
m0nkey_nope, ubuntu is bugging out. time to try something else.00:37
daftykinswhich release did you install?00:43
daftykinsnm gotta sleep, nn \o00:45
daftykinsbtw m0nkey_ can be our new late night buddy to replace shauno, then the band'll be back together ;)00:49
daftykinsRIP shauno00:49
daftykinshe even owns apple!00:49
daftykinszmoylan-pi: just don't send him away!00:49
m0nkey_wait. what happened to shauno?00:50
m0nkey_daftykins, 16.04.100:50
daftykinssorry, we pinky swore never to tell a soul00:50
m0nkey_did he time travel again?00:51
daftykinsoh god he went back to cure Jobs' cancer, didn't he?00:51
daftykinsdiddledan: damn it00:51
daftykinsdiddledan_: double damn it00:51
diddledan_double dog damn00:52
m0nkey_welp, centos7 seems to not have that weird wifi network bug.01:32
knightwi1emorning peeps07:53
=== knightwi1e is now known as knightwise
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:57
foobarrycan't get dirty to root my android tablet :(09:00
knightwisehey brobostigon09:06
knightwisemorning foobarry09:06
brobostigonhi knightwise09:19
knightwiseHow are you guys doing today09:39
davmor2knightwise: well I'm awake09:40
foobarrycar MOT day. nervous all day09:41
knightwiseMOT day ?09:55
foobarrygone for its annual MOT test.09:57
=== brmbrmca1 is now known as brmbrmcar
=== e is now known as deadk
TwistedLucidityMeh. I need to either pay for motorcycle insurance and get the thing back on the road; or scrap it.10:54
TwistedLuciditySeems a shame to scrap it.10:54
foobarrybah , extra £300 to fix the car10:57
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g
foobarrycosts that every year due to london speed bumps10:59
popeyI got given a car at the weekend! :)11:02
popey(Returning a favour as I gave away a car to them a few years ago)11:02
foobarryi gave a car away once11:02
foobarryvw golf mk211:03
knightwisepopey = Opra11:03
popeyIt's done nearly 200K miles :)11:03
popeyI gave away a ZX81 once :(11:03
* Seeker probably owes popey an old machine at some point then :P11:22
zmoylan-picarve a zx spectrum out of wood on a cnc machine and stick a pi zero in it... :-)11:47
brobostigonvery odd, my battery seems to be stuck on 64%, even though its been plugged in since last night.12:18
zmoylan-pithat's the rootkit at work... :-P12:19
diddledan_brobostigon: oh, sorry, I was running a bitcoin miner on there :-p12:21
zmoylan-piyou too? :-D12:21
brobostigonlolz v.212:21
diddledan_and some doge coins, too12:21
zmoylan-pijust in case... wise man...12:22
diddledan_wise man once said, go to bed with itchy bum, wake up with smelly finger12:22
diddledan_that was from my childhood12:23
zmoylan-piconfucius say, man with one watch know time, man with smart watch know location of every usb port...12:23
diddledan_lol. first thing I do on holiday is check I can get internet12:24
zmoylan-piand if not break out the emergency 32gb memory card of cat videos...12:28
Laneychimney sweep booked12:58
Laneywiiiiiiiiiinter is coming12:58
zmoylan-pii can already smell the fireplaces in use when i go walking in the evening13:00
TwistedLuciditySpot the bloke who doens't like in an urban environment :-)13:02
zmoylan-piit's a very urban area.  smokeless coal has a smell to it13:04
TwistedLucidityOh right, keep forgetting about that stuff13:06
davmor2Laney: 3-4 months of snow and below 0 temperatures apparently but we'll see13:23
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Laneydavmor2: you've been reading too much daily express14:19
davmor2Laney: no it is in most news sources to be honest it is never likely to really happen but we'll see :)14:20
LaneyI saw a post on twitter where they posted daily express/mail front pages for the last many winters predicting months of snow14:21
=== pavlushka is now known as pavlushka_
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
AzelphurQuestion for folks, is it worth trying to move from EXT4 on RAID6 to ZFS? I keep seeing everyone using ZFS for large storage arrays and don't know why.16:43
foobarrydo u know how to support ZFS :P17:08
daftykinsdepends how much you want to waste your life away messing with storage or just using it (:17:28
* diddledan_ messes with daftykins' storage17:30
daftykinsooh sir!17:30
daftykinsjust sold phone #2 \o/17:30
diddledan_daftykins: stay away from my disks!17:30
* zmoylan-pi wonders what is wrong with the last phone that it hasn't sold... :-P17:39
