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=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
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lukasmullerhi to all16:02
lukasmullerhow i can change my icon theme?16:02
=== malysps is now known as Spass
xubuntu98whi all18:11
xubuntu98wI am installing Xubuntu and saw a link to this channel18:12
xubuntu98wI am currently working as an ASP.NET developer, but I am way more interested in Linux18:13
xubuntu98wis there a quick way to switch career paths?18:13
xubuntu98wprobably to switch to something like C++ and Qt18:14
knomei guess learn C++ and Qt and start looking for jobs in that area...18:15
knomethere's no magic path to anything, especially to a job where you are paid to develop for linux18:15
xubuntu98wI have completed the Linux from scratch tutorial18:16
xubuntu98wit was a lot of fun :)18:17
riztonhello everyone19:34
sorinelloHello. Does anyone has any idea if nsswitch.conf file changed since 16.10 ?21:05
sorinelloI am talking more exactly about the hosts line21:06
flocculantsorinello: looks the same in xenial as in the upgraded yakkety to zesty I've got here21:09
flocculantand I assume you don't actually mean 'since 16.10' as 17.04 is only a week or so old21:10
sorinellosince 16.10 was released :) long story short is that before I was unable to ping my router by its name: ping router. After migrating to 16.10 it stopped working. Now, after editind the nssswitch.conf and moving dns from the last position to the second in the hosts line, it works. So this is why I suspect something changed in the vanilla file, since I did not do any tuning on this file before21:12
flocculanthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/23376087/ <-xenial21:13
sorinelloflocculant, this is what I have after the upgrade: hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] dns21:14
sorinelloand I didn't put this order :P maye some apps, but surely not me by hand21:14
Indootimedestructor: coucou21:21
destructorbonsoir est il posible d'envoyer un message avec terminal?21:24
knome!fr | destructor21:24
ubottudestructor: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:24

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