doctor_stonefing | wow.. | 00:00 |
snulken | hey guys - im running eOS but its pretty much the same as ubuntu but eOS channel have zero support. My headphones keep breaking when i play dota 2. It disappears from the sounds menu completely both for speakers and mic - what gives? im using pulseaudio | 00:01 |
reisio | y'know unsurprisingly the female counterpart organ has a similar average that it can accommodate; a lot of people don't seem to be aware of that :p | 00:01 |
snulken | reisio, for real? | 00:02 |
reisio | frealz dawg home frie yehaw | 00:02 |
snulken | reisio, im gonna hang on a bit and see if people are willing to help me either way but thanks for the heads up | 00:03 |
reisio | mmm | 00:03 |
Bashing-om | bindi: Per : the reommended driver is 367 , Maybe a GUI issue ? Can you boot to console ( ctl_alt+F1 at the login screen ) ? | 00:03 |
nicomachus | !elementary | snulken sorry, it's really not that similar | 00:03 |
ubottu | snulken sorry, it's really not that similar: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on - for more information on this distribution. | 00:03 |
bindi | Bashing-om: i am currently ircing through tty3 | 00:04 |
bindi | cant really open links | 00:04 |
* nicomachus wonders if lynx works in tty | 00:04 | |
bindi | i did try nvidia-367 from the ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa | 00:04 |
snulken | nicomachus, seems like the only easy solution is to return to arch, at least they have great documentation :P | 00:04 |
nicomachus | snulken: they do. and so does ubuntu :) IF you have a supported flavor. | 00:05 |
Bashing-om | bindi: K, Check that "you" have authorization to access the desktop ' ls -al .ICEauthority .Xauthority ' . | 00:06 |
reisio | nicomachus: purpose of lynx, really, no? | 00:06 |
nicomachus | reisio: seems to be, but I've never tried it. | 00:07 |
nicomachus | don't know enough about tty to know if it supports ncurses | 00:07 |
bindi | Bashing-om: i do, checked those earlier | 00:07 |
doctor_stonefing | hummm interesting discussion here... | 00:08 |
bindi | im back with the open source driver, purged everything... | 00:08 |
bindi | guess ill try the gui way of installing | 00:08 |
doctor_stonefing | tty x ncurses | 00:08 |
doctor_stonefing | nicomachus, you just brought me light on a stuff I was struggling | 00:09 |
nicomachus | doctor_stonefing: i usually just pretend to know what I'm talking about | 00:09 |
Bashing-om | bindi: As 16.10 no longer writes a Xorg.0.log in /var/log/ ; I do not know what further to advise at this time . But, what does the system report for a loaded driver ' sudo lshw -C diplay ' in the configuration line ? | 00:10 |
nicomachus | Bashing-om: it still writes Xorg.0.log just in a different place, I think | 00:11 |
bindi | Bashing-om: atm driver=nouveau | 00:11 |
bindi | i installed 370 with the gui thing.. guess i gotta reboot | 00:11 |
doctor_stonefing | not wanting to FUD - but I had heard about a "cow bug" on linuxes... - anyone acquainted? | 00:12 |
Bashing-om | bindi: How old is this machine ? I am also experiencing same issue loading a proprietary driver on a newer nVidia card . My bios will not deal with it . | 00:12 |
k1l_ | doctor_stonefing: already fixed | 00:12 |
k1l_ | doctor_stonefing: see | 00:12 |
doctor_stonefing | k1l_, ok | 00:13 |
bindi | Bashing-om: 2008 mobo, gtx 680 | 00:14 |
bindi | driver=nvidia now that i did it with the graphical interface and rebooted :| weird | 00:14 |
doctor_stonefing | k1l_, thats the bind vuln? | 00:14 |
k1l_ | doctor_stonefing: no, the ones for the linux kernels | 00:14 |
k1l_ | | 00:15 |
doctor_stonefing | omg... | 00:15 |
Bashing-om | bindi: Well, .. my box is 2007 .. 5 bios updates behind - and my next step is to update bios ! | 00:15 |
bindi | anyone got working with wine? winehq says it should work but i get an error | 00:16 |
doctor_stonefing | k1l_, cool | 00:16 |
littlebunnyfufu | bindi - see #winehq | 00:18 |
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doctor_stonefing | hehehhe | 00:19 |
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evil_proctologis | im always 1 char short | 00:20 |
Mr-Frog | hey everybody, I just reinstalled Ubuntu on my old computer. After trying to set up some NVIDIA drivers i got some problems | 00:20 |
Mr-Frog | when I log into unity, all I get is a blank desktop and a mouse pointer | 00:21 |
Mr-Frog | With a window offering me a new version of Ubuntu | 00:21 |
evil_proctologis | nvidia... - again | 00:21 |
Mr-Frog | I had it working on this computer 48 hours ago | 00:21 |
Mr-Frog | I reinstalled after a kernel panic | 00:22 |
Mr-Frog | and then the drivers happened | 00:23 |
Mr-Frog | My card is a Geforce 210 | 00:23 |
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest62335 | ||
jrgilman | Hey guys, I've been trying to recover an encrypted 14.04 drive after I botched that installation and it became unbootable. I ended up installing 16.04 on another drive but I want to get to my home folder (which is also encrypted), and I'm just having constant issues. Can anyone here point me to where I can potentially find a solution? | 00:44 |
reisio | jrgilman: was it just your home that was encrypted? | 00:44 |
jrgilman | No, both the drive and the home directory | 00:44 |
reisio | mmm, that does make it more complicated | 00:45 |
jrgilman | I keep trying to mount it by clicking on the drive, and then typing my password in, but it just dissappears | 00:45 |
reisio | you'll need to look up how to, from a live OS, recover/fix/mount lvm and decrypt | 00:45 |
reisio | and then how to decrypt ecryptfs for your home | 00:45 |
jrgilman | okay | 00:46 |
jrgilman | so mounting the drive itself is the first thing i need to solve | 00:46 |
jrgilman | see here's the interesting thing | 00:46 |
jrgilman | when I do $ sudo pvs | 00:47 |
=== Spec_ is now known as Spec | ||
jrgilman | It seems that the old LVM drive got added to my ubuntu-vg pool | 00:47 |
reisio | mmmhmmm, complicated business, LVM | 00:47 |
jrgilman | yes indeed | 00:47 |
=== Guest62335 is now known as pavlushka | ||
NoCode | I just sftp'd into /var/www but it connected to ~/home. It successfully went to /var/www/ but the shortcut is marked as ~/home. So if the shortcut is clicked, the window changes to ... ~/home and the directory that it is connected to gets readjusted, forgetting /var/www/. | 00:47 |
NoCode | Dang bug I guess? | 00:48 |
tomreyn | which software are you using there NoCode | 00:49 |
NoCode | Nautilus to sftp into a server. | 00:49 |
NoCode | Using Gnome 3. | 00:49 |
tomreyn | aha, i have little experience with that sorry | 00:49 |
NoCode | It's weird. "open in terminal" works great. The terminal will ask for my password, log in, and boom, it works. I can cd / and works well. But sftp with nautilus fails to show / once logged in, but if I try to log into the server to /var/www it will. :S | 00:51 |
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zamanf | is compiz discontinued? | 00:54 |
reisio | zamanf: nope | 00:57 |
reisio | zamanf: Unity actually relies on compiz | 00:57 |
reisio | Unity is actually barely anything but compizi & GNOME 3 | 00:57 |
reisio | compiz* | 00:57 |
reisio | moreover, open source projects aren't discontinued | 00:58 |
reisio | they're either maintained well enough of they aren't | 00:58 |
reisio | and there's no particular point in the future when an unmaintained project is magically disallowed to be remaintained | 00:58 |
zamanf | reisio: is it safe to install it on the latests Ubuntu? | 00:58 |
reisio | zamanf: anything in the repos is probably safe to install, yup | 00:59 |
zamanf | ok | 01:01 |
zamanf | the last time I used linux I remember I had compiz. Unity is a new feature of compiz? | 01:01 |
k1l_ | zamanf: after the success of compiz other projects like gnome and kde made their own such things. gnome uses mutter now to make the affects on their desktop. so unity (and xfce if you want) are only left still using compiz. | 01:03 |
zamanf | ok | 01:04 |
bindi | why does it feel like the whole system freezes for 0.5s when i alttab / click on some terminal or chrome or anything, while playing hs with wine | 01:06 |
bindi | not sure if its the right channel .. but its kinda multiple things :p | 01:06 |
bindi | not really a "yay, linux gaming" moment for me right now | 01:07 |
df00z | ppf: still around? the build still failed, with x86-64/xform4.S:37: Error: bad register name `%rdi)' - going to try to research that more, it got further | 01:07 |
df00z | maybe thats just a CHOST thing | 01:09 |
df00z | join #dri-devel | 01:11 |
df00z | whoops | 01:11 |
=== ilfantomas_ is now known as ilfantomas | ||
df00z | Thats exactly what it was ;D | 01:16 |
df00z | yay for chroot environments. Ubuntu's is fantastic. | 01:17 |
df00z | debootstrap | 01:17 |
niytro | hi all | 01:17 |
kode54 | expect another new name asking about virtualbox / ubuntu 16.10 concerns some time in the foreseeable future | 01:18 |
kode54 | some lion4407 guy was in #freenode saying they were retiring their nickname forever over something they stupidly did here | 01:18 |
kode54 | and since they're a happy tor user, I guess that means they change their name every time they embarrass themselves | 01:18 |
df00z | Oh, that guy who was being a jerk? Yeah. | 01:19 |
niytro | I did a full disk encryption install of 16.10 UEFI, created a keyfile, added to luks, put it on a USB and edited crypttab accordingly. Everything works fine but while booting after the unlock i have a minute and a half wait time for a start job that has something to do with the keyfile, can anyone tell me what this is and how to get rid of it or at least reduce the time? | 01:19 |
df00z | ls | 01:19 |
bastar | i'm talking to you with ubuntu in a docker | 01:20 |
bastar | it's really centos | 01:21 |
niytro | google time | 01:23 |
niytro | been at this for a couple days | 01:23 |
df00z | niytro: Im wondering if the system puts the key in ram or keeps it on USB | 01:23 |
niytro | df00z, im assuming it goes somewhere on the system because I can eject the drive after booting up | 01:24 |
niytro | df00z, i just want to know what this start job is that runs because its killing my boot time | 01:24 |
df00z | i wonder if bootchart might help you | 01:24 |
niytro | df00z, looks almost identical to the line i added in crypttab that points to the keyfile | 01:25 |
niytro | bootchart? | 01:25 |
df00z | Yeah look it up real quick, looks like it can identify which processes take the longest | 01:25 |
niytro | alright let me go look | 01:25 |
niytro | google says for ubuntu 16 to apt-get install bootchart but when I attempt it returns no package available but is referred | 01:29 |
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Guest13377 | Hi I just installed ubuntu mate, I come from linux mint and I wonder were can I find my nvidia options... In Mint i had an Icon but now... I dont find any... is there a command line for that? | 01:41 |
Ben64 | Guest13377: nvidia-settings if you have the nvidia driver installed | 01:41 |
Guest13377 | ok tks | 01:41 |
xocket | oh | 01:42 |
xocket | i was here someone told me to install something better than dpkg | 01:42 |
xocket | i dont have logs | 01:42 |
Ben64 | xocket: nothing is better than dpkg | 01:42 |
xocket | well im trying to install package and its failing | 01:43 |
gry | xocket: no you were just most gently nudged towards #archlinux if you don't like ubuntu's package manager or would like to play around :) no suggestion to manually replace dpkg with another software | 01:43 |
gry | xocket: what error message do you get | 01:43 |
xocket | | 01:44 |
xocket | this | 01:44 |
tomreyn | use apt repositories, dont install packages using dpkg, especially as a new user to ubuntu / debian. | 01:44 |
xocket | its not work | 01:45 |
xocket | 403 error fetch | 01:45 |
xocket | dont want that | 01:45 |
ikonia | xocket: this is not an ubuntu problem | 01:45 |
ikonia | this was explained to you earlier | 01:45 |
xocket | it is | 01:45 |
ikonia | how is it ubuntus problem | 01:45 |
xocket | ikonia, do you read? | 01:45 |
xocket | ubuntu problem | 01:45 |
ikonia | no | 01:45 |
ikonia | your problem | 01:46 |
SchrodingersScat | !info hopperv3 | 01:46 |
ubottu | Package hopperv3 does not exist in yakkety | 01:46 |
ikonia | you've installed the pakage wrong | 01:46 |
xocket | how to install right? | 01:46 |
ikonia | use the repo | 01:46 |
ikonia | (assuming there is one) | 01:46 |
xocket | its not work | 01:46 |
ikonia | this was all explained to you earlier | 01:46 |
xocket | i cant also install vim! | 01:48 |
xocket | | 01:48 |
xocket | would you mind help me? :) | 01:48 |
ikonia | right, because your package DB is in a broken state | 01:48 |
xocket | so what to do | 01:49 |
xocket | i just installed ubuntu | 01:49 |
ikonia | remove hopper | 01:49 |
ikonia | you've not just installed ubuntu | 01:49 |
xocket | shit | 01:49 |
ikonia | you've installed ubuntu then added broken packages / dependencies | 01:49 |
ikonia | xocket: please don't swear | 01:49 |
xocket | i did sudo apt update | 01:49 |
SchrodingersScat | !ohmy | xocket | 01:49 |
ubottu | xocket: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 01:49 |
ikonia | this was explained to you before | 01:49 |
xocket | is it bad? | 01:49 |
ikonia | apt- update is not a problem | 01:49 |
xocket | ikonia, stop saying that | 01:49 |
ikonia | that is not the probem as you'e been told | 01:49 |
xocket | "this was explained to you before" | 01:50 |
ikonia | the problem is you've installed a package with unmet/broken depedencies from a deb file | 01:50 |
xocket | How to remove hopper? It was didnt install | 01:50 |
ikonia | as was explained to you before | 01:50 |
ikonia | it's tried to install and failed | 01:50 |
ikonia | so remove it | 01:50 |
xocket | how to remove it ._. | 01:50 |
SchrodingersScat | dpkg -r hopperv3 ? | 01:50 |
ikonia | stop it trying to install each time you use an apt command | 01:50 |
xocket | ty it works | 01:51 |
xocket | SchrodingersScat, ty | 01:51 |
xocket | but i cant install hopper ._. | 01:51 |
xocket | its so annoying | 01:51 |
ikonia | right, because you need to use the repo | 01:51 |
SchrodingersScat | not using debian packages, no | 01:51 |
ikonia | to meet the dependencies | 01:51 |
xocket | but i get error 403 as i told you before | 01:51 |
ikonia | yes, and I told "not an ubuntu problem" | 01:51 |
ikonia | someone can't maintain the repo | 01:52 |
k1l_ | xocket: is your universe repo enabled? | 01:52 |
xocket | no | 01:52 |
k1l_ | that is not good if you need dependencies that are in the universe repo | 01:53 |
ikonia | I think when I looked at this earlier it also needed deps from the hopper repo | 01:53 |
ikonia | but the hopper repo was miss-configured | 01:53 |
ikonia | it was a few hours ago, so worth checking | 01:53 |
k1l_ | the paste he showed just said 3 packages, which are in universe | 01:54 |
ikonia | ah, maybe it's all from universe then | 01:54 |
k1l_ | but i think i did say that yesterday aready. | 01:54 |
xocket | I FOUND IT | 01:55 |
xocket | going to report | 01:55 |
xocket | brb | 01:55 |
ikonia | report ? | 01:55 |
xocket | like to update you | 01:56 |
xocket | but im afraid it will take a lot of time | 01:56 |
ikonia | we dont need to know | 01:56 |
xocket | :( | 01:57 |
xocket | why are you so evil | 01:57 |
ikonia | what ? | 01:57 |
xocket | like against me | 01:57 |
xocket | no evil. | 01:57 |
ikonia | I've just explained why you are having problems, for a second time today | 01:57 |
ikonia | nothing evil about that, it's helping you | 01:57 |
xock_stream | ikanobori, i appreciate your help | 01:59 |
xock_stream | i want to know linux good to use it | 01:59 |
xock_stream | which book is best? | 01:59 |
ikonia | just read official ubuntu articles | 02:00 |
ikonia | you'll get most of what you need from that while using ubuntu | 02:00 |
xock_stream | no pdfs? | 02:00 |
ikonia | no | 02:00 |
xock_stream | is there app in android to read it? | 02:00 |
SchrodingersScat | !man | 02:01 |
ubottu | The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see | Manpages online: | 02:01 |
th0r | xock_stream, you might also check the linux documentation project ( | 02:01 |
SchrodingersScat | and wooledge wiki if you need bash | 02:01 |
xock_stream | i need pdf | 02:02 |
ikonia | why ? | 02:02 |
ikonia | | 02:03 |
ikonia | that will have all the info you need to get started using ubuntu | 02:03 |
xock_stream | so i can read it in ride | 02:03 |
xock_stream | to read in car | 02:03 |
ikonia | just save the webpage then | 02:04 |
ikonia | or print it to pdf | 02:04 |
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avail | i tried to install nmap but it aborted | 02:17 |
avail | any ideas? | 02:17 |
avail | i tried --fix-missing | 02:17 |
avail | ;/ | 02:17 |
k1l_ | avail: what was the exact error on install? can you show that on ? | 02:19 |
avail | it just failed to correct missing files and failed to fetch a bunch of files from ect | 02:22 |
avail | would it be easier on fedora or something | 02:22 |
=== gb_ is now known as Guest87422 | ||
=== avail is now known as avail^ | ||
k1l_ | no. nmap is a basic package and that should not have issues to isntall. so the details do matter | 02:23 |
=== avail^ is now known as avail | ||
=== avail is now known as avail^ | ||
avail^ | mmk | 02:25 |
avail^ | what do you need to see? | 02:25 |
avail^ | ill use that link | 02:26 |
avail^ | i just did it , where does it go ? lol sorry | 02:27 |
k1l_ | avail^: ok, do in a terminal "sudo apt install nmap | nc 9999" and show the output url here | 02:27 |
avail^ | ok ta | 02:28 |
wwandrew | exit | 02:29 |
avail^ | WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts. | 02:30 |
k1l_ | yes, that doesnt matter. | 02:30 |
=== avail^ is now known as liava | ||
k1l_ | but from the paste you showed me in pm it looks like your mirror is broken. did you choose that mirror manually? | 02:32 |
liava | sec ill brb | 02:32 |
liava | k1l_: no , it was automatic using install nmap | 02:40 |
andyQiang | hello | 02:56 |
andyQiang | hello everyone | 02:56 |
wabbits | got a question andyQiang' | 02:57 |
andyQiang | ? | 02:57 |
andyQiang | what ? | 02:57 |
andyQiang | I am from Chinese, Nice to meet you! | 02:58 |
andyQiang | so quiet | 02:59 |
andyQiang | .. | 02:59 |
SchrodingersScat | !support | 02:59 |
ubottu | The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see and and | 02:59 |
SchrodingersScat | !offtopic | 02:59 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 02:59 |
Bashing-om | andyQiang: Hello, Be aware ubuntu chat is in #ubuntu-oftopic .. here is system support only . | 02:59 |
andyQiang | ok | 03:00 |
andyQiang | .. | 03:02 |
andyQiang | hello everyone | 03:04 |
andyQiang | have a good day | 03:05 |
SchrodingersScat | evening | 03:06 |
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=== hacker is now known as init | ||
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andyQiang | ???/ | 03:07 |
andyQiang | ok China now is day | 03:08 |
reisio | 'lo andyQiang | 03:08 |
andyQiang | hello hello | 03:08 |
reisio | it is a little late, probably most west coast USA people and Europeans are asleep by now | 03:08 |
reisio | erm, most east coast, that is | 03:09 |
reisio | west has a few more hours | 03:09 |
andyQiang | wow it is amazing | 03:09 |
reisio | mmmm | 03:09 |
andyQiang | ok ok I konw | 03:09 |
jrgilman | Central here | 03:11 |
andyQiang | wow So amazing | 03:11 |
reisio | heh | 03:13 |
andyQiang | wish you have a good sleep | 03:13 |
reisio | & you | 03:14 |
andyQiang | haha | 03:15 |
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mybe | hi | 03:25 |
=== ________________ is now known as bitch | ||
wolfmitchell | I'm making a Conky config atm to show the Ubuntu version info on my desktop like it shows on the lock screen/login screen in the bottom left corner (ie. make it show Ubuntu 16.04 LTS), is there just an image I can overlay on top of it? How does the lightdm greeter/lockscreen do it? | 03:35 |
Mal__ | hola | 03:36 |
Mal__ | hello | 03:36 |
Mal__ | @_@ | 03:37 |
sfkjjj | question to yall | 03:39 |
sfkjjj | what are some good packages to assist with protecting my privacy? | 03:39 |
sfkjjj | Also | 03:42 |
anonymous | hello | 03:42 |
sfkjjj | is there a alternative to everything for Linux? | 03:42 |
=== anonymous is now known as Guest46176 | ||
Guest46176 | i am anonymous | 03:43 |
sfkjjj | ? | 03:44 |
Guest46176 | busco hacker para ataque | 03:44 |
sfkjjj | ? | 03:44 |
Mal__ | lol | 03:46 |
sfkjjj | well | 03:46 |
sfkjjj | I guess #ubuntu is dead ; - ; | 03:46 |
Mal__ | yeah kinda looks that way | 03:48 |
sfkjjj | heh | 03:49 |
sfkjjj | I kinda want to use my smartwatch to unlock my laptop | 03:49 |
sfkjjj | but then it woudl defeat the whole point of FDE | 03:49 |
Mal__ | whats FDE? | 03:49 |
Mal__ | and what if you loose your watch? | 03:50 |
sfkjjj | Full disk encryption | 03:50 |
sfkjjj | you still have a password | 03:50 |
Mal__ | oh heh | 03:51 |
Mal__ | how does that work/ | 03:51 |
Mal__ | ? | 03:51 |
wolfmitchell | hm, this is what i have so far for recreating the ubuntu branding that's on the lock screen on my desktop | 03:51 |
wolfmitchell | | 03:51 |
Mal__ | like with the watch | 03:52 |
sfkjjj | pam module | 03:52 |
Mal__ | bluetooth or wifi? | 03:52 |
Mal__ | i see her alot in my logs lol | 03:53 |
Mal__ | pam encrypt this pam encrypt that pam give the keys pam | 03:53 |
Mal__ | lol | 03:53 |
sfkjjj | bluetooth | 03:54 |
Mal__ | .... | 03:54 |
Mal__ | nice | 03:54 |
sfkjjj | I have a TPM in my laptop that's not going to use | 03:54 |
sfkjjj | heh | 03:54 |
Mal__ | like batman an stuff | 03:54 |
postmodern | does ubuntu 16.04 still honor /etc/environment? | 03:55 |
Mal__ | would be cool if you could controll your whole smart house with your watch home or away lol | 03:55 |
sfkjjj | you can | 03:56 |
sfkjjj | welcome to pebble. | 03:56 |
sfkjjj | postmodern: couldn't tell ya | 03:56 |
Mal__ | interesting | 03:56 |
sfkjjj | channel s kinda dead right now | 03:56 |
sfkjjj | I write software for my personal needs. | 03:57 |
sfkjjj | I should make some of it FOSS, but not with GPL | 03:57 |
sfkjjj | MIT / Apache | 03:57 |
Mal__ | that tight | 03:58 |
Mal__ | what kind have stuff have you done? | 03:58 |
sfkjjj | mostly file managment crap I needed | 04:00 |
sfkjjj | wolfmitchell: what font is that | 04:00 |
wolfmitchell | the name of the font is 'ubuntu' | 04:00 |
wolfmitchell | :P | 04:00 |
wolfmitchell | is another screenshot of it | 04:00 |
wolfmitchell | btw | 04:00 |
Mal__ | oh like macros to simplifie common tasks | 04:00 |
Mal__ | sounds cool | 04:01 |
cash | Hi everyone - Is there a benefit to running syndaemon as a daemon with the -d flag? | 04:01 |
wolfmitchell | oh god why does canonical use bzr for everything | 04:01 |
wolfmitchell | it's so slow | 04:01 |
wolfmitchell | .-. | 04:01 |
Mal__ | you should wrap them up in like a tool suite | 04:01 |
Mal__ | for file managment | 04:01 |
sfkjjj | eh | 04:01 |
Mal__ | or something | 04:01 |
sfkjjj | | 04:02 |
sfkjjj | that's like everything but for Linux | 04:02 |
sfkjjj | :O | 04:02 |
wolfmitchell | sfkjjj, want the conky config file for that? | 04:02 |
sfkjjj | wolfmitchell: kinda | 04:03 |
sfkjjj | I'm on a older laptop so I have a 1336x768 display | 04:03 |
sfkjjj | I'm going to save my money instead of upgrading the screen and get a retina macbook pro | 04:03 |
sfkjjj | replacing the screen and it's cable will be $70~ | 04:04 |
wolfmitchell | sfkjjj, | 04:04 |
wolfmitchell | same resolution that you have, btw :P | 04:04 |
sfkjjj | I'm split. | 04:04 |
sfkjjj | I wnat to get a new laptop but i'm not sure what one to get | 04:05 |
cash | sfkjjj if you use ubuntu, no point in new hardware | 04:05 |
cash | Just get something with an i5 or i7 thats not gen 1 or 2 and call it a day | 04:06 |
sfkjjj | I'm gen2... | 04:06 |
sfkjjj | sandybridge i7 2620m | 04:06 |
wolfmitchell | sfkjjj, updated version i just made: | 04:07 |
wolfmitchell | got rid of code that did noting | 04:07 |
wolfmitchell | nothing * | 04:07 |
cash | Guys any benefit to using the -d flag in syndaemon to disable the touchpad while typing? | 04:07 |
wolfmitchell | aka part of the ${exec} on the bottom | 04:07 |
wolfmitchell | cash, no idea :D | 04:07 |
cash | :) np | 04:07 |
cash | im on a 2009 macbook and i've had to learn the inner workings of ubuntu to get the touch pad to work well | 04:08 |
cash | basically ubuntu doesnt disable the touchpad while typing in 16.04 | 04:08 |
wolfmitchell | yeah i noticed that on my laptop | 04:08 |
wolfmitchell | i got used to it though | 04:08 |
cash | well my friend you are in luck because I have learned how to fix it | 04:09 |
sfkjjj | cash: | 04:09 |
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wolfmitchell | cash, how? :o | 04:09 |
sfkjjj | I'm thinking about getting the 2016 rMBP | 04:09 |
cash | heres the problem -- and gsettings.mouse needs to be disabled | 04:09 |
cash | after it is, you can edit sudo gedit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/60-synaptics-options.conf | 04:09 |
cash | and your settings will stick | 04:09 |
wolfmitchell | where did you disable gsettings.mouse? | 04:10 |
wolfmitchell | what key/schema is it in | 04:10 |
cash | one sec let me check my notes | 04:10 |
cash | ok... | 04:11 |
sfkjjj | The reason I'm considering a mac is the consitency | 04:11 |
cash | so if you do what im about to say, the stuff in settings > touchpad wont have any effect | 04:11 |
sfkjjj | otherwise Id' go for a XPS 15 | 04:11 |
cash | sfkjj i have mac | 04:11 |
cash | anyways wolfmitchell | 04:11 |
sfkjjj | how is it with ubuntu? | 04:11 |
cash | it in terminal you put: gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.mouse active 'false' you can then begin to set your own touchpad configuration | 04:12 |
wolfmitchell | cash, does natural scrolling/two finger scroll and tap to click still work? | 04:12 |
cash | they will if you set your own config like I did | 04:12 |
wolfmitchell | ah ok | 04:12 |
cash | but you now put yourself at the mercy of the comand line | 04:12 |
cash | and i dont advise doing this if you havent played with synclient | 04:12 |
cash | actually... | 04:12 |
wolfmitchell | which i haven't done :D | 04:12 |
