kf5aeo | anyone use real vnc to operate pi "headless" | 03:28 |
abou | hi everybdy | 03:32 |
abou | IM new to Ubuntu and I wanted to ask if there is a good anti virus I can use | 03:33 |
dbrass | there is clamAV which can scan for Windows viruses | 03:36 |
dbrass | you can have a GUI (graphical user interface) if you also install the clamtk package | 03:39 |
=== pavlushka- is now known as pavlushka | ||
dbrass | didn't realized that he left sorry guys | 03:39 |
dbrass | ang gals ;) | 03:40 |
dbrass | and gals ;) | 03:40 |
mate|93653 | Hello people how do I restart samba 4 | 04:54 |
mate|93653 | I use Ubuntu Mate 16LTS | 04:55 |
mate|93653 | Can anyone help me? | 05:38 |
=== mate|93653 is now known as Felipe | ||
=== Felipe is now known as Fells | ||
Fells | Please | 05:39 |
ubuntu-mate | anyone talking? | 06:06 |
guiverc_ | mate|93653 you still there? ; ubuntu-mate .. nope. | 06:21 |
_Erik | Is anyone here using caja-dropbox? | 06:24 |
_Erik | Figured it out (i think) if you type 'dropbox status' at the command prompt. I need to type 'caja-dropbox instead of 'dropbox' | 06:31 |
mate|324 | hello | 07:31 |
mate|324 | is there any way to view the toast notifications log? | 07:31 |
mate|324 | is there a log? | 07:31 |
Keks-cenobite | Hello | 07:32 |
Keks-cenobite | Wondering if theres a mini.iso for 16.04. Couldnt find it anywhere on the | 07:33 |
Keks-cenobite | Hello | 07:35 |
Kekbepraised | Join | 07:40 |
Kekbepraised | Is there a mini.iso for 16.04 | 07:41 |
=== pavlushka is now known as praisetheSun | ||
=== praisetheSun is now known as pavlushka | ||
decebal | hi there | 09:49 |
decebal | someone here | 09:49 |
decebal | ??? | 09:49 |
=== ubuntu-mate is now known as xpkill23 | ||
xpkill23 | gg plaese german help | 12:02 |
xpkill23 | gg serach german help mate | 12:15 |
ouroumov | !de | xpkill23 | 12:59 |
ubottu | xpkill23: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 12:59 |
sfarber | My software updates are completely messed-up since I upgraded to 16.10. The system cannot update itself and thinks my internet connection is down when it is actually up. Any suggestions on how to fix this? | 13:23 |
pall512 | and the great battle to install linux on sony vaio continues.. | 14:15 |
* alkisg is on a sony vaio currently with no issues... | 14:41 | |
alkisg | Even suspend works fine, which is quite rare :D | 14:41 |
pall512 | how did you manage to install it :D? | 15:22 |
pall512 | i'm currently getting "operating system not found" | 15:22 |
pall512 | yesterday i tried to do a dual boot but gave up and now i'm just trying to install only linux, dunno which one is easier | 15:23 |
ouroumov | pall512, simple install is easier | 15:28 |
ouroumov | pall512, you boot on the stick, then choose "erase disk and install" | 15:28 |
pall512 | there's a little problem with that, on sony i do have a ssd partition named "sonysys" which is taking care of my laptops "assist" named button, and it's the only way to get into bios | 15:29 |
pall512 | so i can't erase the whole disk | 15:29 |
ouroumov | A partition is there to allow you to access the bios? that makes no sense. | 15:30 |
pall512 | that's what i was thinking.. | 15:30 |
ouroumov | You're supposed to get to the bios by pressing a key while stating the machine | 15:30 |
ouroumov | starting* | 15:31 |
pall512 | for example http://www.lightofdawn.org/wiki/wiki.cgi/SonyLinuxUefiBoot | 15:31 |
pall512 | [sda1] - SONYSYS - Sony System partition (not sure what is this for, some says that this is meant for the "Assist" button to work, and since the "Assist" button is the only way to enter UEFI BIOS menu, you really really don't want to tamper with this). | 15:31 |
pall512 | after some googling i didn't find anything else, just everyone saying it's taking care of assist button | 15:32 |
pall512 | i've already tried every possible button and button combination but no success.. or at least i think so | 15:32 |
ouroumov | fraking sony | 15:32 |
pall512 | yh.. | 15:33 |
ouroumov | pall512, you know you can try more than one key at the time | 15:33 |
=== robot_ is now known as Guest73793 | ||
