solefald | Does anyone know of a way to test maas/curtin preseed files via a VM or something? It takes way long to wait for a bare metal system to come up and go through motions, just to bomb on a syntax error at the end | 03:22 |
errr | Using 2.0.0+bzr5189-0ubuntu1 is there a way to pull up the snippets history? I rebooted my maas box and when it came up the dhcpd.conf that I had been using for a month was gone and no snippets showed in the UI anymore.. | 05:45 |
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solefald | I am having hell of a time trying to figure out how to escape some things in preseed files. Would someone please send me in the right direction? | 16:03 |
solefald | ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "sh", "-c", "sed -i /etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf -e \"s/^sysMgmtdHost(.*)$/sysMgmtdHost =\""] | 16:03 |
solefald | I have tried a hundred different ways to escape this and it fails every time | 16:04 |
solefald | Stdout: b"sed: -e expression #1, char 51: unknown option to `s'\n" | 16:04 |
lutostag | solefald: I would write out the expression you want in the command line... in your case ... | 16:07 |
lutostag | curtin in-target -- sh -c sed -i /etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf -e"s/^sysMgmtdHost(.*)$/sysMgmtdHost =" | 16:08 |
lutostag | then use python to do it for you... | 16:08 |
solefald | @lutostag thank you. while we are here, what is the difference with writing things like "curtin in-target -- sh -c sed -i " and ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "sh", "-c", "blahblah"]? i see the first method used when you need to echo something out | 16:09 |
lutostag | solefald: | 16:09 |
lutostag | solefald: so each item in the list is passed as a separate argument to the command | 16:10 |
solefald | hm.. thank you | 16:10 |
lutostag | typically you only will have spaces within an item if it is quoted | 16:11 |
mup | Bug #1636559 opened: ssh connection drops from deployed node <MAAS:New> <> | 16:11 |
lutostag | solefald: is the closest explanation I found that might be helpful | 16:12 |
solefald | lutostag: thank you for the explanation. Trying it out now | 16:13 |
mup | Bug #1636559 changed: ssh connection drops from deployed node <MAAS:New> <> | 16:17 |
mup | Bug #1636559 opened: ssh connection drops from deployed node <MAAS:Incomplete> <> | 16:20 |
lutostag | solefald: ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'sh', '-c', 'sed', '-i', '/etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf', '-e', 's/^sysMgmtdHost(.*)$/sysMgmtdHost ='] -- looks like I missed a space when I copied your cmd | 16:36 |
solefald | yep, saw that. thank you. i just tested and it bombs like that too with invalid sed syntax | 16:37 |
lutostag | solefald: my latest? | 16:38 |
solefald | yep. | 16:39 |
solefald | Installation failed with exception: Unexpected error while running command. | 16:39 |
solefald | Command: ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'sh', '-c', 'sed', '-i', '/etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf', '-e', 's/^sysMgmtdHost(.*)$/sysMgmtdHost ='] | 16:39 |
solefald | Exit code: 4 | 16:39 |
solefald | Reason: - | 16:39 |
lutostag | solefald: hmm, looks like your sed is off a bit | 16:39 |
solefald | yeah is supposed to be sed -i "s/blah/blah/" /path/to/file | 16:40 |
lutostag | I would do the sed like $ sed -i 's/^sysMgmtdHost(.*)$/sysMgmtdHost =' /etc/beegfs... | 16:40 |
lutostag | yep! | 16:40 |
solefald | i've been doing that for years. then i found this page yesterdays | 16:40 |
solefald | | 16:40 |
solefald | puppet_02_onboot: ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "sh", "-c", "sed -i /etc/default/puppet -e 's/START=no/START=yes/'"] | 16:40 |
solefald | which is rather odd, but i decided to try that because everything else i've tried failed. | 16:41 |
lutostag | solefald: ah, and I think I got the command wrong again... | 16:41 |
solefald | and 's/^sysMgmtdHost(.*)$/sysMgmtdHost =' may need double quotes because of the regex | 16:42 |
solefald | also i just tried on the command line and it did not work with (.*) but worked with .* so im testing that now | 16:43 |
lutostag | yeah, I think after all this it should be... | 16:43 |
lutostag | ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'sh', '-c', 'sed -i "s/^sysMgmtdHost(.*)$/sysMgmtdHost =" /etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf'] | 16:43 |
lutostag | ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'sh', '-c', 'sed -i "s/^sysMgmtdHost.*$/sysMgmtdHost =" /etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf'] | 16:44 |
solefald | thank you. this is going to be my next try | 16:45 |
solefald | i wish there was a way to validate all of this without having to deploy the box every 5 minutes | 16:45 |
lutostag | solefald: without the curtin prefix bit it seems to work... | 16:51 |
lutostag | so should be close | 16:51 |
solefald | yep! seems like it worked! let me fix the others. i have like 15 similar lines in there | 16:52 |
vmorris | i would like to know how to modify the dns records for the maas region controller itself -- the first interface that it has got picked up and set as the IP in DNS - I would rather it be the address on one of the other interfaces | 17:06 |
solefald | lutostag: that worked! now i am trying to figure out what to do with ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "sh", "-c", 'sed -i "s/^connInterfacesFile.*$/connInterfacesFile = /etc/beegfs/interfaces/" /etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf'] | 17:12 |
