy00:09
ubottuTadgy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:09
dxiriweird...got broken on 2 boxes here like that00:09
naccTadgy: i believe the package to use is 'linux'00:09
Tadgynacc: Thanks.00:09
naccTadgy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Bugs00:10
naccdxiri: for a specific URL?00:12
=== gemini_ is now known as somethis
dxiriE: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-security/restricted/binary-amd64/Packages  503  Service Unavailable00:12
dxiriE: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/restricted/binary-amd64/Packages  503  Service Unavailable00:12
dxiriE: Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/newton/main/binary-amd64/Packages  503  Service Unavailable00:12
dxiriE: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-backports/restricted/binary-amd64/Packages  503  Service Unavailable00:12
dxiriE: Failed to fetch http://mirror.rackspace.com/mariadb/repo/10.0/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Packages  503  Service Unavailable00:12
naccdxiri: uh, use a pastebin next time00:12
somethisdxiri: http://pastebin.com/00:13
naccdxiri: i feel like you're using an out of date apt, or something -- they are now zipped files (not Pacakges, but Packages.gz or Packages.xz)00:13
naccdxiri: are you trying to use xenial archives on non-Ubuntu?00:13
somethismhmm, my wlan disappeared after upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04.00:15
somethis... any suggestions?00:15
naccsomethis: seems like it should 'just work': http://www.linux-hardware-guide.com/2015-04-03-zyxel-zyair-g-220-wireless-adapter-usb-2-0-802-11g ?00:17
shadoxx_somethis: do you see any messages in 'dmesg' that say "firmware" and "failed"?00:18
dxirithis is so weird00:18
somethisshadoxx_: running dmesg ...00:20
somethisnacc: it used to just work.00:23
tj2roboticsHey, anyone else having problems with arm64 archive packages for 14.04?00:24
floownWhen I do a : sudo do-release-upgrade, no version is found00:24
floownWhy? ^^00:24
tj2roboticsMaybe you're on the latest version?00:25
somethisshadoxx_: I see some lines with "failed" but I don't get them :-) ... [    0.207518] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC failed (AE_SUPPORT); disabling ASPM00:26
tj2roboticsAnyone having problems with apt-get update (arm64 sources repo not downloading (404))00:26
Bashing-omfloown: Ehatis the current telase intalled ? And what is set for the upgrade path ' grep Prompt= /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ' ?00:27
Bashing-omfloown: * what is the current release installed *00:28
floownBashing-om: Kubuntu 160400:28
shadoxx_somethis: can you pastebin the output of 'dmesg'? i warn you, there might be serial numbers or otherwise personally identifiable information in the output, but nothing terribly compromising00:29
tj2roboticsBashing-om: Are you having trouble with the arm64 sources repo, or is it just me?00:30
somethisshadoxx_: sorry, didn't address you with the link ... here it is ... http://pastebin.com/fjvrk3bT00:30
Bashing-omtj2robotics: Can not say .. as I am not accessing the arm64 repo .00:30
shadoxx_somethis: any reason you're running the lowlatency kernel?00:31
tj2roboticsBashing-om: I'm not trying to either, but if I do apt-get update it fails with finding the arm64 list.00:31
Bashing-omtj2robotics: Pastebin the command and it's output, please . We see what the error condition is .00:32
somethisshadoxx_: That's because I'm running Ubuntu Studio ...00:33
shadoxx_makes sense00:33
N3X15Are there any known issues with open-vm-tools?  They don't seem to be working at all on 16.04.00:34
somethisshadoxx_: just for recording stuff every now and then.00:34
tj2roboticsBashing-om: We tried a few different countries, just to see, but here is the last one we tried. They all get the same error. http://paste.ubuntu.com/23356665/00:34
shadoxx_N3X15: did you install the plugins? open-vm-tools by itself won't show things like networking info, you have to install open-vm-tools-<feature>00:35
shadoxx_somethis: not sure what's going on here. lots of ACPI errors though, could be an issue. but, do you know which kernel driver your USB wifi dongle is supposed to use?00:36
N3X15shadoxx_, open-vm-tools-desktop is installed, as is the dkms module.  Other than the dev-package, there are no other packages to install.00:36
shadoxx_somethis: I'd try something like, 'modprobe <kernel module>', and then see if you get a failure message in dmesg00:37
shadoxx_usually that shows you what's going on. i didn't even see the driver attempt to be loaded in that output you pasted00:37
shadoxx_N3X15: what feature isn't working that you're expecting to work? what hypervisor are you using?00:38
somethisshadoxx_: ok ... yes, it's weird. It also takes forever to shutdown. Seems to be a common error but I can't find a solution ...00:38
N3X15shadoxx_, I'm using VMware Workstation Player 12, and am trying to get graphics to work properly.  I'm getting boatloads of graphical glitches.00:38
shadoxx_N3X15: Oh, yeah. Does Workstation come with its own ISO you can insert? I know VirtualBox has it's own Guest Additions CD, which you attach to the running VM and then install00:40
N3X15shadoxx_, the VMWare tools produce the same result when installed.00:40
shadoxx_somethis: Honestly, with as new as 16.04 is (and if you need this to be a stable machine), I'd revert back to 15.10/14.04, or try your luck with the new 16.10 distro. Could be your issue is fixed upstream00:40
Bashing-omtj2robotics: Look'n :00:41
somethisshadoxx_: ... yes, you're right00:41
shadoxx_N3X15: interesting. Does your host have any sort of hardware acceleration enabled? Also, how much graphics memory are you giving to the VM?00:41
Bashing-omtj2robotics: http://ro.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-security/restricted/binary-amd64/ , Not to sure I understand all I do not know here .00:42
shadoxx_N3X15: those are just my general troubleshooting techniques. i've had very hit and miss luck with graphics and VMWare/Virtualbox00:42
shadoxx_N3X15: on Mac OS X, sometimes I can't get a Guest to take up the fullscreen on the host until I reboot.00:42
N3X15shadoxx_, I have hardware acceleration enabled and 256MB allocated,  I'll try with 1GB but I'm not holding my breath since the hypervisor isn't even aware tools are running.00:43
tj2roboticsBashing-om: We tried the Romanian mirror because the US mirror kept failing.00:43
somethisshadoxx_: thank you! Ok, I'll give that a shot tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time..00:43
shadoxx_somethis: anytime!00:43
shadoxx_N3X15: hmm. will it show the IP address of the Guest?00:44
N3X15shadoxx_, the guest has network connectivity, so I assume so.00:44
shadoxx_N3X15: I meant, does the IP of the Guest show up in the Workstation GUI? I don't have a copy of Workstation handy unfortunately.00:45
N3X15shadoxx_, 768MB of VRAM, still glitchy as heck.  I'm in Player, so no fancy stuff like Workstation.00:46
shadoxx_oh, that might be the issue.00:47
Bashing-omtj2robotics: In the path is " Packages.gz  : where I expected the named path end to be " Packages " . I do not know what to advise in this situation .00:47
shadoxx_N3X15: https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=207380300:47
shadoxx_N3X15: with how "enterprise" the VMWare suite is, I would put money on Player not supporting open-vm-tools00:48
shadoxx_N3X15: you might have better luck with VirtualBox. If you have an OVA that's for Player, you can probably convert it to a VirtualBox image pretty easily00:48
N3X15shadoxx_, given that player is bundled with VMWare tools and even they don't work whatsoever...00:48
shadoxx_N3X15: what's your Host OS?00:49
N3X15shadoxx_, and I converted from VirtualBox due to the lack of 3D acceleration.  I'm on Win7 as the host00:49
N3X15(x64 Ult)00:49
Bashing-omtj2robotics: Do you have something non-standard in your sources.list file(s) ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ; tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' , Would not hurt to check .00:50
shadoxx_N3X15: i'm stumped. could be a range of things. generally graphics and virtualization, on consumer hardware at least, is very hit and miss00:51
atralheaven_Hi, I've encrypted my flash drive with LUKS + ZFS using "cryptsetup luksFormat" command and then "cryptsetup luksOpen", now I have the device on /dev/mapper, how can I mount it so I can use it?00:51
tj2roboticsBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23356714 I don't see anything unusual.00:52
N3X15and all of a sudden it works. WTF.00:52
Bashing-omtj2robotics: look'n .00:53
eatyerfaceOld bones full of green dust!00:53
shadoxx_N3X15: huzzah! linux!00:56
N3X15it's still glitchy, but resizes, at least.00:56
Bashing-omtj2robotics: I too see no fault with  that sources.list file . So far beats me .00:58
tj2roboticsBashing-om: Maybe they are doing server maintenance?00:59
Bashing-omtj2robotics: I would not think that is the reason, as you have changed mirrors . I have seen no others with issues in your respect .01:00
Bashing-omtj2robotics: No 3rd party sources ?01:00
N3X15Is there a way to completely reset network-manager?  Even though I can SSH out, the icon in KDE just brings up an empty list.01:01
tj2roboticsBashing-om: Alright, ill assume its server maintenance, and ill try again tomorrow, thanks though01:03
Bashing-omtj2robotics: K ..01:05
dyc3hey, would anyone, by any chance, have a method to install a bunch of outdated versions of packages?01:28
RarrikinsHow do I find when a package was last updated?01:29
lordcirthdyc3, why would you want to do that?01:31
logan0405Hi, I have this problem on multiple computers and it's really really annoying01:31
logan0405I install Ubuntu, then it works once, but after I restart it stops working01:31
logan0405It hangs on the Ubuntu . . . . screen forever after the second boot01:32
logan0405Latest ubuntu 16.10 i believe01:32
lordcirthlogan0405, did you install them from the same CD/USB?01:32
Bashing-omdyc3: Installing outdated versions of packages breaks the system, not many here will want to help you break the system .01:32
logan0405No, I tried burning a new USB because I thought it was a fluke01:32
logan0405Grub works fine, I can dual boot into Windows if I want, but Ubuntu seems to just get corrupted after one boot01:33
Bashing-om!nomodeset | logan0405 Tried ??01:33
ubottulogan0405 Tried ??: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:33
logan0405Thank you I'll try, sounds like it could be the problem.01:33
Bashing-omlogan0405: Only likely .. try and advise on results .01:34
logan0405Just press E to edit the boot commands and add in nomodeset right?01:35
lordcirthlogan0405, yes, on the kernel line01:36
dyc3lordcirth: im doing a computer security competition tomorrow, and i have to create VMs to test our repair scripts on.01:36
lordcirthdyc3, I guess that makes sense.  Why not download a 14.04.0 ISO, install it, and not update?01:37
TheNH813Is there a way to speed up the notifications?01:37
TheNH813Like if I skip through a bunch of sings, it still displays the name for each quite a few seonds.01:37
TheNH813Where is the setting for the notification bubble timeout?01:38
logan0405No go, it hangs just the same with nomodeset added to the kernel line, but the splash screen is no longer high resolution.01:38
dyc3lordcirth: i thought of that after i had done a bunch of work to screw up the VM01:38
lion4407is there a simple command to do the opposite of do-release-upgrade?01:38
TheNH813logan0405: Video problems?01:39
lordcirthlion4407, no, you shouldn't go backwards01:39
lion4407im having issues with 16.1001:39
TheNH813logan0405: Try a VGA= option instead. What resolution you want?01:39
logan0405Nope I doubt it's video problems. It works perfectly I can play videos games and everything the first time I boot into Ubuntu. After one restart, everything gets fouled up. This happens consistently over multiple installations. I have not booted into Windows since installing. My bios is UEFI01:40
lordcirthlion4407, what issues?01:40
lordcirthlogan0405, did you verify the ISO hash, or run the installer self-check?01:40
lion4407network manager does not want to show openvpn and ubuntu 16.10 does not want to work in virtualbox sigh01:40
TheNH813logan0405: Hm..... do you have any wierd UEFI options set? Like a custom secureboot key?01:41
logan0405I have secureboot turned off01:41
TheNH813Ah, ok then it can't be that. Is it a laptop or desktop?01:41
logan0405How can I verify the ISO hash lordcith? And I'm 99% sure that isn't the problem. It works perfectly fine installing and I used for days before restarting the first time, which after I restarted it broke01:42
TheNH813That sounds like a drivers issue of some sort. Have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?01:43
logan0405Not that I'm aware TheNH813 , I just installed chromium, geany, redshift and gnome desktop01:43
TheNH813Has it ever been able to boot in recovery mode?01:44
phenomI just wanted to give props to the canonical crew. Seems without enabling home encryption at install, 16.04 is pretty solid without needing any-to-much configuration.01:44
phenomHowever when I enabled home encryption, it was an utter mess that would crash every 20 hours.01:45
phenomFor some reason, yet to be figured out.01:45
logan0405I just tried recovery mode, a menu popped up and then I hit resume, now it's hanging on "Started User Manager for UID 125"01:45
TheNH813Reboot, and select the "root" option.01:46
TheNH813From recovery mode.01:46
phenomAnd now I'll disappear until the next LTS.01:46
TheNH813logan0405 You might be able to get a root prompt. If that's the case, you can pull up DMESG to look for anything wierd.01:46
phenomlordcirth, We were discussing the EVO SSD iirc? Seems the new firmware works fine.01:46
logan0405yep I gota root prompt, I'll do dmesg01:47
lordcirthphenom, indeed, mine has worked fine for 2 years since I got it.01:47
phenomlordcirth, Right on. You haven't enabled home encryption by chance have you?01:47
lordcirthphenom, I have, actually01:48
lordcirthAlso btrfs01:48
TheNH813phenom: I'd have to agree on that one, 16.04 is pretty stable. Only problems I had was forcing the right soundcard to stay default. Eventually just deleted the hda-intel HDMI driver module. XDDD01:48
logan0405I've got dmesg in less TheNH813, what am I looking for here01:48
phenomlordcirth, Can I ask what laptop you have?01:48
phenomthinkpad x220 here btw01:48
lordcirthphenom, desktop, built01:49
TheNH813logan0405: Anything that seems like a critical error, like a failure to load a module or initialize something.01:49
phenomI'm done trying to squash the bug, I'm just curious if it could be lenovo specific.01:49
lordcirthphenom, that seems unlikely01:50
phenomlordcirth, I'm unsure why I assumed you had a laptop.01:50
lordcirthAs am I01:50
lordcirthI actually just ran out of space on my 50GB btrfs partition, which went poorly01:50
AIvaroMoIina^^^ JOIN #wikimedia-ayuda ^^^^ patrocined by UAwiki01:51
lordcirthHad to delete a bunch of stuff so I could apt -f install so I could apt autoremove01:51
TheNH813logan0405: And if you don't find any failures there, we can be sure it's not the Kernel and drivers, but something that happens later in boot.01:51
logan0405ACPI error: namespace lookup failure, maybe some stuff about snd_hda_intel errors but that's all I see01:51
phenomlordcirth, I hate playing the space game01:51
Guy1524hey guys, my ram usage is really weird, I only have chrome and steam open, but I am using 8.7 GB of RAM  System monitor: https://i.imgur.com/BBoozf8.png     Top command: https://i.imgur.com/lgT2oYN.png01:51
TheNH813logan0405: Can you try booting normally, but remove the quiet and splash options from the kernel command line?01:52
logan0405sure, I'll try it again, I just tried it I think no text popped up unless I made a mistake01:52
lordcirthGuy1524, no, you are using 2.2GB RAM for processes, and the rest is cache.01:52
lordcirth!ram | Guy152401:53
ubottuGuy1524: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/01:53
TheNH813logan0405: Yeah just press edit on the default (normal) os option and remove the quiet splash words. See what specific part it hangs on. You'l get lots of boot time messages.01:53
Guy1524oh ok01:53
logan0405Did that, there is no text on my screen01:53
lordcirthGuy1524, 'htop' instead of 'top' is a nice way to visualize it01:53
Guy1524how do I stop this, because my programs keep crashing when they go over the limit01:53
phenomOK guys.01:54
logan0405TheNH813, no luck. There is no text or splash as before after removing quiet and splash options. Just a black screen.01:54
lordcirthGuy1524, that should not be happening.  Are you running 32 or 64bit?01:54
Guy152464 bit01:54
Guy1524here Ill check again just to make sure01:55
Guy1524nvm, its fine now01:56
lordcirthGuy1524, try 'free -m' or installing htop01:56
TheNH813logan0405: Mkay, try this again, remove "quiet" and "splash" but also add "text VGA=791"01:56
lordcirthhtop shows color-coded ram usage that is nice01:56
Guy1524thanks for the help, I never knew about disk caching01:56
Guy1524is there any way you can make System Monitor not include ram used for disk caching?01:57
naccGuy1524: generally, you *want* to use all your memory01:57
TheNH813Guy1524: I was confused the first time I saw it as well. It definitely improves application startup times. :D01:57
Guy1524huh, ok, thanks01:57
kk4ewtGuy1524, http://www.linuxatemyram.com/01:58
logan0405TheNH813, I replaced 'quiet splash' with 'text VGA=791' no go, same thing. I am using HDMI not a VGA cable don't know if that matters01:58
Guy1524seen that kk4ewt01:58
TheNH813logan0405: Hm... this seems to be a very odd problem. Basically, the words "test" force it to run as text only (non-graphical) mode, and the VGA= option forces 1024x768 to ensure it's not a graphics issue. Must be something a bit more complex. Could be a hardware conflict.01:59
naccGuy1524: what crashes exactly?01:59
TheNH813I meant text, not test. XD01:59
logan0405ah haha ok01:59
naccGuy1524: and what do you mean by 'limit'?01:59
Guy1524i dont know why, but earlier today a game crashed and froze the whole desktop01:59
logan0405i will try 'test VGA=791'01:59
Guy1524I assumed it was because of ram01:59
Guy1524but I guess thats not the case02:00
TheNH813No no, text was correct.02:00
logan0405oh fudge02:00
naccGuy1524: if it was actually because of out of memory, you would see a bunch of failures in `dmesg` (and processes being killed)02:00
Guy1524(I had eclipse, chrome, steam, and the game open, and I have 12 GB)02:00
TheNH813Try "text nomodeset VGA=791 acpi=vendor"02:00
logan0405Really weird because I was having the same exact problem on my microsoft surface but I thought whatever screw that weird hardware and picked up a new desktop. Now the same thing is happening02:00
Guy1524ok, well that usually doesn't happen for me, back when I had 8GB I played a game called Rust and once ram ran out my computer pretty much froze02:00
Guy1524I couldn't even switch to tty02:01
Guy1524and the computer wouldn't respond through ssh02:01
Guy1524but thats off topic, thanks for the help guys02:01
TheNH813logan0405: Give me a few minutes to look something up.02:01
naccGuy1524: it can lead to a system crash; but more than likely what you experienced was kswapd thrashing (if i had to guess) -- meaning the kernel is trying to swap to disk (if you have a swap partition) just as fast as it is allocating memory and never catches up02:02
naccGuy1524: that's just a guess, though02:02
logan0405tried "text nomodeset VGA=791 acpi=vendor" same thing02:02
naccGuy1524: note that ssh not responding isn't abnormal if you actually are in OOM, as the network stack in the kernel can start to fail02:03
Guy1524I don't have a swap partition02:03
Guy1524I only have 60 GB of space on my SSD02:03
TheNH813logan0405: Just a theory I have, but can you try booting it as legacy instead of UEFI?02:03
logan0405yeah you gotta be right02:03
TheNH813Just turn off UEFI temporarially, and try starting it.02:03
logan0405ill try that02:03
logan0405im sure02:04
naccGuy1524: seems odd -- but would need to get logs when it happens to really debug02:04
Guy1524ya, and I dont play that game anymore anyway02:04
Guy1524so its fine02:04
logan0405ugh no boot device found, but I'm sure the problem is UEFI, it's given me headaches before. after you restart it always screws you over.02:05
TheNH813logan0405: I guess Ubuntu didn't install the non-UEFI version of Grub then. But, maybe reinstall Ubuntu in Legacy mode. I can't say anything else unfortunately, I'v not encountered this before. Though I have fixed quite a few similar problems.02:07
logan0405Yeah I guess I will, well I'm actually 100% sure the problem is UEFI02:07
TheNH813But this one's not giving the clear signs such an issue usually gives. Sorry I couldn't help you man, hope you can figure it out.02:07
logan0405I have had this same thing happened before, but you just reminded me02:07
logan0405after you restart it it always overrides stuff and does stuff without telling you02:07
logan0405Thanks for your help02:08
TheNH813Ah, like it changes a setting or something on it's own. That makes sense.02:08
TheNH813Good luck!02:08
logan0405tester5: it didnt work02:10
lordcirthIs there a mod that disables Kerbin ground science?02:12
lordcirthOops wrong channel :P02:12
Drunkwizard Hello, I have recently setup an envoirnment for personal use on a 1 Terabyte harddrive, wondering how much Kubuntu /root install takes.02:21
DrunkwizardIt appears it is taking more than 200 GB, which is not normal, not even for KDE.02:21
Drunkwizardone more thing, I am also having this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/104738402:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047384 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "System Encryption Password set before setting keyboard locale" [Medium,Triaged]02:21
lordcirthDrunkwizard, where do you see 200GB used?02:22
Drunkwizardlordcirth: In the root my home folder is currently not that occupied.02:23
Bashing-omDrunkwizard: A tight working install " /dev/sda1       4.7G  2.2G  2.3G  49% / " of 4.7 Gigs for root .02:24
lordcirthDrunkwizard, what does df -h show for / and /home?02:24
Drunkwizardlordcirth: https://paste.kde.org/pd1asl4ja02:26
DrunkwizardBashing-om: Interesting.02:27
lordcirthDrunkwizard, install 'ncdu' or another diskspace tool, and see where it wnt02:29
Drunkwizardlordcirth: Alright.02:29
Anthaas_I am somewhat tempted to give a WM a try, like Awesome or XMonad - what are the limitations of using such a thing?02:31
Drunkwizardlordcirth: Nevermind, it was me.02:32
DrunkwizardThank you.02:32
Bashing-omDrunkwizard: When you installed, did you choose " erase disk and install ubuntu "  Where the installer installed to the whole entire hard drive ?02:33
* KingsQuest is away: with OpenBSD lowest02:34
lordcirthAnthaas_, dwm is nice, as is Openbox.  The limitations? hard to say, maybe just give it a shot.  You can also use a VM02:34
mundus2018_Can I add software to apt?02:35
lordcirthmundus2018_, you can add PPAs to add other people's software.02:35
Anthaas_lordcirth: Like, currently I use a lot of visual software to do things, now moving away from that isn't an issue. Are they capable, however, opening software such as IntelliJ IDEA, Sublime Text, Google Chrome, etc?02:35
Anthaas_Or are you limited to CLI?02:36
lordcirthAnthaas_, what?  Of course graphical windows work fine02:36
lordcirthAnthaas_, in fact, you are using a WM right now, it's just that you *also* have a DE02:36
Anthaas_Oh good! Every time Ive seen people using them, I have only seen them using CLI tools02:36
