thatgraemeguy | morning peoples | 06:19 |
inetpro | goiedag thatgraemeguy | 06:26 |
inetpro | and hi to all else | 06:26 |
SilverCode | Obsidians ability to manage the server makes me question how they manage to maintain regular servers | 06:26 |
inetpro | Maaz_: is up | 06:28 |
Maaz_ | inetpro: No, is down (Server is not responding) | 06:28 |
inetpro | oh oh! | 06:29 |
inetpro | SilverCode: How long has it been down? | 06:30 |
inetpro | I wonder how many people still use that | 06:31 |
SilverCode | inetpro: about First noticed it yesterday morning. Not sure if it was down over the weekend as well | 06:31 |
SilverCode | I know if at least 3 people that still use it :) I keep trying to get them to move over to Telegram, but trying to get people to move to a different IM platform is almost impossible | 06:32 |
MaNI | because 10 other people also want them to move to a different IM platform | 06:33 |
MaNI | people are sick of everyone wanting them to move to different IM platforms :P | 06:33 |
inetpro | I guess the best way to force a change is to kill the server :-) | 06:35 |
SilverCode | I can't help but think that is what Obsidian are trying to do with the Jabber server | 06:35 |
SilverCode | heck, you can't even register accounts on anymore | 06:35 |
SilverCode | "June 25, 2013: We have temporarily disabled account registration" - | 06:36 |
inetpro | oh that looks very temporary | 06:37 |
SilverCode | Jabber is dead, but these 3 people are clinging on to it for dear life and no matter how hard I try they refuse to move to anything else | 06:37 |
inetpro | really sad, jabber was good for us long before most other IM technologies emerged | 06:39 |
inetpro | of course we've always had talk, write and other commands long before that | 06:41 |
jerit | the hell are you guys doing up so damn early? | 06:41 |
inetpro | sorry jerit | 06:41 |
jerit | meh my dog woke me up at 5:30 and wouldn't shut up so I was up around 2 hours ago already | 06:42 |
jerit | I don't wanna be cranky all day but unless I make up some sleep somewhere I don't see this changing | 06:42 |
inetpro | almost thought we woke you up ;-) | 06:43 |
andrewlsd | I'm a fan of jabber. :-) | 06:56 |
jerit | I remember dad used jabber when he was working for HP | 06:59 |
MaNI | jabber was a good concept, -open- protocol that other people can extend, instead of every person reworking their own client | 07:23 |
MaNI | if people had embraced that then I could message people regardless of what client they are on - instead of needing 20 different clients | 07:23 |
MaNI | too bad they didn't | 07:24 |
Kilos | hi inetpro Cryterion chesedo ludo MaNI thatgraemeguy zquish102 and others | 08:00 |
inetpro | wb Kilos | 08:02 |
Kilos | ty inetpro | 08:02 |
Kilos | hoe gaan dit daar boetie | 08:02 |
inetpro | good, good and yourself oom Kilos? | 08:04 |
Kilos | goed dankie | 08:04 |
inetpro | SilverCode: $ nc -z -v 5222 | 08:25 |
inetpro | Connection to 5222 port [tcp/xmpp-client] succeeded! | 08:25 |
inetpro | SilverCode: is it working now? | 08:33 |
SilverCode | inetpro: yup, looks like it is working again | 08:59 |
chesedo | hi Kilos thatgraemeguy SilverCode inetpro Maaz_ MaNI jerit andrewlsd and all others | 09:07 |
MaNI | hi | 09:08 |
* chesedo thought Maaz_ would pick that up... should have listed him first maybe | 09:08 | |
inetpro | SilverCode: next time just tweet the guys at @obsidianza and they'll get it up in a jiffy | 09:09 |
inetpro | it's a legacy system after all | 09:09 |
inetpro | that's if you do the twitter thing | 09:10 |
inetpro | hi chesedo | 09:10 |
inetpro | chesedo: you have to talk to Maaz_ directly | 09:11 |
chesedo | inetpro: ok, ty | 09:17 |
chesedo | oh inetpro, did you get my message yesterday? | 09:17 |
inetpro | chesedo: oh my, yes | 09:18 |
inetpro | let me try again to add him | 09:19 |
inetpro | not sure if I can | 09:19 |
Maaz_ | Note that we have a meeting here this evening at 20:30 SAST | 09:44 |
inetpro | ah, something is working | 09:45 |
=== Maaz_ is now known as Maaz | ||