ouroumov | When I don't wanna think about it too much I just hammer F1-F12 as well as ESC, Inser, Suppr, basically all the keys on the top row till I'm in the BIOS | 15:34 |
pall512 | as i said, "and button combination" ^ but i'm not sure, maybe there's still some hidden button combination to get into bios but i haven't found it yet :/ | 15:34 |
Guest73793 | jose luis | 15:34 |
pall512 | i've at least tried all common keys (f1 f2 f5 f8 f9 esc f10 f11 f12) | 15:35 |
mayday010 | would it have anything to do with linux being installed on an extended partition? | 15:44 |
Akuli | pall512, windows 8 or 10? | 15:51 |
pall512 | windows 10 but now i've already gotten rid of it, trying to install just linux but without success | 15:52 |
mayday010 | usually you get into the bios with either f2 or del | 15:53 |
mayday010 | a lot of laptops have additional functions to the f keys. you might have to hold a different button to access the f functions | 15:54 |
Akuli | pall512, gotten rid of it? | 15:55 |
pall512 | i mean i formatted the partition where windows was installed | 15:56 |
Akuli | have you tried unplugging the computer and removing the battery if any? | 15:56 |
Akuli | windows isn't there anymore so probably won't help, but i don't have better ideas :) | 15:56 |
pall512 | well, i can always reinstall windows | 15:57 |
pall512 | but yeah, i have. this situation has been on since yesterday | 15:58 |
mayday010 | what kind of errors are you getting when you try to install just linux? | 16:01 |
pall512 | when turning laptop on it says "operating system not found" | 16:03 |
Akuli | do you have a cd drive? | 16:03 |
mayday010 | the install its self goes ok though? | 16:03 |
Akuli | mayday010, he doesn't get that far | 16:04 |
pall512 | no, i dont have a cd drive | 16:05 |
pall512 | i install it via usb, the install goes fine, when it says it's time for reboot, shit hits the fan | 16:05 |
Akuli | oh... i see | 16:05 |
pall512 | when booting mode is on legacy, "operating system not found", when on uefi it just starts windows "there's some error blabla" | 16:06 |
mayday010 | have you gotten into the system bios without using the sonysys software? I think that's messing you up. | 16:08 |
pall512 | umm, well.. i haven't tried since if i delete it, and i can't got into bios anymore.. well.. | 16:09 |
mayday010 | while you're booting there's a couple keys that will get you in. the ones I've used are usually f2 or del. I usually repeatedly press those while booting until the bios shows up | 16:10 |
mayday010 | some systems also use f12 and or esc | 16:10 |
mayday010 | what model is it? have you checked for reports of linux not installing? | 16:12 |
mayday010 | you still there pall512? | 16:30 |
pall512 | sorry, back | 16:44 |
pall512 | ummh.. | 16:44 |
mayday010 | did you say you already cleared that sonysys partition? | 16:44 |
mayday010 | I think that is the problem | 16:44 |
pall512 | no i havent | 16:45 |
pall512 | i cleared the main partition where windows were | 16:45 |
mayday010 | It keeps booting into that, and that partition is written to only boot windows | 16:45 |
pall512 | and some other backup partitions but left sonysys and efi untouched | 16:45 |
ouroumov_ | pall512, you were able to boot the live USB at some point? | 16:46 |
pall512 | yeah, all the time | 16:47 |
ouroumov_ | Yeah | 16:47 |
pall512 | but can't without it | 16:47 |
ouroumov_ | How do you know, you never removed the partition | 16:48 |
ouroumov_ | Oh you mean post install you can't boot from harddisk? | 16:48 |
pall512 | umm | 16:48 |
pall512 | the install went fine, but after install i cant boot to linux or anything. i can only boot with live usb, yes | 16:49 |
mayday010 | in your live usb, I'd clear all partitions. and repartition with only 2. one for windows and 1 for linux | 16:49 |
ouroumov_ | And Windows is already gone, right? | 16:49 |
pall512 | and i've done the ubuntu mate install at least 4 times already | 16:50 |
mayday010 | then install windows first, and linux second | 16:50 |
pall512 | yes, the windows is gone | 16:50 |
ouroumov_ | Then what do you got to lose? | 16:50 |
