
=== Guest43303 is now known as Fudge
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pittiGood morning06:38
seb128good morning desktopers06:39
seb128hey pitti, how are you?06:39
pittiseb128: I'm fine, thanks!06:39
pittihow about yourself?06:39
pittithis --><-- close to get unity-greeter ported06:39
seb128I'm good thanks06:39
seb128oh, nice06:39
seb128congrats on being the new greeter maintainer btw ;-)06:40
* didrocks greets the greeter maintainer06:42
pittibonjour didrocks !06:44
dufluGood morning!07:18
dufluWait, what timezone is this?07:18
dufluseb128: Are you our main nautilus contact?07:22
seb128hey duflu07:22
seb128not sure we have one07:22
dufluseb128: Fair enough. Interestingly people experienced this bug on projectors all last week and nobody asked/tried logging a bug for it... https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/162693507:23
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1626935 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "[yakkety] desktop is black and/or flickering after plugging in a second monitor" [High,Confirmed]07:23
seb128duflu, what's the point of opening a bug about something already reported?07:25
seb128we discussed it with Laney in the plenary07:26
dufluseb128: I mean nobody knew about the bug. Also didn't bother searching for it :)07:26
seb128we assumed it was rather a compiz issue though07:26
dufluThat would be a good assumption, but untrue in this case07:26
seb128yeah, I saw by reading the bug report07:27
seb128seems like Trevinho also commented on it last week07:27
* duflu now recalls the backlog of bugs he didn't get around to logging last week07:29
seb128unsure who would be likely to look at that issue, probably Laney or Trevinho or maybe andyrock but they are all quite busy so I would not be surprised if that just stayed like that for a while07:32
seb128no similar bug reported upstream it looks like07:35
seb128but the background rendering is distro patched, upstream has the shell displaying the wallpaper and just put icons there07:35
seb128so could be an issue in the distro changes07:36
dufluOK, thanks. Yeah I can't see any (open) upstream bug07:37
seb128yakkkety is quite rough on the edges07:39
dufluWelcome to week 107:40
seb128rather to lts+107:40
seb128but let's see if that improves07:40
dufluseb128: Seems like nautilus just isn't receiving xrandr display layout changes. But I also have other work to do...07:41
dufluOr isn't acting on them.07:41
seb128thanks for the hint, maybe that's useful to somebody else who wants to pick the issue up07:41
seb128can you add a comment on the bug stating that?07:42
dufluOK, yeah. Seemed so obvious I didn't mention it07:42
seb128doesn't seem that obvious to me, I would expect it to render the bg on a portion of the desktop corresponding to the old geometry if the issue was that it's not picking the new one07:43
seb128or to you have the "background is not refreshed and has bits on the windows moved over it" effect on the not rendered parts07:44
dufluseb128: Indeed it is. Usually fails to render to the new monitor, but if the new one is the same size and appears on the left then it will just render there (and not on the old one)07:44
seb128like if nautilus was not active07:45
dufluseb128: The flickering is normal behaviour for when you swap buffers (and have triple buffers) but failed to render anything07:46
dufluSo you see cycling through 3 images07:46
seb128thanks, those are good hints on where to look07:46
seb128so it's probably "just" nautilus not picking up the new screen config dynamically07:47
flexiondotorgseb128, Morning07:52
dufluIncidentally Mir does pick up new displays dynamically and will use them. But we disable that feature in Unity8 for now07:56
* pitti ^5s Laney08:04
davmor2morning all08:06
pittihey davmor208:06
flexiondotorgLaney, davmor2 pitti Morning08:10
seb128good morning flexiondotorg Laney davmor208:10
flexiondotorgMy car is about as sick as me. I'll be dropping it off at the car doctors in a bit a relocating to the library.08:10
davmor2flexiondotorg: morning dude08:10
* flexiondotorg will be back a bit later...08:19
pittiseb128: ah, seems I can't be the unity-greeter maintainer -- I can't push to the branch; so I put up https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/unity-greeter/systemd-indicators/+merge/30932108:28
seb128pitti, I'm sure we can fix that membership issue for you ;-)08:28
seb128good work08:29
seb128let's see what mterry or robert_ancell say08:29
LaneyI'll look at that nautilus/whatever thing if Trevinho doesn't want to08:29
Laneyprobably not today though08:29
seb128Laney, thanks08:29
seb128duflu, ^08:30
pittiseb128: did you already create a bileto ticket for hud? if not, want me to?08:30