cash | after you set up your touchpad the way you want, you can use syndaemon which will totally disable the touchpad while you type | 04:13 |
wolfmitchell | idk if my laptop even uses a synaptics touchpad, not 100% sure | 04:13 |
cash | wolfmitchell - can you type ps ax| grep syndaemon into a terminal and tell me the output? | 04:13 |
cash | ps ax| grep syndaemon | 04:13 |
sfkjjj | fsearch for Linux is kinda... ok | 04:13 |
wolfmitchell | yep, it's running | 04:13 |
sfkjjj | :| | 04:13 |
sfkjjj | I should write a new daemon | 04:13 |
cash | whats the output? | 04:14 |
wolfmitchell | mitchell 1842 0.0 0.0 22372 1136 ? S Oct21 0:01 syndaemon -i 1.0 -t -K -R | 04:14 |
cash | got it thanks | 04:14 |
sfkjjj | guys | 04:14 |
sfkjjj | should I write a new daemon | 04:14 |
cash | so it is running, but the -t flag allows your mouse to move | 04:14 |
cash | sfkjjj - question | 04:14 |
wolfmitchell | cash, hmm, looking at the man page for it | 04:14 |
cash | if a program can be run as a daemon, or not, is there any benefit? | 04:14 |
wolfmitchell | it should block clicks | 04:15 |
wolfmitchell | which it isn't doing | 04:15 |
cash | wolf you may freeze your system if you start a new instance | 04:15 |
cash | without disabling gsettings | 04:15 |
wolfmitchell | freeze it? or just limit it to keyboard-only? | 04:15 |
wolfmitchell | .-. | 04:15 |
cash | through trial and error, i learned the hard way - you will freeze your touchpad and have to reboot | 04:16 |
wolfmitchell | ah | 04:16 |
cash | happend to me on a mac, a dell and a system76 | 04:16 |
wolfmitchell | on a dell laptop atm so | 04:16 |
sfkjjj | cash: | 04:16 |
cash | all ubuntu 16.04 with gsettings active and me trying to use a 2nd syndaemon session | 04:16 |
cash | yes sfkjjj | 04:16 |
sfkjjj | It needs to listen for all the events on the filesystem | 04:16 |
cash | ok | 04:16 |
sfkjjj | So running as a daemon is benifical | 04:16 |
cash | im a total noob, so i need explanation | 04:16 |
sfkjjj | I'd probably be using Java though | 04:16 |
wolfmitchell | i just set that to false anyway though, cash | 04:16 |
sfkjjj | cash: well | 04:16 |
sfkjjj | Welcome to the world of Linux! | 04:17 |
cash | but wolf if you do that beware it may seriously mess with your touchpad if you dont fix it | 04:17 |
sfkjjj | Things break without warning, there's bugs galore | 04:17 |
sfkjjj | and kernel bugs last for YEARS. | 04:17 |
cash | because gsettings hard codes in a few things that will be reverted if you set to false | 04:17 |
cash | aka horizontel scrolling with two fingers | 04:17 |
sfkjjj | But if you give up having the newest packages and go LTS then you're rock solid | 04:17 |
wolfmitchell | cash, couldn't possibly be worse than what windows did with it :P | 04:17 |
sfkjjj | cash: try mate. | 04:17 |
wolfmitchell | about once a day, windows would stop responding to my touch pad | 04:18 |
wolfmitchell | or make it think it's always holding down the left mouse button | 04:18 |
cash | sfkjjj the program in question is a daemon that disables touchpad activity | 04:18 |
wolfmitchell | and i had to go into device manager and disble it | 04:18 |
sfkjjj | cash: ok | 04:18 |
cash | or, it can be run as a daemon with the -d flag, but i am unsure if i should run it as a daemon or not, as it is set in my startup applications to start on boot | 04:18 |
cash | since idk what a daemon is, i dont know | 04:18 |
wolfmitchell | usually referred to as programs that put themselves into the background after they start | 04:19 |
wolfmitchell | instead of staying attached to the terminal | 04:19 |
cash | hmm | 04:19 |
wolfmitchell | s/usually referred to as /$0 used to refer to | 04:19 |
Mal__ | deamon is like a background proccess isnt it | 04:19 |
wolfmitchell | ... ok that was a shitty s/// | 04:20 |
wolfmitchell | usually used to refer to programs* | 04:20 |
cash | your instance of syndaemon isnt running as a daemon (the one hard coded by gsettings) | 04:20 |
wolfmitchell | Mal__, ye | 04:20 |
sfkjjj | cash: | 04:20 |
cash | sfkjjj | 04:20 |
sfkjjj | you're running Linux natively on a macbook? | 04:20 |
cash | yes | 04:20 |
sfkjjj | hmm | 04:20 |
cash | EFI boot as well :) | 04:20 |
sfkjjj | have you tried mate? | 04:20 |
sfkjjj | oh | 04:20 |
sfkjjj | I'm so sorry. | 04:20 |
cash | lol | 04:20 |
wolfmitchell | what's wrong with efi boot? | 04:20 |
wolfmitchell | lmao | 04:20 |
* sfkjjj pats cash on the back | 04:20 | |
cash | efi boot is so much better than bios compatability mode | 04:20 |
sfkjjj | My condolances. | 04:20 |
sfkjjj | hah | 04:20 |
cash | i am a total noob and i spent years figuring this out | 04:20 |
cash | in my spare time | 04:20 |
sfkjjj | tell that to my laptop that doesn't even SUPPORT UEFI | 04:21 |
wolfmitchell | my ubuntu setup atm is booting off of a disk image stored in an ntfs partition | 04:21 |
sfkjjj | it's "experimental" according to the bios | 04:21 |
cash | but now this macbook sleeps, resumes, reboots, does everything | 04:21 |
cash | lol | 04:21 |
sfkjjj | wolfmitchell: oh | 04:21 |
sfkjjj | oh. | 04:21 |
wolfmitchell | kinda like how wubi does it | 04:21 |
* sfkjjj holds wolfmitchell | 04:21 | |
wolfmitchell | but not done using wubi | 04:21 |
sfkjjj | I'm, I'm sorry. | 04:21 |
sfkjjj | :( | 04:21 |
cash | why am i missing something by not using MATE? | 04:21 |
wolfmitchell | sfkjjj, my parents didn't want me putting ubuntu on here because he didn't want me to risk ruining my windows partition | 04:21 |
wolfmitchell | so | 04:21 |
wolfmitchell | i solved the problem by not partitioning | 04:21 |
sfkjjj | wolfmitchell: sidebyside | 04:21 |
cash | i saw images of it, but not much interesting | 04:21 |
wolfmitchell | sfkjjj, like | 04:21 |
sfkjjj | cash: it jsut works. | 04:21 |
sfkjjj | like | 04:22 |
sfkjjj | wow it just works. | 04:22 |
cash | yeah | 04:22 |
sfkjjj | I'm a LXDE nut | 04:22 |
sfkjjj | but | 04:22 |
Mal__ | are you running in VM | 04:22 |
cash | lxde not bad | 04:22 |
sfkjjj | I'm using mate as of yesterday | 04:22 |
Mal__ | ?? | 04:22 |
wolfmitchell | he's seen people ruin their partitioning table by resizing shit | 04:22 |
cash | cool - sfkjjj how do you like Gnome? | 04:22 |
wolfmitchell | idk how but | 04:22 |
wolfmitchell | .... he was just muted by Drone` | 04:22 |
wolfmitchell | ... well | 04:22 |
cash | wolfmitchell - you can get a computer for $100 or less on ebay and use it exclusively with ubuntu | 04:22 |
wolfmitchell | cash, i use this laptop for development stuff | 04:23 |
wolfmitchell | so | 04:23 |
cash | i got a dell e4310 with an ssd and gen1 i5 for $75 on ebay | 04:23 |
Mal__ | whois drone | 04:23 |
wolfmitchell | i kinda need the processing power | 04:23 |
Mal__ | ? | 04:23 |
cash | ahhh ok | 04:23 |
sfkjjj | there we go, I can talk | 04:23 |
cash | thats cool - you guys probably know so much more than I do | 04:23 |
sfkjjj | cash: I hate gnome. | 04:23 |
wolfmitchell | cash, just depends on our experiences with it :P | 04:23 |
wolfmitchell | for example, i have no idea how the touchpad stuff works in linux | 04:23 |
wolfmitchell | yet you do | 04:23 |
wolfmitchell | :P | 04:23 |
cash | well i dont even know what a daemon is | 04:24 |
cash | sot here | 04:24 |
cash | so there | 04:24 |
sfkjjj | cash: ok | 04:24 |
sfkjjj | so think of your computer like a city. | 04:24 |
wolfmitchell | cash, probably because you haven't needed to know what it was until now :P | 04:24 |
cash | sfkjjj yes gnome is troublesome | 04:24 |
sfkjjj | Linux is what the city is | 04:24 |
sfkjjj | buildings are software | 04:24 |
sfkjjj | some are compeltely hidden from the public | 04:24 |
cash | ubuntu 16.04 runs much better on this macbook than 14.04 ever did | 04:24 |
sfkjjj | others are partially open, others closed. | 04:24 |
sfkjjj | etc | 04:24 |
sfkjjj | So things like waste managment. | 04:24 |
sfkjjj | So garbage trucks are the daemons | 04:25 |
cash | but i also upgraded the drive and found a 4gb ram module, so i replaced one of the 2gb sticks and now it has 6 gb ram and an ssd lol | 04:25 |
sfkjjj | constantly working in the background, you don't notice them until they're gone. | 04:25 |
cash | sfkjjj thank you | 04:25 |
=== Smn is now known as Guest20526 | ||
wolfmitchell | that's... a pretty good analogy | 04:25 |
wolfmitchell | lmao | 04:25 |
cash | i noticed the gsettings instance of syndaemon does not run with the -d flag, so i may not do so | 04:25 |
wolfmitchell | cash, wait | 04:26 |
cash | y0 | 04:26 |
wolfmitchell | what settings did you change for syndameon | 04:26 |
cash | what up im here | 04:26 |
wolfmitchell | or w/e it was | 04:26 |
wolfmitchell | yeah syndaemon | 04:26 |
cash | dude i changed a lot | 04:26 |
wolfmitchell | :P | 04:26 |
wolfmitchell | like? | 04:26 |
wolfmitchell | i wanna see if there are gsettings equivilants | 04:26 |
cash | my instance is syndaemon -i 1 -k | 04:26 |
cash | gsettings has no equivalents | 04:26 |
cash | you should falsify it but then you have to recreate everything from scratch, and idk what is best for your touchpad | 04:27 |
sfkjjj | cash: so | 04:27 |
cash | well, not from scratch - its just that gsettings hard-codes defaults that override some annoying features | 04:27 |
sfkjjj | I can explain a bit more of linux | 04:27 |
sfkjjj | So we still have our nice big city called Linux | 04:27 |
wolfmitchell | cash, meh, i'll just keep what i have now :P | 04:28 |
sfkjjj | Lets say we're talking about the Logical Volume Manager, LVM | 04:28 |
wolfmitchell | brb | 04:28 |
cash | wolfmitchell if you type: synclient in terminal you can see the current values | 04:28 |
sfkjjj | So we have limited space and we need to fit out buildings in | 04:28 |
sfkjjj | So each building is a volume | 04:28 |
sfkjjj | So lets say we have 3, A, B, C | 04:28 |
sfkjjj | we can remove A without affecting B or C | 04:29 |
sfkjjj | we can also easily expand B to take up the space of A, same with C. | 04:29 |
cash | if you go and false gsettings, you will want to get your /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/60-synaptics-options.conf to implement your prefferred optoins | 04:29 |
sfkjjj | Shrinking them is a bit more difficult but possible | 04:29 |
cash | im listening sfkjjj | 04:29 |
sfkjjj | lol | 04:29 |
cash | like disableing touch-zones that might be on by default | 04:29 |
cash | RBCornerButton | 04:30 |
cash | RTCornerButton | 04:30 |
wolfmitchell | back | 04:30 |
cash | and HorizEdgeScroll | 04:30 |
sfkjjj | cash: I'm telling you right now | 04:30 |
sfkjjj | Linux has some VERY sore spots. | 04:30 |
cash | lol | 04:30 |
sfkjjj | hardware compatibility with modern hardware is one | 04:30 |
xock_stream | if i run x from unity how to find the path? | 04:30 |
cash | yeah NO SOFTWARE | 04:30 |
sfkjjj | sorta | 04:31 |
cash | and yeah its only good on ANTIQUES | 04:31 |
reisio | sfkjjj: oh? | 04:31 |
wolfmitchell | i'm still waiting for a decent DMX light controller | 04:31 |
wolfmitchell | hint: qlc+ isn't decent | 04:31 |
Mal__ | so you modified your config file for your touch pad | 04:31 |
sfkjjj | reisio: ? | 04:31 |
wolfmitchell | i'm talking something like GrandMA or ETC EOS | 04:31 |
cash | oh but sfkjjj linux is great on a CLEVO computer | 04:31 |
Mal__ | thats cool | 04:31 |
cash | but anything nvidia/broadcom/apple its a nightmare | 04:31 |
sfkjjj | not really | 04:31 |
sfkjjj | Nvidia has gotten better | 04:31 |
wolfmitchell | cash, nvidia hasn't been so bad for me | 04:31 |
reisio | that's a silly exaggeration | 04:31 |
sfkjjj | broadcom is apparently not painful anymore | 04:31 |
reisio | and other OSes also have upstream driver problems | 04:32 |
sfkjjj | broadcom used to be stick your hadn in a blender painful. | 04:32 |
cash | apparently? i know first hand it sucks | 04:32 |
wolfmitchell | but uh, does anyone know of any good DMX controllers for linux though? | 04:32 |
wolfmitchell | lmao | 04:32 |
sfkjjj | reisio: not usually. | 04:32 |
reisio | right, always | 04:32 |
Mal__ | i heard nvidia was the way to go on new Ubuntus | 04:32 |
reisio | Mal__: for a desktop? | 04:32 |
Mal__ | i7 nividia | 04:32 |
wolfmitchell | i mean, the consoles from Jands w/ Vista run on Ubuntu 14.something | 04:32 |
wolfmitchell | but it's stripped down | 04:32 |
cash | nvidia there is no documentation for what driver to use with my card. broadcomm my wifi card is partially supported by b43 but i have to use STA | 04:32 |
Mal__ | yes desk top | 04:32 |
reisio | never actually had any problems with nvidia | 04:32 |
wolfmitchell | and doesn't run on a fresh ubuntu install | 04:32 |
reisio | cash: what card do you have? | 04:32 |
sfkjjj | cash: like i was asying though | 04:33 |
sfkjjj | one of Linux's sore spots is newer hardware | 04:33 |
reisio | really isn't | 04:33 |
cash | maybe things are better with modern hardware. @ reisio i am complaining but i am making very broad generalizations. my card is a geforce 9400m lol | 04:33 |
sfkjjj | it is. | 04:33 |
sfkjjj | reisio: Good luck getting Linux working well on the Surface book | 04:33 |
sfkjjj | or a surface tablet. | 04:33 |
reisio | GNU/Linux had the first widespread 64-bit support | 04:33 |
reisio | sfkjjj: how is luck a factor | 04:33 |
sfkjjj | that's the CPU | 04:33 |
reisio | cpu is hardware | 04:33 |
reisio | next | 04:33 |
sfkjjj | reisio: ... | 04:34 |
sfkjjj | it's x86. | 04:34 |
sfkjjj | you don't exactly need any special drivers... | 04:34 |
reisio | sfkjjj: pardon? | 04:34 |
Mal__ | what is your luck? | 04:34 |
reisio | sfkjjj: ... | 04:34 |
reisio | next | 04:34 |
sfkjjj | reisio: Sorry, x86-64 | 04:34 |
reisio | shhhh | 04:34 |
reisio | good lad | 04:34 |
wolfmitchell | another question is this: is there any good software for midi show control stuff on Linux? | 04:34 |
sfkjjj | reisio: You provided one example. | 04:34 |
reisio | wolfmitchell: show control? | 04:34 |
sfkjjj | I can provide thousands. | 04:34 |
cash | wolf no idea - maybe ubuntu studio has that? | 04:34 |
reisio | sfkjjj: well you've yet to provide any at all | 04:34 |
reisio | sfkjjj: start with one | 04:34 |
sfkjjj | reisio: I provided two. | 04:34 |
reisio | sfkjjj: sure you did | 04:35 |
sfkjjj | Surface Book, Surface Tablet. | 04:35 |
reisio | sfkjjj: what about them? | 04:35 |
cash | Nice | 04:35 |
sfkjjj | reisio: Good luck getting them working propperly with Linux | 04:35 |
cash | ok guys - im gonna go. nice chatting up the ol ubuntu spam channel with ya | 04:35 |
sfkjjj | Want to use that nice eGPU on the book? hah. | 04:35 |
wolfmitchell | reisio, midi show control is used to make it so I can, in one program, hit a 'go' button and it sends a 'go' signal over midi show control to everything else connected on that midi output, ie. a lighting controller | 04:35 |
cash | good luck to all your diy projects | 04:35 |
wolfmitchell | reisio, | 04:35 |
sfkjjj | reisio: I don't think the radeon duo is supported yet either | 04:36 |
sfkjjj | reisio: also last time I checked, no SLI / Crossfire yet | 04:36 |
sfkjjj | Thunderbolt is a joke right now | 04:36 |
=== pavlushka is now known as Guest53058 | ||
reisio | wolfmitchell: think there's an audio channel around somewhere, try /msg alis list *audio* (or sound, etc.) | 04:37 |
sfkjjj | Broadcom is a joke | 04:37 |
wolfmitchell | reisio, this isn't audio-specific though :P | 04:37 |
wolfmitchell | midi is just used as a transport | 04:37 |
sfkjjj | reisio: Are these enough examples for you? | 04:37 |
sfkjjj | Linux isn't infallable. | 04:37 |
wolfmitchell | MSC data is never turned into audio | 04:37 |
wolfmitchell | at least i've never seen it turned into data | 04:37 |
reisio | wolfmitchell: good luck finding a midi-minus-audio channel | 04:37 |
wolfmitchell | er | 04:37 |
wolfmitchell | into audio :P | 04:37 |
sfkjjj | Audio under linux can be finicy without pulseaudio | 04:38 |
Guest74589 | anyone having problem getting token for live patch? | 04:38 |
sfkjjj | reisio: So did I provide enough examples? | 04:39 |
sfkjjj | or are you going to be trollish and say "but linux had widespread 64bit supprot first!11" | 04:39 |
reisio | sfkjjj: it's just that everything you say turns up as being supported | 04:39 |
reisio | and you say "I think" a lot | 04:39 |
sfkjjj | reisio: really? | 04:39 |
reisio | Guest53058: hrmm? | 04:40 |
neoark | Server Error (500) | 04:40 |
sfkjjj | reisio: the surface book isn't supported. | 04:40 |
sfkjjj | it sorta "works" | 04:40 |
=== Guest53058 is now known as pavlushka | ||
reisio | sfkjjj: what about it isn't supported? | 04:40 |
neoark | anyone able to log in? | 04:40 |
sfkjjj | reisio: touchscreen hasn't worked for quite a while | 04:41 |
reisio | sfkjjj: meaning it used to? | 04:41 |
sfkjjj | the webcam. | 04:41 |
sfkjjj | stylus | 04:41 |
reisio | sfkjjj: | 04:41 |
reisio | again, your claims are not reflected by others | 04:41 |
reisio | my disinterest grows :D | 04:42 |
mimulus | someone please write me in private | 04:42 |
reisio | me in private | 04:42 |
sfkjjj | reisio: Stop being a troll and read your post. | 04:42 |
sfkjjj | " Currently, the hardware buttons (volume up/power) and touch screen/pen input are not working." | 04:42 |
sfkjjj | it "works" | 04:42 |
sfkjjj | if you don't want your power button to work... or volume.. or webcam... or touch screen... or the pen... | 04:42 |
sfkjjj | or the eGPU... | 04:42 |
pavlushka | Hey reisio, may be my irc client's problem :) | 04:42 |
red-axe | hello | 04:43 |
sfkjjj | or wifi... | 04:43 |
sfkjjj | reisio: you grow disinterested becuause you know you're wrong and I'm right | 04:43 |
sfkjjj | You linked something that proves my argument. | 04:43 |
=== gb_ is now known as Guest80700 | ||
sfkjjj | Again, hardware support for new hardware is a sore spot. | 04:44 |
sfkjjj | Hell, my FOUR year old laptop still can't use the fingerprint scanner without a hacky driver that crashes a lot. | 04:44 |
sfkjjj | cmon reisio . | 04:45 |
sfkjjj | Don't lie to new Linux users and say Linux supports new hardware well. It's a sore spot. | 04:46 |
reisio | sfkjjj: is it the same screen as the surface pro 4? | 04:47 |
sfkjjj | reisio: higher resolution | 04:47 |
reisio | same touchscreen hardware? | 04:47 |
sfkjjj | no. | 04:47 |
sfkjjj | again reisio. Do not lie to new Linux users saying new hardware is well supported in Linux. | 04:50 |
reisio | sfkjjj: intel precise touch? | 04:50 |
reisio | yeah there is a driver for that | 04:50 |
sfkjjj | When a new Linux user goes and buys new hardware expecting it to work due to incorrect information they get a bad taste in their mouth. | 04:50 |
reisio | I agree | 04:50 |
sfkjjj | Then why are you saying Linux has great hardware support for new hardware? | 04:50 |
reisio | mmm, because it does | 04:51 |
sfkjjj | It doesn't. | 04:51 |
reisio | it even has hardware support for hardware that wasn't designed for it | 04:51 |
reisio | unlike other OSes | 04:51 |
reisio | it has support for more hardware than any other kernel | 04:52 |
sfkjjj | that means nothing. | 04:52 |
reisio | well it means what it states | 04:52 |
sfkjjj | You're spreading incorrect information | 04:52 |
reisio | sure amn't | 04:52 |
sfkjjj | You are. | 04:52 |
sfkjjj | You're saying it supports new hardware well. | 04:52 |
reisio | mmmhmm, if you say so | 04:52 |
sfkjjj | Most vendors don't care about Linux. | 04:52 |
reisio | only because it does | 04:52 |
sfkjjj | It doesn't. | 04:52 |
reisio | sure it does | 04:52 |
sfkjjj | There's a lot of sore spots. | 04:52 |
sfkjjj | x86 tablets are a major one. | 04:53 |
sfkjjj | pressure sensative pens | 04:53 |
reisio | in what way are x86 tablets a sore spot? | 04:53 |
sfkjjj | Touchscreens have been a big problem up until the last major kernel release | 04:53 |
reisio | nope... | 04:53 |
sfkjjj | tablets that use broadcom chipsets can be a big PITA | 04:53 |
reisio | I had GNU/Linux working with touchscreens years ago, so did everyone else | 04:53 |
sfkjjj | Linux* | 04:53 |
reisio | mmhmmm, and drivers can be a big PITA for any OS | 04:54 |
sfkjjj | Also you had it working with a limited pool of touch screen controllers. | 04:54 |
reisio | I did not have it working with all touchscreens in the world, that is true :p | 04:54 |
sfkjjj | Don't say Linux is amazing out of the box with new hardware. | 04:54 |
reisio | well, I didn't really have any plans to say that | 04:55 |
reisio | so, sure | 04:55 |
sfkjjj | Its' been what, a year since the surface book was released? It still has hardware support issues. | 04:55 |
reisio | like what issues? | 04:55 |
sfkjjj | " Currently, the hardware buttons (volume up/power) and touch screen/pen input are not working." | 04:55 |
sfkjjj | from your own link. | 04:55 |
sfkjjj | others are having problems with connecting it to external screens | 04:56 |
neoark | yay no more server kernel upgrade reboot ty @ubuntu | 04:56 |
sfkjjj | ^ | 04:56 |
sfkjjj | That's exciting. | 04:56 |
reisio | sfkjjj: clearly you've never tried to use Windows with an external screen :p | 04:57 |
sfkjjj | reisio: I do daily. | 04:57 |
sfkjjj | two external | 04:57 |
sfkjjj | Windows has yet to give me a issue, XP worked fine, 7 works fine, 8 worked fine, yet to test 10 | 04:58 |
reisio | 10 is... interesting :p | 04:59 |
sfkjjj | 10... is.. | 04:59 |
darkerblack | Hello, What is the recommended place to store programs that are not managed by a package manager? | 04:59 |
sfkjjj | my teacher taught me if you have nothing to say then to say nothing at all | 04:59 |
sfkjjj | so I guess I have nothing to say. | 04:59 |
reisio | darkerblack: like what programs? | 05:00 |
reisio | my teachers taught me that wasting children's time is encouraged :p | 05:00 |
reisio | (and also some other good things :p) | 05:01 |
th0r | darkerblack, you can put them in /opt, and if you want a link in the path then put the link in /usr/local/bin | 05:01 |
reisio | well, /opt/bin/ frequently is in one's path | 05:02 |
reisio | I usually put awful trash in ~/.foo | 05:02 |
reisio | like, more awful than /opt/ things | 05:03 |
reisio | which actually usually are available via the package manager | 05:03 |
darkerblack | th0r: thanks! | 05:04 |
darkerblack | reisio: android studio (IDE) | 05:04 |
reisio | darkerblack: I'd be quite surprised if that isn't available via a .deb | 05:05 |
reisio | darkerblack: yes, it is available via the package manager | 05:05 |
sfkjjj | Anyone here know how to submit packages to the global ubuntu ppa's? | 05:05 |
darkerblack | on a side note, when I alt-tab with android studio, the icon that is shown in atrociously small. any way to swap that for a higher res icon? | 05:06 |
reisio | darkerblack: probably if you dpkg -L the package, it'll print out where the icon is, and you can just replace it | 05:07 |
darkerblack | it is not manged by dpkg. i downloaded it | 05:08 |
reisio | no icon file in the archive? | 05:08 |
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darkerblack | reisio: there is, but the file is clearly large enough | 05:09 |
darkerblack | not a big deal to fix this. it would just be nice | 05:10 |
reisio | darkerblack: ? | 05:12 |
bagih | hello | 05:12 |
reisio | hi | 05:13 |
ningu | why would grub not be displaying the menu to give me choices? grub is installed and seems to be working fine | 05:14 |
ningu | I guess I could do update-grub to be sure | 05:14 |
reisio | ningu: what choices? | 05:14 |
ningu | reisio: the kernel to boot and memtest86 | 05:14 |
reisio | ningu: hold SHIFT during bootup? | 05:15 |
ningu | in /etc/default/grub I have, GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 | 05:15 |
ningu | reisio: oh, is that needed? | 05:15 |
reisio | ningu: it has been at least at one point in the past | 05:15 |
reisio | I'm afraid I don't keep track | 05:15 |
ningu | I'm on 16.04 LTS | 05:15 |
ningu | I'll try | 05:15 |
reisio | yeah, give it a try | 05:15 |
ningu | nope | 05:16 |
reisio | isn't it easier to just remove a ram module to see if it's causing a problem, though? :p | 05:16 |
Bashing-om | ningu: If there is but one instance installed OR have not executed "sudo update-grub" by default the menu is not displayed . One can edit the config file to change this behavior , | 05:17 |
ningu | Bashing-om: I suppose, but I want to run memtest86 which should always be there, no? | 05:17 |
ningu | or do I have to install that explicitly? | 05:17 |
Bashing-om | ningu: That option is in "advanced" from the grub menu . | 05:18 |
ningu | ok, but I can't select that if I don't see the menu | 05:18 |
angry-squirrel | irc | 05:18 |
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Bashing-om | ningu: To get the menu EFI system as sooin as the firmware screen clears spam the escape key . for MBR hold a shift key . | 05:19 |
ningu | Bashing-om: hrm, ok. I think I need to change my /etc/default/grub, now that I am reading docs | 05:20 |
mr_yogurt | Why isn't ubuntu using my (presumably) installed NVIDIA drivers? | 05:20 |
reisio | presumably? :D | 05:20 |
mr_yogurt | I installed them but there's always the possibility they got uninstalled in a freak accident | 05:20 |
reisio | oh :p | 05:20 |
mimulus1 | Hi! Hexchat or pidgin is a best (Irc) ? : ) | 05:20 |
reisio | what's lspci -k say about it? | 05:20 |
reisio | mimulus1: pidgin isn't really an IRC client | 05:21 |
Bashing-om | ningu: One can .. but if a one time thing .. invoke the menu after the firmware screen has cleared . | 05:21 |
reisio | it just happens to support IRC | 05:21 |
mr_yogurt | reisio: what should I be looking for when running lspci -k? | 05:21 |
wedgie | anyone have a link to a concise procedure for resetting a forgotten password and then recovering the encrypted home partition? I have the 32 char mount password, but have forgotten my login password. | 05:21 |
Caluser2000 | mimulus1: Hexchat | 05:21 |
darkerblack | reisio: thanks. I got it working | 05:21 |
ningu | Bashing-om: true, I'd just rather always have the few seconds of the grub screen if necessary. my goal here is to figure out why things keep crashing every few days and if I solve that, I won't be rebooting often :P | 05:22 |
mimulus1 | :) Thanks ! :) | 05:22 |
reisio | mr_yogurt: vga | 05:22 |
ningu | I have a feeling it's a memory issue but not sure yet | 05:22 |
ningu | there is nothing helpful in the logs | 05:22 |
