
=== pavlushka- is now known as pavlushka
=== MaN1 is now known as MaNI
thatgraemeguymorning peopls07:28
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy inetpro paddatrapper and everyone else07:50
paddatrapperHey Kilos 07:51
andrewlsdMorning peeps07:58
Kiloshi andrewlsd 07:59
andrewlsdHi Kilos08:00
paddatrapperhey andrewlsd 08:03
andrewlsdHey paddatrapper. Just thought. Frogs eat flies. Don't eat superfly08:04
paddatrapperHehe. I shall have to resist!08:04
paddatrapperThough I did almost starve him yesterday - he came for dinner and we only got to eat around 8...08:05
andrewlsd"ons gaan nou braai"08:05
* andrewlsd sits watching a slow upgrade process on his raspi (sdcard is slow)08:06
andrewlsdit isn't often that the download is faster than the install.08:06
andrewlsd... laptop has SSD, but PI is sloooow.08:07
andrewlsd(and on a nice fat internet connection)08:07
=== pavlushka is now known as praisetheSun
=== praisetheSun is now known as pavlushka
inetprogoeiedah mense08:44
paddatrapperandrewlsd: Sounds like whenever I upgrade on uni's wifi11:22
Kilosnight all. have a great day and restful night11:31
Kilosyou too inetpro 11:31
=== jerit_ is now known as jerit
Cryterionevening everyone15:22
inetprosuperfly: I just learned a new thing with the F11 and Thunderbird issue of Oom Jan15:26
inetproF11 doesn't work for full-screen mode15:26
superflyinetpro: confluency commented and said it's something like Ctrl+F11 or Alt+F1115:28
inetproyou can get full screen view with Kubuntu with Alt+F3 | More Actions | Fullscreen15:28
inetprobut I don't think oom Jan is using Kubuntu anyway, so not something I'll advise for him15:32
inetprointeresting fact is that F11, with Lightning installed for the Calendar, toggles the view of the Today pane15:34
inetproa bad choice when most apps use F11 for the fullview function15:35
inetprooh and Ctrl+F11 on Kubuntu is used for the Desktop Cube effect 15:38
inetproAlt+F11 on my side does nothing on Thunderbird15:39
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper
chesedoinetpro: oom jan mentioned to Kilos that he moved to kUbuntu a while ago (week or so)... but the questions asks about Lubuntu if i remember correct (might be for someone else... or he switched)19:51
inetprochesedo: I struggle to reproduce what he seemed to be experiencing19:52
inetproif I have mine on full screen, then close and start again, it starts in normal view again19:53
inetprochesedo: I wonder whether it's not because he moved his Thunderbird from Ubuntu Unity to Lubuntu20:29
inetprowith unity he probably had it Maximised 20:30
inetprowith Kubuntu you simply press Alt+F3 for the Window Operations Menu, I wonder whether Lubuntu has that as well, or perhaps another shortcutkey?20:35

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