
=== pp is now known as Guest96638
nsalogbotAny suggestion for a calandar that syncs with Google Calandar and works with mate?01:02
TheMariuzlooked for the same calendar -> google thing myself02:40
vinuchandranJust started using Ubuntu MATE 16.04.1 LTS 32bit in Windows 10 Machine - VMWare :)05:37
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Laeiramorning, guzs13:47
Laeiramorning, guys13:47
mate_hello i am Ravindra13:48
mate_i want help13:48
mate_i could not use hindi remington keyboard layout through ibus13:48
mate_how to do step by step13:48
mate_i don't know enough in ubuntu13:49
ouroumovHi Laeira14:05
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ouroumovhello charlie2008314:47
charlie20083Is here the official IRC of Ubuntu Mate or not?14:47
charlie20083because i cannot come here via Ubuntu Mate's Welcome...14:47
ouroumovcharlie20083: yes it is.14:48
ouroumovcharlie20083: that's weird14:48
charlie20083So I use Kiwi IRC instead...14:48
ouroumovcharlie20083, maybe your router blocks the port used by the IRC client14:49
charlie20083Maybe, I will look into it later...14:49
charlie20083https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=163745 I just want to ask about this...14:50
charlie20083Want to know how Multimedia Key on Keyboard works in Ubuntu Mate?14:50
ouroumovHm, I've got no clue14:51
ouroumovcharlie20083, you should ask on our forums14:51
charlie20083Do I need to tag "Raspberry Pi 2" or not?14:52
ouroumovJust post in that category :)14:52
charlie20083OK, looking in to it...14:52
charlie20083Because the PulseAudio in Ubuntu Mate on Raspberry Pi 2B makes voice crackle, and I don't know how to revert to ALSA, so I roll back to Raspbian and found that Multimedia Button on Keyboard not work...14:56
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usuario_Probando Ubuntu Mate por primera vez16:58
anonymous-laptopHola usuario_16:58
usuario_Como cambio la apariencia del escritorio?16:59
anonymous-laptopque tal la experiencia por ahora?16:59
usuario_Hasta ahora todo bien en laptop dell16:59
anonymous-laptopsistema -> administracion -> LightDM GTK16:59
anonymous-laptopahí cambias avatar y pantalla de inicio de sesión17:00
usuario_Ok, voy a probar17:01
anonymous-laptopy en sistema -> control center17:01
anonymous-laptopahi encontrarás todas las opciones de configuracón (apariencia)17:01
anonymous-laptoppuedes cambiar todo, hasta donde quieres las notificaciones17:01
usuario_Muy bien17:01
anonymous-laptopya cuando lo tengas en ON te explico si quieres ocmo activar el buscador universal Synapse17:02
anonymous-laptopcon el activo soo tienes que pulsar ctrl + espacio par absucar en todo el pc o internet17:02
usuario_bueno, ya pude cambiar el fondo de pantalla17:04
usuario_ahora, hay alguna forma de agregarle los iconos tipo dock de windows?17:04
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:05
usuario_creo haberlo visto en otra distro de linux17:05
anonymous-laptoppues en el control center -> apariencia -> temas -< editar tema17:09
anonymous-laptopahi encontrarás todo, ventanas, iconos, etc,17:09
anonymous-laptopOkay about that advertising, but (just asking), it's necessary to switch channel to speak in spanish? As you know Iam new user of freenode17:10
usuario_Same here17:11
anonymous-laptopusuario_, let's switch if you want to continue talking17:11
anonymous-laptopyou know how?17:12
usuario_Como lo hago?17:12
anonymous-laptopescribe /join #ubuntu-es17:12
anonymous-laptopsin espacio antes del /17:12
anonymous-laptopalí estoy17:12
usuario_yo tambien17:13
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=== charlie_ is now known as Guest27365
krabbewarum wird hier eigendlich nicht geschrieben ..22:22
ksdfksdanyone alive?23:31
anonymous-laptopseems to be empty23:36
anonymous-laptophow are you, me creating several ISO files to install all versions fo windows from only one USB. Including all patches, office, etc...23:46
anonymous-laptopjust to make formatting ocmputers easier23:46

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