
spongewell, good bye for now00:00
spongethanks for all the help00:01
CharlieeHello,  how do you change WINDOWS BORDERS in 16.10?07:42
Charlieeit seems all the GTK3 apps cannot have borders changed?07:43
Charlieee.g. Mousepad07:43
Charlieesorry, i meant GEDIT (mousepad borders do work)07:44
Charliee(but mousepad doesnt remember the syntax highlighting per each file, like GEDIT does  :(07:45
Charlieealso, Nautilus has like a 1 pixel border.  how do you make it thicker?07:49
Charlieethanks for any help  :)07:49
xubuntu16wI need help10:14
xubuntu16wIm a newbie and xubuntu take so long to instal10:15
xubuntu16wSomeone can help me?10:16
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xubuntu37wAnyone online with Xubuntu 16.04?21:45
knomexubuntu37w, why not ask the real question?21:45
xubuntu37wOk, :-)21:46
xubuntu37wUpdated to Xubuntu 16.04 couple a weeks ago. Find the new alt+tab switcher disturbing..21:46
xubuntu37wIs it possible to change the design of the alt+tab switcher/menu?21:46
knomewhat in it exactly is disturbing?21:47
SlabDabsI remember seeing the option, I don't have my machine up so I can't check where21:47
SlabDabsbut there were at least 2 styles of switcher21:47
ChasHey im having trouble with my bluetooth not connecting to any thing i just get this error: Connection Failed: blueman.bluez.errors.DBusFailedError: Protocol not available  im on xubuntu 16.0421:49
xubuntu37wwell, when I press alt+tab and all the small window icons show up, one is surrounded by blue background, and the selected one is surrounded by a gray border.. Always misinterpret which one is "active".21:49
knomexubuntu37w, you mean you don't like the mouse hover state?21:50
xubuntu37wExactly! You got it. I didnt know the mouse hover was affecting it...21:51
xubuntu37wWell, now that I know, maybe it isn't a big issue. I can just move the mouse pointer elsewhere.21:51
xubuntu37wBut is it possible to remove the mouse hover option?21:52
xubuntu37wOr make it more discrete?21:52
knomeyou could overwrite the hover style21:52
xubuntu37wThanks, knome!22:00
ngomesi use xubuntu and besides i have a dual boot setup, i want grub to load the linux without menu. i tried GRUB_DEFAULT=0 ; GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 ; sudo update-grub , but it did not workout. any ideia ?22:29
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