ouroumov_ | Just wipe the whole disk during install | 16:50 |
pall512 | and i dont need partition for linux | 16:50 |
pall512 | windows* | 16:50 |
mayday010 | If you've decided not to put windows on then your right. I thought you still wanted to dual boot | 16:51 |
pall512 | well, the thing is that now i can still get windows back. if i wipe the whole disk and lose my access to bios, i'm fucked | 16:51 |
pall512 | well, it doesn't matter actually | 16:51 |
ouroumov_ | Why? Obviously your machine's boot order has USB in the sequence | 16:51 |
mayday010 | you should be able to access it the good old fashion way, by using the keys that we've mentioned | 16:51 |
pall512 | but i cant :| | 16:52 |
ouroumov_ | Okay | 16:52 |
ouroumov_ | I recommend you resell the machine, and never purchase hardware from Sony again | 16:52 |
ouroumov_ | Sony = Evil | 16:53 |
pall512 | hah, that's one golden piece of advise | 16:53 |
ouroumov_ | Well that's all I got | 16:53 |
jticket | Looks like his bios is hard coded for UEFI EFI/Microsoft/bootx64.efi | 16:54 |
mayday010 | you could back up that partition. but unless all you want is windows I don't think you can keep it | 16:54 |
jticket | pall512 maybe http://askubuntu.com/questions/458413/how-to-fix-dual-booting-windows-8-and-ubuntu-14-04-on-a-sony-vaio can hel | 16:55 |
mayday010 | or if you have a spare drive. just take out your current one and try installing it. | 16:55 |
mayday010 | if everything works fine you know its safe to get rid of. if not, just put your other one back in | 16:56 |
mayday010 | I'm on a page right now that says if you hold down f2 before pressing power you will boot right into the bios | 17:04 |
pall512 | sec, testing | 17:04 |
pall512 | nope :/ operating system not found and not bios didnt open | 17:04 |
mayday010 | hmm | 17:05 |
pall512 | on the install there were option "device for boot loader installation", where should i have installed that in? | 17:05 |
jticket | pall512 can you still boot into windows? | 17:05 |
pall512 | i formatted the partition where windows was in but yes i think that if i install windows again, i'm able to boot into it | 17:06 |
jticket | Maybe you got stuck in fastboot. In windows, if you're going to duel boot, turn off fast startup or run powercfg /h off | 17:06 |
pall512 | but if i'm not going for dual boot? | 17:07 |
pall512 | should i then reinstall windows and turn it off? i have no idea if that's on or off | 17:07 |
jticket | Install linux as normal and mount your EFI partition, and copy the efi file for grub to Microsoft/bootmgrw.efi | 17:07 |
jticket | bootmgfw.efi | 17:08 |
pall512 | any link to introductions? so i dont fuck everything up | 17:08 |
jticket | Actually do you already have linux installed? | 17:09 |
pall512 | yes, i do have | 17:09 |
jticket | Boot into the live and mount the EFI system partition. | 17:09 |
jticket | Are you using secure boot? | 17:09 |
pall512 | aight, just a second | 17:09 |
pall512 | no, i dont think so | 17:09 |
pall512 | hmm, i got "error parsing PCC subspaces from PCCT", but it still opened | 17:10 |
jticket | Is your EFI system partition mounted? | 17:10 |
pall512 | could affect that i turned the boot option to legacy | 17:11 |
pall512 | just a second, cant remember those commands | 17:11 |
jticket | Yep. You may have to reinstall linux then if it installed in legacy. | 17:12 |
pall512 | yes, i have mounted it now i think | 17:12 |
mayday010 | when you tried the f2 key you held it down while it was trying to boot? or did you just release it after hitting power? | 17:13 |
jticket | Otherwise if you still have your EFI system partition then you're still golden. | 17:13 |
pall512 | no i held it until "operating system not found" | 17:13 |
jticket | Ok, go into /efi in your ESP and see what you have there. | 17:13 |
mayday010 | wow, just saw a video that booted right into the bios https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw6nQqrB30I | 17:13 |
pall512 | Boot, Microsoft and ubuntu | 17:13 |
jticket | You don't have windows installed? | 17:14 |
pall512 | damn, not working on me, mayday | 17:14 |
