
studio-user298how i can install 32bit apps on 64bit?14:21
agxhello. i wish to know 1) wich is the default desktop of ubuntustudio 2) is pulseaudio mandatory?15:06
eylulagx: 1) xfce 2) what do you mean by mandatory?15:25
agxeylul: i really don't like having pulseaudio running; is it possibile to disable it and just use Alsa or Jack?15:30
eylulI am not an expert on audio related things but fairly certain it is possible to disable pulseaudio and use alsa or jack.15:32
eylulagx ^15:32
agxeylul: thanks :)15:33
eylulagx, my suggestion would be to try the livecd15:33
agxeylul: no problem, i'm already using ubuntu, as soon as i get the new SSD i'll reinstall ubuntustudio from scratch15:35
eylulagx: :) good luck then :)15:35
agxeylul: actually i like cinnamon but i wanna get rid of all the gvfsd and pulseaudio stuffs, i think them as an overkill; so XFCE will be good... i've only need to fix the dual monitor thing15:36
agxbasically i want workspaces only on the 1st monitor and only 1 workspace onto the 2nd monitor; cinnamon does this; other WM does not :-((((((15:37
eylul*looks up*15:39
Unit193Xfce can work with Alsa or Pulse, not sure about unity.  Of course, afaik you can't uninstall it, just set it to not autospawn and kill it.  You'll have to be aware that you use Alsa though, if you use any libao applications you'll have to edit /etc/libao.conf15:52
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