
RJ45because only debian has the latest patch for lshw, and I need it00:00
bazhangRJ45, using debian packages is not supported, have you looked for a PPA00:01
RJ45ubuntu repo a shitr00:01
tomreynhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpdatingADeb describes how to patch a package00:01
RJ45I have not, I will look for one, then I will probably come back in 10 minutes with the exact same problem00:02
RJ45brb 10 mins00:02
Beliqwill miss u RJ4500:02
Beliqu kept the party going00:03
HertogHello.. does anybody know how I can remount / as ro on a live machine ?00:03
RJ45I tried this ppa  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lshw/02.17-1.1ubuntu3.2/+build/1002252600:04
RJ45exact same problem, ...whadaya know00:04
Bashing-omHertog: At the root terminal ' mount -o rw,remount / ' .00:04
RJ45Beliq: I'm back babeh00:05
HertogBashing-om: no I want it to be read-only00:05
RJ45bazhang: ?00:05
tomreynRJ45: that's because this package is not built for your verison of ubuntu00:05
RJ45how lovely00:05
Bashing-omHertog: Have you tried replacing rw with ro ?00:06
tomreynRJ45: you could try thi sone https://launchpad.net/~dannf/+archive/ubuntu/test00:06
RJ45anything I can do to sort-of bash this square peg into my tight round hole?~ :300:06
tomreynRJ45: but you could also just provide information on the very patch you say is needed.00:06
RJ45tomreyn: what sort of info?00:07
tomreynwell, what does the patch do, where is the source code?00:07
RJ45hmm, a non-descript totally random .deb from a totally unofficial ppa ..I'LL TAKE IT, thanki tomreyn00:08
tomreynRJ45: yes, it's not a good idea.00:08
RJ45(mindset of ur average windows user, sometimes ignorance is bliss)00:09
NoCode_So what happens when clutter won't start? This is after I "killall gnome-shell". there's error with clutter mentioned, but clutter has no command to start. Gnome-shell also won't start. I'm stuck restarting the computer.00:09
elkyRJ45: please stop antagonising the people who are trying to assist you.00:09
HertogBashing-om: yes I have00:09
HertogBashing-om: story is.. I have a VPS @ DigitalOcean, but that box is comprimised. And I want to recover data and then reinstall it00:10
* tomreyn would appreciate this, too.00:10
RJ45elky: lol, are you one of those people who get easily offended, I've heard so much about00:10
RJ45..it was really a bit of light humour to make the conversation more fun ..really00:10
Hertogbut recovery is virtually impossible because there is a process that continuesly gets respawned with a different file name and that process is taking about 99% of my CPU00:10
Bashing-omHertog: .. can you reboot the VPS  into the recovery console and not set rw ?00:11
HertogBashing-om: nope :/00:11
Hertogfrom the webinterface I can't boot it to recovery00:12
Hertogsince that is only possible from grub00:12
tomreynunderstood, RJ45. but there are a couple things you should get used to when seeking support here. such as using a different language. i'm notr offended, nor should you be because i wrote this.00:12
RJ45..I installed the random prolly_virus.deb btw00:12
RJ45testing it now00:12
HertogBashing-om: and the box is comprimised at such a level that.. it installes some systemd service, and if you delete that one.. on a reboot it reinstalls itself00:14
RJ45tomreyn: I am primarily a Rizon user, and am considering joining Effnet ..this gives you a clue about my personality, but I understand your point, I'm just not used-to being this 'PC' when I talk00:14
elkythere's PC and there's accusing people of malice, there's a difference and the latter isn't funny in a channel like this.00:14
RJ45BTW, I just tested virus_lshw.msi.exe.deb ..and to my pleasant surprise the patch works and fixes my problem, YAY! :D00:16
RJ45thank you for your engagement and support, tomreyn, bazhang, (and was there another user?)00:16
tomreynthat's a different version, though (with additional patches applied)00:16
tomreyngood luck with your keeping your system up and running. you will need it. :)00:17
RJ45really, thank you, I appreciate the help00:17
* tomreyn off to bed.00:18
Bashing-omHertog: Sorry to hear, bad things happen to the best of people. But I do not know what to advise here .00:18
RJ45oh man, tell me about it.. my main rig is like an old lady that will someday fall down the stairs00:19
RJ45..except it runs pretty fast and plays games :P00:19
HertogBashing-om: to be honest.. it's my own damn fault... :/ I didn't install fail2ban, I had root access via SSH enabled (because that's the default that Digital Ocean provides) and 'they' probably bruteforced my root password00:20
tomreynCyb3rw0rM: no spam here00:23
Cyb3rw0rMOk sorry00:23
Cyb3rw0rMi just record tutorial00:23
Cyb3rw0rMhow to install HexChat00:23
tomreynthis is a support channel fpr ubuntu00:23
Hertogbabosa: hello00:36
timdotrbEvening, all.00:39
timdotrbI’m having an issue getting DKIM running with Sendmail.. I think I’m really close, but I’m getting an error when I send an email, “Milter (opendkim): error connecting to filter: Connection refused by localhost”00:39
timdotrbI’ve opened port 8891 in my firewall, which is the port I specified in the config files, but that doesn’t seem to have helped00:40
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fooCan 16.04 use upstart if I install it?00:43
blacknred0is there a way to upgrade ubuntu offline ?00:48
Bashing-om!info upstart xenial00:48
ubottuupstart (source: upstart): event-based init daemon - essential binaries. In component main, is optional. Version 1.13.2-0ubuntu21.1 (xenial), package size 362 kB, installed size 1595 kB00:48
ldumontHey guys, is there anything special bout dual booting ubuntu and Windows 10 on two separate disk? I'm installing Ubuntu on a second GPT disk but I keep getting into boot-rescue mode when rebooting.00:49
fooBashing-om: thank you, I assume that means it could work – right? It's throwing this error: start: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused - hmph.00:49
blacknred0victorinox: hola00:54
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Bashing-omfoo: Well It is in the main repo .. so it should "just work " when installed . Maybe check that all the dependencies are met : http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/upstart ?? A bunch of them !00:59
nsalogbotAny suggestion for a calandar that syncs with Google Calandar and works with mate?01:00
fooBashing-om: thanks, I imagine apt-get install upstart would catch the dependencies, yeah?01:00
Bashing-omfoo: Well,, it should .. or at least tell you why it could not .01:01
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Bashing-omfoo: Do you presently have upstart installed " and if so? how are you starting the upstart session ?01:04
fishcookeri tried to remove old kernel when /boot 100%(scarse disk) hit but i've got https://bpaste.net/show/a957a4d9e824 when try the old one to release some space to upgrade to the latest kernel01:05
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fishcookeryes it's only 200MB with automatic security update without kernel blacklist01:06
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fooBashing-om: yes, and I'm testing with start myproject (where I have /etc/init/myproject.conf defined), which is when it throws that error: start: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused01:07
nsalogbotbabosa: user01:08
babosa@nsalogbot i am back after 20 years dont have a clue how it works lol01:09
nsalogbotbabosa: heh01:09
nsalogbotLinux is 22 now isn't it?01:09
babosa@nsalogbot talking about IRC chat01:10
babosait was long ago01:10
nsalogbot*cough* you're old *cough*01:10
babosaseems difficult now01:10
babosawhat command to use for what01:10
kk4ewtit really hasnt changed that much01:11
kk4ewtdepends on the distros you have used01:11
kk4ewtbabosa,  what are trying to do01:11
babosamay be but i cant remember even a damn single thing trying to explore01:12
helloneed help for password cracker tool - > excel sheet is password lock01:12
babosaI remembering using # and @ and stuff like that i dont even know that now01:13
babosathis is like a blackhole01:15
helloany help please need it urgent01:15
lordcirth_!ask | hello01:17
ubottuhello: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:17
Khar00fquick question, is there a way to view a list of existin01:18
Khar00fquick question, anyone has a minute to chat with me regarding permissions?01:18
Khar00fi'm having issues with smb shares01:18
Khar00fi believe it's a permission issue01:19
Khar00fthere's something i'm not too clear about regarding the gid's and how i should setup my uid/gid for my folders01:19
Khar00fi can't seem to access my shares through a win pc and when i login to my server through sftp i can't create any folers/files01:21
Bashing-omfoo: Can you reboot the system and do you have the option of upstart in grub's advanced menu ? and can you start upstart from grub ? If so we can point fingers at how your script is interacting .01:21
Khar00fhello, what's your issue?01:21
helloi have a excel file locked01:22
hellothat person is away so now client is asking to crack the code.01:22
et09_i have 14.04 and want to upgrade to 16.0401:24
Khar00fwhy not contact the person who has the code and ask for it?01:24
et09_is the path discontinued or something?  can't seem to do it with update-manager01:24
fooBashing-om: From my understanding, based off what I've read, systemd is the way to go for 16.04.01:25
Khar00f@hello i tried looking for that once in the past and couldn't find a solution01:25
Khar00fsorry bud01:25
hellook thankjs01:26
Bashing-omfoo: With no doubt ! systemd is the way forward .. We got to learn and adjust sometime .. now is better than later .01:26
fooBashing-om: :) thank you!01:26
anthonyb92hello: I've got a link to some VBA code that supposedly works for your excel file, but it would require a windows box, I believe01:27
hellothis one https://www.ablebits.com/office-addins-blog/2016/02/10/protect-unprotect-excel-sheet-password/01:27
Khar00fquick question, is there a way to view a list of existing gid's?01:27
anthonyb92this https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/328118-need-to-unlock-a-password-protected-excel-2010-workbook01:27
lordcirth_Khar00f, cat /etc/group ?01:27
helloi have this one01:28
helloVBA CODE01:28
MIKUBUNTUThe driver descriptor says the physical block is 2048, but Linux says it is 512 bytes.01:29
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, most filesystems like to work in 512 blocks.01:29
MojtabaHello, Do you know how can I use rsync to merge two directories, and overwrite files with the same name, if the destination is small in size. (does not matter if it is newer in the destination.)01:29
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MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: i just wondered if this is a result of my failing harddrive --- trying to get this usb stick ready to use to store/backup my data01:30
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, probably fine01:31
MIKUBUNTUexcept that i felt asleep for the last couple hours apparently01:31
anthonyb92MIKUBUNTU: I agree, I had the same warning on multiple drives01:31
lordcirth_Mojtaba, rsync will, by default, overwrite files01:32
Khar00flordcirth_: thank you01:32
lordcirth_Mojtaba, or did you mean, overwrite only if the new file is bigger?01:32
MIKUBUNTUok ... *i think*01:32
lordcirth_Khar00f, np01:32
Mojtabalordcirth_: I don't want to overwrite the file if it is bigger in size, in the destination.01:32
lordcirth_hmm that's an interesting problem01:33
Mojtabalordcirth_: overwrite if the source has a bigger file.01:33
lordcirth_Mojtaba, pretty sure rsync itself can't filter for that01:35
Khar00fI have a folder with permissions set to uid:gid as root:root permission 775, i have a generic user created through useradd command (account type Standard) and my main user set with account type Administrator, none of them can make modifications to the folder, is that normal?01:35
lordcirth_Mojtaba, how many files are there, and what's the total size?01:35
Mojtabalordcirth_: Any idea how to do that?01:35
Khar00fi thought my main user would at least be able to01:35
Mojtabalordcirth_: roughly 400 files, 3 GB01:35
lordcirth_Khar00f, well, since you aren't root, nor group 'root', you get permissions '5' = r-x01:36
lordcirth_So yes, that is expected behaviour.01:36
MIKUBUNTUok, so i guess the only way to find out if it's ready is to try to rescue the data with it - the target machine has the live session running on one usb - so it01:36
anthonyb92Mojtaba: probably better off with a bash script, I don't think rsync has the capability baked in01:37
MIKUBUNTUs ok for me to now insert this 'presumably blank' usb into another port on the machine?01:37
Mojtabaanthonyb92: so how should I compare the file size?01:37
lordcirth_Mojtaba, yeah, what I would do is copy the new over to a new dir, then use bash to take the biggest of each and write to a 3rd dir. (for safety)01:38
lordcirth_Mojtaba, you can use ls -l to get sizes01:38
Khar00fthanks lordcirth_ , now i gotta figure out how to set my permissions01:38
lordcirth_Khar00f, what is the directory?  Is it prexisting or did you make it?01:39
Mojtabalordcirth_: thanks01:39
lordcirth_Khar00f, if you made it yourself, I would make it root:sudo instead.01:39
anthonyb92Mojtaba: yeah, ls or du would be my guess01:40
Bray90820Can anyone help me my surface 3 with ubuntu 16.10 completely freezes when I run any browser and i got this error01:40
Khar00fit's a raidz1 imported from nas4free, the "folders" are datasets so not sure they're considered "folders"01:40
MIKUBUNTUsomething very wrong here -- when i put the 16 gb stick in the other machine it's detecting it as a 746 gb volume source01:42
lordcirth_Khar00f, zfs filesystems?01:42
lordcirth_Khar00f, it shouldn't hurt to change the group, but I can't say for sure.01:43
MIKUBUNTU could someone PLZ help me to try to extract and save my files so that i can proceed to install fresh on the machine?01:43
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, are the files you need to save on the USB or a hard drive?01:43
Khar00fi'm the one who changed it to root:root in the first place while trying to figure out the best setup01:43
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: on hdd of the target machine01:44
lordcirth_Khar00f, well then clearly it's not a problem :)01:44
MIKUBUNTUit crashed and burned several mos ago immediately after an update01:44
kk4ewtKhar00f,  then why did you change things and leave up to the ubuntu developers01:44
lordcirth_If you want only users with sudo privs to use it, then root:sudo is a good way.01:44
MIKUBUNTUhahahaha .. it's not a problem said the sith lord01:45
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: wait, is that for me? about root:sudo?01:46
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, no01:46
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: whew01:46
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, so, lets be clear: you have a computer with a failing drive, and you want to get your files off and onto a USB?01:47
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: yes i have a computer with a failing drive, which is this one i'm typing on, but its not the target of this operation. that would be the one right next to it which apparently has a good drive but will not boot up from its OS (lub 15.10 maybe) ever since said update several mos ago. hence i want to do a fresh install, but i want to get my files off first01:49
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, ok, so where are you putting your files then?01:49
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: so there's 2 usb's in the target right now -- the live session 1604, and the 'blank' usb to receive the files01:50
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, oh ok.01:51
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, so you format the blank one if needed, put it in the failing one, and get your stuff?01:51
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: i don't think it formatted properly or not thats another problem01:52
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, ok, so how did you format it?01:52
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: in the failing hdd machine, on gparted, but get error msgs01:52
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, probably best to format from the live system01:53
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: ok, best way?01:53
kk4ewtlordcirth_, he appears he cant get that to boot either01:53
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, well, I forget if the live system has gparted, that's the easiest.  Otherwise, cfdisk or fdisk01:53
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: i mean, plz guide me01:54
kk4ewtMIKUBUNTU,  can you boot the live or not01:54
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: oh yes apparently the live sys has gparted i just looked01:55
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, good, that's easy then01:55
MIKUBUNTUkk4ewt: lordcirth_ everything is easy for the one who knows :P01:55
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: ok i will launch gparted on the target 'now'01:56
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, you just choose the usb in gparted (double check!) new partition table, new partition, ext4 or whatever01:56
MIKUBUNTUgetting the msg 'driver discriptor says phy block size 2048, etc'  -- do i cancel or ignore?01:57
NoCodeWhat the hell is going on with this distro? It gets pretty damn old every time Gnome lockscreen appears, then it won't allow me to boot into gnome, so I have to restart the damn computer. I also change the kernel  and that also won't boot. This is a *new* install.01:58
NoCodeI guess I'll install Kubuntu, bloody hell.01:58
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: so new partition table type msdos ok?02:00
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, that's standard for small things, yes02:00
MIKUBUNTUpartitions 1 on /dev/sdc have been written, but we have been unable to inform the kernel of the change, prolly because it/they are in use. as a result , the old partitions will remanin in us. u should reboot now before making further changes.02:02
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: but i haven't made the new partitions yet, nor 'applied' to anything02:03
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, that's odd, but probably ok.02:03
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: that msg was titled libparted error''02:04
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MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: so that dialogue box wants me to cancel or ignore02:04
lordcirth_ignore, probably02:04
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: ok, so now, partition -- new?02:05
cashHello Team02:05
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, yes02:05
lordcirth_cash, hi02:05
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MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: parameters? freespace preceeding? partition type (primary or extended), new size (showing 15262), freespace following, filesystem (currently set to ext4) align to:, and label??02:08
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, it's a usb stick, right?  You just want to put stuff on it.  So max size, label whatever you like, ext4 is default.02:09
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: ok, done02:10
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: standing by02:10
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, for what?02:11
MIKUBUNTUto see if we're able to find/copy the /home folder from the target hdd02:12
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_:  to see if we're able to find/copy the /home folder from the target hdd02:12
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, well, 'finding' it will hopefully not be a problem02:12
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: if you say so .. lol -- i'm lost in space02:13
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, well, didn't you say you're on the failing system right now?  So clearly your home folder is there02:13
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: what if i need to delete some files from the process to fit on the 14.91 gb stick size?02:14
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, well, you'll want to exclude ~/.cache , it's useless02:15
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: nope, i'm typing on that machine -- the target machine has an underlying OS that hasn't worked for several months since a software update bricked it, and it has the live sess running02:15
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, oh right, you wanted the files from the target, before you reinstalled.  nvrm02:16
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: so that target has the live session usb, and the 'blank' usb we just formatted in it02:16
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: yes, that's it02:16