reisio | darkerblack: neato | 05:22 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, I need help. When I log into ubuntu it stays on the desktop background forever. If I launch a graphical application through tty using DISPLAY=:0, the application starts flickering on and off at the top left corner or the screen, and cannot be moved. There is nothing suspicious in dmesg | 05:23 |
Guy1524 | I have tried reinstalling drivers( | 05:23 |
fromBrowser | Hi | 05:24 |
Guy1524 | that didn't work. Using xorg.conf.failsafe did work, but that makes the computer slower | 05:24 |
ningu | hrm, ok so I got it now... however memtest86 isn't there under advanced, any idea why? | 05:24 |
fromBrowser | hi | 05:24 |
reisio | Guy1524: you might try using something other than u nity | 05:24 |
reisio | than unity* | 05:24 |
Guy1524 | I have, same thing | 05:24 |
reisio | Guy1524: what make/model 'puter? | 05:24 |
reisio | fromBrowser: ohai | 05:24 |
mr_yogurt | reisio: says 'NVidia Corporation Device', also 'nvidiafb' and 'nouveau' | 05:25 |
Guy1524 | reisio: intel graphics | 05:25 |
Guy1524 | haswell | 05:25 |
Guy1524 | laptop | 05:25 |
mr_yogurt | those last two under kernel modules | 05:25 |
Bashing-om | ningu: " #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET=false " . should display the menu at bootup . | 05:25 |
fromBrowser | Anyone please help me how can i make bootable windows pen drive in ubuntu? "it's getting difficult for me in ubuntu" :( | 05:25 |
ningu | Bashing-om: yeah, the issue seems to have been the "splash" option which required hitting esc, but that wasn't obvious | 05:26 |
ningu | I had GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" | 05:26 |
Guy1524 | the problem roots from when I followed this guide: only to find out that it only works on radeon/nvidia cards. so I removed the packages, ppas, did an apt update and upgrade, still experienced what I explained before, and tried what I explained before | 05:26 |
reisio | mr_yogurt: okay so it's using the open source nviida driver | 05:26 |
reisio | mr_yogurt: you having a problem with graphics? | 05:26 |
ningu | adding GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE="countdown" showed me a count down in the upper left on the initial splash screen and hitting esc took me to the grub menu | 05:26 |
ningu | however, the real issue seems to be no memtest86 :) | 05:26 |
mimulus | ping | 05:27 |
ningu | I have /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ but it isn't adding anything to /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 05:27 |
Guy1524 | can I just reinstall everything having to do w/ drivers, X and other graphics stuff | 05:27 |
ningu | apparently ubuntu ships with a version of memtest86+ that doesn't support EFI (which I have) | 05:27 |
mr_yogurt | reisio: running super low res, and I'm doing some stuff with cuda that requires the proper nvidia drivers | 05:28 |
Guy1524 | ya, you need to boot in bios to see it ningu | 05:28 |
Bashing-om | ningu: What release are you running ? As I recall 14.04 and up have memtest in the advanced menu . | 05:28 |
ningu | Bashing-om: I am on 16.04 but it's a hardware issue, apparently | 05:28 |
ningu | it aborts if /sys/firmware/efi exists | 05:28 |
Bashing-om | ningu: Yeah .. maybe ..sems that rings a bell that memtest does not support EFI .. lemme check ! | 05:28 |
reisio | mr_yogurt: okay, then you'll want to switch to the proprietary nvidia driver | 05:29 |
itay2 | I cant press the F6 button in ubuntu installation, it doesnt do anything!!! | 05:29 |
ningu | Bashing-om: there doesn't seem to be a trivial workaround but I am looking into it | 05:29 |
reisio | if that's actually the case | 05:29 |
mr_yogurt | reisio: how? I've already installed the proper driver, and then sometime later ubuntu won't load it on boot | 05:29 |
reisio | mr_yogurt: | 05:30 |
ningu | there is a newer, non-gpl version of memtest86+ | 05:30 |
reisio | is that an incentive, non-gpl? :p | 05:31 |
ningu | reisio: right now my main incentive is to test my memory | 05:31 |
mr_yogurt | sudo ubuntu-drivers devices | 05:33 |
mr_yogurt | ... | 05:33 |
Bashing-om | ningu: Well ..maybe not supported .. but a hint at what one can do : . | 05:34 |
ningu | Bashing-om: I am just going to make a usb drive for now, may do that later though | 05:36 |
eell | Hey guys, I'm doing another Ubuntu install and I forgot exactly what to do: I have Win10 installed on an SSD (SSD1) and I want to install Ubuntu 16 on another separate SSD (SSD2) | 05:37 |
eell | Where do I install the bootloader | 05:37 |
Bashing-om | ningu: Yeah, again : points to Passmark on a USB stick . | 05:39 |
reisio | eell: either device is fine, but | 05:39 |
reisio | eell: if you put it on ssd2 that keeps it nicely separate | 05:40 |
ningu | Bashing-om: yeah, it was pretty easy to make the usb stick, it's working now | 05:40 |
eell | True, I just didn't know if that was possible, it's been a bit so maybe issues have been fixed | 05:40 |
eell | But when I boot I want to be able to choose | 05:40 |
reisio | eell: what's particularly convenient in those situations is if you can make GNU/Linux the first device and Windows the second, though | 05:40 |
reisio | eell: either via BIOS reordering, or changing the cables | 05:41 |
eell | Right, assuming I barely boot into windows - which is likely true, but then everytime I want to not to boot ubuntu I have to F12 it | 05:42 |
Ben64 | eell: or choose windows from grub | 05:42 |
eell | Ben64 would grub detect the other windows install | 05:43 |
Ben64 | yes | 05:43 |
reisio | eell: yup | 05:43 |
Bashing-om | eell: Depending on the install option, grub will install to the 1st hard drive by default . If possible might be good to remove the Windows drive so that grub does install to the ubuntu drive . | 05:43 |
reisio | you can even boot from Windows to GNU/Linux, but that's more work, really | 05:43 |
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Sonnyy | Which is the best Ubuntu VPS Service provider ? | 05:51 |
zachary | hi i need help decri[ting thease commands in Terminal such as w.e. ect. Termonal ...///... > ( code sudo apt-get install fusion-plugins and ect programs prosses > the extra flame plug in as the next genreal code dosent pop in coretley as sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra | 05:53 |
eslam_LinUxer | Hey All ... | 05:56 |
zachary | i need help | 05:56 |
eslam_LinUxer | i installed Lamp-server^ on My ubuntu 16.04 LTS | 05:56 |
Caluser2000 | And? | 05:56 |
zachary | im exparinceing problems with sudo codes for the fusion extra settings manager in code wize | 05:57 |
eslam_LinUxer | and when i open phpmyadmin , file from my browser i get "403 - Forbidden" | 05:57 |
eslam_LinUxer | and when i open wordpress folder on my browser i get " 403 - Forbidden " too | 05:57 |
Bashing-om | zachary: What arte you doing ? And what release is this ? | 05:58 |
Bashing-om | !info compiz-fusion-plugins-extra trusty | 05:58 |
ubottu | Package compiz-fusion-plugins-extra does not exist in trusty | 05:58 |
zachary | they shuld | 05:58 |
eslam_LinUxer | Any help ? | 05:59 |
zachary | clearly thease codes i put in ill type them in | 05:59 |
Bashing-om | zachary: " apt show compiz-fusion-plugins-extra >> N: Unable to locate package compiz-fusion-plugins-extra " . | 06:00 |
zachary | i tryed these trusty codes in sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manger an the outher final code i tryed this sudu apt-get intall compiz-fusion-plugins-extra dosent pull up now there is a proof of a video on youtube here witch broght me on this channel on ubuntu lts 16.04 | 06:02 |
Bashing-om | !info compizconfig-settings-manger xenial | 06:03 |
ubottu | Package compizconfig-settings-manger does not exist in xenial | 06:03 |
zachary | than this was a waist of time installing ubuntu into my bios on my motherbored you two dont seem to support any carryers | 06:06 |
Ben64 | zachary: what | 06:07 |
zachary | you guys need to update ubuntu to stable programs an bring back compiz witch you guys cant do | 06:07 |
zachary | sad | 06:07 |
Bashing-om | zachary: What is your end goal ? see: . Are you in reference to " compiz-plugins-default " ? | 06:07 |
Ben64 | compiz is there, ubuntu is stable | 06:08 |
zachary | yes i am | 06:08 |
zachary | guys | 06:09 |
zachary | you need a magour update | 06:09 |
zachary | on ubuntu | 06:09 |
Ben64 | zachary: there are updates all the time. you need to explain what you're trying to do | 06:09 |
zachary | im trying to install compiz | 06:09 |
zachary | is what im trying to do | 06:09 |
Ben64 | sudo apt-get install compiz | 06:10 |
zachary | i just said all the proof not so earler | 06:10 |
zachary | its not wanting too pull up | 06:10 |
zachary | i tryed it | 06:10 |
zachary | al ready | 06:10 |
Ben64 | what is the output from that command | 06:10 |
zachary | sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-setttings-manger | 06:11 |
zachary | is the first one | 06:11 |
zachary | second command sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra | 06:13 |
zachary | now | 06:13 |
zachary | those do not support | 06:13 |
zachary | im deleateing ubuntu | 06:13 |
Ben64 | k bye | 06:13 |
zachary | you seem a waits of time | 06:13 |
zachary | no help at all | 06:13 |
educomp | hello | 06:13 |
nicomachus | you don't seem to listen. | 06:13 |
eell | zachary you need to try to communicate more effectively. | 06:14 |
Ben64 | indeed. i asked you a simple question and you didn't answer it | 06:14 |
zachary | Clearly you dont seem to lissen nether | 06:14 |
Ben64 | <Ben64> what is the output from that command | 06:14 |
Ben64 | then you went on with some crap | 06:14 |
Caluser2000 | Whats wrong with ubuntu for it to require deleting? | 06:14 |
Ben64 | for the best, hurt my head to read his writing | 06:15 |
Ben64 | Caluser2000: user error | 06:15 |
jrc | the gnome terminal preferences has a setting that says use this command instead of my default shell, where is that value stored? i made a mistake there and now terminal closes on launch, deleting ~/.gconf didn't do it, google isn't helping | 06:16 |
jrc | fortunately I still have xterm | 06:16 |
Ben64 | jrc: where is this setting | 06:17 |
jrc | Ben64: "Run a custom command instead of my shell" | 06:17 |
nicomachus | Edit --> Profile Preferences | 06:18 |
nicomachus | then the "Command" tab. | 06:18 |
Ben64 | jrc: what did you put in there | 06:18 |
jrc | "tmux attach || tmux" | 06:18 |
jrc | I wasn't paying attention | 06:19 |
jrc | I can't edit the profile preferences now because I can't launch terminal for more than 0.1 seconds | 06:19 |
insy | G'mornin all | 06:19 |
jrc | I need to edit whereever the setting is stored in xterm | 06:19 |
pine | hello | 06:20 |
=== pine is now known as Guest11383 | ||
Guest11383 | hello everyone | 06:20 |
Caluser2000 | hi | 06:20 |
insy | hi | 06:20 |
Ben64 | jrc: try gnome-terminal -e blah | 06:21 |
BobbyJr | Good morning, or afternoon, whichever your case may be | 06:21 |
Guest11383 | my computer's OS is linux mint. | 06:21 |
Ben64 | Guest11383: mint has their own support channel, at #linuxmint-help on | 06:22 |
jrc | Ben64: THANKS MAN | 06:22 |
* Ben64 high fives jrc | 06:22 | |
* jrc does the robot | 06:22 | |
Ben64 | wasn't sure that'd work | 06:22 |
insy | ..sily question , is there a way to disable the title name in the titlebar | 06:22 |
itay2 | Caluser2000 its clearly a bad product. | 06:22 |
Guest11383 | It has a little bug. | 06:23 |
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nicomachus | insy: what do you mean? can you take a screenshot? | 06:23 |
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itay2 | Actually one of the worst ive encountered | 06:23 |
insy | ill try | 06:23 |
nicomachus | itay2: what are you talking about? | 06:24 |
FManTropyx | what is a bad product? | 06:24 |
Guest11383 | but it's GUI is so better than ubantu ,like mac style. | 06:24 |
Caluser2000 | itay2:What do you expect for free | 06:24 |
itay2 | Linux is a bad product. Ive became VERY frasturated with it, merely trying to install it. | 06:25 |
SynfulAck | lol | 06:25 |
nicomachus | itay2: then don't use it. but please don't complain here unless you'd like help with an Ubuntu issue. | 06:25 |
Caluser2000 | It's easy to install. | 06:25 |
eslam_LinUxer | Still waiting :| | 06:26 |
BobbyJr | Linux is exactly what you make of it, thats its strength and for some its weakness. For me, its a strength. | 06:26 |
SynfulAck | Hey does anyone know of something i can use to place my applications in certain areas of the screen upon startup in a easy manner. | 06:26 |
Guest11383 | yes,i use harddisk to install mint and ubantu directly! | 06:26 |
itay2 | I wish i could not use it, but for some reasons out of my understanding, some python libraries work ONLY in linux. So im being forced into it. | 06:26 |
wedgie | ubuntu 16.04. I've reset my password using recovery mode and now I'm trying to get my encrypted home directory working again. I can't log into the GUI (just kicks me straight back to the login screen). I *can* log in via a TTY. Once logged in i run ''sudo encryptfs-mount-private''. This fails. I know that the encrypted data is still good and that the wrapped-password is ok (i already reset this) because i | 06:27 |
wedgie | can run ''sudo encryptfs-recover-private /home/.encryptfs/<user>.Private/'' and that mounts successfully in /tmp. Any suggestions? | 06:27 |
itay2 | Ubuntu may be easy to install on some hardware configurations, but on other, popular configurations its a total mess@ | 06:28 |
itay2 | !! | 06:28 |
Guest11383 | what inputmethod do you use? | 06:29 |
Ben64 | itay2: this channel is not for general ranting | 06:29 |
insy | @nicomachus , made screenshot , just still new to Quassel ,so not sure how to show it | 06:29 |
eslam_LinUxer | i've installed Lamp-Server^ On my ubuntu 16.04 LTS | 06:29 |
eslam_LinUxer | and i get " 403 " err ... What 2 do .. | 06:29 |
Ben64 | eslam_LinUxer: check apache logs | 06:29 |
eslam_LinUxer | ben64 : how can i do that ? :| | 06:30 |
Guest11383 | yes just look the log.. | 06:30 |
eslam_LinUxer | service apache Restart | 06:30 |
Ben64 | uh... thats not logs | 06:30 |
Ben64 | they're in /var/log/apache2/ if you used the defaults | 06:30 |
Caluser2000 | itay2: Windows hickups on some configurations as well. | 06:30 |
nicomachus | !screenshot | insy | 06:31 |
ubottu | insy: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to and link the created page here. | 06:31 |
insy | lol totaly forgot ;) | 06:32 |
itay2 | Caluser2000 from my anecdotal experience it has never "surrended" in the same way ubuntu did, and there was always a way to proceed with the install. | 06:32 |
Guest11383 | I will back to windows 7,i hate the bugs... | 06:33 |
Caluser2000 | See you in #windows then. | 06:35 |
Guest11383 | when i turn on the inputmethod panel,system's panel do not work,oh my god. | 06:36 |
Guest11383 | jesus!!! | 06:36 |
itay2 | Caluser2000 like i said I wish i could not use it, but for some reasons out of my understanding, some python libraries work ONLY in linux. So im being forced into it. | 06:36 |
Caluser2000 | Poor dear. | 06:37 |
Caluser2000 | Can't you run it in a vm on windows? | 06:38 |
itay2 | Anyways .. i have a question (itay2) I cant press the F6 button in ubuntu main menu.. it doesnt do anything.. | 06:39 |
itay2 | Caluser2000 no since i need CUDA | 06:39 |
insy | ..@ nicomachus i mean, how to disable the title in the top left corner , i already set it to letter size 5 smaller it becomes a naggin line | 06:41 |
itay2 | Anyone? | 06:48 |
insy | sorry was making coffee .. | 06:49 |
king_nebby | mm. coffee. | 06:51 |
insy | aye ..saturdaymorning 9 am and a week off | 06:51 |
jrc | so putting "Exec=gnome-terminal -e tmux attach || tmux" in /usr/share/applications/gnome-terminal.desktop makes the launcher shortcut for terminal launch tmux, and when gnome-terminal exits the tmux session is still running, but oddly relaunching gnome-terminal causes tmux to restart | 06:53 |
EriC^^ | jrc: you can't have a || there i think | 06:54 |
EriC^^ | it's not bash or any shell | 06:54 |
jrc | oh, well how do I tell gnome-terminal, "run 'tmux attach' in case a tmux session is running, but if that returns an error because a session isnt running, run 'tmux' to start one" | 06:55 |
md5 | hi | 06:57 |
insy | hi | 06:57 |
md5 | is there anyone here? | 06:57 |
EriC^^ | put it in a bash script maybe | 06:57 |
insy | sorry md5 ..still waking up | 06:58 |
=== Guest19338 is now known as PaulW2U | ||
EriC^^ | jrc: maybe bash -c "gnome-terminal -e ... || tmux" | 06:58 |
jrc | okay EriC^^ thanks I will play with it | 06:59 |
md5 | so how r u guys | 06:59 |
EriC^^ | jrc: no problem | 06:59 |
insy | so far so good.. | 06:59 |
jrc | of course this is 10 degrees removed from the problem im actually supposed to be working on, i believe they call it yak shaving | 06:59 |
jrc | im trying to write this program, which needs to talk to an arm-based server, but it needs SSH, so im trying to cross compile it, but it wasn't working on my mac, so im trying in this ubuntu vm, and im annoyed working in the terminal because tmux isnt working how im used to | 07:01 |
md5 | well | 07:01 |
md5 | is this a connectionprogram or something | 07:02 |
md5 | maybe i can help | 07:02 |
toyzero | hello | 07:03 |
jrc | its a data integration thing with a time clock (punch in punch out) that runs this embedded linux called freescale on an arm chip, but the guy who shipped the linux on the time clock didnt setup sshd | 07:03 |
md5 | hi | 07:03 |
insy | if u can tell me how to disabe a title from the title bar | 07:03 |
jrc | the embedded linux is on a microsd card in the board, so i took that out, tried for 5 hours unsuccessfuly to clone it so i could boot into it in qemu but gave up on that, so now trying to install an ssh daemon just using my access to the server's file system without actually booting into it. typical crap i spend days tinkering with | 07:05 |
elias_a | jrc: Sounds like a sport requiring a lot of stamina. :P | 07:06 |
md5 | i think if i get problem clearly i can help for fix that | 07:07 |
jrc | elias_a: yeah exactly | 07:07 |
EriC^^ | jrc: why dont you chroot into it | 07:07 |
jrc | EriC^^: the way the linux is setup now there is no remote network access whatsoever, the only access I have is by mounting it's file system as an external drive | 07:08 |
EriC^^ | yeah, mount the filesystem | 07:09 |
guardianL | sit ubuntu sit | 07:09 |
jrc | I did | 07:09 |
EriC^^ | mount bind /proc /sys /run /dev and /dev/pts | 07:09 |
jrc | that's what I've been doing | 07:09 |
EriC^^ | for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done | 07:09 |
jrc | but to get sshd on it that way, I have to cross compile it for ARM, and that has proven to be a monumental pain in the ass | 07:10 |
elias_a | :/ | 07:10 |
EriC^^ | or replace /mnt with where it's mounted | 07:10 |
EriC^^ | then sudo chroot /mnt and it's like you booted into it | 07:11 |
EriC^^ | oh | 07:11 |
jrc | I've got it mounted that was the easy 10 second part | 07:11 |
jrc | getting a portable sshd cross compiled for arm from my mac has been the nightmare | 07:11 |
Ben64 | i'm sure you can find something already compiled | 07:12 |
Ben64 | dropbear or whatever | 07:13 |
jrc | in a perfect world, I would have spent 10 seconds installing the gcc arm toolchain, running .configure for arm, and then make, but anyone who spends time compiling from source knows that actually works 10% of the time | 07:13 |
jrc | dropbear is exactly what I've spent a good 6-8 hours trying to build | 07:13 |
EriC^^ | get the .deb and just use dpkg -X or something to extract it | 07:13 |
EriC^^ | * -x | 07:13 |
EriC^^ | as Ben64 said | 07:14 |
jrc | there's some kind of bug in the Makefile where it's not getting a header it needs | 07:14 |
jrc | typical time sinking stuff when compiling other people's software from source | 07:14 |
jrc | I spent at least an hour trying to figure out why macport's gcc arm toolchain wouldn't install, turns out there was some super complicated bug in that | 07:15 |
mimulus | hello | 07:16 |
jrc | Ben64: I did find one copy of a compiled arm dropbear online I am messing with that now. of course anyone in the security community would shun me for running a precompiled ssh server from who knows where but that's ok | 07:16 |
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pantato | hey, I installed lxde and it's not giving me an option to switch window managers at the login screen | 07:46 |
insy | u shuld have a lil button in ur loginscreen to "switch" | 07:50 |
pantato | i know | 07:50 |
raja | hi | 07:53 |
blackbeard21 | Hello | 07:53 |
insy | hi | 07:53 |
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vladp | Chrome & chromium freeze after a bit of surfing and require a *reboot*. Restarting X or lightdm restart don't work. Can anyone help ? Other apps work, except for Firefox/chrome/opera/vivaldi. | 08:06 |
dmpdin | Good morning! So, I have this problem with ubuntu which causes it to freeze everything I open after a while. I had this problem before, and I think it had to do with compiz and my keyboard (corsair strare). Anyone who knows what might solve this? | 08:07 |
dmpdin | Oh, my average load is 8,00 too.. | 08:13 |
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vladp | Chrome & chromium freeze after a bit of surfing and require a *reboot*. Restarting X or lightdm restart don't work. Other apps work, except for Firefox/chrome/opera/vivaldi. This is the error I get if I start with cli: Will anything happen if I remove the video driver ? | 08:17 |
jatt | probably crappy hardware issue | 08:18 |
jatt | hard freezes are mostly caused by hardware issues | 08:18 |
vladp | @jatt everything else works though, only the browsers are freezing. Could it be a faulty driver ? Check the pastebin, I'm not sure if it's a neutral or negative output. | 08:19 |
vladp | @jatt I xkill or pkill the process and can use my irc client and the rest, but browsing just freezes completely | 08:20 |
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jatt | you use other graphic intensive applications? | 08:23 |
vladp | jatt: none, just casual surfing. was on reddit when it happened, switching between tabs. | 08:24 |
jatt | can you try to disable hardware acceleration in chrome? | 08:38 |
dhiraj | hi, when i try to do a remote desktop to office machine using xfreerdp using following command xfreerdp /v:WORKSTATION /d:DOMAIN /u:USERNAME /p:PASSWORD /g:GATEWAY /gd:GATEWAYDOMAIN /gu:GATEWAYUSERNAME /gp:GATEWAYPASSWORD, i get following error | 08:39 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 08:40 |
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aditya | hey | 08:52 |
Guest5980 | hello | 08:56 |
dhiraj | hello | 08:59 |
dhiraj | is everybody asleep? | 08:59 |
romeoprico | hi | 08:59 |
dhiraj | cool | 08:59 |
romeoprico | no not yet | 08:59 |
dhiraj | good to know | 08:59 |
romeoprico | even though its late | 08:59 |
dhiraj | oh, how late is it? | 08:59 |
romeoprico | and its friday i should be drunk right now | 08:59 |
dhiraj | and you are not because? | 09:00 |
romeoprico | i dont even wanna look at the time | 09:00 |
romeoprico | i changed the time just so i dont have to look at it | 09:00 |
dhiraj | its just to the left of ur id | 09:00 |
romeoprico | yes but i changed the time yesterday | 09:00 |
dhiraj | are you sure you are from this timezone? | 09:01 |
romeoprico | what time is it for you? | 09:01 |
dhiraj | might be you are typing from future | 09:01 |
dhiraj | its lunch time for me | 09:01 |
dhiraj | so will be back from lunch | 09:01 |
dhiraj | hope you dont doze off | 09:02 |
romeoprico | no sleeping for me | 09:02 |
romeoprico | i took all these caffeine pills | 09:02 |
romeoprico | and drank about 4 5 hr energy shots | 09:02 |
romeoprico | ive been wired for hours man | 09:03 |
romeoprico | im just here chillin, at cider rapids | 09:03 |
dhiraj | working on something important? | 09:03 |
romeoprico | yes | 09:03 |
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romeoprico | my company has assembled a team in order to write code to detect the origin of the Mirai virus since we believe it is a cyberweapon being used by a state actor against the USA | 09:04 |
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romeoprico | as of now i have approximately 73 hours to accomplish my main objective | 09:06 |
lakitu | how can i write an iso to a dvd-r disc from the 16.04 live disc? | 09:10 |
georgeTH | hey there anyone want 2 help a newbie | 09:10 |
lakitu | i have a 2nd disc drive, the main hurdle | 09:11 |
lakitu | bought one specifically for this type of thing | 09:11 |
romeoprico | why wont it burn? | 09:11 |
georgeTH | i have an issue with grub | 09:12 |
lakitu | maybe because the one i had it in is a external (usb) disc drive. let me try the other-other disc drive, my internal backup one | 09:14 |
georgeTH | grub wont load win 10 | 09:14 |
lakitu | what app to use? it's not hooked to the internet | 09:15 |
lakitu | i've got disk image writer, but that doesn't let me use either dvd-r drive | 09:15 |
BluesKaj | georgeTH, is W10 listed in grub? | 09:16 |
lakitu | i know what i can do | 09:19 |
georgeTH | BluesKaj it is listed as win 8 at dev/sda5 and gives every time an error | 09:19 |
georgeTH | only way to access win 10 is through boot mode set as uefi and uefi first | 09:20 |
BluesKaj | georgeTH, and the error is....? | 09:20 |
georgeTH | when i select from grub win8 at dev/sda5 it doesnt boot into win 10 it gives error message and please put recovery cd etc | 09:21 |
dhiraj | romeoprico, cool, all the best | 09:22 |
georgeTH | but when i set uefi mode and uefi first it boot automatically in win 10 | 09:22 |
dhiraj | in the meanwhile, when i try to do a remote desktop to office machine using xfreerdp using following command xfreerdp /v:WORKSTATION /d:DOMAIN /u:USERNAME /p:PASSWORD /g:GATEWAY /gd:GATEWAYDOMAIN /gu:GATEWAYUSERNAME /gp:GATEWAYPASSWORD, i get following error | 09:22 |
BluesKaj | so no grub in efi | 09:22 |
georgeTH | BluesKaj sth like this | 09:23 |
georgeTH | maybe i can sent you my sudo fdisk -l result | 09:23 |
BluesKaj | !paste | 09:24 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 09:24 |
georgeTH | i also tried boot repair live usb but my ubuntu is 32 bit and win 10 64 bit and aborted | 09:24 |
BluesKaj | georgeTH,^ | 09:24 |
vladp | jatt: will try, see what it gives | 09:28 |
