
guiverc_ttsimonq2, or anyone:  should newer stuff go towards the top,  chris02:49
guiverc_tre: UWN02:49
tsimonq2guiverc_t: Good evening. :)02:52
tsimonq2guiverc_t: No, I always put it on the bottom.02:52
tsimonq2guiverc_t: Thanks for keeping an eye on this.02:52
tsimonq2pleia2: Sorry for the late ping, but if I work with guiverc_t, I can get UWN ready to send out to summary writers when you think it's OK.02:53
tsimonq2pleia2: Then if it's OK with you, I can make sure UWN gets out the door.02:53
guiverc_tits a two week; has stuff from last week; which i think Lyz sent out email from02:54
tsimonq2pleia2: If you're around, that's awesome, but I don't want to distract you from your vacation in Barcelona. :D02:54
guiverc_tthere is a note that she was too jetlagged to edit thus not final.send02:54
tsimonq2guiverc_t: Currently working on a script but I'll be able to help you in like 10 minutes.02:54
guiverc_tas in last week email was sent out...  forget your timezone; but you go to bed when you need to.   i'll do what I can (add planet for eg.)02:55
tsimonq2guiverc_t: Then as soon as pleia2 sees this and gives the OK, either pleia2 or me can send out the email to summary writes.02:55
tsimonq2guiverc_t: What's *your* time zone? :)02:55
guiverc_tyou needn't worry about UWN tonight simon, i'm AEST so near 1400.02:56
tsimonq2(Or if it gets to be tomorrow afternoon and I don't see anything, I'll just send it out)02:56
tsimonq2guiverc_t: It's 10 PM and I'm wired. Don't worry. :)02:56
guiverc_tmost summaries so far are complete by myself & Chris Sirrs from last week.02:56
tsimonq2Ok cool, so unless you can complete them all, I still might want to send it out. ;)02:57
guiverc_ti'll be adding what's occurred this week (planet ubu) hence question about new/older to top02:58
guiverc_twhich you answered, newer to bottom.02:58
guiverc_tsorry; you're more awake than me.  Howdy (or Good Evening/Afternoon) from awhile back.03:00
tsimonq2:P XD03:00
guiverc_tthanks (re: tz; you're CST (or something like thatl chicago etc) as I thought..)03:05
tsimonq2Green Bay, Wisconsin, yep03:05
guiverc_tjust hope your bay isn't named for color (algea [spel?])03:06
guiverc_tguess the Packers are near by?  (footy i think; comes to mind with 'green bay')03:07
tsimonq2guiverc_t: Yeah unfortunately.03:09
tsimonq2guiverc_t: And yep, this is Packers town! :D03:09
guivercUWN Q:   given two weeks; do we list two ubuntu.podcasts links; or just the latest?  (I seem to remember only ever reading one).03:25
guivercthanks Simon.03:27
tsimonq2No problem. :)03:28
tsimonq2guiverc_t: Can you loop me in? What are you working on?03:28
guivercboth users are me; different machines.03:28
guiverccopying from planet ubuntu; last addition was the S09E35; but paused as I don't think I grabbed it; so downloading the podcast to play instead of music.03:29
tsimonq2guiverc: Did you write the summary for this?03:30
tsimonq2=== Stéphane Graber: LXD is now available in the Ubuntu Snap Store ===03:30
guivercyeah last week.03:30
guivercmy writing sucks!03:30
tsimonq2You aren't bad at writing. ;)03:31
guiverci'd only swear (say bad things) at my own stuff!03:31
tsimonq2Just try to look more closely — Ubuntu isn't moving away from PPAs. LXD is. :P03:31
guiverci'm not at website; going thru plan.ubu from liferea feeds.03:32
tsimonq2I'm axing that sentence.03:32
guivercmy bad.. just axe when I'm wrong or bad.03:32
guivercbut thanks; i was confused as I recall; you've cleared a little of the confusion.03:32
guiverc(but a week ago, don't remember clearly)03:32
tsimonq2guiverc: Also, please avoid using "&" unless it's in the article. "and" works just fine. ;)03:33
guivercyeah sort of guessed that; could stuff up 'scripts'.03:34
tsimonq2Well it's not that.03:34
tsimonq2We can fix that.03:34
guivercsorry. i should have.03:34
tsimonq2It's the fact that writing with "&" in a sentence is not generally good practive.03:34
tsimonq2Totally fine as long as you get what I'm saying, guiverc. :)03:34
tsimonq2I'm not in hardcore edit mode as my caffeine is starting to wear off, but I'm checking this over quick.03:35
tsimonq2guiverc: Do you know exactly what goes in Planet?03:36
guivercnope - tell me... i'm just (as I think last week) reading frmo old to new (going up screen) adding stuff that I think is ubuntu.initeresting & trying to put in correct section; often I move post-write.03:37
guiverctell me when you see errors... best way for me to learn.03:37
tsimonq2I don't think the Plasma article is directly Ubuntu-related.03:38
guivercremove it.03:38
tsimonq2Kubuntu people might blog about it in the future, but not at the moment.03:38
tsimonq2Will do, just wanted to let you know. :)03:38
guiverci think last week I added all of plan.ubu less two articles only.03:39
guiverci'm no longer commenting on stuff i add; too lazy.03:39
tsimonq2pleia2: I'm borderline on this article. Please feel free to add it back if you think it should be in UWN, this was in Planet:03:39
tsimonq2=== Kees Cook: Security bug lifetime ===03:39
tsimonq2Kees Cook blogs about security flaws in the Linux kernel. Analysis in 2010 by Jon Corbet found they took five years to be detected on average.  Kees, providing logic & example finds about the same today, noting we're getting better and fixing bugs, but unfortunately are adding more.03:39
tsimonq2In a follow-up post, Kees continues his commentary by talking about CVE-2016-5195 with updated graphs: https://outflux.net/blog/archives/2016/10/20/cve-2016-5195/03:40
guivercyeah remember that one; it peaked my interest; hence probably addition...03:40
guivercok two.03:40
tsimonq2guiverc: When you have a minute, I left a comment for something that needs improvement, feel free to jump in and fix it.03:41
tsimonq2Ooh, we have a 404!03:42
tsimonq2 * Ubuntu 17.04 to Be Dubbed "Zesty Zapus", Will Launch on April 2017 - http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-17-04-to-be-dubbed-zesty-zapus03:43
tsimonq2guiverc: Ok, I'm going to go to sleep. Have a good night, and if you ping me about anything, I'll get back to you in the morning. o/03:43
guivercthanks Simon; get some good sleep.03:44
guiverci just added & delete: AT's logical contradictions of the universe -- science fiction more than ubu.03:46
guivercUWN:  as I recall only english articles are added; missing this spanish announcement today (pl.ubu) by Cesar Sevilla.03:59
guivercsmion:  just read your (here) your comment for me.. will go look now (30mins later; i'm fast)04:11
pleia2tsimonq2: go for it, thanks06:07
pleia2travel + work situation really has me off my game this month, sorry :\06:08
pleia2guiverc: we add non-English thibgs if they land on planet or are LoCo-related06:09
guiverc_tpleia2, thanks L.06:37

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