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, ok, so if you open file manager, it might just show the partitions on the side.02:16
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: ok lemme look02:17
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: oh shoot -- just applied operations in gparted and it says i should reboot02:18
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, it's a USB, replugging it might do.02:18
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: don't understand 'replugging'02:19
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, sorry, unplugging it, wait a second, plug it back in.02:19
lordcirth_it might update.02:19
lordcirth_jonnyk, wrong channel02:19
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: replugging the stick or the machine?02:19
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, the usb stick02:20
MIKUBUNTUan error occurred while applying the changes02:21
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: maybe i have the drives mixed up.02:25
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lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, I did say to double-check02:26
MIKUBUNTUsdb1 says its a fat 32 usb, and sdc says it's unknown lubuntu 1604 ... etc02:27
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: how to proceed02:28
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, did it fail to apply the changes?  Because if you tried to overwrite sdc, hopefully it failed.02:28
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: i think maybe it failed, if you see on my las msgs about error02:29
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lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, that is good.  If sdb1 is already formatted fat32, then you should be able to put the files on it fine.02:31
Khar00falrighty, so i fixed and cleaned my folders and permissions, i got the issue with stfp to work, my remaining issue is with the smb shares, windows sees them but can't access them02:34
Khar00fdoes smb have it's own list of user accounts?02:34
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: when i look at sda the 700gb hdd, says 48 gb used, but obviously i cant fit 48 gb on 15gb stick02:34
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, well, some of that should be the system stuff you don't need.  What's the size of /home?02:35
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: i'm just observing that within gparted -- i havent been ablle yet to peek into the hdd02:36
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: don't know how02:36
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lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, well, it sometimes shows up in file manager, in the links on the side02:36
_28_riahow to recreate config? I 've got corrupt configs in some packages. So, I've moved their configs to some backup location and tried to do: 'sudo aptitude reinstall package-name', it went throught the reinstallation sequence, but files didn't get recreated. I also tried: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure package-name' - didn't help either02:37
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: i don't think i see any of th underlying hdd files in the filemanager02:38
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, in the shortcuts on the side, is there one for the hard drive?02:39
lordcirth__28_ria, if you've moved them out of the way, try " apt-get -o DPkg::options::=--force-confmiss --reinstall install <package> "02:40
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: ok YES the hdd files are there!02:40
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, excellent.02:41
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: you said that just like a SITH LORD .. lol02:41
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, only in your head.  Also, my nick is not Star Wars related :P02:42
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: except a REAL sith lord would have said -- Eggsellent02:42
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: just kidding lol02:42
_28_rialordcirth_: Thanx, a lot, it helped02:43
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MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: as i look, most of the things i wanted to save are in 4 folders: pictures, documents, camera, and downloads, by far the largest is downloads at 11gb and prolly has the most i could discard also02:48
NoCodeShould install KDE from PPA?02:50
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: what is the best way to cull -- should i 'cut' or 'move to trash' those individual files i don't need?02:50
sabrehageni can't find my google chrome binary. i installed chrome via the web installer, not apt-get. which google-chrome returns nothing. ps aux | grep chrome shows google chrome at /opt/google/chrome/chrome but test -f /opt/google/chrome/chrome returns false. where can i find my chrome binary so i can symlink it?02:50
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, well, I would first copy the things you know you want02:50
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, and then yeah, sort by largest size & delete things you dont want &  move things you do, until the rest fits02:51
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: its 11gb of stuff, would be easier to scan thru and delete large files like obsolete linux distros and large files like that02:52
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, well, that's why I said to sort by largest02:52
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, you could also search for *.iso files02:52
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: i never caught that suggestion02:52
wafflejocksabrehagen, not familiar with the test command but the file is there02:52
wafflejocksabrehagen, just ls or cat it and can see it02:52
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: how do you set those sorting parameters?02:53
wafflejockMIKUBUNTU, ncdu is nice02:54
wafflejockMIKUBUNTU, it will scan a folder and sort them by size and can delete by pressing d with a file/folder selected02:54
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, in the GUI file manager?  There's a button to switch to list view, and then you can sort.  Or I can show you the cmd line tools like ncdu^02:54
Bashing-omsabrehagen: " sysop@1404mini:~$ ls -al /opt/google/chrome/chrome >> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 110954056 Oct 20 02:31 /opt/google/chrome/chrome " .02:54
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: don't see sorting options like that anywhere  in the file manager02:57
MIKUBUNTUwafflejock: i not familiar with ncdu02:57
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, sorry, I'm on Kubuntu here so I can't look myself02:57
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: remember i have no connectivity on that box either, so i can't download or export anything that way02:58
MIKUBUNTUbrb 5 mins02:58
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: brb 5 min02:59
sabrehagenwafflejock: the file isn't appearing for me: https://gist.github.com/03:00
sabrehagenBashing-om: i get a different result to you ^^03:02
sabrehagen*sorry https://gist.github.com/sabrehagen/d2161c686b93e800ebe60931664d460603:02
Bashing-omsabrehagen: Do not know what to day .. what perspective is git looking from ?03:06
sabrehagenBashing-om: the git reference is my zsh shell. it has nothing to do with the commands03:06
Bashing-omsabrehagen: K .. still .. the default location for the binary in 14.04 is /opt/google/chrome/chrome .03:09
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: tried to 'find files' of type .iso and don't return any results03:10
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: i dont think you ever said if it made any difference if i use 'cut' or 'move to trash'?03:12
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, well, if you cut-and-paste it to the USB, it will no longer be in the hard drive.  If you move to trash, it will be.  But since you're reinstalling in this case, no03:13
Bashing-omMIKUBUNTU: Search the entire file system ? ' sudo find / -name *.iso ' . will do that .03:13
jeffrey_fsorry for off topic, but can someone answer a windows batch file + (java + params) question??  IM me please03:13
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: Bashing-om just tried to 'move to trash' xubuntu 12.04 for instance, and it said permission denied03:14
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, you're doing this from the liveusb, right?03:15
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: yes from live usb03:16
lordcirth_Yeah you wont have permissions because the usb has a user 'ubuntu' instead of your username03:16
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: i just want to pare it down enough so that i know what i'm saving will fit on 15gb storage stick03:16
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, well, you could delete them in terminal as root.03:17
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: also i was wondering can/or should i try to create a small partition on the hdd to keep a backup of these same files i want to keep, as a redundancy?03:17
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, you could, if you like.  Wouldn't be so tight on space, either.03:18
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: in term would require knowing every path to every file wouldn't it?03:18
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: since no gui in term?03:19
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, that's what 'ls' is for03:19
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: sry, over my head :(03:19
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, 'ls' lists files.03:19
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: ok so it would display the files in list form?03:20
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, yes.03:21
lordcirth_however, perhaps you should stick the GUI for now, since I need to go.  At some point, though, learn the terminal, it's great.03:21
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: thanks soooOOO000OOOooo much for all your help, it's comforting to know i can put my hands on my files, even if i haven't figured out the whole problem yet03:23
lordcirth_no problem03:23
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: you are too modest .. lol -- i know dealing with newbies IS a problem03:23
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: and i've been a newbie since 7.0403:24
MIKUBUNTUso anyone available to help me figure out how to use root priveleges to delete certain files using live session?03:25
MIKUBUNTUa while ago someone had me open gparted as root using sudo root gparted. can i do the same with file manager?03:26
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, before I go, 'ls' to list files, 'cd' to move into directories, 'rm' to delete, and prepend 'sudo' to do as root.  double check everything.03:27
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: so are you saying i can prepend sudo root filemanager?03:27
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, just 'sudo' it automatically means as root if you don't say03:28
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, and I guess you could also launch the GUI filemanager as root.03:28
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: no comprehend03:28
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, 'sudo nautilus' I think03:28
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: that's what i meant, if i could open the gui as sudo and cut things out03:29
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: would i have to close the filemanager (and are we sure this is nautilus?)03:30
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: doesn't say nautilus anywhere03:30
lordcirth_MIKUBUNTU, they renamed it "Files" because ... reasons.03:30
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: but it would still be 'sudo nautilus'?03:31
lordcirth_But the package is nautilus, so the command should be too.03:31
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: do i have to close out the non-sudo instance first?03:32
lordcirth_not sure.  try it.03:32
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: ok03:32
Bashing-omMIKUBUNTU: "sudo -H nautilus ' as it is a GUI app;ication .03:33
MIKUBUNTUlordcirth_: as i'm looking for terminal i notice a menu item "File Manager PCManFB"03:33
MIKUBUNTUBashing-om: what about this menu item "File Manager PCManFB"03:34
rumblefishhy guys03:36
Bashing-omMIKUBUNTU: Not sure what the file manager is in (l)ubuntu (?) .. what is the desktop that you are launching the file manager from ?03:36
MIKUBUNTUlxde maybe?03:37
MIKUBUNTUBashing-om: lxde maybe?03:37
MIKUBUNTUBashing-om: on sudo -H nautilus, i get : " sudo: nautilus: command not found "03:38
wafflejockMIKUBUNTU, looks like it uses "dolphin" for the file manager03:38
wafflejockah wait no that's people asking to put dolphin on there thought that was the one from KDE03:39
MIKUBUNTUwafflejock: why does it have that menu item "File Manager PCManFB" ?03:39
Bashing-omMIKUBUNTU: K .. let's see if it is PCManFM . what returns ' dpkg -l PCManFM '03:39
MIKUBUNTUBashing-om: gimme sec03:40
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wafflejockMIKUBUNTU, yeah looks like that is it haven't used that file manager myself though, not sure what the executable name is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/PCManFM probably just pcmanfm but not sure03:40
Bashing-omMIKUBUNTU: Make that ' dpkg -l pcmanfm ' . where lower case I think is what is the real file name .03:40
Frank_Jamesoanything new with ubuntu lately?03:41
MIKUBUNTUBashing-om: ok lemme try again, the first one said no packages found matchihng03:41
Frank_JamesoI installed it on a thinkpad x200 and it's doing great, but I bet I'm missing out on some new developments since it's been a while03:42
MIKUBUNTUBashing-om: pcmanfm  1.2.4-1  extremely fast and lightweight file manager03:43
MIKUBUNTUBashing-om: so to launch as root try sudo pcmanfm ?03:43
Bashing-omFrank_Jameso: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes for the changes .03:44
Bashing-omMIKUBUNTU: As it is a GUI .. the safer thing is ' sudo -H pcmanfm ' . yes .03:45
Frank_Jamesowhoah they're going with python 3? Is Python 2 finally dying?03:47
MIKUBUNTUBashing-om: ok i closed it out cause i din't have the -H in there -- but -- it wasn't showing me the underlying hdd filesystem, only the filesystem of the live session usb03:47
MIKUBUNTUBashing-om: terminal telling me "x terminal emulator has very loinited suport consider shoose another terminal03:49
MIKUBUNTU*limited support03:49
Bashing-omMIKUBUNTU: Well limited assetts will suffice for what you are doing . . The file manager opens in the home directory . you can move about the file structure .. I expect there to be partitions and places listed in the left pane of the manager .03:52
MIKUBUNTUbashing ok i can deal with that then, but still problem is i can't seem to find the hdd files in that sudo instance03:53
Bashing-omMIKUBUNTU: I have no acccess to the pcmanfm file manager . can not say ... but I would expect that hard drive to be in that left pane . right click and choose the "mount" option .03:55
MIKUBUNTUBashing-om: right click wehre exactly03:57
Frank_Jamesosnaps seem really promising, has anyone tried those out, and were there any issues?03:58
MIKUBUNTUBashing-om: absolutely don't see the hdd in the left pane03:58
MIKUBUNTUBashing-om: and don't know where you mean to right click at03:58
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Bashing-omMIKUBUNTU: I have no access to pcmanfm I can not tell you what I do not see or know about . There shoukd be an icon "somewhere" for that hard drive ( or the partitons on that hard drive ) ..04:03
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_28_riaBashing-om: I've finally solved my problem. I've posted it in askubuntu.com, if you are interested: http://askubuntu.com/questions/841086/bunch-of-errors-during-any-installation-witn-any-utility-apt-apt-get-synaptic/841471#84147104:16
Bashing-om_28_ria: Hir sure ! .. reading ,04:16
_28_riaBashing-om: I've answered to myself04:17
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FatSpitfiremornin guys :)04:20
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_28_riaFatSpitfire: evening :)04:20
Bashing-om_28_ria: Hey .. quite intuitive ,, an ingenious solution . You done good work . // Good also that you did go back and give your solution .04:21
_28_riaBashing-om: Thanx, I hope, this will help somebody else, besides me04:21
ioannis_* helped04:23
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Bashing-om_28_ria: Well, like math .. Calculas is a general solution to a quariatic equation :)04:26
FatSpitfire_28_ria , Great job !04:27
_28_riaBashing-om: FatSpitfire: :), I feel relieved now. Going to drink some coffee and relax :)04:28
mbufWhere is the source from where Erlang is packaged and installed for Ubuntu?04:29
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Bashing-om!info erlang | mbuf : ' sudo apt source erlang ' :04:33
ubottumbuf : ' sudo apt source erlang ' :: erlang (source: erlang): Concurrent, real-time, distributed functional language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (yakkety), package size 13 kB, installed size 49 kB04:33
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Bashing-ommbuf: My Bad .. to get the source sudo is not needed !04:35
NoCodeHow do I get the Firefox icon to show up in Plasma?04:36
NoCodeHow is that quirk in 2016?04:36
NoCodeJeez man04:36
mbufBashing-om, i checked the .dsc file, but, Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-erlang/erlang/trunk/ is not opening for me04:39
Bashing-ommbuf: Nor for me . Non maintained source .04:41
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ioannis_what does registering my nickname do?04:45
nexacecan I redirect telnet external telnet traffic to another external IP? for instance, my IP is and I receive incoming on port 23, can I redirect that connection to remote IP on port 23 without the user noticing?04:47
nihil123does grub support  a compressed btrfs root partition?04:48
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yao_ziyuani ran this command and restarted ubuntu: echo xbindkeys > ~/.xinitrc04:52
yao_ziyuanbut xbindkeys won't show up in System Monitor's processes. seems .xinitrc wasn't executed at startup. why?04:52
yao_ziyuanwhat's the right way to do this?04:53
yao_ziyuani just bought a supercool Logitech T400 touch mouse and found some instructions to use xbindkeys to make its middle button fully useful.04:53
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Bashing-omyao_ziyuan: Does the file exist ' ls -al .xinitrc ' ?04:56
yao_ziyuan~/.xinitrc does contain "xbindkeys".04:56
yao_ziyuani'm googling. someone said use xsessionrc instead.04:57
yao_ziyuano no.04:57
Bashing-omyao_ziyuan: You also did the set up for xbindkeys ? ' xbindkeys --defaults > /home/your-user-name/.xbindkeysrc '04:59
yao_ziyuanBashing-om: yes, if i manually run xbindkeys, the expected effect occurs.05:00
yao_ziyuanit would make my Logitech T400's whole middle button to middle click.05:00
yao_ziyuanif xbindkeys isn't run, only the lower 1/3 part of the mouse's middle button would do a middle click.05:01
Bashing-omyao_ziyuan: Ouch .. got me then .. should work @ bootup .. have you re-booted ?05:01
yao_ziyuanthe problem now is to run xbindkeys at startup. i know GNOME's Session Manager could do this, but prefer a xinitrc-like solution.05:01
yao_ziyuanBashing-om: rebooted. seems ~/.xinitrc won't be executed.05:02
yao_ziyuanthere are some google results reporting the same problem.05:02
yao_ziyuansaying xinitrc won't run at ubuntu startup.05:02
yao_ziyuanbtw i'm in ubuntu 15.10.05:02
yao_ziyuan16.10 has premature stuff that i dislike, such as when you remove a file from a mobile hard disk it won't show up in Trash.05:03
hateball15.10 is EOL05:03
Bashing-omyao_ziyuan: Hummmm .. put in a echo statement on the file .. boot with 'quiet splash' removed from the kernel's boot line .. see if ya see the statement in the boot messages . one way to see if the file is executed .05:05
yao_ziyuani'll try GNOME Session Manger first.05:07
Bray90820Can anyone help me my surface 3 with ubuntu 16.10 completely freezes when I run any browser and i got this error05:13
yao_ziyuanGNOME Session Manager works, but it starts an app a little later.05:14
yao_ziyuani'm still working on xinitrc or the like.05:14
JonelethIrenicusanyone know how to boot an iso file in vmware?05:17
hateballJonelethIrenicus: VmWare is a company. For product specific support you can check out #vmware05:18
MichaelTiebeslhi there, i can't open preferences in nautilus as root05:22
yao_ziyuani'm sure my ~/.xinitrc won't run because i put this in it and abc.txt won't be created: echo 'abc' > ~/abc.txt05:24
th0ryao_ziyuan, try replacing ~ with the full path05:25
yao_ziyuanalso, my .xinitrc is without any header.05:25
