
rtgcaribou, please have a look at bug #1635597. it shouldn't take long.13:41
ubot5`bug 1635597 in makedumpfile (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu16.10:talclp1: Kdump failed with multipath disk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163559713:41
yoasifhey -- asked this before, didn't get a response previously -- if i want to install a mainline kernel from the kernel ppa (i'm using btrfs and i'd like to run mainline), how can i build the "extras" package (i18:43
yoasifi'm also running docker, and aufs is not in the mainline package on the kernel ppa page18:43
mamarleyI think btrfs and most of the other stuff from the -extra package is including in the regular package for the mainline build.  I can't comment on aufs though.18:46
yoasifmamarley, docker relies on aufs, and ubuntu puts it into the extras package :/19:04
mamarleyThat much I do know, having had the disappointment of working with Docker.  I just don't know why it isn't included with the mainline build.19:05
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