=== apw_ is now known as apw | ||
=== Contribu1or is now known as Contributor | ||
FatSpitfire | hi guys :) | 14:05 |
FatSpitfire | I need to take over a channel , I want to make a LoCo team for my country | 14:05 |
Pici | FatSpitfire: Which channel? | 14:30 |
FatSpitfire | Pici , #ubuntu-bg | 14:45 |
Pici | hggdh, elky, Tm_T, Unit193, Flannel ^ | 14:51 |
=== sakrecoe1 is now known as sakrecoer | ||
Fuchs | mh | 15:26 |
dax | hm | 15:26 |
Fuchs | oh, you are awake as well | 15:26 |
Fuchs | then you can do it once IRCC wakes up *goes back to sleep* | 15:27 |
dax | isn't it dinner time over there | 15:27 |
dax | but yeah, i'll be around | 15:27 |
Fuchs | I am at work, thus -> sleep | 15:27 |
FatSpitfire | so ? | 16:20 |
Fuchs | FatSpitfire: you have to wait for someone from the IRCC to wake up | 16:21 |
FatSpitfire | Fuchs , ok :) will do | 16:47 |
dax | (worst case scenario, I will be able to physically poke one of them in about an hour) | 16:55 |
PaulW2U | wu54ozl | 16:56 |
PaulW2U | oops :) | 16:56 |
FatSpitfire | dax . :P | 17:37 |
elky | FatSpitfire: the person listed on launchpad as the admin of the ubuntu-bg team made translation edits as recently as march, so i would feel terrible giving you the channel if they're somehow around (but not on irc) and you duplicate efforts. Could you please talk to the loco council about confirming that there is no existing team first? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-lococouncil (there's a contact button | 18:32 |
elky | on the right) | 18:32 |
dax | LoCo council is also on IRC in #ubuntu-locoteams | 18:33 |
dax | idk who's on it these days so idk which would be more effective | 18:34 |
elky | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bg has current members of the -bg team, and you'll probably want to retrieve that launchpad team (but we can't help with that and launchpad will probably want the loco council's decision too) | 18:35 |
sgclark | Hi.. dumb question. How do I invite someone to a private channel? | 19:26 |
Fuchs | sgclark: op up (/msg chanserv help op) and then /invite user #channel | 19:27 |
Fuchs | (opping up is not mandatory if the channel is a free to invite target, which hopefully it isn't) | 19:27 |
sgclark | thx | 19:27 |
Fuchs | sgclark: note that this is lost on a reconnect, so if it should stay in place, you rather want to set an Invex (also op up, /mode channel +I $a:UserHere) | 19:27 |
Fuchs | also also note that in this case the user should use SASL, else autojoin will fail | 19:28 |
Fuchs | (this IRC stuff is complicated, we should all move to Telegram) | 19:28 |
dax | delete services, problem solved | 19:29 |
sgclark | lol | 19:30 |
Fuchs | and hai Scarlett :) | 19:30 |
Fuchs | (we know each other from Randa!) | 19:30 |
mhall119 | hggdh: I appear to have lost ops status on #ubuntu-communitycouncil and can't invite myself back in | 19:31 |
Fuchs | mhall119: chances are that someone just asked for you (or that is a huge coincidence) | 19:31 |
Fuchs | mhall119: short variant is: someone should set up an Invex for you instead | 19:32 |
sgclark | yeah and apparently I can't seem to get it sorted :( | 19:32 |
sgclark | I tried to op up and failed. | 19:32 |
Fuchs | sgclark: you don't have the needed access rights in there | 19:32 |
Fuchs | err | 19:32 |
sgclark | ok | 19:32 |
Fuchs | mhall119, on the other hand, has +o | 19:32 |
Fuchs | he should just identify, as he just did | 19:32 |
Fuchs | mhall119: consider setting up SASL :) | 19:32 |
sgclark | something went terribly wrong on that big net split | 19:33 |
mhall119 | yeah, sorry guys, I thought I had identified with nickserv, but I must have mis-typed my password | 19:33 |
sgclark | ah ha! | 19:33 |
sgclark | ok thanks all | 19:33 |
mhall119 | my fault for assuming I knew what I was doing :) | 19:33 |
Fuchs | mhall119: no worries :) | 19:37 |
Fuchs | mhall119: as said, I'd recommend you set up SASL | 19:37 |
Fuchs | and maybe a certificate fingerprint as well, that should re-auth you etc. | 19:37 |
Fuchs | and all y'all be welcome etc. | 19:38 |
mhall119 | Fuchs: yeah, I'll have to learn how to do all that | 19:38 |
Fuchs | it is optional, just recommended | 19:39 |
Fuchs | for SASL have a look at http://freenode.net/kb/answer/sasl | 19:39 |
Fuchs | for the certificate: our web folks are currently at work to put my little manual for it online, should be also on the website in a bit | 19:39 |
mhall119 | thanks Fuchs | 19:39 |
Fuchs | you're welcome :) | 19:39 |
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