yao_ziyuani mean, it doesn't specify any interpreter.05:26
JonelethIrenicushateball: i got it working05:26
yao_ziyuanis it ok to just put a command in xinitrc?05:26
hateballJonelethIrenicus: :)05:26
Zirlandhello. I need an advise. My computer is freezing in random intervals, I was trying to look into syslog - nothing there, i was running memory test - all pass. I dont know what else to do. it's a desktop Celeron 2GB 4-core with 1.7G memory running ubuntu 16.1005:27
hateballZirland: Does it have ssd or hdd? Might want to check an hdd for physical errors with smartctl. Or liveboot and run an fsck on your partitions05:28
Zirlandit has ssd05:28
FatSpitfireZirland , stick with 16.04 ;) you could check if it is a ram problem : open your PC and exchange ram slots ;)05:31
yao_ziyuanth0r: used full path and still won't work05:34
yao_ziyuanth0r: manually run this could make a file: echo 'abc' > /home/ziyuan/abc.txt05:35
Zirlandhateball: tried smartctl - no error05:36
hateballZirland: I'd liveboot and run an fsck then05:38
hateballZirland: what type of SSD is it?05:38
yao_ziyuanforget about xinitrc. GNOME Session Manager runs xbindkeys early enough for me.05:41
yao_ziyuanbut i found probably a bug of gedit:05:41
yao_ziyuanopen gedit, and type 'abc', and double-click to select it, and then click your mouse middle button to paste it.05:41
Zirlandhateball: patriot blast05:41
yao_ziyuanit won't paste.05:41
yao_ziyuanthis is perhaps an intended behavior. who knows.05:42
* yao_ziyuan goes to enjoy Logitech T400.05:42
hateballZirland: I had problems with a samsung ssd (since then blacklisted) when using ncq. you can try adding this kernel parameter when you boot and see if it makes a difference: libata.force=noncq05:46
Zirlandhateball: how and where can I add this?05:46
hateballZirland: when you boot, hold/hammer left shift to get into grub menu. edit the line that normally ends with "quiet splash" and just add "libata.force=noncq" to it05:47
hateballZirland: that will make it a oneoff thing, just to test the waters05:47
hateballZirland: to make it permanent, you edit /etc/default/grub and add it to the bootline there, then run update-grub05:48
Zirlandhateball: will try rebot05:55
toastymallowI wish VMs and GPU pass through was easier.... New to Linux and this is a pain been trying for the last few days :P05:59
Deep6hey guys, if I have a list of strings in 1 file and a larger list of strings in a 2nd file, but both are in an arbitrary order, what tool can I use to remove the strings that are present in the smaller file from the 2nd file06:10
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vltDeep6: python06:13
China_Mikeam I alone here?06:14
China_Mikewas in Lubuntu06:14
China_Mikeneed some help06:14
incognito-dgIn synaptic package manager it says this: "Also, note that kernel version 3.8 or above is required for proper operation of06:14
incognito-dgthe daemon process, and that any lower versions may have subtle and/or glaring06:14
Deep6vlt: figured06:14
incognito-dgso can I run docker in 14.04. when I check the kernel it says 3.1306:15
China_MikeI have a live Lubuntu usb running right now, 'nother computer.06:15
China_Mikethe "install now" icon on desktop doesn't function06:15
China_Mikeanyone know where I can find command line info on how to install it from terminal?06:15
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China_Mikewell, hmph06:17
China_Mikeok, thought IRC was my best bet06:17
China_Mikeguess not06:17
incognito-dgChina_Mike if the installer icon doesn't function, try to find the installer in the menu or see if you can find it it Dash and run it from there06:26
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joobHi. Ubuntu snap. How does one backup a snap or somehow export so the data created by it is saved?06:41
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ducassejoob: aren't they saved under your homedir?06:49
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DavidFromBEi'm trying to make my rx 480 work under 16.10, but i'm getting segmentation fault (dmesg shows error:0 in libMesaOpenCL.so.1.0.0) could someone help me troubleshoot this ?06:52
afidegnumhello, after series of power outage, i m facing some hdd errors, how do i correct the bad sectors? https://ghostbin.com/paste/aaago06:56
EriC^^afidegnum: the only question is how is that hdd still running06:57
EriC^^get a new one asap!06:57
afidegnumEriC^^: the hdd runs, it's a dual boot, but ubuntu hangs on bad sectors error, meanwhile i need to back up important files, apply some configuration settings while i was coding some utilities06:59
EriC^^afidegnum: there are 2071 bad sectors, and 48 pending sectors06:59
EriC^^that's a lot!06:59
afidegnumis there no way they can be fixed ?07:00
ducasseafidegnum: that drive can not be 'fixed'.07:00
ducasseafidegnum: it's a hardware problem, software can't repair that.07:00
linociscohi all07:12
linociscoI have setup Konica Minolta Magic Color 1690MF via USB. It is fine. Now I would like to setup this printer from network07:13
linociscohow do I do?07:13
linociscoas I can't find guide or driver on Konica Minolta website, I followed http://foo2lava.rkkda.com/ to setup this printer via USB07:13
fajarlaksonoits my first time using ubuntu and i got falling in love07:14
Spookanfajarlaksono: Congrats! ;)07:15
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fajarlaksonohow are you ?07:15
Spookanfajarlaksono: Im good, and you?07:16
toastymallowcongrats! I am going to University to become an electrical engineer my current Professor made me uninstall windows and go to Linux but I love it cant get windows games working though.... Tried VM pass through cant get it working...07:16
Spookantoastymallow: What games?07:17
fajarlaksonoi have question...07:17
toastymallowGTA Gears of War07:18
fajarlaksonoi'm already download qtcreator.run , how to instal it ?07:18
toastymallowgames that unfortunately aren't on Linux.07:18
fajarlaksonoleave game and start to do something usufull for this world07:19
exporttoastymallow: can't dual boot?07:19
fajarlaksonoi'm already download qtcreator.run , how to instal it ?07:19
ducassefajarlaksono: why not install it from the repos?07:20
acerubuntuguys, good day! pls help i want to update my flash for firefox to the latest version23.0.0.185. any1 tried it before? i am really new to ubuntu16.04.07:20
toastymallowNope not allowed he said I can do VMs but Linux has to be the Host OS07:20
fajarlaksonoi'm already download it, i don't want to wait it anymore07:21
exporttoastymallow: so your professor is literally controlling your life?  i don't quite understand that.07:21
fajarlaksononeed long time to download07:21
ducassefajarlaksono: install from the repos, don't download and install manually.07:21
exportfajarlaksono: why not download and install from repo in the first place?07:22
toastymallowIt's his first year apparently idk. He said uninstall windows and install linux. I like it just kind of hard to jump in to it.07:22
ducassetoastymallow: he can't deny you to have both on *your* computer.07:23
exporttoastymallow: well i would love to be the one to tell you that linux has come to it's highest point in windows games support but i really can't, it's not bad but it is way far away from perfect.... the games are written for windows, it would be stupid to run games within a VM when you can just dual boot... the odds of him being stupid are slim though so maybe he'll understand?07:23
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toastymallowI asked he said no he runs it through KVM/QEMU or something and he says he plays this and that and I will learn to I just have to go with out games till the end of his class and bla bla bla :|07:25
fajarlaksonowhere i can get git ?07:25
ducassefajarlaksono: the repos.07:26
acerubuntuguys, good day! pls help i want to update my flash for firefox to the latest version23.0.0.185. any1 tried it before? i am really new to ubuntu16.04.07:26
exporttoastymallow: well generally you could probably load it through a VM but it would require virtualization technology in your CPU, but that isn't really the point though.... it's software written for an operating system (the games)... the best way to run that software is within the operating system it was coded for....07:26
fajarlaksonoi heard rumor about lastest qt and lastest ubuntu. they said that if qt have trouble with new ubuntu...07:27
fajarlaksonois that right ?07:27
Ben64fajarlaksono: no07:28
nick_1234321 07:29
Ben64acerubuntu: try installing browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash07:29
acerubuntuok i will try that Ben6407:30
wafflejockfajarlaksono, I just compiled and ran KeePassX which is a Qt based app on 16.04 hasn't had any problems07:30
fajarlaksonothank you07:30
wafflejockfajarlaksono, for git, sudo apt install git, no prob07:30
fajarlaksonoany grub chat of c++ lovers ?07:30
wafflejockfajarlaksono, you can try ##programming not sure of a C++ specific channel07:31
fajarlaksonowafflejock : i did but show this07:32
fajarlaksonosudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu-linux07:32
fajarlaksonoE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)07:32
fajarlaksonoE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:32
wafflejockfajarlaksono, do you have another apt installation going on or something installing in the software center?07:33
wafflejockfajarlaksono, typically this message just means you have some other install going on, can only do 1 at a time07:33
fajarlaksonoallright thanks you07:33
fajarlaksonothanks you wafflejock07:34
wafflejockfajarlaksono, no problem07:34
fajarlaksonoi do instaled codeblock. how to add blugin wxwidget for develop gui ?07:34
wafflejockfajarlaksono, I don't know code blocks well I've only checked it out but not used it much, maybe try in ##programming though07:38
wafflejockfajarlaksono, you may also want to check out https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/07:38
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acerubuntuguys i think i made a mistake in installing the latest flash version for my firefox ubuntu16.04. because when i checked firefox add-ons plugins, there are 2 flash plugins there. 1 is of course the old version..how can i remove the old 1/07:50
acerubuntuhelp please?07:51
wafflejockacerubuntu, appears the plugins are in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins are you comfortable using the terminal?07:52
acerubuntui have used it yes.07:53
wafflejockacerubuntu, okay yeah just cd into that folder and type ls -al07:53
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wafflejockacerubuntu, I haven't modified mine it just has "flashplugin-alternative.so -> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin"07:54
acerubuntui am inside the directory07:54
wafflejockls -al, to list files with extra info07:55
acerubuntutotal 807:55
acerubuntudrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 25 13:21 .07:55
acerubuntudrwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep  5 20:59 ..07:55
acerubuntulrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   37 Oct 25 13:21 flashplugin-alternative.so -> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin07:55
acerubuntulrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   39 Oct 20 20:39 libjavaplugin.so -> /etc/alternatives/mozilla-javaplugin.so07:55
wafflejockacerubuntu, where it has the arrow -> like that it means it's a symbolic link to another file, you can ls -al on that other path to see if it points somewhere else too, symbolic links are sort of like shortcuts07:55
wafflejockacerubuntu, for multiline stuff use paste.ubuntu.com or !paste > acerubuntu07:56
acerubuntuok pls wait let me digest that..07:56
wafflejockacerubuntu, you can just remove the "flashplugin" one since that's the original if you want the new one to be the only option07:56
Ben64don't remove...07:57
wafflejockBen64, why not it's just a link can always put it back?07:57
Ben64why remove it07:57
Ben64deleting things outside your home isn't a great idea07:58
toastymallowstuff breaks.....07:58
Ben64call me crazy, but it looks like one says flash, and the other says java07:58
acerubuntuguys this 1 is not a directory...i tried to cd /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin07:59
Ben64of course it isn't07:59
wafflejockacerubuntu, no it's a link to another link to the actual file07:59
wafflejockacerubuntu, they have a point though if there's an easier way to remove the plugin through firefox better to do it that way07:59
Ben64acerubuntu: using paste.ubuntu.com , please provide the output of "dpkg -l | grep flash"07:59
acerubuntui tried to just deactivate it thru firefox but all the flash doesn't work08:00
acerubuntuit says this "You need Flash installed and enabled in order to use the Flash client.08:00
acerubuntui mean the new 1 is always active status and the old 1 is never active08:01
Ben64then... problem solved08:01
acerubuntubut when i used it that's the message i got08:01
acerubuntuis this the 1? http://paste.ubuntu.com/23377839/08:03
Ben64you didn't install the package i recommended to you?08:04
acerubuntuBen64, but the browser returned this You need Flash installed and enabled in order to use the Flash client.08:04
Ben64i didn't say to do anything in the browser08:04
acerubuntuman, i got confused08:05
Ben6436 minutes ago i said "acerubuntu: try installing browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash"08:05
acerubuntuand see i don't know how to install the package unless there is a clear instruction08:05
Ben64you didn't say anything to that effect08:06
toastymallowoops wrong chat08:06
acerubuntusorry Ben64, how can i do it?in the terminal?08:06
Ben64sudo apt-get install browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash08:06
loganleepika pika08:07
acerubuntuok doing now08:08
acerubuntuhi Ben64, this is the last message i got from the terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/23377857/08:11
Ben64acerubuntu: ls -l /usr/lib/browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash/libfreshwrapper-flashplayer.so08:14
acerubuntuhere is the result of that Ben64, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1061976 Feb 16  2016 /usr/lib/browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash/libfreshwrapper-flashplayer.so08:15
Ben64looks good08:15
=== Countess_Bathory is now known as BloodCountess
toastymallowlinux always makes me feel like my grandma must feel when the clock on her VCR blinks 12:00 after a power outtage......08:17
=== BloodCountess is now known as Countess_Bathory
acerubuntuBen64, how about the instruction re update alternatives?08:18
Ben64acerubuntu: what version of flash does this page say you have http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/08:22
acerubuntui think that's the old 1?08:23
acerubuntubut this 1 https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html says i have nothing installed08:24
=== Guest10530 is now known as CrazEd
hateballThere's a new adobe-whatever package in 16.10 that should pull in flash for both chromium and firefox08:24
=== CrazEd is now known as Guest74985
hateballand I think it also grabs the 23.x flash instead of 11.208:25
acerubuntu16.10 is the ubuntu version hateball?08:26
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
acerubuntupresently all my shockwave flash version are disabled maybe that is the reason why it says i have no flash installed?08:27
Ben64it doesn't say you have no flash installed, you just said
acerubuntuno i mean this website https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html08:30
Ben64ignore that08:30
Ben64did you restart firefox after installing the new package08:30
acerubuntuyes. but wait let me activate the plugin. which 1 should i activate as now there are 3 versions08:33
acerubuntuthe old 108:33
acerubuntuthen there is r008:33
acerubuntuthen there is d008:33
acerubuntuold 1 meaning
noonehere_FF constantly freezes or hangs.... I have to kill the process.... this happen for anyone else?   it constantly happens08:37
noonehere_I'm using FF 47.008:37
noonehere_doesn't seem to matter which ver.08:37
sliddis_What I try to start mysql, I get an error saying "start: Job failed to start" .. service mysql status says this: [1676734.444031] type=1400 audit(1477320530.130:22): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/usr/sbin/mysqld" pid=32515 comm="apparmor_parser" [1676734.465670] init: mysql pre-start process (32510) terminated with status 108:37
i666666pongWhy does Ubuntu (and linux distros in general) prefer Firefox over Chrome? Do Linux users overwhelmingly prefer FF? If so, why?08:42
qvazzlerHi guys. Does anyone use a HDMI CEC USB Adapter?08:43
acerubuntuBen64! It works now!08:44
acerubuntuthank you thank you!08:44
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
acerubuntujust weird though because all the 3 versions are like active! even if only the version r0 is the 1 that i activated08:45
acerubuntumaybe that is why noonehere said it doesn't matter which version to activate08:46
acerubuntuBen64: thanks mate! hope to see you again here. i am getting excited to learn more about linux..08:48
acerubuntuciao guys108:48
sliddis_i666666pong: i dont think chrome is open source. (chromium is though)08:50
abhigenie92hi I am stuck in a problem08:50
abhigenie92I had earlier kubuntu and windows installed on hard-drive on laptop.08:51
i666666pongsliddis_: software not being open source is a big reason for distros to ship an open-source alternative?08:51
abhigenie92Now, I installed a new hard-drive and want to install ubuntu on it08:51
WulfHello. I've got an Ubuntu 16.04 desktop installation. How can I get newer kernel versions?08:57
abhigenie92I replaced my hardrive and want to install ubuntu on it. The old hard-drive dual booted windows and ubuntu.08:59
fajarlaksonohy anyone know about qt creator i want to ask something08:59
abhigenie92on installing ubuntu it gives grub errors in the end09:00
abhigenie92what to do?09:00
abhigenie92how to do I fix this grub issue? boot-repair?09:01
fajarlaksonoi download qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.7.0.run and qt-opensource-linux-x64-android-5.7.0.run , whats diferend ?09:01
fajarlaksonois that if qt-opensource-linux-x64-android-5.7.0.run normal qt + android plugin ?09:02
frendaIs Okular (pdf reader) a German word?09:03
frendaHow it should be pronounce?09:03
Wulffrenda: https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/Okular09:03
abhigenie92grub is causing issues.09:04
abhigenie92what is the ideal way to replace hard-drives?09:04
abhigenie92sry I am a bit new , please help.09:04
CountryfiedLinuxMy USB mic doesn't work when my laptop is HDMI plugged into my TV. Any suggestions?09:04
kkk7o shit waddup09:05
CountryfiedLinuxabhigenie92: You could open up the machine and do it yourself or have someone else do it.09:06
qvazzlerHi guys. Does anyone use a HDMI CEC USB Adapter?09:07
toastymallowCountryfiedLinux, I wish I could get someone to fix my stuff I tried for days tried several OSs and several people tried to get my stuff going alas I'm still stuck09:09
=== pitastrudl_ is now known as pitastrudl
Capprenticetoastymallow: Whats the problem?09:11
abhigenie92hi guys. This is what I have tried so far http://askubuntu.com/questions/841539/replacing-hard-drives-and-installing-fresh-os09:12
Capprenticeabhigenie92: Go into BIOS, check under SATA how SSD is treated. It may have an option to treat the SSD as SSD. Change the ACHI to IDE and try again..09:14
toastymallowCapprentice, trying to do PCIE pass through with QEMU/KVM and Virtual Machine Manager....09:15
Capprenticetoastymallow: Do you have Intel Vt-x enabled in BIOS.09:16
linociscoas I can't find guide or driver on Konica Minolta website, I followed http://foo2lava.rkkda.com/ to setup this printer via USB09:16
linociscoI have setup Konica Minolta Magic Color 1690MF via USB. It is fine. Now I would like to setup this printer from network09:16
abhigenie92Capprentice: hi thanks for reply! Where will this ACHI option be available?09:17
CapprenticeUnder advanced settings. Some thing starts with "Advanced Mode..." SATA..09:18
toastymallowI can get the VM going but cant figure out the GPU pass through part...09:18
abhigenie92Capprentice: after that I should just reinstall ubuntu or rerun boot-repair then reinstall ubuntu09:20
=== Dumle29 is now known as XXHodor
CapprenticeRepair GRUB.09:21
Capprenticetoastymallow: Are you passing the right arguments via boot flags?09:21
abhigenie92Capprentice: repair grub means?09:22
Capprenticerepair boot09:22
CapprenticeDo you still have windows 10? Fast boot also needs to be disabled.09:23
abhigenie92Capprentice: ok thanks, reboot and will update.09:23
=== XXHodor is now known as dumle29
=== Guest74985 is now known as CrazEd
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ilStHi all09:31
=== leavd is now known as kicksled
linociscohi all09:43
linociscoI have setup Konica Minolta Magic Color 1690MF via USB. It is fine. Now I would like to setup this printer from network09:43
Wulfhi lino.09:43
Wulflinocisco: what kind of network interface does it have?09:43
Wulflinocisco: ethernet? wifi?09:43
