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DonCullenBeen away from the *nix scene for quite a while, so I'm pretty out of it.  Noticed very little to no mention (of recent) on internet has been made of Compiz Fusion.  Whatever happened to it?03:54
DarinMillerDonCullen: Compizefusion is stll used on the Ubuntu unity 7 desktop (not sure if it's used with Mir on Unity 8).  In KDE4, the CF could replace kwin, but I have not tried with plasma 5.03:59
DonCullenThanks for the clarification on CF04:12
DonCullenKWin any good?04:12
DonCullenJust found out KWin is already part of Plasma.  Doing research on how to enable effects now.04:18
DarinMillerDonCullen: The plasma developers on working on enabling kwin with Wayland.  It's progressing quite nicely but the wayland version sitll has few rough edges.  As an ex compiz fan, I am quite happy with kwin.04:19
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user|26878how to install open gl please ?06:13
DonCullenVia Google: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34517706:26
DonCullenThat one seems more promising.06:29
DonCullenI didn't have OpenGL on my machine when you asked; I followed instructions from the second link, and OpenGL works fine for me now.  Hope that link helps you.06:33
DonCullenHeading to bed.  Night.06:33
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lordievaderGood morning07:46
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jubo2Dzień Dobry lordievader08:08
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lordievaderErr, good morning jubo208:12
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yossarianukhi - is it possible with ACL's or something else to give user write permission to a directory but not be able to delete files ?10:46
lordievaderyossarianuk: Something like that is possible, but I am not sure how exactly.11:02
lordievaderWe use it at the study association.11:02
yossarianuklordievader: my thoughts at the minute are to either use inotify (and change the perms after file uploaded) or sometghing mad like SELINUX11:11
BluesKajHowdy folks11:20
yossarianuklordievader: using bindfs works...11:37
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lordievaderyossarianuk: We did it there with ext4 and samba.12:33
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IrcsomeBotEvas0r was added by: Evas0r14:19
IrcsomeBot<Evas0r> Hello14:19
IrcsomeBot<Evas0r> Can I ask you guys for help?14:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:23
IrcsomeBot<Evas0r> I'm trying to install Kubuntu from the Live distribution on my USB stick, but when I try to boot it just lands to a grey screen. I thought the problem was my Nvidia GPU but the F6 key does nothing (I managed to add the nomodeset option). Do anyone know how to solve?14:27
BluesKaj!EFI | EviasOr, I'll bet that's your problem14:35
ubottuEviasOr, I'll bet that's your problem: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:35
viewer|98088I haven't UEFI on my machine, and I can boot into the kubuntu splah screen (but hotkeys aren't working). I just tryed to boot again and I got a Kernel Panic14:39
viewer|98088Other informations: I'm trying to install the 32bit version of Kubuntu on a PC with an Athlon 64 x2 CPU, 2GB Ram and a Geforce GTX 24014:43
BluesKajviewer|98088, your pc can handle 64 bit with that cpu , a little short on memeory, but if you don't open too many apps at once you should be fine14:49
viewer|98088Ok, I'll try with 64bit and let you know.14:52
BluesKajviewer|98088, and your nvidia gpu should work just fine  and even better once you install the recommended driver rather than the default14:54
user|45982Hola, alguien me puede decir un sitio donde pueda descargar kubuntu 4.5.714:57
user|45982Por favor14:57
viewer|98088Can I install them also if the live doens't boot (just to be clear, I'm the same guy that asked about the grey screen)14:57
viewer|98088Forgot the "?"14:57
user|45982Hello, can someone tell me a place where I can download Kubuntu 4.5.714:59
DonCullenQuick question, I seem to be unable to locate Muon Discovery on Kubuntu, where is it now?14:59
DonCullen @user|45982 - http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/15:00
DonCullen@user|45982 - if you need even older versions, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/15:01
=== miguel is now known as Guest38858
Guest38858hi...I just upgraded kubuntu to 16.10, but now sddm doesn't seem to start15:04
acheronukDonCullen: no such things as that now. There is Muon which is a package manager, and there is plasma-discover with also does that but is more a software centre style app15:04
DonCullenAhh.  So what does Kubuntu use now as a GUI for package management?15:05
DonCullen@Guest38858 -- try https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=21346015:07
acheronukif you want a pure package manager, as said you can install 'muon'15:07