pall512 | no i dont | 17:14 |
pall512 | or i havent uninstalled, i just deleted the main partition | 17:15 |
jticket | You can get rid of the microsoft folder. Then copy the efi file from ubuntu to /efi/bootx64.efi | 17:15 |
jticket | If you're not planning to run windows. | 17:15 |
pall512 | copy the efi file from ubuntu to /efi/bootx64.efi? | 17:15 |
jticket | What's inside of the ubuntu folder? | 17:16 |
pall512 | fw, fwupx64.efi, grub.cfg, grubx64.efi, MokManager.efi, shimx64.efi | 17:16 |
jticket | Go up one level and remove the boot folder and move ubuntu folder to boot | 17:17 |
jticket | So those files should be in /EFI/boot | 17:17 |
jticket | So those files should be in /EFI/Boot | 17:17 |
pall512 | so fw, fwupx64.efi, grub.cfg, grubx64.efi, MokManager.efi, shimx64.efi to folder mnt/efi/Boot | 17:18 |
jticket | Yep. | 17:18 |
pall512 | and delete bootx64.efi in boot folder? | 17:18 |
jticket | Yep. And copy grubx64.efi to bootx64 in boot folder. | 17:19 |
pall512 | can i just rename it so i wont brick | 17:19 |
pall512 | it | 17:19 |
jticket | You can rename if it you'd like. | 17:19 |
jticket | And you said secure boot is not on correct? | 17:20 |
pall512 | what's the command to copy all contents of ubuntu folder? | 17:20 |
pall512 | secure boot is off | 17:20 |
jticket | cp /mnt/EFI/Ubuntu* /mnt/EFI/Boot/ | 17:21 |
pall512 | it didnt copy fw but that folder is empty | 17:22 |
pall512 | oh, should i have moved those instead of copy? | 17:22 |
pall512 | and grubx64.efi -> bootx64.efi, right? | 17:24 |
Akuli | i wonder what happens if you update the kernel after moving those files | 17:25 |
pall512 | aand operating system not found.. | 17:27 |
jticket | Hmm. Did you turn legacy boot off? | 17:28 |
pall512 | no, should i? | 17:28 |
jticket | Yes. | 17:28 |
pall512 | aight | 17:28 |
jticket | It needs to boot in EFI, not legacy. | 17:28 |
pall512 | and secure boot disabled, right? | 17:29 |
pall512 | preparing automatic repair | 17:30 |
pall512 | diagnosing your pc | 17:30 |
pall512 | well, that's not "operating system not found" but still not starting | 17:31 |
jticket | Cancel that and boot into the boot menu. | 17:31 |
jticket | And select internal. | 17:31 |
jticket | Still windows leftovers. | 17:32 |
pall512 | didn't work | 17:34 |
pall512 | preparing automatic repair and diagnosing your pc.. | 17:34 |
pall512 | :( | 17:34 |
jticket | Still diagnosing? Damn. Let it do it's thing, and see what happens. | 17:34 |
jticket | Fucking windows diagnosis shit. | 17:34 |
pall512 | it says it couldn't even diagnose it | 17:35 |
jticket | I'm blind and I hate when I get screens like that because I can't read them. | 17:35 |
jticket | Ok, is there a close/ok/something like that? | 17:35 |
pall512 | continue (exit and continue to windows 10, wat), troubleshoot and turn of your pc | 17:36 |
pall512 | inside troubleshoot there's "reset this pc" and advanced options | 17:36 |
jticket | exit and continue and see what that does. | 17:36 |
pall512 | in adv. options system restore, system image recovery, startup repair, cmd prompt, uefi firmware settings, startup settings | 17:36 |
jticket | Try continue to windows 10 | 17:37 |
pall512 | continuing to windows 10 takes back to preparing automatic repair and diagnosing your pc | 17:37 |
jticket | Ok. Hmm. | 17:38 |
jticket | Ok create /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/ and copy the /EFI/Boot/bootx64 to /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi | 17:38 |
jticket | It may be hard coded to that. | 17:39 |
jticket | I had to do this with an HP for a long long time. | 17:39 |
pall512 | just a minute, i've to put external to primary boot again | 17:39 |
pall512 | should i keep boot mode as uefi? | 17:40 |
jticket | Yep. | 17:40 |
pall512 | when the boot mode is uefi and usb plugged in, it opens that bootloader, but when in legacy it just opens ubuntu mate and then asks about trying or installing.. weird | 17:43 |
jticket | That's because EFI loads an EFI file too boot ubuntu. | 17:43 |
pall512 | aah, i see | 17:44 |
pall512 | there's a ton of files inside Microsoft/boot | 17:44 |