inetpro | that's better as well | 09:48 |
* Maaz I feel so much better now | 10:03 | |
* inetpro stops playing | 10:03 | |
inetpro | the bot tells me "I don't know who andrewlsd is" | 10:05 |
Kilos | Maaz seen andrewlsd | 10:16 |
Maaz | Kilos: andrewlsd was last seen 3 hours, 19 minutes and 2 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-10-25 08:56:58 SAST], and has been online on freenode since 2016-10-25 01:39:14 SAST | 10:16 |
Kilos | i crash now guys, have a good day and a successful meeting. see you tomorrow | 10:40 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: create account mciverza | 11:01 |
Maaz | andrewlsd: Alrighty | 11:01 |
=== andrewlsd is now known as mciverza | ||
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI | ||
pavlushka | Hey paddatrapper :) | 13:31 |
paddatrapper | Hey pavlushka | 13:45 |
paddatrapper | How goes it? | 13:45 |
jerit | haircut and short pants really refreshes :3 | 13:50 |
jerit | goddamn its hot | 13:50 |
pavlushka | paddatrapper: so far so good :) | 13:56 |
=== pavlushka is now known as pavlushka_ | ||
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka | ||
inetpro | maaz: permissions for mciverza | 17:17 |
Maaz | inetpro: Permissions: +chairmeeting | 17:17 |
inetpro | mciverza: it should work now | 17:17 |
chesedo | inetpro: ty | 17:38 |
inetpro | I will unfortunately no | 17:38 |
inetpro | oops... | 17:38 |
inetpro | I will unfortunately not be in the meeting | 17:39 |
chesedo | mciverza: when you can, will you run a test run at #ubuntu-afr? | 17:39 |
chesedo | inetpro: ok | 17:39 |
inetpro | have a power failure and quickly running out of battery on the mobile as well | 17:39 |
chesedo | ouch... general outage | 17:41 |
chesedo | *? | 17:42 |
inetpro | looks like our transformer is blown today | 17:43 |
tumbleweed | did it make a nice bang? | 17:45 |
tumbleweed | those things can pop quite impressively | 17:45 |
inetpro | have to go... enjoy the meeting guys | 17:49 |
inetpro | good night | 17:49 |
chesedo | night inetpro, hope you get it restored soon | 17:49 |
mciverza | I am online | 18:12 |
mciverza | Maaz: Agenda for tonight's meeting is at | 18:16 |
Maaz | mciverza: Got it | 18:16 |
=== mciverza is now known as andrewlsd | ||
andrewlsd | Five minute heads-up before tonights #ubuntu-za meeting here. | 18:25 |
=== andrewlsd is now known as mciverza | ||
=== mciverza is now known as andrewlsd | ||
* chesedo is ready | 18:29 | |
andrewlsd | 1 minute to meeting | 18:29 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: start meeting about Ubuntu Monthly Meeting - October 2016 | 18:30 |
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles | 18:30 | |
andrewlsd | Maaz: I am Andrew Mac | 18:30 |
Maaz | andrewlsd: Yessir | 18:30 |
chesedo | Maaz: I am Pieter Engelbrecht | 18:31 |
Maaz | chesedo: Alrighty | 18:31 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: topic Welcoming and Introduction | 18:31 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Welcoming and Introduction | 18:31 |
chesedo | superfly Cryterion jerit paddatrapper SilverCode thatgraemeguy meeting time | 18:31 |
paddatrapper | Thanks chesedo | 18:32 |
andrewlsd | Thank you all for being here. Feel free to continue your "I am" introductions. | 18:32 |
paddatrapper | Maaz: I am Kyle Robbertze | 18:32 |
Maaz | paddatrapper: Righto | 18:32 |
andrewlsd | The agenda for today is at | 18:33 |
andrewlsd | Are there any additions that anyone would like to make to it? | 18:33 |
chesedo | andrewlsd: i'm good with it | 18:34 |
paddatrapper | Lgtm | 18:34 |
andrewlsd | aah. | 18:34 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: agreed All happy with agenda | 18:34 |
Maaz | Agreed: All happy with agenda | 18:34 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: topic Review minutes of previous meeting | 18:35 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Review minutes of previous meeting | 18:35 |
andrewlsd | The minutes of the previous meeting (20160927) are at | 18:35 |