linociscoas I can't find guide or driver on Konica Minolta website, I followed http://foo2lava.rkkda.com/ to setup this printer via USB09:43
linociscoWulf, ethernet09:43
Wulflinocisco: shouldn't be big difference. Search for new printers. Usually it will be discovered automatically09:44
Wulflinocisco: then use the same printer driver you used before09:44
linociscohi all09:57
linociscohi all09:57
linociscoon peerguardian, so many attack found from my ip09:58
linociscoin and out09:58
linociscois it true? how can I check if my connection is secure09:58
fajarlaksonowhere i can get anti virus?10:02
ducasse!virus | fajarlaksono10:02
ubottufajarlaksono: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus10:02
mrabhiIssue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/841539/replacing-hard-drives-and-installing-fresh-os10:04
mrabhiplease help10:04
fajarlaksonobye dude thanks for today10:05
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=== c1_ is now known as Jakey3
Jakey3 Hi, i a r-pi on a network that has all its ports locked down except 80, I want to be able to ssh into it, does any have an idea how to do this10:22
EriC^^Jakey3: set ssh to port 80?10:23
Jakey3sorry all inbound is locked down10:23
Jakey3ingore the above10:24
EriC^^use a reverse shell? just a guess10:24
EriC^^ask in ##linux10:24
Jakey3the thing is on the server with the static ip there is pache using 8010:25
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=== e is now known as deadk
akkonradI've messed up with npm installation and can't install/reinstall/uninstall it10:34
ppfakkonrad: elaborate?10:42
akkonradnvm, hash -r fixed my issue10:43
Kartagishello. I installed vinagre and I want to ssh tunnel. however, when I tell it to use host, it opens connection with my local username. how can I ensure otherwise?10:48
krh /msg Q REQUESTPASSWORD krooyh@gmail.com10:52
BluesKajHi all10:52
cfhowlettkrh, best do that in the freenode channel10:53
krhcfhowlett, thx10:53
=== krh is now known as krooyh
vladpI'm going to upgrade my 32 bit linux ubuntu to 64 bit. Are there any things I need to look out for or can I just install the 64 bit over the 32bit ?11:02
Wulfvladp: not sure if that's possible at all11:04
cfhowlettvladp, no you're not.11:04
cfhowlettyou can INSTALL 64 bit but not upgrade to 64 bit11:04
vladpwrong word choice... I'm going to install the 64 bit over the 32, so not an upgrade.11:05
Wulfvladp: I wouldn't expect problems11:05
vladpI'll just have to install all the old packages back, but that's about it, right ?11:05
Wulfvladp: but in theory it could be possible that some stupid programs save their data in machine dependent formats11:06
cfhowlettvladp, correct11:06
Wulfvladp: it's a complete reinstall.11:06
vladpthanks a bunch! will start reinstalling =)11:07
insyis it possibe to have cinnamon next to unity in ubuntu 16.0411:12
cfhowlettinsy, sure.11:12
cfhowlettyou can only run one at a time however11:13
brunch875Does anybody know of a way to 'link' from Videos -> Music, but just the audio?11:13
ubuntuany one11:13
brunch875or at least a way to do a "code wrapper" on symlinks?11:13
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest53825
knightwisehey Guest5382511:14
EriC^^brunch875: run a find with file | grep for audio files and make links for them there11:15
EriC^^you'll need find -type f | while IFS='' read -r i; do stuff here; done11:16
brunch875EriC^^: I haven't expressed myself correctly. I want to have musicvideo.mp4 in ~/Videos and musicvideo.mp3 in ~/Music11:16
EriC^^so not linked11:16
EriC^^actually strip the music from it?11:17
brunch875but musicvideo.mp3 isn't a copy. I want it to be an 'on the fly' extraction11:17
insyso whats the best way to install cinamon , in a way i can choose at the greeter what sort of session iwant to run11:17
cfhowlettbrunch875, ffmpeg can do it.  not sure of the exact command though11:17
brunch875cfhowlett: What I want is to make a file which is created programmatically when read11:18
brunch875so I can cat test.txt11:19
brunch875but test is "echo hello"11:19
brunch875instead of a text file containing hello11:19
brunch875kind of how /dev behaves11:19
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:19
cfhowlettbrunch875, ffmpeg -i foo.mp4 foo.mp3         is the basic structure.11:19
brunch875cfhowlett: the question isn't how the convert the file, it's more about knowing how to create a device as a file11:20
mcphailbrunch875: I don't think you can do that without creating a custom filesystem11:20
brunch875yeah... doesn't seem like it would be some non-advanced functionality :/11:21
ppfbrunch875: i don't really understand what you're looking for11:22
brunch875ppf: know how /dev/random is a "file" which "reads" random output?11:23
WebHostingFreehelp delet vieus11:23
brunch875I want to create a .mp3 file which "reads" from a video11:23
WebHostingFreehelp delet virus11:23
cfhowlettWebHostingFree, give details11:24
mcphailbrunch875: best thing would be to create your own userspace filesystem and mount it with fuse. I don't think there is pre-existing support for what you want11:24
mcphailbrunch875: although I'd be happy to be proved wrong11:24
brunch875mcphail: that almost sounds like chinese to me. Do you know any good docs to learn about this?11:24
EriC^^brunch875: so you want a bunch of fake .mp3 files that actually are like scripts that read the mp3 on the fly from videos11:25
brunch875either way, having mentioned FUSE is a good start11:25
brunch875EriC^^: Precisely11:25
mcphailbrunch875: I haven't attempted this myself11:26
ppfbrunch875: i'm not sure your problem is really the right problem11:26
WebHostingFreevirus hdd space   http://pasteboard.co/1UZsadNG4.png SIZE11:26
ppfwhat is the _actual_ problem you're trying to solve11:26
WebHostingFreeHDD 320G + 200MB11:26
brunch875well, my objective is to download music from youtube as videos11:26
ppfthere's a truckload of tools for that11:27
brunch875and then being able to have 'mp3' references in the music folder11:27
=== Guest91557 is now known as CrazEd
bvkjust try yotube 2 mp311:27
brunch875without having to duplicate11:27
mcphailbrunch875: to be honest, it'd be much easier to set up an incrontab rule to monitor your mp4 directory anf convert to mp3 in a different directory, rather than implementing a custom filesystem to do it transparently11:27
ppfbrunch875: you have to duplicate11:27
=== CrazEd is now known as Guest51480
bvkno need11:27
brunch875Well yes, that's what I'm doing right now11:28
brunch875but it's for the sake of learning!11:28
mcphailbrunch875: I think there is an issue of Linux Voice with a decent tutorial on creating your own filesystem. You could start there11:28
ppfbut the first thing you need to learn is to solve the problem the right way11:29
ppfnot pick a non-sensical path just to learn what's on this path11:29
ppfthe right way is always simple and stupid11:29
WebHostingFreehttp://pasteboard.co/1UZsadNG4.png    help pls   format disk space console11:30
brunch875ppf: I don't like the idea of duplicating data like that11:30
protnhi folks11:31
protnfor some reason I lost trash icon on lubuntu 14.04 desktop11:31
ppfbrunch875: what's wrong with it11:31
protnhow do I delete files I sent to trash?11:31
ppfyou can also delete the video11:31
EriC^^WebHostingFree: you want to format the disk?11:31
protnin which  dir they are now?11:31
brunch875but that's the thing, I want to keep the video11:31
EriC^^protn: type "locate trash" it should say11:31
WebHostingFreedisk space error11:32
WebHostingFreeis 320 gig - 29811:32
WebHostingFree20gig ?11:32
EriC^^protn: actually that's a huge list, it's in ~/.local/share/Trash/files11:32
protnmy god obama is there11:32
protnshould I rm him too? :P11:33
protnnice find11:33
protn30% of all used space is there11:33
WebHostingFree<protn> 30 % virus !!!11:33
cfhowlettWebHostingFree, false.11:34
WebHostingFreelet control panel administrator linux (developers)11:36
WebHostingFreelet control panel administrator linux (developers)11:36
WebHostingFreelet control panel administrator linux (developers)11:36
cfhowlettWebHostingFree, stop nonw11:36
WebHostingFreeWAR ?11:36
WebHostingFreelet control panel administrator linux (developers)11:37
WebHostingFreeyou morons sheep monkey? or something else ... udelali stars already on the Internet a lot of pictures and movies11:38
WebHostingFreeyou morons sheep monkey? or something else ... udelali stars already on the Internet a lot of pictures and movies11:39
WebHostingFreeNow I will make you a new future life11:40
Kartagis!ops | WebHostingFree is annoying11:40
ubottuWebHostingFree is annoying: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu11:40
__raven__i want to upgrade a laptop with a ssd for configuration msata-ssd=system sata-hdd=data. unfortunately bios is not able to recognize the msata but later ubuntu is able to find it. how to configure an ubuntu install to for example have the bootloader on the hdd and the system on the ssd though?11:42
WebHostingFree<Kartagis>   https://www.google.ru/search?q=%D1%83%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%8B&newwindow=1&client=ubuntu&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=875&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6-4707_XPAhXD1SwKHbd9ABwQsAQIGw11:42
MyrttiWebHostingFree: stop.11:42
WebHostingFreeNow it's you11:42
WebHostingFreeyou prove or do not believe?11:42
=== ioannis is now known as Guest52276
=== Guest52276 is now known as ioannis_
wyrewhat packages should I hold with apt-mark in a persistent usb?11:49
wyremaybe kernel and systemd?11:49
wyre(In order to can make upgrades without break init system I mean)11:49
brainwashwyre: kernel updates come with a separate package, so you can boot older versions easily11:55
brainwashwyre: systemd updates could potentially contain security fixes. therefore, it's worth reading the changelog11:56
=== Vankaps is now known as BioKee
=== BioKee is now known as Guest86960
_shaun_hi guys my system cant detect my wireless headset12:00
_shaun_what gives?12:00
hateball!details | _shaun_12:00
ubottu_shaun_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.12:00
_shaun_the blueman-applet cant find the device when i scan it12:01
_shaun_hcitool also shows nothing12:01
_shaun_hictool scan12:01
hateball_shaun_: and the device is in pairing mode? can your computer see other bt devices?12:02
IranyI tried to install KDE on my Ubuntu, lots of erros, the KDE is fucked up, i wanna uninstall (i use GNOME and Dolphin), but i can't. > http://pastebin.com/ux0spmsH <12:03
cfhowlettIrany, sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop12:04
_shaun_yes it sees everything else besides12:04
IranyI tried to use purge too12:04
cfhowlettand I specifically suggested you NOT install the kubuntu-desktop just kde so this would not happen12:04
cfhowlettsudo apt-get -f install then run the purge commands12:05
lslarrydudes? any ideas why os-prober suddenly shows nothing?12:06
EriC^^lslarry: pastebin sudo parted -l12:06
EriC^^and os-prober's output12:06
IranyThe "following packages..." thing appear in all commands.12:06
wyrebrainwash, but my persistent usb fails when update that things12:07
lslarryEriC^^, http://pastebin.com/Sc0RvzDR12:07
lslarryEriC^^, os-prober gives just nothing12:07
brainwashwyre: it fails while installing the new packages, or when trying to boot the updated system?12:08
wyrebrainwash, at least when intramfs-tools tries reconfigure the startup fails12:08
wyrebrainwash, it fails when is configuring changes, I would say.12:08
wyreso ... while installing the new packages, I guess ;)12:10
brainwashwyre: in this case it would be helpful to have the terminal output. maybe the error(s) can be fixed12:10
brainwashholding back updates, especially security related ones, does not sound like the best idea12:11
wyrebrainwash, well... does not work so fine, even with apt-get update12:12
bolovanosI have ubuntu 16.04 in vmware on W10, I have installed ssh then restarted virtual and on login I do not see my former user name => I cannot log in - can you please tell me what happened?12:12
brainwashwyre: maybe due to limited disk space?12:12
wyrebrainwash, 4G are enough?12:13
bolovanosis it reversible?12:13
brainwashwyre: depends on how it is used12:13
wyreI've dedicated 2.52G to persistence space12:13
brainwashwyre: unless you share the terminal output we can't really help you12:14
lslarryEriC^^, any ideas?12:15
wyrebrainwash, wait :)12:15
wyreit's working on it :D12:15
=== chocolate is now known as Guest45517
wyrebrainwash, for instance, in apt-get update I get 'Error while moving old database out of the way'12:16
wyrebrainwash, and what repo you would recommend me to dispense with?12:17
wyremaybe xenial-updates?12:17
brainwashwyre: did you google that error message?12:18
wyreto keep free space, I mean12:18
brainwashhow does disabling xenial-updates help you to save disk space?12:19
wyrebrainwash, well... not upgrading more packages than necessaries12:21
brainwashI guess you can do that12:21
wyrebrainwash, but what would you say are the most important repos?12:22
IranyI just mass deleted kde-related things12:24
IranyHope it don't mess other things12:25
TheFakeMarcoHi all, I resized a btrfs partition with parted (resizepart 5 700GB), now when I want to copy a file I get cp: error coping 'file' input/output error. Anyone can help me? Thx12:25
cfhowlettIrany, that's why you also run sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop12:25
warripeiI have a problem with the 16.04 LTS12:26
IranySeems like i don't need to12:27
IranyEverything is already installed12:27
IranyNothing were removed :#12:27
cfhowlettyou should be good then, Irany12:28
warripeiI was the 12.04 without problem, but in the new one, when I restart the computer the WiFi card is not availaible12:28
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=== TheFakeMarco is now known as marcomarcaccini
ducasseTheFakeMarco: did you shrink the fs first?12:28
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warripeiBut when I shutdown (halt) and start again it is OK12:29
MementIs Selenium available for Ubuntu?12:29
protnhey folks I want wget https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=extension/extension/download&extension_download_id=1222288 which leads to file hosted on aws, how do I do it?12:29
marcomarcacciniducasse: I tried to use gparted but I always got error no space left, so I only used resizepart in parted12:29
protn... :PP .... PP ..... PP12:30
ducassemarcomarcaccini: without resizing the fs itself first? in that case you will have corrupted the fs and lost data.12:30
IranyCfhowlett how would you install kde?12:30
cfhowlettIrany, wait 112:30
marcomarcacciniDucasse: Now i'm running btrfsck --repair but I don't know if it helps12:31
marcomarcacciniAny chances?12:31
ducassemarcomarcaccini: you won't get back the data you've lost, no.12:31
cfhowlett!kde > Irany12:31
ubottuIrany, please see my private message12:31
marcomarcacciniAll my cm14 repos :(12:31
=== ricardo is now known as Guest48988
Irany-_- and I specifically suggested you NOT install the kubuntu-desktop just kde so this would not happen -_- (your words cfhowlett)12:32
protni have tried wget --content-disposition http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=975012:33
protnsame bs12:33
cfhowlettIrany, right.  see the link I sent?12:33
marcomarcacciniI have half files good, I only have to spend lots of time on syncing :D12:33
MartHi, I have in my Unity menu bar an icon with a white box line and inside it you see a stop sign. When clicking the icon I get an empty menu. Can anyone help me get rid of it?12:33
lordcirth_Mart, right click and unlock from bar12:34
IranyI saw, thank you.12:34
cfhowlettIrany, for reference: ***-desktop will load the ubuntu flavor's Desktop Environment AND all the default apps for that flavor.  for example, xubuntu-desktop is the xfce4 plus all the xubuntu apps.  for the DE only, one would install xfce4.12:36
Martlordcirth_, right click also gives an empty menu12:36
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Martlordcirth_, it is the bar where you also find the date, volume mixer etc.12:37
IranyE: Unable to locate package kde-plasma-desktop...12:38
ioriaMart you mean this ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/197595/what-does-this-red-icon-on-my-panel-mean12:38
IranyI think i should use plasma-desktop, the command on the link is outdated... idk12:38
cfhowlettIrany, same here!  outdated would be my guess12:39
Martlordcirth_, no, its a different icon: It  is a white "box" (edge white, inside black). In the box there is a red circle with a line through it12:40
ioriaMart  can you take a pic and upload ?12:41
Martioria, sure, where should I upload it?12:42
ioria!paste | Mart12:42
ubottuMart: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:42
ioriaMart  or tinypic12:43
adacDoes anyone else experience a very low volume with chromium on ubuntu trusty?12:44
Iranyw8 there is a command for instantly creating pastebins from here?12:44
BluesKajhey guys, thought I'd let you know about a script that uses dns to blaock ads ..no need for adblock on your browser , check this out :  http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/adblock-everywhere-raspberry-pi-hole-way/12:44
cfhowlettIrany, run the command and append | pastebinit at the end.         df -h | pastebinit12:44
ioriaMart  this ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/836826/what-is-this-forbidden-icon-in-my-systray12:45
Martioria, that's exactly it12:46
Martsee my screenshot: http://storage7.static.itmages.com/i/16/1025/h_1477399552_9468375_53611d4e44.png12:46
ioriaMart  usually means that you don't have the icon for that app12:47
ioriaMart  or misplaced12:47
ioriaMart  an indicator mostly12:47
erasmuswhere can I ask questions about using rEFind and boot Ubuntu off the 2nd ssd in my macbook pro?12:47
cfhowlett!mac | erasmus12:48
ubottuerasmus: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages12:48
ioriaMart  maybe something has been removed but the indicator try to start it ... anything if you click on it ?12:48
Martioria, ok, how to get rid of it? I read the posts there and see whether I can discover it. Only app I deleted before was Audacious I think12:48
Martioria, CLicking gives an empty menu12:48
ioriaMart right-click ?12:49
Martioria, same12:52
ioriaMart  try    dpkg -l | grep indicator | grep 'rc'12:52
Martioria, gives nothing back, just next prompt line12:52
ioriaMart  can you paste ps -A12:53
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Martioria, here: http://pastebin.com/QJ1jWB1r12:55
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ioriaMart  you don't remember what you had there  ?12:57
Martno, no idea12:57
Martioria, does a running program try to put in a menu item/indicator?13:00
ioriaMart  yep13:00
Martioria, or is it a config file of unity somewhere?13:00
ioriaMart  should be an indicator ...13:00
Martioria, so one of all those processes should be killed? Mmmmm, now which one, quite a list :)13:01
ioriaMart  dropbox  ? (i'm guessing)13:01
ioriaMart maybe if you close other apps, will be easier13:03
Martioria, dropbox has an incdicator which is fine in the menu13:03
protnwho here uses MC?13:03
protnmidnight commander13:03
ioriaMart  it starts when you login ?13:04
protnany one13:04
bangoliohi, latest stable kubuntu, big screen with a special IR frame that makes it a "touch" screen connected to computer, changed orientation to portrait but the IR frame orientation still acts as landscape. so clicking and moving the pointer works fine but moving the finger up causes the pointer to move right and so on. I've tried changing the coordinate transformation matrix via xinput but it will13:04
bangolionot change. latest fedora had no issue with this. can anyone help?13:04
Martioria, going to login clean, brb13:04
ioriaMart  look in autostarted apps13:05
Martioria, I started a very clean Guest session and that stop sign is there13:06
ioriaMart  look in cd /etc/xdg/autostart13:06
ioriaMart  or in ~/.config/autostart13:08
Martioria, the last one shouldnt be the issue right when I am in the Guest session?13:10
ioriaMart  no13:11
Martioria, so in /etc/xdg/autostart I see a whole list of items, including indicator- items13:11
ioriaMart  if nothing happens when you click it , should be something you removed (or something that's not working now)13:13
warripeibye /quit13:14
Martioria, how to run those files? Nautilus is complaining they are not trusted13:23
samettürk varmı13:28
cfhowlett!turkish | samet13:28
ubottusamet: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.13:28
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sz332hello guys13:32
sz332i started to get messages like Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/build-essential/build-essential_11.6ubuntu6_amd64.deb  Hash Sum mismatch13:33
ManoharE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:33
sz332any idea what could cause the problem? I just got a new laptop, may it cause the issue?13:33
Manoharyou solve my problem by remote hosting please13:34
cfhowlettManohar, talk to your hosting provider first?13:34
ManoharE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:35
Harishello all13:35