pall512 | can i again rename the old bootmgfw.efi as a backup? | 17:45 |
jticket | Yes you can. | 17:45 |
jticket | Are you already past the point of no return you don't need those files if you already deleted the windows base partition. | 17:46 |
jticket | The NTFS with the OS on it. | 17:46 |
pall512 | well, i can always reinstall windows | 17:46 |
jticket | Yes but you'd have to completely wipe the drive first sadly. Windows likes to be the first installed OS. | 17:47 |
pall512 | okay, now the bootx64 is inside the microsoft boot folder as a bootmgfw.efi | 17:48 |
jticket | Yep. Now reboot and see what happens. | 17:48 |
jticket | hopefully we've found it. | 17:48 |
pall512 | let's hope for the best | 17:49 |
jticket | It must be an older vio? | 17:49 |
jticket | Older sony VIO? | 17:49 |
pall512 | got it in 2013 | 17:49 |
jticket | Yep. | 17:49 |
pall512 | should i go first to bios to change the primary to internal? | 17:49 |
jticket | If you'd like. | 17:50 |
pall512 | or just go with external first, it should still open internal | 17:50 |
jticket | Or just boot into the boot menu and boot from it manually. | 17:50 |
pall512 | if external is not plugged | 17:50 |
jticket | Either way is fine. | 17:50 |
pall512 | woa | 17:50 |
pall512 | woa woa woa | 17:50 |
jticket | And? | 17:51 |
pall512 | gnu grub version 2.02 blabla, minimal bash-like line editing is supported. for the first word, tab ists possible command completions. anywhere else tab lists psosible device or file completions. | 17:51 |
pall512 | grub> and possibility to write | 17:51 |
pall512 | this is new | 17:51 |
jticket | Yep. Now copy all of the grub files from the boot folder then. | 17:52 |
jticket | over to that folder so it sees them. | 17:52 |
pall512 | but hmm | 17:52 |
pall512 | so i have to go back to live usb or can i work it out here? | 17:53 |
pall512 | i have no idea what this is | 17:53 |
jticket | That's the grub rescue prompt. | 17:53 |
jticket | YIep. Boot back into live and copy the other grub files from /EFI/Boot/ to that folder. | 17:53 |
jticket | to /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/ | 17:54 |
jticket | Or maybe if you coppied the ubuntu folder move the files back to there. NOw it's a matter of figuring out where grub expects the files. | 17:56 |
pall512 | umm | 17:57 |
pall512 | soo.. | 17:59 |
pall512 | efi/boot/ files to microsoft/boot? | 17:59 |
jticket | Is the /EFI/Ubuntu folder still there? | 18:00 |
pall512 | yes | 18:01 |
pall512 | in microsoft/boot folder there's all the same filenames as in ubuntu, idk are those same.. | 18:01 |
pall512 | + ton of other files | 18:01 |
pall512 | no, sorry, same filenames as in boot folder* | 18:02 |
pall512 | efi/boot | 18:02 |
Akuli | jticket, would symlinks work instead of copying? | 18:02 |
jticket | Alright. Try copying them to the Microsoft/Boot folder then. | 18:02 |
pall512 | ubuntu, or boot? | 18:02 |
jticket | Then reboot. If not, you'll have to reinstall windows first, then install linux, let it fail, and then copy the files. | 18:02 |
jticket | boot. | 18:02 |
jticket | Or ubuntu. Same files. | 18:03 |
pall512 | way too many filenames and folders :D | 18:03 |
Akuli | symlinks might be easier to deal with than moving stuff around randomly | 18:03 |
jticket | True. | 18:03 |
pall512 | efi/Boot all files to Microsoft/Boot, and it doesn't matter that at the same time not-needed bootx64.efi goes also to destination folder? | 18:05 |
jticket | Yep. | 18:05 |
jticket | Then after we figure out what's neeeded you'll probably need to reinstall. | 18:06 |
pall512 | okay, transfered | 18:08 |
pall512 | and then restart? | 18:09 |
pall512 | hmm, it opened grub rescue prompt again | 18:12 |
jticket | Hmm. Now the linux must be broken. Maybe reinstall that. Are you planning to reinstall windows? | 18:13 |
pall512 | i dont think so, but i still dont want to do clean install because of that sonysys partition | 18:14 |
jticket | What about that sonysis partition? | 18:15 |
pall512 | it's the only way to bios | 18:15 |
pall512 | through that assist button, because of sony | 18:15 |