andrewlsd | Can I have a proposal and a second to accept the previous minutes. | 18:37 |
andrewlsd | e.g paddatrapper / chesedo | 18:37 |
paddatrapper | Am I missing something, but are there no minutes there...? I only see an agenda | 18:38 |
andrewlsd | aah. | 18:38 |
chesedo | andrewlsd: i forgot that we did not have a meeting in sept, but also do not have an issue with Aug's... | 18:38 |
chesedo | so all good with me | 18:38 |
paddatrapper | Also no issue with Aug's, so second chesedo | 18:38 |
andrewlsd | In which case, correction, the minutes for the previous meeting are at | 18:39 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: agreed All happy with previous minutes | 18:40 |
Maaz | Agreed: All happy with previous minutes | 18:40 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: topic Plans for 2016 | 18:40 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Plans for 2016 | 18:40 |
andrewlsd | Is there any news on tareq, magespawn and Kapanda's membership applications? | 18:41 |
paddatrapper | I haven't heard anything | 18:41 |
chesedo | magesawn's wiki page is still empty (waiting for him)... | 18:42 |
andrewlsd | Thanks chesedo. | 18:42 |
chesedo | Kapanda's just in idea stage I think... | 18:42 |
chesedo | and Kilos will(may) know about tareq'a | 18:43 |
andrewlsd | We will probably need to wait for oom Kilos and some other regulars to get any further feedback. | 18:43 |
andrewlsd | (mis-timed that one) | 18:43 |
chesedo | yip, seems so | 18:43 |
andrewlsd | Are there any other folks that we know of that need assistance with ubuntu IDs or the Code of Conduct? | 18:44 |
* chesedo does not at this time | 18:44 | |
* andrewlsd does not either. | 18:44 | |
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper | ||
andrewlsd | Moving right along then ... | 18:45 |
* paddatrapper neither | 18:45 | |
andrewlsd | Maaz: topic Events | 18:45 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Events | 18:45 |
andrewlsd | Are there any upcoming Ubuntu or open source related events that anyone would like to mention? | 18:46 |
paddatrapper | There's a Debian Miniconf in Cambridge happening second week of November, but I think that's a little unrelated | 18:46 |
chesedo | I received something on the sulug maillist, but forgot it now | 18:46 |
* chesedo goes to look | 18:46 | |
andrewlsd | *whatis sulug* | 18:47 |
chesedo | stellenbosh university linux user group | 18:48 |
* andrewlsd is now enlightened | 18:49 | |
* paddatrapper wishes UCT's LUG was more active | 18:49 | |
* andrewlsd has been to a couple of CLUG meetings. | 18:49 | |
paddatrapper | CLUG is active, which is nice | 18:49 |
andrewlsd | ... a nice CLUG meeting included an IPA tasting (ale, not the Identity Management foss project) | 18:50 |
chesedo | paddatrapper: they had a (stirring) discussion about it last month or so, and became quite active afterwards... | 18:50 |
chesedo | Here is that event: DevOps happening 7 & 8 Nov in CPT -> | 18:51 |
andrewlsd | Aah, yes. | 18:51 |
paddatrapper | andrewlsd: Of course, no beer and the CLUG hasn't met | 18:51 |
andrewlsd | Devops Days. | 18:51 |
andrewlsd | thanks chesedo for the info and link. | 18:51 |
andrewlsd | moving along in the agenda. | 18:52 |
andrewlsd | shall we proceed to "Miscellaneous" | 18:52 |
andrewlsd | ? | 18:52 |
paddatrapper | Yup | 18:52 |
chesedo | yip | 18:52 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: topic Miscellaneous | 18:52 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Miscellaneous | 18:52 |
andrewlsd | Any misc bits n pieces to share? | 18:53 |
chesedo | nothing new... | 18:53 |
paddatrapper | Not sure if we covered it in a previous meeting, but PyConZA happened in CT 3 weeks ago. It went well with about double the attendees than the previous year | 18:54 |
andrewlsd | Interesting news this week has been that the DDOS that took out dyn DNS and much of amazon, etc was largely due to exploited IoT devices such as consumer IP cameras/securityPVRs | 18:54 |
