
minasotacyberanger: has noaa changed something that would keep my weather-util from working. Can't fetch forecast from the command line any longer10:13
minasotahttp://weather.noaa.gov/pub site was deprecated. Fixed in version 2.1. Debian has 2.0-110:20
cyberangerminasota: Don't see a version in experimental either. How about metar?10:32
Unit193Temp: 35°F (2 C) ~ Clear ~ Windchill: 31 F (0 C) ~ Humidity: 96% ~ Observed: Tue 25, 05:5210:33
cyberangermetar still works too10:34
minasotacurl wttr.in/ still works10:35
minasotaTo get weather-util to work it seems I need to update airports, places, stations zctas, and zones with the new link http://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov. Then rebuild all those sets10:37
minasotaI think I'll use curl wttr.in/ for now10:38
cyberangerThat works10:42
* cyberanger really needs a nap10:43

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