jticket | Hmm. | 18:16 |
pall512 | could boot-repair help? | 18:16 |
pall512 | tried to do some googling and that came uo | 18:16 |
pall512 | up | 18:16 |
jticket | pall512 try booting and tap f2 repetedly after power. | 18:17 |
jticket | See if that gets you bios. | 18:18 |
pall512 | it doesn't work, i tried it too half hour ago | 18:18 |
jticket | try esc, dell, f1. | 18:18 |
jticket | Find it. | 18:18 |
pall512 | i've tried every possible combination but only way to get into bios on sony vaios is that special assist button | 18:18 |
pall512 | there just isn't any other way | 18:20 |
jticket | Fuck you sony. | 18:20 |
pall512 | and the assist button's working depends on that fucking sonysys partition.. because why not | 18:20 |
jticket | You try the f12 button after power? | 18:21 |
pall512 | yea | 18:21 |
jticket | You remove the drive and try the assist button? | 18:23 |
jticket | Some say it works without it. | 18:23 |
pall512 | ouch.. well, that'll be difficulkt | 18:24 |
jticket | Only way to find out. | 18:24 |
jticket | Without sacrificing the partition. | 18:25 |
jticket | Some say it works without it, but removing the drive is the only way to find out without sacrificing the sonysys partition. | 18:25 |
jticket | A real bitch isn't it? | 18:25 |
pall512 | can i open bios without harddrive? | 18:25 |
pall512 | or do i have to get other harddrive to try it | 18:26 |
Akuli | i don't think you need another hard drive | 18:31 |
jticket | You can open bios without hd. | 18:32 |
jticket | hd and bios are independant. | 18:32 |
pall512 | alright.. well, here we go | 18:32 |
jticket | Try all the usualy keys without an hd. | 18:32 |
jticket | uaual. | 18:33 |
jticket | Damn. Usual. | 18:33 |
pall512 | hahah | 18:34 |
pall512 | i didn't expect to be disassembling my laptop just to get linux installed.. | 18:38 |
jticket | Lol. Shit happens. | 18:39 |
pall512 | this is some scary shit | 18:41 |
pall512 | trying not to break it upo | 18:41 |
Akuli | why are we messing with hard drivers? | 18:41 |
Akuli | drives | 18:42 |
jticket | Lol. Trying to figure out if he needs the sonysys partition or not. | 18:44 |
jticket | pall512 I'm blind and I swap parts all the time XD | 18:45 |
jticket | I work in IT> | 18:45 |
pall512 | giving me hard time already, even that i haven't got the case open yet | 18:46 |
jticket | Sorry. | 18:47 |
jticket | I'm just used to it. I know what comes with the traid. | 18:47 |
pall512 | can't believe how you can do it without seeing | 18:47 |
pall512 | that needs some skills | 18:47 |
pall512 | skills i dont have :D | 18:47 |
jticket | I do both laptops and desktops. Tiny screws are a bitch. I use 2 ice trays to sourt my screws. | 18:48 |
pall512 | do you have a degree on computer science or something? | 18:50 |
jticket | No. Self tought. But I work now and it's good. Am at work right now. I'm from Alaska. | 18:50 |
pall512 | okay | 18:51 |
ouroumov__ | Every single time I've opened a laptop I've broken it. | 18:51 |
ouroumov__ | Good luck pall512. | 18:51 |
pall512 | i'm actually studying computer science in uni, first year going on. and i'm from finland | 18:51 |
pall512 | thanks mate | 18:52 |
jticket | Nice. | 18:52 |
pall512 | still got lot to learn | 18:52 |
Akuli | aa moi pall512 :D | 18:52 |
pall512 | no perkele, arvasin että joku suomalaine täälki | 18:52 |
Akuli | noniin :) | 18:52 |
pall512 | :D | 18:52 |
pall512 | ouroumov don't scare me off, please :D | 18:52 |
pall512 | aight, got the case opened | 18:52 |
jticket | NOw the hard drijve part. Probably just 4 screws around a brace or something like that. That's normal. | 18:53 |
jticket | Hard drive. | 18:53 |
Akuli | i like to always put my hard drives on a soft surface | 18:53 |
Akuli | probably a bit overkill, but they aren't meant to be banged against things | 18:53 |
pall512 | yeah, i found a video of the same laptop | 18:53 |
jticket | I just replaced my ssd the other day for an NVME ssd. Now I'll replace my wireless card soon because this one sucks. | 18:54 |
pall512 | i've only got experience of dekstops | 18:58 |
pall512 | desktops | 18:58 |