BluesKaj | georgeTH, think you need to install grub in the efi/boot | 09:29 |
BluesKaj | !EFI | 09:29 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 09:29 |
georgeTH | | 09:30 |
georgeTH | BluesKaj and how to do this | 09:31 |
ducasse | georgeTH: are both os'es installed in uefi mode? | 09:33 |
ducasse | georgeTH: because it sounds like windows is, while ubuntu is installed in legacy mode. in that case you *will* need to make a change in the bios each time you want to switch os. | 09:35 |
georgeTH | ducasse yes i do this every time but i thought there was a way to fix this | 09:37 |
ducasse | georgeTH: yes, install both os'es in the same mode. | 09:37 |
uebera|| | Hi. Anyone using canonical-livepatch? Given that there was a recommended/automatic kernel update (-> 4.4.0-45 or higher for Xenial), I would have expected that the status message for the then-active 4.4.0-40 kernel would have included a notification by now (1.5 days later)... Is there a recommended place where one can submit bugs to canonical-livepatch? | 09:37 |
uebera|| | s /submit bugs to/discuss issues about/ ;) | 09:38 |
georgeTH | ducasse thanks a lot | 09:39 |
brainwash | uebera||: probably in #ubuntu-kernel | 09:45 |
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DagDaWildDog | I installed a bazillion libs to make all my GOG games work. so far so good! then when I rebooted, I get a black screen after GRUB, ie when X and my DE is running. but TTY works. so I reboot and try, on a whim, using the previous kernel. it totally works now! how can I do one or both of these: figure out why the normal kernel won't work, and/or make this kernel the default at boot? | 09:54 |
theFam_ | hello, i have an issue with apt. I tried to remove python3 but some conflicts occured. I tried removing with aptitude (which installed, even though with some errors), everything but python3-setuptools was removed. It gives this message when trying to remove it: "No such file or directory at -e line 1, <> line 53." Any suggestions? | 09:58 |
ikonia | looks like you've screwed up the file manifests outside the package manager | 10:01 |
ikonia | theFam_: just "touch" the files that are missing and the package removal should clean them up as if they where the real thing | 10:01 |
theFam_ | How would I go about fixing those? | 10:02 |
theFam_ | ikonia: I do not know which files are missing | 10:02 |
ikonia | it should say in the error | 10:02 |
theFam_ | it just says: | 10:02 |
theFam_ | No such file or directory at -e line 1, <> line 53. dpkg: error processing package python3-setuptools (--remove): | 10:02 |
theFam_ | is there a location for removal scripts? | 10:03 |
ikonia | you could re-install python3-setuptools then | 10:03 |
ikonia | that will put back the missing files and allow you to remove them cleanly | 10:03 |
theFam_ | python3-setuptools pulls python3 back in | 10:03 |
ikonia | right, so do that | 10:03 |
ikonia | I actually thought python3 was important to some of the 16.04 and later functionality | 10:04 |
theFam_ | Current status: 0 broken [-1]. | 10:04 |
ikonia | what current status | 10:04 |
theFam_ | That means it worked? | 10:04 |
ikonia | you need to give context and full errors | 10:04 |
ikonia | not just one line | 10:04 |
theFam_ | that's aptitude | 10:04 |
theFam_ | aptitude said that and quit | 10:05 |
ikonia | what is ? | 10:05 |
ikonia | you're not giving any context of what you're doing | 10:05 |
ikonia | just putting lines in there saying "what's this" can't get good help | 10:05 |
theFam_ | i ran "aptitude install python3" | 10:05 |
ducasse | theFam_: are you sure you _can_ remove python3? it has priority 'important'. | 10:05 |
ikonia | why are you running aptitude if you don't know how to use it | 10:05 |
ikonia | ducasse: yeah, I thought there was a few depends on it that wouldn't allow it | 10:06 |
ikonia | I don't have a box here to check it | 10:06 |
theFam_ | ducasse: i run ubuntu server 14.02 | 10:06 |
theFam_ | anyway | 10:06 |
theFam_ | i think it works now | 10:06 |
theFam_ | yeah it does | 10:07 |
theFam_ | thanks | 10:07 |
theFam_ | aptitude = life saver | 10:07 |
ikonia | any package manager will manage the packages | 10:07 |
ikonia | aptitude isn't default as it's been dropped as the main package manager interface | 10:07 |
ducasse | theFam_: it is marked important in trusty as well. | 10:09 |
theFam_ | ducasse: oh | 10:09 |
theFam_ | whoops | 10:09 |
ducasse | !info python3 trusty | 10:10 |
ubottu | python3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.4.0-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 8 kB, installed size 100 kB | 10:10 |
ducasse | theFam_: i think you may be shooting yourself in the foot here. | 10:10 |
ikonia | no idea why you'd remove it to be honest | 10:10 |
ducasse | ^^ | 10:11 |
DagDaWildDog | I installed a bazillion libs to make all my GOG games work. so far so good! then when I rebooted, I get a black screen after GRUB, ie when X and my DE is running. but TTY works. so I reboot and try, on a whim, using the previous kernel. it totally works now! how can I do one or both of these: figure out why the normal kernel won't work, or make this kernel the default at boot? | 10:17 |
embrik | Are there anybody who knnows how i can setup my lubuntu laptop to boot automatically when power cable is plugged in? My screen is broken and I plan to put an external screen on top of it | 10:20 |
pvsharov | its'nt possible | 10:21 |
uebera|| | brainwash: thx! | 10:21 |
SwedeMike | embrik: that's usually not an option on laptops. It's a bios setting. | 10:21 |
SwedeMike | embrik: on desktop systems it's a bios setting what to do when AC comes back on | 10:21 |
insy | if ur lucky and check the laptop keyboard u see a button with FN on it ,ight work in combo with F5 or F8 | 10:22 |
insy | ,ight=might | 10:22 |
embrik | SwedeMike: I see, but that is from sleep, not from totally without power? | 10:22 |
SwedeMike | embrik: you could see if there is some possibility to do anything via | 10:23 |
SwedeMike | embrik: | 10:24 |
DagDaWildDog | maybe an rpi could do that for you. wake itself up, or even wake up a laptop if it has ethernet cable | 10:24 |
ngomes | hi. is it possible to resume after suspend with one key press instead of power on button ? | 10:24 |
insy | ow u meant to put a screen on top of the laptop self | 10:24 |
tomreyn | DagDaWildDog: to check why you get the black screen, check /var/log/Xorg.*.log for 'EE' records | 10:25 |
DagDaWildDog | thank you | 10:26 |
lucas_ai | Gparted sees my HDDs but not my SSD. Why? df -h lists them all | 10:26 |
ducasse | embrik: does your laptop have ethernet? if so, look if it has wake-on-lan. | 10:28 |
tomreyn | DagDaWildDog: to make a kernel default during boot, edit /etc/default/grub and change GRUB_DEFAULT=0 to the line number of the kernel you want in the output of 'grep ^menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg' - after subtracting 1 | 10:28 |
tomreyn | DagDaWildDog: however, fixing the kernel to a specific version is not a very good idea, since you'll miss security patches and bug fixes this way. | 10:28 |
embrik | ducasse: I'm doing this for an old lady. It will be too complicated to use wake on lan... | 10:29 |
Ben64 | show the old lady how to use the power button | 10:30 |
embrik | ducasse: it looks like she has to open laptop, press power, close laptop and put the external screen on top of the laptop | 10:30 |
ikonia | embrik: yup, that sounds normal | 10:31 |
ikonia | open the lid, push the powerbutton, close the lid | 10:31 |
ikonia | I think she will be fine on that | 10:31 |
embrik | ikonia: yes, don't think there are any other soutions | 10:31 |
lucas_ai | Gparted sees my HDDs but not my SSD. Why? df -h lists them all | 10:31 |
embrik | solutions | 10:31 |
DagDaWildDog | weird. Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0) - why would that only apply to one kernel? and that kernel worked before. I try switching to noveau and back | 10:31 |
embrik | thanks, bye | 10:32 |
embrik | exit | 10:32 |
embrik | leave | 10:32 |
ikonia | lucas_ai: where are you looking on gparted | 10:32 |
Norbin | shame there's no chrome for arm devices :/ | 10:32 |
atlasloewenherz | hi everyone, my iscsi is logged in, i habe a block device, and the logs if the initiator claims the target is operational i even can see the needed parttion with the iscsi based device via fdisk, but the partition is not visible when i ls -1 /dev/sd* and everytime i try to pvcreate /dev/sdh1 it claims Device /dev/sdh1 not found | 10:32 |
ikonia | atlasloewenherz: ls -la /dev/sdh | 10:33 |
lucas_ai | ikonia: I'm on a live USB with ubuntu 14.04. I opened gparted and see sda1 and sda2 but cannot see the SSD on the list. I've no idea why :( | 10:34 |
tomreyn | lucas_ai: use the gparted live cd (or another live system with gparted), not the package available on your running ubuntu (that'd be a recipe for desaster). | 10:34 |
lucas_ai | ikonia: I mean I see sda and sdb | 10:34 |
ikonia | lucas_ai: how many disks do you have in the system | 10:34 |
lucas_ai | tomreyn: I'm on a live USB ubuntu | 10:34 |
tomreyn | alright, hadn't read this fast enough ;) | 10:35 |
lucas_ai | ikonia: HDD (sda), usb stick (sdb) and SDD (msvndsomething) | 10:35 |
ikonia | lucas_ai: pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" into a pastebin please and share the link | 10:35 |
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tomreyn | lucas_ai: also, which version of ubuntu do you have installed on your computer? | 10:36 |
lucas_ai | ikonia: | 10:37 |
lucas_ai | tomreyn: 14.04 | 10:37 |
atlasloewenherz | ikonia: this is the output of ls -al /dev/sd* : | 10:37 |
lucas_ai | I don't understand what the problem is D: | 10:38 |
Pr0Xyy | does anybody know how i can convert a .exe so i can use it | 10:38 |
Ben64 | lucas_ai: pastebin df -h | 10:38 |
tomreyn | lucas_ai: looks like fdisk does not detect your ssd either. | 10:38 |
pvsharov | Pr0Xyy: ahahah | 10:38 |
lucas_ai | Ben64: | 10:39 |
Ben64 | lucas_ai: and where is your ssd there? | 10:39 |
brainwash | !wine | 10:39 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 10:40 |
ikonia | atlasloewenherz: so whathappen if you run pvcreate against /dev/sdh1 now | 10:40 |
atlasloewenherz | ikonia: Device /dev/sdh1 not found (or ignored by filtering). | 10:40 |
lucas_ai | Ben64: I guess it's /dev/nvme0n1p3 | 10:40 |
ikonia | atlasloewenherz: even now ? | 10:40 |
atlasloewenherz | yes :( | 10:40 |
ikonia | atlasloewenherz: I wonder if the path is missing, but the device file makes | 10:41 |
ikonia | atlasloewenherz: can you test just putting a file system on /dev/sdh1 | 10:41 |
lucas_ai | Ben64: but it won't show up on gparted | 10:41 |
atlasloewenherz | ikonia: i can try that one sec | 10:41 |
Ben64 | lucas_ai: what are you trying to accomplish | 10:42 |
ikonia | lucas_ai: the disk isn't there | 10:42 |
atlasloewenherz | ikonia: this is the output of dmes related to binding the bock device sdh : | 10:42 |
lucas_ai | Ben64: I want to make a new partition on my SSD in its empty space | 10:42 |
ikonia | atlasloewenherz: looks good for the attatch | 10:42 |
ikonia | lucas_ai: your SSD is not seen been the OS | 10:42 |
lucas_ai | ikonia: Yes it is. Apparently it only shows up after I open it on nautilus | 10:43 |
atlasloewenherz | ikonia: unable to mkfs.ext4 on it neither: /dev/sdh1 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here! | 10:43 |
Ben64 | ikonia: i think it is, it's just a different method than normal | 10:43 |
ikonia | Ben64: what do you mean ? | 10:43 |
Ben64 | lucas_ai: what version ubuntu you booting | 10:43 |
insy | ..i got a question , how can i disable/remove the title in the title bar topleft corner of the desktop | 10:43 |
lucas_ai | Ben64: I opened the folders in nautilus for two of my SSD partitions and now they show up in df -h | 10:43 |
lucas_ai | Ben64: 14.04 | 10:43 |
Ben64 | ikonia: a bit of googlin' says that nvme* is the device for certain pcie ssds | 10:44 |
ikonia | thats not an SSD that a ram disk | 10:44 |
lucas_ai | Nah I have my ubuntu installed there, ikonia | 10:44 |
tomreyn | it's an nvme | 10:44 |
lucas_ai | ikonia: /dev/nvme0n1p3 is my 14.04 ubuntu installation. (I'm currently on a live usb 14.04) | 10:44 |
Ben64 | lucas_ai: try again with a 16.04 iso | 10:44 |
ikonia | lucas_ai: "nah" ? | 10:44 |
Ben64 | google also tells me that gparted should be at least 0.24 to support NVMe devices | 10:45 |
lucas_ai | ikonia: it means no, I don't think it's a RAM | 10:45 |
ikonia | I didn't say it was ram | 10:45 |
Ben64 | trusty has 0.18 | 10:45 |
ikonia | it's a ram disk, | 10:45 |
ikonia | "non-volitile-media" | 10:45 |
ikonia | ram chips being used as disk | 10:45 |
lucas_ai | ikonia: how come information isn't lost? | 10:46 |
lucas_ai | ikonia: when powering off | 10:46 |
ikonia | you can write to it | 10:46 |
ikonia | it's not like ram on your board | 10:46 |
ikonia | it's flash | 10:46 |
lucas_ai | why is it called RAM if SSDs are also flash | 10:46 |
lucas_ai | Ben64: that must be it. It's too new for ubuntu 14.04 | 10:47 |
ikonia | I don't think it is too new | 10:47 |
tomreyn | what you have there is not an SSD, just don't mix those terms up. | 10:47 |
lucas_ai | "gparted is already the newest version." | 10:47 |
ikonia | can you run parted against the deivce (not the partition) | 10:47 |
lucas_ai | ikonia: yes, it works | 10:49 |
ikonia | lucas_ai: so it's fine then | 10:49 |
atlasloewenherz | ikonia: the parted suggestion was for me? | 10:49 |
ikonia | atlasloewenherz: no, sorry, for lucas_ai | 10:49 |
lucas_ai | ikonia: yeah, still not showing up on gparted | 10:49 |
Ben64 | lucas_ai: obviously | 10:49 |
ikonia | lucas_ai: thats a differnt thing and probably a limitation of gparteds interface | 10:49 |
atlasloewenherz | ikonia: sorry just confused here :) | 10:50 |
lucas_ai | ugh so annoying :'( | 10:50 |
insy | so does any one have a clue how to disable that title ( ubuntu 16.04) | 10:50 |
ikonia | atlasloewenherz: no problem, run fuser against the device file | 10:50 |
ikonia | atlasloewenherz: lets see what else is using it | 10:50 |
Ben64 | could probably do 'gparted /dev/whateverthehellthatwas' | 10:50 |
ikonia | Ben64: yeah, I wonder if it's not scanning the device files | 10:50 |
atlasloewenherz | ikonia: 1613 ? SLsl 0:01 /sbin/multipathd -d -s | 10:51 |
ikonia | atlasloewenherz: ahhh ha | 10:51 |
ikonia | atlasloewenherz: so I suspect this is the problem for pvcreate it's going down a dead/miss-configured/wrong path | 10:51 |
lucas_ai | Ben64: Could not stat device /dev/nvme0n - No such file or directory. | 10:51 |
Ben64 | sounds like you typed it wrong | 10:51 |
ikonia | atlasloewenherz: check the multipath links see if they are marked as active | 10:51 |
atlasloewenherz | ikonia: how? | 10:52 |
lucas_ai | Ben64: yeah, it's working now actually! | 10:52 |
atlasloewenherz | ikonia: multipath -l => | 10:52 |
lucas_ai | Thanks guys! It worked and I made my partition | 10:53 |
=== GodFather__ is now known as GodFather | ||
DagDaWildDog | tomreyn, so far, I've narrowed it down to "my current nvidia driver and the current kernel (ends with .26) seem incompatible. can I skip this kernel still get updated to the next one? | 10:55 |
DagDaWildDog | I tried switching to noveau, reboot, switch back, reboot, and only kernel .22 can work with my nvidia driver | 10:56 |
tomreyn | DagDaWildDog: i cannot parse "can I skip this kernel still get updated to the next one?" - please rephrase. | 10:56 |
DagDaWildDog | like instead of locking myself to kernel .22, can I block kernel .26 so that I'm on .22 for now, but I get updated to the next one | 10:57 |
DagDaWildDog | after .26 | 10:57 |
tomreyn | yes, but that's not entirely trivial. look into "apt pinning". | 10:57 |
tomreyn | you want to forbid the .26 | 10:58 |
smellsLikeGoatSp | hello everyone, I am running ubuntu 16.04 and the battery icon as well as the battery stats are missing. the only way to get them back is decharging the battery till critical power or plugging the charger "when the laptop is on" (wont work if it s been plugged since off). any ideas? | 10:59 |
tomreyn | DagDaWildDog: but this is proibably the wrong overall approach, you should rather find out whether there's a better solution, such as updating the driver | 10:59 |
DagDaWildDog | if I manually update the driver I'll get stuck at that version though? and as you say, permanent locking isn't usually a good idea? | 10:59 |
tomreyn | DagDaWildDog: you could possibly resort to a regularly updated ppa | 11:00 |
tomreyn | DagDaWildDog: first of yall, you shoudl try to bette runderstand why its breaking with the newer kernel version, and whether there are known workarounds. | 11:01 |
DagDaWildDog | this one? | 11:01 |
tomreyn | start by searching the web for the error messages you have identieid in Xorg.*.log | 11:01 |
tomreyn | *identified | 11:01 |
DagDaWildDog | ok then | 11:01 |
vaesper | im trying to make a live usb stick with a persistent partition - I know "startup disk creator" can no longer make the live usb itself persistent but I just need to store documents persistently | 11:03 |
vaesper | however, I can't edit the partitions after making a live usb stick because I get "The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes." libparted error | 11:03 |
vaesper | I've tried startup disk creator and raw dd (with bs=512 and bs=2048) but I keep getting this error | 11:04 |
The | hello people | 11:05 |
tomreyn | smellsLikeGoatSp: so you have no battery icon when you start the computer from battery, with A/C power disconnected? | 11:05 |
tomreyn | hi The | 11:05 |
DagDaWildDog | tomreyn, I tried sudo update-alternatives --config x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf and set it to 0 (nvidia) - should i purge and update my drivers or just reboot now and see if that worked? | 11:06 |
smellsLikeGoatSp | tomreyn: no icon when I turn it on, even if plugged. I would need to unplug it and plug it back in | 11:06 |
tomreyn | vaesper: consider sotring the data on a different device. or create an actual installation on the usb stick. you can do so within a VM with Äthe stick passed throough to the VM. this can be done (less complicated than it sounds) using virtualbox, for example. | 11:07 |
insy | @smellslike goat , did u check dconf -> com ->cannonial ->indicator | 11:08 |
tomreyn | smellsLikeGoatSp: hmm this indeed sounds buggy. has it always been this way? | 11:09 |
tomreyn | smellsLikeGoatSp: if so, check for availability of a bios update and install it. also try a newer ubuntu version as a live cd / usb stick. | 11:10 |
insy | still if someone has a idea how to disable the title in the titlebar (the one with the indicators cloc etc..) | 11:10 |
arkadiy | Слава Украине:) Всем привет | 11:12 |
tomreyn | smellsLikeGoatSp: also, check whether your bios provides a way to recalibrate the battery life, or whether the vendor provides a software to do so. | 11:12 |
tomreyn | !ru | arkadiy | 11:12 |
ubottu | arkadiy: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 11:12 |
vaesper | tomreyn: the whole reason that im doing this is because i need a quick working OS on my laptop before I have the time to clean up my laptop's HDD (including recuing any data) so a different storage device isn't available atm | 11:12 |
vaesper | I just found the accepted answer there seems good for my usecase | 11:13 |
smellsLikeGoatSp | tomreyn: thanks mate. I will look that up | 11:13 |
BluesKaj | , vaesper | 11:14 |
tomreyn | vaesper: i don't see how the first answer on the document you pointed to will leave you with a persistent store | 11:14 |
vaesper | tomreyn: that's why I specified the accepted answer | 11:15 |
vaesper | the first answer is what I already tried (dding the .iso) | 11:16 |
tomreyn | vaesper: ah sorry, you're right i did not scroll down enough. you will need to create two (or more) partitions on the usb device for this to work. | 11:18 |
arkadiy | Никто не видел здесь Дениса Попова | 11:18 |
tomreyn | !ru | arkadiy | 11:18 |
tomreyn | !ru > arkadiy | 11:18 |
ubottu | arkadiy, please see my private message | 11:18 |
vaesper | that's my plan, but unfortunately using startup disk creator or dd prevents me from changing the partitions afterwards (because of the block size error) | 11:18 |
arkadiy | I will see Denis Popov, please | 11:19 |
smellsLikeGoatSp | tomreyn: since I upgraded from 14.04. fresh install. insy suggest looking at dconf | 11:22 |
Ntemis | hi | 11:22 |
dpy | hi guys, I've upgraded from 14.04LT to 16.04LTS, now my TMPTIME=90 (/etc/default/rcS) is no longer honored, did this change somehow? | 11:23 |
Ntemis | i need some help config grub as i have dual boot debian and xenial but kernels after are not shown on grub menu | 11:23 |
wisp_ | hello | 11:24 |
Ntemis | note that i had ubuntu with grub on sdg1 and now debian bootloader took by and lies in sdb1 | 11:24 |
Ntemis | *took over | 11:24 |
ngomes | hi , i've enabled wakeup by keyboard and mouse on BIOS , but it wont work . | 11:24 |
Ntemis | u need wake up by usb | 11:25 |
ngomes | Ntemis, i have usb mouse | 11:27 |
ngomes | and its enabled on BIOS | 11:27 |
MonkeyDust | ngomes insall blueman | 11:28 |
MonkeyDust | ngomes install blueman | 11:28 |
ngomes | and that is ? | 11:29 |
ngomes | Graphical bluetooth manager ? | 11:29 |
MonkeyDust | !info blueman | 11:30 |
ubottu | blueman (source: blueman): Graphical bluetooth manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.4-1ubuntu2 (yakkety), package size 1635 kB, installed size 4830 kB | 11:31 |
ngomes | so , what bluetooth , that i don't have on my hardware can do for wakeup issues ? | 11:31 |
MonkeyDust | ngomes i misread, thought it was a bluetooth mouse | 11:32 |
ngomes | ok. usb mouse | 11:32 |
ngomes | well, nevermind, i'll just reboot everytime | 11:34 |
ngomes | thanks anynwat | 11:34 |
ngomes | thanks anynway | 11:34 |
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vaesper | what file system does the ubuntu live image use? | 11:39 |
MonkeyDust | vaesper squashfs | 11:43 |
erle- | any ideas why Firefox is terribly slow after yakety upgrade? | 11:44 |
erle- | even with completely new Firefox profiles | 11:44 |
erle- | is this a known issue? | 11:44 |
erle- | I asked this weeks ago when Yakety was in Beta and developers said this is known issue | 11:44 |
k1l_ | erle-: if you think that is an general issue file a bug | 11:46 |
MonkeyDust | erle- there's this | 11:48 |
mssroot | hello everybody | 11:50 |
mssroot | privet vsem | 11:51 |
erle- | MonkeyDust, the problem is not download speeds or anything, the problem is that rendering and scrolling is slow | 11:51 |
erle- | MonkeyDust, and 16.04 has the exact same Firefox versions | 11:51 |
mssroot | who plays football manager on ubuntu?? | 11:52 |
mssroot | i have problem with it | 11:52 |
mssroot | can u help me | 11:52 |
mssroot | ? | 11:52 |
mssroot | salam baaryna! | 11:52 |
MonkeyDust | !find football | 11:52 |
ubottu | Found: tuxfootball | 11:52 |
k1l_ | mssroot: using wine? | 11:52 |
mssroot | but wine not read cracking version | 11:53 |
erle- | MonkeyDust, for example: scrolling is not smooth, html5-video (Youtube) eats 200 percent CPU | 11:54 |
erle- | things like that | 11:54 |
ducasse | !illegal | mssroot | 11:54 |
ubottu | mssroot: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 11:54 |
k1l_ | mssroot: that is a wine issue, not an ubuntu issue. and we cant support cracked software at all. | 11:54 |
MonkeyDust | erle- for one, i use indicator-cpufreq to control the CPU speed | 11:55 |
k1l_ | erle-: that sounds like you got a slow cpu or missing video driver support | 11:56 |
erle- | k1l_, it was perfectly fine with xenial | 11:56 |
erle- | it's a two-year-old i7 | 11:57 |
erle- | Intel video | 11:57 |
erle- | also: other apps don't have issues | 11:57 |
erle- | other video players playing the exact same video don't show any high CPU usage | 11:58 |
k1l_ | are you sure you used a clean profile to test? | 11:58 |
Drugo | When installing in dual boot with windows on a laptop with UEFI, in manual parttitioning, do i have to mount the efi partition as /boot/efi and then install grub in the efi partition? | 11:59 |
MonkeyDust | i have similar youtube issues, also Intel | 11:59 |
eshikafe | Hello | 11:59 |
erle- | k1l_, yes, and with old profile there were no issues on xenial | 11:59 |
eshikafe | I am unable to update apt-get and install new packages on Ubuntu 16.04 | 12:00 |
k1l_ | erle-: i dont have any slowness on 16.10 with my intel setup. | 12:00 |
eshikafe | E: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found | 12:00 |
eshikafe | E: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found E: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found E: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found | 12:00 |
eshikafe | how do I fix this? | 12:00 |
k1l_ | eshikafe: using any vpn or proxy? | 12:00 |
k1l_ | or company network? | 12:01 |
eshikafe | yes | 12:01 |
eshikafe | correct | 12:01 |
eshikafe | company network proxy | 12:01 |
k1l_ | yeah. apt has issue with some "transparent" porxies, like they are used on company networks | 12:01 |
eshikafe | how do I fix this? | 12:02 |
eshikafe | ping works fine and wget works fine | 12:04 |
eshikafe | austin@analytics:~$ wget --2016-10-22 05:49:54-- Resolving (,,, ... Connecting to (||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting r | 12:04 |
tomreyn | eshikafe: tell your company system administrators that it doesn't work as expected and that they should diagnose it further | 12:04 |
eshikafe | but "apt-get update" doesn't work | 12:05 |
DagDaWildDog | tomreyn, I got further. I think I'm missing firmware for my integrated intel card, though I still haven't the foggiest why that only affects the newest kernel. I'm an inch away from installing that firmware, but it wants libpackagekit-glib2-16 and I have -18. should I just DL that from wherever, or is there a way to make aptitude get it for me? | 12:05 |
tomreyn | eshikafe: your output wass cut off, use a pastebin | 12:05 |
tomreyn | !pastebin | eshikafe | 12:05 |
ubottu | eshikafe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 12:05 |
tomreyn | DagDaWildDog: you probably just need to 'apt-get update' | 12:06 |