Manoharthis problem in not solve by me plz anybodu help me13:36
ikoniaManohar: have you run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" ?13:36
Hariswhen I run date, I get the following output on 14.04 LTS ---> # date13:36
Haris???? ?????? 25 18:35:14 PKT 201613:36
Harishow do I correct this ?13:36
Manohardpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0010' near line 0:  newline in field name '#padding' manohar@Manohar:~$13:36
Manoharthen after13:36
Haris# ls -alF /etc/localtime13:36
Harislrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 ????? 29  2015 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Karachi13:36
Harisntpdate update didn't fix this13:37
ikoniaManohar: ok - so thats what's failing, look at that file, I suspect the package is not updated13:37
Manoharyaa but when i start updating this error is coming13:38
ikoniaManohar: thats a different thing13:38
ikoniaManohar: you need to look at why your connection is being dropped to the repo (from what you've shown so far)13:38
Manoharikonia what is your email id please  help me13:38
ikoniaManohar: I'm not giving you my email - you'll probably be best working out the connection problem with your ISP at the first instance13:39
Manoharikonia: then what i do13:39
ikoniaManohar: solve that first13:39
ikoniathen you can update safely13:39
wyrebrainwash, here it is http://pastebin.com/MSn7vL3x13:39
wyrethe terminal output when I run '# apt-get upgrade'13:40
Manoharikonia how i can ISP problem solve13:40
ikoniaManohar: they will help you understand why your connection is dropping when you up date13:40
cfhowlettManohar, first step: contact your ISP.13:40
ikoniaManohar: you can do an apt-get clean13:41
ikoniathen re-try apt-get update13:41
Manoharikonia i understand my connection is right but what i do i dont understand13:41
ikoniaManohar: your connection is right ? sorry I thought you said it got interuppted13:41
Manohardpkg is interuppted13:42
ikoniaManohar: ok so clean that failed update out and re-run apt-get update13:43
ikoniaManohar: do you know what package is failing ?13:43
wyrebrainwash, I've read in here https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=212265213:47
wyrewhat You cant update or change the kernel when using a persistant USB setup.13:47
wyre The kernel lives in the root squashfs filesystem which is read only.13:47
wyremaybe should I hold them with apt-mark13:48
xXEoflaOEXxJust got an incompatibility issue for Linux Kernel 4.9RC2 in 16.10 with VirtualBox 5.113:48
wyrexXEoflaOEXx, that's for me? xD13:50
xXEoflaOEXxVirtualbox version 5.1.6 is not compatible with Linux 4.9RC2 kernel, When I look the log up using vi, it says something about warnings treated as errors and then exits13:51
xXEoflaOEXxLog: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/23379004/13:54
wyre_xX0x431Xx, you was talking to me? :D13:58
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Daspeelno one speaking?14:01
BluesKajDaspeel, you are, do you have a question?14:02
Daspeelhow can i see my browsers log like cookies passwords users ?14:04
gnomhi all ! how to receive listening time from ogg for the list ,using the console.14:10
gnompossible sing Vorbis Tools ?14:11
abhishekI installed kde-neon(which uses 16.04), how do I install necessary hardware drivers for it?14:13
abhishekthere is no option like additional drivers.14:13
gnomit is necessary to receive time of the tracks ogg14:13
docmurI have ufw on my server and it's set to block everything, except I allowed 80 / 443 in and out.  When I run apt-get update or apt-get anything, it's block, I get Temporary failure in resolving14:15
ducasseabhishek: no idea, it is not ubuntu so it is unsupported here. ask in their forum/irc channel.14:17
latencyI'm having trouble with a macbook pro 7.1 and the nvidia drivers. I get this modprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia_current not found in directory /lib/modules/4.8.3-040803-generic14:17
latencyand this glxgears14:17
latencyXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0".14:17
latencyError: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual14:17
ChrisNoobHey room. I'm trying to use a USB datalink cable, and I'm wondering if Ubuntu 14 installs with drivers to handle the bridge or if I have to download one14:18
abhishekducasse, but it is ubuntu under the hood right? Can you if possbile can a cmdline approach to install drivers necessary.14:18
ducasseabhishek: if it was ubuntu you would have the additional drivers dialog. ask them.14:19
ioriaMart  still there ?14:29
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NoImNotNineVoltah, basque?14:35
NoImNotNineVoltingles, por favor14:35
moojoh cool, this channel exists14:38
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moojalright guys, maybe someone here can help me solve a headache?14:38
mooji'm running an ubuntu 14.04 server off aws with vncserver, and gnome-control-center cant open14:39
Harishow to fix the date issue on 14.04 lts ? I'v never seen day/month names coming up as ?????? before on any linux/unix distro14:39
moojbeen googling around, but nothings worked yet14:40
moojit may be relevant that I'm using the latest nvidia driver becuase cuda 8.014:41
wafflejockmooj, are you launching it from the terminal? can sometimes get some info about what failed there14:42
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wafflejockHaris, not heard of that problem if you type date in the terminal what do you get?14:42
ducassemooj: gnome doesn't work properly over vnc, nor does any desktop that uses 3d accel.14:42
a101101i have a question14:43
moojducasse: so...are there ways to work around that to access the system settings?14:43
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Haris# date14:43
Haris???? ?????? 25 19:43:37 PKT 201614:43
Picia101101: go for it14:44
ducassemooj: not use gnome?14:44
moojwafflejock: x window system error: badrequest serial 133 error_code 1 request_code 149 (randr) minor_code 814:44
a101101have a problem the new kernel????14:44
a101101sorry, the new release kernel?14:44
docmurI just installed a Ubuntu 16.04 server and I'm trying to forward X data via ssh so I can use virt-manager, when I login to the box with either ssh -Y -2 user@host or ssh -X -2 user@host and then try to run virt-manager I get: http://pastebin.com/yCfE3ib514:45
moojducasse: any other options besides ditching my desktop?14:46
mooji mean i get that the easiest way to not have a broken hammer is to throw it away rather than to fix it, but I've got nails i want to hit14:46
wafflejockducasse, do you know of nx or nomachine would work? mooj really dunno14:47
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wafflejockmooj, all my VPS things are headless14:48
andywwwhi guys, how can i force password for my ssh authentication?14:49
moojvery fitting for halloween lol14:49
a101101Pici Tengo un problema con el nuevo kernel, no se que este sucediendo.14:49
a101101Otra persona me comento que le sucede14:49
moojor maybe the thing I'm trying to run is unity-control-center?  but it has the same error14:50
wafflejockmooj, looks like some people have had it work with other vnc programs possibly but nothing very current there http://serverfault.com/questions/174003/how-can-opengl-graphics-be-displayed-remotely-using-vnc14:51
wafflejock!es | a10110114:52
ubottua101101: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:52
sotrhravenis this the proper channel to ask questions on ubuntu touch?14:52
wafflejocksotrhraven, appears there is an #ubuntu-touch14:53
sotrhraventhank you, wafflejock14:53
wafflejocksotrhraven, not sure if support questions for it are typically fielded for it here I for one couldn't help ya :)14:53
Harishas anyone had this problem with date ?14:55
ducassemooj: sorry, afk. afaik no remote desktop solution for linux works with 3d accel, your options are either a different desktop or using ssh like 99.99% of people do.14:55
aniiaaqui no hablan euskera?14:56
moojlol i have no problem using ssh, but there are things I want to do that require non-ascii graphics :P14:56
aniiagora euskadi14:56
ducassemooj: try a plain wm, or something like lxde.14:57
moojI'll look into it14:59
moojthough I'm not quite ready to give up on gnome yet.  took a good bit of work to get it set up well with the vncserver14:59
moojthanks for the tip about 3d accel though, maybe I can make some headway there15:00
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pottokaeuskal norbait?15:01
pottokaeuskal norbait?15:01
auronandacemooj: you'll want to disable any compositing features (which is what requires the 3d accel)15:02
moojok....where/how might I find that/those?15:02
auronandacemooj: i don't use gnome so i don't know if it lets you or where to find them15:04
mooji'll hunt around15:05
auronandacemooj: by far the most straightforward solution is to use a wm as others have suggested15:05
mooj...isnt gnome a wm?15:05
auronandacemooj: it is a desktop environment15:06
NoImNotNineVoltgnone is a desktop environment, i thought.15:06
SchrodingersScatwhat do you need the gui for again?15:06
mooji develop deep learning models for image/video processing, amongst other things15:07
SimonBOdd question. Restarted a server with 8 IP aliases. When the server came back up the outgoing IP of the server was the first alias, not the interface address we expected... Any ide why this happened, and how to prevent it?15:08
NoImNotNineVolthave you considered simply tunneling x over ssh?15:08
NoImNotNineVoltvnc isn't exactly great.15:08
SimonBI resolve it via changing the routes, and specified the source as the interface IP, but Im worried about a reboot having it repeat.15:08
NoImNotNineVoltpersist the routes, make sure no network manager software is overriding the routes you want on boot.15:09
SimonBNoImNotNineVolt: So manually specify the source address for the routes in the network config? Ok, but why is the default the first alias as opposed to the interfaces IP? Thats what Im confused about.15:11
moojNoImNotNineVolt: i haven't.  is it better?15:12
SimonBI.e. eth1 = eth1:0, on reboot the src ip for traffic was ip route displayed "default via metric 100" Which I had to change to "default via src"15:13
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linociscohi, my ubuntu is slow shutting down and sometimes freeze15:33
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vfwlinocisco: It freezes while shutting down?15:39
vfwlinocisco: ...or it freezes during a session?15:39
vfwlinocisco: Is it slow?  Or does it just take a long time to shut down?15:40
vfwlinocisco: If it is a problem during shutdown, you should see information on the screen telling what is causing it.15:43
vfwlinocisco: You should see some sort of error or some process or application that is having a hard time stopping.15:45
RSkHey guys15:47
RSki'm doing a work about ubunt where i can get information?15:47
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NoImNotNineVoltubunt? did you mean ubnt or ubuntu?15:48
linociscovfw, freeze while in use15:49
Guest42103Ubuntu sorry15:49
NoImNotNineVoltthen indeed, ubuntu.com15:49
linociscovfw, slow shutdown or reboot time.15:49
vfwlinocisco: memtest15:49
linociscovfw, slow shutdown or reboot time. i tried to turn off wifi and networking when shutting down. but it doesn't help always. it fixed me one time15:49
linociscovfw, how to memtest15:50
linociscovfw, i got 4GB RAM15:50
linociscovfw, 64GB free space15:50
ducasselinocisco: it's on the grub menu15:50
linociscoducasse, is it risky? meaning can it wipe existing installation so that I wont lose working files?15:51
ducasselinocisco: memory and disk are two different things15:52
linociscoducasse, I got never see memtest menu being not shown at startup. on server version, i can see15:52
vfwlinocisco: Reboot hitting Esc key, you should get the grub menu and memtest will be an option.  If you don't see error right a way, run for several hours.15:52
EriC^^use a treadmill15:52
EriC^^and keep hydrated!15:53
ducasselinocisco: check that memtest86+ is installed15:53
linociscoducasse, apt-get install memtest86+? mine is x6415:53
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vfwlinocisco: Try shift key will booting.  Not sure if it is Esc or Shift15:55
vfwlinocisco: It is one or the other...15:56
ducasselinocisco: memtest86+, yes.15:56
vfwlinocisco: memtest is more-than-likely already installed.15:56
linociscovfw, ok15:57
linociscovfw, let me try15:57
Hariswhat part of locale output do I need to change to make date's output appear in english ? the day, month part ?15:57
vfwHaris: What language is your system set to?15:59
Random832Haris: LC_TIME16:02
Hariswhere is it set on ubuntu ?16:02
Random832it's an environment variable, you can put it in your bashrc.16:03
Harisor how does one change the language/locale generally16:03
Random832also is there a reason you want to change just date output and not everything?16:03
Harisneed the system to be in english generally16:04
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Harisunless otherwise needed16:04
Hariswhich I don't think it is16:04
Harisat present16:04
cablegunmasterwondering about network antennas , are they all the same? or are they tuned to a range of 2.4gighz? or 5gighz?16:05
cablegunmasteras in wireless network antennas :p16:06
codepoetni'm new to ubuntu16:07
ducassecablegunmaster: that's a question for ##networking, i would think.16:08
codepoetni've wiped out windows from my pc16:08
codepoetnso that i can get to learn ubuntu16:08
codepoetnbut as i'm total naive at command line16:08
cablegunmasterThanks ducasse16:08
NoImNotNineVolthopefully you have spare computers :P16:08
codepoetni guess i'm facing hell lot of problem in its normal functioning16:11
codepoetni don't have spare computers16:11
NoImNotNineVoltno, well, it's just that you seem to be saying that you're totally naive at command line16:11
NoImNotNineVoltso it would be easier to learn if you had a computer [that you could use effectively] to help you learn.16:12
Harisdpkg-reconfigure locales16:14
ducassecodepoetn: as long as you are willing to learn, google a lot and read documentation you should be fine.16:15
codepoetnyeah i understand that imnotninevolt16:16
codepoetnfirst thing i wanna ask is16:16
codepoetnhave you ever encountered a maiintainence page while boooting up your ubuntu os16:16
debkadcodepoetn: what is this page?16:17
debkadmay be you mean boot messages?16:17
ducasserescue mode, i would think.16:18
codepoetnno while booting up16:19
codepoetni got a screen16:19
codepoetnthat said16:19
codepoetnpress ctrl+d for normal bootup16:19
codepoetnor press enter for maintaenance16:19
geniidebkad, ducasse .. when for instance / can't be mounted it will prompt to enter single user mode to perform maintenance16:19
codepoetneither way i was not able to get to home screen of ubuntu16:20
codepoetnand i had to format my laptop16:20
chl_hey, eh, its probaly the wrong place to ask, but here goes..16:20
debkadhmm that new to me16:20
codepoetnyeah.. i didn't find the solution on even askubuntu webpage16:21
codepoetnthere was some commands related to grub16:21
joaquinwhats is this?16:21
codepoetnbut that didn't work16:21
chl_can RIPE understand a CNAME record to a nameserver? dont have access to modify RIPE info :/16:21
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geniijoaquin: This is the IRC channel on Freenode for the support of Ubuntu operating system16:21
ducassechl_: have you tried ##networking?16:22
chl_ducasse: I have not, thanks will do16:22
codepoetnwhat's the best place to get self-learning resources for using ubuntu os?16:23
hateball!manual | codepoetn16:23
ubottucodepoetn: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:23
codepoetnor maybe learning command line16:23
ikoniacodepoetn: https://help.ubuntu.com16:23
codepoetnthis is google question16:23
codepoetnbut i guess existing users can answer better16:23
ikoniahttps://help.ubuntu.com is an official guide about how to use ubuntu16:23
codepoetnthanks ikonia16:24
codepoetnis it suitable for total beginner16:24
codepoetni don't even no if i'm registered on irc16:27
codepoetnor i'm just named something randomly16:27
codepoetni'm that beginner16:27
vfwcodepoetn: You would know if you had registered your nick16:29
pandacracksHello Everyone. I wanted to report an issue16:30
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MonkeyDustpandacracks  le's hear it, in one line16:31
codepoetnin uget for ubuntu... i'm not getting good download speed. i get 30-40KB speed. that's it. it becomes stable. of-course my wi-fi speed is way much more than that. on my phone i get speed up to 4MBPS16:31
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pandacracksthe minimum system requirements for ubuntu on this ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements#Ubuntu_Desktop_Edition ) page is different from minimum system requirements mentioned for latest version 16.04 on this ( https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop ) page .16:32
codepoetnso what can be the issue16:32
MonkeyDustpandacracks  that looks more for #ubuntu-offtopic16:33
pandacracksCrisis is that former mentioned link does not mention the version of ubuntu for which that minimum system requirements were defined for and even the bigger blunder is that when we search on Google it only the first link16:33
codepoetnMonkeyDust can you help me with my problem16:33
pandacracksI am thinking that if a noob would try to install the ubuntu mentioned on the first page he could damage his old PC .16:34
pandacracks@MonkeyDust , So. Shall we leave this as it is? because, if we will then  it could confuse many new comers to ubuntu ?16:36
pandacracksWhat say?16:36
Felishiahow do I change the keyboard language to spanish?16:37
ducassepandacracks: look for contact info on the webpages, nothing we can do.16:37
MrokiiHello. Is there a (relatively simple) way to stream music over the internet from an Ubuntu-installation to a single other PC?16:37
vfwMrokii: vlc16:37
vfwFelishia: Next row up with the right hand16:38
Felishiait's set in spanish16:38
Mrokiivfw: vlc is sufficient? o.O16:38
Felishiabut it doesn't work16:38
SchrodingersScatMrokii: what's your source of the music?16:38
ducasseMrokii: or dlna.16:38
vfwMrokii: I use mythtv16:39
pandacracksOk. So there was a link in the footer for contributing to the guide. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide16:40
vfwMrokii: You mean over your LAN, right?16:40
MrokiiSchrodingersScat: I simply want to stream music from my Kubuntu-installation to a friend of mine, so they can listen to it from time to time.16:40
pandacracksI will fix that later in time.16:40
Mrokiivfw: Nope, over the internet, to a friend in another town.16:40
pandacracksIn the meantime if someone have time, then please do it .16:40
vfwMrokii: plex media server?16:41
Mrokiivfw: I'll take a look, thanks.16:41
Felishiaso why the layout change doesn't work?16:41
Mrokiiducasse: I'll take a look as well, thanks.16:41
snkcldhow can i install dnsmasq on ubuntu 16.04, without it interfering with /etc/resolv.conf? it seems that installing dnsmasq makes resolvconf use it automatically, but i want to use the resolvers provided by my dhcp server16:41
VorapHey, does anyone know if I can get my onboard GPU (Intel) working with my external gpu (Nvidia) without the need for the nouveau driver?16:42
=== lpsmith_ is now known as lpsmith
vfwsnkcld: Not sure that installing dnsmasq would alter /etc/resolv.conf16:42
snkcldvfw, right now, resolv.conf uses my dhcp settings. as soon as i install dnsmasq, it immediately uses
Felishiahow can I change the keyboard layout?16:43
FelishiaI can't believe even this is hard to do16:43
snkcldliterally as soon as i install it16:43
MrokiiSchrodingersScat: The exact source would be either a music player that is capable of serving the music to my friend or any music player plus some other method to stream the music I'm currently playing.16:44
vfwsnkcld: So what are you using dnsmasq for?16:45
SchrodingersScatMrokii: you have some options, one would be  a simple nginx server to host the files, or plex like someone mentioned (never used it myself) or owncloud/nextcloud has a music app, etc.16:45
snkcldvfw: local development. i have my app on "blah.com.dev", i want my local resolver to respond to that16:45
snkcldi will add "nameserver" manually to /etc/resolvconf/head16:45
SchrodingersScatMrokii: to stream what you're listening to is a little different, then you'd need something like an icecast server or something (never used it myself), or one time I managed to loop music into mumble using jack :>16:46
MrokiiSchrodingersScat: Okay, thanks for the info. I'll see what of these would be suitable for my needs. Hopefully icecast isn't too difficult to set up, but I'll see what I can do with it.16:48
ducasseMrokii: something like minidlna might also be a good choice.16:50
Mrokiiducasse: I've never heard of most of these but thanks for the suggestions.16:50
hippybearhelo, hai, hey, hi, howdy16:54
backboxare u new to backbox16:54
backboxor using  it from a long period16:54
hippybearyou should join the offtopic room if you want to chat16:55
hippybearthis is for support16:55
ducasse!backbox | backbox16:55