jticket | It's good to have experience in both | 18:58 |
pall512 | yeah, going to but in cv after this "disassembled one laptop, broke it" | 18:59 |
pall512 | okay | 19:01 |
pall512 | the hard drive is off | 19:01 |
pall512 | then battery back on and time to test it | 19:01 |
jticket | Put the back plate on and boot it. | 19:02 |
jticket | Yep. Battery back on and test. | 19:02 |
pall512 | hmm, it didnt wake up | 19:05 |
jticket | Wake up? | 19:06 |
pall512 | start | 19:06 |
jticket | Try power button and f2. | 19:06 |
jticket | or the assist key. | 19:06 |
Akuli | did it do anything at all? | 19:06 |
pall512 | no | 19:06 |
Akuli | like any sounds, anything? | 19:06 |
pall512 | nope | 19:06 |
pall512 | shiit.. | 19:07 |
jticket | Nothing on power? | 19:07 |
Akuli | maybe it needs the hard drive just to run? | 19:07 |
Akuli | wouldn't surprise me | 19:07 |
jticket | Yep. Slip the drive back in and try. | 19:08 |
Akuli | "i'm meant to run windows, i'm not gonna run without a hard drive" :) | 19:08 |
jticket | Fuck you sony, again. | 19:08 |
pall512 | ..fucking sony | 19:09 |
pall512 | ..what, its not booting | 19:10 |
pall512 | i couldn't have broke it | 19:10 |
jticket | Reseet the battery. | 19:10 |
pall512 | restet | 19:10 |
pall512 | ? | 19:10 |
pall512 | how | 19:10 |
Akuli | the power cable is connected? | 19:10 |
pall512 | no | 19:10 |
jticket | Remove the bettery again and reconnect it. | 19:10 |
Akuli | maybe you ran out of battery? | 19:10 |
pall512 | thank whatever is it | 19:11 |
pall512 | after plugging power cable it started | 19:12 |
pall512 | aight | 19:12 |
pall512 | time to take the hard drive off again and this time put power cable back on | 19:12 |
jticket | Yep. XD panic panic. | 19:13 |
pall512 | that was scary as shit | 19:13 |
jticket | frantically press power and assist key. | 19:13 |
jticket | Lol. | 19:13 |
pall512 | start using linux, it's easy! | 19:14 |
pall512 | only if you dont use sony | 19:14 |
pall512 | i just wish i wasnt a poor student and could buy something-else-than-sony laptop | 19:14 |
jticket | You looking for something portable, or to play with? | 19:15 |
pall512 | portable, i've to do my school stuff also with it | 19:15 |
pall512 | + coding and stuff | 19:16 |
jticket | Yep. | 19:16 |
Akuli | you can do school stuff on ubuntu? | 19:16 |
Akuli | your school is nice :) | 19:16 |
jticket | I used ubuntu in school for years. | 19:16 |
pall512 | well, i can't see a reason why i couldn't | 19:16 |
stuzog | Does anyone have experience with Firefox Sync on the Raspberry Pi 3? | 19:17 |
pall512 | akuli what do you need in your school that ubuntu cannot provide? | 19:18 |
Akuli | some teachers want everything in microsoft office, most don't as long as it's not a hassle | 19:19 |
jticket | I did everything in open office and just convirted or saved it in a supported form. | 19:19 |
pall512 | hah | 19:19 |
jticket | rtf, etc. But when someone sends me something these days I run through antiword or things like that. | 19:20 |
pall512 | our uni gives us office accounts for free but i've got so used to google docs etc. i'll just use them | 19:20 |
pall512 | aight, time to test this out | 19:21 |
pall512 | well, i just opened it and it said there was problem opening windows and only choice it gave me was to open bios.. | 19:22 |
pall512 | but that was windows' loader | 19:22 |
pall512 | well | 19:23 |
pall512 | fuck me sideways and call me gregory! | 19:23 |
pall512 | assist button works | 19:23 |
pall512 | and i got in bios | 19:25 |
pall512 | does anyone happen to know where i can get step-by-step tutorial for dummies so i don't fuck this up | 19:34 |
jticket | Install windows first. | 19:35 |
pall512 | windows? :o | 19:35 |
pall512 | what if i want only linux, not dual boot? | 19:36 |
jticket | Then just wipe the drive, install linux, let it fail, mount the ESP, and copy /EFI/Ubuntu/Brubx64.efi to /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi | 19:38 |
pall512 | oh.. | 19:38 |
pall512 | and i thought i just need to install linux now and that's it | 19:38 |
pall512 | well | 19:38 |
pall512 | well, then i'll do it | 19:39 |