k1l_ | eshikafe: its a network issue. the proxy is filtering the traffic and that doesnt work with apt since it uses hashes which dont work with that transparent proxy setup. solution is to use a vpn out but i dont know if your company likes that. | 12:06 |
DagDaWildDog | I've been doing update and upgrade a lot. the intel firmware thinks the dependency not satisfiable though | 12:07 |
tomreyn | DagDaWildDog: feel free to post the commands and textual output indicating the issue you are describing. otherwise it's impossble to guess what is happening on your end. | 12:08 |
eshikafe | | 12:08 |
eshikafe | apt-get update is unable to fetch the packages, but wget and ping works fine: | 12:09 |
erle- | eshikafe, try a different mirror | 12:10 |
DagDaWildDog | sudo gdebi intel-graphics-update-tool_2.0.2_amd64.deb ..... This package is uninstallable | 12:10 |
DagDaWildDog | Dependency is not satisfiable: libpackagekit-glib2-16 (>= 0.8.10) | 12:10 |
eshikafe | I have tried us, se and the main archive | 12:10 |
bekks | Dont use sudo with graphical tools. | 12:10 |
eshikafe | the same issue with all of them | 12:11 |
tomreyn | eshikafe: you could try this as a workaround, but it probably won't help you much in the long run: sudo apt-get -o Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order::=gz update | 12:11 |
bekks | üUse gksudo instead. | 12:11 |
bekks | DagDaWildDog: Can you pastebin the entire output please, not just a single line? | 12:11 |
DagDaWildDog | bekks, I think fhaf may have done it! | 12:11 |
k1l_ | eshikafe: did you read my answer? its an netowrk issue which is using a transparent proxy messing with the traffic apt expects | 12:11 |
tomreyn | DagDaWildDog: where did you get intel-graphics-update-tool_2.0.2_amd64.deb from? | 12:11 |
bekks | DagDaWildDog: It strongly doubt that. | 12:11 |
eshikafe | k1l_: How do I fix it? | 12:12 |
k1l_ | eshikafe: tell the admin to fix it | 12:12 |
tomreyn | eshikafe: i already told you ;) | 12:12 |
DagDaWildDog | ok, here's the output | 12:14 |
eshikafe | tomreyn: The same result - | 12:14 |
DagDaWildDog | tomreyn, intel's site | 12:14 |
eshikafe | I will go with k1l's advise | 12:14 |
DagDaWildDog | | 12:15 |
tomreyn | DagDaWildDog: this package was probably not made for your ubuntu release | 12:15 |
DagDaWildDog | it says 16.04 but I figured 16.10 is close enough | 12:15 |
DagDaWildDog | not so? | 12:15 |
tomreyn | no, different release | 12:15 |
DagDaWildDog | dang, okay | 12:16 |
k1l_ | eshikafe: you would have to set apt to use that transparent proxy directly. that wget works and apt not is the issue when the firewall uses a transparent proxy to inspect the traffic | 12:16 |
DagDaWildDog | yeah, it still says missing firmware, thought it worked because it didn't error with "gksudo" | 12:17 |
shambi | bonjour a tous | 12:18 |
pvsharov | !fr | 12:18 |
ubottu | Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 12:18 |
shambi | je cherche des infos sur tor quelqun peut m'aider | 12:18 |
MWM | Im trying to get a script to run @ startup in KDE like this one: I still have to run it manually at every boot though | 12:19 |
MWM | Ive also tried to add it "@reboot" in crontab... still a dud | 12:21 |
EriC^ | you're trying to run xrandr commands at startup? | 12:22 |
BluesKaj | shambi, cherchez des infos sur tor a #ubuntu-fr ou #ubuntu-qc | 12:22 |
EriC^ | MWM: | 12:22 |
MWM | Yeah....xrandr on startup. Its a headless setup and I need to manually set the resolution | 12:23 |
bekks | Why do you need to set a resolution on a headless setup | 12:23 |
MWM | the script works if I run it manually, but I cant seem to get it to run on its own | 12:23 |
eshikafe | k1l_: I have been able to resolve the issue by using a different proxy server. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. | 12:24 |
MWM | bekks because its not really a "headless setup" its just a comp that I killed the monitor on to save space. didnt want to bother with a KVM switch or whatever thy are called | 12:24 |
bekks | MWM: Thats caled headless. And why do you need to set a resolution without a monitor? | 12:25 |
bekks | *called | 12:25 |
ioria | MWM, i don't think you can run xrandr at boot, but you can run it when X starts . with lightdm, you use an /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and set display-setup-script=command, on KDE idk | 12:25 |
MWM | because I am still using the GUI. I just meant that it hasnt got its own monitor. I access it remotely because it saves space | 12:26 |
bekks | MWM: How do you use the GUI without a monitor? | 12:26 |
MWM | KDE has SDDM instead of lightdm but contains no .conf file in /etc/sddm | 12:26 |
ioria | MWM, i'd check the man page of sddm | 12:27 |
bekks | MWM: And why dont you just use a solution to connect graphically without the need to set a resolution on the server side? | 12:27 |
akik | MWM: scripts under /etc/X11/Xsession.d are run after authentication | 12:27 |
bekks | I'd just use nomachine nxserver/nxclient and force a resolution to be used, by configuring the client. | 12:28 |
MWM | bekks: I just use an RDP setup to access with no monitor, but my resolution is limited...therfore I want to change the max resolution | 12:28 |
bekks | MWM: I'd not use RDP :) | 12:28 |
MWM | Ill go check those manpages and see what I can do with Xsession.d | 12:29 |
MWM | what do you advise instead of RDP? | 12:29 |
bekks | MWM: I just told you. | 12:29 |
EriC^ | MWM: adding it to ~/.profile works | 12:30 |
akik | MWM: your rdp client doesn't let you change the resolution? | 12:30 |
MWM | my rdp client is limited by the resolution on the dummy plug (which must be there to get a full boot) | 12:30 |
MWM | xorg-dummy-driver is also limited in resolution without the script | 12:31 |
bekks | Huh? Why do you need a plug at all for booting? | 12:31 |
MWM | X wont start without the plug. Still acessable via ssh, but the plug is needed to start the Xsession or whatever | 12:31 |
bekks | Do you still have a GPU in that box? | 12:32 |
ws2k3 | when i run update-grub i see 2 kernels but the server kenel i cant chose it while booting how can i reboot into my server kernel? | 12:33 |
MWM | yes there is still a GPU | 12:34 |
bekks | Then why do you need a plug at all? X starts up if the GPU driver is loaded, it doesnt need a monitor at all. | 12:35 |
bekks | And thus, it doesnt need a dummy plug at all. | 12:35 |
MWM | I couldnt tell you the actual why of it then. ALl I know is that with no plug I get no boot | 12:36 |
bekks | How do you control the boot without a plug? | 12:36 |
MWM | Im not sure what you mean? I set up the machine with a monitor, then remove all that stuff and press the power button and wait for a while | 12:37 |
MWM | after that I try to log in and get consistently refused | 12:38 |
lordcirth_ | MWM, graphical remote login, or does ssh fail too? | 12:38 |
bekks | And then you plug the monitor back in and you see what? | 12:38 |
MWM | ssh fails as well | 12:38 |
lordcirth_ | MWM, perhaps your BIOS has a setting to turn this failure off, have you looked? | 12:40 |
bekks | Sp plug the monitor back in and see what happens? | 12:40 |
bekks | I bet its a Keyboard not found, press F1 to continue." :) | 12:40 |
yotka | Hello. Is anybody around who could help me troubleshooting this wireless problem I have? It's been months now and it's driving me crazy.. | 12:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1566987 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "No internet connection through WLAN although connected to network" [Undecided,New] | 12:40 |
MWM | I am aware that there might be a switch in the BIOS but found the dummy plug to be simple to accomplish and just used it. | 12:41 |
MWM | WHen I plug the monitor back in it does its little "eait for a while because there wasnt a clean shutdown" dance and then boots | 12:42 |
MWM | *wait | 12:42 |
MWM | yotka : have you tried a different router/AP? touch it when it cuts out... is the temperature really high? | 12:43 |
yotka | MWM: Do you mean the temperature of the router? I can check, but I don't think there's any difference. Other computers connect just fine through the same WLAN.. | 12:44 |
MWM | well there goes my best guess then. I see sever wireless dropouts on mine when the temp of the router gets too high. I put a fan on it and it hasnt dropped out since | 12:45 |
yotka | MWM: The problem appeared when I bought a new notebook and installed Kubuntu 16.04 - my old one running 14.04 worked without problems | 12:45 |
yotka | MWM: Thanks anyway | 12:45 |
MWM | are the other machines connected wirelessly or wired connections? | 12:46 |
MWM | yotka: what is the wireless adaper on your notebook? realtek? | 12:50 |
MWM | *adapter | 12:50 |
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yotka | MWM: They are all connected through wireless. Notebooks, smrtphones, laptops. All no problem. It's an o2 Box 6431, but I've had the same problem in other networks, too. So I'm quite sure that it's a problem with my hardware or (probably) software | 12:53 |
mbg | ello | 12:59 |
MWM | just popping back in to say thanks and tell what worked...... 1) I was missing a line in my script for it to run properly. 2) /etc/X11/Xsession.d was an appropriate directory | 13:03 |
zainali95 | hi | 13:08 |
zainali95 | i am looking for a software that gives linkedin and fb news feeds | 13:09 |
SchrodingersScat | !info tweeper | zainali95 | 13:14 |
ubottu | zainali95: tweeper (source: tweeper): web scraper to convert supported websites (e.g. to RSS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-1 (yakkety), package size 13 kB, installed size 76 kB | 13:15 |
SchrodingersScat | (public pages) | 13:15 |
mbg | does anyone have a good link for an apparmor profile for google chrome | 13:16 |
mbg | Im sooooo lazy | 13:17 |
=== th0r_ is now known as th0r | ||
SchrodingersScat | mbg: please don't try to send people things | 13:23 |
Ubntu1610 | Hello | 13:24 |
tomreyn | hi there | 13:25 |
Ubntu1610 | Anyone know any great free games for ubuntu other than the typical tuxkart armagetron | 13:26 |
erle- | 0 A.D. | 13:26 |
SchrodingersScat | !info openarena | 13:26 |
ubottu | openarena (source: openarena): fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.8-16 (yakkety), package size 904 kB, installed size 5130 kB | 13:26 |
erle- | !info 0ad | 13:27 |
ubottu | 0ad (source: 0ad): Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20-3 (yakkety), package size 5069 kB, installed size 17025 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; i386; kfreebsd-amd64; kfreebsd-i386) | 13:27 |
tomreyn | MegaGlest | 13:27 |
SchrodingersScat | Ubntu1610: and this is basically the quake 3 version of counterstrike, | 13:27 |
erle- | Ubntu1610, | 13:27 |
Ubntu1610 | Dang that was fast | 13:28 |
Ubntu1610 | Thanks | 13:29 |
DagDaWildDog | one other thing with this system. the first couple times that X went dark, instead of trying TTY, I forcibly powered the system down. on next boot, I had no bootloader and had to update-grub from a recovery disk. this thing has a broken copy of windows 10 on its primary SSD drive, and ubuntu (mostly working) on the larger normal drive. the system uses uefi but I'm uncertain whether grub is following suit. what could I do to make the boot less | 13:29 |
DagDaWildDog | "fragile"? | 13:29 |
Ubntu1610 | Wow 0 ad looks really good | 13:29 |
SchrodingersScat | !info moonbuggy | Ubntu1610 | 13:29 |
ubottu | Ubntu1610: Package moonbuggy does not exist in yakkety | 13:29 |
SchrodingersScat | !info moon-buggy | Ubntu1610 | 13:30 |
ubottu | Ubntu1610: moon-buggy (source: moon-buggy): Drive a car across the moon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.51-11 (yakkety), package size 194 kB, installed size 298 kB | 13:30 |
Ubntu1610 | I can probably find a .deb and get any missing packages to install moon-buggy | 13:30 |
SchrodingersScat | it's in repos, I just forgot the - | 13:30 |
DagDaWildDog | Ubntu1610, Hedgewars is basically worms armageddon, but open source and thus some improvements and developing :) | 13:30 |
erle- | Ubntu1610, 0AD is in the repos | 13:31 |
Ubntu1610 | Downloading 0ad rn | 13:31 |
=== Enzo is now known as Guest50145 | ||
Ubntu1610 | and a few others | 13:32 |
Ubntu1610 | Thanks | 13:34 |
SchrodingersScat | there was a platformer PvP with little guys that looked like kirby infringement where you would shoot each other and swing around the map on grappling hooks but the name is escaping me at the moment... | 13:34 |
Ubntu1610 | teeworlds | 13:34 |
SchrodingersScat | that's the one | 13:34 |
SchrodingersScat | !info teeworlds | Ubntu1610 | 13:34 |
ubottu | Ubntu1610: teeworlds (source: teeworlds): online multi-player platform 2D shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.3+dfsg-3 (yakkety), package size 348 kB, installed size 933 kB | 13:34 |
nomic | how do I switch workspaces in mate desktop | 13:44 |
nomic | desktop workspaces used to be easy in gnome | 13:44 |
nomic | ie click on applet .. new workspace | 13:44 |
meldron | hi guys, i just maneged to get a blue screen with a nmouse only after login | 13:46 |
meldron | anybody now a solution to reinstall/reconfigure unity? | 13:46 |
nomic | rite | 13:47 |
MonkeyDust | meldron try unity --restart | 13:52 |
meldron | MonkeyDust: tried reinstalling, rebooting, nothing worked | 13:53 |
yotka | Any more ideas on my wireless issuefrom an hour ago? | 13:54 |
MonkeyDust | meldron ctrl-alt-F1 ... man unity ... is it useful | 13:54 |
meldron | MonkeyDust: been there, i cant find anything usefull | 13:54 |
MonkeyDust | yotka an hour is eternity, people have left and others entered, hit the up arow to repeat the question | 13:54 |
meldron | tried to retinstall ubuntu from live cd but it wont detect my current installation | 13:55 |
=== liothe_ is now known as liothe | ||
meldron | anybody has an idea what could be a problem y ubuntu installer wont detect my current ubuntu installation? uefi? | 13:56 |
=== UrsaTempest is now known as ImpeccableEyes | ||
meldron | so i fixed it by installing cinnamon, now unity works again | 14:04 |
yotka | MonkeyDust: ok.. | 14:05 |
yotka | Is anybody around who could help me troubleshooting this wireless problem I have? It's been months now and it's driving me crazy.. | 14:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1566987 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "No internet connection through WLAN although connected to network" [Undecided,New] | 14:05 |
th0r | yotka, I am no expert, but I do have a couple of ideas. When you lose the internet, can you still ping to the wifi router? | 14:10 |
pwca | I have some directories with a large number of pdf files. is there any way to attach metadata to these files, for example I want to mark them when I have read them. | 14:10 |
th0r | pwca, have you looked at calibre? | 14:10 |
yotka | th0r: nope | 14:10 |
pwca | th0r: no, but is there any way to do this natively without any 3rd party software? | 14:11 |
th0r | yotka, when you lose the internet, in a terminal do 'watch ifconfig' and see if the packets are going out. | 14:11 |
i11ega1Code | how do i format a device to fat not fat32 just fat | 14:11 |
th0r | yotka, the ping packets that is | 14:12 |
akik | i11ega1Code: use mkfs.fat | 14:12 |
i11ega1Code | full command pls? | 14:12 |
pwca | th0r: Calibre appears to copy files into a separate directory. | 14:13 |
ubuntu-mate | Hi, all. I am just playing around with Ubuntu mate. i am not sure if i'll install mate or the basic ubuntu. any recomendations ? | 14:13 |
i11ega1Code | akik | 14:13 |
th0r | pwca, yes, the first time | 14:13 |
akik | i11ega1Code: the default is "mkfs.fat /dev/sdxn" but if you need to change the defaults, you can | 14:13 |
th0r | pwca, but that is the only copy you need to keep | 14:13 |
pwca | th0r: I don't want that. | 14:13 |
i11ega1Code | ty | 14:13 |
MonkeyDust | ubuntu-mate ry both with a live session, find out which you like most | 14:14 |
akik | i11ega1Code: with sudo | 14:14 |
MonkeyDust | try* | 14:14 |
i11ega1Code | akik: how do i make an partition | 14:14 |
yotka | th0r: ok, I can do that. Although I might have done it before.. Right now I'm connected through a wired connection and I suppose that wireless works, because it usually does after some time. I will try watch ifconfig the next time there is no connection | 14:15 |
akik | i11ega1Code: fdisk can do it or maybe parted | 14:15 |
th0r | yotka, yes, I was just trying to determine if the output side of the connection drops or if the interface just stops receiving. | 14:15 |
i11ega1Code | akik: Gparted worked thanks | 14:16 |
th0r | yotka, in all probability it is the whole interface, just making sure. | 14:16 |
arabolive | Hello how can i secure a wifi connexion from my computer | 14:16 |
lighxvfb | hi world i d like lightdm start with xvfb instead of X , | 14:16 |
arabolive | ? | 14:16 |
lighxvfb | i don"t understand how to proceed, thanks for any help | 14:17 |
th0r | yotka, also, when you lose the internet, make sure the interface still has an ip address and is not dropping the dhcp lease | 14:17 |
pwca | I have some directories with a large number of pdf files. is there any way to attach metadata to these files, for example I want to mark them when I have read them. | 14:17 |
MonkeyDust | pwca workaround: make them hidden, with a . after you read them | 14:19 |
tomreyn | arabolive: that's a very broad question. secure against what? | 14:19 |
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pwca | MonkeyDust: filenames are not metadata. | 14:20 |
MonkeyDust | pwca i know, that's why i call it a workaround | 14:21 |
pwca | oh, sorry. didn't see that. | 14:21 |
yotka | th0r: Did you see this? It's the output of the wireless script when the connection is not working | 14:22 |
ioria | pwca, yes you can add metadata, and check them in terminal, but i don't know how can you see them in gui | 14:24 |
Jlye | can someone tell me why i can use FL Studio installer on Ubuntu Studio Wine ? | 14:24 |
MonkeyDust | pwca found this, pdftk, it's in the repos ... | 14:25 |
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pwca | MonkeyDust: this is not very convenient. | 14:27 |
pwca | MonkeyDust: and, yes, I've seen this. | 14:27 |
* BlakeEvan lurking and learning | 14:27 | |
elias_a | yotka: I have experienced similar behaviour with wlan. No clue what causes it. Restarting network manager usuallu helps. | 14:28 |
yotka | elias_a: Doesn't help in my case :( | 14:28 |
ioria | pwca, i use setfattr and getattr , then you can create a custom script that query the file from nautilus menu | 14:29 |
arabolive | tomreyn: secure from hacker and spys, secure my connexion to internet i want take connexion from my neighbor | 14:30 |
MonkeyDust | arabolive so you're counting on your neighbour's wifi to be insecure? | 14:31 |
th0r | arabolive, turn on mac address filtering | 14:31 |
ioria | pwca, but it's not like having a tooltip or a custom icon that tells you 'already read' | 14:32 |
pwca | ioria: yeah, that's what I want. | 14:32 |
ioria | pwca, i see | 14:32 |
ioria | pwca, that's a good idea, btw | 14:32 |
MonkeyDust | yes, interesting | 14:33 |
pwca | I guess changing files to hidden is a decent workaround. | 14:33 |
pwca | but it would be great to have the option to mark things as important or read and so on. | 14:33 |
arabolive | th0r : the router is to neighbor i can't make mac filtering i want to secure from my computer can you help thanks | 14:35 |
dn` | I have a system where I often have to change what’s in the PCI slots - that always renames the network interface e.g. from enp3so to enp4s0 if I add a device - this then breaks the network config - is there any easy way to ensure that the network always works? - right now I always just add enp3..6so - but that’s kinda annoying | 14:36 |
akik | dn`: you can connect the network cards' mac addresses to device names | 14:37 |
akik | dn`: for example: SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="00:e0:4c:68:00:b6", NAME="eth1" | 14:38 |
akik | that's in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-network.rules in my system | 14:38 |
dn` | thanks, will try! | 14:38 |
akik | dn`: the kernel parameter net.ifnames also is in play. the systemd default is net.ifnames=1 | 14:40 |
akik | dn`: if you set net.ifnames=0 you'll get the old naming setup | 14:40 |
dn` | uh, that sounds eveneasier | 14:40 |
dn` | thanks | 14:40 |
akik | dn`: report back :) | 14:41 |
dn` | will do, retrying in a second | 14:41 |
dn` | (need a moment, need to clone an image) | 14:43 |
MonkeyDust | dn` or this (2013) ... | 14:43 |
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plovs | where can i edit default dash searches? want to enable firefox bookmarks | 14:56 |
DagDaWildDog | | 14:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1611124 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/kbl_guc_ver9_14.bin for module i915" [Undecided,Invalid] | 14:57 |
MonkeyDust | plovs explore the dash 'lenses' | 14:57 |
pc | hii | 14:58 |
pc | selam | 14:58 |
pc | is there here a girl? | 14:59 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: iirc that is just telling its missing the firmware for the latest intel chips that are not even shipped already but its already included in the kernel. but they didnt ship the firmware yet. | 14:59 |
k1l_ | pc: this channel is for technical ubuntu support only. for chatting better join ##chat | 14:59 |
plovs | MonkeyDust, care to elaborate :-) I have the FF lens installed, it just doesnt show by default afaik | 14:59 |
DagDaWildDog | it makes kernel not work, so I need to blacklist it somehow I think. and use older .22, or per I maybe want kernel 4.8.1, can I do that on ubuntu-mate 16.10? | 15:00 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: no, that is not an issue. its just a warning. | 15:00 |
DagDaWildDog | well it seems to result in booting to a black screen on kernel .26 | 15:01 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: no, there must be another issue | 15:01 |
DagDaWildDog | hm, ok. I have been trying many things the past few hours. I had a /var/log with an error, but a few reboots later I don't see it anymore, only warnongs. but still black screen | 15:02 |
k1l_ | do you have a kabylake cpu? | 15:03 |
plovs | MonkeyDust, never mind, human error, it works | 15:03 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: because that is what that firmware is missing for. if you got any other intel cpu this is just a warning. no issue. | 15:04 |
DagDaWildDog | I think it's haswell | 15:04 |
DagDaWildDog | Intel Core i5-4210H | 15:04 |
DagDaWildDog | is haswell mutually exclusive with kabylake? | 15:04 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: haswell is even 2 verisons before kabylake | 15:05 |
k1l_ | *versions | 15:05 |
DagDaWildDog | ah, ok | 15:05 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: so there must be something different | 15:07 |
DagDaWildDog | yeah, there used to be an EE in var log xorg... but not anymore. perhaps I shou;d boot the bad kernel again to make it? | 15:07 |
DagDaWildDog | well actually, I've been at this for 3 hours, I think it's time to stop listening to good advice about doing it right and just make my system boot right :) | 15:10 |
DagDaWildDog | to kernel .22 ! | 15:11 |
yt | Hello. | 15:11 |
xsmltx | Hi, I use this command 'echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness' to set the lowest brightness, tell me please is there any way to force even more to go lower with the brightness please? Thank you. | 15:13 |
OerHeks | xsmltx, value 0 would disable brightness and make your screen unreadable? | 15:16 |
jatt | try -42 | 15:16 |
xsmltx | OerHeks, no, the brightness is still too high even with 0 | 15:17 |
xsmltx | jatt, echo: write error: Invalid argument with '-42' | 15:17 |
jatt | exactly | 15:17 |
EriC^^ | xsmltx: try the intel_backlight dir | 15:20 |
EriC^^ | the brightness is over a larger range so you might get a lower brightness | 15:21 |
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kernello | hello everyone, there is a spam mail that I received to my two different accounts within the last few days. one of them is an account that I use only with a mail client, and I'm wondering how the same spammer found this account, too? could it be because of having used both accounts for website registration? else should I suspect something=? | 15:21 |
xsmltx | EriC^^, can you tell me please the path for intel_backligh ? | 15:21 |
EriC^^ | /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight | 15:22 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: why not boot the most recent kernel? .22 is not the most recent | 15:25 |
xsmltx | EriC^^, ls /sys/class/backlight/ output is only acpi_video0 folder | 15:26 |
k1l_ | !info linux-generic | 15:26 |
ubottu | linux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB | 15:26 |
DagDaWildDog | because that is black screen kernel | 15:26 |
DagDaWildDog | I am downloading 4.8.1 mainline too just in case though | 15:26 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: why not boot the latest ubuntu kernel? | 15:26 |
DagDaWildDog | latest ubuntu = .26 = black screen | 15:27 |
DagDaWildDog | .22 works, and this mainline might also work | 15:27 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: ok, can you show the logs of syslog, dmesg and xorg.log from a failed .26 boot at | 15:27 |
[_]` | hi, i have a HDD + SDD but i did something with my HDD and can only access it as root :S wiat i have an idea | 15:30 |
yt | I want add package to to add the package to teach me. | 15:30 |
[_]` | yeah, right click permissions didn't work, how do i change it so my user can access the 1 TB and not just root ? :S | 15:30 |
k1l_ | !motu | yt | 15:31 |
ubottu | yt: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See | 15:31 |
[_]` | sudo <some command to change permission from root to current user>; i only have one user if that matters | 15:31 |
DagDaWildDog | 4.8.1 works! making paste also now... | 15:32 |
lakitu | could uefi-whatever have something to do with install failures (in 16.04)? | 15:33 |
[_]` | oh i can just chmod 666 /media/drive/i/want ? can someone conferm this? :S | 15:33 |
lakitu | it throws some grub2 package error toward the end | 15:33 |
