[00:07] wxl: make an additional request to cover the difference if it's not unreasonable [00:07] mhall119: k iwll do [02:08] o/ [06:46] good morning [07:46] hi dholbach svij [07:46] hi Kilos [07:46] and others [15:16] dholbach: ! [15:16] jcastro, yo! [15:16] https://www.devopsdays.org/events/2016-berlin/welcome/ [15:16] http://cfgmgmtcamp.eu/berlin-2016/ [15:16] Marco is going to this to talk to people about juju and snaps [15:17] we would love some snap backup to talk to upstream projects that attend [15:17] that's during UOS times :-/ [15:32] all right, I call it a day - see you tomorrow! [16:04] jcastro: I'm going to talk about justtttttt juju [16:04] it's a lightning talk [16:05] I mean the booth-to-booth stuff