ubottubackbox: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.16:55
backboxhow can i join offtopic room help me today is my 1st day16:56
ikoniabackbox: are you looking for backbox help ?16:56
backboxalthogh i am just 15 yrs old16:56
ikoniabackbox: thats ok, is it help with backbox you need ?16:56
Mrokiibackbox: the offtopic room would be "#ubuntu-offtopic", so something like "/join #ubuntu-offtopic" would be used to join the room. Depending on the irc-client you're using.16:57
MrokiiI mean, if you use a graphical one maybe there's an easer way to join the room.16:58
uki_Can someone help me with this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/841698/updating-ubuntus-arm64-toolchain17:03
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trismuki_: did you install gcc-ver-plugin-dev where ver is your version for gcc?17:07
uki_trism : Hmm no I have not installed that package ; aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc --version : aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.1) 5.4.0 2016060917:09
uki_trism: Is that a package for cross-compiler plugin support?17:09
trismuki_: there is this maybe? gcc-5-plugin-dev-aarch64-linux-gnu17:09
uki_thank you trism let me try it out17:10
uki_trism: that seemed to be the problem, yes. installing that package helped. thank you!17:10
snkcldhow can i prevent dnsmasq from creating /run/resolvconf/interface/lo.dnsmasq ?17:15
chl_snkcld: you could disable it17:15
snkcldwhere would i disable it?17:15
chl_on 16.04 its in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf17:17
chl_just comment it out with a #17:17
chl_and snkcld you probaly need to restart networkmanager afterwards17:18
geniiAlternately, add DNSMASQ_EXCEPT=lo to /etc/default/dnsmasq17:19
snkcldchl_: "its"?17:19
deanmanHi, using an updated xenial and trying to utilize pastebinit. For some reason whenever i pipe something to it, it will simply print http://paste.ubuntu.com without appending any custom URL for my upload. Any hints?17:20
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snkcldinteresting, the /sbin/resolvconf specifically stops adding nameservers if it sees that any lo interfaces have a nameserver... thats precisely what i do _not_ wnt to happen lol17:21
snkcldi want DHCP to still set my dns settings (e.g. nameserver, search, etc), however, i also want to install dnsmasq locally, and not have it interfere17:22
weathercloudhaving some issues with my on-prem deployment of Landscape. The server is up but I am unable to register clients. I setup the cert per the documentation but still am unable to register my clients.17:22
geniisnkcld: See the instruction I just gave earlier for that17:22
snkcldgenii: ok i am trying that now17:22
trismdeanman: is your username over 10 characters? if you add say, -a deanman does it work? I see an old bug that sounds like that https://bugs.launchpad.net/pastebinit/+bug/143728617:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1437286 in pastebinit "pastebinit on Debian don't give you paste.debian.net/id-number if username is longer than 10 characters" [Medium,Triaged]17:24
marcisWhy i cant install teamviewer17:24
marcisI cant figure out17:24
marcisi click install but it stops17:24
marcisHow i can fix this issue?17:24
snkcldgenii: i want dnsmasq listening on though17:24
weathercloudRegarding my landscape deployment issues. I opened a forum post at LQ.org. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/landscape-on-prem-install-issues-4175592198/    Any ideas are welcome.17:25
snkcldall i want is for /etc/resolv.conf and NetworkManager etc to behave just as it was before, but i also want to install dnsmasq and have it listening on for my own purposes, and to not interfere with the rest of the setup17:25
chl_isnt that just the default setup?17:26
chl_ah wait, are you setting up a dns server on the same machine in question?17:27
geniisnkcld: There might be some settings within dnsmasq to allow for this, but I think you'd need to ask them specifically about it in #dnsmasq chasnnel17:27
snkcldchl_: yes17:28
snkcldgenii: ok, i will do that, thanks17:28
Undo_Could I get some help with kernel/OS version compatibility? I'd like to update the kernel on a work computer (it's on 14.04.4, kernel version 4.2.0-42-generic right now) so that it's safe against the "dirty-COW" exploit, but I'm not really sure which kernel (from kernel.org?) I should be patching to.17:28
snkcldwhat exactly is creating the "/run/resolvconf/interface/lo.dnsmasq" file anyway? dnsmasq?17:29
chl_i wasnt successful with having a dns server and dnsmasq running concurrently this week, fixed it by disabling it17:29
snkcldso i would simply have to tell dnsmasq not to create this file, it would seem, by reading the /sbin/resolvconf code17:29
deanmantrism: It does not work either with -a deanman17:29
bekksUndo_: sudo apt-update; sudo apt full-upgrade; and afterwards install the latest hardware enablement stack for LTS.17:29
bekks!hwe | Undo_17:29
ubottuUndo_: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:29
Undo_ubottu, bekks: Thanks! I've come across "hwe" but really have little idea what it is; guess I'll take a read at that wiki page.17:31
ubottuUndo_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:31
Undo_Ah hahaha oops17:31
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trismdeanman: I also saw this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/pastebinit/+bug/1574849 do you have an old ~/.pastebinit.xml?17:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574849 in pastebinit (Ubuntu Xenial) "plain http://paste.ubuntu.com has stopped working while https works" [Medium,Confirmed]17:32
=== CrazEd is now known as Guest11127
mtgrhello ! do you know how to quite a channel ?17:33
Southern_Gentlem /quit17:33
mtgrthanks ! but it quit the entire irc client and not just the channel...17:33
Undo_bekks: So... doing the apt full-upgrade and then installing all the hwe stuff will install a suitable new kernel?17:33
bekksUndo_: It will install the latest available patches.17:34
hippybearRe: dirtyc0w "Exploitation of this bug does not leave any trace of anything abnormal happening to the logs"17:35
deanmantrism: It's just a fresh installation with latest updates. I don't have any .pastebinit.xml. The funny thing is that if i use a different provider it will work but not with paste.ubuntu.com.17:35
Undo_bekks: Ah, right. Given that kernel version 4.2 is no longer supported, does that mean I'll need to update the kernel to a newer version to even have a suitable patch?17:35
bekksUndo_: Why do you think 4.2.0 isnt supported anymore?17:36
Undo_bekks: I thought the support schedule page says it was supported from February to August? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Support17:36
marcisHello i cant install teamviewer17:37
marcisHow to fix17:37
bekksUndo_: So install latest updates as above, and install the latest HWE. You will end up in a supported, patched kernel.17:37
trismdeanman: strange17:37
deanmantrism: In fact if i try to explicitly say to use paste.ubuntu.com i get the following http://paste.ubuntu.com/23379929/17:37
bekksmarcis: We dont know, because you didnt tell us which error you get.17:38
mrbtdo you know how to find an interessant channel ? Is there a list or something ?17:38
trismdeanman: yeah that's what the above bug is about you have to use -b https://paste.ubuntu.com/ , but it should use the right thing by default (it works without any -b argument here)17:39
weathercloudanyone able to help with a Landscape on-prem install  registration issue?17:40
ZtaSo... apt is the new apt-get or what?17:41
mrbtquit channel17:41
deanmantrism: well even with https doesn't work17:41
trismdeanman: you could try with the --verbose option, doesn't really seem to give much additional info though17:45
uebera||Anyone using lxc to create CentOS, openSUSE containers? "lxc-create -n testvm-opensuse-leap-amd64 -t download -- --dist opensuse --release leap --arch amd64" does not work for me on Ubuntu 16.04.1 ("ERROR: Couldn't find a matching image.")17:48
Musterschueler0gibt es auch ubuntu versionen, die mit unter 300mb ram klarkommen?17:49
SonikkuAmerica!de | Musterschueler017:49
ubottuMusterschueler0: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:49
Musterschueler0danke, wuste ich nicht17:49
NUTsTUNI need to run 2 commands when my computer starts up, can someone help me with doing that?17:56
wyre_anyone knows if could I upgrade a system in a persistent usb?17:56
bekks!autostart | NUTsTUN17:56
ubottuNUTsTUN: If you want to edit your Autostart programs, open the Unity dash and search for Startup Programs. If you're on XFCE, use menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Session and Startup, if you're on KDE, use Kickoff -> Computer -> System Settings -> Autostart. For more details see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup17:56
NUTsTUNI've tried that and it doesn't work. I'm trying to run $ sudo modprobe -r elan_i2c17:57
NUTsTUNand $ sudo modprobe elan_i2c17:57
bekksyou tried what and what doesnt work?17:57
NUTsTUNthe startup programs17:57
bekksbecause sudo requires a terminal for entering your password.17:58
bekksNUTsTUN: you would need to use gksudo17:58
NUTsTUNWhat does that do?17:58
bekksgksudo is a graphical replacement for sudo.17:58
NUTsTUNAlright, I'll try it out. Thanks for the help!17:59
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carbineIs anyone here able to help with some ath9k issues I'm having?18:06
bekkscarbine: that depends on your actual question.18:07
carbinebekks: I am able to connect and use my connection as normal at my house. When I bring my laptop to the office, I am able to connect with no issue, but my connection stability is hit and miss. I never actually disconnect. I've turned off power management, hwcrypt, disabled IPv6. Basically anything I could find via Ubuntu forums and Google.18:09
carbineUbuntu 16.04, ar956518:10
carbineFresh install of 16.04 as well18:10
bekksWhats the ouput of dmesg when the connection fails?18:11
=== will is now known as Guest97609
icxcnikaHey guys, networking stuff I can't figure out. Ubuntu 16.04 as an lxd/lxc server. /etc/nework/interfaces looks like https://gist.github.com/wheimbigner/dbc0d4d6c71b932033cc7dbd40288a8a - I've changed the first 3 octets of the IP/gateway involved.18:12
icxcnikaon rebooting, it works /almost/ exactly as I'd expect, except it doesn't have a default route set, such that it can't reach the outside world, and I have to manually add the defafult gateway via `route add default gw dev lxdbr0`18:12
icxcnikaany idea why the gateway setting won't stick?18:13
carbinebekks: Let me check18:17
carbineLast I see is wlp2s0: associated18:18
arunpyasiHello people, I wanted to connect and listen songs from my ubuntu via bluetooth but its not working. I can connect my bluetooth speaker with my android phone but not with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS PC.18:18
carbineWith connection not working currently.18:18
bekkscarbine: thats just a single line. Pastebin the entire output when the connection fails.18:18
arunpyasiI can connect my speaker but it gets disconnected automatically in few seconds and no sound is output.18:19
carbineI'm unable to pastebin as that machine has no connection.18:19
vfw  icxcnika You don't have any network management software installed?18:19
bekkscarbine: you can safe it to a text file and pastebin it after restoring your connection.18:19
vfwicxcnika: (If you do, that is more than likely the problem.)18:19
vfwicxcnika: You probably need to delete the line "auto lxdbr0"18:23
icxcnikavfw: thanks, will try that18:24
vfwicxcnika: See that you do not have network-manager installed18:25
scheurihello all....the release schedule lists 16.04.1, but nothing in the future...am I wrong that I remember a relativly fix release schedule for Point releases? Any info on 16.04.2?18:26
rocket__anybody has an idea how to speed up qemu18:26
rocket__its pretty slow18:26
rocket__with graphics18:26
compdocrocket__, I dont use qemu-kvm for guests that need fast video. But you do have a choice of VNC or Spice. I dont use spice, but its supposed to be better18:29
vfwscheuri: It is not time for .2 yet18:29
rocket__i think its still slow compdoc18:29
rocket__i tried to activate opengl18:30
rocket__it says not possible18:30
rocket__compdoc, maybe i try gpu pass next18:30
scheurivfw: thanks...I figured...I thought there was a rather fixed time schedule...but I guess I must have mis-remembered...so there is no ETA?18:30
compdocvirtualbox is better with graphics, but its not really meant to be used as a server. Just for your desktop18:30
vfwscheuri: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases18:31
compdocrocket__  ^18:31
scheurivfw: thank you for your help...18:31
scheurivfw: I guess it is waiting time :)18:32
vfwcompdoc: No reason why virtualbox can't be used as a server.  Well, we should say servers....18:32
rocket__compdoc, can i make gpu passthrough with virtual box?18:33
compdocIve done it, there are tools. but its not really great for that18:33
rocket__qemu is great for that right?18:33
compdocrocket__, dunno. I dont use passthrough18:33
compdocyour PC needs to support it18:33
vfwcompdoc: If you have enough horsepower, I don't see why you wouldn't.18:33
rocket__compdoc, it would be nice to run games on windows18:33
rocket__compdoc, i have intel vx and nvidia18:34
rocket__nvidia could be some issue18:34
rocket__lets see18:34
bekksrocket__: that doesnt mean much.18:34
bekksrocket__: you need VT-d18:34
IranySomeone knows a good screenshot program which you can select an area and instantly copy to clipboard(Already tried xfce4, gnome and screengrab)18:34
scheurirocket__: about 6 month ago or so I tried the whole virtualbox and 3D accel stuff....they made some progress IMHO, but I am not sure of gaming is really going to be much fun like that...it didn't work very well (but that is just me, YMMV)18:35
scheurirocket__: depending on the game, you might be luckier with linux ports or with wine...but guessing that you ask here about vbox and gaming...you tried that already :)18:36
rocket__scheuri, friend of mine has done it with amd and qemu18:36
carbineI wonder if this could be part of my problem: [ 1817.139492] wlp2s0: deauthenticated from 82:2a:a8:91:77:6e (Reason: 6=CLASS2_FRAME_FROM_NONAUTH_STA)18:36
rocket__and he told me he has almost 90% performance18:36
scheurirocket__: oh, you are talking qemu...that might be something else18:37
scheurirocket__: sorry..18:37
rocket__but h e also said nvidia could be a problem18:37
protnhey folks18:37
rocket__thats why im using qemu not vbox18:37
protnwhere I can find xmlwriter for ubuntu 14.04?18:37
bekksrocket__: And you still need to meet the requirements. "nvidia" is not one of those. :)18:37
rocket__probably it was a mistake to buy this gpu18:37
rocket__but now i have it18:37
rocket__i like it18:38
protnsomething like http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/php7.0-xml but for php518:38
rocket__but its a issue under linux18:38
bekksrocket__: It doesnt matter - does your computer supprt VT-d?18:38
rocket__it does18:38
rocket__what is that about?18:38
bekksrocket__: VT-x or VT-d?18:38
scheurirocket__: gaming is an issue indeed...and likely will be for some time unfortunately...but there we are18:38
rocket__i think vt-x18:38
bekksrocket__: you think or you know?18:38
rocket__i know18:38
bekksrocket__: For GPU passthrough, you NEED VT-d.18:38
rocket__wait i will have a look18:39
bekksrocket__: Not only your CPU need to support it, but your mainboard too.18:39
rocket__i have some i518:41
rocket__i will have a look in the bios18:41
rocket__one moment18:41
icxcnikavfw: removing the auto lxdbr0 doesn't change anything18:41
JustMozzyI don't get it. I have to 16.04 machines. I installed docker on both, however on has the shitty loopback for files and on the other it uses AUFS as a backend... why do I get different setting on the same system?18:42
rocket__bekks, yes i have it18:46
wyre_I need keep freeze problematic packages of upgrade in a usb persistent stick18:48
wyre_can anyone help me? what packages should I freeze?18:48
rocket__bekks, and?18:49
bekksrocket__: So your computer supports VT-d.18:52
vfwicxcnika: So just use /etc/rc.local18:58
vfwicxcnika: (If it's not enabled, enable it.)18:59
vfwicxcnika: Just add the line: route add default gw
icxcnikavfw: I... can, but that seems kinda hacky19:00
youndervfw,  I am doing IP masquerading in rc.local because it otherwise messes with ufw. Is that a good idea?19:00
vfwicxcnika: I know but it will fix the problem.  Later you can figure out what is doing it.19:00
ubuntu293where can i find the wlan0 file?? it isnt in /etc/network/interfaces.d19:01
vfwyounder: In my opinion, it doesn't matter much where you put your script, whether it is a firewall script or what ever, if it works it works.19:01
vfwicxcnika: Some may call something like this an ugly hack, but is it?  (Just because we say something does not make it so.)19:02
vfwicxcnika: younder I think it is all about what is easiest for me (or you).  If I see an easy way to configure something, I do it, and I don't worry about whether someone else will call it an ugly hack, and I don't worry about it because, more-than-likely, no one will even see it.19:04
youndervfw:  good point19:06
vfwicxcnika: younder The only problem with what I just said is later on - like a year from now - you may forget - you may wonder where you put this stuff.  But it should be pretty obvious that we should look at rc.local19:15
carbineMay have fixed this wifi issue...19:15
vfwcarbine: What was the problem?19:16
carbineNevermind. Still having issues.19:16
vfwcarbine: What is it?19:16
carbineVery unstable connection using ath9k19:16
vfwcarbine: What does the signal stength look like?19:17
carbineShows connected, fast connection every now and then. Connection drops out after 5 seconds or so. Comes back whenever it feels like it19:17
carbinevfw: full signal19:17
carbineI sit right under the AP19:17
carbineNo connection issues on wifi at home.19:17
carbineBoth work and home use WPA2 Personal19:17
vfwcarbine: So what is unstable about it?19:18
carbineRandomly I'm unable to ping, downloads fail, websites are unresponsive19:18
=== messer440 is now known as Guest86341
carbineI have about 5-10 seconds of connectivity at a time that comes and goes at an unknown interval.19:18
vfwcarbine: Check to see what you have.   See what nameserver you are using.  See that the essid has not chanbed.  See if the route is same.19:19
carbineI changed the nameservers to opendns, as well as trying google's DNS.19:20
carbineFail on both, as well as my DHCP'd DNS19:20
carbineDisabled IPv6, turned off power management, disabled hwcrypt19:20
carbineI definately believe it's an ath9k driver issue as I had this with the same laptop running Arch last week.19:20
vfwcarbine: Why are you not using your router'19:21
younderwtf: I keep a journal of changes to the system. I would recomend everyone to do the same. I also use etckeeper and thus git version control for added robustness.19:21
vfwcarbine: Why are you not using your router's caching nameserver?19:21
vfwcarbine: What kind of network are you on?19:21
carbineNot completely sure. Just my work's wifi running WPA2 personal.19:22
vfwcarbine: Is it your router?  Or someone eles's router?19:22
ulrichardAfter upgrading to 16.10 I can no longer login as another user from the lock screen. Is there an easy way to bring that back?19:22
vfwcarbine: Oh it is at your work place?19:23
carbineMy work's router at work. My personal AT&T-issued router at home (home works, work does not)19:23
carbineYes. Correct.19:23
vfwcarbine: Try just hard coding the default route IP as your nameserver.19:23
carbineBoth are WPA2 Personal. When the connection works for the short time at work, its pretty fast.19:23
carbineOne sec.19:23
ioriaulrichard, can you open a console and login in text mode ?19:24
ulrichardioria: yes, that is no problem19:24
vfwcarbine: It may be a problem with the router's configuration.19:24
ioriaulrichard,  can you paste   ls -la ~/.Xauthority   ?19:24
ioriaulrichard,  of the not-working user, i mean19:25
ulrichardioria: I'm not on that machine right now. But the option is not available regardless of who is currently logged in.19:26
carbinevfw: That's concerning, as this is the only wifi device I've had issues with in two years in this office with the same network setup. CHIP had working wifi, Macbook, Windows laptops, Android phones, iPhones, Windows phones. Basically, this is the only device that doesn't work.19:26
vfwcarbine: And it could be that the router is using an un-reliable nameserver as primary.  (But if that is the case, probably almost everyone else will have the same problem.)19:26
carbinevfw: This network is running roughly 40 machines right now, not including various personal devices.19:26
ulrichardioria: If I log out, then the other user can login. But it is no longer possible to leave the session open.19:26
ioriaulrichard,  how may users do you have on your system ?19:27
vfwcarbine: Well, you just have look at all the settings.19:27
vfwcarbine: What netmask are you getting?19:27