lordcirthAnthaas_, well yes, that's because usually somewhat hardcore people use them, who also tend to mostly use CLI.02:37
Anthaas_I do a lot of CLI stuff, hense the thought02:37
lordcirthI used to use dwm and pretty much everything in CLU02:37
Bashing-omAnthaas_: One reason is that the CLI is univeral across all distributions .02:38
Anthaas_Hmm, I'll definitely wait until I've finished my presentation tomorrow - I'll probably try it first with a VM when I get home.02:39
Anthaas_Thanks guys. Ill take a look at dwm now.02:39
=== pouet is now known as Guest48448
logan0405Crap, I thought my problem was fixed but I disabled UEFI and I'm having the exact same problem. After I reboot, my ubuntu installation won't even start up02:57
logan0405it hangs at Ubuntu . . . . screen02:57
logan0405tried nomodeset, tried text only boot mode; no text showed up, recovery mode I can boot to a root prompt02:58
logan0405and now It's not even showing grub02:58
logan0405ah crap, the problem was GDM, gnome display manager. for some reason it just isn't working entirely with default install of gnome, just black screen03:04
RarrikinsIs there a way to get top to sort by the USED column? When I set it to sort by that, it seems to be sorted randomly.03:09
Random832Rarrikins: how do i get the column to even show up?03:15
RarrikinsRandom832: Press capital F to show the fields, go up or down to it, press space to show it, press s to sort by it, press q to exit back to the main screen.03:16
Random832nevermind i got it03:16
Random832you know, it's weird, in general they seem sorted, just a few are out of order03:16
Random832i give up03:27
Defiance_on what03:27
Random832on Rarrikins' question03:27
RarrikinsRandom832: I've been filling out a bug report.03:29
V0iDMy Ubuntu disconnects from WiFi after closing Lid. Power management for WiFi is disabled, hibernation is off03:29
Random832it's clearly *a* consistent sort order, if you move off and back to it it goes to the same order03:29
RarrikinsV0iD: Is standby turned off?03:30
RarrikinsV0iD: Sorry, not sure then.03:31
V0iDRarrikins: Yes03:31
V0iDRarrikins:  It just drops connection by decreasing signal strength, when i turn on, it connects again, I have sane problem with my phone03:32
V0iDAnyone got any idea???03:34
V0iD8:59 AM <V0iD> My Ubuntu disconnects from WiFi after closing Lid. Power management for WiFi is disabled, hibernation is off03:39
V0iDI will ask later03:39
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soupnanodesukarany ideas why I'm getting this error? https://paste.ubuntu.com/23357540/ Using oibaf ppa.04:21
soupnanodesukarI *think* it's a problem with the compiled-in llvm.04:22
soupnanodesukarok nvm04:27
MichelleBachelet@@@@ J@IN #wikimedia-ayuda @@@@04:30
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lotuspsychjeanyone knows a way to list latest snap packages from terminal or ubuntu software on 16.04?04:59
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Mr_Froghey, i just updated to 16.04. The poweroff and reboot commands have disappeared, and I am unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/05:04
Mr_FrogHow should I go about trying to shutdown?05:04
Guestiehey! I remember a clock/stopwatch application that came with Windows. Is there something similar that I can get for Ubuntu Desktop TLS 16.04?05:06
SurryI'm having trouble installing a persistent Ubuntu onto a USB stickeroo. Option for persistence doesn't even pop up in the Disk Creator.05:06
GuestieSurry, I wish I could help you, but I am having issues understanding what "a persistent" is.05:07
Ben64Surry: try unetbootin?05:07
lotuspsychjeGuestie: i think the ubuntu clock snap package05:07
SurryBen64, I'll try. Universal USB Installer did not work either.05:08
lotuspsychjeMr_Frog: did you try a sudo reboot?05:09
Guestielotuspsychje, I'm not sure how "snap" packages work. I've always done "sudo apt-get install XYZ" and it works.05:09
lotuspsychjeGuestie: you can use terminal or ubuntu software to search snap on its name, perhaps try 'clock' or snap find clock05:10
Mr_Froglotuspsychje, i get sudo: reboot: command not found05:11
juanonymouswhen the site goes something like this...05:11
juanonymousError 50005:11
juanonymousInternal Server Error.05:11
juanonymousIf you are the site admin, click here for details (+)05:11
juanonymousprobably it has reached its peak?05:12
juanonymousi mean ram usage05:12
* mwd clicks the +, nothing happened..05:13
juanonymouswhat is the probable cause of that?05:14
Ben64juanonymous: not enough information to determine answer05:15
mwdprobably a ground fault though05:16
Guestielotuspsychje, now I'm required to use Ubuntu One.05:18
lotuspsychjeGuestie: to do what?05:19
Guestieand I'm having issues using that account (which I already made for Launchpad)05:19
Guestielotuspsychje, to get Ubuntu Clock off of the software center05:19
lotuspsychjeGuestie: you need ubuntu one for ubuntu touch downloading packages, but wasnt aware it was needed for desktop?05:21
GuestieI used https://login.ubuntu.com/ which let me login, but Ubuntu Software Center isn't letting me login!05:22
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lotuspsychjeGuestie: can you try the terminal way05:24
lotuspsychjeGuestie: snap find clock05:24
Guestielotuspsychje, if I do it the terminal way, I don't have to do this snaps account bull****?05:26
lotuspsychjeGuestie: not sure, wasnt aware of ubuntu one on desktop snaps...05:26
lotuspsychjeGuestie: try sudo snap install yoursnap-name05:27
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adamgSo I underwent some hairy issues with a 14.04 -> 16.04 upgrade a couple days ago (cryptsetup was broken, among other things, so was worried about unbootable system since I have FDE). Mostly working now, but when I run apt update, I get an error about debtags --local on stderr: https://gist.github.com/AdamG/79830dce9e8247d727c2bccb84860d0c05:43
adamgif anyone recognizes it/knows what the fix is, that'd be great - apart from that, wondering A. if i should be worried about apt not actually working correctly and B. what next debugging steps should be05:45
SurryBen64, UNetBootin did not work for a persistent Ubuntu install on my USB,05:50
MichelleBachelet@@!!@@ J@IN #wikimedia-ayuda @@!!@@05:51
SurryIt still gives me the install and try Ubuntu options.05:51
Ben64Surry: well of course it does05:54
Ben64it's still a live usb05:54
* Surry explodes.05:54
SurryRip, not what I wanted. Now I leaves. Tired and didn't sleep for 3 days.05:55
Ben64persistent means changes you make in the live system.... oh well05:55
virhiloanyone has this issue? http://superuser.com/questions/1132418/google-chrome-logs-out-from-every-webpage-after-system-user-has-logged-out05:59
virhiloor managed to solve it05:59
JuanManuelSantos@@!!@@ J@IN #wikimedia-ayuda @@!!@@05:59
UrsaTempestOkay. So I need to take Screenshot of LibreOffice Writer while opening Edit menu.06:10
UrsaTempestBut each time I use PrtSc, the Menu closed and gnome-screenshot takes the closed menu.06:10
UrsaTempestHow to... well, how to make it not closed?06:11
WulfUrsaTempest: sleep 5; import -window root shot.png06:11
fireba11morning. got a strange behaviour: pm-suspend doesn't wake up proberly while pm-hibernate works fine. any ideas where to start searching for the problem?06:11
reisioUrsaTempest: GIMP also has a pretty straightforward File > Create > Screenshot dialog06:11
UrsaTempest...I'm sorry. Would you kindly explain it more, Wulf? I.. don't understand.. Ah! Yeah, I have GIMP. Thanks reisio!06:12
reisioGIMP is probably the way if you didn't get Wulf's suggestion06:12
reisioor if you are familiar with a video screencasting app, you could make a video, and easily grab a single frame (or short bursted series) with mplayer -vf screenshot06:12
reisiobut, probably GIMP for you :D06:13
cfhowlett!cn | kaleo_06:17
ubottukaleo_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw06:17
cfhowlett!kylin | kaleo_06:17
ubottukaleo_: Ubuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is an official part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin06:17
elias_aUrsaTempest: gnome-screenshot can also do the trick.06:23
elias_aUrsaTempest: http://askubuntu.com/questions/126787/how-to-take-screenshot-of-indicator-menus06:23
INeedHelphello.  I have a laptop that has a broken lcd screen. In order to install ubuntu on it, I need to take the hard drive out and install ubuntu on it using another computer. How do I go about this? Once it is installed and I put it back in the computer will it work? If not what do I do?06:35
INeedHelphello.  I have a laptop that has a broken lcd screen. In order to install ubuntu on it, I need to take the hard drive out and install ubuntu on it using another computer. How do I go about this? Once it is installed and I put it back in the computer will it work? If not what do I do?06:35
cfhowlettINeedHelp, remove hdd. install in other computer.  boot ubuntu from  a usb.  install.  remove HDD.  install in 1st computer.  boot it up.06:36
INeedHelpcfhowlett: once I put the hard drive back in the original pc will it JUST WORK?06:36
INeedHelpif not what might happen06:36
cfhowlettno way of knowing as you don't have a monitor to give you feedback.06:37
INeedHelpi have an external monitor06:37
cfhowlettlovely.  set it up, boot your ubuntu usb and install.06:37
INeedHelphowever, the reason why I need to install it on a differnet pc is because I cannot get the bios to show up06:38
INeedHelpthe external monitor only kicks in once WIndows has turned on06:38
cfhowlettis this a very old machine?06:39
INeedHelpnot really06:39
INeedHelp4 or 5 years06:39
cfhowlettprobably will work06:39
INeedHelpi shall come back if I need help06:40
cfhowlettbest of luck06:40
superguestI want to change  to a new Theme but I don't know how themes works06:42
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:42
superguestdude, MyUnity is not available through Ubuntu Software06:52
superguesthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy doesn't apply to 16.04.106:55
Ben64superguest: wow that article is ancient06:56
maven_hi just doing test for a vid06:58
maven_hi @wook06:59
superguestBen64, do you know which repo has MyUnity?07:02
superguestBen64 or maybe you can suggest a differnt Themes Tools07:02
Ben64superguest: unity-tweak-tool perhaps?07:04
linociscoHi all, I dont have physical servers to Install OpenStack Autopilot on hardware. How can I deploy app on cloud which should be accessible from internet anywhere07:10
reisiolinocisco: 1) find networked service that allows installation of openstack autopilot 2) install it & use it07:19
reisiolinocisco: tell me this, though07:19
reisiolinocisco: do you know what "the cloud" is? Do you know what "openstack" is?07:20
reisioalmost nobody does, IME07:20
Ben64reisio: that's why it's called the cloud07:24
reisioBen64: heh07:25
reisiothe nist definition of cloud computing is the most hilarious document of all time (referenced in this msg)07:26
Ben64when i was taking my first ccna course... 15 years ago... the cloud was the internet or any network you didn't know the configuration of or what was in it or who controlled it, etc07:26
reisioright, any hosting with vague specs that you pay extra for07:27
reisio...that's made out of water droplets :p07:27
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reisiothe best is when your "cloud" goes down because it's housed entirely in a single building (which also has no secondary power source)07:28
reisiofinally we can pay extra for hardware abstracted storage and resources within inches of each other07:28
Ben64yay marketing07:29
necrophcodrI wanted to create a virtual interface named lo:1, however I found that doing what I did was not ideal and didn't work07:32
necrophcodrI started out with: `ip a add dev lo:1`07:32
necrophcodrbut it turns out what works is `ifconfig lo:1`07:32
necrophcodrthe first command adds the IP to dev lo07:33
necrophcodrand _NOT_ lo:107:33
necrophcodrhow come?07:33
necrophcodrAnd is it even possible to do the same with `ip` as `ifconfig`?07:33
AdisaHallo, what's topic today?07:45
cfhowlett!topic | Adisa07:46
ubottuAdisa: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic07:46
giulioGood morning07:46
Adisaubottu: i'm sorry i'm new on irc. Thanks for your help07:46
ubottuAdisa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:46
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic07:46
Suntop_KinseekerI been trying to understrand how to edit GRUB so I can autoboot in windows instead of Ubuntu if I desire07:46
abcd1234i like my nick07:47
giulioim OFFtopic but need some advice on linux in general, what do you think about the Note7 that run on fire? I see low prices so im interested, theris no way to prevent high temp? like shoutdowning it07:47
abcd1234abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd123407:47
abcd1234abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd123407:47
abcd1234abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd123407:47
abcd1234abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd123407:48
Ben64Suntop_Kinseeker: easy thing to do is this... http://askubuntu.com/questions/252996/how-to-make-grub-remembers-what-i-boot-last-time07:48
Suntop_Kinseekerthe starting screen where it defaults to either O/S it is simple  with the Windows Booter, but in the linux enviorment I cannot default it to another O/S I even moved the text of the booter for windows to be 1st07:48
cfhowlettgiulio, yes you are oftopic.  try #ubuntu-offtopic07:48
abcd1234abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd123407:49
abcd1234abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd123407:49
Suntop_KinseekerI understand how to add lines but does it require me to be  in Ubuntu to edit GRUB or can I edit within windows?07:49
Ben64Suntop_Kinseeker: much easier to do from ubuntu07:49
Suntop_KinseekerAs I figured Ben6407:50
abcd1234abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 abcd1234 ab07:50
AdisaSuntop_Kinseeker : do from ubuntu, you should install bash on windows to do that07:50
Suntop_Kinseekerbash on windows?! what?!07:50
lion4407this guy is still going ? lol07:50
abcd1234who klined me?07:50
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu07:50
lion4407wb buddy07:50
lion4407oh wait this #ubuntu07:50
abcd1234Ben64: who you call ops on?07:50
cfhowlettabcd1234, stop screwing around07:50
Ben64poor cfhowlett :(07:51
Adisayes, bash on windows, but it's buggy i guess07:51
linociscoBen64, hi07:51
abcd1234i tricked the guy07:51
Ben64wb cfhowlett07:51
linociscoBen64, sometimes ok fast shutdown with wifi disabled. sometimes not ok.07:51
Adisaabcd1234: please change your name, stop trolling here07:51
marcofehello all07:51
lion4407abc1234 where you getting those ip's?07:51
cfhowlettBen64, thanks.07:51
lion4407abc1234 where you getting those ip's?07:51
ikonialion4407: please don't engage with people trolling07:52
cfhowlettlion4407, this ^^^07:52
lion4407i can ask in #freenode07:52
ikonialion4407: they won't welcome it there either07:52
Suntop_KinseekerYeah good Idea. Anyways. Bash on windows?! Isnt that beta still07:52
lion4407they are not quite as strict07:52
cfhowlettSuntop_Kinseeker, not beta, now fully released07:52
Suntop_KinseekerOkay I will reinstall the bash part again now it is not beta anymore07:53
Ben64bash on windows doesn't make it any easier to edit grub though07:53
Suntop_KinseekerNo I will just reboot into Ubuntu on my Intel Pentium D machine07:54
Suntop_Kinseekeris it as easy to set up shares in Ubuntu as it is in windows? (Never set up shares in the Linux enviorment)07:55
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu07:56
cfhowlettabcd1234, please go play somewhere else.07:57
Suntop_KinseekerThey won't and that is not a proper K-Lined quit responce07:57
Suntop_KinseekerOkay is there something wrong with my shares. It takes 30 seconds to open my windows share in this VM on this machine07:58
Suntop_KinseekerAnyone have a tip to speed up the network response from my windows shares?07:59
BackwardsSuntop you can msg me if you would like some help.08:00
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Ben64!pm | Backwards & Suntop_Kinseeker08:03
ubottuBackwards & Suntop_Kinseeker: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.08:03
juanonymous86:IA:BF:63:2B:66 <- what is this?08:04
Ben64juanonymous: not enough information to determine answer08:04
cfhowlett!ask | juanonymous,08:05
ubottujuanonymous,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:05
reisiojuanonymous: probably a macid08:05
Ben64reisio: with a capital i ?08:05
reisioBen64: who says it has a capital i08:06
silverfangHello! anyone awake?08:06
Ben64reisio: uh, juanonymous did08:06
reisiosilverfang: that's possible08:06
cfhowlettsilverfang, ubuntu is a global community so don't assume it's nighttime worldwide.  what is your ubuntu question.08:07
reisioBen64: what, because he typed it?08:07
reisioBen64: that's a stretch :p08:07
silverfangreisio: great! I just switched to linux (ubuntu) from windows 10... i have a problem that im not sure about, tried to google. May i ask here?08:07
reisiosilverfang: sure08:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:08
silverfangreisio: The minimize,maximaze and close are on the left side of the panel border, can i somehow get it to the right side?08:08
ikevinsilverfang, yes, choise a theme who have them in the right08:08
cfhowlettsplashing, don't spam here please08:08
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
Ben64that site tries to install malware *watch out*08:08
linociscoregarding, Libreoffice Calc, how to distribute all columns evently08:09
silverfangikevin: what do you mean? where do i choose the right theme then?08:09
reisiosilverfang: I believe unity-tweak-tool covers that08:09
reisiosilverfang: install it & prosper08:09
silverfangreisio: I have tried using it and changing it there however it doesnt work.08:10
Ben64last i checked, it wasn't possible to move them in unity anymore08:10
splashingcfhowlett, it is a software not spamming!!!!!08:10
reisiosilverfang: what doesn't work, exactly?08:10
Ben64splashing: it isn't ubuntu support so it is spam08:10
cfhowlettsplashing, yes it is.08:10
silverfangreisio: To change the buttons to the right side of the window08:11
reisiosilverfang: what ubuntu version?08:11
linociscoregarding, Libreoffice Calc, how to distribute all columns evenly?08:11
silverfangthe 14.0 reisio08:11
reisiosilverfang: should work for 1408:12
reisiosilverfang: what exactly are you doing with unity-tweak-tool?08:12
silverfangreisio: i cannot find the right option in tweak, however i tried to use dconf as ifound that solution on the web but with no luck. Could you tell me where to go in the tweak tool?08:13
Ben64not possible in 14.0408:14
reisiowell of course it is08:15
reisioand in 16, too :p08:15
silverfangBen64: are you refering to me?08:15
Ben64referring to you and reisio i suppose08:15
silverfangBen64: gah, i thought i could customize everything in linux (A), gotta go with arch for it? Im to noob for it damnit.08:16
reisiosilverfang: the path of least resistance, though, would be to use something other than unity08:16
reisiosilverfang: try plain compiz, it's closest08:16
Ben64silverfang: you can do it in not Unity08:16
reisioyou can customize everything, but not always with 0 effort08:16
silverfangreisio: I've tried to do about 4 ways already, none working :( reisio do you know where in unity tweak that the option is?08:17
silverfangBen64: oh do you mean i cannot do it in unity twak?08:18
Ben64you can't do it. ever. no way. no how. (in unity)08:18
silverfangBen64: so how can i fix it? Is there a way? :]08:18
Ben64not use unity08:18
silverfangBen64: do you mean the unity tweak prog or is "unity" a ubuntu theme?08:19
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity08:19
reisiosilverfang: it'd look like this: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-f4p0ApyYw7g/U6uL3LxoJjI/AAAAAAAAG08/5DMefwBPJqk/s1600/18_utt-Appearance-Window-Controls_wm.png08:19
zzz_siema boty08:20
reisioUnity is a religious version of compiz; again, for the path of least resistance, try using ordinary compiz08:20
reisioIIRC you can just run compiz --replace & save your session08:20
metRo_Hello all08:21
metRo_I accidentally remove my boot partition :s08:21
metRo_How could I restore it?08:21
zzz_why ?08:21
Ben64metRo_: how did you remove it08:21
zzz_table partiotion08:22
zzz_or partiotion ?08:22
metRo_I think I was delete a usb drive partition08:22
metRo_On gparted I delete the boot partition08:22
Ben64use testdisk to find it and recover08:22
silverfangreisio: how did you get to that page? :P08:22
metRo_I only notice that I had the main drive selected when it doesn't allow me to delete the main partition08:22
Ben64metRo_: it shouldn't have let you delete /boot either, since it would have been mounted08:23
Ben64and it would say /boot08:23
metRo_Ben64: I have testdik open, which partition table type should I choose? EFI GPT partition ?08:24
metRo_it says EFI GTP partition table type has been detected08:24
=== for{} is now known as sinkingArmada
silverfangreisio: i found this: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=226540608:25
reisiosilverfang: images.google.com ( https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&sout=1&safe=off&q=unity%20tweak%20tool%20window%20controls )08:25
silverfangpeople say its not possible to do it anymore :s08:26
metRo_Ben64: it found 3 partitions on  a quick search08:26
reisioI think even Ben64 said that, already08:26
Ben64silverfang: i've been trying to tell you08:26
metRo_MS DATA 2048 - 1050623; MS Data 1050624 - 1936842751; Linux Swap 1936842752 - 195352369508:27
silverfangBen64: so what am i supposed to do exactly? :p08:27
Ben64silverfang: told you that already a bunch of times08:27
linociscowhat is the bypass proxy software so that firewall can't detect08:27
metRo_the first one has 1048576 sectors, how many bytes is each sector? to confirm that it is 512Mb08:27
linociscowhich sites i am using08:27
Ben64metRo_: you look like you're on the wrong disk08:28
silverfangBen64: i cant find it, please tell me again what am i supposed to do in order to get it to the right side of the panel?08:28
Ben64silverfang: ~~~~you can't do it~~~~08:28
metRo_Ben64: Doesn't understand what you said08:28
metRo_BTW I found the boot partition08:28
Ben64silverfang: how many times do i have to tell you the same stuff?08:28
metRo_how can I restore it now?08:28
metRo_Load Backup?08:28
silverfangBen64: but reisio said its possible :(08:29
metRo_or add partition?08:29
Ben64metRo_: how do you know you found it08:29
metRo_because on the bottom of the page when I select the first MS Data08:29
metRo_it says FAT32, 512 MiB08:29
Ben64metRo_: the boot partition wouldn't be fat3208:29
metRo_that is exactly the info I had on gparted08:29
metRo_when I deleted it08:30
metRo_and it said boot08:30
Ben64ok so you can restore that. it isn't your /boot partition though08:30
metRo_Ben64: to restore should I choose A: add partition or L: load backup ?08:31
silverfangBen64: reisio thanks for answers, sadly it doesnt work with unity ui in 14.~ :(08:32
Ben64metRo_: i think you just hit enter on the partition08:33
metRo_enter on the partition will list files08:33
Ben64p lists files08:33
metRo_p is the default option08:33
metRo_now I can choose: Keys A: add partition, L: load backup, T: change type, P: list files,08:34
JustAnotherIdiotwhat's a good tutorial on how to setup a custom service?08:37
linociscohow to draw tender box in ubuntu? which software is better to draw and design with template?08:38
theShirbinyJustAnotherIdiot, ubuntu 16.04?08:43
JustAnotherIdiotI think I found one08:43