chesedo | oh our Ubuntu For Hope site has been completed (needs some extra mods), just waiting for kmf to put it on his servers | 18:54 |
andrewlsd | excellent paddatrapper. | 18:54 |
andrewlsd | chesedo: looking forward to seeing the site go live | 18:54 |
paddatrapper | Dirty COW means everyone should patch their kernels | 18:54 |
chesedo | paddatrapper: you organised there as well right? | 18:55 |
paddatrapper | chesedo: Yeah, I was responsible for organising the video equipment again | 18:55 |
andrewlsd | live patching FTW, now available for Ubuntu via Canonical | 18:55 |
chesedo | more on dirty cow for those interested -> | 18:55 |
andrewlsd | Ty, useful link. | 18:56 |
paddatrapper | .ninja ... First time I've seen that! Lol | 18:56 |
andrewlsd | all righty then .... | 18:57 |
chesedo | all right | 18:57 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: topic Elect chairperson for next meeting | 18:58 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Elect chairperson for next meeting | 18:58 |
chesedo | andrewlsd: you can do it again if you are up to it? | 18:58 |
andrewlsd | chesedo or paddatrapper, either of you keen to chair November's meeting? | 18:58 |
chesedo | else i'm available (for backup too) | 18:59 |
paddatrapper | What date in November is it, 25th? If so I don't see why not | 18:59 |
andrewlsd | I can do so. I was just about to ask which date 22 or 25 | 18:59 |
chesedo | paddatrapper: 22nd | 18:59 |
chesedo | andrewlsd: ^^ | 18:59 |
andrewlsd | (I meant 22 or 29) | 18:59 |
andrewlsd | 22nd. | 18:59 |
paddatrapper | Ok then I may or may not be here - in the middle of exams, so probably not a good idea to put my hand up | 18:59 |
andrewlsd | Ok, paddatrapper can volunteer for Dec or Jan. Not sure if we have a meeting in Dec. | 19:00 |
andrewlsd | ... but Jan should be good. | 19:00 |
paddatrapper | Cool | 19:00 |
chesedo | lol, paddatrapper jan would be open... | 19:00 |
andrewlsd | I'll do the next one if that is OK with you, chesedo? | 19:01 |
chesedo | andrewlsd: ok | 19:01 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: agreed andrewlsd to chair next meeting | 19:01 |
Maaz | Agreed: andrewlsd to chair next meeting | 19:01 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: topic Next meeting | 19:01 |
Maaz | Current Topic: Next meeting | 19:01 |
andrewlsd | Is it agreed that the next meeting will be 22 Nov at 20h30 SAST ? | 19:02 |
paddatrapper | Yup | 19:02 |
chesedo | yip | 19:02 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: agreed Next meeting is 22 November 2016 @ 20:30 | 19:03 |
Maaz | Agreed: Next meeting is 22 November 2016 @ 20:30 | 19:03 |
andrewlsd | Maaz: end meeting | 19:03 |
Maaz | Meeting Ended | 19:03 |
Maaz | Minutes available at json: :: txt: :: html: | 19:03 |
chesedo | andrewlsd: thanks for chairing tonight | 19:03 |
andrewlsd | :-) pleasure | 19:03 |
paddatrapper | Thanks andrewlsd | 19:03 |
andrewlsd | Thanks paddatrapper and chesedo | 19:03 |
chesedo | it went well and smoothly | 19:03 |
* andrewlsd goes off to edit wiki with the minutes. | 19:04 | |
chesedo | Maaz: Agenda for tonight's meeting | 19:05 |
Maaz | chesedo: Agenda for tonight's meeting is at | 19:05 |
chesedo | Maaz: forget Agenda for tonight's meeting | 19:05 |
Maaz | chesedo: Alrighty | 19:05 |
chesedo | Maaz: last minutes is <reply> Minutes available at json: :: txt: :: html: | 19:05 |
Maaz | chesedo: Got it | 19:05 |
chesedo | Maaz: last minutes | 19:05 |
Maaz | Minutes available at json: :: txt: :: html: | 19:05 |
chesedo | thanks for the wiki edit andrewlsd | 19:06 |
andrewlsd | Wiki page updated at | 19:06 |
andrewlsd | G'night all | 19:07 |
paddatrapper | night andrewlsd | 19:07 |
andrewlsd | ciao paddatrapper chesedo | 19:08 |
chesedo | night paddatrapper andrewlsd | 19:10 |
paddatrapper | night | 19:12 |
inetpro | andrewlsd: thanks for taking the hot seat today | 21:14 |
* inetpro has power again | 21:14 | |
inetpro | chesedo: remind me to send an invite to the meeting on Twitter next time | 21:17 |
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