pittiargh, this would  have been the last upstart rdepends without unity8; now there are more deps08:30
* pitti looks into the unity-greeter-broadcast thing08:30
seb128pitti, I didn't, but let me just push a version without the changelog before08:30
dufluseb128: No problem. That conversation already lasted longer than it should08:30
dufluNot a blocker obviously08:31
LaneyEveryone wants to talk about it but nobody wants to actually try to fix it08:31
seb128yeah, just one of those anyone bugs08:31
seb128I would probably have a look if I had a machine on yakkety and a screen to connect to it08:31
seb128my main laptop which is on the external screen is xenial08:31
seb128and vms are not going to do for that08:32
Laneysensible move08:32
seb128the small laptop is hdmi but my monitor is vga/dvi only08:32
seb128thanks Laney!08:32
seb128(small laptop being my yakkety config)08:32
* pitti regularly gets annoyed with the DP/Mini-DP/HDMI/DVI mess08:33
pittithese days you can't connect anything to anything because everyone invents a new effing plug format08:33
LaneyVGA is okay08:33
seb128I wonder if I should update my main system out of xenial or not08:33
Laneyjust turn the monitor off in u-c-c08:33
Laneythen the background gets black08:33
dufluThank you Laney, seb128. I don't mean to be annoying. Just that I've seen high visibility (to user) bugs linger in the past, without any developer attention08:33
pittiseb128: not enough space for dual boot?08:33
seb128pitti, no, 80G ssd08:34
seb128which I fight on to get more that08:34
pittiseb128: or install to USB08:34
seb128well I could08:34
seb128but then I would need to reboot my main system to look at bugs08:34
seb128like close IRC, emails, webbrowsers, etc08:34
seb128which is tedious08:34
seb128usually vm works fine enough, just not for such bugs which involve external screens or such08:36
seb128anyway enough discussions about my workflow issues08:36
LaneyI did mean "if Trevinho doesn't want to" to avoid signing me up to fix it right away by the way08:37
Laneyjust to cut out endless rounds if that doesn't happen soon08:38
Laneyback in a minute08:38
seb128pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd-glib/+bug/1635270 was uploaded to zesty now08:44
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1635270 in snapd-glib (Ubuntu) "libsnapd-glib is not useful without snapd-login-service " [High,In progress]08:44
seb128hey Sweet5hark08:45
pittiseb128: oh good, thanks08:45
seb128np, sorry for the delay08:45
LaneyI just trapped my finger in my laptop hinge08:53
Sweet5harkseb128: whops, missed that: heya ;)08:58
davmor2Laney: how the hell have you lived this long?08:59
Sweet5harkLaney: dont tell insurers otherwise our job will be marked as risky business08:59
LaneySweet5hark: are you saying I could sue canonical?09:00
Laneyno win no fee solicitors09:00
Laneyoops that was meant to go to google09:00
Laneydavmor2: a question I ask myself frequently09:01
* duflu hears the ghost of Steve Jobs say you're holding it wrong09:04
davmor2duflu: I think you mean to say "God designed your hand wrong" ;)09:38
dufludavmor2: I didn't really mean anything seriously. But technically he was Buddhist, which is a religion without a "god".09:45
* flexiondotorg is connected09:46
Laneylibrary's busy today09:46
Laneymost of the usual rooms are reserved for one thing or another09:46
flexiondotorgLaney, yep I was headed for the library too. Busy because half term.09:47
flexiondotorgCurrent sat in the park tethered to phone.09:47
duflu(depending on the definition of "god")09:48
dufluThis is likely to get messy. Just as well I need to think about making dinner soon09:48
davmor2duflu: no technically you are god not a lack of god but good point09:48
Laneyflexiondotorg: No such riffraff in here :P09:48
dufludavmor2: I know... depending on the definition...09:49
davmor2duflu: indeed09:49
Laneyflexiondotorg: https://flic.kr/p/bvShQY09:51
ricotzhey desktopers09:53
flexiondotorgLaney, fancy!09:53
flexiondotorgricotz, o/09:54
ricotzLaney, could you force vala 0.34.2-1 to sync from debian?09:54
ricotzflexiondotorg, hey :)09:54
Laneyricotz: Autosyncs are turning on soon; any particular reason why this should go in first?09:55
ricotzLaney, it contains some gir parser fixes which affects vapi generation of reverse-depends09:55
Laneyok, and do you have a list of other rdeps which should be rebuilt?09:56
ricotzLaney, 0.34.1 was already synced, but 0.34.2 is better to start with09:56
ricotzI don't have a list of actually affected projects though09:57
seb128pitti, I resubmitted the hud one without changelog, https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/hud/systemd/+merge/30933009:59
seb128should be good to silo09:59