BluesKajGuest38858, can you drop to vt/tty (ctl+alt+F1-F6) , the run suso systemctl enable sddm, then, sudo systemctl start sddm15:08
DonCullenIs it any good?15:08
BluesKajmuon is best15:08
DonCullenokay, then.  sudo apt-get install muon it is then?15:09
acheronukGuest38858: is this on a Nvidia card? if so, what driver?15:09
DonCullenGuest38858 BluesKaj -- keep in mind that it appears this has been reported as a bug  -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sddm/+bug/143133215:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1431332 in sddm (Ubuntu) "sddm not starting after upgrade" [High,Confirmed]15:10
DonCullenMeh, Empathy keeps crashing on Kubuntu15:11
Guest38858trying that out...one moment15:11
Guest38858acheronuk: it's an intel graphics card15:11
acheronukGuest38858: ok. that rules out one possible problem then :)15:12
BluesKajDonCullen, that's an old bug ...hasn't affected  me for a while now15:12
DonCullenJust thought I'd share what I found on Google.15:13
DonCullenThis may be way beyond what's normally asked here, but I figured couldn't hurt to ask15:15
Guest38858DonCullen: that was reported for 15.10 beta :) this was an upgrade from a working 16.0415:15
DonCullenOn Windows, I used Cyberduck for working with Amazon S3 server, what's a good S3 client for Kubuntu?15:16
Guest38858and...systemctl set-default graphical.target didn't help15:16
Guest38858in /var/log/X.ord.log I get this "(EE) /dev/dri/card0: failed to set DRM interface version 1.4: Permission denied"...any idea what's this? google is not helping a lot15:18
DonCullendid you run it via sudo15:18
Guest38858yes...graphical.target is the detault15:20
BluesKajGuest38858, wonder if lightdm is blocking15:22
Guest38858BluesKaj: it's not installed15:23
BluesKajyou'rfe sure15:24
Guest38858well...dpkg -l lightdm gives me "un"15:26
Guest38858tail /var/log/kern.log gives me this line "sddm[1370]: Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50501) with this library (version 0x50601)"15:29
Guest38858copyed as best as I could :P15:30
Guest38858yeah...that ;)15:38
DonCullenlol sorry, an annoying habit of mine, feel free to disregard it15:38
Guest38858not my first language...and no problem being corrected ;)15:39
BluesKajGuest38858, so you upgraded via the 'net, sometimes successful sometimes not15:40
DonCullenNot my first language either, so all good.15:40
BluesKajupgrade the OS that is15:40
Guest38858BluesKaj: hehe yeah...well trying to install lightdm to see if it works out15:41
Guest38858lightdm works...kinda...after login I get a black screen with the message "Could not start D-Bus. Can you call qdbus?"15:45
Guest38858what the hell does it mean?15:46
DonCullenBRB, calling QDBus. ;)15:46
DonCullenLol, sorry, couldn't resist.15:46
Guest38858I don't have his phone number15:46
DonCullenMe either.  They shoud've included it.15:46
Guest38858well...calling qdbus on the command line I get that mixed lib version output just before a core dump15:47
DonCullenAre you running this in VirtualBox or something?  You seem to be able to chat on IRC while working with it15:47
BluesKajGuest38858,  dbus-launch xserver-xorg-video-nouveau15:48
DonCullenNot that it's relevant. Just curious.15:48
Guest38858my laptop is broken...I'm lucky enough to have a desktop by my side15:48
Guest38858BluesKaj: you sure? I don't have a nvidia card...isn't nouveau for nvidia stuff?15:49
BluesKajoh sorry my mistake, thought you had nvidia15:49
BluesKajGuest38858, then substitute intel for nvidia15:51
DonCullenSorry for the stupid question, but what's Fuse?15:52
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems15:52
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DonCullenAm looking into S3QL.  Have any of you used this before?  Any good?15:55
* BluesKaj googles16:01
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DonCullenTaking that as a no =P16:06
BluesKajDonCullen, looks interesting, but i don't store data in the cloud16:11
DonCullenI usually use Dropbox16:13
DonCullenBut my company uses S3 for storing common assets that don't change often to "streamline visitor's experience by speeding it up for them"16:14
DonCullenTrying to install S3QL is like trying to mediate while being beat up16:17
DonCullenError after error, missing dependencies, yadda yadda16:18
DonCullen"fatal error: sqlite3.h: No such file or directory"16:20
DonCullenStuff like that. >.<16:20
Guest38858yeeyyy...happened I had some libs in /usr/loca that were messing things up16:33
DonCullenSure, lemme click on a link that has absolutely no context to it17:00
DonCullenEspecially from someone with 'chcknrub' as their AKA17:01
DonCullenGot bored, was taking forever to update packages, decided to click on the link.17:15
DonCullen"The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation"17:15
DonCullenOdd thing to post here in Kubuntu Support =P17:15
Guest38858does telepathy still support any account type that works on the local network without a server?17:16
alekseyhelp test HDD17:25
