
FatSpitfiremornin guys :)04:10
FatSpitfireanyone from IRCC ?04:11
elkyFatSpitfire: i replied to you earlier. i'll repeat what i said04:21
elkyFatSpitfire: the person listed on launchpad as the admin of the ubuntu-bg team made translation edits as recently as march, so i would feel terrible giving you the channel if they're somehow around (but not on irc) and you duplicate efforts. Could you please talk to the loco council about confirming that there is no existing team first? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-lococouncil (there's a contact button04:21
elkyon the right)04:22
elkyhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bg has current members of the -bg team, and you'll probably want to retrieve that launchpad team (but we can't help with that and launchpad will probably want the loco council's decision too)04:22
FatSpitfireso I have to find them ? is the owner of the site , who contributes all the Bulgarian translations ? I need to contact that person too04:30
FatSpitfireelky , thank you :)04:31
FatSpitfireelky , how can there be a Launchpad page , but no LoCo team ?04:34
elkyFatSpitfire: the account who registered the channel might have been dropped last october when freenode cleared out unused nicks05:41
elkynot everyone in ubuntu uses irc much or sometimes never05:42
FatSpitfireelky , thanks :) I`ll see if I can contact the channel owner05:45
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