
* Kilos waves08:19
zakihello Kilos Tuhin_ pavlushka09:41
zakiand others09:41
Kiloshi zaki 09:41
zakiKilos: how are u doing? 09:41
zakiTuhin_: how are you?09:42
Kilosok ty and you09:42
Tuhin_i m ok09:42
zakii'm fine. :) 09:42
zakisorry , the actual link will be this. 09:43
zakiwb Nahiyan09:44
Nahiyanomg stop it09:45
zakistop what?09:45
Nahiyanmessaging me every time I quit xd10:21
Nahiyanhey kilos10:22
Nahiyanhow are you10:22
Kilosim ok ty Nahiyan and you?10:22
Nahiyanit's 30 degrees celcius here I'm not too well xD10:23
NahiyanI put up aluminium foil on my windows10:23
Kilosthat will keep the sun out10:24
Kilosbut walls still get hot with direct sun 10:24
NahiyanI set it with the reflective side facing outside10:24
Nahiyanwalls are cement quite thick10:24
Kilosyou will find, if there is a bit of a breeze wetting the walls helps cool them down10:25
Tuhin_Citi Group directing obama in 2008 whom to put in his cabinet! the bankers selects the ministers.. and the policies....1 months++ before 4th Nov 2008 election10:57
Tuhin_this shows the elites knows who is "selected" president..... coz they selects them10:58
pavlushkaHello everyone  :)13:33
zakihi pavlushka13:45
pavlushkahey zaki 13:55
pavlushkaHello Tuhin_ :)14:15
Tuhin_ki khobor14:16
pavlushkakhobor valo14:16
pavlushkaekta Biral ansi rasta theke tule.14:16
Tuhin_make sure its away from ur food14:18
pavlushkasure, r amar ghore ekta Frog ase, bina dawate asheche, bodh hou ekhon hibernation e chole gese14:18
=== pavlushka is now known as pavlushka_
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
=== NahiyanV2 is now known as Nahiyan

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