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chet | how do I switch off desktop effects in 16.04 | 04:57 |
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IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> ALT+Shift+F12 should toggle effects | 08:17 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> Individual ones can be disabled in the 'desktop effects' system settings module | 08:19 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> or compositing can be disabled entirely on login via the Display > Compositor settings | 08:20 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> ah. 05:57. I'm probably talking to someone long gone | 08:21 |
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frapox | hi | 10:04 |
soee_ | hiho frapox | 10:25 |
WebHostingFree | ) | 10:31 |
frapox | hi soee_ | 10:33 |
frapox | Why Firefox lost his KDE theme after a cache-history wiping? | 10:34 |
markc | hi, is there any way to get dpkg-reconfigure to acknowlege altered debconf settings so I can script re-setting a fresh install? | 10:36 |
WebHostingFree | dpkg-reconfigure it can not be done (I did unix-linux) | 10:45 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 10:52 |
WebHostingFree | hi | 11:10 |
WebHostingFree | !ru | 12:12 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 12:12 |
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold | ||
WebHostingFree | !ru | 12:31 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 12:31 |
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markc | WebHostingFree: so you mean using debconf-set-selections followed by dpkg-reconfigure will never work? (it used to on wily) | 12:37 |
WebHostingFree | !ru | 12:49 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 12:50 |
bangolio | hi, latest stable kubuntu, big screen with a special IR frame that makes it a "touch" screen connected to computer, changed orientation to portrait but the IR frame orientation still acts as landscape. so clicking and moving the pointer works fine but moving the finger up causes the pointer to move right and so on. I've tried changing the coordinate transformation matrix via xinput but it will | 13:04 |
bangolio | not change. latest fedora had no issue with this. can anyone help? | 13:04 |
Irany | ... http://pastebin.com/a6pYRATY Someone can help me? My Plasma Desktop is screwed up | 13:05 |
Irany | How do i fix that? | 13:05 |
WebHostingFree | save sale | 13:15 |
WebHostingFree | v-l write ? | 13:15 |
markc | Irany: just a long shot, update then apt-get install --reinstall plasma-desktop-data | 13:16 |
Irany | Ok | 13:18 |
Irany | How do i logout from terminal? | 13:21 |
markc | ctrl-d | 13:21 |
Irany | Nevermind, i got it with ctrl+alt+del. | 13:23 |
BluesKaj | check this script out , block ads via dns for debian based OSs, http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/adblock-everywhere-raspberry-pi-hole-way/ | 13:24 |
tearmannair | BluesKaj - I like that idea, couldn't you set your DCHP server on your router to use the PI as the DNS server and avoid manually changing DNS for all your devices? | 13:30 |
tearmannair | That's the only kicker for me - | 13:31 |
BluesKaj | tearmannair, not using dhcp , i have all my devices set to static IPs in the router as described in the how to. | 13:40 |
markc | Irany: sorry, I see, you were in a non-gui console. Any luck? | 13:41 |
Irany | Actually... | 13:41 |
Irany | It worked | 13:41 |
markc | cool :) | 13:41 |
Irany | Thank you | 13:42 |
tearmannair | BluesKaj - if a guests visits you have to set them up manually? | 13:43 |
BluesKaj | tearmannair, unfortunately I had to install the script in all my pcs | 13:44 |
tearmannair | ahhh | 13:44 |
BluesKaj | but one can use an rpi as the DNS server tearmannair, https://pi-hole.net/ | 13:46 |
BluesKaj | getting offtopic here, join us in #kubuntu-offtopic if you wish | 13:47 |
tearmannair | my bad haha thx | 13:48 |
BluesKaj | you're not bad, I'm the one who started this :-) | 13:49 |
WebHostingFree | pedo fill repo google.ru | 13:57 |
BluesKaj | WebHostingFree, stop that | 14:00 |
WebHostingFree | help repo pedo resurse | 14:00 |
BluesKaj | WebHostingFree, click here #ubuntu-ru | 14:01 |
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WebHostingFree | !ru | 17:09 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 17:09 |
WebHostingFree | help install debian ps $$ | 18:08 |
WebHostingFree | psxe realtek | 18:09 |
konrados | DonCullen, if you remember my issues with keyboard yesterday (backward slash and pipe not working), then well, you were right, it's because of the keyboard (hardware problems) :) So it's not necessary to reinstall kubuntu, thanks again! | 18:10 |
DagMoller | there is any magix to install kubuntu 16.10 on virtualbox 5.1.8? | 18:14 |
DonCullen | konrados -- excellent, good to know! Glad you were able to pinpoint the issue! :) | 18:25 |
konrados | Whell, it was you, who did this, I would never think about it, but I'll be back here anyway with another issues :) | 18:26 |
doyle | Hey. When attempting to connect two 4k displays, it fails with: "Common reasons are that the overall screen size is too big, or you enabled more displays than supported by your GPU. Note: They function when both are in horizontal position, but when rotating one 90 degrees this error appears. What can I do to fix this? | 18:32 |
Irany | Are you fucking kidding me?? | 18:47 |
Irany | 2 4k monitors? | 18:47 |
Irany | Jeez | 18:47 |
IrcsomeBot | <Kai Sen> Which GPU you are using? I tried it with an Skylake i5 an kubunut 16.10 and it works | 19:11 |
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Irany | Guys, whenever i try to change my wallpaper right-clicking on desktop, it opens "System Settings" "Softwares & Updates" | 20:17 |
miglo | After an upgrade from Kubuntu 16.04 to 16.10 usb_modeswitch doesn't automatically activate the modem anymore. I have to do this manually each time on the command line. | 20:54 |
miglo | Has anyone an idea what the problem might be? | 20:54 |
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Guest96447 | hello? | 21:47 |
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abhishek | how can I install the drivers for the hardware in 16.04/ | 22:39 |
genii | abhishek: What hardware is not functioning correctly? | 22:44 |
abhishek | genii, bluetooth and video-card | 22:45 |
IrcsomeBot | Hesediel was added by: Hesediel | 23:07 |
ChetManly | is there way to make ssdm to display on one screen only | 23:41 |
ChetManly | like position 0,0 | 23:41 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Not that I know of ChetManly | 23:53 |
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