ulrichardioria: two19:28
ioriaulrichard,  none of them can login via gui ? or just one ?19:28
vfwcarbine: Look at the output of iwcoinfig19:29
carbineI may have fixed this...19:29
ulrichardIf one is logged in, and the session is locked, the other one can not login. It doesn't matter which one.19:29
carbineOne sec to let me test.19:29
bnwilsonanyone help me disable ALT for unity?19:29
nrclarkanybody good with lxc? I'm having some trouble getting a development flow to work19:29
bnwilsonccsm route isn't working :(19:29
carbineNope lol19:30
vfwcarbine: What did you try?19:30
bnwilsondconf read /org/compiz/integrated/show-hud == ['']19:30
carbineWell, when I stopped using custom nameservers, it worked temporarily then went back to what it was doing previously.19:30
carbineIf I could get to pastebin temporarily I could get you an output of dmesg and iwconfig19:31
saint_hi all - is there any trick to install ubuntu on an ESXi server ? I tried both desktop and server, and they boot on dhcp / pxe but not the iso... i looked at the iso, and the checksum is fine .19:31
vfw!info pastebinit | carbine19:31
ubottucarbine: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5-1 (yakkety), package size 14 kB, installed size 156 kB19:31
younderulrichard: have you looked at this guide? http://askubuntu.com/questions/258616/how-can-i-debug-my-wireless-problem19:31
carbinevfw: Can't stay connected long enough to install packages lol19:32
ulrichardyounder: I don't see the connection?19:32
catbadgerWhats the most professional free video editing software in the repo? blender?19:33
ioriaulrichard,  you are at the locking screen ... and you want to switch user ?19:33
carbineiwconfig: http://pastebin.com/yNUyRx8219:33
carbinedmesg: http://pastebin.com/ggqRy0hH19:34
ulrichardioria: exactly. This always worked before the upgrade to yakkety.19:34
ioriaulrichard,   i cannot do that on Unity, sorry19:34
=== thib is now known as thiba
ioriaulrichard,   what DE are you using ?19:35
vfwcarbine: That was the output of iwconfig?19:35
ulrichardioria: what do you mean by DE?19:36
=== thiba is now known as thib
ioriaulrichard,   gnome, unity, lxde kde, ?19:36
carbineI can do ifconfig as well if it will help19:36
ulrichardioria: unity19:37
younderioria, oh a VM19:37
ioriaulrichard,   ok, give me a sec19:37
catbadgerWhats the most professional free video editing software in the repo? blender?19:39
Californiacatbadger: isn't blender for 3D stuff? i use kdenlive for doing simple video editing.19:40
ioriaulrichard,   sorry, yes you can switch user... what happens when you select the other user ?19:40
carbine_I was apparently disconnected from IRC.19:41
vfwcarbine: We chould string several things together, like:19:41
vfw{ cat /etc/resolv.conf ; route -n ; ifconfig wlp8s0b1;} | pastebinit19:41
ulrichardioria: After upgrading to yakkety the option to select another user vanished.19:41
catbadgerCalifornia blender is also a NLVE19:41
catbadgerand after effects-like19:42
catbadgerI need to do more than simple editing19:42
ioriaulrichard,   but you can unlock for the current user, right ?19:42
marts1I have recently used Handbrake and Openshot.19:42
ulrichardioria: yes19:42
marts1Handbrake to resize a video and Openshot to clip it.19:42
marts1clip it -> I mean edit cuts.19:43
NUTsTUNWould anyone be able to help me quick?19:43
ioriaulrichard,   ok, the option is still there ( https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/shell-exit.html )  but not working for you . Can you login via gui in the other user from the login scree ?19:44
carbine_vfw: Trying now19:44
carbine_I assume this will fail without connection19:44
vfw{ cat /etc/resolv.conf ; route -n ; ifconfig wlp8s0b1;ping -c3 av.com;} | pastebinit19:44
ulrichardioria: Only if I log out the current user first.19:45
vfwcarbine_: Yea, it will have to happen when connection is up.19:45
NUTsTUNMy Elan touchpad doesn't work on startup so I have to run the $ sudo modprobe -r elan_i2c and $ sudo modprobe elan_i2c commands for it to work19:45
carbineHmm. Odd.19:45
NUTsTUNI've tried setting up a startup application but that doens't work19:46
delargehi there, Im trying to set up a FTP server (vsftpd) but doesnt seems that is listening. The 'netstat -a | grep ftp' doesnt have an output. And the starting seems OK when I do the '/etc/bin/init.d/vsftpd start' http://pastebin.ca/373283319:46
vfwNUTsTUN: Just put it in /etc/rc.local19:46
carbinevfw: http://pastebin.com/AJhneYuV19:47
NUTsTUNPut what in? A .sh file with the commands?19:47
th0rNUTsTUN, have you added those modules to /etc/modules?19:47
ioriaulrichard,  this is  an old report is your situation ?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/95058319:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 950583 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "No "switch user" button when screen locked" [High,Fix released]19:47
NUTsTUNth0r: Yes19:48
ulrichardioria: yes, the description matches.19:49
NUTsTUNvfw: Put what in? A .sh file with the commands?19:49
ioriaulrichard,  apt-cache policy lightdm | grep Installed19:50
nrclarkDoes anybody know how to create an LXC container from an existing filesystem?19:51
bekksNUTsTUN: just add an entry in /etc/modprode.d/ for loading your desired modules.19:51
ulrichardioria: 1.19.5-0ubuntu119:51
NUTsTUNbekks: I tried that already19:51
bekksNUTsTUN: And what did you put into which file?19:52
ioriaulrichard,  apt-cache policy  gnome-screensaver | grep Installed19:52
vfwcarbine: nameserver ?19:53
vfwinet addr:  Bcast: ?19:53
vfwI see a couple problems there.....19:54
catbadgermarts1 so you like opencut?19:54
catbadgeropen shot i mean19:54
NUTsTUNbekks: Wait, I misread the last pathname you sent. I believe I tried adding the elan_i2c.conf to the modprobe.d/ I forgot what to put in it tho19:54
ioriaulrichard,  do you have other display manager , like gdm ?19:54
carbineLet me see what the machine I'm on says19:54
bekksNUTsTUN: the name of the module you want to modprobe.19:54
vfwNUTsTUN: Just add two lines to /etc/rc.local  (make sure it is enabled)19:55
bekksvfw: No need to.19:55
mcphailcatbadger: blender is the best editor on Ubuntu at present, imho19:55
vfwbekks: Yea, I see19:55
bekksvfw: the /etc/modprobe.d/ facility is exactly designed to do that job.19:55
carbinevwf: This is on the Windows machine I'm using to talk to you on: http://pastebin.com/pyMpGPu019:55
vfwNUTsTUN: Do as beeks said, it's a better solution.19:55
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ulrichardioria: Not that I knew of. The machine is relatively new. I freshly installed it in July, and that was the first upgrade.19:56
NUTsTUNbekks: What lines do I add to rc.local?19:56
bekksNUTsTUN: Wrong file.19:56
carbinevfw: Everything on the Ubuntu machine was set via DHCP19:57
NUTsTUNbekks: Wait, didn't you just say to modify rc.local?19:57
ioriaulrichard,   you upgraded to 16.10 from what version ? 16.04 ?19:57
carbineI could manually assing all the IPv4 stuff19:57
ulrichardioria: yes19:57
bekksNUTsTUN: No. Read again what I told you to do.19:57
ioriaulrichard,  can you   sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade19:57
NUTsTUNbekks: Ok, so I added elan_i2c.conf to modprobe.d/ and it contains "elan_i2c" without the quotes. Is that it? or should I put "-r elan_i2c" first?20:00
ulrichardioria: It upgraded just what a simple upgrade would also do.20:00
noureddinehi every body20:00
ioriaulrichard,  what exactly ?20:00
ulrichardioria: mysql-common20:02
carbinevfw: The odd thing is that the DHCP settings allow me to get to websites occassionally.20:02
docmurI'm trying to setup a DHCP server on my server, I have the DHCP server configured to hand out addresses, the problem I'm running into is that when I bridge to a port from eth2: http://pastebin.com/4aE3rmE0, the interface I bridge to, stops working20:02
ioriaulrichard,  try sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm20:03
ulrichardioria: It ececuted without a message. But after Super+L  there is still no list. Would I have to log out or reboot to see an effect?20:05
ioriaulrichard,  maybe :(20:05
ioriaulrichard,  what you mean without a message ?20:05
ioriaulrichard,  yiou should see a menu20:06
TortillionIs this the right place to get help?20:06
ulrichardioria: there was no menu, I was back at the prompt immediately.20:06
bekksTortillion: help with ubuntu? yes.20:06
TortillionWell, I have this old laptop whichhad XP on it.20:07
ioriaulrichard,  ok, try reboot but i'am pessimistic20:07
TortillionDell Lattitude D80020:07
TortillionAnd I wanted to get Lubuntu on it.20:08
ulrichardioria: I also don't get the menu on the other machine that still runs 16.04.20:08
TortillionSo I burn the CD20:08
ioriaulrichard,  yeash, my mistake20:08
TortillionWhen I put it in,it says theres a problwm with PAE20:08
ioriaulrichard,  it means you don't have other DM20:09
TortillionSo I force PAE, and it works20:09
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Guest21473how i can install nautilus file manger on linux mint cinnamon 1820:09
bekksTortillion: So you already have a solution.20:09
TortillionThen, I click try lubuntu20:09
TortillionThwn I intall it20:09
TortillionThe problem is20:09
TortillionIt failed to install GRUB20:10
bekksTortillion: please dont use enter that often.20:10
ktosiekwhat's the last nginx USN about?20:10
ioriaulrichard,  could be a VM issue20:10
ktosiekcan't find any specifics, is that really an RCE?20:10
TortillionOh sorry. Anyway, it doesn't connect to thw internet, even though the internet worked on xp.. Maybe that ia why GRUb didnt install20:11
ktosiekasking here, as I'm not invited to #ubuntu-security :-)20:11
bekksTortillion: grub doesnt need internet for being installed.20:11
TortillionThats the strange part.20:11
ioriaulrichard, you can try to boot a previous kernel if you still have one20:11
TortillionI try to install GRUB at the terminal but it says cannot  reach the website.20:12
ulrichardioria: I will try. But can't right now. Thanks for looking into the issue.20:13
ioriaulrichard, no problem, good luck20:13
alkisgTortillion: are you trying `apt-get install grub-pc`, or `dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc`? You can't use apt-get install if you have no internet access.20:13
Bashing-omTortillion: Netweoking; wired or wireless ??20:13
bekksTortillion: can you pastebin the entire output including the command you are using?20:13
TortillionI tried both.20:13
bobekhi need help with Double Commander, drag and drop to another app not working20:13
TortillionI will.20:14
bekksTortillion: if your box doesnt have internet connect and you are using apt-get/apt for installing a package, it cannot be installed due to the missing interbet connection.20:14
bobekanybody to help^^20:14
alkisgTortillion: also, if the pc doesn't have grub, it won't boot; if it doesn't boot, where are you running those commands?20:14
bekksTortillion: from a cd install, you dont need internet at all for installing a base system including grub.20:14
moojx-forwarding gnome-session?! its almost working...20:15
TortillionI clicked try Lubuntu so I had the Termina20:15
bekksTortillion: and then you tried to install grub into the cd?20:15
TortillionNo, I put in a boot repair CD20:15
TortillionBut it says connect to internet for that20:15
alkisgTortillion: what's the output of: lspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 Ethernet20:16
alkisgIt will show your network card and the driver20:16
bekksTortillion: So thats not an Ubuntu cd?20:16
TortillionFirst I tried lubuntu cd but it sidnt work20:16
bekksTortillion: so the answer to my question is "no" - correct?20:17
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ShatojonHello. I just setup vsftpd - I launched it, created a user and created a password for it. Logged in through Filezilla great. Issue is I can't figure out where the directory is? I was never required to enter a directory or anything of the sort. So I don't know where that user is uploading files right now.20:17
TortillionOk the command lspci20:17
bekksShatojon: when entering / as the remote directory, what are the first three entries you can see in the list?20:18
TortillionSays broadxom corporation netxtreme bcm5705m gigabit20:18
ShatojonHey bekks  - I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean "entering / as the remote directory".20:20
ShatojonI'm very new to Linux, doing this to learn :)20:20
bekksShatojon: you are using filezilla. Enter / as the remote path on the right pane.20:20
alkisgTortillion: if you run dmesg, do you see a message about firmware for broadcom missing?20:21
ShatojonAhh I found it, thank you bekks !!20:21
ShatojonIt was /home/<username>20:21
TortillionLet me check. Thanks for helping me by the way.20:22
ShatojonWould you happen to know how I can change that, bekks? I'd like that user to be logged in to /usr/local/nginx/html20:22
bekksShatojon: then you would need to change the home directory of that user.20:22
bobekhi need help with Double Commander, drag and drop to another app not working20:23
ShatojonCould you teach me how to do that, bekks ?20:23
TortillionWhen I input dmesg it gives me a lot of information.20:23
bekksShatojon: sudo usermod  -d new_home_dir  username20:24
ShatojonIs "usermod" the command?20:24
ShatojonIs usermod a command specifically for vsftpd? How does Linux know that I'm trying to use that command on vsftpd as opposed to any other app I have installed?20:24
TortillionTher are some lines that say firmare not found20:24
bekksShatojon: no, the command is [~chatter@] has joined20:24
bekksShatojon: it is a command to be entered in a terminal.20:24
bekksShatojon: It changes the home directory of a user, and it has nothing to do with vsftpd.20:25
ShatojonThe FTP server is actually creating new users on the computer, bekks ?20:25
ShatojonIt's not simply allowing users to upload/download files from the computer thanks to a user/pass system?20:26
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alkisgTortillion: you need to download those files and put them in /lib/firmware in order for your network to work20:26
TortillionI see.20:27
Shatojonbekks:  I just realised that "sudo useradd" is actually nothing to do with vsftpd.20:27
ShatojonSorry! That actually explains a lot. Thank you :)20:27
TortillionAlso, using dpkg reconfigure grub-pc says package grub pc is not installed20:28
alkisgTortillion: you are on the rescue cd, we don't even know which distribution that is, of course there's no grub there, it probably boots with isolinux20:29
TortillionNow I am on Lubuntu20:30
alkisgTortillion: it's possible (I've seen it) that an ubuntu 12.04 live cd does contain the firmware and sees internet; that way you'll be able to chroot and install whatever you like20:30
MonkeyDustTortillion  what's the output of    cat /etc/issue20:30
MonkeyDustTortillion  in a terminal20:31
TortillionSprry abput that its hard tp type on this tablet20:32
TortillionOk. Says20:32
TortillionNo such file or directory.20:32
ShatojonHey bekks  - attempting sudo usermod -d /usr/local/nginx/html karl echoed: "usermod: user karl is currently used by process 11862".20:32
bekksShatojon: so log out every instance of that user.20:33
ShatojonI'm not sure how to do that, bekks20:33
bekksShatojon: close all programs, log out the user.20:34
ShatojonI don't know how to log out the user - is there a command for that?20:34
bekksShatojon: Is "karl" your regular user?20:34
ShatojonI created him when setting up the FTP.20:34
bekksShatojon: So close filezilla.20:34
ShatojonAhh ok.20:35
ShatojonSorry for all the questions bekks, I really appreciate the help.20:36
ShatojonI restarted the computer the web server and FTP are hosted on and can no longer connect via Filezilla, is that normal?20:36
ShatojonDoes the service not start automatically?20:36
bekksShatojon: Depends on how you installed and configured it.20:37
ShatojonHmm, I used this guide; http://www.krizna.com/ubuntu/setup-ftp-server-on-ubuntu-14-04-vsftpd/20:37
ShatojonOddly enough, I just did sudo service vsftpd restart20:37
ShatojonBut I still can't connect to it20:37
ShatojonFilezilla insists that Error:Network error: Software caused connection abort Error:Could not connect to server20:37
bekksShatojon: So start the vsftpd service?20:38
ShatojonI did, I typed "sudo service vsftpd restart"20:38
bekksShatojon: thats RESTARTING, not STARTING.20:38
ShatojonAhh, sorry.20:38
ShatojonIs it just sudo service vsftpd start ?20:38
ShatojonOh it worked20:39
ShatojonBut on port 21, I'm very confused now.20:39
ShatojonBefore restarting I was connecting on port 22.20:39
ShatojonBecause I followed the second part of the tutorial that said it wasn't secure and to set it up and whatnot ( Please note using ftp on port 21 is a big security risk . it’s highly recommended to use SFTP. Please continue for SFTP configuration  Secure FTP ( SFTP ) )20:39
bekksShatojon: FTP always works on port 21. SSH works on port 22.20:39
ShatojonOk, I understand. I thought that by doing all this stuff, I had disabled FTP and only allowed SSH ( http://i.imgur.com/pQYhCWC.png )20:40
ShatojonSo now I'm not sure I understand what following the second part of that guide actually did.20:40
Random832Shatojon: which "second part"? The steps are numbered 7-1020:42
Random832anyway, sftp is a completely separate system from ftp. you can just uninstall vsftpd (which despite the name has nothing to do with sftp)20:43
ShatojonYes, 7 to 1020:43
ShatojonI followed the steps 7 to 10.20:43
ShatojonThen I restarted the computer this is all hosted on20:43
ShatojonOnce it was back up, I did sudo service vsftpd start20:43
ShatojonAnd now I can't connect with port 22, I have to put 21, which defeats the purpose of steps 7-10 I thought?20:44
Random83222 is SSH (which includes SFTP), 21 is FTP (which has nothing to do with SFTP)20:44
Random832you might have to change the protocol type in filezilla, not just the port number20:44
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lm_3Hi there, any suggestions for a good, mostly 100% compatible, works-out-of-the-box laptop that is not the dell xps developer edition? thanks20:50
nicomachuslm_3: check out System7620:51
lm_3nicomachus: do you work there or are you simply a happy customer ? :)20:53
nicomachuslm_3: have just heard a lot about them. possibly a future customer. definitely don't work there.20:54
lm_3ok thanks20:54
nicomachusThey are very well known. Check out reviews online or something.20:54
wafflejocklm_3, I'm a mostly happy customer, have a laptop from them that has been good through 12.04 and 14.04 with 16.04 I have some graphics issues with the Intel HD4000 HDMI for whatever reason (I've gone to some lengths to figure out what's going on but no fix so far)20:54
wafflejockin terms of getting something that works without a lot of fiddling required they are legit20:54
ShatojonAt the moment, ftp users can create and delete, but not append. Any idea how to give them that permission?20:57
younderwafflejock,  well standarh hardware is the simplest path20:57
wafflejockyounder, not sure what you mean by that exactly? mostly problems I've encountered with linux have been around wifi or graphics drivers, a lot of that has improved the last few years I've been actively using Ubuntu but still some problem chipsets20:58
lm_3I'm asking for a university professor, and she does not have the patience to deal with compatibility issues that is all21:00
younderwafflejock,  ubuntu has been adopted as a standard exactly because it 'like debian' has great hardware support. Ubutu is a bit more minimalistice and has a more secure setup by default.21:00
lm_3she requested specifically ubuntu, and preferably lenovo or ubuntu21:00
lm_3*lenovo or dell21:01
wafflejockhehe was waiting for the correction :)21:01
lm_3but it seems lenovo does not ship ubuntu out of the box anymore21:01
lm_3the dell developer edition seems nice, but overpriced21:02
lm_3http://www.dell.com/ca/business/p/laptops?~ck=mn#!facets=16260~0~195640&p=1 for the curious21:02
younderlm_3, Few companies do. There is a parnoanoia in the buisness world for things free.21:02
wafflejocklm_3, yeah if you check out the wifi chipset and the graphics chipset in terms of compatibility/issues that's where I believe most of the problems live, I have a desktop from 2008 that's still doing great though, I did buy a PCI wifi card for it at some point but did the research first to be sure I wouldn't have to fuss with it21:02
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lm_3I want it to be able to hibernate, which is more difficult to ascertain21:03
logikosif I want a local dev workstation is it better to start with ubuntu server and install xfce or to start with xubuntu and install lamp21:04
younderlm_3, I know I keeps my systems avive 24-7. Hybernate seems to be problematic on some systems21:04
ShatojonThank you for the help, have a good evening everyone!21:05
wafflejocklm_3, can't say I've seen a lot of hibernation issues but my computers are typically full on or full off or maybe in sleep for a few minutes here or there21:05
bekkslogikos: Doesnt matter actually. I'd start with a desktop environment.21:05
