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jay_ | Crazy | 03:10 |
sfkjjj | if any of the ubuntu mate developers are in here right now | 03:38 |
sfkjjj | I just want to say thanks for such a good distro | 03:38 |
sfkjjj | it's teh first time I've ever used Linux and not been worried about stability / security of my install | 03:38 |
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=== Guest53058 is now known as pavlushka | ||
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=== Guest19338 is now known as PaulW2U | ||
DagDaWildDog | I installed a bazillion libs to make all my GOG games work. so far so good! then when I rebooted, I get a black screen after GRUB, ie when X and my DE is running. but TTY works. so I reboot and try, on a whim, using the previous kernel. it totally works now! how can I do one or both of these: figure out why the normal kernel won't work, and/or make this kernel the default at boot? | 09:20 |
korpa | hola, como puedo acceder al centro de software ubuntu | 09:55 |
DagDaWildDog | korpa, en Mate Welcome, clic en Software, y en Software.... ah, adios | 09:57 |
nomic | anyone know how to switch screen workspaces in mate desktop | 13:42 |
nomic | there does not appear to be icon | 13:42 |
nomic | "workspace switcher" | 13:42 |
nomic | doew not do anything | 13:42 |
ouroumov_ | nomic, it's supposed to | 13:46 |
ouroumov_ | Also CTRL+ALT+Arrows | 13:46 |
nomic | bottom right | 13:47 |
nomic | didn't see | 13:47 |
nomic | is on bottom rite of screen | 13:47 |
ouroumov_ | Yeah | 13:47 |
ouroumov_ | Traditional place | 13:47 |
nomic | yeah | 13:47 |
nomic | but it was obscured by something | 13:47 |
nomic | plant | 13:47 |
nomic | thnks | 13:47 |
nomic | cannot fault mate | 13:49 |
nomic | nowhere | 13:49 |
nomic | 'ubuntu lite' I call it | 13:49 |
nomic | is excellent | 13:50 |
nomic | so now know the key ctrl-alt <> tyvm .. even better | 13:51 |
ouroumov_ | ^^ | 13:52 |
DagDaWildDog | can windows remember their position, size, or both in mate? | 13:52 |
DagDaWildDog | i dont see it in mate-tweaks or windows | 13:52 |
ouroumov_ | DagDaWildDog, I think there's an option somewhere that save windows open when you close session | 13:52 |
ouroumov_ | DagDaWildDog, try in dconf: org -> mate -> desktop -> session check "auto save session" | 13:57 |
DagDaWildDog | oh yeah, I tried that effect once | 13:57 |
DagDaWildDog | it was annoying | 13:58 |
DagDaWildDog | I mean more like, when I close a window | 13:58 |
DagDaWildDog | and open it again, it should be in the same spot | 13:58 |
ouroumov_ | There's no built-in functionality to do that | 13:58 |
ouroumov_ | But, Marco is supposed to play nice with "wmctrl", so you can check that out | 13:59 |
pi__ | test | 14:07 |
ouroumov_ | ok | 14:07 |
pi__ | hi everyone | 14:08 |
ouroumov_ | hi pi__ | 14:08 |
pi__ | i'm trying to install a vncserver my ubuntu mate 16.04 os but no luck yet | 14:09 |
pi__ | tried tightvncserver | 14:09 |
ouroumov_ | Doesn't Vino work on the RPi build? | 14:10 |
pi__ | is Vino a software? :) | 14:10 |
ouroumov_ | it's the default VNC server for Ubuntu | 14:12 |
ouroumov_ | sudo apt install vino | 14:12 |
ouroumov_ | Then /usr/lib/vino/vino-server | 14:13 |
pi__ | i'm no good at command stuff :( | 14:13 |
pi__ | wgat do u mean by "Then /usr/lib/vino/vino-server" | 14:13 |
ouroumov_ | That's the command to start the VNC server | 14:14 |
ouroumov_ | When you're in your terminal | 14:14 |
ouroumov_ | Just type: /usr/lib/vino/vino-server | 14:14 |
pi__ | is it already installed in ubuntu mate? | 14:14 |
ouroumov_ | I'm not sure | 14:14 |
ouroumov_ | If it's not just install it using: sudo apt install vino | 14:15 |
pi__ | ok | 14:15 |
pi__ | then how can i uninstall tightvncserver? | 14:15 |
ouroumov_ | what command did you use to install it? | 14:16 |
pi__ | sudo apt-get install tightvncserver | 14:16 |
ouroumov_ | Then do: sudo apt-get remove --purge tightvncserver | 14:16 |
pi__ | let me try | 14:18 |
pi__ | it says "** (vino-server:5344): WARNING **: The desktop sharing service is not enabled, so it should not be run. | 14:22 |
pi__ | " | 14:22 |
pi__ | what should i do now? | 14:22 |
ouroumov_ | pi__, run the command: vino-preferences | 14:23 |
pi__ | ok i ticked | 14:23 |
pi__ | sharing | 14:23 |
pi__ | ok i retried and now i have some text on terminal window | 14:25 |
