
=== ariver is now known as Guest37442
wafflejockdaftykins, if you see this and get back on try pinging me in the support channel still got that video problem, tried with the latest kernel too and see it's using the i915 from the 4.9 kernel but still no luck05:27
Bashing-omwafflejock: daftykins is still under exile in the support channel :(05:32
wafflejockBashing-om, ah thanks for the heads up okay well daftykins ping me here then if you see this and have any ideas what else to dig into05:34
ducassemorning all06:45
ilmaisinwould it be possible for some developer to take a look on this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/143977107:44
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1439771 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "wpa_supplicant[874]: dbus: Failed to construct signal after 'suspend'" [Medium,Confirmed]07:44
ilmaisinit's quite important as it does seem to apply to a wide range of hardware07:45
lordievaderGood morning07:46
ilmaisinit looks like fixing bugs is not high priority for ubunutu07:47
ducasseilmaisin: this is the wrong place to ask, you might want to try somewhere like #ubuntu-devel07:52
ilmaisinducasse: okay, thanks07:53
BluesKajHowdy folks11:20
daftykinshi all \o12:19
EriC^^hi daftykins12:21
daftykins:D what's new EriC^^ ?12:22
EriC^^not much12:22
EriC^^reading up on how to paint right now12:22
EriC^^i want to paint the living room12:23
EriC^^what about you?12:25
EriC^^damn i'm too hungry for this right now12:27
daftykinshaha neat12:29
daftykinswell i just put 3 smartphones up for sale last night and sold the first one already :O12:29
daftykinsone of my screen repair successes :>12:29
Ben64what phone and which are left12:31
=== daftykin1 is now known as daftykins
pauljwHi everyone13:08
daftykinshow goes it sir?13:17
pauljwdoing fine, you?13:17
daftykinsyeah good :) put up some phones last night for sale and got rid of one already!13:18
daftykinsBen64: not sure if my replies got through btw, since Wilhelm died - Nexus 5 32GB and a HTC One X+ 64GB are what i have left13:19
daftykinssold a Samsung Galaxy S3 16GB this morn13:19
daftykinsoh i should call a telco and see if they still take old ones for recycling, got a tonne of junk age dumphones and mildly educated phones that can go13:20
daftykinsalrighty i should consider some other activities for the day, later folks \o13:38
BluesKaj'Morniing pauljw, notice how some vpn servers are recognized by IRC and others are masked13:41
pauljwi've noticed that13:42
BluesKajPIA is a Freenode supporter, whether they do it with money or other methods seems to be a secret13:45
BluesKajor other means would probly fit13:45
pauljwi'm happy that they do support it, how doesn't matter to me, so long as i can connect while using vpn.13:48
pauljwsites that block vpn tick me off13:48
BluesKajnetflix is blocking some vpns the Canadians use to access programs that aren't available here...I checked out the US netflix programming and it still didn't do much for me  ;-)13:54
BluesKajbut I'm an old fogey and alot of stuff on regular tv isn't my cuppa tea either13:59
pauljwi know that's the excuse they're using, people just need to stop using or buying any form of music or movies for six months and all this would miraculously disappear.  they think they're losing money to illicit use of their material now?  let em go 6mos with zero income and see how they act towards their customers.13:59
pauljwi don't care for much of what's on tv, that's why i am always online.  and i listen to my collection of CDs that i paid for.14:01
BluesKajwell, it 's the rights to to different shows that various countries don't have, an antiquated legality in thei day and age14:02
pauljwi agree14:06
pauljwbut many or most of these regulations are the direct result of industry lobbying and if the industry's bottom line were seriously impacted, they'd fix the problem.14:08
BluesKajit's just plain old greed setup by filmakers' lawyers and Congress in the US ,and Parliament in other countries 100yrs ago14:09
BluesKajlawyers is operative word14:10
BluesKajspeaking of cds , I noticed some the flac files I compressed from  collection sound crappy, so I rekonverted them to wav and the sound is a bit better ...less proicessing I guess.14:21
pauljwinteresting, i use ogg here.14:22
BluesKajoops reconverted even ...the kde influence is becoming embedded in me14:22
BluesKajthink i'll reinstall my old maudio soundcard. I used to be a pita to switch audio outputs in VLC to watch movies due to my obsession with using the correct digital audio formats available, but now with kodi that problem is solved14:26