davmor2zmoylan-pi: it's a samsung note 717:41
zmoylan-piwell... halloween is coming up and they restrict all other fireworks...17:42
daftykinsdavmor2: you have one? doesn't seem wise17:42
davmor2daftykins: I don't, but it seems like an excellent way to safely start fireworks :D17:45
daftykinsSamsung's a firestarter, twisted firestarter ~17:47
zmoylan-piin fifth element ii the samsung logo will be on the stone that represents fire...17:48
=== Phoenix is now known as Guest27728
diddledan_you know electricity is currently measured in watts? I propose a new standard called the "I beg your pardon?"18:27
daftykinstoo long ;)18:29
daftykinsis that shouted, also?18:29
diddledan_how about "huh"?18:30
davmor2diddledan_: in here it's call a Uwot18:31
davmor2zmoylan-pi: no that would be the highest uwots18:39
daftykinsoh my... i just found the remaining samsung S3 with a massively expanded battery18:59
zmoylan-pis3 are quite an old phone, aren't they?19:05
daftykinsclient killed one and i put a new screen on many moons ago ;)19:07
daftykinsthere's the damage19:08
zmoylan-pinow you just need a new battery to strap to the back... :-P19:08
daftykinsonly £5 on amazon, but they're not allowed to fly anymore...19:08
zmoylan-pion great thing about phones with removeable batteries is that they usually pop the back off the phone indicating the problem19:09
zmoylan-pii thought the flight ban was only samsung note 7's?19:09
daftykins*batteries* on their own are not allowed to fly19:09
daftykinsthat was precisely the case here, screen had popped off the front too19:09
zmoylan-pithen how can you buy a phone online anymore, never mind 1 of a multitude of devices?19:10
daftykinsfor tux's sake zmoylan-pi, a battery on its' own - not one inside a phone :)19:10
daftykinsso say i ordered one, it has to come by ship19:10
zmoylan-piwell the i can see that if the battery is wearing a nokia for protection :-D19:11
daftykinswould never fit!19:11
zmoylan-piwait till they introduce new shiny nokias...19:11
daftykinsby name only19:13
daftykinsand yeah i've seen they're coming19:13
zmoylan-pii'm not sure wether to root for nokia nokia or ex nokia engineers who bought ms nokia dumbphone business nokia yet :-) /not a lot of nokia in that19:14
diddledan_I vote the nokia nokia that's not nokia nokia but nokia19:15
zmoylan-piwith just a hint of nokia added for luck19:16
diddledan_better than knorkia, any day19:17
diddledan_sorry, mom19:17
* diddledan_ goes back into family friendly mode19:17
zmoylan-piand todays most interesting graffitti goes to... ::drum roll:: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cvol3ErWAAAzgtS.jpg:large19:22
diddledan_it's V!19:24
diddledan_love that movie19:24
zmoylan-pinot as good as the comic but still excellent19:24
diddledan_natalie portman totally rocks the shaved-head look19:25
zmoylan-pithough i'd now lean towards watchmen as my favourite alan moore movie attempt19:25
diddledan_oh the intro title sequence to watchmen is absolutely amazing19:27
zmoylan-piit encapsulates the entire setting in one bob dylan song...19:27
zmoylan-pithey didn't tone down rosarch19:28
zmoylan-pithey didn't try and put clothing on dr. manhattan19:28
diddledan_they didn't show his thingy tho19:29
diddledan_people have been speculating about watchmen joining with batman and superman and wonderwoman to form a DC rival to Marvel's Cinematic Universe.19:30
zmoylan-piwell a batman mate of mine considers that owlman, rosarch and ozymadus are all just various incarnations of the different batmans that have been done over the years19:31
diddledan_now, when do Amazon air the Tick?19:32
zmoylan-piowlman is the 60s has all the gadgets batman, rosarch is the original vigilante, ozmandus is the now perfect cerebral version19:32
diddledan_good theory19:33
zmoylan-piwell this guy has multiple batman costumes so he has thought about it a bit :-)19:33
zmoylan-piand i think they need alan moores permission to do anything with the characters and he'd rather die that allow someone else tamper with them19:43
=== christel is now known as ghostel
zmoylan-pilooks like the new mac books are designed to annoy a lot of vim users... no physical esc button, a touch screen esc button...22:04
daftykinszmoylan-pi: yip23:13

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