
robertliuMay I have a Ubuntu members cloak please? My LaunchPad page is at https://launchpad.net/~robertliu  Thank you01:41
elkyKilos: hi i'm confused about the -in channel. you dont ahve the irc council in the access list, and i'm struggling to match names in the channel to names on the launchpad group.01:49
elkydo we need to consult with the loco council to formally establish management of the loco?01:51
Kilosoh my elky we had 2 others with similar probs and hggdh  sorted it for us03:04
Kilossorry for being so long , i was out03:04
Kiloshopefully hggdh sees this and jumps in when he gets online03:05
daxrobertliu: Hi Robert. I don't see membership in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers or a similar group in your Launchpad profile. Are you familiar with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership ?03:10
robertliudax, I'm sorry. seems i missed something before i request..03:13
daxYep :). Looks like you're a Canonical employee, if I'm reading Launchpad right. If it turns out you're eligible for canonical/* but not ubuntu/*, you'd want to talk to Joey Stanford (joey on freenode)03:14
robertliudax, you're right, but i prefer to have ubuntu cloak03:17
daxOkies. Once you establish membership through a membership board, you'd get added to a group on Launchpad (Ubuntu Members, Kubuntu Members, one of the developer membership board ones) and can then pop back and we'll take another look :)03:18
robertliudax, i am going to apply the membership of https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers03:18
robertliudax, great, thank you03:19
elkyKilos: we can fix the topic, and i've had staff add ubuntuirccouncil to the access list for now (hence why i couldn't do anything) but the future of the channel probably needs to be sorted out too03:43
pavlushkaelky ping03:48
elkypavlushka: i just changed the topic for you03:48
pavlushkawow thanks elky :)03:48
elkybut i'm confused as to who leads the loco right now and who they would like to delegate as ops03:48
elkysince you need active ops going forward03:49
Kiloscool ty elky  working on the future as we chat03:49
Kilosthats why we wanted it repaired03:49
pavlushkaelky I have noticed hobbes as ops but his last login was 16 sep03:50
elkypavlushka: i don't have historical logs for the channel, does anyone know when he was last there?03:51
pavlushkaelky and who set the last topic, his ip says he is from Russia03:51
elkythat doesn't mean a whole lot03:52
pavlushkaelky I have seen hobbes sometime there03:52
elkythat could just be VPN or cheap vps03:52
pavlushkamay be03:52
pavlushkaso elky, thanks again and we are keeping an eye on there, might help you in future :)03:56
=== pavlushka is now known as praisetheSun
=== praisetheSun is now known as pavlushka
rthorntonQuiet here today16:50

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