
cmaloneyI swear ES6 fixes most of the things that  irritate me about JavaScript00:02
jrwrenyup, es6 is nice01:42
cmaloneyhow goes?12:03
brousch__Plodding along12:30
jrwrenhahahaha, look at hte placement of the 6, and then wonder WTF... http://www.peterbristol.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Microsoft-Sculpt-Keyboard-Peter-Bristol-1.jpg13:08
cmaloneyTotes designed for touch typing13:09
cmaloneyif you're a pianist13:09
jrwrenit astounds me that visual design trumps usability to that degree.13:11
jrwrenor... I overestimate teh value people put into touch typing.13:11
rick_h_jrwren: come on, most typing is done on a flat glass screen with autocorrect anyway13:11
rick_h_an you can't touch type numbers, everyone knows that. If you cared about that you'd have a usb keypad13:12
jrwrenoh rick_h_ I thought you were serious for a good 1.5s there and was SHOCKED at what I was reading. Consider using a sarcams smiley :)13:13
rick_h_jrwren: :P I was saving it13:13
rick_h_jrwren: there was some honesty at the start, my wife uses her phone for nearly all computing other than her medical charts these days13:14
jrwrengood one! it did help your cause.13:14
rick_h_it's amazing to me13:14
jrwrenrick_h_: that is why I was SHOCKED at first, because there IS truth to what you are saying.13:14
rick_h_jrwren: and the comment is also rooted in my wish that they made thigs like the Palm Pre still because I'd love to have a keyboard again even though the world has spoken13:15
jrwrendidn't blackberry recently make an android with a physical kb?13:15
jrwrenerr... not recently in phone world, but about 2yrs ago?13:16
rick_h_but then you'd be stuck with that as your phone13:16
jrwrenrick_h_: I'm surprised you aren't into those swiping based keyboards.13:16
rick_h_jrwren: meh, I was for a while13:16
rick_h_but I found that after a lot of use they actually get  worse at word guessing13:16
jrwrenmachine learning FTW! :p13:16
rick_h_yea, something like that...13:17
rick_h_so I was working on trying to wipe the profile after a while and such13:17
rick_h_I ended up gonig back to just typing13:17
cmaloneyI swipe more than type13:17
cmaloneybut I did pick up a bluetooth keyboard for the tablet13:17
cmaloneyIt's a cheap Logitech keyboard: http://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/multi-device-keyboard-k38013:18
cmaloneyin grey13:18
cmaloneySorry, "black"13:18
cmaloneyIt's surprisingly good13:19
rick_h_cool, yea I <3 bt keyboards on tablets when I used mine a lot13:19
cmaloneyMuch better than the one with the trough in it that feels like a toy13:19
jrwrensomeone did character sketches of each presenter and used them as the stills for each video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbKtpLHjG1I&feature=youtu.be&list=PLQ8PmP_dnN7L5OVT95uXJAE78qcGCcDVm&ab_channel=hupstream13:19
rick_h_hah that's awesome13:19
cmaloneyVery cool13:20
jrwrenyou can scroll them here: https://kernel-recipes.org/en/2016/all-the-videos/13:21
cmaloneyYeah, I just subscribed to this channel13:22
cmaloney(which means I'll see a nice number next to it in a list for the rest of time)13:23
brousch__Best tablet keyboard I've used https://store.google.com/product/pixel_c14:56
shakes808brousch__: how do you like the tablet itself?15:03
brousch__It's nice. I prefer 8", but it's still nice. The magnet connectors for keyboard are nifty15:07
shakes808is it like the surface?15:32
greg-gre that horrible keyboard from this morning: and it has a physical switch for the Fn/special keys? that's real annoying16:09
cmaloneyI hate that trend16:15
cmaloneyThe whole "use FN to et function keys" trend16:17
jrwreni'm actually fine with it.16:19
cmaloneyGet. Out16:19
jrwrenMy razer has the equiv. you hold down the FN key and it toggles the lock.16:19
jrwrenhey... at least you can toggle it easily, unlike anything APPLE where its not F1-12 by default and to toggle it you have to launch settings app16:19
jrwrenwhat would you rather? media keys?16:20
cmaloneyThis keyboard Ihave doesn't toggle16:20
cmaloneyThe media keys are mostly useless for me16:20
cmaloneyBut I can see why people want them16:21
greg-gjrwren: wait, really? I haven't had a recent apple, you need to launch an app to get usuable Fn keys? On Carrie's oooold white macbook it had a "Fn" key next to ctrl16:22
jrwreni use play and volume control. Love those.16:22
jrwrenbut I love them as alt Fn keys16:22
jrwrennot as dedicated media keys16:22
greg-gactually, that's the nice part of my thinkpad x230: the separate mute/up/down volume controls above the Fn keys. So useful in low-light situations18:45

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