
=== pavlushka is now known as pavlushka_
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
infinityAnd I see no kees.16:00
infinity#startmeeting Technical Board Meeting16:00
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Oct 25 16:00:40 2016 UTC.  The chair is infinity. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:00
infinity#topic Action Review16:01
infinityThe MaaS thing is deferred yet again, I really need to jump on that.16:01
infinityAnd I'm setting an ETA of 16.04.2 release for the xenial support header fixups.16:01
infinitymdeslaur: flavour CVE stuff?16:01
mdeslaurmy item is deferred again also....I swear I'll work on it soon, just as soon as the CVEs stop coming in :P16:02
infinityRight, I'll ask people to stop finding bugs.16:02
infinityShould work.16:02
infinity#topic mailing list review16:02
infinityI see nothing since September.16:02
infinity#topic Community Bugs16:03
infinity#topic Next chair16:03
infinityBased on the last meeting's log, looks like it's mdeslaur up next, with a backup of slangasek.16:03
slangaseksounds about right16:03
mdeslaursounds good16:03
infinity#topic AOB16:03
infinitySo, who has fun OB?16:03
mdeslaurI don't16:04
infinitySo, next meeting is scheduled for US election day.  Will the Americans be able to vote and still make the meeting?16:05
infinityAnd, indeed, will any of us be able to get anything done while glued to our TVs for 12 hours with Trump anxiety?16:06
slangasekthe Americans on this team all vote by mail16:06
infinityGood for you.  Then we'll keep it on the schedule.16:07
slangasek(as in, that's the only way to vote in this state :)16:07
infinityIf nothing else, then...16:07
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Oct 25 16:07:31 2016 UTC.16:07
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2016/ubuntu-meeting-2.2016-10-25-16.00.moin.txt16:07
slangasekinfinity: thanks :)16:07
mdeslaurthanks infinity!16:07
infinityWiki updated.16:08

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