BluesKajnever really cared for the the "aidio suite" all in one appraoch to media , but after setting up and experimenting with kodi I became favorably impressed with it's capabilities and ease of use ...not totally convinced yet but it looks promising14:31
BluesKajaudio suite14:31
BluesKajmedia suite is a better term14:32
pauljwi know you've been messing around with it for a while, are you using your pi to run it?  i'm close to going that route here simply because the pi fascinates me and a media center would be a practical excuse to buy one.14:34
pauljwi just want a low power, fanless setup for the living room or i could use a desktop in the basement and run a cable to the living room... :)14:35
BluesKajpauljw, kodi works well on the rpi3...but my wifi isn't up to handling full bown DD or DTS  and Hidef video simultaneously from my media server,...think a proper ethernet connection would probly work better14:40
pauljwgood to hear, ya, i imagine that ethernet would be best.14:41
BluesKajmy router might not be upt to the wifi task14:41
pauljwi stream bluetooth from my laptop to my stereo and that works great, but that's nothing like a movie.14:42
BluesKajbut I have kodi on my media server directly connected to our tv for  the full movie experience. I don't notice any noise from the pc during movies etc14:44
BluesKajconnected to our tv and audio system14:44
BluesKajbut i think you're right about using ethernet instead of wifi if possible14:46
EriC^^hey Bashing-om :D15:21
Bashing-omMy man ! EriC^^ Hoz eric in Beruit ?15:25
EriC^^good good :D15:27
Bashing-omOh good for the most part .. Fighting with new gear on old hardware . Awaiting a replacement Bios chip see if then I can use the new nVidia GT 710 card and a Smasung SSD . It's been UnFun trying to get them to work .15:29
EriC^^the bios doesn't like the ssd and nvidia?15:32
Bashing-omEriC^^: Nope .. the card has no support in 14.04 (but the mesa driver is fine here ) .. freezes with nouveau in 16.04 .. and the SSD produces ATA errors when booting . Sure hope the newer version of Bios helps .15:35
BluesKajBashing-om, odd I have samsung evo 850 ssd and nvidia 8400gs here on an 8yrold pc and it all works15:35
Bashing-omBluesKaj: I had expected it all to just work ! .. running a 2007 dual core Athlon who's bios is 5 versions behind ( if it works do not fix it !) ..15:36
EriC^^Bashing-om: cool, when do you receive it?15:36
Bashing-omrtStill awaiting the Bios chip .. choose to replace rather than flash present chip .. easier and safer !15:37
BluesKajBashing-om, wow, 5 versions behind ..understood, sounds like you have a grip on the problem at least :-)15:38
Bashing-omBluesKaj: Oh just a proces to get the hardware to interface . I really do not want to have to discard this ole box .. kinda fond of it . Besides, I am cheap and do not want to afford the monies and time to build another box :)15:40
BluesKajBashing-om, I read you loud and clear. gonna make this old pc run untill it gives up the ghost as well15:42
Bashing-omWell, Yeah ! ... I installed 16.04 some time back prior to changing the graphic's card .. and was plased that this ole system even ran 16.04 ! Meant I was good 'til at least the year 2021 .... But but but the system just pukes on the new mVidia card .15:45
BluesKajBashing-om, did you have to replace your PSU for the new card, some require a power increase over the std PSUs that come with pcs16:23
Bashing-omBluesKaj: No .. I have a 750 watt PS ( over provisioned for the future when I built this box ) .16:26
BluesKaj cool16:26
daftykinsi just got given some of the devil's hardware, an iPad 2 free o016:27
EriC^^i got screwed on the iphone16:28
BluesKajok, a non std box ...often thought of building one, but my electronixs experience is mostly with audio kits etc, a bit leary about tackling a pc16:29
EriC^^i wanted the 6s since half a year, and i thought i'll wait for the 7 cause it's almost out, then got the samsung when the battery was starting to inflate16:29
EriC^^and then the iphone 7 came out, and here they want $1200 or so for the jet black one!16:29
EriC^^so i'm waiting now16:30
daftykinsBluesKaj: yeah like with many things it's not even the 'lego' of putting it together but knowing all the gubbins to sort it out when it doesn't behave :D16:30
daftykinsEriC^^: ouch, although i've already seen articles of that devilspawn device losing its' markings to cases XD16:31
EriC^^losing its' markings to cases?16:31
EriC^^what's that mean? :D16:31
daftykinsyep all the logos on the back16:31
BluesKajdaftykins, or doing a lot of research before ordering16:31