zamanfI am using Windows7 now and I want to delete it from my pc and install it again along with ubuntu. Is there a guide to show me how to install both OS with a boot loader? It's been a long time since I did it09:01
kucingwhere am i09:04
brunch875zamanf: So you want to delete it from your PC or keep it alongside ubuntu?09:04
akikzamanf: first install win7 and after that ubuntu. write grub into mbr and let it boot both of the oses09:04
kucingim lost09:04
brunch875kucing: This is the ubuntu support channel09:04
JustAnotherIdiotdoes anyone know how to setup a custom service/daemon?09:05
zamanfakik, I have to create partitions first. Ubuntu does it for me without ruining the current win7 installation?09:05
brunch875zamanf: Ubuntu does so unless there isn't enough space. Basically you have options to pick letting you choose to install alongside or wiping everything09:06
akikzamanf: yes there's an option "something else" at the partitioning stage09:06
brunch875I wouldn't even go as far as using the advanced partitioner when you can pick the options09:07
akikzamanf: but you said you want to delete win7 first?09:07
k200can i install updates at cron @reboot ? or it will ask for password and fail?09:07
zamanfakik, can I install ubuntu on USB and boot from there?09:07
brunch875zamanf: yes09:07
JustAnotherIdiotis it something nobody knows how to do?09:08
brunch875zamanf: The windows installer is known not to respect ubuntu installations, so install windows FIRST to wipe your old instalation09:08
leonardHi Guys09:08
leonardthx for response09:09
leonardyou all nice person09:09
akikJustAnotherIdiot: what ubuntu version are you using? it differs if you're using upstart or systemd09:09
lakituinstalling 16.04, fails toward end, saying could not install grub-x64-uefi package or something09:10
lakituany ideas?09:10
lakituhappened twice09:10
akikJustAnotherIdiot: then you need to create a systemd service09:10
zamanfI am googling a bit about the USB option and I am currently reading something about Rufus. My guess is that I will have to touch the BIOS, isn't that right?09:10
lakituam on a newer 3770k system09:10
leonardwhat is "tor" and for what I am using Backbox and I am newbie....09:11
akikJustAnotherIdiot: here are some examples: dropbox) http://askubuntu.com/a/806631, znc) http://wiki.znc.in/Running_ZNC_as_a_system_daemon#Get_the_daemon_up_and_running09:11
brunch875zamanf: You're probably going to have to touch the BIOS to change the boot order so that it tries the USB first. But many computers allow you to simply hit F8 or something to pull up a menu and boot from there.09:12
BackwardsBrunch true F2 or F809:13
brunch875F2 is normally the bios itself09:13
brunch875on my PC it is F12 though09:13
brunch875Many computers display some sort of "press f12 for booting options" while they're powering on09:14
brunch875some others are a bit more secretive about this09:14
BackwardsBrunch you are correct on the Boot Order but not all BIOS's recognize USB.09:15
zamanfalright, so I will make a normal fresh Windows7 installation and install Ubuntu on a separate USB 3.0 disk. whenerver I want a linux OS I will just plug the USB in. No partitions, nothing depends on anything.09:15
brunch875zamanf: The ubuntu installer does all the partitioning by itself, very easily (if that's your concern)09:16
BackwardsYou can install a complete Ubuntu server or OS on a USB stick and set the BIOS boot options to look for the USB first if that is your choice.09:16
zamanftrue, at the moment I am thinking of a USB solution due to the lack of HD space09:16
zamanfI am only concerned if the USB installation will be slow when I use Ubuntu09:17
brunch875it will definitely run slower than on the hard drive09:18
brunch875but if you're starting anew, space shouldn't really be a problem09:18
TupladWhat does the sign ; mean in samba.conf ? Commented out ?09:18
BackwardsZamanf, you have no choice but to accept the speed of the USB stick or external drive.09:19
akikzamanf: ubuntu's hd requirements are not that much. what kind of storage do you have and how much?09:20
zamanfeven on USB 3.0 port?09:20
zamanfakik, not much. Just perl programming09:21
akikzamanf: i mean, you can resize your windows partition and get space on your hard disk for ubuntu09:21
brunch875^That's what I'd also recommend09:21
zamanfwould you recommend me to copy the ubuntu.iso file to my USB, set my BIOS to boot from USB first and create a partition on my current Windows drive?09:22
BackwardsYou can also partition a memory stick to dual or tripple boot.09:23
zamanfBackwards, I am concerned about the speed, I guess I will have to avoid the USB installation09:23
brunch875zamanf: if you do the regular process, what you put in your USB is going to be an ubuntu installer09:24
brunch875which is also bootable09:24
BackwardsBest thing is to experiment and see what is best for you. There are no hard and fast rules for that.09:24
brunch875so don't worry about the complexity of the installation09:24
brunch875it's nothing like "boot into USB then pull out the partitioning table and then manually copy ISO here and there"09:25
brunch875it's more like clicking next next next09:25
zamanfyeah, the linux installation has changed a lot during the last years, made a straight forward process, easy for everyone09:25
BackwardsYou can run a Virtual Machine on a memory USB stick. Use your immagination.09:26
BackwardsYou can run a Ubuntu or Linux server on a USB device and take it to work or anywhere.09:27
BackwardsTake care folks.09:32
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bnzhey can anyone help me , i am trying to install linuxcnc on a fresh install of precise following these instructions http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/getting-started/getting-linuxcnc.html i get to the step where they say to reboot and check the kernel version. where it reports i am running the generic version of the kernel not the rtai version i need for realtime hardware control. i have enable the grub menu to see if there was an option to select09:37
bnz the rtai kernel but its not in the list, update-grub finds the new kernel but it still won't boot it..09:37
bnzany help would be greatly appreciated.09:37
bnzwhat are my instructions missing?09:38
oliver8282hello there?09:39
brunch875!ask | oliver828209:39
ubottuoliver8282: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:39
oliver8282how to install eclipse?09:40
brunch875oliver8282: what I like doing is opening a terminal with CTRL-ALT-T and writing in there: sudo apt install eclipse09:41
oliver8282i tried but it dosent work09:42
dreamrealhi, all. I'm running ubuntu server inside virtualbox, and what I'd like is for the text console to have a larger display. Fixing grub is easy - but it then resets the console to what looks like an 80x40 screen. What am I missing searching for?09:43
oliver8282i tried but it dosent work09:44
oliver8282i tried but it dosent work09:44
oliver8282i tried but it dosent work09:44
oliver8282hello ]09:44
bnzi think i have found a possible solution.. my motherboard is a old POS and probably dont like the 686 version of the kernel so i am trying the 486 version.. it says in apt-cache its for the older hardwares...09:44
bnzok the 486 versions have not come up in grub has anyone got a suggestion?09:48
bnzhmmm maybe grub is finding them and they are hidden in the menu that i can't access cuz my keyboard won't respond in the grub menu09:55
bnzi just upgraded generic kernel and it no longer shows the old one in the menu when it boots..09:55
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dreamrealdasdasas: really?10:03
dasdasasdreamreal: yep10:04
bnzso i go in and look at grub.cfg and see that there is a entry in there for the kernel i installed. ski count the entry's 0123 and change the default value to 3 for the kernel i want.. and reboot.. only to find that it has now selected to do the memory test… and it won't recognise my keyboards in this mode…. yay time to restart my install process all over again from scratch.. :(10:05
shubhniki want to install polkit-gobject package and its developer version10:09
shubhniki serached it here,and got the results as --> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&keywords=polkit-gobject&searchon=names10:10
shubhnikHow do i know the which is the right names of this package and its developer version10:10
b1u3i have a problem with backtrack10:14
linociscohi all,10:14
b1u3can u help10:14
linociscoI can't login to windows server using Remote terminal server software10:14
b1u3i give 100gb to harddisk to backtrack in vmware but it still says low disc space10:15
b1u3how can i fix it10:15
Ben64backtrack isn't supported here10:16
roryb1u3: if you increased the disk size, the filesystem on the disk is still the original size10:16
b1u3so what should i do10:16
roryb1u3: you would need to boot from a live ISO inside the VM, then use resize2fs to expand the filesystem to the new disk size.10:16
roryb1u3: exact syntax is left as an exercise for the reader, since this isn't Backtrack support.10:17
itay2nacc oerheks are you here?10:17
b1u3so which os should i use with the same commands10:17
roryb1u3: any Linux OS. The backtrack iso will be fine. Or an ubuntu ISO.10:17
roryb1u3: they all support ext4, which is probably the filesystem type.10:18
b1u3thanks so much rory10:18
bnzok i have half my problem sorted.. i can boot the rtai kernel, the kyb was blocked in bios. now my question is a bit easier, how do i get the rtai kernel to be the default in grub, can i simply copy the lines in grub.cfg from one spot to the next? or would i be better off removing all the other kernels (bit of a sledge hammer but don't need the other kernels installed)10:18
RandomNoobHello guys I am using Xfce. How to change timezone from terminal? Or which files can I edit for it?10:19
Ben64RandomNoob: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata10:20
bnzremoving the other kernels appears to be the trick..10:21
bnznow to work out how to get unity to start a application on boot/login…10:22
bnzoh how i miss GDM..10:22
RandomNoobBen64 is there any other ways ? I want to do that change without my touch. I am writing little python script for myself to configure automatically my liveusb every time I reboot.10:23
bnzevery time  try and remove unit to install gdm i end up with a mess.. so now i am going to try and live with it..10:23
fireba11bnz: why don't you just use https://ubuntugnome.org/10:26
itay2nacc oerheks are you here?10:28
_shaun_ hi guys i cant get my mint install to pick up my bluetooth headphones and ive followed the standard procedures on the net as per https://wiki.debian.org/BluetoothUser/a2dp10:28
vltducasse: I got the solution to my usb re-plug problem: It’s not a udevadm trigger or scsi rescan. It’s a simple `modprobe usb_storage` :-)  Thanks for your help yesterday.10:29
Ben64_shaun_: mint support is in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org10:32
_shaun_thanks ben10:32
moe_ahello, anyone free to help with a small issue?10:33
fireba11moe_a: just ask. if someone got time and thinks he/she can help you'll get an answer :-D10:34
bnzfireba11 i am stuck on 12.04.. but its ok i will see how i go with unity. .this milling machine will have touchscreen that works one day.. it might be ok as i don't have to use the UI too much once linuxcnc is booted and configured i won't have to leave it too often.10:34
bnzbut i have bookmarked that link for future use..10:35
moe_aok, I just purchased a lenovo x1 yoga with windows 10 pre-installed. I made partitions for ubuntu and installed it, but after installation i cant get to boot it or get to grub loader. even though i disabled uefi boot and secure boot =/10:37
fireba11moe_a: try getting it to start with a usb-stick with http://www.supergrubdisk.org/category/download/supergrub2diskdownload/super-grub2-disk-stable/ and if you can boot it fine you got a running system from where to fix your bootloader10:38
moe_afireba11: thanks, i will try that now10:40
shubhnikhi huys,can someone tell me the differnce between lib<package-name> and <package-name>10:44
shubhnikfor eg,differnce between smbclient and libsmbclient10:45
EriC^^libpackage is a library10:45
SwedeMikeshubhnik: smbclient is the program, libsmbclient is the library. Some other programs might use the library as well.10:45
shubhnikso if i want to develop something,than i need libsmbclient rather than smbclient?10:45
SwedeMikeshubhnik: you probrarly need libsmbclient-dev10:46
shubhnikthan whats the differnce between libsmbclient and libsmbclient-dev ?10:46
SwedeMikeshubhnik: libsmbclient is the binary only, libsmbclient-dev would include other things that you need in order to compile programs against that lib (header files for instance)10:46
shubhnikso exactly how are they used,like when a program/library/lib-dev are used?10:48
itay2nacc oerheks are you here?10:49
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jamie_1is anyone around that can give me a hand with apt not being able to get internet access?11:41
jamie_1when i run sudo apt-get update it cant connect to anything. Right now im trying to install git but when i do it cant retreive any of the stuff it needs11:42
jamie_1the command i am using is sudo apt install git11:42
ikoniajamie_1: can your host connect to the internet at all11:49
jamie_1ikonia: i would hope so im talking to you11:49
jamie_1if not i must be nuts11:49
jamie_1ikonia: sorry i tend to be a smart ass11:51
Flanneljamie_1: please pastebin the output of `sudo apt-get update`11:52
jamie_1Flannel: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/892068011:53
ioriajamie_1,   ping www.google.com   works ?11:54
jamie_1ioria: yes11:54
jamie_1also just to point this out,... the computer im using irc from is the computer im having issues with so i have internet11:54
jamie_1all pings work, just not the mirror for ubuntu servers11:55
Flanneljamie_1: and you can browse to http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ and http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ ?11:55
jamie_1Flannel: kinda.... i get a pink background with a singular dom element box on the top11:56
Flanneljamie_1: I'm pretty sure that's a no.  That's also not what's on that page.  So, what else have you done with your network to confuse things when visiting those websites?11:57
jamie_1Flannel: this is a fresh install11:57
Flanneljamie_1: For fun, can you go to http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ and/or http://archive.ubuntu.com?11:58
jamie_1all i have done is installed npm, npm typings, visual studio code, open jdk and jre, and sublime11:58
jamie_1Flannel: server not found11:58
jamie_1still have perfect access to archive.mozilla.org11:58
jamie_1thought it might be the fact of the ftp setup but its seems to not be11:59
Flanneljamie_1: Do you have any other devices on the same router that could try those?11:59
jamie_1Flannel: yea one sec11:59
jamie_1gotta wait for it to boot up11:59
Flanneljamie_1: While we wait, how did you go about installing those things you listed off?12:00
jamie_1Flannel: the visual studio code i used dpkg -i and the rest i used sudo apt install12:00
Flanneljamie_1: So, you *had* repository access, and then it somehow went away?12:01
jamie_1Flannel: that is why im confused af12:01
ikonialooks like dns is bad, rather than the connetion12:01
jamie_1Flannel: other computer is fine12:02
ioriajamie_1,   any proxy ?12:02
kst_anybody up there ?12:02
Flanneljamie_1: and now that the other computer is fine, does this one still not work?12:02
jamie_1Flannel: yes it still does not work12:02
FlannelWell, I'm out of time and ideas, unfortunately.  But I'm sure someone else will be able to pick up and hopefully figure it out.12:03
ioriajamie_1,   did you edit sources.list for any reason ?12:04
pragsmikehost us.archive.ubuntu.com12:04
pragsmikeHost us.archive.ubuntu.com not found: 1(FORMERR)12:04
jamie_1Flannel: its all good for now, ill install git via package12:04
jamie_1ioria: no its a fresh install12:04
ikoniajamie_1: can you please do "nslookup us.archive.ubuntu.com" and pastebin the output please12:04
fasdaCan Snappy Ubuntu be installed on VirtualBox? I am running Windows host12:04
jamie_1ikonia: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/892068512:05
ikoniajamie_1: ok - so there is your probem12:06
ikoniajamie_1: whatever dns server you are using can't resolve the main archive12:06
ioriajamie_1,   using NM or /etc/network/interfaces ?12:06
jamie_1ikonia: im using what ubuntu has set by default12:06
jamie_1im on 16.0412:07
ioriajamie_1,   server ?12:07
jamie_1ioria: i am on ubuntu gnome 16.0412:07
ikoniajamie_1: so that will depend on your network, not ubuntu12:07
blacknred0ok, so, I'm trying to upgrade to 16.14 and my PC is caught in some sort of loop.  Does anybody know if there is a way that I could do an offline upgrade?12:07
jamie_1server i dont even know its not my network its the farms12:07
blacknred0I assume that I could download the iso and upgrade that way, right? or will it just replace what I got?12:08
ikoniahow can you be on ubuntu gnome but using ubuntu server12:08
ikonialets step back and understand a few core things12:08
ikoniaEXACTLY what version of ubuntu is this12:08
jamie_1ikonia: its not my network, the other computer sitting next to me is connecting fine, only difference is i am sitting on the gnome flavor and its on the vanila ubuntu12:08
jamie_1ikonia: I am on UBUNTU GNOME 16.0412:09
ikoniajamie_1: it is your network that sets/configures the dns server12:09
jamie_1ikonia: yes, but it seems to be doing that fine since the other computer running ubuntu is connected fine i would think12:09
ikoniajamie_1: on the broken computer please run this command "nmcli dev list | grep DNS" and compare it to the same command on the working one12:10
jamie_1ikonia: somewhere in the command you sent me you have an error12:11
ikoniawhat is the error you get12:11
pragsmikefwiw I also cannot resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com, worked ok yesterday12:11
jamie_1"error: dev command list invalid12:11
pragsmikehttp://isup.me/us.archive.ubuntu.com says it's just me12:11
jamie_1pragsmike: same here12:11
shubhnikif i have different packages like 'abc','pqr','xyz'  , than can i install all these three or more packages in a single run with sudo apt install abc pqr xyz12:12
ikoniaok - so it's possible that archive's dns is having a problem12:12
jamie_1worked fine before i went to sleep last night12:12
ikoniayes, dns cache will expire and change12:12
pragsmikecan somebody tell me the IP :)12:12
ioriajamie_1,  ping  security.ubuntu.com12:13
ikoniawhy ?12:13
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jamie_1pragsmike: just ping google12:13
pragsmikebad joke12:13
jamie_1ioria: it does not work... and that is the 5th time i have been asked to do so12:14
ikoniahang on12:14
jamie_1i have pinged both archive and security12:14
ikoniaping google.com doen't work ?12:14
ikoniayou said that worked a minute ago12:14
jamie_1ikonia: okay lets define the overall real fast12:14
ikoniaplease, just get a clear statement of where you are12:14
ioriano .... ping security.ubuntu.com not working12:15
jamie_1google pings fine, random ip, pings fine, security.ubuntu.com does not neither archive.ubuntu.org any of them, the rest of my internet works fine, the computer sitting to my left runs all the same stuff but perfectly fine12:15
ikoniajamie_1: ok - please do this test12:15
ikoniajamie_1: "nslookup" that will put you into a query shell, set "server" then "us.archive.ubuntu.com"12:16
ikoniayou only type the bits in "quotes"12:16
ikoniaenter after each set of "quotes"12:16
dreamreal> security.ubuntu.com12:17
dreamreal;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached12:17
jamie_1ikonia: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/892068812:17
ikoniajamie_1: was that with the commands I gaveyou ?12:17
pragsmikeI can suddenly resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com, which had been failing before, so maybe the problem is resolving itself12:18
ikoniaas it looks like it's still using dnsmasq (although it is working now)12:18
ikoniayes, I suspect dns servers cache just updated/TTL refreshed12:18
jamie_1ikonia: nslookup12:18
ikoniajamie_1: did you set "server" as I told you to12:18
jamie_1ikonia: yes12:18
ikoniajamie_1: then I don't think you did, as it still used
ikoniabut it doesn't matter as it's working12:19
ikoniaI suspect apt-get update will work now12:19
jamie_1ikonia: either way its working on its own now... and yes it actually does12:19
ioriajamie_1,   what dns are you using ?12:19
jamie_1ioria: i dont know12:19
JuJuBeeI have a folder with symlinks in it /home/me/someFolder and I wish to get an accurate listing of disk usage for each folder in /home/me.12:19
ioriajamie_1,   right click on NM icon and 'Connection Informatio'12:19
jamie_1also ikonia it does matter because more than one person right here is affected, and it was not done by my doing and was not fixed by my doing which mean it occured on ubunuts side... sorry as a QA engineer i see that as an issues12:20
JuJuBeeI used du -sh ./* and it tells me the folder with symlinks has 95G but there are ONLY symlinks in this folder.12:20
JuJuBeeI don't get the dereference and no-dereference options for du.  What should I use so /home/me/someFolder lists only a few k for the symlinks rather than the size of the symlinked folders12:21
jamie_1ioria: you need my dns config right? because i dont exactly go handing hout my dns adress12:21
itay2nacc oerheks are you here?12:22
jamie_1also that set of steps to get the dns config on ubuntu gnome does not work... its a little different12:22
ioriajamie_1,   i think they are public12:22
shubhnikif i have different packages like 'abc','pqr','xyz'  , than can i install all these three or more packages in a single run with sudo apt install abc pqr xyz12:22
ioriajamie_1,   or cd in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections and open with sudo  privs your connection and grep the dns12:22
EriC^^JuJuBee: try with du -L12:23
EriC^^shubhnik: yes12:23
jamie_1ioria: i know how to get it anyways the dns ip is
ioriajamie_1,   i don't think it's a dns12:23
embrikHi all! Is it possible to set my lubuntu-laptop to wake up when ac power is connected? I am setting up this laptop with a broken screen for a friend of mine. It would have been awesome let the laptop be closed, with the external screen on top of it. And just start it up by connecting the power12:23
ioriajamie_1,   it's your router12:23
jamie_1ioria: its what gnome is saying my dns is12:24
ioriajamie_1,   nope12:24
jamie_1ioria: im not saying its right... but im telling you what it says it is12:24
EriC^^embrik: you mean from sleep?12:24
ioriajamie_1,  or you have insatlled a dns cache or some other stuff12:25
jamie_1that is exatly what it says12:25
JuJuBeeEriC^^, strange now it shows 359G12:25
embrikEriC^^: no, from without power12:25
jamie_1ioria: ubuntu gnome has different main packages than ubuntu12:25
EriC^^embrik: hibernate or fully without power?12:25
embrikEriC^^: Fully without power12:25
ioriajamie_1,  ok....  open NM and configure dns12:26
EriC^^embrik: /join ##linux and ask maybe12:26
embrikEriC^^: OK, thanks12:26
jamie_1ioria: either way it is working now, but i still think there is an issue and not on my part. Considdering that by me not doing anything it was fixed and another person is expirencing the same issues, we might want to look on ubuntu's side12:26
jamie_1sorry as a QA engineer to me its rather obvious12:27
ioriajamie_1,  as ikonia said it's about your network12:27
jamie_1ioria: nothing on my side has changed but it is working fine12:28