DonCullenThat depends on if you have the sixth sense.17:25
* DonCullen snickers17:25
alekseysize 1tb and install kubuntu 930gig17:25
aleksey DonCullen snickers    translate is ru   https://www.google.ru/search?q=%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%BE&newwindow=1&client=ubuntu&hs=UPl&channel=fs&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjglt2D-_PPAhWLiywKHV4KAF8Q_AUICCgB&biw=1152&bih=79517:26
alekseyit at me from one place disappears and appears in another you call it shop17:27
alekseyGive Ubuntu a normal way where there is no problem with the hard drive ... of not shown full size ...17:28
alekseythat shit did not just text ... but I still crippled17:31
alekseyI thought only the possibility for the letters and the secrets of razgadayutsya if nihsostavit word17:32
DonCullenThis might help you17:41
DonCullenAnother possible link that may be of help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/694102/cant-get-full-drive-capacity-in-fdisk17:42
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locustmageTell me please why ever single distro I attempt to install anymore with a kernel over 4.0 will not get my wifi working? Did they remove a bunch of wifi drivers from the default kernel?17:54
locustmageIt's very annoying. Especially trying to install kubuntu 16.04.1 LTS. I would have thought all the damn bugs would have been worked out17:55
locustmageHow can canonical expect anyone to adopt Linux if they cannot install it without manipulating kernel mods or recompiling17:57
alekseyloser  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington18:08
alekseytv all18:08
konradosMorning :)18:08
konradosI want to lower the mem used by kubuntu, on KDE5 is that the right way to go: http://askubuntu.com/a/282827 ?18:09
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alekseyhelp delete virus hdd size18:13
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DonCullenEvery time I edit a file in terminal and hit save, this triggers:18:48
DonCullenWhat in the nine planes of hell is that?18:48
BluesKajDonCullen, which key strokes are you using to save and exit ..assume youre editing in nano18:50
DonCullenLet me do a more full paste, sec18:51
BluesKajoh, so you're opening terminal inside the file18:52
DonCullenI would use Vim, but Vim is acting screwy ATM18:52
DonCullenUsing terminal, I open a file in Kate for editing, when done, I close kate saving the file.  Then that triggers.18:53
BluesKajare you using kdesudo kate or sudo kate?18:54
DonCullensudo kate18:55
BluesKajif you are opening a gui like  kate you have to use kdesudo ..sudo is strictly for terminal alone18:56
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> »  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why.18:57
DonCullenInteresting, when I run the command "kate something" and save the file, works fine, nothing happens18:57
DonCullenif I add sudo to it, then it triggers that18:57
BluesKajDonCullen, read above ^18:58
DonCullenYep, I read it18:59
DonCullenBut I doubt that's why it's triggering18:59
DonCullenI just used kdesudo kate19:00
DonCullenSame result19:00
BluesKajdoubt if you wish..but the above info is a warning ...as far as that output is concerned I have no clue19:00
BluesKajoutput that you posted19:01
TennPornoFreehdd share welcome19:01
DonCullenMmm. OK.19:02
BluesKajTennPornoFree, does that nick have some purpose here ? If so take youtr trolling/spamming elsewhere19:03
DonCullen*if not19:03
TennPornoFreehelp share kids porno  web server   ajleksey2016@gmail.com19:04
ubottuHelp! Channel Emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies!) yofel, ovidiu-florin, ahoneybun, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, valorie, shadeslayer, rww, Unit19319:05
BluesKaj!ops | TennPornoFree19:07
ubottuTennPornoFree: Help! Channel Emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies!) yofel, ovidiu-florin, ahoneybun, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, valorie, shadeslayer, rww, Unit19319:07
konradosSo, since we got rid of this guy, what do you think about http://askubuntu.com/a/282827 ?19:09
konradossomeone suggest sudo apt-get install kubuntu-low-fat-settings19:09
konradosTo make kubuntu use lower memory19:10
claydohthat is old, kubuntu-lo-fat19:10
claydohdon't think it is relevant any more19:10
konradosYou say I should use "kubuntu-lo-fat" instead of "kubuntu-lo-fat-settings", claydoh ?19:11
claydohand the package does not exist19:11
BluesKajkonrados, claydoh speaks wise words there...it's no longer relevant19:11
konradoshmm... so how can I lower the ram usage? By plasma or kde?19:12
konradosBluesKaj , claydoh ?19:12
claydohby not running things?19:12
konradosI only have hexchat terminal and chrome executed :(19:13
konradosI mean running19:13
BluesKajkonrados, how much RAM is being used and by which packages ?19:14
claydohturn off desktop effects reduce the neumber of krunner plugins used, check for and disable any windeco animations, drop shadows, and the like19:14