Laneyricotz: done10:03
Laneyit's stuck in proposed, probably something needs a rebuild10:03
pittiseb128: seb128 oh, so that's an entirely new MP, not using the previous one10:03
pittiseb128: (you know bzr push --overwrite?)10:04
pittiseb128: anyway, thanks! Marking the old one as superseded then10:04
seb128pitti, sorry, can fix that, I did that but apparently the default location it remember was a previous branch10:04
seb128I wish it would auto remember the previous location used10:04
seb128not the first one10:04
pittiseb128: both https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/hud/systemd-for-session/+merge/300430 and https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/hud/systemd/+merge/309330 have the same target, and it looks correct?10:05
pittiseb128: anyway, either works10:05
seb128pitti, the first one has the changelog entry10:05
seb128either use the second or let me know if I should fix the first one to remove it10:06
pittiseb128: nah, I'll use the second one10:06
ricotzLaney, thanks!10:06
pittiseb128: I would have uncommitted, bzr revert debian/changelog, commit, push --overwrite10:06
pitti(but nevermind now)10:06
pittipoor man's --amend :)10:06
pittiseb128: rejected the old one, approved the new one10:08
seb128pitti, danke10:10
jbichaseb128: I guess we regressed a bit on keeping Startup Applications empty (on 16.04 too): http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbicha/img/unity-1610-startup-applications.png11:08
jbichadid you see that Tweak Tool added a Startup Applications tool? it's easy to add apps but it doesn't let you configure the specific command used11:16
seb128jbicha, hey, looks like it, and no I don't use the tweak tool so I didn't notice that12:15
pittiseb128: want to open a bileto ticket for hud yourself, or want me to drive it?12:34
seb128pitti, as you prefer12:34
pittiI don't mind either; I'll add one now12:35
pittiseb128: https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/209912:37
seb128pitti, thanks12:37
andyrockTrevinho: how do I reproduce the nautilus bug on an VM?13:03
andyrockon VBox I can resize the desktop without issues13:04
pittiseb128: do you remember the magic key to invoke the hud? (testing the silo now)13:28
* pitti never ever uses it13:28
davmor2andyrock: there is a bug for that, killall nautilus and then open nautilus as a work around.13:30
pittioh -- seems  pressing Alt multiple times, or quickly (usually Alt opens the menu if you hold it a bit longer)13:30
andyrockdavmor2: I don't need a workaround. I need a way to reproduce the bug so I can fix it13:30
pittiseb128: works nicely! /me approves silo and let britney have at it13:31
andyrockTrevinho wrote that he can reproduce it on a VM that's why I asked13:31
davmor2andyrock: open in kvm with a qxl driver and resize the screen done13:31
andyrockah ok I was on vbox13:31
davmor2andyrock: you're welcome13:32
davmor2andyrock: you able to reproduce now?13:44
andyrockI ll try later13:45
seb128pitti, yeah, it's a "tap" on alt, great!13:53
pittiseb128: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hud/14.10+17.04.20161026-0ubuntu1 → hmm, changelog got messed up, but it's landing :)14:32
seb128but yeah, sorry it took so long14:32
* pitti looks at indicator-printers, that's one left14:32
seb128so u7 session is upstart free?14:33
pittiseb128: unity-greeter too still (the MP from this morning)14:33
davmor2seb128: no I think there are some others14:33
seb128davmor2, which ones?14:33
pittitedg: do you remember the state of https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-printers/systemd-unit ? was there something you need to fix still, or did it just slip through the cracks?14:34
davmor2seb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23383849/14:35
seb128weird for at-spi I though that was done previous cycle14:36
davmor2seb128: that's the feedback from pstree on zesty for me14:36
seb128davmor2, did you get the new version uploaded today?14:37
seb128and restarted your session since?14:37
davmor2seb128: ah I've not restarted session I'll do that after I finish what I'm doing14:37
seb128k, don't worry14:38
seb128so it's starting looking good14:38
seb128url-dispatcher is not an u7 thing, unsure why it's being started there14:38
davmor2seb128: ubuntu webbrowser maybe?14:38
davmor2seb128: might be pulled in from u814:39
seb128could be yes14:39
seb128zesty is just starting so situation looks good14:39
seb128we have time to clean up those small things14:39
dobeyprobably url-dispatecher is being started as a result of the indicators starting14:41
dobeyindicator-datetime uses it i think14:41
pittitedg: built it here -- works fine, except that unity-services needs a .wants/ symlink for it; I'll do that14:44