ioriajamie_1,  using dhcp or static ?12:28
jamie_1ioria: im pretty sure static12:28
ioriajamie_1,  so, open NM and check DNS12:28
jamie_1ioria: i did, i opened the network manager and checked in the network settings and right next to where it says dns it says
ioriajamie_1,  change with or openservers, as you like12:29
jamie_1ioria: i will if it ocurs again, right now seeing as its not broken right now... lets try not to fix something that isnt broke at the current second12:30
pragsmikejamie_l: i think there was a bad DNS record for a while, and a good one is currently propagating, so various DNS servers will fail while others work12:30
brunch875I tend to use "always on top". But can I make that window ignore clicks and just pass them through?12:31
jamie_1pragsmike: from time to time its to be expected.. but still rather rare12:31
jamie_1either way i now have git installed and the only thing left to install is sublime text and i dont have to worry about apt anymore12:31
jamie_1at that point i have all my tools12:32
embrikHi all! Is it possible to set my lubuntu-laptop to wake up when ac power is connected? I am setting up this laptop with a broken screen for a friend of mine. It would have been awesome let the laptop be closed, with the external screen on top of it. And just start it up by connecting the power - I've asked this question before, but I give it a try once more12:44
ioriaembrik, oh, yes :) ... with an external keyboard , you mean12:47
embrikioria: yes12:48
ioriaembrik,  yes, but in my case, the battery is gone, and cmos resets every boot...12:50
itay2nacc oerheks are you here?12:50
ioriaembrik, and when i connect the ac pow, it starts for good displaying  an external monitor12:52
embrikioria: I can remove the battery, no use of it. Did you have to do any twaeks, or does it work out of the box, if you have a keyboard with a power button?12:52
embrikioria: Can you explain me howto?12:52
ioriaembrik, yes and nope12:52
embrikioria: have to go, I'll talk to you later? Are you here often?12:53
ioriaembrik,  it'a a broken hp nc 6000 ... yes12:53
embrikioria: good, contact you later :-)12:54
ioriaembrik,  ok12:54
nutsackrm -rf --no-preserve-root /13:00
nutsackmv ~ /dev/null/13:00
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nutsackcp ~ /dev/sda/13:01
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nutsacksudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /13:05
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu13:05
nutsackouroumov: the correct command is13:06
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!13:06
nutsacknot !ops13:06
Muriihow can I upgrade ubuntu from 12.04 to 14.xy13:10
Paul^^how use ssh client throught sock5 ? I mean I have a sock5 on a port , and I want use this to connect ssh13:11
Paul^^I don't mean ssh forwording13:12
HoloIRCUser2@Murii maybe "do-release-upgrade"13:12
Muriidoes not work, HoloIRCUser213:14
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abcd  # Default profile allows downloads to ~/Downloads and uploads from ~/Public13:21
abcdwhy can i save stuff anywhere in my home directory with the profile enabled?13:21
tsenovFellas, is fglrx-update properly working on Ubuntu 14.04.5 ? I see that there are proprietary AMD drivers on their website, but they seems to require 14.04.2? Are those 14.04.2 AMD drivers work properly on 14.04.5 ?13:23
abcdnvm fixed it by just adding a deny rule13:25
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af_helo guyz13:30
salluhelp help help13:30
sallumy wifi is driving me crazy13:30
af_sallu, first plug it off and settle down13:31
salluanyOne here to explain why the hell still ubuntu unable to make tweaks with realtek wifi drivers to make tweaks about switching power saving mode13:31
af_sallu, atleast ou should not be driven by an instrument13:31
salluaf_, :( i am serious dude13:34
salluno one here13:37
lbracherHi there! I would like to know how to re-enable secure boot on my ubuntu box. Could you give me a clue? Thanks in advance! :)13:38
EriC^^lbracher: go to the bios and enable it13:38
lbracherEriC^^, it's enabled there.13:39
EriC^^lbracher: then it's enabled13:39
lbracherEriC^^, unfortunately, it's not. I remember when I disabled it I did it on Ubuntu side.13:40
EriC^^lbracher: it's a bios feature not an ubuntu one13:40
EriC^^unless you mean something else..13:40
lbracherSomething happens at boot time that disables the secure boot13:40
shubhnikis there any taglib dev version in ubuntu?,that will provide me taglib.pc file13:40
EriC^^lbracher: if that were the case, it wouldn't be much of a secure boot :D13:41
lbracherEriC^^, I see. But something happens and disables it.13:42
lbracherI'm stuck.13:42
EriC^^what exactly are you trying to do?13:42
EriC^^what's the problem exactly?13:42
lbracherEriC^^, do you remember the process to disable it? I remember I runned a command in Ubuntu, it asked me a password, I rebooted the system and when the bootloader loaded, It asked me that password and the system booted on insecure mode. I didn't entered bios to disable it.13:45
lbracherSo I need the opposit process... :|13:45
awakecodingI am taking a chance, but I am having issues with schroot on ubuntu. I detailed my problem here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40178297/schroot-does-not-synchronize-nss-databases-passwd-group-hosts-properly13:45
murehow do you guys install java ?13:46
EriC^^lbracher: never heard of that to be honest13:47
EriC^^lbracher: seems related to "mokutil" reading about it..13:49
lbracherEriC^^, I'll give a look. Thank you!13:49
boxrick1_Can I specify a --assume-clean in a mdraid preseed?13:49
boxrick1_The first sync takes ages and its a fresh disk13:49
EriC^^lbracher: try joining ##linux and asking there as well13:50
EriC^^lbracher: if secureboot is enabled in the bios it means its enabled already13:51
lbracherEriC^^, I think there's a caveat. I already enabled it there, but the bootloader disables it. Unfortunately I'm a very old school guy and I didn't got yet all this secure boot process.13:54
lbracherI'll research a little bit more. Thank you! :)13:54
MarGulHey guys. I have a ubuntu server and installed vsftpd on the server. I have opened port 21 and port 6000-7000. I have set the pasv_max_port=7000 and pasv_min_port=6000 in my vsftpd.conf. When I use filezila I get a "Failed trying to retrieve directory listing". Is there anything else I need to do? (works with just ftp host:port)13:55
EriC^^lbracher: the bootloader can't disable it, you can disable it from the bios or how you did by entering a password and then entering it when the pc boots13:57
maidis it possible the whole encrypt an ubuntu live usb stick13:58
EriC^^it's a bios feature that's supposed to not let os boot unless their key is signed or something13:58
EriC^^lbracher: what makes you think it's not enabled?13:59
maidEriC^^ do you have an idea14:00
EriC^^lbracher: try mokutil --sb-state14:00
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sumanahIn http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2016/CVE-2016-5195.html , what does the abbreviation "DNE" mean?14:02
lbracherEriC^^, it says SecureBoot enabled. That's weird. It's very strange, because the secure boot is enabled no BIOS. On boot time I receive a message saying secure boot is disabled. mokutil says it's enabled and my HDMI port behaves like secureboot was disabled. What a mess!14:03
lbracherEriC^^, thank you. It shed me a light.14:03
maidcan somebody help me please?14:03
lbracherNow I need to figure out why my HDMI port stopped to work.14:03
lbracherEriC^^, thank you! :)14:04
EriC^^lbracher: no problem :)14:04
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maid1748 users and nobody to help me? :D14:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:08
maidi did allready14:09
maidis it possible to whole encrypt an ubuntu live usb stick14:09
brainwashdid you try it?14:10
mbeierlmaid: you want the OS encrypted, or just the data partition?14:11
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maidthe os14:12
maidmaybe with on boot passwort entry14:13
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mbeierlmaid, ok, sorry - cannot help there.  Never tried encrypting a USB for boot.14:14
donofriowhere is the #RaspEX channel?14:14
ioriamaid maybe on debian https://ram.squat.net/tech/live/encrypted_debian_live.html14:14
ebitdjdesperate on installing mcrypt for php7 on ubuntu 16.0414:14
donofrioanyone know how you can "join" multiple x's together as one xorg display.... aka would like to drive four monitors each with a rpi would like to have one desktop spanned accross the screens14:15
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mbeierldonofrio: as long as the displays are on the same physical computer, I used to do this with Xinerama.  Not sure if it's alive anymore though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinerama14:16
mbeierldonofrio: sorry, just understood rpi - meaning individual raspberry pis?14:17
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mbeierldonofrio: then I think the closest you can get is Synergy, which will not allow you to move windows between them, but you can mouse/keyboard across all of them, with clipboard sync.  http://symless.com/synergy/14:18
donofriombeierl, done synergy and that is fine, would like to get a PiWall like setup without the costs....14:19
Random832I think you could make a supersized vnc server and run a vnc client on each rpi, and use synergy for the mouse. It'd be finicky to set up14:20
mbeierldonofrio: hmm.  not sure if the poster of this ever got anywhere, but it looks like a start for some more software to look at? http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/152291/can-i-move-a-running-application-to-a-different-x-server14:20
donofrioRandom832, something like this - http://www.piwall.co.uk/information/installation without all the extra setup....14:21
itay2nacc oerheks are you here?14:21
mbeierldonofrio: Oh - now I understand.  I thought you meant like having XWindows apps that could move between the monitors14:22
Random832using a vnc server wouldn't be suitable for playing video anyway14:22
donofriombeierl, humm something like this http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~zandy/guievict/ but an alive project and not somethine 7 years old ;)14:22
donofrioRandom832, I want video sometime in the future but for now I'd be happy with four xsessions merged into one usable 2d desktop14:23
donofriobrowser across all x's14:23
donofriosomething like my daily driver setup http://apaste.info/upload/9UH6i.jpg but instead of two desktop's I'd like to have a cpu for each screen....14:24
tarvidstuttering audio 16.04 Radeon HDMI; would a GT 730 improve things14:24
tarvidhow about 16.10?14:25
=== yavor is now known as dinogreen_rex
kingwill101hey im on 16.10 and i just got a usb headset and for some strange reason idk unless the volume is maxed i cant hear a thing any idea as to what might be happening?14:33
kingwill101its showed as a usb pnp device14:34
MonkeyDustkingwill101  i a terminal, type    alsamixer14:34
kingwill101 < S/PDIF >S/PDIF 1 S/PDIF 214:35
kingwill101only controls im seeing14:35
MonkeyDustkingwill101  kingwill101 hit F6, no other cards?14:36
SimooonIs there some way to turn off the way that ubuntu (or all distroes perhaps) uses the alt key to move windows? I am trying to learn blender, and it is preventing me from doing certain things :-/14:36
kingwill101oh pressing f5 i was able to find usb card14:36
kingwill101MonkeyDust isnt there a more elegant way of getting this done?14:37
MonkeyDustkingwill101  not sure14:37
MonkeyDustkingwill101  in the system settings, maybe14:38
mbeierlSimooon:  Settings Manager (depending on your flavor) -> Windows Manager Tweaks -> Accessibility: Key used to grab and move windows > Alt14:38
kingwill101MonkeyDust in settings moving the volume control with the mouse 4 stops down from 100% is the 0 for the pnp sound card14:41
=== sinkingArmada is now known as razor_edge
zamanfI can't seem to find emeralnd for ubuntu14:43
zamanfis there a specific package name for it?14:43
Simooonmbeierl, I use standard ubuntu 16.04. It is in Danish, but I don't think I have the "dows Manager Tweaks" menu, is that something I need to install seperately, I've seen there are more advanced tweak options to install, but I've never used them.14:47
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Simooonmbeierl, it should say: "Windows Manager Tweaks"14:48
mbeierlSimooon: understood.  I just realized I do not have "standard" ubuntu.  Is that Unity or Gnome Shell?14:48
Simooonmbeierl,  the standard is unity14:49
Castor_TroyAfter installing a .deb package, do we need to restart?14:49
mbeierlSimooon: found this, but I don't know if there is a better way that directly editing dconf in the later versions: http://askubuntu.com/questions/521423/how-can-i-disable-altclick-window-dragging14:50
Castor_Troysorry, my internet is a bit spotty.14:50
Castor_Troywas my previous questoin answered?14:50
mbeierlCastor_Troy: no, it was not, and the answer would be ... "it depends"14:51
mbeierlCastor_Troy: unless there is some form of modification to the kernel that cannot be applied to the running kernel, you should *not* require a reboot14:51
Simooonmbeierl,  okay, thanks, will look into that :-)14:52
Castor_Troymbeierl, I tried installing a .deb file from https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium/releases/tag/53.0.2785.116-1.1 Its a customized chromium, i ran the sudo dpkg -i <filename>.deb and the installation went fine... but i cant find the shortcut in launcher14:52
mbeierlSimooon: that is basically what the UI that I was pointing to does, so it should work from that same dconf cli or UI directly.14:53
Simooonmbeierl,  Great :-)14:53
=== RazorEdge is now known as SinkingArmada
mbeierlCastor_Troy: again, I think this is a "it depends" scenario.  The author of that particular package may have made an assumption about the window manager that does not apply to your environment, so the launcher shortcut may fail to register.14:54
Castor_Troymbeierl, is there a path i can check if they are installed fine? like program files for windows, what is the path in xubuntu ?14:54
mbeierlCastor_Troy: Note: I can only provide ideas about what went wrong, not necessarily how to fix it :(14:54
mbeierlCastor_Troy: when .deb packages are installed, the full set of files gets registered in a system db.  You can see all of what got installed with "dpkg -L <name of package>"14:55
mbeierlCastor_Troy: so something like "dpkg -L xenial_chromium-l10n" might provide what you are looking for14:56
mbeierlor xenial_chromedriver, etc...  I don't know which you installed14:57
mbeierlCastor_Troy: from the looks of the site, it might also not be "officially supported", meaning it is possible you found a bug in it :)14:58
Castor_Troyi installed xenial_chromium_53.0.2785.116-1_amd64, but no packages found14:58
Castor_Troyok mbeierl, i will try to figure it out..14:58
mbeierlCastor_Troy: "dpkg -l | grep xenial_chromium" - will list all package names that were installed that match that pattern14:59
mbeierlCastor_Troy: note - the version is not part of the dpkg name, it is registered independently in the DB14:59
=== HoloIRCUser is now known as JKShields
Climberanyone have experience with nic bonding?15:00
JokersChildNope, Sry15:00
Castor_Troy"dpkg -l | grep xenial_chromium" gave nothing15:00
mbeierlCastor_Troy: what command did you use to install the .deb?15:00
Castor_Troybut i searched for chromium15:00
Castor_Troyand got an entry15:00
Castor_Troyii  chromium                                    53.0.2785.116-1                                             amd64        web browser15:01
Castor_Troyii  chromium                                    53.0.2785.116-1                                             amd64        web browser15:01
Castor_Troyso, how to run it ?15:01
OerHeksCastor_Troy, maybe it does not come with a starter, see ' which chromium-browser '15:01
JokersChildexport to sandbox for test ,15:02
JokersChildif avail15:02
Castor_Troywhich chromium-browser didnt return anything15:02
OerHeksso you need to make a starter, and it is unsupported, still you want support, funny15:02
Castor_TroyOerHeks, I remember it worked on Ubuntu. I switched to Ubuntu now and cant figure out how to run it15:02
MonkeyDustCastor_Troy  and 'chromium-webbrowser'15:02
mbeierlCastor_Troy: also dpkg -L chromium (from the looks of it) will show everything that got installed.  From that you could grep for chromium-browser and see where it got put?15:02
Palm_premiumCastor_Troy: Try "dpkg -l chromium" that will list all files installed by the package, check if there is a bin directory15:02
OerHeksyeah, unsupported.15:02
Castor_TroyMonkeyDust, The program 'chromium-browser' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:15:03
Castor_Troymbeierl, I looked for chromium and got two entires that i pasted above15:03
OerHeksi think it should never work, chromium-browser is @ 54.x ..15:03
catbadgerso I killed my sound.15:03
Castor_TroyOerHeks, the versoin i am trying to install is customized, not the one from chromium, i guess its a fork15:04
mbeierlCastor_Troy: I see this from the .deb contents: /usr/bin/chromium.  I'd say that looks like a launcher15:04
catbadgeranyone here good with jack and pulseaudio?15:04
catbadgerI'm unsure what I need to do to configure my sound15:04
Castor_Troyok. I will try to install again, what command should i use? Shall i use sudo dpkg -i <filename>.deb ?15:04
catbadgerI think the way I want it to work is alsa and jack... can I do that without pulseaudio? it seems like pulse is blocking jack15:05
catbadgerI just reinstalled my sound. I have sound, but no jack sound15:05
mbeierlCastor_Troy: there are two different -l / -L options.  I was suggesting looking at the dpkg -L chromium because that is what the .deb called itself and wanted to see the contents 'inside' (-L), not the list of all installed software (-l)15:05
catbadgeranywy anyone who can and wants to help me, PM me. I'm at work15:05
Castor_Troymbeierl, I ran that command and it gave several entries15:06
Castor_Troyone of them is /usr/bin/chromium15:06
Castor_Troyit worked...15:06
mbeierlCastor_Troy: so /usr/bin is a very standard executable installation directory15:06
Castor_Troyi ran /usr/bin/chromium from terminal15:06
Castor_TroyThanks mbeierl...15:07
Castor_TroyLinux is fascinating15:07
Castor_TroyIts a good thing I have a sepearate /home partitin, I dont have to configure stuff again and again15:07
Castor_Troyall my bookmarks, extensions are there15:07
mbeierlCastor_Troy: it is designed somewhat differently than Windows as far as data, settings, programs, etc, segregation goes, so, ya.  It's "better" imho :)15:08
Castor_Troythanks a ton mbeierl15:09
ThePhoenix47nicorockie: Error ID-10-T: Too many questions and no answers. Perhaps you're a politician?15:09
mbeierlCastor_Troy: glad I could help.  Made me feel like I've done *something* useful today ...15:10
Castor_Troyok then, dinner time, catch you all later.15:10
Castor_Troygood day mbeierl15:10
nicorockiehas any body build tomcat?15:11
nicorockiei need help15:11
nicorockienice to meet you15:11
niytrohi all15:12
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OerHeksnicorockie, why build it, as it is our repos15:14
OerHeks!find tomcat815:14
ubottuFound: libtomcat8-java, tomcat8, tomcat8-admin, tomcat8-common, tomcat8-docs15:14
mikk94hey guys, can you hlep me out, something really nasty happened with my machine after upgrade, I can't even figure what happened15:15
MonkeyDustmikk94  then describe the syptoms15:15
niytroI did a 16.10 full disk encryption installation with UEFI, made a keyfile on a usb drive, added to luks keys and edited crypttab to point to the keyfile with keyscript=/lib/cryptsetup/scripts/passdev and now the crypt volume unlocks with the usb plugged in on boot but it also says adds a start job that takes a minute and a half to complete for some reason, can I get rid of this? it makes boot very long15:15
nicorockiei want debug it step by step15:16
mikk941. after I rebooted my system, at the user login prompt I found out that no USB device are working, even usb keyboard aren't recognized15:16
nicorockieto understand it how it work15:16
mikk942. i've connected ps/2 keyboard and managed to log into, then I found out that almost everything do not work. no usb devices, no network devices, no graphic15:16
mikk943. lsmod is half empty, it should be at least twice as long... dmesg shows no errors, 16.04, 4.4 kernel15:17
mikk94i've tried to fallback to 4.2 but it didn't help, sympthoms are the same15:17
mikk94i've spent a few hours trying to figure out, the basic idea is that kernel do not load modules for some reason...15:18
ioriamikk94, you upgraded from what to what ?15:18
mikk94ioria: it wasn't a big upgrade.. I just have been doing "apt-get upgrade" from time to time without resetting my system15:19
ioriamikk94, uname -r ?15:19
mikk94and then the time has come to reset.. i think the kernel got updated from 4.2 to 4.4, I haven't reset my PC for a few months15:19
ioriamikk94, 4.2 is wily 4.4 xenial15:20
mikk94right now, I booted into grub recovery using 4.2 kernel15:20
mikk94but the latest available is 4.415:20
ioriamikk94, cat /etc/issue15:20
MonkeyDustmikk94  what's the output of   uname -r15:21
mikk94etc-issue: 16.04 LTS \n \l15:21
mikk94uname -r: 4.2.0-42-generic15:21
mikk94but it15:21
ioriamikk94,  you made an upgrade from wily to xenial15:21
youndermikk94, Haven't reset the PC for a FEW months :) do yo update?15:21
mikk94it's just because I choose 4.2 in grub options, i've two available kernels in my sstem: 4.2.0-42 and 4.4.0-3615:22
mikk94yes, I did "apt get update" every time before "upgrade" is it matters15:22
ioriamikk94,  and when you select 4.4 ?15:22
youndermikk94, But xenial started with a 4.415:23
mikk94ioria: 4.4 is the one that the system boot into by default15:23
ioriamikk94,  can you login gui or console  when you boot the 4.4 kernel ?15:23
mikk94don't mind 4.2, I just tried to fallback to find out whether it fix my problem15:23
mikk94ioria: yes, sure, I'll do it right now15:24
ioriamikk94,  can you login gui or console  when you boot the 4.4 kernel ?15:24
ioriamikk94,  ok,  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade15:24
mikk94ioria: I can start xfce4 but it'll start in 640x480 resolution15:24
ioriamikk94,  first boot the 4.4 kernel15:24
mikk94ioria: and.. I do not have network on that machine15:24
mikk94ioria: network driver isn't loaded, i mean eth0 interface is missing15:25
mikk94as well as most of the other device drivers15:25
ioriamikk94,  4.4 recovery mode ?15:25
mikk94ioria: I just rebooted my machine and got straight into 4.4 standard mode15:25
mikk94recovery mode didn't seem to have any visible changes15:26
mikk94i mean, i've tried a few options from that list and nothing worked15:26
OerHekseth0 is missing .. that explains, with sytstemD comes predictable interface naming15:26
ioriamikk94,  so, now in 4.4, you don't have connectivity ?15:26
mikk94ioria: yeah, exactly...15:26
OerHeksifconfig will show ens0 something i bet15:27
ioriamikk94,  can you open NM and check your settings ?15:27
mikk94OerHeks: ifconfig shows only loopback interface15:27
ioriamikk94,  i assume you are using NM ?15:27
mikk94ioria: what is NM, sorry?15:27
ioriamikk94, Network manager15:27
younderthere is no full-update15:27
ioriayounder, full-upgrade15:28
mikk94ioria: ahh.. no, my usb mouse doesn't even work cause it's usb15:28
Castor_Troyis it possible to install a .deb including its dependencies15:28
mikk94no usb devices are also worked, so i can only use keyboard (mostly console)15:28