pi__ | the last sentence is "Listening IPv4://" | 14:25 |
pi__ | does that mean it works? | 14:25 |
ouroumov_ | yes | 14:25 |
pi__ | can i close terminal window? | 14:26 |
pi__ | should i do any more setting? | 14:28 |
G__81 | hi is it possible to change the alt + tab behavior after i change the window manager to compiz? | 14:28 |
pi__ | does the vino has a GUI? | 14:29 |
G__81 | i dont like the default alt+tab after i change to compiz. All windows keep scrolling when i press alt+tab and it kind of confuses me. Is there a way to change that behavior to something like what we have in windows 7 ? | 14:29 |
ouroumov_ | G__81, I think yes | 14:30 |
ouroumov_ | You have to install ccsm | 14:30 |
ouroumov_ | compiz-config-settings-manager | 14:30 |
G__81 | yeah i have that installed. In compiz-settings-manager what do i select to get the change in behavior ? | 14:31 |
ouroumov_ | pi__, no gui afaik | 14:31 |
ouroumov_ | pi__, and you can do some more config, but is it really necessary? | 14:32 |
pi__ | when try to connect ubuntu mate from a Windows 7 pc via RealVNC viewer i get an error | 14:35 |
pi__ | it says "unable to connect to VNC server using your chosen security setting" | 14:36 |
pi__ | i do not know what to do | 14:36 |
ouroumov_ | Well, it's Windows | 14:36 |
ouroumov_ | You're on your own sorry, I haven't used that stuff for years | 14:37 |
pi__ | u mean u did not use Windows? | 14:37 |
ouroumov_ | yeah | 14:38 |
pi__ | oh then thank you for your interest | 14:38 |
pi__ | i'll make some more search | 14:39 |
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=== Hsksls is now known as FiNPiN | ||
FiNPiN | Anyone here? | 16:31 |
ouroumov_ | Sure | 16:40 |
ouroumov_ | Sup FiNPiN | 16:40 |
FiNPiN | Ayy, a answer! | 16:47 |
sixwheeledbeast | you sound surprised! | 16:48 |
FiNPiN | Just installed ubuntu mate to a old laptop of mine | 16:48 |
FiNPiN | Im new to all of linux | 16:49 |
FiNPiN | Its been nice so far :D | 16:49 |
FiNPiN | What are you guys up to? | 16:50 |
nazareno | Hi, Does anyone know how to configure a VPN? | 17:51 |
ouroumov_ | FiNPiN, welcome | 17:58 |
ouroumov_ | FiNPiN, ex-windows user? | 17:59 |
FiNPiN | Yupp :) | 18:04 |
atZrRar | nazareno, I've used to know a lil about how to :) | 18:21 |
ouroumov_ | atZrRar: he's gone already | 18:24 |
ouroumov_ | atZrRar, it happens a lot, come, ask a question, leave before anyone can answer | 18:24 |
atZrRar | ouroumov_, ya anyway, I'm quite sure his employer will pass him his login credentials, what method to use for legitimation, that kind of stuff, won't be hard to figure out on one's own ;) | 18:31 |
ouroumov_ | atZrRar, why do you assume it's to do with his job? :) | 18:33 |
ouroumov_ | I'm operating a VPN myself. | 18:34 |
sixwheeledbeast | configure a VPN is a vague question to answer by itself really | 18:37 |
atZrRar | cool.. I just assumed straight away :) | 18:37 |
atZrRar | nvm, some other day | 18:38 |
vkadam | hello everyone | 19:01 |
ouroumov_ | hi vkadam | 19:01 |
vkadam | Hi | 19:01 |
vkadam | How are you? | 19:01 |
vkadam | How are you <ouroumov_ | 19:03 |
vkadam | ? | 19:03 |
ouroumov_ | I'm good vkadam | 19:04 |
ouroumov_ | how about you? | 19:05 |
vkadam | I am too | 19:06 |
vkadam | where are you from? | 19:06 |
ouroumov_ | France | 19:06 |
vkadam | okay | 19:07 |
vkadam | which distro you are using | 19:07 |
vkadam | ? | 19:07 |
ouroumov_ | Ubuntu MATE 16.04 | 19:08 |
vkadam | okay | 19:09 |
vkadam | so how things are going | 19:10 |
vkadam | are you working? | 19:10 |
Shmigle | yone here? | 19:43 |
Shmigle | Hello? | 19:43 |
ouroumov_ | yo Shmigle | 19:44 |
Shmigle | Hey whats going on man. Do you know if Ubuntu mate supports hidpi yet with the newest release? | 19:46 |
ouroumov_ | Shmigle, not yet | 19:46 |
ouroumov_ | Accoring to Martin Wimpress, this feature can be manually activated but is highly experimental and unstable as of now | 19:47 |
Shmigle | Oh ok awesome thanks. Yeah isnt Ubuntu gnome in the process of moving over to gtk3 where scaling is more supported? | 19:49 |
Shmigle | not gnome mate | 19:49 |
ouroumov_ | Yes | 19:50 |
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jhoel | how to add ATI/AMD Radeon HD 7750 driver on my ubuntu? | 23:06 |
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