solefald | because it does not like when i scape / with \ or change / delimiters to @ | 17:12 |
lutostag | solefald: sed uses whatever directly follows 's' as the delemiter... | 17:12 |
lutostag | so I would... | 17:13 |
lutostag | ["curtin", "in-target", "--", "sh", "-c", 'sed -i "s_^connInterfacesFile.*$_connInterfacesFile = /etc/beegfs/interfaces_" /etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf'] | 17:13 |
solefald | ill try underscores. @'s did not work | 17:13 |
solefald | Command: ['curtin', 'in-target', '--', 'sh', '-c', 'sed -i "s@^connInterfacesFile.*$@connInterfacesFile = /etc/beegfs/interfaces@" /etc/beegfs/beegfs-client.conf'] | 17:13 |
lutostag | solefald: did the @ work on the command line directly? | 17:14 |
solefald | yep | 17:14 |
lutostag | hmm, $@ is a thing in bash-land, maybe that made it sad | 17:16 |
lutostag | but then again so is $_ ... | 17:16 |
vmorris | okay, dpkg-reconfigure maas-region-controller let me change the ip address that maas has configured, but it's still showing up as the old address in the DNS table | 17:18 |
lutostag | vmorris: the DNS table where? has the TTL expired? | 17:22 |
vmorris | lutostag: the DNS table in the MAAS gui still contains the old IP address for the maas-region server, i've restarted following the dpkg-reconfigure | 17:22 |
lutostag | roaksoax: ^^ | 17:23 |
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vmorris | lutostag roaksoax: this is maas 2.0.0+bzr5189-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 | 17:31 |
vmorris | soooo, i'm just going to edit /etc/bind/maas/zone.maas and reverse since I can't seem to find any appropriate place to edit the thing otherwise | 17:45 |
vmorris | just fyi, that didn't help | 17:58 |
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roaksoax | lamont: ^^ | 18:50 |
roaksoax | vmorris: i think you'd just need to change settings via API | 18:50 |
roaksoax | but lamont may be able to answer that better | 18:50 |
lamont | vmorris: it likely requires a restart of the region before DNS updates will have the new address | 18:55 |
lamont | which you've done. hrm | 18:55 |
vmorris | lamont: thanks but I tried this | 18:56 |
vmorris | lamot: manually altering the records was only temporary, they were restored following the restart as wel | 18:56 |
lamont | is there a bug filed? | 18:56 |
vmorris | well* soo.. i'm reinstalling the controller without that interface enabled | 18:56 |
vmorris | none that i'm aware of | 18:56 |
vmorris | it's likely just a symptom of my configuration here | 18:57 |
bladernr` | roaksoax, is there a way in MAAS to limit what nodes a user can control? | 19:02 |
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mup | Bug #1636601 opened: Can 'break' a 'New' node but cannot 'fix' it <docteam> <MAAS:New> <> | 19:39 |
mup | Bug #1636602 opened: Tool to restart all MAAS processes <MAAS:New> <> | 19:39 |
jhegge | yeah | 19:52 |
brandor5 | Hello everyone: I've got a new instance of maas 2 up and trying to configure nodes... however the ephemeral image loads and just sits there... I see cloud-init trying to talk to meta-data but failing... is that expected? | 20:08 |
brandor5 | anyone? | 20:16 |
brandor5 | just poking around it looks like it's getting the wrong cloud-config-url from MAAS... it's using localhost instead of a hostname or ip | 20:18 |
roaksoax | bladernr`: nope | 20:19 |
roaksoax | brandor5: check /etc/maas/rackd.conf what does it say there ? | 20:19 |
brandor5 | roaksoax: it is using localhost there... should that be fixed by install? | 20:20 |
brandor5 | and is there a proper way to fix it other than vi | 20:20 |
roaksoax | brandor5: no, if localhost is there, it will chose the value in /etc/maas/regiond.conf under maas_url | 20:20 |
roaksoax | brandor5: so you have two options | 20:21 |
roaksoax | 1. fix /etc/maas/rackd.conf to point to the proper IP | 20:21 |
roaksoax | or | 20:21 |
roaksoax | 2. fix /etc/maas/regiond.conf and leave rackd.conf as localhost | 20:21 |
roaksoax | brandor5: we reocmmend you do 1 | 20:21 |
brandor5 | roaksoax: awesome, thanks! | 20:21 |
brandor5 | roaksoax: is there a service that needs to be restarted to take that change in? | 20:23 |
roaksoax | brandor5: yes | 20:29 |
brandor5 | roaksoax: which service :D | 20:41 |
brendand | brandor5, probably maas-rackd | 20:45 |
brendand | systemctl restart maas-rackds | 20:45 |
brendand | (no s at the end) | 20:45 |
brandor5 | brendand: ah that's it, I'm not used to systemd on ubuntu yet.... was looking for services in /etc/init.d | 20:46 |
roaksoax | brandor5: maas-rackd yes | 20:46 |
brandor5 | thank you | 20:46 |
bladernr` | roaksoax, thanks! | 20:53 |
solefald | does curtin run late commands in alphabetical order? | 21:02 |
solefald | my commands are named like this - packages_0X_blah: , beegfs_0X_blah:, test_0X_blah: | 21:05 |
mup | Bug #1573690 changed: In the domain details pages, sometimes names have links to nodes when they should not <MAAS:Fix Released by lamont> <> | 22:57 |
mup | Bug #1573690 opened: In the domain details pages, sometimes names have links to nodes when they should not <MAAS:Fix Released by lamont> <> | 23:06 |
mup | Bug #1573690 changed: In the domain details pages, sometimes names have links to nodes when they should not <MAAS:Fix Released by lamont> <> | 23:12 |
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