ioriamikk94,  ok, we try with 4.2 kernel then15:28
ioriamikk94,  reboot with that15:29
mikk94ioria: i've already tried 4.2, the sympthoms are the same15:29
mikk94looks like kernel doesn't involved in that, there's have to be something else15:29
younderdo uou use UEFI?15:29
ioriamikk94,  livecd then, very odd15:30
mikk94younder: my motherboard supports it.. so yeah..15:30
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mikk94ioria: i don't have much idea what to do from livecd.. but looks like that's the only option left..15:31
youndermikk94, Yes, but you have to explicitly use it and it can cause problems with graphics drivers.15:31
mikk94can I manually modprobe network driver somehow?15:31
ioriamikk94,  boot a livecd, bind mount the critical fs, and run the update/upgrade15:31
ioriamikk94,  in chroot, i mean15:32
mikk94when I run "apt-get install" in my system15:32
naccCastor_Troy: gdebi, or open with the software center tool (iirc)15:32
Imjustatesthey there, ive got a quick question about persistence. Is this the riht place to ask?15:32
mikk94it shows 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded15:32
=== mmmmmm is now known as TanjaTransica
ioriamikk94,  can you run sudo apt full-upgrade15:33
ioriamikk94,  you said no connectivity15:33
mikk94ioria: there's no connectivity, it just what it shows even without network15:33
itay2oerheks or nacc?15:34
naccitay2: yes?15:34
ioriamikk94,  what do you use cable or wifi ? you can bring up the nic via command line15:34
itay2I uploaded the video we talked about yesterday15:34
lbracherEriC^^, I found a similar story with a solution: http://askubuntu.com/questions/726052/ubuntu-booting-in-insecure-mode-with-secureboot-enabled15:34
mikk94ioria: i have only cable network adapter15:34
itay2here it is : https://youtu.be/_6YDdaB8RBg15:34
mikk94i wish I could manually load the driver so it shows at my system15:35
akikmikk94: have you tried resetting your bios?15:35
mikk94akik: it always has default settings, I set it up to default some time ago and never changed it since then15:36
ioriamikk94,   lspci -k | grep Eth -A 415:36
mikk94ioria: hmm.. i can't copy paste the full output, but it shows: 08:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek... RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Eth (rev 06)15:37
ioriamikk94,   look at Kernel driver in use:15:37
younderso a standard ethernet onboard install. That is NOT the problem or you wouldn't be talking to use15:38
mikk94lsmod | grep eth - returns nothing15:38
ioriamikk94,   look at Kernel driver in use:15:38
mikk94ioria: there's no such string15:38
mikk94ioria: some other records have it, but this one isn't15:39
ioriamikk94,   you should have r816915:39
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mikk94ioria: Last string: Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. P8P67 and other motherboards15:40
younderlbacher: yes I boot in insecure mode until NVIDIA get's it cat together15:40
ioriamikk94,   you should tell us something more about your machine then ...15:40
mikk94ioria: what info do you think is important? my machine is pretty simple, nothing too unusual15:41
younderNo system string is pretty unusual15:41
mikk94yeah, I don't have that line: Kernel driver in use, why could it happens?15:42
mikk94maybe something blacklisted it for some reason or..15:42
OerHeks@ 8.20 the system error, garbled error in the top left corner. login sequence.. system error again, really odd15:42
akikmikk94: have you tried booting a live dvd/live session?15:43
ioriamikk94,  try     sudo lshw -C Network | grep driver15:43
mikk94there's at least should be a line in dmesg, why driver failed to load but there's nothing15:43
mikk94ioria: no such line15:43
ChezarayHow do i install the desktop on the bash terminal15:44
mikk94ioria: although the full output shows the product: RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Ethernet Controller, it can see my network card but something wrong with it's driver15:44
ioriamikk94,  try to load it :    sudo modprobe r816915:45
mikk94FATAL: Module r8169 not found in dir /lib/modules/4.4.0-36-generic15:45
mikk94uname -a: 4.4.0-36-generic15:45
younderOK we are getting somewhere15:46
ioriamikk94,  locate r816915:46
Chezarayhow do i check the files i have installed on bash15:46
xock_streamhelp me please15:46
younderChezaray, I don't understand the question15:47
xock_streamI ran command to update but I don't know if it do something. Is there a command I ran to see what it does?15:47
mikk94ioria: cd / && locate r8169 -- only shows a three headers15:47
xock_streamor a tool15:47
naccxock_stream: what command did you run?15:47
mikk94and few others in 4.4.0-xx directories15:48
ioriamikk94,  you should have this : /lib/modules/4.4.0-45-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/realtek/r8169.ko15:48
xock_streamnacc, update system15:48
mikk94ioria: should it be present on every ubuntu system?15:48
naccxock_stream: that's not a command15:48
itay2nacc, Oerheks so now you see after looking at the video ?15:48
ioriamikk94,  yep15:48
ioriamikk94,  with your kernel15:48
naccitay2: what crashes during the install?15:48
nacc!pm | xock_stream15:48
ubottuxock_stream: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.15:48
younderxock_stream, Update just updates a file of repositories and files. You need 'sudo apt upgrade' to update the system15:48
itay2you can see in the video, i don't know (i know as much as shown in the video)15:49
xock_streamyounder: it's command built in15:49
ioriamikk94,  at this point, you need connectivity, and reinstall the kernel15:49
xock_streami will ask in other channel, cheers :)15:49
Chezarayi want to know how to look at the directory15:49
younderxock_stream, yes15:49
mikk94in that folder /net/ethernet/realtek, I see only two files: 8139cp.ko and 8139too.ko15:49
mikk94looks like something is missing for some reason15:49
naccChezaray: look at *what* directory? you're phrasing it very vaguely, we have no idea the context15:50
ioriamikk94,  boot a livecd,  update, upgrade and if not working, reinstall the kernel15:50
mikk94ioria: ok, thanks! I'll try that15:50
xock_streamyounder: is everything ok?15:50
naccxock_stream: what *exact* command did you run?15:51
ioriamikk94,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery15:51
naccxock_stream: so you're not on ubuntu and asking on the ubuntu support channel?15:51
xock_streamthis distro is based on ubuntu15:52
naccxock_stream: doesn't matter, it's *not* ubuntu, afaict15:52
xock_streamBut no tool or command I can check?15:52
mikk94ioria: it's gonna be a little difficult cause I don't have cdrom.. probably have to burn it to usb somehow...15:52
Chezarayyou know like in windows how you see your /c drive  folder I want to know how the access the apps i have15:52
naccChezaray: that's not how it works in Linux -- you want to run an application from the terminal?15:53
naccChezaray: it's most likely just in your path from the terminal, just run the program by name15:53
ioriamikk94,  usb as well15:53
xock_streamNO one know?15:53
mikk94ioria: can you please check if you have this file (r8169.ko) in 4.4.0-36-generic?15:53
ioriamikk94,  yes, on 4.4.0-4515:54
TomEOS5D2hello all!15:54
naccxock_stream: you're asking in the wrong place, you should ask the renmux folks15:54
ioriamikk94,  but it's the same on 3615:54
Chezaraynot run the program i want look  at the /root and /est4  folders to see why i cant assess the desktop15:55
xock_streamnacc: I asked if there is command or tool to check if it updating the system or do something15:55
naccChezaray: ok, so what you actually want to do is that. Why not just ask that? So you aren't able to access the desktop?15:55
naccxock_stream: the script you are referring to, is not an Ubuntu script. Ask remnux what it does!15:55
younderThe first time I have hard of remnux15:56
mikk94ioria: can't you please also tell what does it mean: the following packages have been kept back: linux-headers-generic15:56
xock_streamAnd I am not nazi15:56
Chezarayi was trying to do that15:56
ioriamikk94,  you ran upgrade, if you run dist-upgrade it will install it15:56
mikk94ioria: is it important? can it have something to do with my problems?15:56
younderxock_stream: ?? OK15:56
naccyounder: they pm'd me that i'm not very nice and then ragequit15:57
mikk94ioria: ah, yeah, okay, dist-upgrade, will do that15:57
ioriamikk94,  where are you running this command, if you don't have onnectivity ?15:57
mikk94ioria: these commands do not need connectivity in order to run them15:57
mikk94but they'll complain after like15:57
ioriamikk94,  oh, from your cache ?15:57
mikk94"couldn't connect to the server"15:57
naccChezaray: are you asking for the `ls` command? How much do you know about using the shell?15:57
ioriamikk94,  no, you need internet15:58
mikk94ioria: yeah.. I guess so.. I thought I could avoid running live cd but looks like I can't15:58
younderxock_stream: the generally don't like that 'help me' bit. There are a lot of people with problematic systems here.15:58
mikk94It's going to be the first time I happen to use it15:58
naccyounder: they have quit; and it's not 'help me' that is a problem. xock_stream was not using ubuntu and wanted support here for their distribution.15:59
Chezaraynot that much i not how to download the programs and assess them through the gui15:59
ioriamikk94,  you used it, when you installed ubuntu15:59
naccChezaray: so you installed something and can no longer access your desktop?15:59
mikk94ioria: I installed it by network from an image16:00
mikk94there's some advanced network future at my work16:00
youndernacc: OK now I get it16:00
mikk94ioria: okay, thanks very much for support, I have to plug out my network cable from my Windows machine (where I am right now) and plug it back to ubuntu PC to run these commands...16:01
Chezarayyeah i think so i m trying this  bash beta on windows to get the desktop since the os always gets deleted16:02
naccChezaray: um, the bash beta on windows doesn't let you have an ubuntu desktop (afaik)16:02
nacc!ubuwin | Chezaray16:02
ubottuChezaray: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.16:02
naccChezaray: 'always get deleted'? Again, I feel like you're not giving full information16:03
younderChezaray, WTF are you talking about. The OS always get's DELETED?16:03
TomEOS5D2hello i need help please16:03
nacc!help | TomEOS5D216:04
ubottuTomEOS5D2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:04
TomEOS5D2can't get ubuntu live to run on my system - think it is the GTX 106016:04
younderTomEOS5D2, yes16:04
xock_streamThere is command update-distro and I want to see where the file is. How to do that?16:05
Chezaraywhen i installed the ubuntu os on my old computer some how when the pc is turned off the os stopped working16:05
younderTomEOS5D2, you need the latest NVIDIA driver16:05
naccxock_stream: `which update-distro`. But again, that is *not* ubuntu16:05
TomEOS5D2no way to install anything it does not even boot. See here:16:05
xock_streamnacc: it was hard to answer?16:05
ioriaTomEOS5D2, try with   nomodeset   or disable Secure Boot16:06
naccxock_stream: you never asked that question, you asked what update-distro does16:06
TomEOS5D2nomodeset xforcevesa evrything tried about 10 times16:06
xock_streamI tried whereis, whatis and it didn't work16:06
TomEOS5D2ubuntuusers.de community have no more ideas16:08
TomEOS5D2though that is a big community16:08
younderTomEOS5D2, Do you use UEFI?16:09
TomEOS5D2does the gainward / palit card need a special way of installing16:09
TomEOS5D2palit GTX 106016:09
Chezarayi was wondering why did the windows os stopped the ubuntu os from working on my old laptop16:10
younderTomEOS5D2, UEFI can cause problems. You will need to disable kernel checking on boot16:10
ioriaTomEOS5D2, rdblacklist=nouveau nouveau.modeset=0     or   nouveau.blacklist=116:10
TomEOS5D2blacklisted the nouveau already did not help16:11
ioriaTomEOS5D2,  but  also try to disable Secure Boot16:11
younderioria, noveaux is crap in the 1000 series16:11
TomEOS5D2I ll look into secure boot though I am not sure if the bios of that hp workstation does have that option at all16:12
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k1lTomEOS5D2: radeon is not related to the nvidia cards16:12
ioriaTomEOS5D2, 16.04 or 16.10 ?16:12
itay2nacc, Oerheks what should I do after you've watched the video?16:12
TomEOS5D2tried both - both 1604 and 16.10 start to black screen on the hp workstation although the usb stick is able to boot up my old laptop16:13
ioriaTomEOS5D2, your old lap does not have 1060, i suppose16:14
younderTomEOS5D2, http://askubuntu.com/questions/760934/graphics-issues-after-while-installing-ubuntu-16-04-with-nvidia-graphics16:14
TomEOS5D2tried even that CTRL ALT F1 to get to text console but did not work16:16
ioriaTomEOS5D2, if Sec Bot not working, nomodeset not working, i'd try the server edition (text based) and after i'll deal with the gui16:18
younderI need ESC. Consult your hardware manual. If you don't have one it is probably available online.16:18
naccitay2: you didn't answer my question?16:18
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TomEOS5D2sever edition is text based? that is way a good idea. then I can deal with the drivers on command line, right?16:19
itay2nacc i don't know what crashes, it says unstable program or something like that16:19
itay2unstable system program16:19
ioriaTomEOS5D2, or try to remove quiet splash  (with nomodeset included) silly, but can work16:20
imran-ubuntuCan i install Budgie in Ubuntu 16.10 with hosing it16:21
ioriaTomEOS5D2, yes16:22
k1limran-ubuntu: install budgie-desktop package on 16.1016:22
TomEOS5D2quiet splash removing i did not try so far - if during boot I usually get the splashscreen but then after that  screen going black - is there any point in trying to remove quiet splash?16:22
ioriaTomEOS5D2, you get some infos16:23
naccitay2: in a kvm guest, with the same iso file, it goes right to the installer. You *never* mentioned before a system program error was detected. Did you not think that was relevant?16:23
itay2i did mention, several times16:23
TomEOS5D2you mean the scrolling text? I get that too by pressing ESC during splashscreen16:24
ioriaTomEOS5D2, yes16:24
naccitay2: you said you get that *after* logging in16:24
naccitay2: but you actually get it *before*16:24
itay2nope i did not16:25
itay2ah wait yes i do16:25
younderTomEOS5D2, no. It is probable a problem with you driver. There are two parts to that driver. A part that need to be recompiled each time you install a kernel and a .ko obcect which is loaded on statup. The two are out of sync16:25
naccyes, i'm watching your video16:25
itay2but it appeared and disappeared so short i did not notice it16:25
itay2normally i did not notice it16:25
TomEOS5D2on hat same machine if i put in partemagic live, it will boot until a blue line that says "setting up system devices..." - then it will freeze - is that any clue?16:25
naccitay2: so you should probably drop to a shell (i think ctrl + alt + f1 may work) and debug what is crashing16:25
naccitay2: i'm guessing some hardware/driver issue, but dunno16:25
imran-ubuntuit wont damage my unity deskptop right16:26
naccitay2: you said you saw similar problems with all distros, right? so maybe your hardware isn't supported?16:26
naccitay2: i would guess graphics, but no idea without logs16:26
itay2i have nvidia gtx 98016:26
naccitay2: boot into the 'try ubuntu' version, and run `dmesg | pastebinit`16:26
TomEOS5D2thatks all for your help16:30
younderTomEOS5D2, Can you boot into text mode. Ctrl-Alt-F1 after boot16:30
TomEOS5D2no that CTRLALTF1 doesn t work - no idie why not16:31
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MarGulin vsFTPd I have chroot_local_user=YES , I have created a user with useradd test. Trying to set the password with passwd test. Says that I change my password successfully but when trying to FTP in says incorrect login. Something more I need to do?16:31
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itay2Nacc http://paste.ubuntu.com/2336021316:34
ioriaMarGul, under that, try to add   allow_writeable_chroot=YES  and restart the service16:34
MarGulioria, In my vsftpd.conf I guess? I'll try that.16:35
ioriaMarGul, sure16:35
MarGulioria, That didn't work unfortunately :/16:38
naccitay2: seems like a couple of errors with the graphics reported, i wonder if passing nouveau.modeset=0 or one of the other related kernel parameters would help, I have little experience with nvidia, sorry16:38
ioriaMarGul, can you connect with the main user ?16:38
itay2Who can help..?16:39
naccitay2: do you get to a desktop then, if you say 'try ubuntu' ?16:39
younderitay2, You'r in need of help now?16:40
ioriaMarGul, so the issue is with your new user ...16:41
itay2Nacc no. Its the same situation as before16:41
ioriaMarGul,  try to create another one with adduser (not useradd)16:41
MarGulioria, Yes. I have created it with useradd and then passwd. Then done a usermod -d /test/test -s /sbin/nologin16:42
younderitay2, sorry a neccesary reboot has kept me from seeing yor question. Could you rephrase your concern.16:42
MarGulioria, going to try that.16:42
ioriaMarGul,  wait16:42
ioriaMarGul,  you don't want login for that user, right ?16:43
naccitay2: where did you get the dmesg output from?16:43
MarGulNo I just want it to be able to login by FTP and only have access to it's HOME folder which I will set to a custom folder like /test/customer16:43
ioriaMarGul,  --disabled-login    , read man adduser16:43
itay2Yonder nacc says he dont know how to solve nvidia problems... so i asked for help in general from someone who does16:43
itay2Nacc i pressd ctrl alt f116:44
naccitay2: do you have both an intel graphics card and an nvidia card?16:44
ioriaMarGul,  by deafult adduser, enable the login16:44
younderioria2, well I use NVIDIA for what it's worth16:45
naccitay2: when you pick 'try ubuntu' it takes you to a login prompt?16:45
itay2Nacc : nacc yes. Im unsure regarding intel gfx16:46
MarGulioria, Adding the user with adduser worked. Just going to read the man pages and make sure they can't login with say ssh16:46
ioriaMarGul, ok16:46
MarGulthanks for the help16:47
ioriaMarGul, np16:47
naccitay2: you could try booting without nouveau support (first) -- do you know how to modify your kernel boot parameters?16:47
misterpinkhow to use set -command DISPLAY to undefine it?16:47
naccmisterpink: `unset`16:47
misterpinknacc: thanks16:48
itay2Nacc nope...16:48
vaespercan someone tell me why the download websites for ubuntu and ubuntu gnome dont support https?16:50
craptalkdoes anyone already try ubuntu kernel live patch?16:52
vaesperjatt: was that for me?16:53
naccitay2: it seems like the 'easiest' way for changing the live usb's boot is to open it in windows (i think that's your other os), open USB\syslinux.cfg (I think that's file the name), it will contain a stanza like 'Try Ubuntu without installing'; modify the append line that corresponds to have 'nouveau.modeset=0' at the end, save and reboot back to the usb?16:55
itay2Alright thx will try16:56
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naccitay2: ah it's easier! sorry16:58
naccitay2: boot from usb, in the 'ubuntu' menu (where it says try ubuntu without installing)hit f616:58
naccit should pop up the boot options line, add 'nouveau.modeset=0' there16:59
itay2Ok will try16:59
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xock_streamIf there is log updated to file and I do sudo watch _file_ is it bad?17:04
xock_streamBad because can it be conflicts that file won't updated?17:04
glyph_Hello, I don't know if this is the channel to ask this question (if not please redirect to the correct channel). I am trying to install ubuntu on my windows 7 laptop (already downloaded ubuntu to a bootable flash drive), however when I go to disk fragment to shrink the volume of my hard drive it doesn't allow me (the shrink option is greyed out). Is this a common issue and is there a third party software that could perform this?17:04
xock_streamglyph_, windows question17:05
EriC^glyph_: try to defragment the disk first17:05
xock_streamWhat is disk fragment? Can't you use disk management?17:05
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TomEOS5D2hello first defrag in windows then shrunk using gparted17:06
naccxock_stream: are you asking if `watch` somehow opens the file exclusively or something? `watch` does not open the file for writing at all17:06
xock_streamnacc: I want to see the file because it gets updated.17:07
glyph_Thanks, I will perform these tasks. Hopefully, I will be running ubuntu today!17:07
naccxock_stream: yes, that's what watch allows you to do17:08
EriC^^glyph_: defragment and shrink it in windows, then reboot into it a couple times so its bootloader knows of any changes, then install ubuntu17:08
xock_streamI ran update-remnux and in another terminal cat or watch (i will try these out) but I want to make sure that it will not open in read mode17:08
xock_streamnot read....17:08
naccxock_stream: both cat and watch open files in read-mode17:09
xock_streamit says permission denied17:09
xock_streamIs there a command to see the latest updated lines?17:09
naccxock_stream: tail?17:10
xock_stream(continue) instead of displaying with cat everytime?17:10
naccxock_stream: `tail -f` probably17:10
ioriaxock_stream, have you tried tail -f ?17:10
naccxock_stream: but you still would need read permission on the file you are trying to follow17:10
ioriathat's for sure17:10
xock_streamI am doing sudo watch tail /var/log/remnux-install.log17:11
naccxock_stream: no -- watch and tail are both commandes17:11
ioriajust tail -f /path17:11
naccxock_stream: i don't think you need to combine them17:11
xock_streamI see17:11
xock_streamit works :)17:13
xock_streamI need to sharp my linux skills17:13
SomeJuananyone here familiar with sshd notty?17:13
SomeJuanfor some reason notty pings to an external ip address tho17:14
xock_streamSomeJuan: question?17:14
SomeJuanwonder why17:14
naccSomeJuan: that's highly dependent on your system (`ping notty` doing something) and network, I'd guess? Also that article is quite old and isn't true in the latest releases (afaict)17:15
ikoniaI don't see anything in that article thats doing anything17:16
ikoniaSomeJuan: if you do ps -ef | grep notty what do you see ?17:16
xock_streamIf you are still wondering on what is going on you might want to check the output of ps auxf to see a tree of processes or run netstat -vatn to examine all TCP connections.17:16
SomeJuan--- ---- --- ----- sshd: user@notty17:17
ikoniaSomeJuan: what's all the --- lines ?17:17
SomeJuanand a branch the goes below that to openssh17:17
naccSomeJuan: what version of ubuntu?17:17
ikoniaI'd first want to know what "notty" resolves to17:18
ikoniaand why "root" is being used17:18
ikoniamore so as the root account is locked17:18
SomeJuan1 sec let me take a look at the output17:19
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mikk94helloo again...17:21
mikk94I just booted with live cd, did "sudo apt-get update && dist-upgrade"17:21
naccikonia: yeah that webpage (afaict) can't be about ubuntu17:21
mikk94and it didn't help :-(17:21
naccSomeJuan: so what are you actually trying to do/resolve?17:22
ioriamikk94, did you chroot ?17:22
mikk94ioria: sure...17:22
mikk94ioria: it updated a few packages17:22
mikk94ioria: but nothing too important17:22
ioriamikk94, have reinstalled the kernel ?17:22
mikk94ioria: no.. how to reinstall it?17:23
ioriamikk94,  sudo apt-get install linux-generic17:23
ioriamikk94,  or sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-generic17:23
