
helloneed help for password cracker tool - > excel sheet is password lock01:12
Guest77Hey! I want to install ubuntu touch via multiROM Manager on my Nexus 7 2013 LTE. Which version is recommended?02:38
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kaisozhi there07:04
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UBport-use|75227Can you develop Ubuntu Touch for Huawei P8 Lite ? please09:55
QwertieDoes ubuntu touch use apt?10:55
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davmor2Qwertie: no it uses click10:57
Qwertiedavmor2: Are system packages in the click format?10:59
davmor2Qwertie: some is some isn't10:59
QwertieIm just wondering if I will still be able to do system updates like on a desktop or it an android style reboot and flash the new image11:00
davmor2Qwertie: android style ota11:01
QwertieOh, thats a shame :/11:02
jgdxQwertie, you can use apt all you want. It's still Ubuntu.11:25
ogra_but you got to keep the pieces if it breaks11:26
jgdxoh yeah11:26
ogra_(and dont expect any support with it)11:26
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patarrogra_: do you perhaps know why sailfish os uses that proprietary dalvik vm? Do you think it would be possible to run APKs on ubuntu touch using some OSS tech?14:50
k1lpatarr: iirc they wanted to use and promote that android apps do run on sailfish. so they needed that java vm to let them run. but it seemed it didnt work that good, and it stopped people from making native sailfish apps.14:52
TheKitpatarr, for Sailfish, there is also in-progress open-source solution called sfdroid, but basically it's running Android (CyanogenMod) alongside Sailfish in it's current state14:53
sotrhravenI have some questions. any one here put ut on a nook hd+14:55
patarrThe part I don't understand is why go with that proprietary VM. Perhaps its possible to run android in a container like ubuntu touch and use the Dalvik VM that is standard on Android?15:00
dobeypatarr: if you want answers for questions about sailfish, this is probably not the best place to get them. ask jolla why they did what they did in sailfish15:02
dobeyas for ubuntu, no it's not that simple15:02
AngelXenial sorry i missing IMEI on bq e4.5  is possible reset IMEI15:03
dobeyAngelXenial: you have to use the bq tools for that. you need to talk to bq support15:07
AngelXenialok dobey15:08
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patarrWell, thank you all for the information.15:16
ogra_patarr, i think there was some project from KDE to produce a free variant15:20
ogra_why sailfish chose aliendalvik i dont know ... probably the simple lack of other options that work :)15:20
faenilpatarr: that is already possible, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM0UMfgAtqI15:21
faeniland ogra_ if interested :D ^15:21
faenilthat is the "community" version of the android runtime15:22
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ut34Hi everyone... I'm wondering, does anyone use UT on a Nexus 5?20:51
ut34I guess im wondering if its stable enough to use and completely ditch android?20:52
dobeydepends on what features/apps you need really20:54
ut34well I noticed that bluetooth isnt working, I dont use BT too often so no big deal, but I guess I'm wondering in terms of battery life and if there are any other concerns?20:56
ut34in terms of apps, i really dont use many/any other than email, sms, cameras, web browser..20:56
dobeyi think there are some issues with camera flash and such still20:58
dobeybattery life is pretty decent now i think20:58
ut34ok not a big deal.. does this update using apt? so when updates come I can use whatever is built in or does it need to be re-flashed each time?21:00
mcphailut34: the OS isn't really ready to replace Android for most people yet, imho21:00
ut34mcphail; yes most people i'd agree, i'm comfortable with linux, servers, etc so if there are issues it wouldnt bother me..21:01
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dobeyut34: no, it doesn't update using apt21:02
dobeyut34: but it does have an OTA update mechanism21:03
learnbsdhmm since there's people here any of you actually manage to get ubuntu touch to boot on the nexus 521:03
dobeylearnbsd: yes, you need to use the rc-proposed channel from ubports, not any of the devel channels21:03
mcphailut34: I've been using it on a supported device for nearly 18 months. It is rough at times. NetworkManager is clearly not fit for purpose, and I'm having pulseaudio issues at times. I may switch back to android soon21:03
learnbsdi think i was doing the stable..i'll try rc-proposed though21:04
learnbsdgive me a few min to run home and grab the phnoe21:04
dobeylearnbsd: if your phone has android 6+ on it, you will need to reflash to the last android 4.4 image before flashing ubuntu on21:04
ut34mcphail; gotcha. does that affect all devices or just the particular one you may have?21:05
mcphailut34: I think the networkmanager problems are ubiquitous. Not a major issue, but switching from 3g to wifi has always been a pain21:05
dobeyut34: there's also an issue on the nexus 5 with the content sharing feature which prevents sharing pictures in SMS, web, etc...21:06
mcphailut34: lots of features of the OS are very nice though. I prefer the UI to android21:06
learnbsddobey: ok..i also couldn't get my nexus 4 to boot either..i'll try the nexus 5 first..i'll grab latest 4.4 and then ub touch rc-proposed.21:06
mcphailut34: and the development process is much better21:07
dobeymy nexus 4 works fine. again, make sure you are on stable or rc-proposed for it and not trying to use any of the devel* channels21:07
ut34dobey; thats ok, features I could live without :) I just really want linux in my pocket.21:07
learnbsdyeah i was on stable for both :/21:07
dobeyut34: well, sounds like you've already got that :)21:08
learnbsdspecific radio i should use for them or just 4.4 ?21:08
dobeylearnbsd: whatever the last 4.4 image was should do21:08
learnbsdok thanks...i think this is the first time i've said something in here and gotten a response :)21:09
ut34mcphail: yeah it looks very nice, i think i'll just give it a shot and see how it goes, my phone needs a wipe anyway. I imagine all the apps generally work better anyway as most linux stuff does21:09
ut34dobey: lol android? i really dont feel like its the same thing at all. I'd take UT anyday over google21:10
mcphailut34: It is certainly worth a try. Hope you enjoy it and submit lots of bug reports to help make it better ;)21:11
dobeyut34: "linux" is just a kernel, and android is a distribution of an OS built on top of that kernel21:11
ut34dobey: of course :)21:11
dobeylearnbsd: i'm pretty sure i responded to you before21:11
dobeyut34: so i guess you want more than just linux in your pocket :)21:11
learnbsddobey: hmm maybe i just missed it :/  either way grabbing 4.4 for hammerhead now and will hopefully get it to work21:13
dobeyanyway, gotta go now. good luck21:16
ut34dobey: yes a little more than linux :) but thanks for all the input!21:20
Acou_Bassmcphail_: im sorry to be 'that guy', just curious about your network manager issues - ive never had any problems going from 3g-wifi, its instant and automatic for me ;022:06
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