Guy1524 | guys, I am completely screwed, I reinstalled every xserver-xorg package, compiz, ubuntu-desktop, removed the bad ppas apt upgraded, and nothing works | 15:35 |
Guy1524 | I reinstalled the drivers, which are the problem, but even that didn't work | 15:36 |
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ducasse | [_]`: chown it to your user instead. | 15:36 |
[_]` | sudo chown -R username: /media/1TB/HDD would make it so that username can read write? | 15:36 |
Guy1524 | how do I 100% remove EVERYTHING even slightly related to the graphics system, purge it, and reinstall it | 15:36 |
[_]` | ducasse: yeah googlingfranticly to figure out the exact command :S | 15:36 |
[_]` | ducasse: is my command accurate to change permissions on entire drive to my user and not just root? | 15:37 |
Guy1524 | like, to the point where no trace of X11 exists | 15:37 |
Guy1524 | I really need help guys, my computer is completely unuseable | 15:37 |
jatt | Guy1524: try tasksel | 15:37 |
ducasse | [_]`: 'sudo chown -R user /path/to/drive' would make 'user' owner of all files/dirs. | 15:37 |
Guy1524 | I need to remove it | 15:38 |
Guy1524 | installing it is the easy part | 15:38 |
younder | Guy1524, Yeah I've also erased X11 totally at some point :) | 15:39 |
Guy1524 | younder: how? | 15:39 |
Guy1524 | because sudo apt purge xserver-xorg* did not work for me | 15:39 |
Guy1524 | once I reinstalled, the same problems were happening | 15:39 |
younder | Guy1524, a rm -rf that went awry | 15:39 |
Guy1524 | and I checked, /etc/X11/ still existed | 15:40 |
Guy1524 | I moved it, and installing it did not recreate it | 15:40 |
younder | Guy1524, not recently though | 15:40 |
k1l_ | Guy1524: that doesnt work that way. apt has no clue what file those programs use or create after they have been installed. so apt cant remove that all. what is the issue at all? | 15:40 |
lakcaj | Hello. Does anyone know why I can't suid a binary in 16.10? For example, I wrote a simple C program that just uses the system function to run whoami. After chown'ing the binary to a new user and group, then chmod'ing it 4755, it still output the username of the user executing the binary, not the owner/group of the binary. I tested this in older versions of Ubuntu and it works as expected. I also tried remounting the partition with the | 15:40 |
Guy1524 | k1l_: I tried following this guide on a computer w/ intel graphics: | 15:40 |
Guy1524 | which pretty much killed my drivers | 15:41 |
EriC^^ | lakcaj: did you do setuid(0) in the program? | 15:41 |
Sweepyoface | So, I have a problem | 15:41 |
Guy1524 | so I removed all the ppas | 15:41 |
younder | Guy1524, That sounds like s serious error. It is very difficult to get the system stable after something like that. hvw you considered a backup and a full reistall? | 15:41 |
Guy1524 | apt updated and upgraded | 15:41 |
k1l_ | Guy1524: did you use "ppa-purge" to remove the ppas? | 15:41 |
Guy1524 | no | 15:41 |
Guy1524 | I did add-apt-repository --remove | 15:41 |
Sweepyoface | I couldn't get out of vim so I closed the session, and now I can't edit the file since vim is still editing it, I tried killing the pid and it says no such process. A reboot also doesn't fix it | 15:41 |
k1l_ | Guy1524: that is bad | 15:41 |
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Guy1524 | how so? | 15:42 |
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k1l_ | Guy1524: you just removed the ppa repo. but you still have the broken packages. that is what ppa-purge does. it removes the ppa-packages and reverts to orignial | 15:42 |
Sweepyoface | Any ideas? | 15:42 |
k1l_ | Guy1524: that is said at the end of your howto, btw. | 15:42 |
lakcaj | EriC^^: I'm not using setuid within the program, no, I'm using chmod 4755 to "set user or group ID on execution" which you can see from the file permissions: -rwsrwxrwx | 15:43 |
Guy1524 | oh, ok | 15:43 |
Guy1524 | can I still purge them or is it too late | 15:43 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: that xorg.log is from the 4.8.1 kernel boot. that doesnt help :) look at the xorg.log.0 or .1 which it names the 4.8 broken kernel at the startup | 15:44 |
Guy1524 | should I re-add them then purge em? | 15:44 |
k1l_ | Guy1524: yes. readd then ppa-pruge | 15:44 |
Guy1524 | k, Ill try that | 15:44 |
Sweepyoface | I couldn't get out of vim so I closed the session, and now I can't edit the file since vim is still editing it, I tried killing the pid and it says no such process. A reboot also doesn't fix it | 15:44 |
lakitu | "the 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into /target/. Without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot." | 15:45 |
lakitu | is the error i get on 2 copies of 16.04 for my big/new computer. on the install toward the end | 15:45 |
DagDaWildDog | oh, whoops | 15:45 |
younder | Sweepyoface, sounds impossible. You should get a waring that it is being edited | 15:45 |
Sweepyoface | Yes, I can't edit the file | 15:46 |
Sweepyoface | I need to kill vim somehow | 15:46 |
DagDaWildDog | I made a backup from tty on the previous boot but I'm not authorized to view it :( | 15:46 |
younder | Sweepyoface, Yes you can you just ignore the warning | 15:46 |
Sweepyoface | well, is it going to stay like that forever then? | 15:46 |
Sweepyoface | having to ignore it each time | 15:47 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: it should still be in /var/log. the xorg.log gets named +1 every new boot | 15:47 |
Sweepyoface | nevermind | 15:47 |
younder | Sweepyoface, Don't panic. It is ment to avoid you editing the file from two users at once. If you are the only user.. No problem | 15:47 |
Sweepyoface | I know | 15:48 |
DagDaWildDog | nothing sensitive in those logs? | 15:48 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: no | 15:48 |
DagDaWildDog | this one worked, the other one crashed pastebinit I think | 15:49 |
DagDaWildDog | and crashed pluma too! | 15:49 |
DagDaWildDog | it must be ludicrously long | 15:50 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: what ubuntu is that exactly? what desktop? what do you see on the brken kernel on boot? | 15:50 |
DagDaWildDog | ubuntu mate 16.10 , with broken kernel I get all the streams of text, then instead of loading DE or lightdm, black screen. and I can TTY but not GUI | 15:51 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: and what video cards do you have and what driver do you use? | 15:51 |
louiemat | can't load any apps in Elementary os - says waiting for queue how to correct | 15:52 |
k1l_ | looks like a nvidia optimus setup | 15:52 |
Guy1524 | I did ppa purge and ow its removing 1054 packages | 15:52 |
Guy1524 | many of them I need | 15:52 |
DagDaWildDog | - NVIDIA GM204M [GeForce GTX 970M] | 15:52 |
Guy1524 | (firefox, libreoffice, 0ad) | 15:52 |
Guy1524 | and a ton of core system stuff | 15:52 |
franco34 | does ubuntu 16.10 use unity 8? | 15:52 |
k1l_ | franco34: not as standard | 15:53 |
Guy1524 | hopefully it will work in the end though | 15:53 |
Guy1524 | literally every application I can think of is being removed | 15:53 |
k1l_ | Guy1524: seems like your purging before marked those files as unneeded. when its done install ubuntu-desktop and those packages again | 15:53 |
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Guy1524 | its 1054 packages | 15:54 |
Guy1524 | how am I supposed to remember them all | 15:54 |
Guy1524 | things like pulseaudio are being removed | 15:54 |
k1l_ | Guy1524: ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage and will need those other pacakges. but you can look into the pat logs in /var/log to get them all back | 15:54 |
Guy1524 | I swear, it I purge all these things and /etc/X11 still exists, Im going to really ticked | 15:54 |
ducasse | Guy1524: if you purge x, of course things that depend on x will be removed | 15:55 |
Guy1524 | im not purging x | 15:55 |
Guy1524 | im purging a ppa | 15:55 |
Guy1524 | ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers to be specific | 15:55 |
k1l_ | Guy1524: no, your blindly purging before did the mess to the packagesystem | 15:56 |
codfection | hi | 15:58 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: looking at the syslog paste (the long one) there is a 4.8.26 boot in the middle. it has issues with the nvidia driver. but i am not sure yet what the issue is exactly. is "linux-generic" installed? | 15:59 |
DagDaWildDog | oh good, I'm still having trouble loading the older one, it's wild | 16:00 |
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DagDaWildDog | linux-generic is already the newest version ( | 16:00 |
DagDaWildDog | seems so | 16:00 |
codfection | how do I install or set opengl correctly? it says opengl not found while starting csgo | 16:00 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: ok, that means it has the matching headers to the ubuntu kernels. so that is not the issue | 16:01 |
Guy1524 | I give up, just going to reinstall | 16:02 |
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DagDaWildDog | syslog.1 is starting to load in libreoffice, it's only showing oct 21 so far | 16:03 |
DagDaWildDog | never seen a text file bring apps to its knees like this :) | 16:04 |
DagDaWildDog | pretty cool and novel actually | 16:04 |
xsmltx | or | 16:04 |
dn` | akik: the SUBSYSTEM=… worked well ;-) thanks! | 16:06 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: nvidia-persistenced: Failed to query NVIDIA devices. Please ensure that the NVIDIA device files (/dev/nvidia*) exist, and that user 124 has read and write permissions for those files. | 16:06 |
DagDaWildDog | hm! | 16:07 |
DagDaWildDog | I think I have no /dev/nvidias | 16:07 |
k1l_ | DagDaWildDog: that sounds like an issue. but i need to go afk now. maybe other know about that. but i suggest you file a bug against the linux-generic package since the latest kernel is not booting | 16:07 |
DagDaWildDog | alrighty, thanks! | 16:08 |
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DagDaWildDog | trying this fix next | 16:15 |
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Guest45041 | guys, I recently upgraded to ubuntu 16.10 and when booting I saw a couple of errors, systemctl says the following looks like systemd has problems | 16:23 |
brainwash | Guest45041: what does "systemctl status rc-local.service" say? | 16:24 |
flash_ubuntu | my flash player has stopped working on lubuntu, anyone had any experience of this? | 16:24 |
Guest45041 | brainwash, | 16:25 |
brainwash | Guest45041: so, there is something fishy in /etc/rc.local | 16:26 |
Guest45041 | yeah, it seems like there is a problem with my pci wifi card | 16:26 |
lakitu | how do i install with the new uefi thing instead of bios? | 16:27 |
lakitu | that seems to beer the root of my error | 16:27 |
lakitu | be.* | 16:27 |
Guest45041 | I don't know how relevant it is, but on login screen I can see but not connect to networks: "insufficient privileges" or something | 16:28 |
lakitu | alternatively, i could beer the linux error | 16:28 |
lakitu | but that would be much later in the decision tree | 16:29 |
brainwash | Guest45041: we don't know the content of your /etc/rc.local | 16:29 |
Tempus2 | Hello. I am trying to make a bootable Ubuntu-media so I can run it with the "try Ubuntu"-option, but using a USB-stick, it gives me the boot-option menu, and after I've selected the option, the computer goes into a very inactive mode, with screen turning off etc. Burning on a Blu-Ray doesn't give me any boot-option at all, like the disc isn't found or not any bootable content anyhow, so I wonder. How exactly do I make a bootable media | 16:29 |
Tempus2 | for Ubuntu (Or any other distribution that can run "live")? | 16:29 |
lakitu | beer is not indicated at 11:30 am unless you're Thompson. | 16:30 |
Guest45041 | brainwash, sorry, had something to answer. I seem to have found the problem "iwconfig wlan1 power off" | 16:32 |
gregl | lakitu, google ubuntu efi boot partition.. I had to make 40meg partition.. | 16:37 |
[_]` | i dc'ed. whoever was helping me with chown -R thing, it's good now. thanks! | 16:37 |
ducasse | [_]`: that was me, glad it works now :) | 16:38 |
[_]` | ah! yes! ty | 16:39 |
marco40 | k1l_, you snaggled tooth looking faggot you still in here giving shitty freaky looking bitch..hahahahahha. | 16:39 |
marco40 | what a fag | 16:39 |
marco40 | hi bitch im here | 16:39 |
marco40 | k1l_, | 16:40 |
marco40 | !ops | 16:40 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 16:40 |
marco40 | wake up faggots | 16:40 |
snulken | hey guys - im having trouble with my usb headset that keeps disappearing from my sounds menu - does any of you have a suggestion to get it back without restarting my pc? | 16:40 |
marco40 | snulken dont interrupt me | 16:40 |
[_]` | Have you tried ##depression? | 16:40 |
marco40 | thanks | 16:40 |
[_]` | Hm, slightly offtopic but i wonder if the bot could have a softtrigger that only hilights last 3 active ops or something somehow. :s | 16:42 |
jat-clone | 👍 | 16:42 |
snulken | bump | 16:43 |
ubuntu415 | hey | 16:43 |
ubuntu415 | can someone help me to understand a part of my history.log file pls ? | 16:44 |
mary5507 | I used to date k1l_ but his little cock could not satisfy my amazing pussy and me hot tits. I want a real man to pound my hot pussy and motor boat these gorgeous tities...k1l_ has such a small cock he needs to get assfucked to get satisfied rofl... | 16:46 |
mary5507 | k1l_, is a bitch | 16:46 |
[_]` | ubuntu415: exact questions with link to relevent information helps :) use or something if it's lot of text | 16:46 |
mary5507 | rofl | 16:46 |
cvdenycv | what the fuck | 16:46 |
mary5507 | haha | 16:46 |
mary5507 | whats up fags | 16:46 |
[_]` | phunyguy: ping! ^ | 16:46 |
mary5507 | !ops | 16:47 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 16:47 |
mary5507 | wake up fags | 16:47 |
mary5507 | rofl | 16:47 |
bitch | !ops language. | 16:47 |
mary5507 | hi bitch | 16:47 |
mary5507 | whats up | 16:47 |
=== zombiefox is now known as Fuchs | ||
mary5507 | k1l_, is a cock sucking faggot | 16:47 |
=== bitch is now known as |||||||||||||||| | ||
MonkeyDust | the channel is under attack, by a bunch of lonely teenage girls looking for attention | 16:47 |
mary5507 | WAKE UP FAGGOTS | 16:47 |
mary5507 | k1l_, needs to go | 16:48 |
mary5507 | cock sucking queen | 16:48 |
Hexadesu | what did Ubuntu every do to lonely teenage girls | 16:48 |
mary5507 | !ops | 16:48 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 16:48 |
mary5507 | wake up fagg | 16:48 |
younder | trolling commencing.. Wake up! moderators | 16:48 |
mary5507 | i guess they getting ass fucked | 16:48 |
mary5507 | rofl | 16:48 |
[_]` | Don't add to their spam, mods know already. thanks | 16:48 |
mary5507 | rofl | 16:49 |
mary5507 | bunch of bitches | 16:49 |
younder | mary5507, and Hexadesu need their asses kicked | 16:49 |
Guest45041 | Hexadesu, it has done lots of damage | 16:49 |
mary5507 | rofl | 16:49 |
mary5507 | who is Hexadesu | 16:49 |
Guest45041 | just see for yourself, Hexadesu | 16:49 |
mary5507 | !ops | 16:49 |
mary5507 | these fags are asleep | 16:49 |
ubuntu415 | | 16:49 |
moniker- | whats going on | 16:49 |
|||||||||||||||| | thanks k1l_ | 16:50 |
|||||||||||||||| | :) | 16:50 |
[_]` | ubuntu415: looks like one library was updated while you installed the second one? | 16:52 |
kevin-mate | hi | 16:53 |
idoko | is there a way to autoupdate a kernel version installed via deb | 16:56 |
idoko | ? | 16:56 |
stefan___ | hi, has someone her ever heard of the problem, that systemd-logind is shuting down the system in the same processes it is starting? | 16:57 |
MonkeyDust | idoko apt update && apt update only updates what's been installed with apt | 16:57 |
MonkeyDust | typo* | 16:57 |
xpsrt | k1l_, you used to suck my cock real good....I enjoyed how you swallowed my cum with pleasure....I used to grab your hair while you were sucking my dick and forced you to deepthroat my cock while you gagged in pleasure.....mmmmmmmmmmmmm | 16:58 |
Civaist | help | 16:59 |
Civaist | join | 16:59 |
ubuntupvv | k1l_, is a cock sucking faggot | 17:02 |
ubuntupvv | hahahaha | 17:02 |
ubuntupvv | !ops | 17:02 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 17:02 |
ubuntupvv | wake up fags | 17:02 |
Zeranoe | Is LTS consider "stable" and the latest version 16.10 "beta"? Is there advice on who should use what version? | 17:05 |
SonikkuAmerica | Zeranoe: No, both are stable releases. | 17:05 |
k1l_ | Zeranoe: do you want to make an upgrade every 6 months? | 17:05 |
Zeranoe | k1l_: Isn't support for 9 months? | 17:06 |
hggdh | Zeranoe: the difference is that LTS has long support, intermediate releases only 9 months | 17:06 |
k1l_ | Zeranoe: if you leave LTS you need to upgrade to the next version every 6 months. that should be the first thing you decide if you want to think about ubuntu releases to install. | 17:07 |
hggdh | Zeranoe: 9 months gives you time to upgrade to the next release | 17:07 |
k1l_ | Zeranoe: yes, but the 3 months overlap the next release already | 17:07 |
Zeranoe | I guess a better question might be: "Who should use the latest version?" | 17:07 |
stefan___ | has noone an idea about my problem with logind? | 17:07 |
ducasse | Zeranoe: those who don't mind upgrading and need the latest packages | 17:08 |
hggdh | Zeranoe: because you want the latest & greatest; because you help QA Ubuntu; because you do not mind the upgrades every half year | 17:08 |
k1l_ | Zeranoe: if you want new versions of the packages every 6 months, then go for 16.10. if you want a long time stable stystem and dont want to upgrade that often then go for lts | 17:08 |
younder | You got rid of our pests I see | 17:08 |
younder | Nice to know that command '!ops' | 17:09 |
Zeranoe | EFI support in Ubuntu is consider "stable", right? | 17:11 |
k1l_ | yes. since some time | 17:11 |
younder | Zeranoe, I wouln'tcall it that, no | 17:11 |
Zeranoe | Hm | 17:11 |
Mal__ | hi | 17:12 |
Mal__ | good morning all | 17:12 |
younder | Zeranoe, Too many third party vendors aren't on to it Like that all importang NVIDIA | 17:12 |
younder | Zeranoe, When they made changes to the way kenel .ko 's were verified they should have made sure all third party vendors had time to comply | 17:14 |
Mal__ | whats the deal with "huge cyber attack" i havnt noticed any problems lol | 17:14 |
jatt | media hyperbole | 17:15 |
younder | Mal__, Just a cople of A**H**** that trolled | 17:15 |
Mal__ | fo sho lol | 17:15 |
akik | Mal__: sites were unreachable yesterday (netflix, paypal, twitter) | 17:15 |
younder | Not much of an attack | 17:15 |
jatt | well that's 3 sites | 17:15 |
Mal__ | what was like ddos type | 17:15 |
ducasse | younder: there is nothing the vendors can do, as the modules are built on your system. *you* would need to sign them. | 17:16 |
pampix | Hi. i have nvida 250 gtts ( it require 340-xx legacy driver) what is better for now? opensource drivers or legacy?? | 17:16 |
younder | ducasse, I know. But you need to tell tham that | 17:16 |
ducasse | younder: tell who? | 17:17 |
Mal__ | i suppose i don't use the aformentioned services thats why i didn't notice lol | 17:17 |
Mal__ | heard that FB was haveing issues as well but worked fine for me | 17:18 |
jatt | 3 sites down from a total 1 billion, not that bad | 17:18 |
younder | ducasse, the vendoes. Better still have them go throgh some control, like what they have for microsoft, where you have a depertments that check wheter drivers comply. And all driver vendors need to go hrough that check. | 17:18 |
Mal__ | what do all three sites have in common i wonder | 17:18 |
younder | What you are suffering from my bad spelling is what you are suffering from driver vendors ;) | 17:19 |
[_]` | The "huge" comes from the amount of data being piped, not who is being effectedd necessarely | 17:19 |
[_]` | close to 700gbps if i read some random article correctly | 17:20 |
Mal__ | PSN was down for about 4-5 hours | 17:20 |
Mal__ | then matenance last night | 17:20 |
Mal__ | maintenance* | 17:20 |
[_]` | either way, probably beyond the scope of #ubuntu | 17:20 |
younder | Driver stabillyty is certainly whihin the scope. Also for thrird party vendors wich are not opensource | 17:21 |
younder | like NVIDIA | 17:22 |
Mal__ | if your haveing driver issues from useing the GNU drivers then your not using compatable hardware | 17:24 |
younder | I had my sysm fail to load NVIDIA because I had UEFI and NVIDIA didn't have a hash for the .KO | 17:24 |
Mal__ | there is huge list of supported graphics cards ect | 17:24 |
younder | So I had to disable security for the kernel. NOT idieal | 17:25 |
Mal__ | my ati R9 270 is currently useing hd 7700 drivers | 17:25 |
Mal__ | but works fine since chipsets are alomost identical | 17:25 |
Mal__ | granted i don't have all cool tweak tools but it is working wonderfully | 17:26 |
ducasse | younder: you don't 'disable security for the kernel', you disable secure boot. and nvidia _can't_ do anything about that, as i said. | 17:26 |
EriC^^ | ls | 17:26 |
zebra_t | younder, what pests are you talking about faggot | 17:26 |
zebra_t | k1l, fag | 17:27 |
zebra_t | !ops | 17:27 |
ducasse | the gimps are back... | 17:27 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 17:27 |
zebra_t | wake up fagg | 17:27 |
zebra_t | k1l, queen fag | 17:27 |
zebra_t | kekeekekekekek | 17:27 |
zebra_t | rofl | 17:27 |
zebra_t | whats up bitches | 17:27 |
Mal__ | someone having daddy issues lol | 17:27 |
zebra_t | lol | 17:27 |
zebra_t | hi mal | 17:27 |
Mal__ | hello | 17:27 |
anonymous_ | hi all | 17:27 |
zebra_t | k1l, whats up faggot | 17:27 |
zebra_t | hi anonymous_ whats up | 17:27 |
Murii | zebra_t: you want to get killed? | 17:27 |
zebra_t | rofl | 17:28 |
zebra_t | kekekekekeke | 17:28 |
zebra_t | k1l, is suck a big queen | 17:28 |
EriC^^ | kekeke? | 17:28 |
Mal__ | that is a challenge me thinks | 17:28 |
jatt | 😧 | 17:28 |
shaddow[m] | What are we taking about | 17:28 |
Mal__ | lol | 17:28 |
zebra_t | k1l, likes to suck on my tittes | 17:28 |
zebra_t | tities | 17:28 |
zebra_t | fuck | 17:28 |
zebra_t | lol | 17:28 |
hpvs17e | !ops zebra | 17:29 |
zebra_t | !ops | 17:29 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 17:29 |
zebra_t | wake up bitches | 17:29 |
zebra_t | k1l, is wanking to child porn lol | 17:29 |
zebra_t | poor thing | 17:29 |
zebra_t | so what is everyone doing | 17:30 |
zebra_t | IM TALKING TO YOU FAGGTOS | 17:30 |
jatt | 🖕 | 17:30 |
zebra_t | !ops | 17:30 |
Mal__ | lol | 17:30 |
zebra_t | what are these fags doing sucking on each others cocks | 17:31 |
lordcirth_ | zebra_t, if you had applied a tenth of this effort to solving your own problem, k1l would never have needed to tell you off. | 17:31 |
zebra_t | lol | 17:31 |
zebra_t | well that solution was not the right solution idiot | 17:31 |
MonkeyDust | some people don't want to be helped, thay want attention | 17:31 |
EriC^^ | *back to our regular programming* | 17:31 |
BluesKaj | Zeranoe, we cab give you your money back if you wish :-) | 17:32 |
Zeranoe | That was my excitement for the day | 17:32 |
Zeranoe | BluesKaj: Huh? | 17:32 |
BluesKaj | oh well too late , sorry Zeranoe he left just befor i hit the tab kaey | 17:33 |
Mal__ | ahh tech support gone bad lol | 17:33 |
Mal__ | that is why im not looking forward to this job | 17:33 |
EriC^^ | just carry a stun gun with you | 17:34 |
Mal__ | lol | 17:34 |
Mal__ | a big can of bear mace | 17:34 |
Mal__ | lmao | 17:34 |
MonkeyDust | "we carry a gun to defend ourselves against people who carry a gun" | 17:34 |
EriC^^ | go to work with this :D | 17:34 |
pepsi-t | this channel has such shitty support...did that faggot k1l_ leave he is such a dumb fuck... | 17:36 |
pepsi-t | !ops | 17:36 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 17:36 |
pepsi-t | wake up fags | 17:36 |
pepsi-t | where is k1l | 17:36 |
pepsi-t | i see the fag now | 17:36 |
MonkeyDust | i wonder what this kid's end goal is | 17:36 |
Mal__ | pepsi-t is zebra-t | 17:36 |
matti | :) | 17:36 |
OnkelTem | Hi all. I have problem with connecting external HDDs: none of them work. This is brand new Gigabyte BRIX so I don | 17:36 |
MonkeyDust | what's the purpose of all the swearing | 17:36 |
OnkelTem | t think it is a hardware issue. What can I configure in Ubuntu 16.04 to get those working? | 17:37 |
Zeranoe | MonkeyDust: It's best to let the trolls starve | 17:37 |
OnkelTem | Maybe there're some kernel parameters which I can try? | 17:37 |
BluesKaj | MonkeyDust, it's the weekend, the nutters are out in fuill force it seesms | 17:37 |
Mal__ | thats what cave people do when they cant express themself useing the conventional contstraints of modern linguistics | 17:37 |
OnkelTem | There is nothing to configure in BIOS | 17:37 |
EriC^^ | OnkelTem: what does "dmesg" show you or lsblk etc | 17:38 |
EriC^^ | OnkelTem: no ahci stuff? | 17:38 |
OnkelTem | EriC^^: I'm at another PC right now so I can't tell. Let me start it to tell. What do mean "no ahci stuff"? afair there were xhci_ messages | 17:40 |
OnkelTem | (i'm not good at h/w at all) | 17:40 |
SopaXorzTaker | Hello! | 17:41 |
SopaXorzTaker | Canonical are friends with MS, aren't they? | 17:41 |
EriC^^ | OnkelTem: does the hdd show up at all in the kernel messages? | 17:41 |
EriC^^ | in /var/log/syslog for instance? | 17:41 |
k1l | SopaXorzTaker: i would not call commercial partners "friends" :) | 17:41 |
SopaXorzTaker | k1l, ok | 17:42 |
SopaXorzTaker | partners | 17:42 |
SopaXorzTaker | CANONICAL SUX | 17:42 |
SopaXorzTaker | MS does even more | 17:42 |
SopaXorzTaker | oh, well | 17:42 |
Mal__ | MS | 17:42 |
SopaXorzTaker | ikonia, did you kick me? | 17:42 |
ikonia | yes | 17:43 |
SopaXorzTaker | because it wasn't an ordinary kick | 17:43 |
Mal__ | sux | 17:43 |
k1l | SopaXorzTaker: please keep this channel clear for technical support. thanks. | 17:43 |
SopaXorzTaker | hm | 17:44 |
SopaXorzTaker | well, I switched away | 17:44 |
SopaXorzTaker | MS+Linux = Germany+Israel | 17:44 |
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=== Guest10451 is now known as Smashcat | ||
SopaXorzTaker | that's my point | 17:44 |
* temple0 bends k1l over and fucks him in the ass while he chokes on a ball gag. kekekekekekkekeke | 17:45 | |
temple0 | fag | 17:45 |
temple0 | !op | 17:45 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 17:45 |
