
AngelXenialsorry you can restore IMEI  in bq aquaris 4.5 ubuntu ?11:14
leo_hey, does anyone know how i would install ubuntu on my nexus 7 2012 tablet?11:40
AngelXenialsorry you can restore IMEI  in bq aquaris 4.5 ubuntu ?12:06
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dobeylearnbsd: use rc-proposed, not devel*15:24
AngelXenialsorry  how do I reset IMEI of bq Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu?17:25
AdisumnI need app for ubuntu in my pohone meizu m217:31
dobey!devices | Adisumn17:40
ubot5`Adisumn: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices17:40
r0kk3rzondra: hi, do the sensors work on shinano platform port?17:42
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FlohackGood Eve19:50
FlohackAny plans to support Samsung Devices with UT?19:50
dobeythe pro5 is a samsung soc19:53
dobeybut i don't know if anyone's working on ports for samsung phones or not19:54
dobeyat this point, i'd probably suggest just waiting until the work is done for the switch to a snappy core based phone image build, to port to new devices, as it should greatly simplify some things19:55
TheKitdobey, which things?20:04
dobeyTheKit: no more system-image server. android bits should just end up being in separate kernel+gadget snaps from the core snap and rest of the system20:06
TheKitso not much for actual hardware adaptation....20:06
dobeyat least that's how i understand things should work for snappy core booting on android bootloader devices20:07
dobeyTheKit: well, for hardware adapting you would end up just making the kernel and gadget snaps for the device and putting them in the store20:07
TheKitI mean, it's just packaging changes in the end20:08
dobeyTheKit: yeah but you don't need to host your own image server to get OTAs any more with it20:08
dobeyOTAs would just be new snaps getting uploaded to the store20:09
TheKitOTAs are important when you have device hardware working :)20:09
dobeywell sure. it doesn't solve the problem of manufacturers not releasing device trees or sticking to proprietary hardware without open source drivers20:10
TheKitor libhybris/hardware adaptation bits/etc not working properly for specific device20:12
dobeybut on the other hand, maybe manufacturers could also be convinced to make snaps for the android bits20:12
dobeywell sure. but hybris is at least open source and bugs are just bugs. bugs will always exist when you're talking about porting things to new hardware20:13
dobeyanyway, it's sunday afternoon, so i really should go do something other than sitting in front of my computer20:14
Flohackdobey: Was just asking if someone did already a download-mode based device20:17
FlohackGood Eve ;)20:24
krowvdobey: I’m trying20:24
vicky3248good eve :)20:24
vicky3248i was tring to figure out if i can install ubuntu on HTC 620G20:24
vicky3248do you know where can i find the list of supported devices and hardware's20:25
krowvvicky3248: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices20:26
Flohackvicky3248: And these are the unofficial builds xD: https://devices.ubports.com/#/20:26
vicky3248ohh thanks20:26
porcupine97its alive21:25

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