
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
xubuntu49dposso avere aiuto per installare driver08:02
=== marvin is now known as Guest5979
RFlemingWhere's the backdrops folder located?16:26
RFlemingnevermind, found it.  /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops for the curious16:27
RFlemingAnyone alive in here?17:41
RFleminglooks like http://tracker.xubuntu.org is broken17:41
flocculanttracker.x.o is old17:45
RFlemingI got the tracker link from the old roadmap link17:45
RFleming(which is the first link returned when searching xubuntu roadmap)17:47
flocculantchanged that roadmap link to point correctly now17:49
flocculantRFleming: #xubuntu-devel is probably the best place to point us to things like that :)17:49
RFlemingduly noted.17:51
RFlemingflocculant: how many people in the xubuntu-devel team are part of the xfce-devel team?17:53
RFlemingor are the two truly separate?17:53
flocculantdefinitely not seperate17:54
flocculant~ 4 in our team are xfce that I know of17:54
RFlemingI am curious about xfce development, but not a lot of info is posted there either17:55
RFleminglast news was Feb 28, 2015 about how they're partying about 4.1217:55
flocculantI'm not one of the 4 :)17:55
flocculantI know there's work porting Xfce to gtk3 - we've got testing ppa's for that stuff17:56
RFlemingHow's that going... percentage wise17:56
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
BuckyHi, I installed XFCE on an Ubuntu 16.04.1 server and when logging in through VNC there are no icons, did I not do something correctly?19:53
someone235Hi, my touchpad scroll doesn't work. Someone knows how to fix this?21:51
=== pavlushka- is now known as pavlushka

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