
teledynis there a css file or some other way to change the scrollbar width for the Application Launcher?02:54
teledynis there a pp archive for plasma 5.8?03:09
valorieteledyn: until the Qt version in Ubuntu is updated, we're unable to provide Plasma 5.803:16
valoriewe will do it as soon as possible03:17
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Unit193j5jsearch kernel05:44
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faircis it possible to install plasma 5.8 in 16.10 release?10:56
faircif so, how?10:57
denza242fairc: there is the option of compiling it all yourself10:58
denza242I think there are packages though10:58
faircno interest in compiling. looking for an easy (good maintained) option11:04
acheronukfairc: once we have it in the 17.04 Zesty development version we can likely backport to 16.10. Zesty has only just started for development though.11:08
BluesKajHiyas all12:03
andywwwhi, i'm having a problem with a large icon on emacs12:23
andywwwthe open icon is far too big12:23
andywwwis this something i can fix in a kde setting?12:24
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ForgeAushow to downgrade packages?12:55
BluesKajForgeAus, why?12:58
ForgeAussudo breaks12:59
BluesKajthat doesn't tell us much13:00
ForgeAussudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified13:01
ForgeAusin xenial13:01
ForgeAusalso apparently procps and strace...  (I think)13:02
ForgeAustook me since last time we chatted to go through upgrading the distro all the way to xenial (in many painful steps) ...13:03
ForgeAusit worked in wily13:03
ForgeAusdon't know about procps and strace in wily though13:04
BluesKajare you trying to compile ?13:08
ForgeAusno just upgrade and use I can't apt-get from console without going through kdesudo to load some commandline tool like krusader13:09
BluesKajare you the only user?13:14
BluesKajand did you edit the sudoers file in any way?13:16
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ForgeAusyes I'm the only user and no I didn't edit the sudoers file in fact I can't get into it afaik13:29
ForgeAusI did try having a look, but it denied me access besides I probably wouldn't know what to do with it anyway13:29
ForgeAusactually I can view it now, must have been back when I didn't know at the time how to get to root (kdesudo works)13:32
ForgeAusmaybe thats been replaced wtih the upgrade?13:32
ForgeAusalthough the error seems more about the tty side of things than that, it didn't even ask me for a password let alone attempt to run the command13:32
ForgeAusby the "that" I meant my sudoers file in /etc ... I can view it now)13:33
BluesKajwhat does sudo su do ?13:33
ForgeAusno idea, I'll try it13:33
ForgeAussame error13:33
ForgeAussudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified13:34
ForgeAusI assume sudo anything will do that13:34
BluesKajForgeAus,  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21659637/how-to-fix-sudo-no-tty-present-and-no-askpass-program-specified-error13:39
ForgeAusI'll check it out13:44
BluesKajnp, hope it helps13:46
paranoidabhiis there any way to downgrade kubuntu from 16.10 to 16.04?13:46
ForgeAusdoesn't seem to be helping13:48
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ForgeAushmm I tried putting an askpass variable in env (by export SUDO_ASKPASS=/usr/bin/X11/ssh-askpass )14:12
ForgeAusnow it is trying to set up kwallet for the password?... lol14:13
ForgeAusthe -S switch works :)14:21
ForgeAushmm that fixes sudo... but not ps -a14:25
ForgeAuseven with /proc mounted it doesn't seem to run14:26
teledynForgeAus: does the groups command show you in the sudo group?15:26
ForgeAusgroups coomand?15:36
ForgeAuswhen I type in groups it returns forgeaus adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev libvirtd15:37
ForgeAusanyway for now gotta go, catch you later.. have fun!15:50
orestishello guys, I installed kubuntu-full in my ubuntu-gnome. I have the following problem: Discover does not show me the list with my repositories. What is the repository manager in Kubuntu?16:15
Sirclecan anyone refer multiseatx official guide for kubuntu 16.04.1 LTS?16:42
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Ashwin153I'm facing a problem related to graphics on my Kubuntu 15.04 OS. Can someone help me out17:46