vaesperall ubuntu (and official flavour) download links are http, not https. manually changing to https gives error. how can I securely download ubuntu?17:23
SomeJuannacc: trying to see how notty got configured to point to external ip, wondering if there's something fishy going on like if I should be concerned about a possible backdoor/rootkit installed on my system?17:23
naccSomeJuan: pastebin `nslookup notty` ?17:24
SomeJuannacc: nslookup notty returns: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23360437/17:24
mikk94ioria: wow, looks like it haven't been installed, the first command just worked17:24
SomeJuanwhich is the ip address it pings17:24
SomeJuanwonder how it got setup this way17:24
SomeJuanor configured in the first place17:24
ioriamikk94,  ok17:24
vaesperand "verify with shaX hash" is no solution when those are also downloaded over http :/17:24
mikk94it sayys this kernel does not support a non-PAE CPU17:24
mikk94dpkg returned error code(1)17:25
mikk94grep /proc/cpuinfo failed before that17:25
mikk94looks like it didn't find /proc/ under chroot while installing17:26
ouroumov_vaesper, https://www.ubuntu.com/download/how-to-verify17:27
mikk94should I link /proc somehow before chrooting?17:27
ioriamikk94,  what cpu do you have ?17:28
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ioriamikk94,  or maybe you haven't bind mount the fs17:29
naccvaesper: aiui, https is a red herring here; use gpg to verify the image(s)17:29
mikk94ioria: i5-2500 x4, standard intel i5 cpu17:29
mikk94i just did "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/system"17:29
mikk94and copied resolv.conf into to get the network running17:29
ioriamikk94, nope17:30
mikk94did i do something wrong?17:30
ioriamikk94, you need (as i said ) to bind mount the critical fs : for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done17:31
mikk94ioria: oh wow, i missed that point17:31
ioriamikk94,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery17:31
naccSomeJuan: odd, you could check /etc/hosts to see if it's there17:32
ioriamikk94,  and not /mnt/system,  just /mnt17:32
ioriamikk94,  all that, before chroot17:33
vaesperouroumov_: nacc: I see, thanks. ubuntu gnome instructions are very bad (tm) though17:34
vaesperthey advise to compare md5sum17:35
SomeJuannacc, not there but i added notty just as a precaution17:36
SomeJuanand i feel safer now17:36
SomeJuanbut still wondering why i had some weird dns configuration in the first place to an external ip address17:37
naccSomeJuan: that doesn't seem any better; notty shouldn't resolve to a host17:37
SomeJuanyeah, i know17:37
SomeJuanis there a way I can remove or find out where it is configured?17:37
mikk94ioria: all right, I juse installed it.. /lib/modules/4.4.0-45-generic appeared with a full structure tree inside17:37
mikk94ioria: is there anything else I better check before rebooting?17:38
ioriamikk94,  still in chroot ?17:38
naccSomeJuan: not sure, are you running a local nameserver?17:38
mikk94ioria: yyes17:38
ioriamikk94,   paste sudo update-grub17:38
mikk94ioria: done. it just found new kernel ...-4517:38
ioriamikk94,   ok, as you wish, exit17:39
mikk94okay.. i'll try to boot into system now..17:39
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Guest11089guys, I need some help with playonlinux, there used to be gallium nine available but I can't see it anymore17:44
nubb3I can't reach ubuntu.com, anyone else?17:47
SomeJuannacc, not to my knowledge but i did find out i have an entry in my /etc/resolv.conf that points to
nubb3jatt: thank, it's a bit erratic for me.17:51
jattnubb3: what does17:51
jattnslookup ubuntu.com17:51
jatt!pastebin | nubb317:51
ubottunubb3: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:51
nubb3might be temp, seems fine now17:55
nubb3update didn't reach any server17:55
akiknubb3: there's a ddos attack going on against a dns hoster17:55
nubb3and I didn't reach webserver17:55
nubb3might be that since it complained dns resolve but not for acouple of other sites17:56
akikbut exceptionally ubuntu.com loads up here17:56
=== rocket is now known as Guest57562
kodur_kplease help me with with this17:56
kodur_kRegenerating fonts cache... failed error17:56
mure_is there a command for getting the total space left on my computer?17:56
ppfmure_: df -j17:57
ppfdf -h17:57
mure_thx ppf!17:57
ppfkodur_k: See /var/log/fontconfig.log for more information.17:58
kodur_kppf it says (Bus Error) Core dumped17:59
ppfkodur_k: hm, not good18:01
ppfrun sudo dpkg --configure fontconfig in the terminal18:01
ppfkodur_k: what command did you run to get the output in your paste, btw?18:01
dczhello , do you guys have any thesis idea ?18:01
k1l_dcz: better ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic18:02
kodur_kppf some of the packages were to be installed, so i ran "sudo apt-get -f install"18:02
kodur_kand after running the command you told, its still showing the same18:03
ppfkodur_k: what is showing the same?18:05
kodur_kppf means the same error which i had posted in the pastebin link18:06
ppfkodur_k: which command is producing that18:06
kodur_ksudo dpkg --configure fontconfig18:06
ppfplease run sudo dpkg -D200 --configure fontconfig | nc termbin.com 999918:07
kegan_how can I disable the CUPS service18:13
copecIs there a special place to get the igb.ko for linux-image-3.13.0-100-generic18:15
MonkeyDust!find igb.ko18:17
kegan_systemctl stop cups.service ok?18:17
ubottuFile igb.ko found in linux-image-4.8.0-22-lowlatency, linux-image-4.8.0-26-lowlatency, linux-image-extra-4.8.0-22-generic, linux-image-extra-4.8.0-26-generic18:17
MonkeyDustcopec  what's the oupit of    cat /etc/issue18:17
copec(I have servers on 14.04 still)18:17
kegan_it'll just restart...18:17
=== rocket_ is now known as Guest53737
copecUbuntu 14.04.5 LTS \n \l18:17
MonkeyDust!find igb.ko trusty18:18
ubottuFile igb.ko found in linux-image-3.13.0-100-lowlatency, linux-image-3.13.0-24-lowlatency, linux-image-3.13.0-27-lowlatency, linux-image-3.13.0-29-lowlatency, linux-image-3.13.0-30-lowlatency, linux-image-3.13.0-32-lowlatency, linux-image-3.13.0-33-lowlatency, linux-image-3.13.0-34-lowlatency, linux-image-3.13.0-35-lowlatency, linux-image-3.13.0-36-lowlatency (and 280 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=igb.ko&mode=&suite=t18:18
copecah, why only lowlatency?18:18
EriC^ it says and 280 others18:19
copecoh, duh18:19
rthorntonI am now being affected by this bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/msttcorefonts/+bug/143776418:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1437764 in msttcorefonts (Ubuntu) "ttf-mscorefonts-installer doesn't work from Ubuntu Software Center because of EULA, breaks APT" [High,Confirmed]18:19
mure_how do you guys lower the brightness on 14.04?18:20
mure_any software I can use?18:20
rthorntonso I cant seem to uninstall nor repair apt-get18:20
youndermure_,  no18:20
youndermure_,  such an unusual request. You can change the theme thogh and use one a bit darker18:21
mure_younder, I ment, screen brightness18:21
EriC^mure_: there's xbacklight18:21
kodur_kppf figured it out with your help, i saw that there was a problem with a file, it was I/O error in that, so my fontconfig was crashing, but the core shouldn't be dumped, that can be exploited, i have reported that issue and hope they fix it at the earliest. Thankyou for your help18:22
copecthanks Eric^, it was me being dumb, I missed the linux-image-extra package18:23
ioriamure_, i use this, it'a simple python script https://github.com/lordamit/Brightness18:23
mure_I don't have python installed but thanks18:24
mure_I'm going to use xbacklight18:24
EriC^copec: np, no worries18:24
Picimure_: fyi: Ubuntu comes with python installed.18:24
SomeJuannacc, i figured it out18:24
ioriamure_,  you have it, trust me18:24
SomeJuannacc, this is what was happening18:24
SomeJuannacc, https://hackercodex.com/guide/how-to-stop-isp-dns-server-hijacking/18:24
mure_I like how it comes with python but not java nor headers for opengl18:24
mure_good job ...18:24
SomeJuannacc, thanks for responding earlier18:25
ioriamure_,  maybe you need git to clone the src18:25
mure_I got that18:25
Picimure_: Python is used to run many of the applications that come with a default install. Those other things don't power anything by default.18:25
ioriamure_,  but  python-wxgtk2.8 is big, warned18:25
mure_ok, it makes sens18:25
kegan_i want to disable cups for good18:27
kegan_how might i do that without using mask18:27
ioriasudo systemctl stop cups   sudo syetmctl disable cups18:28
kegan_ioria: thank you18:28
marcofehello all18:28
kegan_hi friend18:28
danmHi, is there a control panel for OpenJDK?18:39
danmthe equivalent of Java Control Panel from Oracle18:39
ioriapolicy tool, you mean18:40
abacola pazza gioia18:43
uebera||Hi! Anyone using /usr/share/checksecurity/check-diskfree in conjunction with the new canonical-livepatch service? Since the latter creates two loop mounts ("100% full"), the former always sends out a warning which is... annoying.18:43
ioriadanm, jconsole18:50
danmioria: thanks!18:50
ioriadanm, np18:50
danmioria: And Oracle Mission Control?18:51
ioriano idea18:51
ioriaControlPanel ?18:51
neminisi did something funny on my ubuntu18:54
neminisi created a "~/dev" folder18:54
neminisand it started being filled with various things that should go to /dev18:54
neminisis that even normal? are most programs confused by users like that?18:56
kevdogI'm getting this error: error: cannot install "canonical-livepatch": snap not found18:57
k1l_kevdog: what ubuntu are you on?18:57
kevdogHas the package been removed18:58
k1l_is you system updated?18:58
kevdogYes but the us servers are really really slow18:58
kevdogor maybe its just me18:58
zumba_addictdoes ubuntu have patch for dirty cow kernel exploit?18:58
k1l_zumba_addict: its already shipped18:59
zumba_addictso all we have to do is do an update?18:59
k1l_zumba_addict: yes18:59
k1l_kevdog: "snap find canonical-livepatch"19:00
zumba_addicti'll verify our kernel version and would like to know which kernel version has the patches19:00
v7Do you have access to twitter ?19:00
zumba_addictthis is currently ours - 4.7.5-200.fc24.x86_6419:00
k1l_!ot | v719:01
ubottuv7: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:01
v7Sorry k1l_19:01
k1l_zumba_addict: that is not a ubuntu kernel19:01
k1l_zumba_addict: actually, you are running fedora. so that is a totally wrong channel19:01
kevdogI did the "snap find canonical-livepatch" but its not listed19:01
zumba_addictoh i'm sorry19:02
k1l_kevdog: its listed for me19:02
zumba_addicti thought we were using ubuntu19:02
zumba_addictthank you19:02
k1l_zumba_addict: "cat /etc/issue"19:02
kevdogOk -- so how do I get an updated list?19:02
zumba_addicti did, no mention of fedora19:02
zumba_addictthey cleaned up the banner19:02
zumba_addictthis is the only output - Kernel \r on an \m (\l)19:02
satsevenHello all19:04
k1l_zumba_addict: than its not an ubuntu. but from the kernel i see its a fedora. so #fedora might help you19:04
satseven¿how i can see full list of names in server?19:04
MonkeyDustsatseven  list of what names?19:05
k1l_kevdog: "apt-cache policy snapd | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here please19:05
=== Adamo is now known as adamo
k1l_kevdog: uh, you got proposed active. that is not meant for users. that is for automated testing and developers.19:07
k1l_kevdog: and you are on 32bit OS. livepatch is for 64bit only19:07
k1l_kevdog: and if your CPU is 64bit, dont run 32bit OS19:08
kevdogSorry to bother you -- yes I am on 32 bit OS -- shoot19:08
kevdogNo my CPU is 32 bit -- its 10 years old19:08
kevdog@k11_: Thanks for your help19:08
satseven¿how i can see full list of names in server?19:08
k1l_then you need to run regular updates and reboot19:08
k1l_satseven: what names?19:09
satsevenfull list of users are in server #ubuntu19:09
MonkeyDustsatseven  type    who19:10
MonkeyDustsatseven  also, type     w19:10
MonkeyDustsatseven  oh, in the #ubuntu channel? type    /names19:10
satseventhanks mate, its my first day at Linux19:11
satsevenHello codfection19:12
codfectionhello ubuntu, I cant set my browser as chrome for default19:12
codfectionxdg-mime query default text/html shows me google-chrome but it opens chromium :(19:12
=== fgdgf is now known as radulence84
satsevenI can't help you Codefection, sorry. Im newee19:13
codfectionHi satseven19:13
codfectionany pros here?19:14
MonkeyDustcodfection  gedit  ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list19:14
MonkeyDustcodfection  find html on that page19:14
for{}guyz, i installed a special tar in /usr/local/bin/19:14
for{}after, i was unable to install tzdata19:14
ikoniaa special tar ?19:14
ikoniainstall tzdata ??? what19:15
satsevenspecial tar?19:15
for{}there are absolute paths, you know?19:15
k1l_for{}: so you messed with your system and ruined the package manager?19:15
codfectionMonkeyDust: it shows google-chrome in html as well19:15
for{}no, i removed the special tar, and it worked19:15
ikoniafor{}: what is a "special" tar ?19:15
for{}not /bin/tar19:16
MonkeyDustcodfection  comment that line, put a # in the beginning19:16
for{}i dont understand why arent absolute paths used19:16
ikoniawhat are you talking about ?? for{}19:16
ikoniaspecial tar ? absolute paths ??19:17
ikoniawhat about tzdata ? what has that got to do with tar ?19:17
satsevenI want to know all about Linux, how I can start?19:17
for{}read what i already wrote19:17
MonkeyDustcodfection  save, close and try to set what you want19:17
codfectionMonkeyDust: only html or others also?19:17
ikoniafor{}: I have, it doesn't make any sense, hence my confusion19:17
mure_Do you guys know here is the xinit file on xfce4?19:17
ikoniasatseven: pick a distribution and read about it19:17
for{}not my fault, ikonia19:17
naccikonia: i think what for{} is saying is they put a custom 'tar' in /usr/local/bin and then ran apt (which probably uses tar) and it used the /usr/local/bin/ one instead of /bin/tar19:17
naccikonia: guessing here19:17
for{}wow, nacc, exactly19:17
ikoniaapt doesn't use tar though19:17
k1l_ikonia: he installed an own tar (program) and then the system didnt work on package install (which uses tar)19:18
ikoniaahhh the pre/post scripts19:18
naccfor{}: do you see how that is *much* clearer than what you wrote, though?19:18
codfectionMonkeyDust: set using xorg set right?19:18
MonkeyDustcodfection  set the default browser19:18
for{}soooooo? why arent absolute paths used?19:18
ikoniaso just change $PATH or remove the "special" tar version from /usr/local/bin19:18
ikoniajob done19:18
MonkeyDustcodfection  in your system settings19:18
ikoniafor{}: used where ?19:18
naccfor{}: in any case, if absolute paths were used, then if something was subtly broken or whatever, you would have no way to use your system19:18
for{}in the world, ikonia19:18
ikoniafor{}: sometimes they are19:18
naccfor{}: because that's what PATH is for in *nix19:18
for{}yeah, i feel a sour taste in my mouth19:19
ikoniawhat ///19:19
ikonia" a sour taste ?"19:19
ikoniawhat are you talking about ?19:19
for{}its like u complain bash doesnt work and someone recommends using zsh19:19
naccfor{}: it's not at all what anyone is saying19:20
ikoniano-one has said anything of the sort19:20
satsevenikonia: where I can find it?19:20
ikoniafor{}: lets stop this, do you have an ubuntu question, if so, state it clearly, if not, it's not for this channel19:20
ikoniasatseven: find what sorry19:20
naccfor{}: you placed a binary in $PATH that you shouldn't have19:20
satsevensorry misslick19:20
codfectionMonkeyDust: nope, its still opening chromium19:20
for{}nacc, but why wasnt i noticed?19:20
naccfor{}: what?19:21
ioriamure_, on 14.04 is a package xinit and is in /usr/bin/xinit19:21
satsevenikonia: thing to read about Linux code programing. I want to learn about it19:21
xock_streamWhat is that command do? ' sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com E9EB04D319:21
xock_stream '19:21
ikoniasatseven: pick a linux distribution, and read their documentation19:21
MonkeyDustcodfection  logout/in and try again ... else, i'm out of ideas19:21
naccxock_stream: you might want to read `man apt-key`19:21
for{}i use zsh though, but not because bash doesnt work19:21
ikoniafor{}: stop - no more discussion please19:21
ikoniafor{}: if you have an ubuntu question ask, if you don't please stop talking19:21
for{}ikonia, i exposed my problem19:21
ikoniafor{}: yes, and you where told how to fix it19:21
for{}u kept repeating: "what? what?"19:22
ikoniafor{}: fix your PATH, or remove the wrong tar version19:22
k1l_xock_stream: it loads the gpg key from the server and make it trust that key. so all packages signed with that key are trusted and installed on your system without asking19:22
for{}wow, no more "what?"19:22
codfectionnacc: k1l_ do you know how to set chrome as default browser when I click on links it opens with chromium instead19:22
for{}the problem is i had to google to find out tar is the problem19:22
ikoniayou've been told the fix, enough now19:22
k1l_codfection: depends on the desktop in use and what program you use for clicking on links19:22
for{}ikonia, the fix was on google, not here19:23
ikoniathen there is no need for more discussion19:23
ikoniayou have the fix, great,19:23
for{}you're free to stop19:23
codfectionk1l_: i3 ubuntu 16.0419:23
satsevenikonia: with distribution of linux u mean "book of linux"? Excuse me, Im from spain19:23
mure_ioria, I found the file but inside of it it's only rubish19:23
ikoniasatseven: no problem, visit ubuntu.com (for example) to read about the ubuntu linux distribution19:23
ikoniasatseven: be aware there are other linux distributions19:23
xock_streamThanks k1l_, nacc19:23
k1l_codfection: uh i3. look at what that desktop is using. like the xdg lists or not.19:24
satsevenikonia: thanks mate, i really apreciate that19:24
ioriamure_, cause it's a binary19:24
ioriamure_,  file /usr/bin/xinit19:24
mure_oh,yeah, it makes sens then19:24
ioriamure_,  maybe you're looking for startx19:24
codfectionk1l_: xdg shows chrome as default19:24
codfectionxdg-mime query default text/html google-chrome.desktop. k1l_19:24
mure_I'm looking for the script that causes apps to start when I boot, ioria19:25
xock_streamoh man i cant install hopperapp it says 403 forbidden19:25
ioriamure_,  details, please19:25
MarGulHey. I'm using sudo adduser --home /customers/test --shell /sbin/nologin --no-create-home --gecos "" brun to try and create a user to login via vsFTPd. I get login failed with this but when Ihave --shell /bin/bash it works. Is it secure to have /bin/bash? That way they can SSH as well right? Just want FTP access19:25
mure_what I'm trying to do is auto start conky at boot19:25
xock_streamI don't understand how to install it19:26
satsevenYou guys know about, at Ubuntu v16.04 recomend Firefox / Chromium / or other ones?19:26
OerHeksmure_, conky @ boot is useless, you need to login to the display manager anyway. conky @ login is easy, add to startup applications19:26
ioriamure_,  what is conky  ? a panel ?19:26
mure_ioria: an app which displays different stats about my pc19:27
mure_OerHeks, that's what I'd want to do19:27
mure_but I don't know where the file responsable for that is19:27
mure_I forgot19:28
OerHeksmure_, useless @ boot.19:28
naccxock_stream: how is getting a 403 from a website an ubuntu issue?19:28
ioriaMarGul, http://linux-tips.com/t/users-with-bin-false-shell-to-login-on-vsftpd/20019:28
naccxock_stream: and i already told you how to install it, if you wanted to, but it's not supported here anyways19:29
xock_streamCan anyone try to install hopper disassembler?19:29
naccxock_stream: what did you try?19:29
xock_streamnacc: can you tell me again how to install it?19:29
naccxock_stream: use gdebi or the gui software centre19:29
OerHeksmure_, add to startup applicatione ( that starts when you login)19:29
satsevenfirefox or chromium for ubuntu?19:29
xock_streamI add the repo on /etc/apt/sources.list and import hopper gpg key and updating package database and install it and it gives ms error 40319:29
xock_streamfrom updating repository19:30
naccsatseven: a matter of choice and opinion, not a support topic19:30
OerHekssatseven, you can install both19:30
naccxock_stream: what repository?19:30
xock_streamthe apt-get update19:30
ioriaMarGul, To enable users with no valid shell to login the ftp server, commenting out this line in /etc/pam.d/vsftpd file will be sufficient.  ... but never tried19:30
xock_streamthat's repository19:30
satsevennacc: im new, im only asking, if i can't or if is forbiden just alert me. SOrry19:30
xock_streamUpdating the package lists*19:31
MarGulioria, Thanks. I will try this out.19:31
naccxock_stream: i have very little patience for this. 'the apt-get update' is *not* a repository19:31
naccxock_stream: if you don't want to divulge what exactly you are doing, then pleease don't ask for help19:31
naccxock_stream: otherwise, use a pastebin and provide the exact steps19:31
ioriaMarGul, maybe going to vsftp website ...19:31
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam
nacc!ot | satseven: no problem, just follow this:19:31
ubottusatseven: no problem, just follow this:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:31
xock_streamI am tell what I do19:31
nacc!who | xock_stream19:32
ubottuxock_stream: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:32
MarGulioria, Been there and all over Google for the whole day almost witout getting it :/19:32
MarGulMissed the link you sent though. Will try that.19:32
ioriaMarGul, also http://www.linuxexpert.ro/Linux-Tutorials/setup-vsftp-with-no-shell-access.html19:32
ioriaMarGul, but it's old19:33
xock_streamnacc: "if you don't want to divulge what exactly you are doing, then pleease don't ask for help" I am saying what I am doing.  https://www.hopperapp.com/install_linux.html on step 3 i get error 403 (Failed to fetch)19:33
Cuukeyalright whos ddosing the us today?19:34
naccxock_stream: ok, so for the first time you've actually pointed at steps. I'm not a mind reader, so have *no idea* what you're doing until you provided that link19:34
nacc!pm | xock_stream19:34
ubottuxock_stream: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.19:34
OerHeksxock_stream,  here too, error 403, so no go for hopper19:35
OerHeksxock_stream, ask them ( hopper support) how about it19:35
naccxock_stream: you should ask hopper why they don't let you have access to their documented repository19:35
naccxock_stream: not an ubuntu problem; in the meanwhile, you could probably just download the .deb19:35
OerHeksxock_stream, did you pay first?19:36
ioriaMarGul, alternative deny ssh for some users http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/openssh-deny-or-restrict-access-to-users-and-groups.html19:36
xock_streamIt's free I suppose19:36
OerHeksxock_stream, no, it is not.19:36
OerHeksend support19:36
xock_streamSo that's why it's not working for me?19:37
OerHeksxock_stream, it is paid, so i get no money. no support here.19:37
naccxock_stream: none of this is an ubuntu issue, please talk to hopper about the problems you are having19:38
quantibilityim having an issue with Print screen19:40
quantibilitycan anyone help?19:40
ShayBoxwhats wrong?19:40
ShayBoximage not uploading?19:41
quantibilityI print screen the usual "save dialog" comes up but the moment i hit save.. it freezes.. have to use Xkill19:41
quantibilityi can save to clip board, open image editor and paste then save but19:41
ShayBoxhmm, idk about that... what program do you use19:41
MarGulioria, When I added /bin/bash to /etc/shells it works. And if I try to SSH with that user it just instantly closes the terminal. Is this correct because I don't have a shell?19:41