logikosI realize what I want can be acomplished either way ... but my gut tells me that if i start with xubuntu i'll get better driver support for various display adapters etc21:05
bekkslogikos: The driver support is exactly the same in both cases.21:05
logikosbekks, thanks21:05
younderlogikos, Ubuntu pretty much supports ALL harware vendors.21:05
younderlogikos, Some require a bit of tweakin (atheros wifi comes to mind)21:07
lm_3I would be curious what you guys think about the dell xps. is 1900 $CAD an acceptable price for a Intel i7, 8gb memory 256gb ssd laptop?21:08
logikosyounder, yeah .. last laptop I had the built in wifi would work but couldnt get more than 1mbps down for whatever reason when running ubuntu .. windows (before i formated the drive) it worked fine .. not sure if that was a atheros adapter or not...21:08
nicomachuslm_3: that's really a better question for ##hardware21:08
mewecoffeewafflejock: yeah I cant get my dual boot win10/ubuntu 16.04 desktop to hibernate properly (on ubuntu side) most of the time it works, but randomly, 10 to 15 seconds afterwards it will just turn itself back, and itll automatically go back into hibernation after idle period passes, but its pushed me to only hibernating in windows21:08
younderAs ususal the more you step of the mainline the more problems you will have.21:08
younderlogicos: Linux can require a bit of 'stick with it' ness. If I F*** with it long enouh, I can usually get it to work21:13
wafflejockmewecoffee, gotcha yeah have definitely heard of problems with it between windows and linux with how things "go to sleep" typically just running Windows in a VM myself now but have a few systems that can dual boot if I need native windows for something21:13
lm_3nicomachus: there is a hardware specific irc channel?21:14
younderwafflejock, I have heard sad stries of people that have tried to install Linux first and THEN windows.  It can ben done. but it is, as far as I understand,tricky21:15
wafflejocklm_3, really depends on details of the processor, prices of i7 can vary a ton depending on clock speed and generation/architecture of the chips21:15
wafflejockyounder, yeah windows wipes out the boot loader as far as I know then have to go through live usb repair of grub... not too terrible but not something you want to do first time installing an OS21:15
younderlm_3, fuh #hardware21:16
=== m1dnight2 is now known as m1dnight_
lm_3wafflejock: http://www.dell.com/ca/business/p/xps-13-9360-laptop/pd?oc=cax13ubuntuh5161ca&model_id=xps-13-9360-laptop21:16
wafflejocklm_3, ah yeah it's a pretty crazy high end i721:17
lm_3younder: I mean, it is not specific to ubuntu right21:17
younderlm_3, nop21:18
younderlm_3, hardware never is21:18
wafflejocklm_3, usually you'll see clock speeds anywhere from 2.66GHz up to 3.6GHz or so (maybe a bit higher on the extreme also extreme edition ones have up to 10cores I've seen on a single processor but cost $1000+ for the processor alone21:18
wafflejockyeah $1649 for the extreme edition :P craziness, but if you google i7 7th generation around the same clock speed and cache you'll get an idea of what the processor itself costs, but laptops area always more for the design/convenience too21:19
younderwafflejock, I'd start with a I5. That has enogh power. Unless you are a developer.21:20
wafflejockyeah i7 is going to drain battery more too I think higher wattage on those typically21:20
lm_3if you guys vouch for system76 I might go with that, if it is indeed reliable it seems to be an obvious choice21:21
younderwafflejock, I get 8 hrs.21:21
sleehi, i see the latest gfx card drivers for nvidia is "Releases: beta: 375.10, official: 370.28", but the ubuntu repos only have the latest at 341.42, any idea when they'll update?21:21
sleeoops, 361.4221:22
younderslee: the NVIDIA webcite21:22
wafflejockyounder, with an i7?21:22
younderwafflejock, I 521:22
wafflejockyounder, ah okay yeah still impressive but was gonna say mine sucks down batteries in a couple of hours unless I'm being really light on the system (dimmed down and all)21:23
Crystaxi got  NEWBIE question yeah i know i am noob  i need to encrypt some sensitive data for one of my customer21:23
lm_3the oryx pro is very sexy21:23
Crystaxgot a prog to counsil me21:23
ldumontHey guys, is there anything particular about installing Ubuntu on a dual boot setup where the Ubuntu partition is on the second disk (GPT format). The first disk holds Windows in a MBR format.21:23
Crystaxldumont sry never try this one21:23
lm_3anyways, thank you all for your help21:24
wafflejocklm_3, have fun computer shopping :) good luck21:24
younderCrystax, quickc21:24
Crystaxso hard to insure some privacy today21:25
EriC^^ldumont: use a bios-boot partition on the gpt one and install grub there and have the bios boot it21:25
younderCrystax, scratch that21:25
Crystaxso sudo apt-get quickc21:26
ldumontSo Grub should be installed on the second GPT disk?21:26
EriC^^ldumont: would be better21:26
younderCrystax, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome21:26
ldumontAlright, I'm going to try! Thanks21:27
younderCrystax, you also wan't a erase fasillity if you wan't to encrypt individual files21:28
Crystaxgot a weblink so i can read about it i am still pretty noob 20 year without having the right to be in same room that computer      last computer was a a pentium one  i still remenber basic  getting use to gnome and linux21:30
Crystaxi ear there a game to learn gnome21:30
afl456Is 16.10 working well, time to move up from 16.04 yet?21:33
Crystaxthank i find the link     your a savor  younder21:33
Crystaxyounder i got diff to find quickc21:35
wafflejockafl456, can see the known issues here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseNotes to see if those may effect you, personally haven't tried but it's released and have heard mostly positive things from the little bit I've heard21:35
afl456@wafflejock I'm a bit hesitant after the last upgrade borked a heap of my php/mysql dev sites.21:36
wafflejockafl456, yeah personally I stay on LTS most of the time unless something is fixed that is causing me problems on the LTS21:37
funabashiist possible to move a process to my screen session ?21:37
cigarahey all, does anyone has experience with compton? im having difficulties changing some animations..21:39
tomreynfunabashi: http://serverfault.com/questions/55880/moving-an-already-running-process-to-screen21:42
wafflejockafl456, always good to have a backup before potentially breaking changes but also you may want to check this out https://puphpet.com/ nice for making Vagrant setups and you can store your dumped SQL structure with your projects and have it load the sql in when it's starting up/provisioning21:43
tomreyn!info reptyr21:43
ubottureptyr (source: reptyr): Tool for moving running programs between ptys. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-1 (yakkety), package size 21 kB, installed size 88 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armel; armhf)21:43
tomreynfunabashi: ^21:43
funabashitomreyn: danke21:44
joltmanHey!  I've got a 14.04 x64 server VM running.  I've run apt-get update and dist-upgrade, but I'm not getting past kernel 3.13.0-98-generic.  I thought I should have gotten a kernel above 3.13.0-100-generic.  Is anyone able to assist?  Or am I wrong that the -100 kernel isn't available yet?  Thanks!21:46
wafflejockjoltman, appears to be released http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/linux-image-3.13.0-100-generic you try a, apt-cache show linux-image-generic21:48
tomreynjoltman: was released on oct 12 according to http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-meta_3.
tomreynjoltman: are any warnings or error messages reported by "sudo apt-get update"?21:50
ubuntuHello, anybody out there?21:51
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joltmanThe Apt-Cache command shows -10021:51
joltmantomreyn, i haven't seen any errors...lemme try again21:51
younderubuntu: 1764 users ;)21:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 1764 in nload (Ubuntu) "reports wrong total transferred data numbers" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176421:51
tomreynjoltman: you're welcome to show the output of "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-cache policy; sudo apt-get -fV install; sudo apt-get -V dist-upgrade" (you can cancel the upgrade once it prompts if you don't want to instll patches now)21:53
joltmani see lots of hits and gets21:53
joltmanand about 6 IGN21:53
tomreyn!pastebin | joltman21:54
ubottujoltman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:54
Khar00fGood evening everyone21:54
tomreynhi Khar00f21:57
joltmantomreyn, i tried that long update. apt-cache-policy -fv install command21:59
joltman0 updated21:59
Khar00fI have a question for anyone that feels like answering, i'm trying to setup my SMB server the shares are all done but i can't access them from windows21:59
Khar00fi think it has to do with user permissions, the folder permissions are good21:59
tomreynjoltman: "apt-cache-policy -fv install" is not a command i provided21:59
Khar00fdoes the smb server have it's own set of users or does it use the system users?22:00
joltmansudo apt-cache policy was the command22:00
tomreynjoltman: and the output you put on pastebin is not that of the commands i provided22:00
joltmanwafflejock was the one who asked me to run the apt-cache show linux-image-generic  sorry tomreyn !22:01
chubinouHi, I recently upgraded my (k)ubuntu to 16.10, and since, my screen is flashing/flickering. I already tried to downgrade my kernel or my video driver without any results. has anyone experienced something like this?22:03
kicksledKhar00f: easiest way is to make a new group called smbusers or something like that, add the users you want to have access in that group and then add the line "valid users = @smbusers" without " " in your smb.conf22:04
Khar00fthank you kicksled22:05
Khar00fso basically smb can use the existing system users but you have to tell it to22:05
kicksledKhar00f: in the shares you want the users to have access to. and add the line "guest = no" also. if you want everyone to have access you can just add "guest = yes" and "force user = nobody" to the shares in smb.conf22:05
Khar00fit doesn't look there by default22:05
kicksledthats how I set up my smb shares at least22:05
Khar00fi only want authenticated users to have access to the shares22:06
Khar00fmakes sense22:06
kicksledKhar00f: btw, its "guest ok = no/yes" not "guest = no/yes" as I stated, forgot that ok :p22:06
Khar00fyup, that part i set already22:07
kicksledhope you get it working :)22:07
kicksledrestart the smbd after editing22:07
Khar00fkicksled: where were you yesterday :)22:08
Khar00fyou're my saving grace :)22:08
Khar00fthan you sir22:08
Khar00fone last question22:08
Khar00fis there a default group that every user is part of when they're created?22:09
joltmanok, i guess i'm out of luck for a kernel update, unless i move to the xenial kernel?22:09
bekksKhar00f: no.22:09
Khar00fthanks bekks22:10
wafflejockjoltman, are you sure you didn't get it previously but just haven't rebooted into it yet? just a last guess I didn't see all the details above22:13
joltmanwafflejock, i'll give it a shot now.22:14
joltmanthat is a possibility!  I'd feel super dumb if that's the case22:14
GreenObsessionkidd on fire in #DataHoarder breaking it down large style #DataHoarder22:15
joltmanwafflejock, whelp...i'm an idiot22:19
joltmani'm on the patched kernel22:19
joltmansorry for the noise, all.22:19
wafflejockjoltman, heh well glad it was something simple and not something crazy, happens to me all the time22:19
joltmantomreyn, and sorry for wasting your time too22:20
sleehi, i've asked in #nvidia, but no reply yet, thought i'd ask around...does anyone know of a possible setting in the nvidia xserver settings that can be causing textures in a game to not load? i'm now on the latest driver 370.28(xubuntu/gtx 750ti)everything in the game works fine except textures not loading, a screenshot of game: http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1477421018.png22:22
wafflejockchubinou, what did you upgrade from?22:24
kicksledKhar00f: glad to help. let me know when you tested it and if you got things working :)22:24
wafflejockchubinou, also what kind of graphics card/chipset?22:24
arooniwhats the best way to share an external hard drive connected to my mac mini with other (or specific) devices on my network? (in this case, my ubuntu laptop)22:24
wafflejockarooni, I usually just like to use ssh/scp sometimes have used rsync but not often if it's just moving a few files22:25
arooniwafflejock: its mainly for setting it up as something i can see in file manager; i want to be albe to save partial/completed files from transmission22:26
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wafflejockarooni, maybe also consider nfs or sshfs (I've only used the former)22:26
arooniwhat about sharing over SMB?22:27
wafflejockarooni, with nfs at least you can have it just mount automatically then shows up in the browsers22:27
abhishekhow do I know which nvidia I need to install?22:27
him-cesjfHello, I am running Kubuntu 16.10 on a Dell laptop. For some reason, the OS hangs/responds very slowly in between while typing or switching tasks or while doing any work. During this hang/slow behaviour, I notice the fan revving in high speed, delay in typing, network disconnection and  stuck digital clock seconds counter which restores to normal after the lag subsides but occurs every 10 seconds or so lasting for about 3-4 seconds. Is this a22:28
him-cesjfkernel issue? How can I determine what is causing this?22:28
wafflejockarooni, it's an option but if I'm just dealing with linux to linux (or os x in your case) from what I've heard and experienced NFS tends to get the best performance22:28
arooniwafflejock: do i need some software to set up nfs on the mac and ubuntu side?22:29
wafflejock!info nfs-kernel-server22:31
ubottunfs-kernel-server (source: nfs-utils): support for NFS kernel server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.2.8-9.2ubuntu1 (yakkety), package size 89 kB, installed size 476 kB22:31
Khar00fkicksled: didn't work, there was a group called samabshare in the group list, i added the users in that group, and i added the group under "valid users = @sambashare" restarted witht his command "sudo systemctl restart smbd.service nmbd.service" tried to login with windows, still asks for username and password22:32
Khar00fi'm leaving for a few, i'll be back later, but if you answer me i'll scroll up and see your answer, thanks again22:33
wafflejockarooni, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/apple-mac-osx-nfs-mount-command-tutorial/ << appears mac side wouldn't need anything   this explains the ubuntu side of the setup https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo22:33
ControlledKaozI have a question. What is the difference between 16.10 and 16.0.4 LTS Ubuntu?22:40
wafflejockControlledKaoz, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YakketyYak/ReleaseNotes22:40
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wafflejockControlledKaoz, are you asking what LTS is or just what the differences are? the link should answer the second one22:41
ControlledKaozWell, I am trying to figure out which is the "better" of the two or the most stable. Is LTS similar to a pre release?22:41
tomreyn!lts | ControlledKaoz22:42
ubottuControlledKaoz: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1)22:42
tomreynthose without "lts" have short support, less thana year22:43
wafflejockControlledKaoz, LTS is stable and gets updates for longer22:43
ControlledKaozThank you, that is exactly what I was looking for.22:43
wafflejockControlledKaoz, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases helps too22:43
rocket__bekks, did you do it?22:53
rocket__gpu pass with qemu22:53
abhishekI am getting this on upgrading http://paste.ubuntu.com/23381233/22:54
abhishekwhy does being held back mean?22:55
shadoxxabhishek: it means that there's an update available for the package specific, but for other reason (ie, version pinning with apt), it won't be upgraded. it's being "held back" at it's current version22:57
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shadoxxabhishek: try 'apt-get autoremove && apt-get update -y'22:57
xdarkice481xhow is everyone tonight23:02
wafflejockxdarkice481x, doing fine how's it going?23:02
Wulfxdarkice481x: today, I'm really annoyed by smalltalk23:02
xdarkice481xim ok just relaxing at the moment before I head off to bed work in the morning23:03
Chunkyzsorry to ask such a noob question. if I want to use ubuntu WITHOUT a DE but use a window manager like i3-wm, can I use the netboot image and only install what I want?23:04
kicksledKhar00f: yeah, what happens when you enter a valid username and password in windows? do you want everyone to be able to access share without any username?23:05
wafflejockChunkyz, not sure about netboot but the minimal install instructions here may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems23:06
abhishekshadoxx, hi it shows this still http://paste.ubuntu.com/23381307/23:06
Chunkyzthanks wafflejock23:07
kicksledKhar00f: see http://pastebin.com/48RD2RQ6 for an example of how I've set up my shares in smb.conf23:08
SteamcentralUSB Wifi dongle says it only works with USB867WAC22 Linux kernel 3.2 to 3.5.0. Wifi dongle does even show on 16.0423:15
ChunkyzSteamcentral, and?23:15
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SteamcentralShould Linux 4.4 support this startek usb wifi Chunkyz23:17
Chunkyzmost probably :p23:17
docmurI setup my ubuntu server to act as a DHCP server.  I setup an interface in /etc/network/interface, called br1, the problem is when I bridge it to the other interfaces, those IP's stop working for access and when I tie it to eth1, well my VM's can ping the DHCP server, no traffic can go out, this is my /etc/dhcp/dhcpd file: http://pastebin.com/M5kmhLVj  this is my interface file:23:18
docmurhttp://pastebin.com/9a4UGNM4 and this is my ip route list: http://pastebin.com/UGV1nXMw23:18
SteamcentralIt doesn't recognize it at all. Manual says it should support Linux Kernel 3.3-3.5. I'm running 4.4.23:19
lordcirth_Steamcentral, anything in dmesg when you plug it in?23:19
abhishekI am getting this on upgrading http://paste.ubuntu.com/23381233/ why does it show neon-desktop is held back?23:19
wafflejockhim-cesjf, have you tried checking what's going on in the system monitor or htop or top23:21
SteamcentralYes it is lordcirth_23:21
kicksleddocmur: do you have the correct interface in /etc/default/ics-dhcp-server?23:22
docmurI've never set that before, would it make a difference?23:24
kicksledif I remember correctly you should set the interface that you want to lease addresses on in that file docmur23:25
SteamcentralIt's showing up in dmesg but won't load lordcirth_23:25
kicksledbut been years since I set up an dhcp server, so I could be wrong docmur. But I found some links mentioning it also on askubuntu, so could be worth a try23:26
docmurWell I just made the change23:26
docmurI'll see if it works in a second23:26
kicksledrestart dhcp server after change23:26
kicksleddocmur: you could also try adding "bridge_ports eth0 eth1" in the br1 options in your interface file if it still don't work23:29
docmurEvery time I add the birdge ports line, I lose the ability to connect via ssh to those addresses, which matters because one of them is the external IP of the system23:30
kicksledah, I see23:30
ksdfksdAnyone alive?23:32
kicksleddocmur: with the ssh issues, check your sshd.conf and see if there is any ListenAddress statements, if so comment out. you could also add "up /etc/init.d/ssh restart" as a last line in the brctl block in your interface file. that has solved the issue for other people with that isse of not be able to connect via ssh with the bridge_ports line23:38
phenomHow do you enable autologin on xubuntu? 16.0423:39
ootanii'm using 16.1023:39
hungryi am not aware of any way to do that phenom23:39
phenomWhen there is a will.23:40
docmurWell now I'm in the VM, it can ping the gateway / DHCP Server, it has the ip route http://pastebin.com/GjyEhPpy and I have the nameserver set to and but it can't reach the net23:40
kicksleddocmur: firewall rules that needs to be updated perhaps?23:42
docmurI made sure to disable ufw on both, new server, doesn't need it active right now23:43
docmurCould it be a route problem on the host?23:45
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kicksleddocmur: open /etc/sysctl.conf and uncomment the line "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1"23:47
docmurDid that, still not working23:49
kicksleddocmur: and add "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE" and "iptables -A FORWARD -i br0 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT" to your /etc/rc.local file23:53
kicksleddocmur: and reboot23:54
docmurThat did it :)23:55
kicksledgreat, no problem :)23:56
Khar00fkicksled: i reviewed your pastebin23:58
Khar00fhttp://pastebin.com/Z4a6c7b8 heres an updated one showing my info included for comparison23:59
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