th0r | amd the ignore list continues to grow | 17:45 |
Smashcat | Hi, I need advice about a RAID. I have a RAID5 array, while installing something in the server I knocked out one of the power connectors on a drive in the array, so on reboot it started rebuilding with the spare drive. This is going to take 4 hours, and there's nothing wrong with the original drive. How do I stop the rebuild and add the original back? | 17:46 |
SwedeMike | Smashcat: do you have internal bitmap enabled on the array? | 17:49 |
OnkelTem | EriC^^: I'm here at another PC. Here are logs: (I've added new lines to mark long delays) | 17:49 |
transhuman_ | hi I have an interesting problem. I have a virtualized server on vmware esx with ubuntu vmware is showing two ip addresses assigned to the ubuntu machine but /etc/network/ineterfaces only shows one so doesn't ifconfig -a | 17:50 |
transhuman_ | any ideas | 17:50 |
=== Guest45041 is now known as playonquestion | ||
Murii | is there a command which deletes all libs that are not being used? | 18:03 |
tomreyn | Murii: there is deborphan, which can help you in this direction | 18:05 |
k1l | Murii: "sudo apt autoremove" removes all unused packages | 18:05 |
Murii | ok | 18:05 |
Murii | thx | 18:05 |
tomreyn | there is no 100% reliable way to identify unused packages which you chose to install manually | 18:06 |
Murii | I just need to free some memory because my chromebook has only 16gb | 18:07 |
tomreyn | autoremove will remove those which were installed because other packages you asked to install depended on them. | 18:07 |
=== lethu__ is now known as lethu | ||
Murii | and I want to install a couple of games | 18:07 |
tomreyn | maybe remove some old kernels, too, then | 18:07 |
tomreyn | you could show the output of: dpkg -l linux\* | 18:08 |
Murii | my system can't execute sudo apt autoremove | 18:08 |
tomreyn | ! pastebin | Murii | 18:08 |
ubottu | Murii: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 18:08 |
transhuman_ | figured it out had to uninstall network-manager...purge it | 18:08 |
tomreyn | Murii: what happens when you try to run "sudo apt autoremove"? | 18:09 |
Murii | E: Invalid operation autoremove | 18:09 |
Murii | ubuntu 14.04 | 18:09 |
k1l | Murii: use apt-get | 18:09 |
k1l | seems you use a old custom ubuntu | 18:09 |
Murii | works | 18:10 |
transhuman_ | nope sorry spoke too soon its not from network manager got to double check network management files though | 18:10 |
nodnarb | Is there a way to open 4 (running) applications evenly across the screen, rather than having to manually size them? | 18:12 |
ppf | nodnarb: not in unity | 18:14 |
ducasse | nodnarb: use a tiling wm | 18:14 |
hggdh | nodnarb: under Unity, you can position windows by using Ctrl-Alt(Home|End|PgUp|PgDn|<arrows>) | 18:14 |
SchrodingersScat | nodnarb: I use a bit of python for that | 18:15 |
hggdh | nodnarb: each of these key sequences will position the window on a piece of the display | 18:15 |
SchrodingersScat | nodnarb: | 18:16 |
hggdh | nodnarb: for example, Ctrl-Alt-Home will fit the windows in the first quadrant (trigonometrically speaking) of the display) | 18:16 |
Gourlay | I have an Edimax 1200 but need it to work on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine. Anyone how to do this, tried this and it worked until I upgraded my system: | 18:16 |
Gourlay | * dxiri (~dxiri@ has left | 18:16 |
ppf | hggdh: they wanted to open them tiled, not do it manually | 18:17 |
hggdh | oh. In this case, no | 18:17 |
SchrodingersScat | nodnarb: then you call that like ' mpv' to rearrange all mpv windows for example | 18:17 |
nodnarb | SchrodingersScat, I am actually learning python. My problem rises when i want to see my Terminal, Text Editor, and my web browser at once and I only have one monitor. ^.^ | 18:17 |
SchrodingersScat | ah, I do not have a thing for that | 18:18 |
ppf | yeah, not natively possible with compiz, a script is your only way | 18:18 |
nodnarb | Alrighty, thanks for all of the help, guys! You're great! | 18:19 |
SchrodingersScat | in xubuntu with xfce, the windows can snap to the corners relatively well | 18:19 |
ppf | you _could_ replace your WM in unity | 18:21 |
PanosAsproulis[m | Gourlay: You need to use the DKMS system so that it gets compiled automatically when a new kernel is installed. | 18:22 |
Gourlay | PanosAsproulis[m, what do you mean by DKMS system? | 18:23 |
ppf | !dkms | 18:23 |
ubottu | DKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See for more. | 18:23 |
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein | ||
transhuman_ | hi got some more information shows a second ip interface (ip's have been changed for sanitation | 18:26 |
ppf | whats the issue with that transhuman_ | 18:28 |
transhuman_ | dont know where the second interface is coming from I only have 1 ip in /etc/network/interfaces | 18:28 |
transhuman_ | I never setup a vpn interface | 18:28 |
ppf | ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ | 18:29 |
transhuman_ | no such directory as /etc/sysconfig | 18:31 |
ppf | no, sorry, don't do that | 18:31 |
ppf | that's a rhel thing | 18:31 |
transhuman_ | thats redhat i think | 18:31 |
ppf | transhuman_: are you using network manager? | 18:31 |
ppf | and: what would you actually like to do? | 18:32 |
nysosym | hi there, anyone found the papirus icon pack for 16.10? | 18:32 |
th0r | transhuman_, can you pastebin the interfaces file | 18:32 |
transhuman_ | I would like to remove the second ip first I would like to find out where its picking it up cause I think it might be a hack. Its a web server. Secondly No network manager installed already purged it | 18:33 |
ppf | why do you think it's a hack | 18:34 |
Ben64 | transhuman_: you said you changed the ips... are they both private ips in the same subnet? or are they public | 18:34 |
transhuman_ | cause I wouldnt have put a second interface on it and it doesnt show up where I would put it normally | 18:34 |
konrados | Morning :) | 18:34 |
transhuman_ | yes both ips same subnet | 18:34 |
Ben64 | ok, you answered half of the question | 18:34 |
ppf | which ubuntu is this, transhuman_ ? | 18:35 |
ppf | 14.04? | 18:35 |
ppf | paste ifconfig -a, please | 18:35 |
konrados | How can I know which ddr I have installed? If found I should use "sudo lshw -short -C memory" but this gives me this: - I need to know exactly what kind of ddr I have, is it 2, 3 or 4... | 18:35 |
konrados | *I found | 18:35 |
Ben64 | konrados: easy mode - open the case and look | 18:36 |
mn2010 | man Ubuntu is getting rough... having to register with freenode in order to join... doesn't feel so FOSS anymore | 18:36 |
Gourlay | is this site the DKMS I need for Edimax1200ac: | 18:36 |
transhuman_ | 16.10 | 18:36 |
konrados | I would need to turn off my pc and take the ram out of the slot, Ben64 - I can't do that right now or in the nearest two days. | 18:37 |
k1l | mn2010: the reason why we hat do temporary set this up is because of abuse by trolls. regulary this channel doesnt need registration | 18:37 |
ppf | transhuman_: you sure? ifaces aren't named eth0 anymore with systemd | 18:37 |
Ben64 | konrados: you don't need to take it out or turn your computer off, you can just look at it | 18:37 |
konrados | Yeah, I know, I the pins and those holes, but I'm not experienced with that, Ben64 :( | 18:38 |
ppf | konrados: just look on the nametag of your mainboad | 18:38 |
Ben64 | konrados: 'sudo dmidecode' might tell you what you want | 18:38 |
ppf | then type that into google | 18:38 |
Ben64 | that too ^ | 18:38 |
transhuman_ | | 18:38 |
konrados | sec... | 18:38 |
Ben64 | or google processor | 18:38 |
transhuman_ | ppf as you can see it only shows one interface | 18:39 |
mn2010 | k1l: I used to come here all the time to lend a hand. caught me off guard.. | 18:39 |
Ben64 | transhuman_: why do you keep hiding the ip? if it's private it doesn't matter | 18:39 |
Ben64 | (also if it is public it still doesn't matter, ips aren't a secret) | 18:40 |
konrados | Ben64 - ppf : thank you! | 18:41 |
transhuman_ | for the most part you are correct, but it can make it easier to find a server on a subnet | 18:41 |
transhuman_ | it is a private ip both are and both on the same subnet | 18:41 |
Ben64 | then stop hiding it | 18:41 |
ikonia | if it's private - it's on a private network | 18:41 |
ikonia | who cares | 18:41 |
th0r | what difference does it make if he wants to hide it? | 18:42 |
transhuman_ | if someone hacks my network and they know a server Ip it makes it that much easier | 18:42 |
ikonia | because its making a problem that doesn't really exist | 18:42 |
Ben64 | transhuman_: no | 18:42 |
ikonia | how would they see your server ip ? from what ? | 18:42 |
ikonia | what is the situation you are trying to protect against | 18:43 |
transhuman_ | can we just give some ideas on the problem rather than being concerned with the ip specifics which ARE on the same 192.168.x.x network and the mask puts both addresses on same subnet | 18:43 |
=== lethu_ is now known as lethu | ||
transhuman_ | lets just say its easier to run nmap on a subnet if you know the server ip you are looking for it narrows it down quite a bit | 18:45 |
Ben64 | no | 18:45 |
Ben64 | that's completely ridiculous | 18:45 |
th0r | transhuman_, when you get back from left field pastebin the /etc/network/interfaces file | 18:45 |
transhuman_ | it takes a lot less time to nmap against a single ip address on a subnet if you have gained access to a network than it does to scan a whole network.period | 18:46 |
ikonia | you're not being realistic | 18:47 |
ikonia | what is the actual situation you are trying to protect against | 18:47 |
Gourlay | Anyone can give me guide to DKMS Edimax1200ac? | 18:47 |
Ben64 | ok so some amazing hacker will be foiled by you not disclosing your private ip. they already got into your network with a device that can run nmap, but they can't listen to ARP? | 18:47 |
ikonia | or subnetmask relay agent | 18:47 |
transhuman_ | not foiled it just takes less time and is less detectable than scanning a whole subnet with 2000 servers on it looking for one | 18:48 |
ikonia | this is a pointless disucssion / situation | 18:48 |
transhuman_ | 'its a pointless problem being concerned with the ip addresses I have already told you they are both on the same subnet and config -a and /etc/network/interfaces only has one IP and network manager isn't installed and as far as I know bridging isnt installed and neither is vpn | 18:49 |
transhuman_ | so the question is where is it coming from | 18:50 |
ikonia | where is what coming from ? | 18:50 |
transhuman_ | the second ip what interface is it mounted on | 18:50 |
ikonia | do "ip addr" | 18:50 |
ikonia | is the ip listed there ? | 18:50 |
transhuman_ | and the ip that is in the /etc/network/interfaces | 18:51 |
ikonia | does "ip addr" show the ip address you are chasing, yes/no | 18:51 |
transhuman_ | yes | 18:52 |
ikonia | transhuman_: how many IP's does ip addr show | 18:52 |
transhuman_ | 2 | 18:52 |
ikonia | what are the interface names | 18:52 |
Ben64 | you have 2000 servers on a private network? | 18:52 |
transhuman_ | virtual servers yes | 18:53 |
Gourlay | I have no idea how to get Edimax1200ac working. | 18:56 |
transhuman_ | eth0 and the second on has no known interface name | 18:56 |
ikonia | pastebin the output of ip addr, lets see what you're actually seeing | 18:57 |
transhuman_ | | 18:58 |
transhuman_ | there you go | 18:58 |
th0r | transhuman_, both ips are assigned to the same interface. Either one is just cached or your definition in interfaces is slightly amiss | 19:01 |
ikonia | transhuman_: so thats two ip's on the same nic, how is your actual network configured, | 19:01 |
ikonia | th0r: don't think it can be cached as it's listed as global_seconday | 19:01 |
th0r | ikonia, right...just covering my bases | 19:01 |
th0r | ikonia, asked for him to pastebin interfaces about half an hour ago. | 19:02 |
ikonia | it's not something stupid like a virtual switch providing multiple routing / lacp ? | 19:02 |
ikonia | so you configure one ip - but it's picking up the second path at the switch level | 19:02 |
ikonia | transhuman_: what actually IS the second IP | 19:03 |
transhuman_ | the one labeled secondary | 19:03 |
ikonia | yes | 19:03 |
transhuman_ | multipathing isnt enabled on this particular server | 19:04 |
ikonia | not on the server | 19:04 |
ikonia | (or do you mean the host, I assume this is a virtual machine) | 19:04 |
transhuman_ | on the hypervisor | 19:04 |
transhuman_ | yes this is a virtual machien | 19:04 |
ikonia | what is the actual IP | 19:04 |
transhuman_ | I just told you the actual ip just pasted it ...when this is resolved I will do some shuffling | 19:05 |
ikonia | what ? | 19:05 |
transhuman_ | virtual machines | 19:05 |
ikonia | sorry, I think it's just wording. What does the second ip address actually map to | 19:06 |
transhuman_ | I have no idea thats the problem | 19:06 |
transhuman_ | wait eth0 | 19:06 |
ikonia | ? | 19:07 |
transhuman_ | it maps to eth0 | 19:07 |
ikonia | how are you verifying that ? | 19:07 |
transhuman_ | ip addr is showing it | 19:07 |
transhuman_ | previously pasted | 19:07 |
ikonia | thats not verifying anything | 19:07 |
transhuman_ | i can ping it | 19:07 |
transhuman_ | from another physical host | 19:08 |
ikonia | thats just repeating what you've already shown me | 19:08 |
ikonia | transhuman_: ok - you can ping it, how do you know where that ping is going to | 19:08 |
transhuman_ | hold on checking traceroute for hops | 19:09 |
transhuman_ | no hops its local to server | 19:10 |
transhuman_ | to virtual machine | 19:10 |
ikonia | you're tracerouting it from the same machine it's on ? | 19:10 |
transhuman_ | yes | 19:10 |
ikonia | thats not really going to show much as we know the interface has that ip | 19:11 |
ikonia | look at it same from the hypervisor | 19:11 |
ikonia | what is that ip - where is it allocated, I assume it's connected to some sort of v-switch, which vsiwtch etc etc | 19:11 |
xsmltx | Hi, anyone can help me with these two topics please? or Thank you. | 19:11 |
ikonia | no | 19:11 |
ikonia | if I wanted to support askubuntu - I'd use ask ubuntu | 19:12 |
xsmltx | Excuse me ikonia, only if you could help me in here with those issues please... | 19:12 |
ikonia | I've just said no | 19:12 |
ikonia | if I wanted to support askubuntu users, I'd use askubuntu | 19:13 |
xsmltx | Sorry.. | 19:13 |
transhuman_ | bb in a sec going to move the other servers on it to another hypervisor | 19:15 |
snfgf | hello | 19:15 |
snfgf | good evening | 19:16 |
tomreyn | hi there | 19:16 |
snfgf | q1) Is GTK a library that is likely to be installed on my stock ubuntu system? | 19:16 |
k1l | snfgf: yes | 19:17 |
Pistachio | Hi, anyone have a clue why this flickering would be happening on my laptop? | 19:17 |
transhuman_ | ok so its the only server on the hypervisor all on same vswitch with no other hosts on the server | 19:17 |
k1l | snfgf: gtk is used by the standard desktop of ubuntu: "unity". which is using the gnome base. | 19:17 |
snfgf | q2) can i install packages with apt-get without root privileges if I put them in a directory under my /home? | 19:17 |
k1l | snfgf: no | 19:18 |
k1l | snfgf: package install is systemwide so it needs root permissions. ubuntu using sudo for that | 19:18 |
snfgf | k1l, thanks. So when a makefile says gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory, it is likely just because the headers aren't installed? | 19:18 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest36160 | ||
MonkeyDust | snfgf to get an idea, in a terminal, type locate firefox you'll see it components sit in more than one folder | 19:21 |
snfgf | MonkeyDust, locate command not found :( | 19:22 |
transhuman_ | guess i will have to work o this later | 19:22 |
transhuman_ | thanks | 19:22 |
snfgf | MonkeyDust, I don't have any /usr/include/gtk, so I guess the absent headers is the problem | 19:23 |
Escatrag | Hello everyone ! | 19:24 |
snfgf | Escatrag, hello | 19:24 |
ioria | if someone is interested i made a little script to set, from gui, a file as 'read' or 'unread ' (can be implemented of course) : | 19:25 |
Escatrag | Hi snfgf , just to know, can i ask some questions about my computers here ? | 19:25 |
snfgf | Escatrag, go ahead | 19:25 |
=== danny is now known as Guest51737 | ||
Guest51737 | Hi I just wonder if there is any person who is versed with Wine... cause Im not able to run battlenet... It install but crash after. I dont know why... battlenet worked very well in the past. | 19:26 |
Escatrag | So, I have a problem with my laptop, because it have a battery, and when I plug the cable to charge it, it veryu slow to detect it | 19:27 |
ningu | I am experiencing unexplained freezes on ubuntu 16.04 LTS. every few days, my machine locks up, with no trace of any errors in the logs. I just ran memtest86+ and it showed no errors. any idea how I can do further diagnostics? | 19:27 |
Mishari | Salam | 19:28 |
LaoziSailor | waves "hello" and wonders "is this where askubuntu'onians and ubuntuforums'ers hope for quick fixes, hang out and socialize? and not necesarily in that order :) " | 19:31 |
ikonia | LaoziSailor: it's an ubuntu support channel | 19:31 |
LaoziSailor | thank you iconia | 19:32 |
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LaoziSailor | ikonia* ...sorry for the typo :( | 19:33 |
Guest6381 | guys, I see a problem in systemctl, specifically with , this is my log systemd-modules-load.service | 19:34 |
ikonia | LaoziSailor: zero issue | 19:37 |
sevensat | Someone can help me please? | 19:43 |
EriC^^ | ask sevensat | 19:43 |
tomreyn | !ask | sevensat | 19:44 |
ubottu | sevensat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 19:44 |
sevensat | EriC^^: Im installing Wifislax at my ubuntu 16.04 version. But I have problems. Someone know about this software? SOrry ubottu | 19:44 |
CB6 | how do you update when it says "2 updates not upgraded"? Tried apt-get autoremove and that doesn't seem to push the updates. Ubuntu software updates seems to hang | 19:45 |
EriC^^ | CB6: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 19:45 |
SonikkuAmerica | CB6: Try [ sudo apt full-upgrade ] | 19:45 |
CB6 | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 19:46 |
CB6 | that's for full-upgrade | 19:46 |
EriC^^ | CB6: paste the whole output | 19:46 |
CB6 | ok | 19:46 |
EriC^^ | !paste | 19:46 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 19:46 |
SonikkuAmerica | CB6: EriC^^ and I threw equivalent commands at you. | 19:47 |
sevensat | When you have ur USB with ISO done, then u should open a bootinst.exe (at windows) but at linux should be .sh right? | 19:48 |
CB6 | | 19:48 |
EriC^^ | sevensat: usually yeah, read the readme file for more info | 19:48 |
sevensat | EriC^^: You know if there is a specific version of wifislax for Linux or ... Im getting mad | 19:49 |
JoeMerit | guys | 19:49 |
JoeMerit | is livepatch the coolest thing ever | 19:50 |
ioria | sevensat, can you run it from livecd ? | 19:50 |
CB6 | Any thoughts on the paste | 19:50 |
EriC^^ | CB6: 2 packages seem to have overlapping files | 19:51 |
gonliSs | hi I created an OpenVPN server on my VPS but when I connect to it I have no internet connection. What can cause this problem? | 19:51 |
EriC^^ | kodi-data and kodi 17.0 | 19:51 |
EriC^^ | CB6: any ppas installed? | 19:51 |
sevensat | ioria: honestly, I dont know what is livecd. | 19:52 |
SonikkuAmerica | !live | sevensat | 19:52 |
ubottu | sevensat: The Ubuntu Desktop ISO is a "Live" image, which can be run without altering existing files on your hard drive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option. | 19:52 |
ioria | sevensat, that thing can be installed or (better) run from livecd | 19:52 |
CB6 | kodi exodus | 19:52 |
CB6 | is there a way to eliminate said overlapping files? | 19:53 |
ioria | sevensat, it does not need an installation | 19:53 |
EriC^^ | CB6: see if you can remove kodi-data if nothing depends on it | 19:53 |
EriC^^ | apt-cache policy kodi-data and kodi-bin and kodi | 19:54 |
EriC^^ | maybe try sudo apt-get -s remove kodi-data to see what it would do | 19:54 |
sevensat | I really apreciate help guys | 19:54 |
CB6 | Eric | 19:58 |
CB6 | noticing HDMI sound output isn't happening. Forget how I rectified this before. Fresh install | 19:58 |
SonikkuAmerica | CB6: Make sure it's selected in Settings > Sound | 19:59 |
CB6 | had to unfortunately kill the last update with fire | 19:59 |
akik | CB6: i have been able to fix the hdmi audio output problem with pavucontrol | 20:00 |
CB6 | sound works lol good stuff | 20:00 |
CB6 | last ubuntu install had an issue with kodi python | 20:01 |
Mishari | excuse me, how to locate blocks in linux ? | 20:01 |
Mishari | nice one, excuse me :D | 20:02 |
EriC^^ | locate blocks? | 20:02 |
Mishari | yes | 20:02 |
Mishari | I mean, how to control the hardesk ? | 20:02 |
EriC^^ | excuse me, what do you mean by locate blocks? | 20:02 |
EriC^^ | :D | 20:02 |
CB6 | Feeling like this is borderline kodi issue but the fact I can't seem to do updates makes me wonder what the appropriate support channel for this would be. | 20:02 |
Mishari | LOL | 20:02 |
CB6 | lol | 20:02 |
EriC^^ | control or list? | 20:02 |
Mishari | ammm, list I think :P | 20:02 |
EriC^^ | Mishari: what are you trying to do? | 20:02 |
EriC^^ | sudo parted -l | 20:02 |
Mishari | thanks ** on your fat cheeks :D | 20:03 |
CB6 | lol | 20:03 |
EriC^^ | lol | 20:03 |
EriC^^ | thank you(?) | 20:03 |
CB6 | well that got personal fast | 20:04 |
=== |||||||||||||||| is now known as bitch | ||
CB6 | GF was like you should go work for the gov in health services as a junior unix admin. I was like umm the Ubuntu chat told me to kill my last install with fire. Probably not going to risk people's medical records when I can't even manage my home install :D | 20:06 |
EriC^^ | CB6: it looks like kodi-data won't affect much | 20:06 |
EriC^^ | remove it i guess | 20:06 |
CB6 | sudo apt-get remove --autoremove kodi-data ? | 20:08 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 20:08 |
sevensat | CB6: Where/How you start learning about Linux sir? | 20:09 |
CB6 | haha not with people's medical records that's for sure! | 20:10 |
macscam1 | any advice to debug arecord - when recording audio to mp3 its filled with static | 20:10 |
sevensat | rofl | 20:10 |
nohsine | holq | 20:10 |
nohsine | hola | 20:10 |
sevensat | Hola nohsine | 20:10 |
SonikkuAmerica | !es | nohsine | 20:11 |
ubottu | nohsine: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 20:11 |
sevensat | oh really, there are a spanish channel? | 20:11 |
CB6 | definitely noobery on my part here "E: Command line option --autoremove is not understood in combination with the other options" | 20:11 |
SonikkuAmerica | There's a channel for just about every language under the sun, sevensat | 20:11 |
sevensat | thank you so much. I will go to spanish channel then. Thanks for all guys | 20:12 |
=== Ignominated is now known as amigo45xmaduro | ||
Xatenev | Hi | 20:21 |
lakcaj | Hello. Has anyone tried a chown/chmod 4755 in 16.10? I can't seem to get a binary to execute as another user, which I've done in exactly the same manner older versions of Ubuntu. I'm sure it's by design, I just can't figure out how to disable it. I've tried remounting with the suid option as well, but still no success. Any suggestions? | 20:21 |
Xatenev | When I drag a window to the top of my screen, it maximizes but only over 50% of the page horizontally | 20:22 |
CB6 | those two packages remain not upgraded. I put in dist-upgrade / full upgrade, autoremove etc and it's not updating them | 20:22 |
Xatenev | Anybody knows how to change that behavior so it maximizes over all of the page? | 20:22 |
Xatenev | Suggestions appreciated :P | 20:26 |
painkiller | hallo @ll | 20:29 |
Random832 | lakcaj: what binary is it and what are you trying to do exactly? a setuid program still knows who's running it and this field is called the "real uid" | 20:31 |
lakcaj | Random832: I'm trying to make a trivial CTF challenge, where a binary is owned by a user and suid to run as that user. That binary, when given proper input, cats the output of anther file, also owned by that user. Any other user, without providing the correct input to the binary, cannot see the contents (flag) of the protected file. | 20:32 |
Random832 | lakcaj: I don't know how to debug your problem, but you could just make the file readable, put it in a directory that is not readable, and have its filename be a secret. | 20:33 |
lakcaj | Random832: I'll try to create a quick example on an other linux install, just to confirm (even to myself) that I'm not getting myself confused somehow | 20:33 |
Random832 | directory should be --x | 20:33 |
Random832 | filename could be a hash of the desired input | 20:33 |
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa | ||
Adz | Anybody willing to help me figure out how to submit a form to my account via the account's API? | 20:51 |
transhuman_ | thanks anyways found a solution | 20:54 |
lakcaj | Random832: This is what I'm trying to do, and does not seem to be the same behaviour on 16.10: | 20:58 |
gicquel | sure pake sense | 21:00 |
Random832 | lakcaj: I think whoami may use the real uid | 21:00 |
gicquel | whoami | 21:01 |
Random832 | try printf("%d, %d\n", getuid(), geteuid()) | 21:01 |
gicquel | list | 21:01 |
Random832 | gicquel: ??? | 21:01 |
squinty | !list | 21:01 |
ubottu | squinty: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 21:01 |
gicquel | I am to get the list of uses | 21:02 |
kish_ | Hello? | 21:02 |
gicquel | list seemed a good starting point ;) | 21:02 |
gicquel | hi | 21:02 |
kish_ | I am complete newbie to this | 21:03 |
kish_ | IRC | 21:03 |
lakcaj | Random832: I'm the paste I just sent it output the "otheruser" username when I run the setuid binary... are you saying this is no longer the case? | 21:03 |
Random832 | oh you said does not seem to be the same behavior | 21:03 |
Random832 | well try the getuid/geteuid on your original one that wasn't working anyway, it might provide some information | 21:03 |
Random832 | also what filesystem are you on? is it in your home directory and do you have LUKS for example | 21:04 |
younder | LUKSD | 21:05 |
younder | LUKS? | 21:05 |