konradosclaydoh, OK, I'll do, thanks! BluesKaj - /proc/self/exe is three times on htop with 138 MB (RES column), then a hundreds times of chrome, with 115MB (only 3 tabs opened), then chrome --type=rendered many times (110 MB), and then small things19:16
konradosI have this: http://pastebin.com/mcHSFanT - please don't make laugh of my 2gb memory :( but why I have 291448 "free" but it still uses swap ?19:21
claydohchrome and other browsers commonly have different threads running -keeps the whole browser from going down, iirc, if one tab misbehaves19:21
claydohswap = ubuntu's tendency to hit swap early19:21
konradosThanks, claydoh - I'm on it19:22
claydohthat will make a diff on systems with lower ram19:22
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konradosOK, thanks19:22
DonCullenGreat, Kubuntu died19:23
DonCullenNow I have to reinstall it >.<19:23
spongeIf I'm using kubuntu 16.04 my pre-installed and my post-installed apps will be upgraded once stable releases emerge? like with libreoffice 5.2 or vlc, etc? What is the method for enabling/disabling this?19:35
BluesKajsponge, welcome :19:35
BluesKaj!backports | sponge19:38
ubottusponge: If new updated packages are built for an application, they may go into Kubuntu Backports, which is one of the official Kubuntu PPAs. See https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs for more information.19:38
heinkel_111are there any specifc advice for setting up doubleboot kubuntu16.04.1 and win10 on a 1quite new laptop19:41
heinkel_111I am thinking about UEFI etc19:42
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org19:42
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:42
BluesKajheinkel_111, ^19:43
heinkel_111Thank you, BluesKaj19:43
heinkel_111error parsing pcc subspaces from pcct20:12
heinkel_111does that sound bad?20:12
heinkel_111hmmm...windows fast boot must be disabled...20:18
user|81713Wht is the minium requiremens to Kubuntu 32bits?20:24
spongeIs there a reasonable evaluation of when will plasma 5 be as stable as kde in 14.04?20:39
user|69002quick question for the resident experts or advanced users out there. I'm about to make the switch back to linux (yet again) from windows and I'm considering two options. Install Kubuntu as is, or install Ubuntu and install plasma desktop KDE 5.8.2. Does anyone know which is the better choice considering the current state of both distributions and t20:59
user|69002he difference betyween 5.5 / 5.7?20:59
spongeI'm trying to understand how updates through backports work. for example I'm trying to see what updates are available for kubuntu 14.04 with libreoffice/vlc. I checked here: https://launchpad.net/%7Ekubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports/+index?field.series_filter=trusty and Here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty-backports/ . And it seems that since 2014, there were no update through backports to libreoffice/vlc. Is that correct or am I missing something?21:05
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konradosHi again. I've just installed "idicator-sysmonitor" ( https://launchpad.net/~alexeftimie/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages ) - I started it with app launcher, and i can't see anything, why and what do I do now? I thought I'll see it in the taskbar...21:17
migloAfter an upgrade from Kubuntu 16.04 to 16.10 usb_modeswitch doesn't automatically activate the modem anymore. I have to do this manually each time on the command line.21:26
user|69002anyone know if would i miss out on anything cool by using kde 5.5 versus 5.8?21:29
konradosI'm tired of this kubuntu... this is a fresh installation, i.e. I added some soft like chrome, but that's all. Not changes in preferences .I can't enter the pipe or backslash anywhere (like here) - it appears for a moment and then disappears... where should I look at to solve this?22:35
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DonCullenJust finished reinstalling Kubuntu.22:42
konradosBtw, when I press and hold the pipe (|||||||) or backslash (\\) then I "can" enter them...22:47
konradosIf it was to me, DonCullen - I have a problem with entering the pipe character (as well as backslash, it is on the same key, as you know)22:51
konradosWhen hitting once, it appears and disappears, DonC22:51
konradosDonCullen, ^22:52
DonCullenIn IRC, or...?22:52
konrados*everywhere* :(22:52
konradosin terminal, texteditors, irc...22:52
konradosafaik I have no problems with other keys, only with this one.22:53
Arcaire[09:51] <konrados> If it was to me, DonCullen - I have a problem with entering the pipe character (as well as backslash, it is on the same key, as you know)22:54
Arcaire[09:51] <konrados> When hitting once, it appears and disappears, DonC22:54
Arcaire[09:52] <konrados> DonCullen, ^22:54
DonCullenSystem Settings -> Desktop Behavior -> Accessibility, check modifier keys, keyboard filters22:54