tedgpitti: Think it just slipped through the cracks14:45
pittitedg: ok, thanks; mopping it up then14:45
tedgpitti: Great, thanks!14:45
* ogra_ hands pitti a fresh bucket14:46
pittitedg: oh blergh, unity-services is built by unity14:46
pittiTrevinho: do you have something else pending for unity, or should I do a landing just for this?14:46
Trevinhopitti: mh, there are some branches but they need reveiew and I can't do it right now14:53
Trevinhoso feel free to land14:53
pittiTrevinho: ack, just put up https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/unity/indicator-printer-dep/+merge/309358 (maybe you or tedg can review, it's trivial)14:54
pittiTrevinho: with just this and indicator-printers it should be a quick landing (it's z only)14:54
Trevinhopitti: another approved you can land is https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity/xdnd-tests-enable/+merge/305052 nothing important, but since is there..14:55
pittiTrevinho: sure, that seems fine -- if it works, it'll go in and if it fails I can still rebuild without it14:56
Trevinhoit used to :-)14:56
pittiTrevinho: ok, https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2101 , let the machinery grind :)14:59
pittimeh, FTBFS15:40
pittion some obscure cmake thingy15:40
pittiCMake Error at plugins/unityshell/CMakeLists.txt:1 (find_package):15:41
pitti  By not providing "FindCompiz.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH15:41
pittisounds like this is in some package which needs to be rebuilt against cmake 3.615:41
pitticompiz-dev presumably15:41
pitti./usr/share/cmake-3.5/FindCompiz.cmake → hah, that15:42
pittiTrevinho: https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/compiz/standards-version/+merge/309365 → can you please ack?15:47
pittijust a formality15:47
Trevinhopitti: ok15:47
pittiTrevinho: I didn't see any approved MP which was ready to go15:48
Trevinhoyeah,need to check those soon15:48
pittiTrevinho: thanks15:50
Sweet5harkricotz: yes, will upload libreoffice deb tarballs. but not anymore today -- b/c low bandwidth, will be better tomorrow.16:08
ricotzSweet5hark, alright, thanks, I was hoping to be able to have some built backports by friday morning16:10
Sweet5harkricotz: that should work16:23
ricotzSweet5hark, good, don't forget the pdf jpeg-compression patch :)16:24
seb128have a nice evening desktopers16:53
pittiTrevinho: meh @ -Werror=deprecated-declarations .. unity builds further now, but now fails at deprecated Gdk symbols20:23
Trevinhopitti: ouch... every cycle this happens... i hate it!20:23
pittiTrevinho: why do we enable errors on that in the first place? it's not really a bug20:24
Trevinhopitti: it was there to ensure we update the code to use latest functions and not to be broken in future20:24
pittiTrevinho: i. e. I can have a stab on porting this, but then it won't be backportable any more20:24
Trevinhogtk guys really change things everytime20:24
Trevinhopitti: I use gtk version check macros generally20:25
pittiTrevinho: so I wonder what's more important -- keep it backportable, or use the latest and greatest API20:25
pitti(honest question -- what do you want me to do?)20:25
pittiif we don't backport it much, we can do the latter20:25
Trevinhopitti: in geneal I prfer to keep things bakcportable... if it's not something that requires many line changes I enclose the code in #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION() macros..20:26
Trevinhopitti: otherwise we can probably disable those deprecated check now... Since u7 is still in minimal maintenance, thus there's no real interest in keeping that flag on20:27
ricotzor properly update it for 3.22 which will live for(ever / some time)20:29
pittiTrevinho: hm, not a fan of such #ifdeffery TBH, it duplicates logic and is error prone (the other path usually doesn't get tested)20:30
Trevinhopitti: I'm not a fan either, in fact I generally use it for just one liner when the deprecated function to use is quite straight forward20:30
pittiTrevinho: ok; I'll look at these functions and see how easy it is to replace them and since when they exist20:36
pittiTrevinho: GtkMonitor is new in 3.22, i. e. zesty only20:46
pittiGdkMonitor even20:47
Trevinhopitti: yeah, I was wondering that20:47
pittiTrevinho: so, I'm leaning towards -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations, but WDYT?20:49
pitti$ bzr grep gdk_screen|wc -l20:50
Trevinhopitti: yeah, I think it's better20:54
pittiTrevinho: I test-built with https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/unity/gdk-api/+merge/309404 and the compiz-dev rebuild, works fine now21:38
Trevinhopitti: good21:39
* pitti turns the silo build crank21:40

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