jticket | No sadly. Your bios is hard coded. | 19:41 |
pall512 | i dont know what that means, but okay | 19:41 |
adolfo | hi | 19:43 |
pall512 | i have to say in advance, i can't thank enough of your help | 19:44 |
adolfo | i need help in the so | 19:44 |
jticket | pall512 it means sony has set the path to /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi and there's nothing you can do about it. | 19:45 |
pall512 | ahh, thanks for educating me once again! | 19:50 |
Akuli | again, why to copy when you can symlink? | 19:52 |
Akuli | symlinks wouldn't break with updates... | 19:52 |
pall512 | ... symlink? | 19:53 |
Akuli | symbolinen linkki | 19:53 |
Akuli | the idea is that a file makes programs think that it's another file | 19:53 |
pall512 | ahaa.. | 19:53 |
Akuli | it's just pointing to that other file and if you change that other file you're also going to see the change in the symlink | 19:53 |
Akuli | can be a directory also, of course | 19:53 |
pall512 | and i assume it's not rocket science? | 19:54 |
pall512 | or i hope.. | 19:54 |
Akuli | not at all | 19:54 |
Akuli | ln -s file1 file2 creates a symlink | 19:54 |
Akuli | but i never remember which is the link and which is where it points to | 19:54 |
pall512 | ummh, okay.. | 20:12 |
pall512 | should i just remove all partitions now when installing windows | 20:12 |
Akuli | it's possible to make windows's bootloader load grub | 20:13 |
Akuli | i've never done that but someone on ##windows suggested doing that once | 20:13 |
pall512 | soo... what are you suggesting me to do now? | 20:13 |
Akuli | i have no idea :) | 20:13 |
pall512 | well | 20:13 |
pall512 | but it's not the only way, right? | 20:14 |
Akuli | shouldn't be | 20:14 |
pall512 | mitä siis meinasit tol | 20:17 |
pall512 | hämmentävää | 20:17 |
Akuli | siis että jos ei mitenkään muuten saada toimimaan niin saattais olla mahdollista asentaa windows ja sitten muokata windowsin asetuksia niin että se käynnistää grubin | 20:25 |
Akuli | aika kikkailua kyllä | 20:25 |
pall512 | nooh, eiköhän tää näinkin onnistu. toivottavasti | 20:26 |
pall512 | so i think it's now safe to remove that freaking sonysys partition, right? | 20:26 |
pall512 | and sorry for speaking finnish, didn't even realise | 20:26 |
Akuli | :) | 20:26 |
Akuli | i wonder if ##windows knows anything | 20:26 |
pall512 | well, it's now installing and the sonysys is long gone | 20:33 |
Akuli | let's see if grub will be able to boot | 20:36 |
jticket | Yes pall512 | 21:29 |
jesperson | Hey guys, I'm having a really weird problem with my ubuntu setup.. I randomly (it seems) can not click on specific applications. It works in 1 application at the time | 21:40 |
ouroumov_ | jesperson, what version of Ubuntu MATE are you using? | 21:47 |
ouroumov_ | jesperson, and are you using compiz as compositor? | 21:47 |
jesperson | ouroumov_, I'm using 16.04 LTS and I don't know if I'm using compiz - how can I check? | 21:53 |
pall512 | well, this is weird. went to eat and had bsod when came back.. | 21:59 |
ouroumov_ | jesperson, go to mate tweak, windows, window manager | 22:00 |
jesperson | ouroumov_, It's hard when I can't click anything | 22:00 |
pall512 | jticket can you repeat the steps i have to do since i lost this chat :/ wipe out the whole drive, install linux, let it fail, mount drive and.. something to somewhere | 22:00 |
jesperson | I managed it, I'm using Marco | 22:02 |
jesperson | ouroumov_, | 22:02 |
jesperson | ouroumov, I changed it to Compiz for the moment and had to restart my computer because everything went haywire | 22:06 |
ouroumov_ | nah jesperson | 22:11 |
ouroumov_ | compiz is buggy | 22:11 |
ouroumov_ | I was assuming that was the cause of your problem | 22:11 |
jesperson | I was using Marco in software mode, thought that the software mode could be something bad(?) | 22:12 |
pall512 | i reinstalled windows, did clean install on linux, was going to move those files to microsoft/boot but yeah, i did clean install so i dont have microsoft/boot.. wise move me, and here we go again.. | 22:54 |
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