meltd0wn | please unban me | 14:11 |
meltd0wn | will u unban me? | 14:28 |
meltd0wn | ikonia, please unban me | 14:29 |
meltd0wn | i wanna join ubuntu and ask smth themes related | 14:30 |
meltd0wn | well? | 14:31 |
meltd0wn | guys and girls, unban me | 14:40 |
meltd0wn | wht did i do so wrong? | 14:41 |
meltd0wn | isnt anyone reading what im writing? | 14:42 |
meltd0wn | ikonia, please unban me | 14:44 |
meltd0wn | promise ill behave | 14:44 |
meltd0wn | ive been told to come here to talk | 14:47 |
Pici | meltd0wn: Someone should be by shortly. I might have some time in a few minutes, but work things are taking a priority over IRC stuff right now. | 14:52 |
meltd0wn | can i have my ban lift? | 14:53 |
meltd0wn | *lifted | 14:53 |
Pici | meltd0wn: None of our operators are going to blindly lift a ban without investigating why the ban was placed in the first place. Please be patient and another operator (or myself) will be by soon to take a look. | 14:54 |
meltd0wn | but it happened a while ago | 14:54 |
meltd0wn | i dont think ikonia remembers | 14:54 |
Pici | meltd0wn: why do you want to join #ubuntu? | 15:03 |
meltd0wn | to ask questions ubuntu releated | 15:05 |
Pici | meltd0wn: It seems so far you have been unwilling to troubleshoot with any of our helpers so far. | 15:06 |
meltd0wn | "so far"? | 15:06 |
meltd0wn | i dont know the procedure | 15:07 |
Pici | meltd0wn: Typically you ask a question, users try to help you, and then you go on your way having fixed the problem. The procedure is not to argue with the people trying to help, or just stop by to complain. | 15:08 |
meltd0wn | i tried to complain on ubuntu-devs but there no one took me seriously | 15:09 |
Pici | meltd0wn: complaining isn't appropriate in any of our support channels. | 15:09 |
meltd0wn | i just wanted to draw attention to a problem | 15:10 |
meltd0wn | and ikonia kept saying "what? what?" | 15:11 |
meltd0wn | while the other users understood where i was coming from | 15:11 |
Pici | meltd0wn: well, you did something weird and then complained to us that it broke something else. | 15:11 |
meltd0wn | no, i was complaining about the quality of error messages | 15:12 |
meltd0wn | they were so obscure | 15:12 |
meltd0wn | i had to google to find out what caused that message to be displayed | 15:13 |
Pici | meltd0wn: again. complaining for the sake of complaining is not welcome. | 15:13 |
meltd0wn | but i was only trying to draw attention | 15:13 |
Pici | I'd prefer not going in circles, my answer will continue to be the same. | 15:14 |
meltd0wn | but if i promise i stop complaining, will i be unbanned? | 15:14 |
Pici | meltd0wn: File a bug if you feel this is a serious issue that needs to be fixed by development. | 15:14 |
meltd0wn | i did it only because i care and from now on i will file a bug | 15:15 |
Pici | meltd0wn: please review our channel guidelines as well: | 15:18 |
meltd0wn | ok, i gotta go, will i be unbanned? | 15:19 |
Pici | meltd0wn: I'd like you to confirm that you've read through the guidelines first. | 15:19 |
Pici | poke me when you get back | 15:19 |
for{} | Pici, i read it | 16:20 |
Pici | for{}: Okay, I will remove the ban, but keep in mind that we will be much less forgiving if we see the same behavior again. | 16:21 |
for{} | ok | 16:21 |
Pici | for{}: please try to join nnow | 16:23 |
for{} | i did already, thanks | 16:23 |
genii | @comment 74662 Non productive disparaging remarks | 17:13 |
ubottu | Comment added. | 17:13 |
=== Guest29134 is now known as IdleOne | ||
clivejo | Hi, Im in the team, is there another step in order to get op rights on IRC? | 18:35 |
clivejo | [ChanServ] You are not authorized to (de)op clivejo on #kubuntu. | 18:36 |
genii | | 18:47 |
Pici | clivejo: It looks like you were made a member of that team (and the #ubuntu IRC operators team) by being a member of the Kubuntu Council, unfortunately those teams are not tied into IRC itself, and it requires a manual step to add a person as an operator. | 18:47 |
Pici | So an IRCC member will need to add you to the access lists of those channels. | 18:47 |
clivejo | would someone mind doing that for me please? | 18:48 |
Pici | elky looks like she may have been active somewhat recently, and might be able to help you out here. | 18:48 |
Unit193 | I got pinged, looking into it now. | 18:56 |
Unit193 | clivejo: Can you /cycle here? | 18:58 |
Pici | Unit193: thanks, you had more idle time so I didn't want to bug you by name. | 18:59 |
Unit193 | Just got done ripping apart a computer and swapping out parts++ | 18:59 |
clivejo | Unit193: -podcast, -status | 18:59 |
clivejo | -ci -counncil -devel | 18:59 |
Unit193 | clivejo: -status and -ci don't seem registered, you have -ot, -devel and main now. The council channel I can't do, you'll have to speak to ahoneybun. | 19:01 |
clivejo | ok thanks | 19:01 |
clivejo | :) it works! | 19:02 |
Unit193 | Since you're an OP, you can idle here too. | 19:02 |
wxl | and there's that other channel | 19:03 |
clivejo | oh how lovely :) | 19:03 |
wxl | clivejo needs voice too, Unit193, but i'm sure you're already on that considering all the recent ACL chat | 19:03 |
Unit193 | wxl: I told him to cycle. :P | 19:03 |
Unit193 | wxl: We use voodoo here, check the ACL. | 19:04 |
wxl | :) | 19:04 |
Pici | clivejo: the command is /cycle, or just part #ubuntu-ops and rejoin. | 19:04 |
Unit193 | clivejo: And, I'll link you to and in case you haven't seen them. | 19:07 |
Unit193 | clivejo: All look good? | 19:15 |
clivejo | yeah | 19:15 |
wxl | welcome to the club clivejo | 19:15 |
clivejo | thanks :@) | 19:16 |
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