daftykinsyou can't go too far wrong these days with parts :>16:32
Bashing-omBluesKaj: Instructions are generally provided and with care can be followed . Just many times tedious and an act of devotion .16:32
EriC^^i built a pc with my dad when i was about 16 i think16:32
EriC^^it wasn't difficult (the guy had wrote the instructions on a piece of paper though)16:33
BluesKajBashing-om, daftykins, ok that sounds encouraging16:33
Bashing-omJust download th manual for your current motherboard. you will see the instructions ( wiring) are prerry thorough .16:34
daftykinsi wouldn't buy AMD though.16:35
BluesKajno defintely intel i5 cpu at a minimum and nvidia gpu16:36
daftykinsnew generation out in the new year of course (Kaby Lake 7xxx)16:37
BluesKajlearned my lesson with amd16:37
BluesKajwell, I'm cheap, don't overkill for what i do on a pc16:38
BluesKajnot a gamer16:38
Bashing-omWhat's wrong with AMD ??.. the are 2nd, and have to try harder and build better . IMHO .16:38
BluesKajBashing-om, it's mostly their graphics aren't as linux friendly , driverwise16:40
daftykinsBashing-om: what BluesKaj said but also they're miles behind, the new Zen chips might finally compete though16:41
daftykinscurrent AMDs on the desktop with a discrete graphics card is fine if you're on a real budget, but i tend to tell people they should do it once and do it right instead of giving into budget concerns16:41
BluesKajmy laptop has an I3 cpu and it's wicked fast vs my desktop, even with a spinner hdd16:42
Bashing-omdaftykins: Was look'n - maybe have to replace this mother board - .. will be $500 USD for the new 8 core AMD board .16:42
BluesKajok  bbl...local news16:44
daftykinsBashing-om: lol ouch, that's a whole new build with 8 to 16GB RAM cost16:44
Bashing-omdaftykins: UH Huh .. But If that board were instaled be good for several years .. what ever the future might hold ( the time I bet is comming that 64 Gigs of ram will not be enough ) .16:49
daftykinsdid you mean $50?16:49
daftykinsbecause 500 i would not even consider it :>16:49
EriC^^8 core or 8 thread?16:50
* EriC^^ core fetish16:50
Bashing-omWell .. the board, CPU, and ram .. $500 all told .16:50
Bashing-omBut ! For what I do now-a-days ... this duial core does me well .. now if only I can get the nVidia card and the SSD to integrate well .16:52
daftykinsoh i see, thought you meant board only and the existing kit16:56
daftykinsAMDs are a bit weird so it's more like 8 x 0.5 than 8 core :D16:56
Bashing-omI have looked just a bit at intel also ..just that I am the more familiar, and therefore the more comfortable, with AMD .16:59
daftykinsi used to be the same, but i abandoned them after the Athlon64 and never looked back17:00
daftykinsintel: chipsets that work17:00
daftykinsmaybe not so much when it comes to on-CPU graphics in Linux, what with Linux being Linux ;)17:00
Bashing-omWell, like you, I do have a preference for PCI graphic's cards . I do like options options options.17:02
ducassehi guys and bots17:04
* Bashing-om recognizes one ducasse // still up and functional ?17:06
ducasseyes, just finishing up all i needed to get done today, working on some translations tomorrow.17:07
Bashing-omYou are a good man . Do what we can for our operating system ecosystem of choice :)17:08
ducassei can't code, so i do translation into norwegian for a couple of projects. new claws mail coming next month, so that's what i'm doing tomorrow. :)17:09
ducasse(well, i _can_ code a little, but i wouldn't want to share it)17:10
daftykinsi debated that once17:10
daftykinsmaybe i can make a Guernsey specific version, but then i was horrified how my bug about the wrong keyboard region took 8 years to be solved17:11
daftykinsso i was not best impressed at FOSS at the time ;)17:11
Bashing-omMe. I devote the majority of my time to helping .. with the vindication that I help myself first .. in this for what I can learn :)17:12
ducassei filed a fedora bug (i've only tested it briefly in a vm, but found a bug) about 3 years ago, still don't think it's been fixed :)17:13
daftykinsheh, was it a showstopper?17:14
ducasseno, far from - mostly cosmetic. i get bug triage, but it would probably have been a one-line fix.17:16
Bashing-omNo showstoppers for me, if the system ain't got the ram, ain't got the CPU power -- lubuntu ->> DSL here it comes !17:17
ducasseas for fedora i just didn't really like it. these days i'm entertaining the idea of putting arch on my laptop...17:17
EriC^^"the good thing in Lunix platform that your system is protected from pirates and spies"17:19
EriC^^this is priceless17:19
daftykinsuh oh, got an #ubuntu special case on the go?17:20