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AmplituhedronHello folks,  I'm running Kubuntu 16.04 and have a working internet connection through a 3g usb modem, How do I share my internet connection to my dlink-DIR 803 router through my ethernet port ?? (In effect how do I broadcast my laptop 3g connection using my router ?)20:50
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CrellHello, peoples. My Kubuntu 16.04 laptop (Thinkpad X220) seems to have suddenly stopped connecting to Wifi.  Ethernet is fine, Bluetooth is fine, just Wifi is out.  It simply isn't seeing networks that I've confirmed are present.  I did not upgrade anything before it started a few days ago.  iwconfig still reports it's there.  (wlp3s0 is the identifier.)  Any idea what I should be trying to debug this?20:58
CrellMy Googling so far has mostly suggested restarting network-manager, which I have tried unsuccessfully.20:59
AmplituhedronIf there is a hardware switch (probably a fn key) is it on?, or did you try in cli (i.e ping http://google.com or something ..) !21:01
CrellAmplituhedron: There is a hardware switch, which is on. I confirmed that by connecting to bluetooth.  I am able to share internet from my phone via bluetooth.21:05
Crellping on the CLI has an immediate DNS failure, because it has no network to try and lookup DNS from.21:05
AmplituhedronIf you have access to the router settings (or a different network) did you try a different channel (5Ghz if supported or 2.4Ghz just not auto)21:07
Amplituhedronand does it work under windows? if you're dualbooting21:08
CrellSame behavior on 5 different networks in 3 different timezones.  (I've been traveling.) No dualboot.21:08
CrellIt used to connect to 2 of those networks (the others were hotels I was only in for a day.)21:09
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Crellgoogle keeps leading me back to an issue with the network-manager needing to be restarted, which is a bug upstream in Gnome. But restarting network-manager fixes nothing in my case.21:13
AmplituhedronI'm kinda lost, but given that google gave a lot of hits regarding the X220, if possible can you try a live boot?21:14
Amplituhedronjust to be sure  it's not hardware.21:14
CrellI didn't specify x220 in my googling.  I... may have a live boot around somewhere? I think just the 16.04 install usb key I made.21:15
CrellI could try making a 16.10 key and see how it behaves.  I should update eventually anyway.21:15
CrellUnless you recommend a different live boot for diagnostic purposes.21:15
AmplituhedronPreferably one that worked with the wireless card before (i.e 16.04).21:16
CrellOK, that's the one I should still have.  Stand by.21:17
CrellAmplituhedron: Confirmed, 16.04 live boot USB key can connect to the wifi network.  So it's definitely a software issue of some variety.21:24
Crell(Too bad, if it was hardware I could just expense a new laptop from my company... <g>)21:25
Amplituhedronlol, you could always break it yourself >: , but now I'm suspecting either Network-manager (the usual culprit) or given that you're sure you didn't update a kernel or nm probably config ( can you create a hotspot using nm or at lest see available networks ?)21:29
AmplituhedronCrell: oh and if you have power management of any kind suspend it and try !21:30
Crellhm. I'm not actually sure how to turn the laptop in to a hotspot.21:31
CrellLet me reboot to the hdd and see. Power settings shouldnt have changed recently...]21:33
AmplituhedronIn the tray Icon right click & Configure Network Connections, after the window comes up click Add >Wifi (shared)21:33
AmplituhedronI'm not sure how power managment works , but it always messes with my things in unexpected ways (Amarok problems, networking ..) and everytime I turn it off I find it on again (no idea how?)21:35
Crell*shruggie emoticon*21:35
CrellPower management has been rock solid for me on this laptop for years, no issues.21:35
AmplituhedronProbably my old Hp is ...21:36
CrellAlthough for some odd reason, startup recently started taking nearly a minute instead of the 10-15 seconds it used to be.  No idea why.21:37
