
praisethemoongood day everyone!07:36
elachecheCool praisethemoon :)08:45
praisethemoonelacheche, was that about the screenshot of yesterday? :D08:49
praisethemoonelacheche, it's just some design :3 I improved it after xD09:01
elachecheAt least you're starting something09:01
praisethemoonyeah xD09:44
praisethemoonso how are you today?09:44
elachechetired.. probably sick x)10:07
praisethemoonoh ... :(10:09
elachecheprobably x)10:14
pavlushkaYES praisethemoon !13:30
praisethemoonpavlushka, yes what? xD13:31
pavlushkayou pinged me, but I was somewhere else for a day, now back and noticed the ping :)13:31
praisethemoonremind me of what I said XD13:43
praisethemoonpavlushka, i recall it was yesterday night ( in my timezone :3 )13:43
elacheche"20:28:56 praisethemoon | pavlushka, HEY!"13:46
praisethemoonpavlushka, HEY!13:47
pavlushkapraisethemoon: yes, I brought a cat, was attending her13:55
pavlushkafrom streets :p13:59
pavlushkapraisethemoon: what? you dont like cats?13:59
pavlushkaHey elacheche , how are you?14:10
praisethemoonpavlushka, i adore cats :))14:12
elachecheHey pavlushka :) Good :)14:18
pavlushkayes elacheche , me great, with a frog (in hibernation) and a cat now , :)14:19
pavlushkaHey Naeil o/14:20
elachechecool x)14:24
=== pavlushka is now known as pavlushka_
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
pavlushkaelacheche: you were feeling sick, how is it now?14:35
praisethemoona frog?14:48
praisethemoonname it froggen14:48
* pavlushka curious about the name froggen14:57
pavlushkaNaeil: Hey, how are you?14:57
NaeilHello pavlushka tired :/ what about you?14:58
pavlushkaNaeil: me too, just back from almost a 100 Kilos trip :)14:59
pavlushkawith the cat14:59
Naeilaww a cat!! :D15:00
Naeilpraisethemoon, lua ninja guy :D how are you15:00
Naeilelacheche, do you know that the ML of awesome wm is going to be shutdown :( I think people is forgetting about the old tools :(15:02
praisethemoonNaeil, o/15:03
praisethemoonthe ninja is making a lua based web application \o/15:03
Naeilmake sure you post it in github :D15:11
praisethemoonofcourse :D15:29
praisethemoonunless facebook or microsoft buys it15:29
elachechesorry pavlushka I was afk18:03
pavlushkaelacheche: np, :)18:03
praisethemoonelacheche, hey :D18:05
pavlushkaelacheche: looks like who set the topic is more than the topic Topic for #ubuntu-tn set by elacheche_anis!~elacheche@ubuntu/member/elacheche-anis18:05
elachechepraisethemoon: Saw this 16:01:57         Naeil | elacheche, do you know that the ML of awesome wm is going to be shutdown :( I think people is forgetting about the old tools :(                                                                                                          │18:06
elachechelool pavlushka :D18:07
elachechepraisethemoon: you should contribute to that project dude! it's lua based! And it's really awesome (like they call it)18:07
elachecheYou should try it18:07
elachecheawesome wm (Lua, GPL2), i3wm (C,BSD3), qtile(py,MIT)18:09
elachecheI tried qile once, was buggy :/18:09
praisethemoonwell gpl is a bad license :(18:10
elachecheSomehow, people use it x)18:10
elachecheWhy is that! :p18:10
praisethemoonwell, i dislike gpl licenses ^^18:11
elachecheWhat distro is that?18:12
elachechepraisethemoon: Ubuntu?18:12
elachecheWhat DE?18:12
praisethemoonyeah, unity18:15
praisethemoonelacheche, http://imgur.com/a/cl3vt18:15
elachecheI hate unity18:16
elachecheNice screen :D18:16
elachechepraisethemoon, pavlushka you can find good DE hacks in here :) https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/18:16
elachechepraisethemoon: you should try AWESOME WM :)18:16
elachecheAnd I should go home..18:16
elachecheSee you later18:17
pavlushkasee ya elacheche , thanks18:17
praisethemoonawesome link :D18:23

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