Random832 | younder: encrypted drives | 21:05 |
lakcaj | Random832: right, previously "whoami" within a setuid binary would output the user that owns the file, not the user that's running the file. Now, in 16.10, that's not the case. Also, no, it's not an encrypted partition. Thanks for the help! I'll try getuid/geteuid on both. | 21:05 |
younder | Random32: Ah | 21:05 |
Random832 | lakcaj: is it on any kind of partition at all? | 21:06 |
Random832 | any other than the root filesystem i mean | 21:06 |
gicquel | generic question : lets'say you want to turn a laptop into a miner for bytecoin | 21:06 |
younder | Random832: Ah | 21:06 |
lakcaj | Random832: I'm both cases it's on the root partition, but mount doesn't show the nosuid option. I also remounted with "-o remount,suid" but it didn't help | 21:06 |
gicquel | wouls you go to mint/ubuntu/debian | 21:06 |
younder | Random832: Again I can't acuually read the yollow in mirc | 21:07 |
Random832 | yellow? | 21:07 |
younder | yes | 21:07 |
Random832 | i'm not using any colors, if mirc is changing the color because i said your name you need to fix your own configuration | 21:07 |
younder | yes | 21:07 |
younder | It is most annoyning | 21:07 |
Caluser2000 | Change the colour then | 21:07 |
petan | hello is there a place to ask questions regarding that new snapcraft thingie? couldn't find any irc channel for that | 21:08 |
Random832 | as i recall mirc has a menu to change the colors of all sorts of things | 21:08 |
petan | I want to package my software into snap but I have lots of questions given how bad the documentation is | 21:08 |
gicquel | no cryptominer ariund? | 21:08 |
younder | Random832: done, Changed the colors | 21:10 |
younder | Random832: now I can read you | 21:10 |
younder | Random832: will you answer, even it is just some gobelygook, so I can check | 21:12 |
younder | Caluser2000, please respon | 21:14 |
Random832 | younder: ? | 21:14 |
roguen4rc | just a reminder to back up your files daily. It saved me today lol | 21:14 |
younder | Caluser2000, excellent, the color issue has been fixed | 21:14 |
younder | Random832: corlors are fine now thx | 21:15 |
Caluser2000 | Hmm | 21:15 |
bitcycle | Hey all. Is it possible to disable the single left and single right click to make the track pad behave like it would on a Mac? i.e. single tap for left click or double click, and two-finger tap for right click? | 21:17 |
bitcycle | Hm... I think I may have missed the multi-touch aspect that it needs. | 21:17 |
nicomachus | bitcycle: | 21:18 |
fran__ | hello | 21:18 |
Random832 | bitcycle: on my mac it's a click anywhere for left click and a click in the right corner for right click | 21:19 |
lakcaj | Random832: just tested with getuid and geteuid (thanks for that info, btw). In both cases, the UID is that of the user running the binary, and the EUID is that of the owner of the binary. Here's an example of is working properly: | 21:19 |
lakcaj | Random832: however, on 16.10, doing the exact same thing and this UID != EUID, I get permission denied | 21:19 |
Random832 | lakcaj: maybe calling an external program with system drops the permissions | 21:20 |
Grorco | hi I just restarted my computer went to go use the bluetooth and it isn't working. I can't remember how to look and see if it is just disabled. Any help | 21:20 |
lakcaj | Random832: interesting, I'll see if I can test that | 21:21 |
Random832 | lakcaj: try calling setreuid(1001, 1001) before the system call | 21:21 |
gicquel | 24pLH79qjYL2zvQaGT2qEHVGZFkky5f2rhD8ikp63ZbcebcDUsxVi2wRS6mwFx723aTKnLQ9z9s7vd1kJr6RMHGnS1RMaXB | 21:25 |
Apachez | any hints on how to properly reset a usb drive which previously was used with iso to create bootable ubuntu 16.04.1 (startup diskcreator)? | 21:27 |
Apachez | seems like even after repartition and reformat ubuntu thinks the drive is readonly | 21:27 |
SuperSeriousCat | Mounted it as rw? | 21:28 |
Apachez | it gets automounted once inserted | 21:29 |
lakcaj | Random832: I think you nailed it. It's the call to system that now drops the EUID, where it didn't before. Writing to a file instead of calling system does so as "otheruser" and not the user running the binary. Thanks a lot... I can work with this! | 21:31 |
Grorco | can anyone tell me how to tell if my bluetooth hardware is up or down? | 21:32 |
zxc | I'm trying to move massive amounts of data (~500 GB) between two computers using Ubuntu. What is the fastest practical way to do this? | 21:33 |
bekks | A network cable. | 21:34 |
zxc | So all I'd have to do is connect that between the two comptuers? | 21:34 |
zxc | And then copy over through the network? | 21:35 |
Bashing-om | zxc: Also see: <-easiest way to cp files 'tween two Lubuntus that share the same router/house (Morbius1) | 21:35 |
hippybear | do they both have ftp/sftp? | 21:35 |
bekks | All you'd have to do is connect both computer to the same network and transfer your data. | 21:35 |
th0r | Grorco, sudo systemsct status bluetooth? | 21:35 |
th0r | Grorco, that should be systemctl | 21:36 |
zxc | Alright, I'll try that. | 21:37 |
Grorco | th0r, thanks it says its running. So the problem must be somewhere else | 21:37 |
Grorco | I'm getting an error no adapters found when I try adding a device | 21:38 |
SuperSeriousCat | Aluminum Can........... | 21:39 |
SuperSeriousCat | .......... 80-200 years How long it take for a Can to decompose | 21:39 |
bekks | SuperSeriousCat: thats irrelevant in this channel. | 21:39 |
SuperSeriousCat | oh, wrong channel. sry | 21:39 |
bekks | !ot | SuperSeriousCat | 21:39 |
ubottu | SuperSeriousCat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 21:39 |
Apachez | sucks that one need to dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb in order to restore a usb drive that was used by ubuntu startup disk creator | 21:39 |
Apachez | any other quicker solution? | 21:39 |
bekks | Apachez: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=1 | 21:40 |
bekks | Apachez: No need for overwriting the entire device. | 21:40 |
hamsterpower | hi is this the right channel to ask about some curl questions? Specifically on saving cookies to a file? | 21:42 |
* homestarz saves cookies to his stomach | 21:43 | |
hamsterpower | :( | 21:43 |
th0r | stomach is a write only device | 21:44 |
homestarz | yes..i have that issue also ;) | 21:44 |
hamsterpower | ok I will shoot the question anyway | 21:44 |
Apachez | bekks: just to verify things, in order to create a fat32 partition and format it in Ubuntu one can use cfdisk and type 0c and then format with mkfs.vfat ? | 21:45 |
bekks | Apachez: Yes. | 21:45 |
hamsterpower | my command was "curl --cookie cookie.txt --data "username=user&password=pass&login=submit" " however, nothing is being saved to my cookie.txt. Is it because my command was wrong or because I didn't pass the authentication? | 21:46 |
Apachez | nope | 21:46 |
Apachez | still same error | 21:46 |
bekks | Apachez: which error when doing what? | 21:46 |
Apachez | Error while copying to "4,0 GB Volume". | 21:47 |
Apachez | The destination is read-only. | 21:47 |
bekks | Apachez: when doing what exactly? | 21:47 |
Apachez | so this is what I did (the drive had ubuntu 16.04.1 image on it created by ubuntu startup disk creator): | 21:47 |
Apachez | umount /media/apachez/<whatever id the drive had> | 21:48 |
Apachez | as sudo | 21:48 |
Apachez | verify with mount | grep -i sdb that the drive isnt mounted any longer | 21:48 |
bekks | Apachez: So you did all that dd, etc. with a device mounted? | 21:48 |
Apachez | then dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=1 | 21:48 |
Apachez | nope its unmmounted | 21:49 |
Apachez | then removed drive and reinserted it | 21:49 |
bekks | Apachez: then which command is causing the error above? | 21:49 |
Apachez | verified in ls -la /dev | grep -i sdb that there is no identifable partition | 21:49 |
Apachez | then runned cfdisk /dev/sdb created a new dos partition type 0c, write, quit | 21:49 |
Apachez | removed and reinserted the drive, runned mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1 | 21:50 |
bekks | Apachez: and will you finally tell us which command is causing the wrror above? | 21:50 |
Apachez | removed and reinserted the drive | 21:50 |
bekks | *error | 21:50 |
Apachez | then I clicked on the icon which popups in unity (bottom left) with the usb drive | 21:50 |
Apachez | and tried to create a folder on the drive | 21:50 |
Apachez | and "its readonly" | 21:50 |
Apachez | wtf!? | 21:50 |
bekks | OK, obviously your dont. | 21:50 |
bekks | *you | 21:50 |
Apachez | so what did bork in ubuntu? | 21:51 |
hamsterpower | :\ | 21:51 |
Apachez | so any ideas on how to resolve this? | 21:51 |
bekks | Apachez: Not anymore, since you ignored three questions. Maybe someone else will help you. | 21:52 |
Apachez | bekks: I already answered your question | 21:52 |
bekks | | 21:52 |
Apachez | I clicked on the usb drive icon in unity and tried to create a folder on the usb drive | 21:52 |
Apachez | and get the its readonly in return | 21:53 |
bekks | Sorry, paste error. | 21:53 |
homestarz | hamsterpower, I have never used curl, but the man page indicates that the --cookie parameter is input only (e.g. it reads the cookie from the file you specify) | 21:53 |
strk | on apt-get upgrade: -- Subject: Unit libvirt-bin.service has failed | 21:53 |
strk | should I panic yet ? | 21:53 |
samlamamma | My microphone's input volume always gets adjusted by outside sources (right now it's discord on Firefox). Is there a way to just force it to stay unamplified system wide? | 21:55 |
Akusnaya | I'm having some issues with a Logitech g35 headset- I see the device, but the moment it plays sound (which it seems to do successfully), the entire usb hub stops working | 21:56 |
Akusnaya | It gets maybe a half-second spoken before giving up entirely; whatever is on that hub blinks its lights out, then comes back on but doesn't seem to register with the system | 21:57 |
PCdude | hi all | 21:57 |
PCdude | I have LXD installed on my PC and intalled openstack on it with conjure-up (ubuntu 16.04) | 21:58 |
PCdude | That all works on questions on that | 21:58 |
PCdude | I needed to restart the system and now horizon is not working anymore and commands like "lxc list" do not work anymore | 21:58 |
PCdude | in the case of "lxc list" is goes to the next line when hitting enter but stays there. No error nothing | 21:59 |
PCdude | I let it waiting for at least 2 hours | 21:59 |
PCdude | anyone an idea? | 21:59 |
Ignacy | Hello! I wonder, how can I execute a script to start when x-session starts? | 22:00 |
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MonkeyDust | Ignacy crontab -e ... add path to script ... save ... done | 22:00 |
MonkeyDust | Ignacy sudo crontab -e, if the script requires root permission | 22:01 |
Apachez | "safetly remove" seems to be missing from this drive in unity | 22:03 |
Apachez | only "eject" exists when rightclicking it | 22:03 |
Apachez | any of you who have had problems with usb drives being "readonly" even if you repartitioned and reformated them after using them with ubuntu startup disk creator? | 22:05 |
SonikkuAmerica | Apachez: So it's spitting out "Read-only file system" errors? | 22:07 |
Ignacy | @MonkeyDust: thanks! | 22:10 |
Ignacy | I'm reading the crontab manual | 22:10 |
MonkeyDust | Ignacy find basic instructions, when you typed crontab -e | 22:10 |
=== Smn is now known as Guest2714 | ||
Guest2714 | guys, I have a VERY annoying problem, after some hours of use computer disconnects from wifi network, I can still see the list of networks but I become unable to rejoin, even killing the session fails to let me connect, only fix is rebooting. I took a glance at system log last time this problem happened but I don't see anything that could help me fix it | 22:13 |
Apachez | SonikkuAmerica: in the gui yes | 22:16 |
Apachez | and it looks like im not alone | 22:16 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1021375 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Nautilus says the USB stick is read only when it is not" [High,Confirmed] | 22:16 |
=== vince is now known as Guest84298 | ||
slavanap | Hello. I have a simple console application. I want to run it as a systemd service. How should I wrap it up to run with systemd properly. Currently I just launch it with `screen -S appscreen ./app` and that works fine | 22:17 |
JustAnotherIdiot | would I be able view the live terminal output of a running background process? | 22:18 |
homestarz | check out this link @ slavanap | 22:18 |
homestarz | err..sorry i thought this was the c++ room...may not be useful to you | 22:19 |
slavanap | homestarz, hmmm.. systemd has `Simple` type of service. I wonder if I just can launch my app with it and make systemd control it. | 22:19 |
brelod | homestarz: i liked it :) | 22:20 |
Apachez | sudo killall nautilus resolved the issue | 22:20 |
ubuntu392 | hello | 22:24 |
ubuntu392 | need help i cannot upgrade ubuntu 14 to new version | 22:24 |
Caluser2000 | You're better off doing a fresh install. | 22:25 |
ubuntu392 | i use dual boot | 22:25 |
SonikkuAmerica | ubuntu392: What method(s) did you try? | 22:26 |
ubuntu392 | any oone hehre to help me | 22:26 |
ubuntu392 | i try from updater and also some from googl | 22:27 |
SonikkuAmerica | ubuntu392: And the updater did what? | 22:28 |
SonikkuAmerica | !details | 22:28 |
ubottu | Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 22:28 |
ubuntu392 | | 22:28 |
PCdude | when I type "lxc list" it goes to the next line but stays there. no change or error. How can I see more of what the command is trying to do? | 22:29 |
SonikkuAmerica | ubuntu392: OK, so try [ sudo apt clean && sudo apt update ] | 22:29 |
SonikkuAmerica | PCdude: Does it have --verbose? | 22:29 |
ubuntu392 | E: Invalid operation clean | 22:30 |
PCdude | SonikkuAmerica: I tried it and gave the same result. I was more thinking on system level? | 22:30 |
insy | hi all | 22:30 |
SonikkuAmerica | PCdude: Not sure. | 22:30 |
Tashtari | Hi everyone... this may be a -really- nooby question, but here goes anyway: What purpose does root squash serve in NFS? The protocol's security model seems to be centered on the notion that a potentially malicious user won't be root on any machine that can access the server. But if that's the case, what does it buy you to prevent root from being root, when root can be anyone else? | 22:30 |
ubuntu392 | E: Invalid operation clean E: Invalid operation clean | 22:31 |
stbstb | hi, i'm looking for pkg-config-dbgsym, listed as a requirement for building kernel debug symbols and also here: | 22:31 |
SonikkuAmerica | ubuntu392: OK, so try [ sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt update ] | 22:31 |
stbstb | but apt install fails for it on yakkety | 22:31 |
ubuntu392 | So what is the option for me | 22:31 |
SonikkuAmerica | ubuntu392: Use "apt-get" instead of "apt" on the previous command. | 22:32 |
=== SpeccyManThe2nd is now known as SpeccyMan | ||
stbstb | when i say fails, i mean "unable to locate package" | 22:32 |
insy | my question is eeven more noobish , how can one remove the receycle bin out of the unity bar, and disable the title in the top title bar (left side) n ubuntu 16.04 | 22:33 |
ubuntu392 | ok wait it is running | 22:33 |
ubuntu392 | please check this | 22:34 |
tonyt | can someone tell me the comman to find out what version of ubuntu i have? uname -a doesnt list it | 22:35 |
tonyt | *commands | 22:35 |
kostkon | tonyt, lsb_release -a | 22:35 |
tonyt | thanks | 22:35 |
ubuntu392 | lsb_release -a | 22:35 |
ubuntu392 | please check this | 22:36 |
PC | Please, I would like to monitor the tcp states of connections in a specific port, and generate graphics, some suggestion? | 22:36 |
SonikkuAmerica | ubuntu392: Since those are PPAs, you're going to have to find the GPG keys yourself or else remove the PPAs (and then re-add them) | 22:36 |
ubuntu392 | how to remove ppas | 22:37 |
SonikkuAmerica | !ppa-purge | ubuntu392 | 22:37 |
ubottu | ubuntu392: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see | 22:37 |
brelod | PC: what about wireshark? | 22:37 |
PC | brelod I guess it's too much complex jutst for this task | 22:39 |
Ignacy | ~/.config/autostart | 22:39 |
Ignacy | /usr/share/autostart | 22:39 |
Ignacy | /usr/share/mate/autostart | 22:39 |
Ignacy | The applications defined in the above directories will be | 22:39 |
Ignacy | started on login. mate-session-properties(1) can be used to eas‐ | 22:39 |
Ignacy | ily configure them. | 22:39 |
ubuntu392 | let me remove and try | 22:39 |
brelod | PC: what do you want to display on grafics? | 22:41 |
vlt | PC: tcpdump | 22:43 |
vlt | PC: iftop maybe | 22:44 |
PC | brelod the quantity of connections by state in a period | 22:44 |
=== rafael is now known as Guest16439 | ||
Tashtari | Anyone with an opinion on the NFS root squash thing? :) | 22:44 |
Guest16439 | how can i solve this...? | 22:44 |
Guest16439 | bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8) | 22:44 |
Guest16439 | i can not add any language to my system | 22:44 |
tonyt | is it possible to go from 12.04 up to 16.04? | 22:45 |
stbstb | does anyone else find that pkg-config-dbgsym is missing? | 22:45 |
nicomachus | !info pkg-config-dbgsym | 22:46 |
ubottu | Package pkg-config-dbgsym does not exist in yakkety | 22:46 |
Bashing-om | tonyt: The path is 12.04 -> 14.04 -> 16.04 . | 22:46 |
brelod | tonyt: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade maybe | 22:46 |
brelod | twice :) | 22:46 |
nicomachus | brelod: no. that doesn't do system upgrades. | 22:46 |
nicomachus | that's only for kernel upgrades. | 22:46 |
tonyt | ok i did sudo apt-get upgrade | 22:47 |
brelod | nicomachus: i see | 22:47 |
nicomachus | system upgrade is sudo apt do-release-upgrade | 22:47 |
tonyt | it downloaded some stuff and its updating | 22:47 |
insy | crap if u make the letters to small in the title bar u get a nasty 'smudge" instead ..grr | 22:47 |
stbstb | doesn't this link suggest that it is supposed to be: | 22:48 |
stbstb | ? | 22:48 |
Bashing-om | tonyt: If ya going ti release upgrade, fully updatd current system, all proprietary drivers reverted to defaults, and check PPAs insure they are supported in the next release . | 22:48 |
PC | brelod vlt thanks , I going to read about | 22:49 |
rembold | !rules | 22:49 |
ubottu | The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 22:49 |
brelod | PC: i found this useful | 22:51 |
Grorco_ | rfkill list shows my bluetooth as hci0, but iwconfig hci0 says no such device... what am I missing here? | 22:52 |
PC | brelod it's really usefull and simple :D | 22:52 |
Grorco_ | ifconfig -a doesn't show it either | 22:53 |
PC | brelod thanks again and goodbye | 22:54 |
`{^v^} | why was Armagetron removed from the repos? | 22:58 |
nicomachus | !info Armagetron | 22:58 |
ubottu | Package Armagetron does not exist in yakkety | 22:59 |
nicomachus | !info Armagetron xenial | 22:59 |
ubottu | Package Armagetron does not exist in xenial | 22:59 |
nicomachus | !info Armagetron trusty | 22:59 |
ubottu | Package Armagetron does not exist in trusty | 22:59 |
nicomachus | doesn't look like it was ever in the repos. | 22:59 |
`{^v^} | it was | 22:59 |
ppf | `{^v^}: when | 22:59 |
`{^v^} | prior to trusty | 22:59 |
nicomachus | how far prior....? | 22:59 |
ppf | !info Armagetron precise | 23:00 |
ubottu | Package Armagetron does not exist in precise | 23:00 |
nicomachus | /¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 23:00 |
`{^v^} | what? damn its been gone a long time | 23:00 |
nicomachus | !info Armagetron warty | 23:00 |
ubottu | 'warty' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backports, yakkety-proposed, zesty, zesty-backports, zesty- | 23:00 |
nicomachus | heh | 23:00 |
kostkon | !info armagetronad yakkety | 23:01 |
ubottu | armagetronad (source: armagetronad): 3D Tron-like high speed game. In component universe, is optional. Version (yakkety), package size 1158 kB, installed size 2470 kB | 23:01 |
kostkon | still there | 23:01 |
nicomachus | `{^v^}: try installing it with the correct package name. ;) | 23:01 |
`{^v^} | huh... doesnt show up in my software center | 23:01 |
`{^v^} | had to add a ppa | 23:01 |
nicomachus | do you have the component universe repos enabled? | 23:01 |
`{^v^} | yup | 23:01 |
nicomachus | what version of ubuntu? | 23:02 |
`{^v^} | Ubuntu Studio 16.04.1 | 23:02 |
Grorco_ | UGH I HATE YOU UBUNTU! I fix one thing, and then you break somewhere else | 23:02 |
nicomachus | Grorco_: ubuntu didn't do that to you. what issue are you having? | 23:03 |
Grorco_ | nicomachus, my bluetooth just quit working | 23:04 |
ppf | | 23:04 |
Akusnaya | Eh, audio too unstable :( | 23:04 |
Grorco_ | nicomachus, to be more specific the adapter did | 23:04 |
Akusnaya | I give up, no solutions on the web | 23:04 |
Akusnaya | cya in another decade o.o | 23:05 |
ppf | Akusnaya: details? | 23:05 |
Akusnaya | oh, um | 23:05 |
Akusnaya | they were up above, lemee grab | 23:05 |
Akusnaya | I'm having some issues with a Logitech g35 headset- I see the device, but the moment it plays sound (which it seems to do successfully), the entire usb hub stops working | 23:05 |
Akusnaya | It gets maybe a half-second spoken before giving up entirely; whatever is on that hub blinks its lights out, then comes back on but doesn't seem to register with the system | 23:05 |
Grorco_ | ppf, hahaha thanks :) | 23:05 |
ppf | Akusnaya: fun | 23:06 |
ppf | maybe a power issue? | 23:06 |
nicomachus | Akusnaya: usb hub? maybe not enough power to drive it? | 23:06 |
Akusnaya | it's been fine with this config for 3 years | 23:06 |
Akusnaya | just not on ubuntu o.o | 23:06 |
ppf | can you plug it directly into the machine? | 23:06 |
Akusnaya | it's the mobo hub | 23:06 |
Grorco_ | nicomachus, I'm sorry it's stupid broadcom I'm really angry at lol | 23:06 |
nicomachus | Grorco_: Bluetooth is - by far - the worst protocol ever invented. I have to remove and re-add my bluetooth speaker every morning when I get to the office. Have you tried that? | 23:07 |
fnord_ | are you nice to noobs? | 23:07 |
nicomachus | we try to be. | 23:07 |
fnord_ | cool | 23:07 |
ppf | fnord_: if they are nice to us | 23:07 |
fnord_ | i have stuck with ubuntu | 23:07 |
nicomachus | we were all noobs once. some more recently than others. | 23:07 |
ppf | Akusnaya: sounds like a hardware or driver issue | 23:07 |
nicomachus | !details | fnord_ please | 23:08 |
ubottu | fnord_ please: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 23:08 |
ppf | what did you change when it stopped working? | 23:08 |
Akusnaya | yeah, there's no hardware support for it on linux from logitech | 23:08 |
`{^v^} | bluetooth is unreliable no matter the platform | 23:08 |
ppf | i'm not super sure it's the headsets fault | 23:08 |
nicomachus | `{^v^}: si senor | 23:08 |
Akusnaya | it killed the keyboard and mouse similarly | 23:08 |
Akusnaya | I tried it in usb3, it made sound and didn't die- but it was just piercing static | 23:09 |
nicomachus | Akusnaya: I'd try eliminating the USB hub and trying to plug things directly into the device/computer/laptop | 23:09 |
ppf | Akusnaya: you lost multiple pieces of logitech hardware in one go? | 23:09 |
Akusnaya | @nicomachus, it's the motherboard-embedded usb port | 23:09 |
nicomachus | ahh | 23:09 |
nicomachus | you said hub. | 23:09 |
Akusnaya | they are arranged in 3 hubs on this mobo | 23:09 |
Akusnaya | it said hubs in lspci | 23:09 |
nicomachus | this is what I think of when you say hub: | 23:10 |
nicomachus | and those can be finnicky. | 23:10 |
Akusnaya | yeah, sorry for the ambiguity | 23:10 |
Akusnaya | this is it just killing the entire cluster of ports on the mobo | 23:10 |
nicomachus | !pm | fnord_ | 23:11 |
ubottu | fnord_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 23:11 |
=== pi__ is now known as Basketballl | ||
Grorco | It came back up on a second restart | 23:11 |
nicomachus | yep. sounds familiar.... | 23:11 |
ppf | Akusnaya: so, details. you have multiple pieces of logitech hardware that failed on you simultaneously? | 23:12 |
ppf | what ubuntu are you running | 23:12 |
Akusnaya | the others are not logitech | 23:12 |
mequarks_ | meq-test | 23:12 |
Grorco | I wish there was a better driver for this card though. I can't go into hibernate and continue to have internet afterwards | 23:12 |
nicomachus | Grorco: what's the card? | 23:13 |
ppf | Akusnaya: so the usb is failing? | 23:13 |
Akusnaya | g600 mouse, daskeyboard, g35 headset | 23:14 |
ppf | when do they fail? | 23:14 |
Grorco | nicomachus, Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n (rev 01) | 23:16 |
Grorco | Every laptop I've ever ran ubuntu on has ended up with a broadcom card. Next buy it will be the only thing I look at lol | 23:17 |
Akusnaya | ppf, the first time I play any sound it fails after about half a second | 23:20 |
Akusnaya | the means i used was the speaker test ui | 23:21 |
nicomachus | Grorco: better broadcom than realtek | 23:24 |
hrnyhub | hi | 23:28 |
nicomachus | Grorco: that broadcom driver is usually pretty stable, too. | 23:29 |
hrnyhub | decv | 23:29 |
hrnyhub | mount iphone tips? | 23:34 |
=== padgaland_ is now known as padgaland | ||
LaoziSailor | reminder where to paste terminal output and/or screencaps (I have Jing / and if there is a different preferred way? didn't offer | 23:41 |
Guest2714 | guys, I have a VERY annoying problem, after some hours of use computer disconnects from wifi network, I can still see the list of networks but I become unable to rejoin, even killing the session fails to let me connect, only fix is rebooting. I took a glance at system log last time this problem happened but I don't see anything that could help me fix it | 23:42 |
LaoziSailor | OK, Guest2714 shows the info for my PASTE, thanks | 23:43 |
snfgf | is there shorthand for makefile that should depend on all files in a directory, something like, | 23:49 |
snfgf | main.o: src/* | 23:49 |
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cocheV | where is that littlg faggot k1l....what a bitch queen rofl........WHERE THE FUCK IS HE????? | 23:59 |
cocheV | !ops | 23:59 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 23:59 |
cocheV | wake up fags | 23:59 |
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