AmplituhedronOhh I'm quite sure it has something to do with udev and/or systemd, it turned to >3mins for me, and after checking the boot graph it was systemd (and I had no desire to mess with it so I just waited for an update ... after a few weeks I found that changing my fstab entries fixed 1.5 mins of it!!)21:39
AmplituhedronThat probably fixed the udev part as it was struggling with my NTFS partition (dunno why?)21:40
CrellIf only Chrome OS let you install arbitrary user-space apps, I'd seriously consider just swiching to that full time. But no, I need a real IDE and Git.21:41
CrellAmplituhedron: OK, I created a new Wifi (shared) entry in the connection editor. It's not showing up in the Networks dialog, though. (I don't know that it's supposed to.)21:43
AmplituhedronHonestly I had not even tried Chrome OS (don't intend to :) ) , well kind of minor but there is a checkbox on top of the network manager ui when clicking the tray button, there should one for wireless aired and airplane mode, is it checked (sorry I'm lost !)21:46
CrellTried that toggle already. It's unchecked.  Checking it and unchecking does nothing.21:46
CrellEr.  Wait a sec...21:48
AmplituhedronThat's strange !! since if it's there and "checkable" ! it should mean that wireless is working !!21:48
CrellThis is odd.21:49
CrellIf it's unchecked now, no wifi shows up.21:49
CrellIf it's checked, ONLY the access point connection I just created appears, but I can "connect" it.21:50
CrellBut the other local network (the one I'm using on this chromebook to talk to you) still doesn't show either way.21:50
CrellI... what?21:50
CrellAnd I CAN see that laptop network from my phone.21:51
CrellSo... it can definitely find the hardware. The hardware is working. The drivers are correct.21:51
CrellWhat gives, Kubuntu?21:51
Amplituhedronlol, now I'm really lost XD21:52
CrellMe too.21:52
Amplituhedronbut it's no almost certainly network-manager21:52
CrellI... guess I could throw a hail mary and update to 16.10 over wired and see what happens? :-)21:52
CrellI just restarted network manager again on a lark, and now it sees 10 networks.21:53
AmplituhedronOk, but do a google for problems of 16.10 with X220 and generally before you make the jump.. hhhhhhhahah network manager for the win!!!21:53
CrellI hate that thing. Every time I have issues with a Linux box in the last 2 years, it's nm.21:54
AmplituhedronYep it gave me nightmares especially with my 3g usb Dongles ... well I'm glad this didn't require you recompiling NM :021:55
CrellThanks for the hand-holding at least.21:55
AmplituhedronYou're most welcome!21:55
AmplituhedronOk now I have to find someone to help me with my own networking problem!21:56
AmplituhedronI'm running Kubuntu 16.04 and have a working internet connection through a 3g usb modem, How do I share my internet connection to my dlink-DIR 803 router through my ethernet port ?? (In effect how do I broadcast my laptop 3g connection using my router ?)21:57
valorieAmplituhedron: wouldn't you have to login to your router to do that?22:10
Amplituhedronyep I logged in, and set it to AP mode, & tried setting the wired connection to share to other computers in NM, tried disabling DHCP in the router!!22:13
AmplituhedronI have no conceptual picture of how it's supposed to work (no experience with networking!!)22:13
valorieI suggest #ubuntu for that, or maybe they can suggest a more suitable chan22:14
valorieit's not really a Kubuntu issue, and we're a smaller chan22:14
Amplituhedronhh, ok I'll try, the thing is their NM is a bit different than Kubuntu's, but thanks anyway !22:16
valorieI see your point22:18
tsimonq2Should the upgrade from Kubuntu Trusty to Xenial work fine?23:19
tsimonq2I'm doing it in a VM now.23:19
valorietsimonq2: isn't that two upgrades?23:29
valorieI"m bad with old name:number mapping23:30
tsimonq2valorie: That's LTS to LTS.23:31
tsimonq2But it's KDE 4 to KDE 5.23:31
valorieI think I did that one, back in the day23:32
valoriebut then did a fresh install23:32
valorieor the computer itself died or so23:32
mparilloWhen I did the Plasma 4 to 5 upgrade, I remember having to sudo power off (the kicker leave options did not work) and I remember the shortcuts  in kicker favorites also did not work.23:47

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