
=== qwebirc268212 is now known as slickymasterWork
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bluesabredaily builds of menulibre and mugshot are now fixed10:59
bluesabreif anybody wants to test mugshot and the camera functionality today, please grab it from https://code.launchpad.net/~mugshot-dev/+archive/ubuntu/daily and also install gstreamer1.0-plugins-good,  gstreamer1.0-tools, gir1.2-cheese-3.0, gir1.2-gtkclutter-1.011:01
bluesabrethe camera will likely only function on hardware (or usb through vbox)11:02
ochosi\o/ menulibre finally has webcam support!11:03
bluesabrelooking for tests on xenial, yakkety, zesty11:03
bluesabreochosi, troll :P11:03
bluesabreochosi, thought I might use a standard icon for sgt puzzles collection, but none of them really fit the bill :(11:04
knomebluesabre, i have a mockup11:08
knomebluesabre, ...somewhere...11:08
ochosibluesabre: :)11:08
ochosiyeah, i imagine a standard icon is hard11:08
ochosiunless you wanna reuse the generic "plugin" puzzle piece icon :]11:09
* flocculant mutters something about it only being some visual thing - no importance at all11:14
flocculantthen wanders over to the troll corner :p11:14
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flocculantakxwi-dave: most importantly don't forget to hassle bluesabre about which milestones :)14:11
akxwi-davewill do..14:13
flocculantknome: re that half a discussion we had last week (ish) about support end dates - I guess /usr/share/distro-info/ubuntu.csv has the actual official ones 14:26
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ochosiUnit193: say, how is the garcon 0.5.0 package composed in your xfce gtk3 ppa?22:19
bluesabreevening all22:19
ochosioh hey22:19
bluesabrehiya ochosi22:20
ochosior maybe you can help sean22:20
ochositrying to build the panel branch that andrzejr just pushed22:20
Unit193Sure, I can help Sean.  Mentally?22:20
bluesabreUnit193, impossible.22:20
ochosibut despite the fact that i have garcon 0.5.0 installed i get:22:20
ochosichecking for garcon-gtk3-1 >= 0.5.0... not found22:20
ochosiyeah, missing commas suck22:20
bluesabreI haven't looked at the packaging for that22:21
ochosisure, just saying, maybe Unit193 has a hint22:21
Unit193ochosi: Got the right package?22:22
ochosii think i do22:23
ochosibut i'm refresing apts memory atm22:23
bluesabreknome, I'll let you and ochosi battle over icon attribution :D22:23
bluesabre<knome> bluesabre, i have a mockup22:24
ochosiUnit193: hum, weird, -2-dev wasn't tehre before22:24
knomeactually i think it's on the old laptop22:24
bluesabrein case you want to be awesome and crank one out22:24
knomewell it's less than a meter away from me...22:24
knomei'll check in a minute when i've finished my night snack :P22:25
bluesabreI'll probably work on making it work in Fedora next before I do the release22:26
knomei didn't know icons needed extra work to work on fedora ;d22:27
ochosiyeah, you know, those guys actually have *standards*22:28
bluesabre"does it look like a gnome icon?"22:28
knomeoh man22:29
knomesomebody used up all the battery22:29
Unit193ochosi: FWIW, it'd only appear recently if you're on Zesty. :P22:31
knomebluesabre, ochosi: http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/sgt-launcher/icon-mockup-1.png22:36
bluesabremore parts of the games at larger sizes? :D22:39
knomethough this is an export from an svg already, so it scales22:40

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