Arcaireer, sorry22:54
Arcairemiddle click22:54
DonCullenCan't hurt to check other tabs too22:54
* Arcaire looks for a way to disable that.22:54
konradosThanks DonCullen - I'll try that, although this is a fresh installation22:54
DonCullenSure the issue isn't the keyboard itself?22:55
DonCullenHave you tried using a different keyboard?22:55
DonCullenThat'd tell you if it was hardware related or software related.22:55
konradosI used to work on another system, DonCullen - OK, I'll try that too, thanks, sec...22:55
konrados*it used to work22:56
DonCullenNo problem.  Not a guru here.  The only reason why I suggested that (accessibility) is because on Win10, my kids love to mess with the keyboard, and somehow they activate accessibility for keyboard, messes it up to kingdom come.  Drove me crazy trying to figure out what they did, took me a week to find the cause and fix it.22:57
konradosDonCullen, - everything's turned off, or have default values in the "accessibility" page, I'll try another keyboard22:58
DonCullenOK, good to know it isn't that.22:58
DonCullenLet's hope it's hardware related.22:58
DonCullenOtherwise there's more troubleshooting to do.22:58
DonCullenStrange though, you mentioned it's a fresh install.22:59
konradosDonCullen - yes it's fresh. But damn, I can't find a free keyboard right now, I'll try tomorrow, for now I'll survive without this key :) Thanks again!23:06
konradosI have problems with installing/deinstalling packages, like here: http://pastebin.com/CnvXv6zV - I already tried this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/148383/how-to-resolve-dpkg-error-processing-var-cache-apt-archives-python-apport-2-0 ( sudo apt-get clean ) - I'm very close to reinstall kubuntu, what's the easiest way? I don't care about the my data I already have, there is not too much of it.23:09
DonCullenIf you don't want to wait, http://www.bbc.co.uk/accessibility/guides/keyboard_easier/onscreen/linux/kde/23:10
DonCullenI wouldn't blame you for reinstalling Kubuntu.  I just did it twice today. >.<23:11
konradosDonCullen, I have more problems with Kubuntu. You said a few minutes ago "Just finished reinstalling Kubuntu." - what's the easiest way to do this? I don't care about my own data.23:11
konradosoh wait, I did something and it told me to restart the pc, I completely forgot about it, brb DonCullen23:12
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DonCullenI basically downloaded Kubuntu onto an USB drive, used UBI to make USB Drive bootable, rebooted into USB, and reinstalled then.23:13
DonCullenKeep in mind, to set up the USB drive, I was using a Win10 pc.23:14
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konradosDonCullen - sorry I recalled I had to reboot the machine, but it didn't change anything. I already know pressing the backslash key causes two things - it sends the backslash and then... it sends the backspace key - I discovered by an accident - in chrome it took me back to a previous page :) Anyway - I have so many other problems that I think about reinstalling KUbuntu, what's the easiest way?23:22
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DonCullenAh, you didn't see what I sent earlier konrados23:36
DonCullenI basically downloaded Kubuntu onto an USB drive, used UBI to make USB Drive bootable, rebooted into USB, and reinstalled then.  Keep in mind, to set up the USB drive, I was using a Win10 pc.  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/put-kubuntu-10-04-on-a-flash-drive-using-windows/23:37
DonCullenkonrados ^^23:37
konradosYeah, so the procedure is just like first installation, right, DonCullen ?23:37
DonCullenPretty much.  In my case, I had it format the partition so I wouldn't have to wonder if it was still re-using any old stuff from the previous installation.  I wanted a clean installation.23:38
DonCullenAgain, not a guru here.23:38
konradosOK, I'll try that, thank you very much DonCullen !23:39
konradosI have nothing to loose :)23:39
DonCullenNo problem, see you when you get back.  Hopefully it'll be all good when you return.23:40
konradosI hope so too, but I'll try that tomorrow, we have 02:00 am now in my timezone :)23:41
konradosI'll surely get back to you with a report :)23:41
DonCullenYep.  Before you install, may want to have Kubuntu test the installation media for defects23:41
DonCullenThis way you don't waste your time installing when it's already flawed from the start.23:41
DonCullen2AM?  Europe?23:41
konradosYes, Poland.23:42
DonCullenNever been there.  Heard it's quite a place to visit.23:43
DonCullenG'nite then!23:43
konradosI tried to use smartctl so I tried to install smartmontools when the dpkg said it has a problem. DonCullen - this is is Masuria, in Poland: https://www.google.pl/search?q=mazury+polska&biw=1280&bih=869&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjmrJq5z_TPAhVEiCwKHe-uCAUQ_AUIBigB23:44

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