EriC^^ahoi me mates :D17:20
ducasse'it is based on command shells'17:20
ducasseaaaand matrix quotes :D17:21
EriC^^daftykins: somebody new joined the channel and another person is explaining the lunix ways17:21
daftykinsi think Sylvester Stallone said those are kept beside the three sea shells17:21
daftykinsah right :) blind leading the blind style17:21
EriC^^"if you want to go to the hole of rabit you have to follow me"17:22
daftykinsif you give it 5 minutes and shout "CHANGE PLACES!" all hell with break loose17:23
EriC^^had to paste that one17:23
Bashing-omFor some reason the nick Kaddouri rings a bad bell from the past .17:25
daftykinsi used to get such bell rings, i figure it's more #ubuntu PTSD ;)17:26
Bashing-omWell possible that PTSD - gives the benefit of the doubt .17:28
ducassemy first couple of jobs were tech support, i still get flashbacks and nightmares :)17:29
ducasse"there's only two jobs that call their customers 'users'" :)17:30
* daftykins blinks17:31
daftykinswhat's the second?17:31
ducassedrug dealing.17:31
Bashing-omBack in the day .. SPC ( RailRoad) became SPRINT. I was a technician and one of the chores that was shared was customer support .. YUK ! when the duty fell to me .17:33
ducassesome questions just make you want to go and smack them in the face, it's the same in #ubuntu.17:37
ducasse"did you even *consider* googling this first?"17:38
Bashing-omI tend to be very helpful .. so long as the 'user' is also trying to help themselves . I do recall the struggle to become PC aware .17:40
daftykinshave you folks noticed that the trend with the youngsters is to claim to have been "googling for hours" ?17:42
ducasseit's just that some people don't _want_ to learn, they just want the fix, and next time they've got the same problem they're going to come back and ask again.17:42
daftykinsand i swear it's a straight up lie every time ;)17:42
daftykinsducasse: yep i think that's what these supposed 'digital native' millennials are becoming17:42
daftykinsolder folks claim that the youngsters are getting better with tech, but i know it's the opposite :>17:43
ducasseabsolutely, they are just as dumb as their parents >:-)17:43
Bashing-omAndddd .. I have other things I could be doing  .. patience then wears thin if I think I being lied to .. or the end user not putting forth the effort that it does take .17:44
daftykins*nod* i needed to learn to walk away a bit better :>17:45
Bashing-omHey, I do remember a slide rule .. when was the last time I picked one up ?17:46
ducassehere's a good example:17:57
ducasse14:12 <codfection> its too much to read. can you please tell me what specific do I need to fix17:57
daftykinsyep that's an ignore right there, in fact that gives me ringing bells of a troll, too17:57
daftykinsi definitely think it's about this time of year they start coming in from the summer17:58
Bashing-omducasse: Yeah ! I do recall that ^ one ! .. did I ever loose interest quick !17:58
ducassethat particular guy is going into one channel to get a problem fixed, and immediately jumps to another channel to have someone there fix his next problem.17:58
daftykinssounds about right!17:59
ducassei swear he's never googled anything in his life.17:59
daftykinssurprised it isn't cross-posting the first ;)17:59
daftykinswebchat user too?17:59
ducassenever checked, but actually think he's said he uses weechat but doesn't like it because it's too 'complicated'18:00
daftykinsusually the user's host would be weechat@blah if it were18:02
daftykinsmy money was going to be on webchat18:03
ducassehe's offline now anyway, so i can't check.18:05
ducassestill, he's the type of user that needs to be told to try sorting things out himself first. oh, and he _does_ often crosspost :)18:09
daftykinsthose need the cannon -> sun treatment18:27
Bashing-omOK. slow .. nap time ! .. be bck in a spell .19:28
daftykins\o enjoy19:28
ducassei need to go to bed soon myself, my eyes are getting tired.19:30
BluesKajducasse, that user is well known for his demanding attitude , most support chats are aware pf his tactics19:32
daftykinsshame the ops are inactive as always ;)19:32
ducasseBluesKaj: ok, thanks for the warning. i'm shutting down soon anyway.19:33
BluesKajducasse, right, sleep well :-)19:33
ducassethanks :)19:34
daftykins\o nn19:34
ducassedaftykins: ttyl19:34
=== Guest37442 is now known as ariver
Bashing-omBack on duty .. and all caught up .21:57
Bashing-omdaftykins: ty .. Got back in time for it to slow down once more .22:04
daftykinsideal timing22:05
pauljwbbl, dinner time22:09

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