ShayBoxthats the program you use? or the OS you use...19:42
quantibilityI never really tried regular print screen but i have two monitors19:42
ioriaMarGul,  i guess so19:42
quantibilityOS, what ever it uses for print screen19:42
quantibilitylet me try just print screen with ALT19:42
ShayBoxwhat website does it normally upload the images to?19:42
pavlosquantibility, I just clicked PrintScn, it saved a screenshot in Pictures, ubuntu16.0419:42
ioriaMarGul,  sorry, you added /bin/bash19:42
OerHeksorntscreen saves locally19:43
quantibilitynope still stalls19:43
quantibilityShay no websites just local19:43
MarGulioria, Sorry /bin/false19:43
quantibilityPrintscreen yes19:43
ioriaMarGul,   ah, OK19:43
xafarderrWarnings over Dirty Cow Linux bug19:44
quantibilitypavlos YES i know it does that but it hasn't been going through with saving anything19:44
ShayBoxoh thats just you then, i'm trying to find problems with people that are a result of the mass ddos going on to Dyn19:44
OerHeksxafarderr, if you update, it is fixed19:44
xafarderrbut if i don't update?19:44
quantibilityI hit printscreen, then it brings up the "Save DIALOG" and as soon as i hit ok, it stall out19:44
xafarderri have ubuntu 10.0419:44
OerHeksxafarderr, why do you ask? trolling ?19:44
quantibilityi have to use XKILL to remove it19:45
xafarderrcan't update19:45
naccxafarderr: 10.04 is eol19:45
naccxafarderr: you should not be using it any longer19:45
quantibilitycan anyone help me please?19:45
quantibilityi think i know what the issue is but anyone have a a check list?19:45
OerHeksxafarderr, so you are on an old ubuntu version that is no longer supported.19:45
ioriaquantibility, man scrot19:45
quantibility?? no manual entery for scrot19:46
ThePhoenix47quantibility: Error: There is no command "no manual entery for scrot".19:46
xafarderrbut I don't want to change it, is it seriously vulnerable?19:46
quantibilityyeah i just figured that out19:46
ioria!info scrot19:46
ubottuscrot (source: scrot): command line screen capture utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-17 (yakkety), package size 16 kB, installed size 46 kB19:46
OerHeks?? google19:46
ThePhoenix47OerHeks: Error: There is no command "google".19:46
OerHeksThePhoenix47, you are a bot, not allowed in this channel.19:47
OerHeks?? quit19:47
ThePhoenix47OerHeks: (quit [<text>]) -- Exits the bot with the QUIT message <text>. If <text> is not given, the default quit message (supybot.plugins.Owner.quitMsg) will be used. If there is no default quitMsg set, your nick will be used. The standard substitutions ($version, $nick, etc.) are all handled appropriately.19:47
ShayBox?? quit now19:47
ThePhoenix47ShayBox: Error: There is no command "quit now".19:47
xafarderrto get  a "virus" on Linux you must be a fool19:47
ShayBoxquit now19:47
ioriai hate bots19:47
OerHeksxafarderr, nice rant, upgrade your ubuntu and come back19:47
ShayBoxmaybe it closed?19:48
MonkeyDustioria  not fembots, i take it19:48
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)19:48
quantibilityi don't want scrot i haven't a problem with screen capture before19:48
quantibilityuntill recently19:48
ioriaMonkeyDust, they are welcome19:48
OerHeksquantibility, can you save anything in your home folder?19:48
OerHeksto check if your system is mounted read-only19:48
quantibilityOerHeks, define save anything?? yes i can save, however i don't quite understand how you mean19:49
catbadgerI broke jack. help19:49
quantibilityugh this is why i just want to do a fresh install19:49
quantibilitybut ive built so much into this system19:49
ioriaquantibility,  using unity ?19:50
quantibilitywhat is unity?19:50
ioriaquantibility,   what DE ?19:50
ShayBoxJordan_U, xubuntu19:50
quantibilityi got xfce419:50
OerHeksquantibility, you say that saving a screenshot brings your system down, so checking if you can save something  will help find out what is going on19:50
quantibilityno it doesn't Bring my system down19:50
quantibilitythe Dialog that comes up gets stalled19:51
OerHeksstalled, so you cannot do anything else but using XKIL19:51
ioria!info xfce4-screenshooter-plugin19:51
ubottuxfce4-screenshooter-plugin (source: xfce4-screenshooter): transitional dummy package for xfce4-screenshooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.2-2 (yakkety), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB19:51
quantibilityit won't go any further but the dialog when i press the ok button from there19:51
quantibilityYES i can save something19:51
OerHeksoke, so your system is not mounted read-only ( for some reason), 1 thing ruled out19:52
nicholaSausages for tea!19:53
johnzornIs setting up postfix as a relayhost for a gmail account the easiest way of setting up a system that allows scripts to send me email?19:53
nicholaDanny, if youre on here your tea is ready!!! (mum)19:53
quantibilityis there any way to do a fresh install without removing all the programs i have aquired, i don't care about personal settings just want ot do a fresh install without removing all the programs i have gotten over the past year or so?19:55
ThePhoenix47OerHeks, Sorry, I forgot to lobotomize my bot half in here and was gone for a sec.19:56
ThePhoenix47Should be fixed19:56
ThePhoenix47There, no response.19:57
ThePhoenix47 ?ping is also a good test trigger. I'm right now going over my channel list (again) and checking if I lobotomized it in every channel where I not explicitly asked before joining...19:58
OerHeksquantibility, an easy way to reconfigure your system is going into tty2, dpkg --configure -a # this might fix something, not sure as it is not clear what is going wrong19:58
OerHeksThePhoenix47, disable now please.19:58
OerHeksops do not like bots, just saying19:58
ThePhoenix47Something like a whitelist would be useful, but then again, I kinda gave up on this thing.19:58
ThePhoenix47OerHeks, it's disabled for here.19:58
jinxi1hi, I have a problem19:58
niytrohello errbody19:59
quantibilitythat is not slooking for19:59
quantibilityi asked a question19:59
OerHeksquantibility, no guarantee that manuall installed apps survive a xubuntu-reinstall19:59
xocketI have ubuntu-16.04.1 to install or to install the newest?20:10
Bray90820Can someone help me here I am using ubuntu 16.10 on my surface 3 and every time I use  browser the whole tatbet freezes and i need to hard reboot and also once in a blue moon when I turn it on the internet tries to connect fails and then the screen goes black20:10
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xocketI will just download the latest ..20:11
Bray90820I tried a usb wifi card and the error isn't present so I think it has something to do with the driver20:12
tomreynxocket: can you rephrase your question? since i could not parse it.20:12
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xockettomreyn, I have ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso20:13
naccxocket: if you have to ask that question, i would suggest you only use LTS20:13
tomreynBray90820: which type of card?20:13
k1l_xocket: you mean 16.04.1 or 16.10?20:13
xocketwhat i wrote20:13
pavlosxocket, 16.10 has a life about 9 months, better stay with 16.04 lts20:13
nacc!pm | xocket20:14
ubottuxocket: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.20:14
k1l_xocket: but installing 16.10 means you need to upgrade every 6 months. on 16.04.* you can stay there for 5years since 16.04 release20:14
xocketMy goal is to use arch linux but I see I am noob. What is best road to go so I can use arch linux?20:15
xocketI am asking the question because Ubuntu is for noobs like me20:15
naccxocket: it seems totally incorrect to ask the ubuntu support channel how to use arch linux.20:15
Yuyuyuy123\/\/ JOIN #wikimedia-ayuda \/\/ -- patrocined by jem20:16
Bray90820tomreyn: Marvell 88W889720:18
_stump_junkman_xocket, start with slackware, see how you like that. If you can swing that, then you'll be able to use arch effectively20:18
YenerIs this main channel?20:18
xocketsomeone can veriy what _stump_junkman_ said?20:18
Bray90820Yener: If your asking if it is the main channel for ubuntu support yes it is20:19
YenerThank you Bray, its glad to be here20:19
_stump_junkman_I started with Slackware 9.0 years ago, ran that up through 11.x, switched to Debian. Now running *buntu on my desktop20:19
ikoniaxocket: it's nonsense, but it's also nothing to do with this channel20:19
k1l__stump_junkman_: that is offtopic in here20:19
xocketWhy the hate? I am just asking a question.20:19
_stump_junkman_very well20:19
naccxocket: there is no hate; you're just offtopic for the ubuntu support channel20:20
naccxocket: if you want to learn to use arch, ask the arch folks?20:20
jattthere is #slackware20:20
xocketjatt: what is slackware related?20:20
xocketnacc: I am going to do that. Wish me luck xo)20:21
_stump_junkman_xocket, just hop over to the arch linux channel and ask around. Or reddit.20:21
YenerThis is my ubuntu running on virtualbox and I have a notebook installed ubuntu only now the thing is I need to communicate with these machine20:21
Yenerhow can I configure network adapter for this ?20:21
ikoniaYener: are they not on a network ?20:22
tomreynBray90820: sudo lspci -knnv | grep -iA15 Marvell20:22
Yenerthey are in same network20:22
tomreynBray90820: put this on a pastebin20:22
tomreyn!pastebin | Bray9082020:22
ubottuBray90820: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:22
ikoniaYener: so you just need to set the virtalbox private network to be routed or nat20:22
YenerI dont want use host connection20:23
YenerI want to gather a pure connection for my virtual michine20:23
ikoniawhat ?20:23
ikoniahow do you expect a virtual machine to connect to a physical network if the host is not conneted to it20:23
YenerI expect gather a new ip from dhcp of my switch20:24
daxAre you talking about bridged mode?20:24
YenerI cant ping to my notebook pc within her20:24
ikoniaYener: right, so you need to set the virtualbox network to be routed or nat20:24
Yeneri will try bridge also again give me 1 min20:24
pavlosYener, setup VB network adapter as bridge, it will pick up an ip from your dhcp20:25
Bray90820tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23361246/20:27
tomreynBray90820: "Kernel driver in use: mwifiex_pcie" - that's the right driver20:28
tomreynupdate the linux-firmware package20:29
Bray90820tomreyn: How?20:29
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donofrioso why does Telco DNS work when google's is crushed today...20:45
ppfdonofrio: ongoing ddos20:45
donofrioright but telco's ok?20:45
k1l_donofrio: different infrastructure.20:46
donofrioI had to use tmobile's dns to get school site to work, didn'y with googledns ;(20:46
donofriok just made me wonder....cause if this was dns dos should all dns servers have same zone files?20:46
donofrioI meant "shouldn't"20:48
Bray90820tomreyn: How would I update the linux-firmware package20:49
teo_!info vlc20:53
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.4-4 (yakkety), package size 2026 kB, installed size 6730 kB20:53
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tomreynBray90820: which ubuntu version do you have there?21:06
Bray9082016.10 x6421:06
tomreynhad to leave there, sorry. i'll stick with you now.21:06
tomreyndpkg -l linux-firmware21:07
tomreynsays what?21:07
tomreynjust the last line21:07
tomreynBray90820: ^21:07
Bray90820il linux-firmware 1.161 all firmware for linux kernel drivers21:08
tomreynBray90820: okay that's the newest there is in ubuntu. maybe we can find another source with a newer one.21:09
tomreyndpkg -L linux-firmware | grep 889721:10
tomreynthese should be the firmwares for this device21:10
verticleberthey guys i'm curious if there are more places that acpi would house it's scripts other than /etc/acpi/?21:10
tomreynBray90820: i would think /lib/firmware/mrvl/pcie8897_uapsta.bin is the one you may want to upgrade21:10
verticleberti'm looking for where the lid lock scripts are but i don't see them under /etc/acpi21:10
Bray90820Maybe I could use ndiswrapper21:11
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tomreynBray90820: this appears to have updated firmware. but yusing it without knowing what you're doing could brick your hardware, so be careful. http://git.marvell.com/?p=mwifiex-firmware.git;a=tree;f=mrvl;h=6e0abcc70ddb3c19da49eb144d99ddd93d596c68;hb=HEAD21:16
Bray90820tomreyn: soft or hard brick?21:16
MarGulHey. I have created a user with HOME directory of /customers/user1. This user is then used in vsFTPd to log in. Is there a way so that I can ONLY access user1 dir. Now my user can browse up to /customer and he can se /customer/user2 when he connects with FTP21:16
tomreynBray90820: hard, if it doesn't check the firmwar ebefore trying to load it.21:16
tomreynthis is speaking potentially21:17
tomreynBray90820: a more preserving approach would be to start by reviewing your system logs, and maybe look for errors indicating why it doesn't work21:17
Bray90820tomreyn: While I have never updated firmware like this I can prob do it without issues21:17
tomreynyou can grep /var/log/syslog for 8897 and 2b38 and mwifiex21:18
tomreynalso the output provided by dmesg -T21:18
JustMozzyhey everyone. does anyone know what cloud-init is?21:20
akikJustMozzy: you can insert cloud vm configuration with it while provisioning21:21
xsmltxHi, in virt-manager, Lubuntu minimal installation as a guest starts directly only in the console(it is normal), normally I have press ctrl+alt+f1 to redirect me to tty1, but the console of the guest doesn't respond to any command. Thank you.21:23
tomreynMarGul: you are looking for a chroot configuration21:24
cobracommandIs it true that ubuntu you have to use sudo but in other linux you don't?21:24
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Bray90820tomreyn: Here are song logs from right after it crashed21:25
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Bray90820tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23361543/21:25
k1l_cobracommand: other distributions do you sudo, too. ubuntu is build to use sudo and doesnt have an enabled root account.21:25
k1l_!sudo | cobracommand21:25
ubottucobracommand: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:25
MarGultomreyn, Yes. I have chroot_local_users=YES . But you can still "browse back". I would like it to be for a HOME dir like /customers/user1 that when you log in you get to user1 dir and can't "browse" up to customers21:25
devslashI upgraded my VirtualBox Ubuntu VM from 16.04 to 16.10 and it won't boot now. I get the error "NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU #0 stuck for 23s! [swapper/0:1] THe kernel is based on 4.8.0-22. If I choose Advanced Options from Grub and Choose Linux 4.4.0-38-generic, it does boot21:26
cobracommandubottu yes I know what sudo is what I meant to ask if other linux distros allow you to run admin/superuser commands without typing sudo21:27
k1l_cobracommand: this is ubuntu support. for other distributions better ask ##linux21:28
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tomreynMarGul: i'm not sufficiently famiiar with vsftpd to tell you how exactly you can achieve this.21:28
tomreynBray90820: looking at your logs now21:28
devslashcan anyone help me with my issue if Ubuntu not booting21:29
MarGultomreyn, Np, thanks for trying.21:29
df00zHey - is there functioning multiarch llvm in 16.10?  i am having trouble trying to get the libraries installed multiarch21:29
devslashi dont understand how cannonical can release a super buggy O.S update21:31
Jordan_Udf00z: What are you trying to do specifically, and what problem are you having? (Ideally, please include exact commands and their error messages in your reply).21:31
df00zBuild a git version of mesa, 32 bit, and install to a prefix.21:32
df00zGive me a few, please21:32
Bray90820tomreyn: Here is the output of "dmesg -T" the file was to long to paste so I just pasted a few lines before the first error21:33
Bray90820tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23361566/21:33
devslashcan anyone help me figure this out ...21:34
ppfMarGul: chrooting should do exactly that21:34
devslashI dont want to upgrade any of my non-VM ubuntu machines unless I know what to do if this happens if I upgrade them to Ubuntu 16.1021:34
MarGulppf, That's what I thought. But when I FTP in I come straight into /customers/user1 but I can still see /customers/user2 , /customers/user3 and so on.21:35
df00zJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/jGZdUA8f21:35
ppfdevslash: you need to spill some details21:35
df00zI dont think those are the correct LLVM_LDFLAGS for 32 bit21:35
ppfMarGul: restarted the ftp?21:35
devslashppf i did scroll up21:35
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MarGulppf, Yes21:36
df00zpretty sure it's the output from llvm-config --libs21:36
tomreynBray90820: line 147 of your dmesg output suggests that the device is working fine, and was able to connect to your wireless router21:36
df00zSorry, --libdir21:36
devslashppf: I upgraded my VirtualBox Ubuntu VM from 16.04 to 16.10 and it won't boot now. I get the error "NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU #0 stuck for 23s! [swapper/0:1] The kernel is based on 4.8.0-22.21:37
MarGulppf, I set the home dir for my user to be /customers/user1. So I can see why it's like this. It sets my "root" dir to be /customers21:37
Jordan_Udf00z: You haven21:37
Bray90820tomreyn: That would be correct but when I run a browser the entire tablet freezes21:37
Jordan_Udf00z: ... haven't said what you're trying to do, or what problem you're having.21:38
tomreynBray90820: okay, but howwould that be related to the wireless?21:38
k1l_devslash: that is not the latest kernel. make sure to have linux-generic installed and update it21:38
devslashi cant21:38
df00zJordan_U: Trying to build a 32 bit mesa from GIT21:38
ppfdf00z: what precisely is the problem?21:38
devslashhow can i make sure of that if i cant even boot the damn thing21:38
tomreynBray90820: i do see errors about the intel graphics chipset in there21:38
ppfmissing llvm 32bit packages?21:38
devslashk1l_,  how can i make sure of that if i cant even boot the damn thing21:38
df00zNo, mesa's configure script isnt finding the proper libraries.21:38
df00zthey exist in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu21:38
ppfMarGul: you can specify the chroot in vsftpd.conf21:38
Bray90820tomreyn: I tried a usb wireless card and everything worked fine so thats why I am led to believe it is my wireless card21:39
tomreynBray90820: intel DRM stand for direct (graphics /video) rendering module, not digital right management21:39
df00zim going to try and reconfigure overriding LLVM_LDFLAGS i guess21:39
Bray90820tomreyn: What does that mean to me?21:40
k1l_devslash: is that a vbox install? after first reboot? or what is it?21:40
ppfdf00z: what exactly is the problem?21:40
tomreynBray90820: i understand now. but it's still a bit far fetched. have you enabled the intel microcode stuff on the driver management GUI?21:40
Bray90820I have not21:40
ppfdf00z: paste the error you're getting, please21:40
Bray90820I don't even know what that means21:40
df00zppf: See pastebin, that _is_ the problem.  I can continue the build. but its going to bomb at the linking stage21:40
Jordan_Udf00z: Have you run  "sudo apt-get build-dep mesa"?21:41
devslashk1l_, i had Ubuntu 16.04 in VB working perfectly. I booted it the other day and it asked me if I wanted to upgrade to 16.10 so I said yes. After it finished it said it had to reboot so I did. It won't boot now with that error that I mentioned21:41
df00zJordan: Good idea, let me try that actually21:41
ppfdf00z: i don't see an error there21:41
tomreynBray90820: it's how intel chips updates for cpu firmware. and since the gpu is integrated with the cpu, this may help there, too.21:41
Bray90820tomreyn: So where should I go from here21:42
ppfdevslash: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/153040521:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1530405 in linux (Ubuntu) "NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s! [kerneloops:814]" [High,Triaged]21:42
tomreynBray90820: enable the microcode, reboot, see if it helps21:42
Bray90820tomreyn: How21:43
devslashppf, i dont understand is there a fix for this ?21:43
ppfdevslash: no, the PR is still open21:44
devslashwhat is the cause exactly21:44
tomreynBray90820: /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk --open-tab=421:44
k1l_devslash: could be some settings in your vbox21:44
k1l_devslash: 16.10 should work in vbox.21:44
devslashhow it worked before21:44
ppfdevslash: read the report21:45
devslashi didnt change any settings between 16.04 and 16.1021:45
devslashi did21:45
ppfpeople are suggesting various drivers21:45
df00zThere, it bombed.21:45
ppfbut it's not been diagnosed21:45
devslashhow am i supposed to do that when i cant boot it ?!21:45
df00z*grumbles about multiarch on ubuntu*21:46
ppfdf00z: that's not llvm21:46
ppfit's pickung up a wrong libexpat21:46
df00zIt was LLVM before, now its this.21:46
df00zUh so like21:47
df00zPKG_CONFIG_PATH is set to /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig21:47
MadLambMy ubuntu suddently started to return the audio I hear back as a input. Any clue how to solve this?21:47
Bray90820tomreyn: Oh that I don't think that will work I tried it once before but I will try it again21:47
df00zpkg-config expat --libs outputs -lexpat21:48
df00zisnt that wrong?21:48
df00zpkg-config expat --libs --debug shows Removing -L /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu from libs for expat21:48
df00zI would expect that to be left in there21:48
tomreynBray90820: up to you. it should not make things worse.21:49
df00zI guess I could try LD_LIBRARY_PATH21:49
tomreynBray90820: do you have the latest firmware (BIOS update) for the computer installed, too?21:49
Jordan_Udevslash: Many in that bug report have said that upgrading to a newer mainline kernel solved the problem. While it is better to use a newer kernel (mainline) that to use an older kernel (from 16.04) it is still important that if you install a mainline kernel it is your responsibility to make sure that you have a kernel with the latest security patches, for example for CVE-2016-5195 .21:49
tomreynBray90820: in case you do not know: sudo dmidecode -s bios-version && sudo dmidecode -s bios-release-date21:50
devslashJordan_U, thanks but at the moment i cant even boot it21:50
Jordan_Udevslash: I thought you said that you could still boot it by selecting the older kernel from the grub menu?21:50
devslashi thought i could but it doesnt fully boot21:51
ppfdf00z: PKG_CONFIG_PATH32 and PKG_CONFIG_PATH6421:51
devslashmy bad21:51
ppfdf00z: i think you can tell it to look specifically for bittiness21:51
Jordan_Udevslash: First then, grab an Ubuntu 16.10 iso and see if you can boot that in this VM without hitting this bug.21:51
JonelethIrenicuscan anyone give recommendations for a icremental backup offsite for a desktop that is easy to manage?21:52
ppfdf00z: no scratch that, that's a custom thing in my projects21:52
JonelethIrenicusim talking something cheap for full backups21:52
ppfit's late ...21:52
atlasloewenherzgood evenning everyone21:53
tomreynJonelethIrenicus: how about the backup utility which comes with ubuntu, deja-dup?21:54
JonelethIrenicustomreyn: that can't do offsite backups can it?21:54
MarGulppf, got it to work now with allow_writeable_chroot=YES21:54
MarGul , I've seen that this can be a security issue. Is this true?21:54
atlasloewenherzi made sure an iscsi session is active, it also creates a block device ( sdh) which i can see via fdisk, i was also able to create a new partition on the /dev/sdh, the partition type is 8e/ Linux LVM but the partition is not visible in Ubuntu am missing something?21:55
tomreynJonelethIrenicus: sure it can, using several protocols21:55
JonelethIrenicustomreyn: oh yeah ?21:55
tomreynJonelethIrenicus: oh yeah! ...including ssh/scp/sftp, ftp, webdav.21:56
JonelethIrenicustomreyn: not very good reviews - https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/deja-dup/21:57
df00zppf: thanks let me try that21:58
ppfdf00z: no need, i was mistaken21:58
Bray90820tomreyn: Current is march 2015 latest is September 201621:59
tomreynJonelethIrenicus: i'm not aware of other easy to use and well enough done implementations in ubuntu. there are proprietary solutions, though.21:59
ppfpkg-config is invoked by configure?21:59
ppfyou did export PKG_CONFIG_PATH, right?21:59
tomreynBray90820: upgrade.21:59
tomreynthere's a good chance this will solve some or all of your issues22:00
df00zppf: yeah22:00
Bray90820tomreyn: ugh not so sure I can without windows :/22:00
df00zI think Im gonna give up on it22:01
JonelethIrenicustomreyn: what are those?22:01
df00zhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxi/+bug/1360342  there are a lot of multiarch issues22:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1360342 in libxi (Ubuntu) "Add Multi-arch support in libxi-dev" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:01
JonelethIrenicustomreyn: if the data is encrypted before sending i guess it doesn't matter22:01
ppfdf00z: are you sure pkg_config is the thing that's confused?22:02
df00zIm not 100% sure, no, but dont know what else it could be.22:02
ppfcan you paste the configure output?22:02
tomreynBray90820: can you boot the device off external media?22:02
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Bray90820That's how I got ubuntu installed :)22:03
tomreynBray90820: if so, install either windows or freedos to some external media and boot off it, install firmware upgrade, return to linux.22:03
df00zppf: http://pastebin.com/cBRA6ST322:03
tomreynthis is more a ##hardware topic, though, off topic here22:03
Bray90820I might just reinstall windows then reinstall ubuntu and get back to you22:04
tomreynJonelethIrenicus: spideroak is nice IMO22:04
ppfdf00z: that's not a valid LLVM_LDFLAGS specification22:04
JonelethIrenicustomreyn: yeah but it is too expensive for an entire system22:04
JonelethIrenicus10 dollars for every 100 GB22:04
df00zppf: exactly, thats the 64 bit path22:04
df00zI did not specify that22:05
ppf~/Mesa-3D# LLVM_LDFLAGS=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu ./configure --enable-nine --prefix=/usr/fakelocal/32/22:05
ppfthat's the one i meant22:05
df00zoh, i can get rid of that but it seems to make no diff22:05
tomreynJonelethIrenicus: there are cheaper, less technically sound solutions. you could also roll your own using owncloud.22:07
JonelethIrenicustomreyn: yeah for sure22:07
atlasloewenherzanyone could help understand why my iscsi based lvm partition is not visible to the OS these are my logs: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/f20f1e202f7a634769ac2dd22d604aa622:08
ppfdf00z: let's look at the llvm thing first. i bet it's getting the llvm settings through llvm-config22:09
ppfthus, when configuring, make sure you've got the right llvm-config in your path22:10
Jordan_Uatlasloewenherz: Please pastebin the output of "sudo pvscan && sudo vgscan && sudo vgachange -a y && sudo lvscan".22:10
df00zppf: theres only one llvm-config on my system as far as i am aware of, not a sep 32 bit one22:10
ppfbecause that's probably not the right one: llvm-config:     /usr/bin/llvm-config22:10
atlasloewenherzJordan_U: one sec22:11
ppfbut you have 32bit llvm libs around?22:11
df00zppf: correct.22:11
df00zI think its part of the main package not libs22:11
ppfhow did you install them22:11
df00zand the i386 and regular package conflict22:11
ppfso which did you install?22:11
ppfi'm confused.22:11
tomreynBray90820: in case you decide against applying the BIOS update now (although i would very much recommend it) and would prefer to review the error you run into more, this is your search term:  [drm:intel_pipe_update_end [i915]] *ERROR* Atomic update failure on pipe B22:12
df00zppf: i am not sure what package contains llvm-config off the top of my head.  it might be llvm-3.8, or llvm-3.8 dev..hold on there is a way to check22:12
df00zllvm and llvm:i386 will naturally conflict22:13
atlasloewenherzJordan_U: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2d3378bd1f036b42bdb3e9e4ac12b43f22:13
ppfbut you'll need the 32bit one if you want this to work22:14
kegan_sudo: pam_ecryptfs: pam_sm_authenticate: /home/myusername is already mounted22:14
kegan_why does this keep happening?22:14
kegan_I know that's not enough information; where do I look to provide more?22:15
df00zppf: that will break other stuff on my system, the whole point of multiarch is to have stuff side by side22:15
Jordan_Uatlasloewenherz: Is homelv what you're looking for?22:15
ppfdf00z: yeah, but are ther multiarch packages for llvm?22:15
df00zfor dev and libs, eyah22:15
atlasloewenherzJordan_U: that's the local storage ( raid over local physical disks) the one im looking for is iscsi based22:16
df00zAnyway thats why I said im giving up, Ubuntu isn't a great system for this kind of work22:16
atlasloewenherzJordan_U: the iscsi based block device is /dev/sdh22:16
Jordan_Udf00z: apt-get build-dep mesa didn't help?22:17
ppfdf00z: you can set up a chroot with all 32bit in it22:17
df00zJordan_U: Nah, it only installed the 64 bit prereqs for mesa22:17
atlasloewenherzJordan_U: i'am able to see the partition when i fdisk -l /dev/sdh122:17
kegan_parameter rootcheck=no... asks for auth, what does the param mean, then?22:17
df00zppf: Yeah - if I did that though I'd need to manually configure all of the prereqs compiling from source, correct?22:17
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df00zOr does ubuntu have a way to install working packages to a chroot?22:18
df00zlike could I install llvm:386 to a chroot?22:18
atlasloewenherzJordan_U: but when i try to vgcreate /dev/sdh1 its not working as the /dev/sdh1 is not there22:18
ppfyou can in stall anything in a chroot22:18
ppfanyways, i don't know the mesa build scripts. shouldn't you be able to tell it where LLVM is installed22:19
ppfand same thing for expat, probably22:21
df00zhm, so I should look at debootstrap maybe22:22
ppfdf00z: yah that'd be the way to do it22:22
Jordan_Uatlasloewenherz: sudo partx -a /dev/sdh122:22
ppfbut the other way might be faster22:22
Jordan_Uatlasloewenherz: Sorry, "sudo partx -a /dev/sdh".22:22
FestourHey, while installing one programm, aptitude removed linux-signed-image-4.4.0-38-generic, and configured grub22:23
FestourWhat will happens, when i will reboot?22:23
ppfFestour: dpkg -l linux-signed-image22:24
kegan_unetbootin won't download the iso I need22:24
kegan_pam_ecryptfs throws an already mounted on my env var22:24
Festourppf: said what didnt found any package22:24
kegan_why might it be that after an hour or two (seemingly not synced w/ cron jobs) of being logged into ubuntu, I keep getting this pam_ecryptfs error?22:24
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kegan_like they don't have filters or something22:25
ppfFestour: dpkg -l linux-image-generic22:25
atlasloewenherzJordan_U: after partx -a /dev/sdh the /dev/sdh1 partition is there22:25
Festourppf: ii  linux-image-ge  amd64        Generic Linux kernel image22:26
Jordan_Uatlasloewenherz: Great, you should be able to access the LVM volume now.22:26
ppfFestour: well, you're good22:26
Festourppf: okay, thanks22:27
atlasloewenherzJordan_U: but still i can not vgcreate on it22:27
atlasloewenherzJordan_U: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/be4f7da2fb30c10d301848ef1e0ef9e522:27
Festourppf: also, do you know how to reinstall arial font? Chrome gets crazy when he use this font22:27
ppfarial isn't free22:28
NinjaWilsyYAY, Finally back on Ubuntu!!!22:28
kegan_is there a preferred place to throw notes regarding your installation's configuration?22:28
kegan_e.g. I uninstalled this package because I hate it, but I might not hate it in the future22:28
NinjaWilsyIt's been a few years... any recommendations? Like must have apps, or anything?22:29
kegan_just curious if there's a convention; happy enough to just make a text file22:29
Festourppf: before it was fine, but when i installed additionals fonts for subtitles for anime, its started crazy, in engilsh, all displayed on upper case, and on russian, its DiSpLaYeD LiKe ThIs22:29
Festourppf: i think what if i reinstall that font, it will fix it22:30
atlasloewenherzJordan_U: the syslog: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2b91e68fe855c488bee748317985937322:30
ppfdf00z: so i just checked out mesa for you.22:31
NinjaWilsyOr maybe is there a welcome to Ubuntu thread somewhere that has things like that?22:31
ppf--with-llvm-prefix      Prefix for LLVM installations in non-standard22:31
ppf(this is for configure)22:31
ppfdid you try that?22:31
lion4407I have ubuntu 16.10 installed on a usb...I am having trouble getting the openvpn option on network manager.  I have installed openvpn, network-manager-openvpn, network-manager-gnome.. I have even completely uninstalled those and reinstalled using synaptic packagage manager ...I have also restarted network manager using command prompt as well as rebooting. the openvpn option still does not show.22:31
ppflion4407: network-manager-openvpn-gnome?22:32
lion4407ppf i did not see that on syanptic package manager or on terminal..is there a reason that might not be showing?22:33
crobertsi know for vpnc it didnt show up with 16.04 and had to do network-manager-vpnc-gnome22:33
crobertsin 15.x it was there by default it seemed22:33
lion4407is network-manager-openvpn-gnome still an active package in 16.10?22:34
k1l_yes it is22:34
lion4407it was not showing22:34
k1l_!info  network-manager-openvpn-gnome22:34
ubottunetwork-manager-openvpn-gnome (source: network-manager-openvpn): network management framework (OpenVPN plugin GNOME GUI). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.6-2ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 74 kB, installed size 496 kB (Only available for linux-any)22:34
MarGulwhen using chroot_local_users=YES in vsftpd and then setting chmod 555 on the home dir I still get 500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()22:34
MarGul. Can solve it with allow_wirtable_chroot=YES but that is said to be a big security risk. Any way to solve this?22:34
k1l_lion4407: make sure universe is enabled22:34
lion4407kil_ how do i do that22:34
lion4407is that a package?22:34
k1l_lion4407: no, universe is a repo.22:35
lion4407how do you add a repo?22:35
lion4407in sources?22:35
ppfMarGul: https://www.benscobie.com/fixing-500-oops-vsftpd-refusing-to-run-with-writable-root-inside-chroot/22:35
ppftried that?22:35
k1l_lion4407: use the systemsettings22:35
lion4407and do what?22:35
lion4407details please :)22:36
k1l_lion4407: come on.22:36
MarGulppf, yes I tried the chmod a-w /home/user and I still get the same. I can do allow_writable_chroot=YES and it works but it's a security issue apparently22:36
lion4407kil_ don't assume every knows how to do that :)22:36
lion4407so you can add a repo in systemsettings?22:37
k1l_lion4407: open the system settings and start  learning how to solve issues. its not rocketscience to find the setting for the repos in the gui.22:37
lion4407kil_ wow thats for the smart ass attitude22:37
MarGulppf, I should add that I have /customers/user where /customers is a mounted file share from Azure (if that makes any difference)22:37
k1l_lion4407: you are just lazy22:37
lion4407this is why your tech support if horrible.22:37
kegan_this is FREE22:38
k1l_lion4407: and you are here often enough and insulting others, so stop playing dumb now because you are lazy.22:38
lion4407kil_ your a fucking bitch how is that22:38
kegan_dude, I've asked about 10 questions everyone in here ignored, and I'm googling and trying to work it out22:38
df00zppf: thanks22:40
df00zJordan_U: thanks22:40
ppfdf00z: check ./configure --help22:40
df00zppf: doing chroot way, already almost done22:40
df00zmultiarch sucks!22:40
ppflet me know if it works out for you :)22:40
df00zYeah it will\is working.  It's already going haha22:41
df00zill just need to copy the two libraries I need out to my main system once they are built22:41
df00zim messing around with gallium-nine, its pretty awesome!22:41
kil_is_a_faghi fag22:43
kil_is_a_fagyor a little bitch22:43
kil_is_a_fagcock sucking bitch22:43
df00zwhats the motivation for that anyway22:43
OnkelTemHi all22:43
kegan_ he was not content with the answers he received22:43
kegan_hello, friend :)22:44
OnkelTemMy external HDD doesn't work via USB3 motherboard port on Ubuntu 16.04. Any ideas? I think I can copy-paste the output of dmesg22:44
OnkelTemif that may help22:44
k1l_lets not mind the trolls :) the will get bored if we dont pay attention22:44
ppfk1l_ is making friends! :D22:44
ppfOnkelTem: yes please22:44
kegan_at what point does it fail22:44
OnkelTemppf: http://apaste.info/ZTfOq22:46
kil_is_a_bitchwhat a faggot22:46
kil_is_a_bitchkil you a dip shit22:47
OnkelTemppf: dunno actually where the beginning is so I just copy-pasted a repeating part22:47
ppfOnkelTem: usb 2-4: USB disconnect, device number 722:47
df00zOnkelTem: Using a hub?  Or raw port?22:47
ppfthat sounds like a hardware issue22:47
OnkelTemit is raw22:47
ppfcan you verify the drive is okay?22:48
OnkelTemwell, I've connected it to another workstation and noticed no issues. I can retry22:48
ppfmight be a power issue?22:48
kegan_that seems like enough22:48
df00zWhat version of gentoo, and like is it an older or newer pc?22:48
nicomachus!smart | OnkelTem test it with this22:48
ubottuOnkelTem test it with this: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools22:48
df00zif its like a bleeding edge motherboard or chipset id say a kernel update might be helpful22:48
nicomachusuhhh... sorry. I read HDD instead of USB. ignore me.22:48
ppfdoes the drive have an external power supply?22:48
OnkelTemppf: no it hasn't. It's powered by a single cable - the usb22:49
OnkelTemppf: I too thought about power issue. Not sure how to be sure22:49
kil_is_a_bitchwhat a faggot22:50
ikoniaabr kil_is_a_bitch bye22:50
OnkelTemlol, what a patient person22:50
ppfOnkelTem: tried another cable/port?22:51
_beast_Hey guys, I could use some help with a workaround on an ubuntu system, can you help?22:51
Ben64_beast_: ask your question for best results22:51
kegan_just ask22:51
th0rOnkelTem, one way to check. First, plug a thumb drive into that port. If the thumb drive works the port itself is probably prety well off. Then plug the drive into another usb port. If it works, the drive is OK and it is probablypower22:51
OnkelTemppf: actually no :) shame on me. Everything looks pretty brand new - everything: port, cable, the device. But I'll try that also.22:51
_beast_Thanks, I have an Ubuntu 16.04 system that is running on a laptop with a screen that works ~half the time. I don't really need it to have a screen, but I do need sshd to start before the login screen, or to bypass the login screen, so that I can use the computer as a headless system. Is this possible or should I just install a new version/distro on there that can handle that sort of situation?22:53
ppf_beast_: i'm not sure i understand the problem.22:54
Ben64_beast_: sshd, when installed, will start when the computer starts22:54
simon5504Kil_ is a cock sucking fag with no life and does not know shit about tech support...what a rude bitch22:54
_beast_It starts at login22:54
simon5504what a faggot22:54
ppf_beast_: no22:54
kegan_i know this is likely nothing, but i must ask given the fact that the drive is for repairing another partition22:55
kegan_it's not mounted, fdisk -l does not find it, yet it's still lit up as though R/W cycles are firing22:55
Ben64_beast_: no22:55
_beast_I'll check it again.22:55
kegan_so, i don't want yank it22:56
KendosHi :à22:58
kegan_hi friend22:58
KendosI have a little problem... While manipulating my partition table, I did a mistake and deleted it. I wanted to re-create a new partition on the same place, with the same size, but the fs is not longer linked to the partition (i suppose)22:59
_beast_Ah, this actually looks like a problem. When I booted it last time, the screen wasn't working, and I logged in blindly. This time, I can see what's happening and it is not connected to the network. When I click on my Wi-Fi, it says "Failed to add/activate connection: (1) insufficient privileges. Alright, so what do I need to chmod to get it to connect to wifi while at login?22:59
Ben64Kendos: you can try testdisk23:00
turtle_  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##23:00
turtle_  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##23:00
turtle_  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##  ## # # EYE DAMAGE # # # ##23:00
* mark5506 bends that little faggot kil_ over and spreads those sweet cheeks apart..and slides his hot cock into kil_'s sweet pretty ass...as kil_ begs for more of his cock mark fucks kil_ with a strong fucking as kil_ begs more and more of his cock pouding his ass.....then mark cums deep in his ass and kil_ groans in pleasure.....23:00
KendosI approxiatly know where the fs is, but don't know how to find it. I used testdisk but it takes too long to scan the whole disk and it finds many partitions, like 20 "Linux", so I don't know which one is the good one.23:00
* mark5506 bends that little faggot kil_ over and spreads those sweet cheeks apart..and slides his hot cock into kil_'s sweet pretty ass...as kil_ begs for more of his cock mark fucks kil_ with a strong fucking as kil_ begs more and more of his cock pouding his ass.....then mark cums deep in his ass and kil_ groans in pleasure.....23:00
_beast_man, what's with this hatespam?23:00
lordcirthFlannel, is it worth blocking joins for a bit?23:01
Ben64kid with too much time on his hands23:01
_beast_I guess23:01
_beast_ jeez23:01
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Pr0nyHey there... WTF is that23:08
KendosBen64: still here ?23:08
Ben64Kendos: yep23:09
KendosSo as I said before this bug, I already tried23:09
Kendosbut it takes a very long time for nothing, as testdisk find 20 or 30 partitions23:09
Smnguys, I've had 2 drives die in under a year with very light usage with ubuntu, and I'm reading this https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/07/10/30/1742258/ubuntu-may-be-killing-your-laptops-hard-drive and wondering if it is still a problem, the computer is not a laptop, but it uses laptop components(all-in-one)so I wonder if it'd have the same behavior23:11
ikoniaSmn: its more likley it's just bad luck23:11
Grandolfi use a PC< but ive used ubuntu for quite a while w/o any problems23:12
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ppfcurrently just 16.0423:13
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Guest4045https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerManagement the wiki is also incomplete, the last version specific fix is for 10.04 and even at that point it didn't come by default23:14
Guest4045I don't know why my name was changed, but I can't change it back, either23:14
_beast_so that was weird, but it turns out I had a bug, so I'm trying dist-upgrade now, since it says it was fixed in 16.1023:14
Katronixppf, is it only on Ubuntu? or also Xubuntu and others?23:14
ppfKatronix: all the same23:14
ppf_beast_: dist-upgrade != upgrade to 16.1023:15
ppffor release upgrades run do-release-upgrade23:15
ppfbut backup first ;)23:15
_beast_nothing to back up I've barely used it in awhile, I'm trying to set it up for a specific purpose. Thanks though23:16
Random832when apt has a configuration file change, why can't it show me all three versions23:19
Random832i.e. the original before and after, and the new one it wants to install23:19
Random832like i don't know what the hell i did to UPower.conf23:19
Bashing-omGuest4045: Try ' /msg nickserv regain <nick> <password> ' - in your status window - to regain your nick after the netsplit had renamed "you" .23:20
ppfwhat would the 'after' version contain23:20
Random832ppf: the point is it's saying that there are differences between the current version and the one that was originally installed with the package23:21
Random832"after" would be the current version23:21
ppfRandom832: just open it in an editor?23:21
Random832...but it only lets me see two versions23:22
Random832it doesn't let me see the original from the previous version of the package so i can see what the local changes are23:22
th0rRandom832, it shows your present file and the new one. All you have to do to get the original is note where you added stuff. You do comment your changes, don't you?23:23
ppfRandom832: most of the time your modified file is the one you want to keep23:23
Random832all i'm saying is git can do it so why can't apt23:23
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smnthanks, Bashing-om23:24
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ppfRandom832: because no one taught it to23:24
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insyeh ok stupid question   i want to install libre office but according to the wiki i need to knw if i use gome or KDE ,i have  Lubuntu 16.04 installed so how can i check it23:28
ikoniainsy: lubuntu is lxde23:29
insythats what i thought at first   so how does that work with the wiki ...  (wiki.ubuntu.com/libreoffice23:30
ppfskip that part23:30
insyso just run sudo apt-get install ....?23:31
ppfand skip the -gnome/-kde package23:32
insyehm so to be sure whats best way to install the full version?23:33
ppfsudo apt install libreoffice23:34
insyapt or apt-get?23:35
ppfif your ubuntu is new23:35
insyweek old23:35
insyso that wikipage wasnt much help should get here sooner.. tnx23:36
ppfthe page says basically the same thing :)23:37
insywell yes just the kde/gnome thingy confused me23:38
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paul235I just saw a ad on craigslist that says there is a guy here named Kil_ that loves to drink cum...I really enjoy dropping a load of cum in a guy's mouth.....anyone here know how to contact this cum bucket named kil_...I like to see hot sticky cum oozing down a guy's throat as he is choking on my big rock hard cock..23:51
nicomachusjust +b the whole /2423:52
nicomachusor is he hopping IPs?23:52
naccRandom832: i believe what you are asking for is, essentially, what etckeeper does23:53
naccRandom832: putting it in dpkg would be ... a lot of effort potentially? not sure, it's not an apt thing, though23:54
bindihi, i just installed 16.10 fresh and i have a gtx 680, installed nvidia-370 from the ppa graphics-drivers and now i cant log in, and the resolution is messed up23:58
binditried -367 and -304 as well23:58
sarah1207 kil_ used to be my boyfriend but his little cock could not satisfy my smoking hot pussy..LADIES KIL_ HAS A FUCKING SMALL COCK.....he has to find ultra tight virgins for them to feel anything at all....ITS SO FUCKING SAD!!!!!23:59
sarah1207 kil_ used to be my boyfriend but his little cock could not satisfy my smoking hot pussy..LADIES KIL_ HAS A FUCKING SMALL COCK.....he has to find ultra tight virgins for them to feel anything at all....ITS SO FUCKING SAD!!!!!23:59
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu23:59
sarah1207 kil_ used to be my boyfriend but his little cock could not satisfy my smoking hot pussy..LADIES KIL_ HAS A FUCKING SMALL COCK.....he has to find ultra tight virgins for them to feel anything at all....ITS SO FUCKING SAD!!!!!23:59

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